HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1921-04-29, Page 54. s I e- --x Cyril 20, 10 .1 Re. ilgl' r p !?,� 22T to 803" ars : Pr •.,. 18.86: t�tSet , Per on.. ! y, {1L76 an, per ADD. , 138Q,09 , bolts., per- ton 7i136,00 eat, per bushel 11.46 Butter, per iD 45 to b0c , Potatoes, per bag 75e Huts. per bushel -400 arley, per bushel 76c BEAN MARKET Toronto, April 26th, -Beans, 0. '>6a8d-picked, bushel, 12.10 to 91.26; 12.40 to 12.90: Limo, Madagascar. 8 California Limas, 10 to 120. DAIRY MARKET Torso., April 20th.- Cbese, new target '28'A. to 29%c; twins, 29 to '110e; triplets. '10 to 30%e:Id, Inn., 36 to 34o: do.. twin., 88% to 34%o; triplets, *4% to 16a• New 1 81116..,, Is.. Bttt*ei--•Ftroh, ries.,. tubaks, 48 to 49e; ereamer7, No. 1. 66 to 61c; froth. 60 t. 61e. Margarine -,89 to 51a new laid, 56c; new lei4 ta certotu, i8 sto 18c. GRAIN MARKET Toronto, April 116.-Mgnitoba Wheat -N 1 Northern, 91.78; No. 2 Nortehrn, 11.78 No..8 Northern, 81.69; No, 4 whim& 11. Manitoba oats -No. 1 O.W.48;to; 81s. a 'W., 58r%c; este. No. 1 feed, 58%6: N. - feed. $0*,4..; No. 2 food. 86ido, Mauna Barky -No. 8 O.W., 7754a; No. 4W.. 8$% refected. 63%c ; Toad. 6344x. An oMe abo in store at Fort William.- AmeHcaa Go 73c; nominal, track T6roato, prompt .bi anent. Ontario oats, -Nu. 2 white, 41 to 4 Ontario wheat- .No. 2 Winter. $1.10 to 81.66 per oar lot; No. 2 Sp. -log, $130 b 11.46; N.. 2 Ooese whet, nominal, shipping points according to tretest. Fiume -tie 2, $1.11.41 t. 111.35. Barley -Halting, 62 to 67c. rooming to freight outelde. Buckwheeit-No. 9, oomf- nal. Rye -No. 2. 81.85 to 91.35; wanted, aeoordbng to freights outside. Elanitobo dour --Piet. patent, 910.90; second patent. 19.60, bulkseaboard Ontario flouts -07.04, bulk seaboard. Hi1Head-Delivered. Montreal freight, bags inolodod:. Brno, per ton, 818; aborts, per ton, 136.00 ; good feed Sour, 11.10 to $2.40 per bag. Hay -No. 1, per 90, 128 to $26. Straw -Oar lot, per ton. $12 to 612.60. � Jdtl i'fkiJJa IS pre,Mg. end Mtlis -lCq ii .isalt. -IR Clint00. ell:' w �AaMMO i9 Yr, en4. 114.1 en Nodmb> io Goderlob,m 'Arm 4• to libuoent .t„ 4e0.s a, : MAURU GIES 80401- In nosing, Auk, on APO Aad, 1 e{ttflord Bridal, o1 Crystal 4147: o" t. 'Mfg{Aeaffed84Pr daughter of Mgp,C�.Mdd.o, ! Metier. Pl -nYl the Presbytorien Mensa; Thorns Rood, on April. 100., by Rev.' Chidfey, Yr. John Edwin 'PoI1.a, of Me- ster. son o{ Mr. and Mn: William Pollen, of FOrnakar, to Mica Viola Honkie, dgugq- tar of Mr. and Id re. Thoma* Hunkfn, of Ustoro., 5; DEATHS Sperling, -In Toronto, on Sunday, April 10, Mise• Olivia 8parung, formerly of Seaforth, ages 66 years. Hanna, -!n Wingham, on April 17th, Mary Luebke Young. wide. of the Iota John Hanna. need 70 years. Farquharson. -In Calgary, Alberta, on April 0. 1411, More Huggaa, widow, of the lutes Will 141 J. Farquharson, In Mx 48.,1 year. 55. Resell. --in ,/hater, on Aprf1 29th, Wllibtm G- Jeers Rumen, awed 80 ,Dors and 7 menthe. I Cottle. -In Clinton, on Wednesday, April bo )10th, Fs -Mayor Thema. Cottle. aged '71 ,eats. vs So. LIVE STOCK MARKETS Buffalo, April 26. -Cottle receipts, 1,100 elow. 60 to 76c lower: shipping atoms. IS to 18.75: butchers,' 6a W 16.50; yearlings, 48.2:1 to 99. heifers, 15.2' to 58; cows 68.2;, to 97; bulls. 54.25 to 6.25: *tortoni 004 toed - ern, 90.25 to 57; fresh cows and .prtgen, 060.00. Calves- 110vei9(o, 4.000: sin ; 51 luv;er, 65 to 110.50. Hogs -Receipts. 