HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1921-04-15, Page 5hrrah.ltar tAci=rJ !) 1 ii, rh. ut,;xwi �a4:ae4a, 1 PeRao EV' tat$Ofe, X • • , a . r Vier Cwt' x401, IlpeLsl „ •. lei," per Ixtehol ,. nos, per ton BIRTHS dentin. --At Joseph, en Me rete IRA. to Mr. and lin. Joe. Oantft4 a dsn*hta. - Scott -At Fataabar, on Aprill Os to Mr. and 8[e., Godthaab, Il, o s MYrebti811A. m liaison.Rm. Albert eh, oa Itp�ethdl lisp-t:bo O. Horton, s deughitz. TAnd Mrs. Mabee*, ,ass . to 7[r. and At peat *Mamie amebas. meb Kt.ti tdiw aWl 11n. .Mina clelpett MARRIAGES In Perlin. on March home of the boi4Vi Wa. 4 Mea* 1naM. Env. Fostonqf x801, MaeiKmxule, to Mr.' Wm. Clifford Cboweo. son of Mr. and Mrs,Wel. Chews% of Fdlerton. • E*eDe_ --0kinaer.-AtMain Street Meth. diet psao i*ib by Y. W. fL H. Mo-• Rioter. on March a Mr. William 0. Hooper.of Hay townehin, to Mime Eva F. Skinner, t /het.", Rrvegor-Horner.- .t Hay Township, on March 80th, Rim Myrtle M. Horner to Mr. Elmer E. Krueger, botb of Hay Town- ship. DEATHS Grieve. --111 Summon, Seek., on Sunda', April 8, 1921, Johannah Grieve, wife of the late Robert Grieve, age 70 years. Randa. -In Hallett.n Aril 10th, Mary 1011nabeth' Kande, relict of the lata Edward Rands, aged 78 years, 10 months and 10 days. Beaver. -In Exeter North, on April let, Samuel Beaver, aged 41 year*. Brown. -Io. Clinton, en April 4th. Sarah Manning, wife of Mr. lobes Brown, In her 67th year. Barden. -in Mitchell, on April 1st, Edward Barden, he the 65th year et hit M re. -In Logan, on Mardh 26th, Agnea Lorena, beloved infant daughter of Mr. sad Mrs. John„Moore, dged 8 days. IN MEMORIAM In loving memory of Will F. Burgard, second eon of Mr. and the late Mrs. Bergen]. who died August 14, 1908; Ferdie Bmrgard, who died June 10, 1909, and our mother. who died July 4, 1919, and France, who died April 18, 1920. _ Shed not In vain the silent tear, Nor weep with deep regret, 'Tb but the casket holds the Blend. The gem le °Darkling yet A few short years of sorrow Bast We'll reach the happy shore Where death -divided friends at last Shall meet to part no more. 'Tie God that lift ear comfort. high Or •lake them in the grave. He given, and when He take° away, Be takes but what He gave. -Ever remembered by Husband and Family, CARD' OF THANKS 1 wish to extend to the Firemen and Cltisens of Seaforth my hearty appreciation of their ready help and mstmnce at the time my house was destroyed by Ore. Their response will not be soon forgotten. 2788.1 J. W. TREE. IMPORTANT NOTICES VOR BALE. -THREE COWS. DUE TO freshen last week in April. Apply to ROBERT CLARY, R.R. No. 2, Seaforth. Phone 1-245. 2788.2 r' NOTICE. -WE WILL ONLY RUN OUR rhppping mill one day a week during Mutineer months. commencing Tuesday. Agit 191h, 1921. Kruse Bros., Egmondvlle. 2788x2 ANE -QUARTER ACRE LAND, BLACK- ,! smith, woodwork ; good hbtese, able good baro. Cheng. Apply et o fie. HENRY THORNTON, R. R. No. 1, Blyth, Ont, 278822 FOR SALE.-8IR YEAR OLD HORSE that will work or drives GEORGE DRAUREGARD, R. R. No. 2, Seeforth. Phone 1;6-170. 2782x4 FOR SALE, THE KIPPER HALL. -The JUpl;kn Hail t far sale. Apply to W. M. Dols, L,L,B., Suite 6, 8tevena Bldg., Port Huron, Michigan, or phone 1616 Port Huron Central.. 2782-8 D. R. NON -GLARE . LENS. -APPROVED by provincial authorities, one pair, any .fab parcel prat any part Ontario, 81.25, LINCOLN ART GLASS, 8t Catharines. 2780x4 t1t�ESHING OUTFIT FOR SALE.-SAW- er A Massey Peerless Separator, 86 inch with rear cut: 20 IL P. Sawyer & h4nmey traction engine. - Al M good working order. Apply to 301111 TRIMS., BLAKE, R. R. No. 2, Zurich 2775x84f 1'°R SALE. -18 ACRES OF ' CLEARED land on Conseaolon 5, Lot 6. Bullets A barn 24284, driving shad 18x20; hay boin 16x20, a comfortable log house are on the premises. One team of horses, 7 head of 'cattle, cows and calves, also implement. ADP!, on the let J. W. RANDS, No. 2, Seaforth. 