HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1921-04-22, Page 3Afimuttly War Loan Cour Chequ `esMaybeeash at any, of our brauohOs. Depositdybur Victory Bond interest in our Savings Department and earn interest thereon. THE DOMINION BANK i, 3EAFORTH BRANCH, ' - R M. 'JONES, Manager. SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES' FOR RENT. mnamainsimw SHE HURON EXPOSITOR DISTRICT MATTERS A SPLENDID MEDICINE FOR THE CHILDREN Baby's Own Tablets' are the best medicine a mother can give her little ones. They are 'a mild laxative which quickly regulate the bowels and stomach and are guaranteed to be entirely free from .any injurious drugs. Concerning them Mrs. A. D. West, Loreburn, $ask., writes:— "Baby's Own Tablets have given me more satisfaotion than anything else 1 have ever given my children. They are easily taken; always work well and though I have given quite a few to my baby they eeem to work as well now as at first, which is something ether laxatives: seldom do." The Tab- lets are sold by medicine dealers ori delivery. It is in the horse itself. by mail at 25 cents a box from The It is an intelligent and reasoning Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock- creature. The horses are bought from vide, Ont. dealers all over the country. --- --- They are, of course, guaranteed to HULLETT he "broken,' that is trained and SchooQl Report.—The following is timed to 0 certain extent. But in the relArt of School Section No. 1, they come to the terrible, roaring Hullett, for March: Sr. IV.—George city and arc put out on the job. Glazier, Wilfrid .Glazier, Kathleen Perhaps for a few days, two drivers Livingston, Don Dale, Mary Mann, go out with it, just until it gets over Ernie Dale. Jr. IV.—Frdnk Fowler, its first shocks in regarding to swift, Pearl Mere (absent). Sr. IIL— Wal- yowling motor cars, and the other ter Dale, Willie Wright, Gordon Me- terrors of the town. But in a few Michael. .Tr. III—Flossie Meru, days, it is citified. In a few weeks, Agnes Adams, Gladys Freeman. Bob in the hands of an intelligent and McMichael, Fergus Wright, Alynn Dale, Hazel Freeman, Reggie Mc- Michael, Myrtle Dale, Emma Mann (absent). Sr. iI.—Douglas Freeman, Agnes Wright, Elmer Dale, Harry Freeman, Wilfrid Freeman, Iva Nott. Jr.. II, --,Stewart Dale, Melvin Dale, lined up, is a stirring one. The de - Ethel Ross, Beatrice Adams. Part livery starts sharp on the certain M. ha Mabel PriWrmers—Isabel Evelyn Mc- braes And the horses, harnessed up, JMichael. Primer. ebel e.—Agnes with their wagons backed against Farnham,ames Adams, Jessie Dale.—Agnes the docks. know when "zero hour" Teacher. lis nigh. They begin to get excited DELIVERY HORSE HOLDING ITS and fidget.. Just before the hour ar- OWiY raves, they are apparently on the edge of a stampede. Then a gong A delivery driver of one of To- rings. The drivers` rush out. ' The ronto's big departmental stores got horses tremble and squeal and paw lost in Rosedale. the ground. And drivers up, away The winding streets entirely bar- they go, full of pen and eagerness. fled flim. They know where their districts are He made two separate attempts —far or near -in. And without con - to get out of Rosedale; and both fusion, they step out, making all times he ended up where he had the •orrect turning, speeding to their started. job. The moment they reach their As he sat profanely asking him- district, they slow up, alert and self whether he should have to go uy, ready for 'the long series of stops. to one of the houses and enquire his "A most remarkable things," said way out, the horse he was driving Mr. Austen, of the City Dairy, "is started with an air of boredom, to go the way the horses have kept pace of his own accord. The driver, sena- with civilization. A few years ago, ing the horse's purpose, let hint have a. new horhe was always very ner- his way. And in three minutes the vows and excited in the city. To - horse was out of the maze and on to day they apparently see no end of Sherbourne street! wonders before they come to the The ordinary milk -wagon horse eity, and the average horse is now knows its route as well as its driver very urbane and at ease, in spite of does. It stops without orders at the the speed and congestion of traffic." proper house, and starts on its way Good drivers, he added, are those the moment the driver appears out men who realize that while no two the alley. It knows where its route horses are alike, yet most • horses ends on a street, and will turn with- are gentlemen who will respond in - out reining, often while the driver stantly to decent treatment. Hun - is in the house making the delivery. dreds of instances