20,000 : 50 to 16 vents lower; boovy, $8.25 to $8.50; mixed, yerk- • light do., and Pigs, 58.50: roughs, 56 w 16.2t; .tags, $4 to 10. Sheep and Inmin Receipts, 12,006: .toady; wool lambs. 57 to 512.26: clipped lamlw, 50 to $11.20: yearlings, $7 to 59: wathen, $7.86 to 57.60:•wx , $2 to 96.76; mixed *beep, 8.76 to 67.00. • Montreal. April 26. -Cattle receipts, 1.063. The average quality w. vary mach better than for many weeks past Pricers held trio up Le,on. when the majority of the cattle had been .0141. 'lop .teenery6011 co to 811. Tw op cows. 99.05 and bulls up to 68.60. The bulk ofthe heavy steers were sold at $10 to $11. Fairly good I le ht .teen we00 78to .6, and good of bully type around 57,50. Commonncows and bulls were sold from 55 W $7. Quotations:--Bat:ber steers, choice. *10.27, to $11: good, 59.80 to 310.25: medium. 50.50 to 19.25: mmmon, 17 to 58.25. butcher boiler,, shotes, 59.20 to $10.`.0: medium. 16 to 49: common, 85 1. 37.30 ; botcher u schoice. 57.50 w 59:25; me,l sum, $5 to 17: 600nrn. $2 to 52.50 yttvro. 53 to 14.50: butcher hulls. good. 81.1,0 to 50.52; ccm,mon, 15.50 to 66.60. Calf r„elpta. 060. 'the market w .trung. ..r. Straight loth of medium good quality sold at 86.00 to 57. Quotations: -.Good veal. 86.50 to SP: medium, 55.56 to 56.66. Sheep -Receipt, 76. Nominal qu.6.tiom or sheep were 57 to 56. Lambs were $7 to ere each. Hugs -Receipt, ..81. The general price or. 513.60. Odd .mall let sold .lightly high�a fr and there w considerable inquiry to eeders. Quotations uff car weight, animus $11.50: sows, $9.50. gluon Stock , Yards. Toronto, April 20: - '18he supply of nettle at the yards t. -day was for too heavy for the demand and Leade was draggy with price. generally 60 cella per cwt lower than last week's clone. But- cher cowls of good quality were the only clans that did not fall to this extant, as, though they were a fairly large proportion of the receipt of kilo ., they held just about steady. Quality on the whole was fair, and there wept several loads of good heavy cat. tie. Demand for export at local pries was lacking, however, and the best big Int of heavy •toss failed to bring more than 16 saaqgae1se The bet price for n lot of medium IfRvy 0teem was 101 cents, paid for 14 head averaging 1.212 pounds, sold by Cor- bett and Hall. The same firm had 21 heal avenging 1,380 pounds at 10 cants. The top price of the day was 11 cents, paid for two steers weighing 930 pounds each, fed by Andrew McKay, Teesw•atrr, and sold by the United Farmers' Company, who also had two head, 1.350 pounds, at 10%, cents. Choice butchers' ranged from 8% to 9% gents" with an odd extra choice one at 10 cents, and there was one extra choice fat cow, sold by Sparkhall and. Armstrong at 8% cents. Good :comm sold generally 'from 7% 00 81(6 . There was a slight improvement in the in- quiry for stockers and feeders, and one load of extra good feeders brought 951 cents. Calves were a heavy run, and poor quality er. the whole, but trade was fairly brisk at slightly easier pries. A few extra akoiee salves brought 13'4 cents, but the run of shoi.e sold from 11 to 12 cents, while the medium kind were from 8 to 10 rants per Pound. Common calves were alms at from 8 to 7 cents. Top native Iambs brought . 