HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1921-04-22, Page 51 SasBirth April 2,4 I:.. s, pe . dozed22s per ton.. -.E7 te' 28is e, 'per ten r'r dtob tt t, 'per bushel utter, per ib 40. per bushel f froXtfiiat.,o ,ace,, 36titiig Y1itwPdfSbS:'vigaiiiri,4 46 to, 400 hoes,' per bag ,Barley, per bU'ahel , , • • 74a 11.1114178 Buehgnan.-eft Betttydp Htepltal, L0Adrh Ont., on Apra 18th. to Mr, had Mtai, Will Buchanan, of Henan, a eon -Keith Moir, Eaten. -At Stratford- General Hospital, en April 4th. to Mr. and Mr., AMU. E. ;Wm. -of lrrlcana, Alberta, a daughter -Dorothy Hinton. Pooley. -In /laborite, on April 2nd, to Mr. and Mrs. R. E, Pboky, a daughter. •Illingbaro.-I■ Brtareela: eh April lith, Mr. and Mm. H. R Allingham, of Traver Alta., (nee Mies Stella Cerny), s daugh- ter. Iceland. -In Morrie township, on April 2tld,' to Mr. and Mrs. William L. Ireland, a daughter. 1Beetir.-la Seaforth, or, April 12th, to Mr, and Mrs. E. A. 'Ibeig, a son. - MARRIAGES Shepherd--Reld.-At Burns' church, Hallett, on April lath, by the Rev. Jamas Abrey, Annie. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Reid of "Maple Stade Feral" to William Norman Shepherd, o n T Mr. and M. William Shepherd, an afQ Ilsl!tett Krueger -Horner. -In Hay Tewnohip, an Wednesday, March 30th, Mao Myrtle M. Horner. to Mr. Elmer H. Krueger, both of Hay Township. Jewell--Wiwams.-- Lo Leann, on April 12th, at the home of the bride's' parents, Mr. d Mrs.. James Williams, by Rev, W. H. Roberts, Mb. Annie Winnifred Williams t. Mr, John James Maas Jewell, of Le. goo. Jrvklln--Conly.- At the Methodist Tarson- oge, Brussels, by Rev. W. E. Stafford. B.A.,' on April 6th, Mr. Joseph k. Jaakiin b Mica Lily Mae, Lady daughter of Mr. and Miro, C. Cooly, both of Grey township. DEATHS Broom.- In Brantford, on April 19th, Char- lotte Broom, 'colored ,wife of the late Joseph Broom, aged 61 years. Swan. --At Clinton Hospital, on Tuesday, April 12th, Sarah Louise, beloved wife of brew Swan, and youngest daughter of Mr. and Mn,. Peter Howey. Kippen. Slaw. --In Morris townapip., April 7th, Lena Isabel, second daughter' of Joseph and Minnie Slaw, aged 21 yea., 2 months and 1,6 days. Hays.- In Goderieh. on 'Thursday. April 14 Mix. Mary M. Hays, aged TL years and 6 month... IN MEMORIAM Note. -Item, under the head will be charg- ed 60 Bent, per -singly %erne and 26 cents for each additional verse. In loving memory of M,. laugh Shannon, 1.% ho died at her home in Hallett. April 27, 19201 Every year the Father ca leh Some loved one to endbersrest, And the heart the' 011cd with,guish Can but cry,' 'He knov,rth best.' But a year, not distant, cometh, When we trend the vast unknown, We shall rind our ransomed deer on. Seated :round the great white throne. 'Tia hard to break the tender cord When lo,r, has bound the heart: "cis hard, ,o hard to speak the words: -'We must forever part." Ilea reit Iovct one we have laid thee In the peaceful gin, ,i's hfacr, But they m:•mory ,.ill by cheri:hrd '1'111 we see thy heavenly face. 2784x1 From the ones who (over her beet, IMPORTANT NOTICES FUR SALE. -ONE PURE BRED. SHORT - horn bull two yeare old. Apply on the creme., fait farm in Tuckeismith on Huron Road, east of Clinton. or phone 175. WIL- LIAM HENRY, R. R. 1. Clinton. 2784x2 1110. tp • law': dl,y 0 11211114 ' ,AU,clinOleSA,48 A uC IQN $4L,410 QF HOUJjEjiQLD Egg lm6e.—llr. Tomas Brotye' boa been in. n6ruate�d 60 sell by public auatIon. on Bator. geode: o' 'Itilee 'mai any•.., thedrawing ;gJwom f 'mahogany ran 510. roma abdr., tett and cabinet, 1 lora bed, epmnAsass and. matte bll es.rlb, o 1 gp as and mA6.1 tremet, 1 ch11d'e arch, sprit y and mettrem. 1 cot, refrigerator, kitchen table, sofa, elude), SyWm, lamps,.»