2788x2 CHESTER . WHITE PIGS FOR SALE.- Both nixes. I have 2 young boars St for service, Also a somber of young owe that are being bred. Now.. is the time to get something good at a very rexoonoble price, u these are of imported stook pm'ehsaed from John G. Ammeter, Tilbury, Ont Also boar for service. ABRAHAM HUGYLL, Sea - forth, Ont, R. R. No, 2. Phone 6 on 618, Clinton. 2780x4 p 178E BRED SCOTCH BULLS FOR SALE. For sale 4 pore -bred Scotch ' Topped , balls with 10 menses of Imported Scotch r;:,. breeding, sired by Conqueror (Imp.),; one I8 months Old,'' red; one 22 Mos ofd, red; 18 two yearn old, one red and one roan Ci These are grim good animals, both as to Individuals and. to type. and will be flt to bead any herd. Bold' on reasonable terns. Apply on Let 8, Concession 6, Tuckersmlth, r. .r phone 8 on 181. PETER McKAY. 2779-tf `i FARM REPRFSENTATIVE6 WANTED, - The undersigned to agony desires makeconpeldt at Bthis and other good farm - lag below In tate w good men who know district andnd Who can lot, .show and sell dorms to customers produced through .!; sur world-wide edvertieing. We are now re- .,, ceiving 860,000 Inquiries annually from Pee- - ale wanting forme, and with 700 represent• atives and 20 branch Maws 1n United States, '.; with 800 rePre0entativen in Canada and dl. renting oats at; .I.ond9s, England. we can 1' after,. the beat ermnsa.. '.Ign:.o mon hl 1'+drese.,"0 -: AG. ap*aato. Ont, °roe dan5d :MANMien appy �q �2688xi R9. '1_" ..'4 GENERALi1RAN�GE'NT BEES LOAN AGENT DEALER C mo Mi HHINES. nonFou•situated in the Town of *Ai. Terms le. posieesion AM* st asp Ill* kr pardeIIlaes. r44,4,/, '6. k iiths - 0.i t xh .awn A , ththe waYn� weee r i ` the ,heavy breed mains de- F,ermin9d to set; net•eo with the Lag. born. °7lit tote time ekois determin- ed to lay. They will also lay in the winter if properly cared for. Prom Nov. lst: tit April let, ten of our trapnesX.eghhoorns laid 1,086 ogga at an av price of 7>' oenta per dozen Rei cgeh from the ten hens. From birds and others nearly as good we are offering You chicks at 22 cents each delivered at your station, HURON SPECIALTY FARM. Walter Rose - - Brussels, Ont. Phone 38x- Boa 34. 2788-6 FARMS FOR SALT 'WAGE FOR SALE, -100 ACRES OF Melee clay lean, part o1 Lots 82 and 84, Co0oeselon 4, McKIlhrp. Ko open ditches, no waste land ; well tile drained, and all fenced with woven wire. Large bank barn 100.36 feet with plenty of light, oleo straw shed 40 by 20 feet with drive horse underneath. All cement doors, also water gonvi700 through - oat. Four aereo of bush. Good eubstantial frame house, 8 moose, furpase, hard and soft water, rural mail and telephone. Four miles from f me geats eek" 14 mile from sande). Easy f I�aank,, Apply n the premised or address T$O$AS W. McMILLAN, Bea- brth P: 0„ a..R. No. 2. 2780-tf 14 ARMS FOR SALE. -100 ACRES, LOT 12, Conceseion 6, in the Township of Tucker - 'ankh. 8 miles from Seaterlh, 6 miles from Rrucefleld and Kippen, convenient toechoed' and church; 96 acres cleared, remainder In maple bfeeh. On this farm are excellent build- ings and are In Mat -Mess repair; hard and soft water in the house and In at,blo; 2 wells, 1 having a windmill. 'rob farm 1. thoroughly under drained and fenced and In n high state of cultivation, never having been heavily crapped. This in In every way a first class and up-todate farm. Alpo Lot 27, Concession 12, in the Township of HIb. bert, ceetnining 100 acres; 80 acres cleared and thoroughly u0derdrniued and fenced, the remainder la in first dace maple bush: On the prsmiaee is a comfortable frame house and good barn 46x56 with stone stabling; Klee good well with Indmill. This farm is all seedW to grass and le In excellent condi- tion, having been cropped very little; situ- ated within 6 mile. of