14 cents, but there were not many in the choice close. Three car/bads of American lambs, clipped, brought 14%c. Sheep and lambs were in fair demand, and the bulk sold at steady prices; best sheep bringing 924 cents. Com- mon Lambe were a slow sale at from 4 to b cents. , Trade in hogs was brisk and priceeyad- vanced a quarter over Thuenday n close. Se- lects sold for 12%. fed and watered, or 0150. f.o.b. Packer buyers quoted 10% 1.6,0. for Tuesday's loading. United Farmers' Co-operative Co., Ltd., sold: Butchers ---2, 980 IDs. 811; 1, 690 IDs. 616.50: 2, 1,350 lbs. 510.00 ; 6, 1,060 lbs. 610; 5; 700 lbs. 010; 1, 880 lbs. 89.75; 4, 850 SDs. 59.70: 18, 900 lbs. 80,50; 24, 1.040 IDs. $0.50: 2, 1,100 tbs. 59.50: 3, 1,160 IDs. 39.60; 10, 950 lbs. $9.60 ; 2, 700 fie. 99.75; 8, 1,200 roe. 90.75; 2, 970 lbs. 99.25; 5, 1,000 IDs. 99.25: 14, 1,040 IDs. 19.40; 18, 1,000 IDs. 89.00; 13, 1.050 the, $9; 2, 736 lbs. 99; 10, 920 IDs. $9: 8. 970 tbs. 99; 12, 960 roe. 38; 2, 870 fie. 88.75; 12, 750 IDs. $8.75; 4, 900 IDs. 08.66: 16, 1,030 lbs. 88,80; 6 6,810 Cha. $8.60; 9, 900 IDs. $8.25; 11, 720 lbs. 37.50. Cows -1, 1,440 Ib.. 88.60; 1, 1,200 IDs. 88.20: 1. 1.280 lbs. 68.00; 4, 1,280 lbs. 18.00; 1, 1,47019,,. $8; 8, 1,250 lbs. $8.00: 2. 1,21.0 tbs. 58.00; 3, 1,250 tbs, $8.50; 2, 1,210 tbs. $8.00: 2, 1,290 lbs. $7.66, 1, 1,- 120 Me. $7.70: 8. 1,000 IDs. 87.75; 4, 1,060 lbs. 87.60; 3. 1,120 the. 87.60; 4, 1,170 tbs. $7.60; 1, 1,270 tbs. 07.00; 2, 1,000 lbs. 17; 2, 870 lbs. 27: 1, 1.820 tbs. 87: 2. 1,250 IDs, $7.75; 3, 1,250 lbs. $7.76; 2, 1,280 tbs. 37.75; 2, 1.920 tbs. $6.71; 3. 1,060 tbs. $6.75; 1, 960 fie. 88.776: 1. 1,200 Itro. 88.60: 2, 1.070 lbs. 18.50; 4, 1,290 lbs. 86.76; 2, 950 Ms. 56.50: 3, 1,000 ms. $5.50. Bulls -1, 1,- 060 lbs. 58.00; 1. 1,630 fie. $6.76; 1, 1,740 Me. 86,60: I. 1.700, fie. $6.60; I, 1,140 tbs. 36,00. Lamb.. --Choice, 518 to 114; good, 016 to 512; culls, $6 to 58. Shoop ---Choice. $8.50 to $9; good, 87.50 to 98.50; culla, $2 to 55. Calvo. -Choice, $13 to 118.50; good. 8l1 to 312: defamon, 16 to 110. The quotationtho were as follows: Choice heavy steers, 99.00 to 110.50; good heavy steers, $8.00 to 59.00; botcher.' cattle, choice. 39.00 to 610.00; do. medium, $7 to $8.00; do, common. 56.00. to $7.00; butcher.,' cattle, choice, $9.00 to 110.00; do., gond, $6.00' to $7.00;•do., common, 94.00 to 85,00; butchers' tows, bhoice, $7.60 to .98,75; do., good, 18.80 to $7.50; do., cotomon, $4.00 to 15.00: feed- ers, best, 97.15, to $9.00: do., 000 Me. 97.16 to 88.75 ; do,, 800 lbs., 96.76 to $8.78; do., common. 96.00 to 96.00; canners and cotton, 32.00 to $4.50; mUk4eo. gbod to choice. 986 to 1120; do., Cwnn0n to. medium. 960 to 8601 eh0ice springers. 990 to 9180; lamb, yearlinpa, .110 to 911; -do., spring. 812.00 to 114.001-- Calves, good to .holee, . $11.00 to 812.00 ; stbsp, 40:00. 0, _.69,61!; . hogs, led 'end wa 412.6Rr,de., 180ghdd•.(f ase, 112.76: 4o., f.o. , 911.09; do., country points, $11.25. p111tYa a t §e• 14tl`lL''ivu` k. r.,mSR,Y.;rc; .1: .IN MEIIIORIAM Nota. -hem. under Chia head will be charg- ed 60 conte per Maple vane and 26 cants for each additional vena. 1' 8a.red to the meat of my dearly loved Meter, Gledya Agatha Foster, beloved wife of Hugh Shannon, who peacefully entered Into ret, April 27th, 1920. Also me little niece, Gladys Margaret, dearly loved child of the above, whom Jesus called unto Otis April laths 1019. We loved them, oh no tongue can ten How much we loved them, or how well. God loved them too. and thought it bet To take them to His Heavenly rest. Fuld them, oh Father, in thin. arias And let them henceforth bo Sweet messengers of love between Our human hearts mad Thee. Badly mimed by Lilian. In laving memory of our dourst auntie Cbuly0, and little cousin, Margaret. 