-Onah, and any= carer article*. Terror, -Cas, any=H o DAV1D- sON, Proprietress; T. Stowe, Auetionabr, 2184-2 AUCTION SALE AOeFp FARM STOCK, ISa'. r. Them Brown has 5..•eaold Ina�ctedr to e'00ll by palate auction on Lot 6, Concession 5, Hallett, on Tuesday, May Srd, at I o'clock 0.m.. he followings Hon,m.-Oeaeral pur- pose horse 11 yeaos old, quiet double or Ingle; horse 10 years old driver single or double, ale aged driver. Cattle. -Hereford cors 10 years old freshened fids spring, cow 4 years Id freshened last fall heifer 3 years old lrmkene about time of sale, 2 one -year- old heifers, 1 fall calf, 1 spring calf, 30 Marred, Rock hege and 2 poste,s. Imple- mennta.._Deering binder 6 foot cut with sheaf crier .add truck as good as new, Massey+ Harris hay rake as good ea. pew, 10 -tooth cultivator. Chatham fanning mill, lumber wagon, new; Bain sleighs, new; open buggy, Verity walking plow No. 21, new; 2oection diamond harrows, gentler, gravel box, set duyble harness, hand cutting box, horse l- lara, forks, chains, and numeroau other article.. Household Furniture. ---Dining room table- cook stove, coal heater. kitchen' chain, elotto cream tor, DDaisy churn No. cupboard. M4, yorbrta. pails, pans and nd other articles. 'earn.-- All sums of 210 and under, cash; 'over that amount 8 months' 'edit will be given on furnishing approved joint note,. A discount of 3 cents on the dollar elf for cash. J, W. RANDS. Proprie- tor: T. Brown, Auctioneer. 2784.2 FARMS FOR SALE FARM FOR SALE. - 100 ACRES 010 chuiee day loam, part of Leta 83 and 34, Conie:.,.ion 0, McKillop. No open ditch., no waste land; well 1'le drained, and all leaked with woven wire. Large bank barn 100x36 feet with plenty of light, also straw shed 40 by 20 feet with drive house underneath. All cement floors, also water convience through- out. Four acres of bush. Good substantial frame house, 8 rooms, furnace, hard and soft water, rural mail and telephone. Four miles 010111 Seaforth, tit, mile Prom school. Easy Lerma for quick la. Apple nn the premlaes addrea, 'THOMAS W. AS0MILLAN, Sea- fr ,h 2. 2780-tf FARitIS FOR SALE. -100 ACRES, LOT 12, Concession 6, in the Township of Tucker - smith, a mil. from Seaforth, 6 ml Im from ran,x afield and Moven,00000cleared, re i school 5, and church; 96 occas cleared, remainder tut meek hush. On this farm are excellent build. 100 and are In first-class repair; hard and soft water in the house and in stables; 2 wells, l• ving Is thoroughlyhaund rad drained windmill. landT fenced his farm and in u high state of cultivation, never having been heavily cropped. Thio is in every way a fir. t rlas, and up-to-date farm. Also Lot 27. Concession 12. in the 'rownehip of Hib- bert, containing 100 acres • 80 acres cleared and thoroughly underdrained and fenced, the remainder la in nrat clam maple bash. On te premises barn 48366 with atonee s atablinme g; also lso good well withwindmill.x This fano U all seeded to grate and is in excellent condi- tion, baying been ermined very little; situ- ated within 6 miles of Hennell, quarter of mile from school. There is long distance telephone connection on both farms, also rural mall' delivery. These farms will be sold together or separately to suit, purohaeer and on reasonable terms. For further par. ttcalen apply to..the' proprietor, op Lot 12, Conooaton 6, Taokeenmith, er SeaI rth P. O., R..R. No: 4; or phone 14 60 181. $enforth THOMAS G. SHILLINGLAW, Proprietor. FOR SALE. --THREE COWS, DUE TO freshen last week in April. Apply to O O O O O 0 0 0 0 0 O O 0 ROSEh. Phone RT CLARK, R.A. Nu. 2, Seafort 1-245. 2788-2 O S. T. HOLMES NOTICE. --WE WILh ONLY RUN OUR 10 Funeral Director and chopping mill one day a week during O Licensed Embalmer 'summer months, commencing Tuesday, April 0 Undertaking Parlors in 19th, 1921. Kruse Brm., Egmondville. 