HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1921-04-29, Page 7baroni By Frances Hodgson Barnett Teronto—Wiliam Briggs. (Continued from last week.) It took Mre. Bowae and her board- ing-house less than a week definitely to like him. Every night when he sat down to dinner he brought news with him—news and jokes and new slang. Newspaper -office anecdote and talk gave a journalistic air to the gathering when he was present, and there was novelty in it. Soon every one was intimate with him, and in- terested in what he was doing. Gal - ton's good+atured patronage of him was a thing to which no one was in- different. It was felt to be the right thing in the right place. When he came home at night it became the custom to ask him questions as to the • dt Me Mid his di tt Mtn' hittlf ,l1nn na' fret quem- when • � 'off . some one 'wlonlil ask a st 4yery evening, and. the interest' in his rela- tion of the day's adventures inereaa. ed from weak to week. Utile Ann never aiked %Mations and seldom made comments, but she always lis- tened atdentively. Shp had gathered, and guaeissed from what she had gathered, a rather definite idea .of what his hard young life had been. He did not tell pathetic stories about himself, bet he and Jim Bowles and Julius Steinlberger had become fast friends, and the genial awoking.of cheap .tobacco in hall bedrooms tends to frankness of relation, and the var- ious ways in which each had'found himself "up against it" in the course of their brief Years supplied material for anecdotal talk. "But it's bound to be easier from now op," he would say. "I've got the 'short' down pretty fine—not fine en- ough to make big money, but enough to hold down 'a job with. Galton. He's mighty good to me. If I new ,more, I believe he'd give me a column to take care of — Up -town- Society column perhaps. A fellow named sit in the l(oA At in - Aided. ided, It was a ?steam' which, when the darkbi�t.csllipgg4. hall was entered, revealing depths 'of dingy gloom which appeared splashed tin spats with incongruowta brilliancY of color. This egect was, .produoed lty richly framed depertinent-store ehromo lithographs on the walls, aid- ed by lurid cushion -covers, or "tidies" representing Indian maidens or chief- tains in full war paint, or clusters of poppies .of great boldness of hue. They had either been Christmas gifts bestowed upon Mrs. Bowes or depart- ment -store bargains of her own selec- tion, purchased with thrifty intent. The red -and -green plush upholstered walnut chairs and sofa had been ac- quired by her when the bankruptcy o f a neighboring boarding-house brought them within her means. They were no longer very red or very green, and the cheerfully hopeful de- sign of the tidies and cushions had been to conceal worn places and stains. The mantelpiece was adorned by a black walnut.. nd-gold-framed mirror, and innumerable vases of the ornate ninety-eightcents order. The centerpiece held a large and extreme- ly soiled spray of artificial wistaria. 1 Long Distance Service Is Now Classified HE Classifications on long distance telephone calls in effect from midnight, Apri120t1i, are of interest to all users of that service. It is possible, by a study of your long distance requirements, to effect savings in your long distance bills that are well Station -to -Station Service Station -to -Station service should be used when .you are willing to talk to ANYONE at a distant telephone — that is, when you do not need to get a particular person on the line. Station -to. Staticin service is not only cheaper, but more rapid and accurate than Person -to -Person service. On Sta- tion -to -Station service the call can be completed as aeon as the distant tele- phone is answered, while on a Person -to - Pelson call the particular party wanted must be located and summoned to the telephone. 'The charge for a Station -to -Station call cannot be reversed — that is, it can- not be charged to the telephone called, for in that care the telephone operator would have to locate a particular person to approve the charge, which would make it a Person -to -Person call. Person -to -Person Service When you make a call specifying that conversation is desired with a particular person at a given number, Person -to - Person service is used. As this service requires greater oper- ating labor and circuit time than a Station -to -Station call, the rate is about 25 per cent greater. Examples of Different Rates Following are examples showing the station -to -station and person-to-person rates for distances up to sixty-four miles: Station -to- Person -to - Mee Station Rate Person Rate 0-12 $0.10 $0.15 12-18 .15 .20 18-24 • .20 .25 24-32 .25 .30 32-40 .30 .40 40-48 .35 .45 48-56 .40 .50 56-64 .45 .55 Appointment and Messenger Service Appointment calls and Messenger calls are special kinds of person-to-per- son calls. An APPOINTMENT CALL rate, which is