prove it. One Without turning to look, it knows its driver always abused hia horse with driver's foot -step, and will not move Marsh words and profane language. if a strange step approaches from The horse responded by being sulky the direction the driver is expected. and inclined to kick. The man in One old dairy horse which for charge of the stables said: "That years has been on the same route. horse understands English! Don't the west boundary of which is talk to him at all. Just go about Bathrust street, cannot be made to him decently." This the driver did, cross Bathrust street at any point on and the horse promptly became a its route, or north or south of its perfect gentleman. Like a human route, except almost by force; and its being he resented the tone addressed manner, whenever so forced, is that to him. of a flouted and outraged gentle- "Most horses," said Mr. McKeag, man. of Simpson's, "are plain public school The horse in its natural, unbroken ,horses. Some are ignorant. And a state is one of the most spirited and few are college -bred horses. But wildest of animals. Yet every day, they all demand and, will respond to in every street, is beheld a miracle of decent treatment." this splendid beast's co-operation, So when you see a driver fondling intelligently, serenly, fearlessly, in his horse, patting its nose or slip - the life of themad, mechanical city. ping it a surreptitious lump of su- All through the ages, man' has mar- gar, you may know that it has just yelled at this quality of adaptibility learned some new trick of than de - in the horse, and men have loved, livery business, and is receiving due horses. But never before in all time recognition. has the horse been tested as he is now These horses of big business live being' tested in the modern city, with in up -stairs apartments, mostly. The its riot of swift traffic; racing, hoot- modern city stable .is a two or three ing motor cars; street ears clanging storey affair, with wide, cleated for the.right of way; great steel mon- stairways up which the horses walk eters of' every description rearing up to their apartments on the second and spitting steam. These are con- or third floor. ditions the nerves of man himself do They come in, weary and heaving not entirely withstand. Yet nowa- big sighs, walk upstairs to their days the horse, having bade farewell to the green pastures where it was born, comes into the city of brick and stone and asphalt—to stay. It is a creature of the fields; yet it serves out its life in hard streets. Its stable is of brick or cement, in a wilderness of brick. The average horse, having once left the pasture for the city, never sets hoof again on earth. Al- ways pavements, stone, brick. And the horse, rather than decreas- ing in numbers in -face of the advance of mechanical,geeius, is increasing in Toronto. For delivery purposes, at for dairies, bakeries and shops with onerous short stops, the horse has not yet been equalled. Mr. R. "McKeag; superintendent of pounds of a 4-8-4 fertilleer per acre. the R. Simpson Company's delivery That is one containing 4 per cent, service, says: "The horse pulls up, the driver is off'the wagon before it stops, delivers his parcels, and as he approaches his cart, the horse is already under way. With a car, on the other hand, the driver has to pull up, adjust his en- gine and brakes, then dismount; come back, climb in, get set and start his engine away. In speed, for numerous short stops, the car• will never, 'I be- lieve, displace the horse." Mr.. Austen, superintendent of the City Dairy's stables, says: " The horse learns his route and so renders an invaluable service. A trained horse will do a route in, say, six hours. Put a strange horse on this route, and it will take at least one and a half hours longer, because of the time lost through the horse. The intelligence of the horse is a very important fac- tor in the delivery problem." Yet all these thousands of horses are not specially trained for city de- livery work. Neither Simpson's nor the City Dairy employ trainers to teach the horses these tricks of rapid Ri lI;13110Blrehaln neem A1dd ,acakie>t'broadea a bartaved tn:; Thorou �'e� siloQn qif the sail bh �p y. Plowing and ,workinfj deeply' is advisable. The lana psliffafly travelled- With a smoothing' .'Barrow and the. Plants set in rows three and'a half feet apart and fourteen incites apart in the row. Closer planting, is un- necessary and does not permit of easy cultivation between the rows and opportunity of picking without tramping on the vises. The planting is done by pushing a spade into the soil, pressing it to 'one side and dropping a plant