278832 O Beattie Black, opposite The 0 Expositor Office. Residence O Goderich St., opposite Dr. 0 Scott's, O Flowers furnished on short 0 notice. 0 Phone Night or Day 119 ONE-QUARTER ACRE LAND, BLACK- mith, woodwork ; .goral house, also good barn. Cheap. Apply at once. HENRY THORNTON; R. 1t. No. 1, Blyth, Ont. 2783x2 FOR SALE. -SIX YEAR OLD HORSE that will work or driro. GEORGE BEAUREGARD, R. R. No., Seaforth, Phone 18-170. 2782x4 FOR SALE. -FIFTY ACRES OF GRASS land, East Half Lot 4, Concession 3, Tuckeremith, 1 miles east of Etmondville. Apply to JAMBS J. McQUADE, 813 'Forel Ave, Highland Park, Mich., or PETER H. McGRATH, St. Columbian, 2781-2 p. R. NON -GLARE LENS --APPROVED by Provincial authorities, one pair. any else,parcel pmt any part Ontario. 81.26. LINCOLN ART GLASS, St. Catharines. 2780.4 THRESHING OUTFIT FOR SALE.-,SAW- er & Massey Peerless Separator, 86 Inch with rear cut; 20 H. P. Sawyer & Massey traction engine. All in good working order. Apply to JOHN THIRSK, BLAKE. R. R. No. 2. Zurich. 2775414f FOR SALE. --13 ACRES OF CLEARED land on Conaesioe 5,. Lot 6, Hallett. A barn 24x84, driving shed 16320, hay barn 10x20, a comfortable log !muse are on the premises. One team of horses, 7 head of cattle, cows and calves, 0100 lmplementa. Annie on the lot J. W. RANDS, No. 2, Seaforth. 2783x2 DEEP WELL.- TENDERS WILL BE RE- ceived by the Corporation of the Town of Seafortha t the Clerk's office, up to six 'clock p.m., May 9th, 1921, for drilling a deep well for the waterworks system. Cas- 0 ing 8 -inch to be supplied by the Corpora - Con. Tender to be at ate per lineal foot. O 'The lowest or any tender not necessarily es accepted. JOHN A. WILSON, Clerk. 2784-2 O 0 0 O 0 O O O 0 O 0 00000000 0 0 0 0 0 0000 000000000 W. T.BOX&CO. 0 0 O O O 0 O O 0 O 0 Embalmer and Funeral Directors H. C. BOX Holder of Government Diploma and License Chargee moderate Flowers furnished on short notice. Night Calls Day Calls Phone 175 Phone 43 O O O O O O O O 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0000 000000000 W. S. GORMLEY 0 Embalmer and Funeral O Director 0 Undertaking Parlors Above 0 M. Williams' Grocery Store. 0 Main Street, Seaforth. Flowers furnished on short notice. Charges Moderate Phone -Night or Day -192 CHESTER WHITE PIGS - FOR SALE. - Both sexes. I have 2 ,young- boar. fit 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 for service. Also a number of young goers that are being bred. Now la the time to get something rood at a very reasonable price, as these ore of imported stock purchased from John G. Anne.eer, Tilbury, Ont Alao' boar for service. ABRAHAM H1IGILI8 Sea - forth, Ont., R. R. No. 2. Phone 6 on 616, Clinton. 2780x4 0 0 0 O O O O O 0 O PURE BRED SCOTCH BULLS FOR SALE. For sale 4 pure-bred Scotch Topped bulbs with 10 crow. of Imported Scotch breeding, aired by Conqueror (Imp.): one 16 months old, red; one 22 months old, red: 2 two years old, one red' and one roan. Thera -_aa extra good animal's, both m to f yIduale and to type. and 'dB' be fit to '*ny herd. Sold n tyaeonable- ter4ha, Amten Lot 8, Cebomsion 8, TuekeismIth, or p68'ne 8 on 181. PETER McKAY. 2778-tf will' MEN WANTED. -MEN WANTED, Who are willing. to accept positions pay- ing from 06 to l� per day. Men who are t red ��o�*�f la ring for an existence, this ia r psij hence.. We ere, horsing .men t�pp yy del imatMn , garage t>Kea6anim, truck ere, salesmen, vulcan- isers, welders, experta, etc., or will help yon start r"§ g"glage brininess of your . own. If you srg .-aht of employment or diseatlafied'•i'I,_ -dkfr present poor paying Job, .an ar write lNrtbdlately for full partieulat■ asgarding oar- epeeist! plan to next few men Bing. Day and evening 010.000. Apppply ACTOR F• t1PreElik k' To oonto, 1• t{''!