Hansell, quarter of mile from school. There ie bong dietanee telephone connection on both farms, also rural mall delivery. These farms will be sold together or separably to cult purchaser and onarable terms. For further par• timbers apply to: the proprietor, on Lot 12. Coaoesslon 6, Ineftersmlth, or Seaforth P. 0., A R. No, 4, or s�pyy ne 14 on 181, SooJerth THOMAS 0. SHILLINGLAW, Proprietor. AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE. -MR. C. W. ROBINSON has been instructed to sell by public Suction at the village of Kippen on These - day, April 21st, at 1.80 e'eloek, the follow- ing Property: One reliable driving hone, 1 buggy, 1 light wagon, 1 cutter, 1 light sleigh, 5 paeeenget Ford baring eamales r. 1 neo ales 1200 pounds capacity, set single herrn°, collar and harems, I cook stove, I coal heater with oven, 1 mal oil stave, 1 coal oil heater, 2 Mtenslon tables, 1 kitchen table, dining room chair., kitten chain, rockera, buffet, side board, glees cupboard, 1 bed room suite, w•ashatand and dresser. . bedeteada springs and mattress, crib bed, Bouch, thanes, ted centre tables, Bell piano, bicycle, hanging lamp, pbtares, dishes, hope, window shades, and other artieles too numerous to mention. Terms, -All sums of '*60.00 and under, cash ; over. �a�a t 6 menthe' credit will be lithe V. burnt sig approved joint nota. A dbebunrr" of+ 6 per cent off far cash on credit amount. . ROBERT BROWNLEE, Proprietor; C. W. Robinson. Auetiomeer. 2788-f CLEARING AUCTION SALE OF FARM Stock, implements and Furniture. Jas, Jones, auctioneer, hes recabved instructions from Mr. Daolol Reid, to sell 'by public auction on Lot 17, Concession 16, Township of Logan, on Th9day, April 19th, 1921, the following; Hones. -Heavy draught' mare 8 Years old, heavy draught horse 7 years-. old, general purpose burse 10 years old, general Purpose horse 4 years old. Cattle. --Three newly calved oows, 5 cows due to' calve in April and May,heifer due to calve at time or sale, 2 farrow f: 2 fat steers, 8 steers 2 years old, heifer '2 ears old, 10 choice yearlings, 8 betters, 2 steers. Swine and Fowl. -2 sows due-, to farrow about time o1 sale. 10 stock . hops weight about 140 pound., 9 pigs 6 weeks 4111, 100 hens, hen turkey. Implement, Eta -McCormick binder 7 foot cut, 2 Deering mowers nearly new, hay loader, side delivery rake, horse rake, Frost & Wood 12 -hoe disc drill, Meesey,Hareis cultivator with need box and grass mod attachment, steel land roller new, dice har- row, 2 Fleury plows, potato digger, new souther, 2 hay rooks, set slings, hay fork, 2 lumber wagone, 1 new; pair bobsleighs, new rubber tire top boggy, steel tire top buggy, open boggy. cutter. Clinton fanning mill, set .Dales 2,000 lbs, capaefty, 8 est double harems, 8 set single harness, New Century washing machine, Standard cream separator, milk 25 gal. capallty, 00112 retie, 25 ode woven fence; sugar kettle. wire stretcher, grain Backe, stone boat, wheel barsow, grindstone, Daisy churn,, quantity cedar poet, about' 16 cords wood, some coal, chains, forks and, a host of other articles. Furniture, Eta -Parlor ebvo. extension table, 2 Parlor tables, 2 couches, sewing me- chtne, 4 bedroom °elites, 2 rocking chairs, 8 kitchen chairs, about 500 bnehele oat. 150 bushels barley, 80 bushels pees. Sale com- men.. at I o'clock pm. sharp. Terms. -All MTV_ of 610 apd under,. cash ; over that amount 9 months' credit will be elven en furnishing approved joint note,. A discount of 0 per cent per annum off for cads OD credit amount. Positively no reserve WI the r has sold his farm and is` retiring, REID, Proprietor; James Jones, ser for .Perib, and Huron. 