with roots spread fan -shape into the opening, including the crown of the plant to .the top of the level soil and pressing the ilarth firmly aroundthe plant with the, heal or tome other way and- finally levelling with loess earth around the crown of the plant. This is quickly done. The import- ance' of pressing the soil firmly around the plant is very great and the plant should be sufficiently fires,» so that if the plant is pulled by a I leaf the leaf will break before the plant will pull out. Only young , plants should be set; that is, plants of the previous season's growth. the planting should be done early, in fact, the earlier the better. Much of the failure with strawberries is due to late planting. This is a job that can be done in 'the early spring, the sooner the plant becomes established the earlier the formation of runner plants, and the earlier these runner plants form, the larger and better developed are the crowns, without which strong stalks of well -formed fruit are impossible. The summer cultivation should be shallow to kill weeds and form a loose surface in which the plant can root without difficulty. As the run- ners develop the cultivator should be narrowed, so that the runners are not disturbed after they commence to form planta and greet care is necessary to avoid disturbing the plants at this time. Some of the runners may he shifted to give a more even distribution of plants along the row, and su�me hand hoeing will be necessary to prevent weeds from growing later. It is wise to plan for a new planta - Opp every year, as it le difficult to keep weeds under control the second dear without much hand hoeing. It will be found that the Senator Dunlap is cue of the best varieties to. plant. Blossoms are likely to develop on the spring set plants 'Aleph 10 ved kindly driver, it picks up those I nv`the heall se shouldenergy into ren'Ulevelntr tricks of stopping, starting and turn- p- ing at the right places. It comes j ment of runners as early as possible. V ratural, as the drivers say. The scese at the loading decks WHt IS THERE A "BEST MAN" of the big departmental stores when AT A WEDDING the hundred or more waggons, are When we dig back into the origin of many of the customs which sur- round marriaige, even when it is re garded in the light of a religious ceremony, it is surprising to find the number of signs' which point di- rectly to the days when a wed- ding was merely a matter of agree- ment between a man and a woman, and force, rather than courtship, was the principal argument used. The first form of marriage out- side of a tribe was the "marriage by capture." The bridegroom simply went out, accompanied by a friend or two, seized upon some woman who apliealed to him, and carried her off to his home. In modern mar- riage the very name of "best man" is supply the successor to the strong- au•med warrior who assisted the groom to carry off his bride, just as the wedding ring symbolized the thongs with which the bride was bound, and the old shoes thrown after the couple, take the place of the missiles hurled by the pursuers of the past.. The honeymoon itself is nothing more than the space of time when the captor had to hide his prize from her kinsmen until their consent had been gained. HOW RHEUMATISM CAN BE OVERCOME Not By Rubbing, But By Enrich- ing the Blood. Rheumatism is a disorder of the blood. It attacks people when the blood is overcharged with acid and impurities, thus netting up inflamma- tion in the muscles and joints. Wet weather or cold weather may start the tortures of rheumatism, but it is not the cause. The cause is in the blood. Victims of this malady have every reason to fear the first dull ache in the limbs and joints, followed by sharp pains through the flesh and muscles; these are the symrptons of 'poison in the blood, which will shortly leave the victim painracked and help- less. Liniments, hot applications and rubbing may give temporary ease, but cannot possibly root the -trouble out of the system. Thai can only be done by enriching the blood. This new blood drives nut the poisonous im- purities, and the rheumatism disap- pears. If you are a sufferer from this painful malady, begin the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and see how soon the pain and stiffness of the joints fade away. Among those who have benefitted by the use of these pills is Mr. Freeman Irving, Baxter Harbor, N.S., who says: "Some time ago my blond was in a terrible con- dition, leaving me very much run floor, water themselves at the big , down, and with boils breaking out on trough and then unerringly select 1 my body. To add to my misery rheu- their own stalls out