` ;; ,' ;fit; Victory, Govern- ment and Muni- cipal Bonds c Sold at current rates and deliver- ed free of expense, iRS. NAYS, SEAFORTH, ONT. 2772-tf JAMES WATSON GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT G.PillSTATE ANIS LOAN AGENT' D JN SEW NG MACDINES. Foes' good `hooses for gala, oeuvenignilq' situated the' Town of Seaforth. 7ietmft reR8C able ..poedassioit Apply at anY O®ce far particulars. FOR'GROWIN4 CHICKS You will have good lock with your Baby Chick's if you use our Bab Chick Food. It dais ,been thoroughly tested oa all varieties of poultry. It has proved its right to be called Stan- dard Poultry Dtood. It gives your chicks the necessary bone and mus4{e. development and 1s a great flesh builder. Sold in packages ,or bilk. W. M. Stewart MAIN STREET • PHONE 77 FURS WANTED 400 Muskrats at once, A.11 kinds of Raw Furs, delivered at the Dick House, Seaforth, Highest Cash Prices. G. E. HENDERSON, 2766-tf Licensed Buyer. Baby Chicks From pure bred trapnested S. C. white Leghorns (Barron strain). The Barron Leghorn is an English bird and for a Leghorn is a very large bird, some of them being as heavy as the Rock; have the advantage over the Rock in that they seldom, if ever, set. With the coming of the warns weather the heavy breed seems de- termined to set; not so with the Leg - born. At this time she is determin- ed to lay. They will also lay in the winter if properly cared for. From Nov.,Ist to April 1st, ten of our trapnested Leghorns laid 1,035 eggs at all average price of 73 cents per dozen -$62.75 cash from the ten hens. F roes these birds and others nearly as good we are offering you chicks at 22 cents each h d ' eltvered at your station. HURON SPECIALTY FARM. Walter Rose - - Brussels, Ont. Phone 38x, Box 34, 2783-6 'FERTILIZER As the season is advancing we must be up and doing. Although prices for all farm produce are lower, we can not stop; we must carry on. There is more profit and more pleasure in growing a goof crop than a poor one. Fertilizer and good farming go together. There 1s more Fertilizer being used every year. It increases the yield and practically insures the catch 1 of grass seeds, which will pay the cost of it. We have no hesitation in recom- mending it for all kind of crops where the lend is at all run down, and for all kinds of roots, pas- tures, or hay crops, and it is con- siderable cheaper than it was last fall. Anyone using it I will try to give them the brand that will suit their land best. All Fertilizers I guaranteed to contain what it is said for. Would be pleased to have your order. If you do not see me phone 1 219, Seaforth, and your order will be taken care of, JAMES COWAN. hampion Dependable Spark Plugs. PPTBLiC ATTENTION We have now opened business in our a gquarte,e rad wish to solicit a fair patronage from the general public. We have on band for sale number of good used cars of lifferent mak.: Chevrolet, Saxon and Fords, all of which have been overhauled and are m first crime order. We have %leo for sale 2 rubber tired buggies, 1 trailer, 2 mator- cycl., 1 good driver 6 yeare old. Prompt attention given to repalring of all makes of can. We carry a full line of repairs for the following Chevrolet, Maxwell. Overland, Gray -Dort and ' Ford. We carry a line of the different leading makes of tires and tubes Including Goodyear, Dominion, Dunlop. Royal Oak and Ames Holden. We also sell coal oil in large and small quantttf., Standard and High Tet Gas - line. Our sign the VISIBLE GUARANTEE MEASURE PUMP. Carlin Bros. Brown's Garage, North Main St. SEAFORTH. Champion "HeavyStone" B-13, H -In. aY b ' prie ,Fir , when t Hose ro4 ict c .1 tight at greatly reduced prices. Rob Roy High Grade Manitoba,!;'per bag.... $5.35 ohieftian-Blended, per bag.... 5.10 