2785-1 'Teddy 0nd Little Giadya. SALE REGISTER Oa Friday, April 29th, auction sale of Hoou:hold Furniture, also Horse, Buggy mid Hn rase. Will Dell privately before sale. Lss, Bristow, Proprietor; '1'010, Brown, Auctioneer IMPORTANT NOTICES PASTS ICE FOR CAT -1 I.E.--I HAVE PAS - tore for 10 or 15 head of. cattle. Api,lY to A. fil,ClLL. R. R. No. 2, Sea forth. Phone 6 un 016. Clinton. 2785 -CP FOR SALE. ONE PURE BRED SHO11T- hern bull two years old. Apply on the premise,, nr,'t farm in T'urlersmitl, on Duren Read. vont ut Clinton, ,r phone 175. WIL- LIAM 11EN110, R. 1t. 4, Clinton. 2784x2 FOR SALE.-- SI X YEAR 7AR OLD 11001E ;Sod will o k or drive. GEORGE (PEAS:REGARD. R. It. No. 2, Seuforth. Phone 18-170. 2782x4 THRESIlING OUTFIT FOR SALE.-SAW- er A Massey Peerless Separator. 96 Inch with rear sat; 20 H. P. Sawyer & Meager traction engine. All in good working order. Apply to JOHN THIRSK, BLAKE, R. R. No. 2, Zurich. 2775x1-tf DEEP WELL.-TENOBRS WILL BE ICE- ceived by the Corporation 01 the Town of eleaforth at the Clerk's office, up to sh o'clock p.m., May 9th, 1921, for drilling a deep well for the waterworks system. Cas- ing 8-ipeh to be supplied by the Corpora- tion. Tender to be at rate per lineal foot, The lowest dr any tender not neee0e0rily accepted, JOHN A. WII.SON, Clerk. 2784-2 PURE BRED SCOTCH BULLS FOR SALE. For sale 4 pure-bred Scotch Topped bulls with 10 crosses of Imported Scotch breeding, erred by Conqueror (Imp -l: one 16 condo Cid, red; one 22 months old, red; '2 two years o6., one red and one roan. 'These are extra good animals, both m to Individuals and to type, and will be fit to head any herd. Bold on reasonable terms. Apply on Lot 8, Concession 6, Tuekemmith, or phone 8 on 181. PETER McKAY. 2778-tf MANY MEN WANTED. --MEN WANTED, who are willing to apt positions pay- ing from 96 to $10 per day. Men who are tired d laboring for an existence, this 4. your one good chance. We are training men for positions as farm troctioneere, garage meohan,0.a, truck driven, salesmen, vulcan- izers, welders, battery exports" etc., or will help you start a garage business of your own. If you are out of employment or dissatisfied with your present poor paying job, call or write immediately -for fun particulars regarding our special plan to next few men mrolli,#. Day and evening lasses. Apply HEM PHI LL AUTO & GAS TRACTOR SCHOOL, 113 King Street West, Toronto. 27843 AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD EF- feeta.-Mr. Thomas Brown has been in- structed to .ell by puhlir auction on Satur- day, April 80th, at 2 p.m., the following goods: Three mahogany drawing room chain, table and cabinet, 1 iron bed, springs and mattress, separate springs and mat- tresses, 1 child's crib. springs and mattress, 1 at, refrigerator, kitchen table, sofa, chairs, tables. lamps, carpet, and many other ▪ ticlee. Term.. -Cosh. EDYTH DAVID - SON, Proprietress ; T. Brown, Auctioneer. 