about 50'per cent higher than the station -to -station rate, is quoted for service when an appointment is made by the calling party to talk at a particular time. When a person who does not have a telephone is called over longdistance and a messenger must be sent to sttmmon.t}Ie party to the telephone, the MESSEN- GER CALL rate, which is about 50 per cent higher than the station -to -station rate, is charged, and to this is added the necessary messenger charges. The Report Charge When you place a call for a particular person or persons and for any reason they cannot be rea -hed the same day at the address given, or will not talk, or if you make a call and you are not ready to talk when the other person is readrwith- in an hour, a REPORT CHARGE is made. The report charge is about one- fourth the station -to -station rate. It is intended to cover part of our expense of handling the uncompleted call. Special Evening and Night Rates The EVENING rate, between 8.30 p.m. and 12 midnight, on station -to - station calls, is about one-half the day rate. The NIGHT rate, between mid- night and 4.30 a.m., is about one-fourth the day station -to -station rate. However, no evening or night rates are quoted on station -to -station calls where the day rate is less than 25 cents. On such short -haul calls the day rate applies. For longer . distances special evening and night rates are quoted. Because it is difficult to reach particu- lar persons at night, when many are away from their homes and places of business, there are no special evening or night rates quoted for person-to-person calls. They apply only on station -to - station calls. Every Bell Telephone is a Long Distance Station The Bell Telephone Company OF CANADA 9 Miles That Cost Less "Auto -Shoe" miles cost you less than ordinary tire miles, because you get so many extra miles from each and every one. The name Ames Holden "Auto -Shoes" is to help you to remem- ber the cheapest mileage you can buy. Run one Ames Holden "Auto -Shoe" against the tires you are using—and find the miles that cost less. AMES HOLDEN "AUTO -SHOES" Cord and Fabric Tires in all Standard Sizes .,fey sox.' rubes For Sale By "Red sax" Tubes J. F" Daly, Seaforth and Mitchell's Garage, Seaforth Phone 102 Phone 167W • • v :'reex nTrrv+rA` ' t `..•! me, a ;r r The _pt0». leih iMel1, r bear 1j rtes But Ai L Bowpee bf soul whose boairders heshone, and. when the gli wpiFhd and "sortie ono jelaYed "re,the second - band pianola, they )*kati"the parlor M Little ,Atm did trot ein appear in it, but now and than, gbbl>=ame down with her bit of 5ewittoreshe always had a . "bit of setvine-4slui she sat in._ the cosy -corner listening to the talk or letting some one confide trou- bles to her. Sometlmee it was the New EnglandN�da�w, Mrs. Peck, who ked like spinster school ma'am, but who had a married son with a nice wife who- lived in Harlem and drank heavily. She used to consult with Little Ann ae to ,the possible wisdom of putting a drink deterrent privately in his tea. Sometimes it was Mr. Jokes, a' depressed little man •whose wile had let him; for no special reason he cotfld discover. Of- tenest perhaps it was Julius Stein- berger or Jim Bowles who did their ingenuous, best to present themselves to her as energetic, if not successful, young business men, not wholly un- worthy of attention and always breathing daily increasing devotion. Sometimes it was Tembarom of whom her opinion had never been expressed, but who seemed to have made friends with her. She liked to hear about the newspaper office and Mr. Galton, and never was uninterested in his hopes of "making good," She seemed to him the wisest and most direct and composed person be had ever known. She spoke with the broad, flat, friend- ly Manchester accent, and when she let drop a suggestion, it carried a delightfully sober conviction with it, because what elle said was generally a revelation of logical mental argu- ment concerning details she had gath- ered through her little way of listen- ing and saying nothing whatever, ' If Mr. Biker drinks, he won't keep his place," she said to Tembarom one night. "'Perhaps you might get it yourself, if you persevere." Tembarom reddened a little. He really reddened through joyous ex- citement. "Say, I didn't know .you knew a thing about that," he answered. "You're a regular wonder. Youscarce- ly ever say anything, but the way you get to things, gets me." "Perhaps if I talked more I shouldn't notice as much," she ;aid, turning her bit of sewing round and examining it. "I never was much of a talker. Father's a good talker, and Mother and me got into the way of listening. You do if you live with a good talker." Tembarom looked aLthe girl with a male gentleness, endeavoring to subdue open expression of the fact that he was convinced that she was as thoroughly aware of her father's salient characteristics as she was of other things. "You