of the hundreds. matism set in, and I not only auffer- ed greatly from the pain, but could THE STRAWBERRY PLANTATION only get around with the greatest Whatever else is neglected, one difficulty. After trying several med- should not fail to start a straw icines without much success, I decided berry plantation during the spring. to give Dr. Williams' Pink Pills a Any fairly dry place will grow straw- trial, as they had been warmly re - berries. The ground should be one commended to me. I think I used on which water will not stand during nine boxes altogether, but the results the winter to form ice. niet my every expeetatio', as both Manure at the rate of ten' to 15 the boils and the rheumatism disap- tons per dere may be applied and peared. Naturally I feel that I can - plowed under, or even more may be not praise the pills to highly." used to advantage if no other fertil- You can get Dr. Williams, Pink izers are to be used. It is usually Pills through any dealer in medicine considered wisest to ap ly 6 hundred or by mail at nee at box or six boxes for $2.60 from\ The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Out. h , We never were 'sO. well prepared to +.. Thousands of,yard' of the most be itifi t Goods, Silks, . Embroideries and Lace Goods -:a -Fashion's Prettiist Colors and Patterns in Guaranteed Wash Goods You will .probably enjoy t his springs showing of wash goods more than any you have ever seen: The New Weaves, Pat- terns and Colorings are the most fascinating we have ever shown. This is no ordinary"Tis- lilay—it includes the very • newest Wash Materials, many of which are appear- ing for the first time this season. We want every woman to see the new ideas that harle'- done so much to popularize Wash Materials. Men's Odd Pants If your suit needs an odd pair of pants to help it finish out the season, n•e have just what you want. They are made- of Tweed, Worsted, Serges, well finished, prop- erly trimmed and carefully cut to fit. 5 JO GOODS Use Pictorial Patterns For Your Spring Sewing. Absolute Guarantee for a Perfect Fit, and the Last word in CORRECT STYLE. Men's Work Shirts 99c Men's Work Shirts in black and white and fancy colors. All sizes. Special Price 99c Men's Good Underwear Good in every sense of the word; good in quality, in • make, in fit, in wearing abil- ity and also in reputation, because we still only the very best and tested makes, and the prices considering qual- ity are alt\,tys the lowest. Men's Winter Caps Stylish, comfortable, be- coming and economical, what more could you desire in a cap when you know the price is the lowest possible. PRICES $1 to $2.50 Gorgof Ne eo Goods an No 'where ,Will..' Such practical,, demi, tions of delightful peas ities, color. effects . and weaves in the New Dream Goods and Silks:' You will, stand in admira- tion as you review our, dis. play, unl_okiing as it does ; the story of the very latest' ideas for the coming Spring and Slimmer. We have searched dili- gently ilagently and carefully to ac- cumulate the greatest dress goods display ever shown in Seaforth. How well we have sue; ceeded you shall 'be the judge. Come early while the stocks are complete. Men's Overalls $1.69 Blue and White or Black Overalls with or without the bib, good fasteners, elastic back, heavy weight Derry, well made, generously cut, good fit. New Linoleums for Spring are Here There is an exceptionally attractive array of very pleasing patterns and delightful color schemes in both light and dark shades. The New Floral and Block Patterns are particularly enticing, while the imitations of hardwood floorings are perfect, AND WE CARRY ALL WIDTHS IN STOCK. Come in a'nd see for yourself. The prices will please you. r The New Spring Suitings for Men's Made -to -Measure Suits are Here We were fortunate in purchasing our New Suits for Spring many months ago. It gives us the advantage o f showing the new suit- ings earlier. But more important than this, we bought at the new pric- es and succeeded in get- ting our stocks selected from cloths of guaran- teed colors. This is important to you because we have hundreds of stylish cloths here from which we can make you a per- fect fitting suit and guarantee the suit to positively keep its color, and we will do this at VERY REASONABLE PRICES. Men's Work Mitts Special plowing and choring Mitt, we have a complete range in every size and weight of all the reliable ma. terials. PRICES 50c to $1.75 Men's Odd Work Vests We have one hundred Men's Working Vests, all made of remnants of Tweeds, Serge and Worsteds, well lined, good pockets, strong- ly sewn, and all sizes from 33 to 46. PRICES $1.50 to $2 STEWART BROS., - Seaforth