2784-2 AUCTION SALE OF CHOICE FARM. -- Thomas Cameron has received instruc- tions from the public trmtee, of Oegoode 11,10, Toronto, to sell by public auction on the premises, Lot No. 8, Concession 8, Township of Hibbert. on Friday. May 600, 1921. at one 9.m. sharp, consisting of 100 acres, more or leas, of choice land; 30 acres plowed ready for crop; about 8 acres of maple and beach; smallorchard; balance in grass. On the premises there is a first class atone horse: large bunk barn, barn on low stone wall, straw shed and drive home, 8 good spring wills, one with windmill. This s a choice farm. Close to churches, school and market; rural mail and telephone. Terms and -particulars masks known on day of sale, or on application to J. W. Jackson, Sarnia P O. or to auctioneer. K. W. WRIGHT, Asst. Public Trustee; Thomas Cameron, auc- tioneer, Exeter P. O. 8786-2 AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK, IM- dlementa, and Household Furniture. Mr. Thomas Brown has been instructed to. e,ll by public auction on Lot 8, Concession 5, Mullett, on Tuesday, May 8rd, at 1 o'clock p.m., the following: Horn.. --General Dur - nose horse 11 yearn old. quiet double or Ingle; home 10 years old, driver single or double, one aged driver. Cattle. -Hereford w 40 years old frphened this opting, cow 4 year. old fr.hened last fall, heifer 8 years old freshets about time of sale, 2 one-yaenr- � Barred Bets. 1 fall calf, 1 spring calf. 80 Rock hens and f roosters. Danle- mento,-Delring hinder 8 foot cut With Sheaf crier. and truck as Rood as new, Maeaey- Hartie hay rake as gnbd as new, 10 -tooth eultivater; .Chatham fanning mill, lumbar wagon, hew; Hein sleighs, new; open buggy. Verity walking Plow No. 21, new; $oe,taon diamond, itariowd smaller, gravel box, set doubld hafnes9 Rand 'cutting box, home col- late, fo chain, and numerous other Artiel.. illenteehold Fnt'nituro.-Dining room table. cnek' bt6ve, coal 'heater, kitchen bhaire, glees oupbo*td, Illelotte OOeam separator, Daisy &htern, Et '4. ea0peta,pslh. pato apd other krtieltib. sneer -All bums of 910- and gilder, cash: over that amount 8 mentlo' credit will -la fiesa -on-furnishing' gpp8wved,. Joint notes, Aof 8. mats •1811' thaw Willer off for 6. - W. MAIMS, Proprie- tor T. Brown. A4.tiooeer. 59134-$ SEED SEED CORN We have received our first ship- ment of Oorn, and can offer you BAILEY LEEMING, ' WISCONSIN GOLDEN GLOW MAMMOTH SOUTHERN SWEET at $2.00 per bushel. Try us with your next order. ' W. M. Stewart MAIN STREET PHONE 77 FARMS FOR SALE pastas FOR 8AL11--400 ACRES, LOT 196 Conceeeloa 6, in Cha Township of Tuckers smith. 8 mils from Seaforth, 6 mils froze Bracefield and Klppon, convenient re school and ebureh; 86 .Or cleared. minatndar in maple bush. On this farm are excellent bond - la spa and are In Ont-elace repair; Ord and eat water in the hole! and In stalls ; 2 well., 1 having a windmill. This farm b thoroughly under drained and fenced and In a high state of cultivation, never having been heavily swopped. This Y 112 every way a feet class and up -to -data farm. Also lot 97, Conine/don 12. in the Township of Hib- bert, containing 100 ere.; 80 neer cleemd and thoroughly u derdrelned and fenced, the remainder 4, in amt claps maple bush. On the premiss le a comfortable trams borne and goof barn 46:56 with stone atabling; also good well with windmill. This farm h all seeded to gram and le In excellent wmd4 Lion, burin been crooned 1007 little; eitn- uted within 8 miles of Remelt, quarter of mile from school. There 1e long distance telephone connection on both farms, also rural mall delivery. These farms win be sold together or eaparately to suit purchaser and on reasonable term... For further par- ticulggrs apply to the Proprietor, on Lot 11, Cone0asion 0, Tuckersmith, or Seaforth P. 0., A. R. No. 4, or phone 14 on 131, Seafortb. THOMAS G. SHILLINGLAW, Proprietor. 