do," said Tembarom. Then picking up her scissors, which had dropped frem her lap, and politely returning them, he added anxiopsly: "To think of you remembering Biber! I wonder, if I ever did get his job, if I could hold it down?" "Yes;" decided Little Ann; "you could. I've noticed you're that kind of person, Mr. Tembarom." "Have you?" he said elatedly. "Say, honest Injun?" "Yes." "I shall be getting stuck on myself if you encourage melike that," he said, and then, his face falling, he added, "Biker graduated. at Prince- ton." "I don't know much about society," Little Ann remarked, —"I never saw any either up -town or down -town or in the country, -,but I shouldn't think you'd have to have a college educa- tion to write the things you tee about it in the newspaper paragraphs." Tembarom grinned. "They're not real high -brow stuff, are they," he said. "'There was a brilliant gathering on Tuesday even- ing at the house of Mr. Jacob Sturt- burger at 79 Two Hundredth Street on the occasion of the marriage of his daughter Miss Rachel Sturt.burger to Mr. Eichenstein. The bride was attired in white peau de cygne trim- med with duchess lace.'" Little Ann took him up. "I don't know whet peau de Coyne is. and I daresay the bride doesn't. I'vo never been to anything but a village school, but I could make up paragraphs like that myself." "That's the up -town kind," said Tembarom. "The down -town ones wear their mothers' ,point -lase wed- ding -veils sometimes, but they're not much different. Say, I believe I could do it if I had luck." "So do I," returned Little Ann. Tembarom cooked down at the car- pet, thinking the thing over. Ann went on sewing. "That's the way with you," h,1 said presently: "you put things into a fellow's head. You've given me a regular boost, Little Ann." It is not unlikely that but. Orc the sensible conviction in her voice ha would have felt less bold when, two weeks later, Biker,.having gong upon a "bust" too prolonged, was dismiss- ed without benefit of clergy-, and Gal- ton desperately turned to Tenlharom with anxious questionin his eye. "Do you think you could take this ,lob?" he said. Tembarom's heart, as he heiieved at the time, jumped into his throat. "What do you think, Mr. Galton?" he asked. "It isn't a thing to think shout," was Galton's answer. "It's a thing I must be sure of." "Well," said Tembarom. "if you give it to me, I'll put up a mighty hard fight before I fall down." Galton considered him, scrutinizing keenly his tough, long -built body, his sharp, eager, boyish face, and es- pecially his companionable grin. "We'll let it go at that" he decid- ed: • "You'll make friends up in Harlem, and you won't find it hard to pick up news. We can at least try it." Tenubarom's, heart jumped into his throat again, _and he swallowed it (Continued on, page 6) 7 �, tit R�';:..F: k;4✓., h:i ,;�:� '7,9,1' Baa "What's thidTriplex Stuff I Hear So Much About, Ed ?" "THAT'S it, right there on that bicycle. "It's as simple as A. B. C. "But it means as much to a bicycle as the whole alphabet does to the English language." "How's that, Ed?" "Just this way :— "The crank hanger is the power plant of your bicycle. "If your crank hanger turns just a little stiff or hard, that means more effort for you. "If the hanger develops those mean `tight and loose' spots, it means more friction and less power. "But the 'Triplex' was de- signed and is built to overcome those faults. "It is made of such fine steel and to such close limits of ac- curacy that it always runs smoothly. It makes your bi- cycle run so easily you'd think you were riding down grade. "It takes a lot more time and better workmanship to con- struct such an accurate han- ger." "Well, well! I never thought a crank hanger was so import- ant. I see now that it is really just as im- portant to have a good crank hanger on a bicycle as a good.engine in a car." "That's right. The `Triplex' is sure some power plant. "Were you thinking of buy- ing a new bike, Charlie?" "Yes, I was thinking some- thing about it, Ed. You know I bought a cheap one against your advice last year and I'm sick of pushing the old cart along. Besides, it's always wanting repairs." "What you need is one of those new C. C. M. Bicycles. They're built to stay out of the repair shop. I know of many C. C. M.'s that are giving good service after ten to fifteen years riding over all kinds of roads." ic:c1es PERFECT — MASSEY — RED BIRD CLEVELAND — COLUMBIA "The Bicycles with the C. C. M. Triplex Hanger" Canada Cycle & Moto.- Co., Limited Montreal, Infante, WESTON, ONT., Winnipeg, Vancouver 47. `HERR 1.900 C. C. M. Ser:ir,• F1a- tion, in Canada .•.ins genuine C. C. M. ,, t.. rod giving C. C. M. Arr.'ire. Look for the ann., sign. 158 11111111111111111111111111 CDONALD'S Cut Brier More Tobacco for the Money Packages 15* 1bTins 851 IQ) ale IttiuftuIM1111iutr e n. ,.ft:R lit 'FM�3��4ry,D�5k� itya.�d t���