Clansman Superior Pastry, per bag.. 4.65 Ask The Grocer Rob- Roy Mills Limited An Ounce of Prevention Cleanliness and Carefulness ad lib. to be taken regularly in large doses. THIS is the most potent pre- scription for fire -itis. An epidem- ic that is destroying thousands of lives and millions of dollars' worth of property throughout the coun- try.. Care and Cleanliness are the anti- dote ff,r fire as well as the antidote for disease: � Eighty per cent. of the fire disease is preventable, During r u ,t, the first week of May the boys and girls of the Province are going to inspect our homes, where two out of every three fires occur. Help this splendid army of young Canadians to PREVENT FIRES BY REMOV- ING THE CAUSE. Property from Fire" and "Lightning, its The bu,klets, "Conservation of Life and origin and Control," may be had for the asking. ONTARIO FIRE PREVENTION LEAGUE, INC. In Affiliation with Ontario Fire Marshal's Office 153 University Avenue - _ - - - - Toronto George F. Lewis, Secretary. e a 0-0-0-0--0-0-0-0- O -O -O -O O- O_O--O O 1) -0 i Here's Your p Chance Men 0 to secure a First -Class Cus- O tom -Tailored Suit or Top Coat for Spring Wear, made to your own individual mea- surements, by the producers of `Clothes of Quality.' To introduce 'Clothes of Quality' FREE PANTS will be given Twith every Suit or Top Coat ordered Saturday or Monday. A wide range of Fabrics and Patterns to select from. Special Prices p $27 up An exceptionally wide range of samples to choose from—all of the latest Spring Materials and Patterns. Come to our Store To -morrow and make sure of sharing in this great offer. You not only get the Finest High -Grade Clothing made to mea- sure but also an EXTRA PAIR OF TROUSERS I REE with every garment ordered. , All Clothes sold with a Guarantee of Absolute Satisfaction or Your Money Back. Note.—The special representative from the 'Clothes of Quality' Company, of Toronto, will be at the store To -morrow to show samples and to give ex- pert attention to Customers' measurements. Sale for One Week Only APRIL 16th TO 23rd At "MY WARDROBE " MAIN STREET - - - - - SEAFORTH� 0 0 -0 -0 -</e --1:1--.1:2,--t:).-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 +F Fords, Fords Daly's Garage, Seaforth BARGAINS IN USED CARS. 1918 Madel, with electric starter; in good shape. Special ,price..$500 1918 model, good tires, Al running order; tire carrier and electric tail lamp $400 1017 Model, nowly painted, good tires; engine in first class run- ning order $375 1911 Model, shod; absorbers, good tires, engine Al - $350 1915 Model. a right good car , , f $325 J. F. DALY, Seaforth AUTHORIZED FORD DEALER T. A. BEATTIE, Salesman. A. 1, COCXBURN'S Seaforth Bargain Store Ladies' Underskirts, reg. $2.25, for $L65 Ladies' Underskirts, reg. $1.75, for $1,30 Ladies' Voile Waists, reg. $2.00, for $1.39 Ladies' Serge and Poplin Skirts, reg $4.50 for$3.15 Ladies' Camisoles, all shades, reg. $2. for... $1.29 Ladies' Camisoles, all shades, reg. $1.50, for.99 Ladies' House Dresses, reg. $3.50, for $2.98 Ladies' Auto Caps, reg. $1.00, for .65 . Ladies' All-over Aprons, reg. $1.25, for $1.00 Ladies' and Children's Hats worth $1.50, for.89 Ladies' Silk Hose, all sizes, reg. $1.50, for $L19 Ladies' Lisle Hose, all sizes, reg. 75c for .55 Children's Cotton 1 and 1 rib, reg. 50e, for: .33 Men's and Boys' Summer Caps, reg. $1.00 for.65 Men's Fine Print Shirts, reg. $2.50, for $1.75 Men's old-time Police Braces. reg. $1.00, for.65 Men's Fine, Strong Suspenders, reg. $1, for.65 10 only Auto Strop Razor, with one dozen blades, worth $5.00, for $3.75 $4.91* Hailand Black Enamel Paint, gallon $5.50 Berry Bros. Spar Varnish, per gallon $5.50 White and Grey Paint, -per gallon A; A. COCKBU1 q OPPOSITE ROYAL HOTEL BLOCK r