0000000000000 ° S. T. HOLMES 0 Funeral Director and O Licensed Embalmer 0 Undertaking' Parlors in O Beattie Block, opposite The 0 Expositor Office. Residence O Goderich St., opposite Dr. 0 Scott's. 0 Flowers furnished on short 0 notice. O, , Phone Night or Day 119 O O O O O O O 0 O O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 W. T.BOX&CO, O Embalmer and O Funeral Directors O H. C. BOR 0 Holder of Government 0 Diploma aad . License O Charges moderate 0 Flowers furnished on short 0 notice. 0 Night Calls Day Calls 0 Phone 175 Phone 43 000000000 0000 0000000000 0 0000 000000000 0 W. S. GORMLEY O 0 Embalmer and Funeral O Director 0 Undertaking Parlors Above 0 M. Williams' Grocery Store. 0 Main Street, Seaforth. 0 Flowers furnished on short 0 notice. O Charges Moderate 0 Phone -Night or Day -192 000000000 0000 This style cleverly inter- prets the young man's view- point; drapes to the body naturally, suggests comfort and refinement. 100% Value The man who demands full value for his money is not side-tracked by the consider- ation of low prices alone. Price means nothing if genu- ine value is not received. "Clothes of Quality" - offered at reasonable priees - give 100% value 3a return. SUITS FOR $24 AND UP AT "MY WARDROBE" MAIN ST., SEAPORTS v.4 ;e.troSk7 cL 1144,r 4t101P4 10 Orr tKr a , of 1ittyt, qi amwtt:. to M- ,Ae DVyAt47i}1S9Df1. e1k Dly th'ti ettyt 'AI.p 7 1164: lgeralor'e Soholre` Rt Victory, Govern- ment and Muni- cipal Bonds Sold at current rates and deliver: ed free .of espenso. R. 8. HAYS, , SEAPORTS, ONT. 2778-tf solgeRockk . /414 e Reel;n-fit >> �� set. With the QOM tallp ret the w- flleatiter the hem breed' seeing tlQ* termined to set; not 'so:'Filth the 1.40S - born. At this time she .to ply eil'lliin ed to lay. They will also lac in the winter 1f properly carelf for. Front Nov. 1st to April let tel of our trapnested Leghorn laid 1,086 eggs' at an average price of 78 conte Per dozen -$6278. cash from the ten hens. From these birds and others nearly 'as good we are offering you chicks at 22 cents. each delivered et you; station. - HURON SPECIALTY FARM. Walter Rose - - Brussels, Ont. Phone 88x. Box 34. 2783-6 S. O. S. Help Save the Home! To Principals and Teachers, Scholars and Parents: - We will send "Home Inspection Blanks" to the teaching staff throughout Ontario for distribution' among their pupils. As patriotic Canadians your sympathetic co- operation 'is sought in the important work of conserving the lives and property of our people from destruction by fire. The inspection is planned to take place throughout the Province, during the week of May 2nd. The primary object of this In- spection is to draw attention to hazardous conditions in the homes and have the fire menace removed or corrected by the house- holders. The housing problem makes the protection of dwellings of paramount importance. CLEAN UP. Prevent fires by removing the cause. Information and te'.' I.,oks, "Conservation or Life and Prop- erty from Fire," "I.. htning,•its Origin and Control," free on request. ONTARIO FIRE i'REVENTION LEAGUE, INC. In Affiliation n ,th Ontario Fire Marshal's Office 153 University Av,n," Toronto Geo is' F. Lewis, Secretary. +1� tgiral4 . t. C OF COMM PAID.UP CAP'iTA a ,. e ` r RESERVE FUND 4 �� S13AFORTH BRANCH, J. G. Mullets, lifellal Fords, Fords Daly's Garage, Seaforth BARGAINS IN USED CARS. 1918 Model, with electric starter; in good shape. Special price..0500 191*taMilodlel,ampgood tires, Al running order; tire carrier and electric 846 1917 Model, newly painted, good tires; engine in first class runs ning order 3876 191k1 Model, shock absorbers, good tires, engine Al p .11360 1916 Model, a right good car , .. , $325 J. F. DALY, Seaforth AUTHORIZED FORD DEALER T. A. BEATTIrE, Salesman. FITS Stinson'. home treatment for epilepsy. Twenty years'-'snccess. Thousands of testimonials, No case shouH be considered hope- less. Free booklet. WILLIAM STINSON REMEDY Co. of Can- ada, 2611 Yonge Street, Toronto, Orrtanio, 2785-90 JAMES WATSON GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT REAL ESTATE AND LOAN AGENT DEALER IN SEWING MACHINES. Four good houses for sale, O conveniently situated in the I Town" of Seaforth. Terme reasonable and possession given promptly. Apply at my Office for particulars. hampion Dependable Spark Plugs PUBLIC ATTENTION We have 'now opened 1m1ne.8 in our new n uarters slid wish to solicit fair r •tronage from the general pule, We have on Fiend for .ale a sumber of good used rare of iiblerentmakes: t'hevrolet, Saxon and Fords. all ,-f which have been overhauled and are m first class order. We have also for sale 2 rubber tired buggies, 1 trailer, 2 motor- cycles, 1 good driver 6 yearn old. Prompt att,mt;on given to repairing of all m.,ks of ears. We carry a full line of repairs for the following: - Chevrolet, Maxwell, overland, Gray -Dort end Ford. We carry a line of the different leading mak. of ti.re and tubs including C,•,do'ear, Dominion, Dunlop. Royal Dak and Ames Holden We also sell coal 011 in large andall con Attie., StandMard andmHigh TWO Gas- oline. our sign the V'STBLE GUARANTEE 001035030.E PUP. Carlin Bros. Brown's Garage, North Main St. SEAFORTH. Champion "1icavySt01s0'; B-13, Ye -ten. i The Crusade for Good Health The Canadian Red Cross Society is one of thirty-one National Red Cross Societies engaged in a world-wide Crusade for The improvement of health The prevention of disease The mitigation of suffering. This mov ement is endorsed by The Governments of Thirty-one Nations; The League of Nations; Medical and Public Health Experts Meet- ing in International Conference at Cannes, France, April, 1919. The Crusade is being inaugurated by a World -Wide Enrollment of Mernbers ONTARIO ENROLLMENT May 22-28 ENROLL! As the outward and visible sign of your personal share in the movement for good health; To help create public opinion in favour of sound health measures. You may enroll with your Local Red Cross Branch or Enrollment Com- mittee or, if there is no organization in your community with THE ONTARIO PROVINCIAL DIVISION, 410 SHERBOURNE ST., TORONTO. Canadian Red Cross Society Ontario Division. l..lr..em k1S't1�s0.1�h<t.,•i', lr. •?r I ,`4 .Il,,t"!}>'f,, C s, l„,:taw d V'� .�'hl a'`4?ti^,t4,1 , rt„iM1-,' 4