2788-1 rl f FE$'1tI'LIZER As the. season is advancing we must be up and doing. Although prices for all farm produce are lower, we can not stop; we must carry on. There is more profit and more pleasure in growing a good crop than a poor one. Fertilizer and good farming go together. There 1s more Fertilizer being used every year. It increases the yield and practically insures the ca$o of grass seeds, which will piny the cost of it. We Wave no hesitation in recom- meading.it for all:ldnds of crops 'where the land is at all run down, and for all; kjalds of roots, pas- tures, ort psi' and' it is con- iettle, paper than ft was last rat OBS it I will try to gide Item' nd that Will suit their., land.All Fertilizers g+nail}Ant0dR .,contain what it is sold for�d; Td he • wised to have your order.If Pain not see tae pampa COWAN. _s,cn Wkowledge di hila. The pgsi* Re sand the work and.:: p fitabl(, tierce not eerie/Ala we tral a .you. Exclusive ter/rl- *ry liberal Go -operation and ezoefIbnt pay.... To men of energy, ability and absolute integrity thio position offers a valuable association, and one that ie of real service to the commDnity. Write us to -day. The Shinn Mfg, Co. of Canada Guelph - Ontario Seety. & Man., - W. II. DAY (Formerly Professor of Physics at the Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph.) CR 1 iIU TRUNIt MPV M The Double Track Route Between MONTREAL TORONTO DETROIT, and CHICAGO. iJnexcelled Dining Car Service. Sleeping cars on Night Trains and Parlor Cars on principal Day Trains, Full information from any Grand Trunk Ticket Agent or C. E. Horning, District Passenger Agt., Toronto, W. R. Plant O Phone 4w, Agent o WATBR, SOIIa, SUN- LIGHT AND CARE will not make your garden a success unless you sow Ike propm seeds. Experienced gardeners fio*l that our. seeds produce "invariably the finest and choicest flowers and vegetables. Our, seeds, being, specially selected, will give you special results. Give us a trial order. We: have some No, 1 Seed Peas_ -at $1.65 per bushel, W. M. Stewart MAIN STREET PHONE 77 Victory, Govern- ment and Muni- cipal Bonds Sold at current rates and deliver- ed free of expense, R. S. HAYS, SEAFORTH, ONT. 2778-tf e O -o-0---o-0-0 0-0-0- O 0 ' o—O--O9 i Here's Your Chance Men to secure a First -Class Cus- tom -Tailored Suit or Top 'Coat for Spring Wear, made to your own individual mea- surements, by the producers of 'Clothes of Quality. To introduce 'CIothes of Quality' FREE PANTS O will be given with every Suit or Top Coat ordered Saturday or Monday. A wide range of Fabrics and Patterns. T to select from. Special Prices $27up An exceptionally wide range of salflples to choose from—all of the latest Spring Materials and Patterns. Come to our Store .To -morrow and make sure of sharing in this great offer. You not only get the Finest High -Grade Clothing made to mea- sure but alsq ';an EXTRA PAIR OF TROUSERS FREE with every garment ordered. All Clothes sold with a Guarantee of Absolute I• Satisfaction or Your. Money Back. Note. -The special representative from the 'Clothes of Quality' Company, of Toronto, will be . at the store To -morrow to show -samples and to give ex- pert attention to Customers' measurements. Sale for One Week Only APRIL 16th TO 23rd At 0i MY WARDROBE " MAIN STREET - - - - SEAFORTH P'Q O -o -O-0 0 O E E C -11 +NUMIIIINIMIN11IMINIMUMtI IERIUDENNHt W IN WYIN11IMMU11 IEREIM1 111111111flIHHulnnlHlpllningHtttmuIMEDI tuunlnlHnnn111111IB1111tuunHl, ARE YOU A MAN OR WOMAN Brave enough to Face the Future? Big enough to Assume a Responsibility? Far-seeing ?enough to Prepare for Misfortune.? Ambitious endtzgh to Increase your Estate Immediately? Patriotic enon to Provide for your Own? Energetic enspgb to be Making a Good Livelihood. Healthy enough to Pass a Medical Examination? Then clip this, advertisement. Fill in coupon and send to S. C. COOPER, Inspector Northern Life Asemonce Co. BOX K. SEAFORTH EXPOSITOR OFFICE. NAME ADDRESS Date Bern day of Is the year 91 031430113 ess•tfwrtfl}fra8� T�1�+, >3es . 4 Pleefere' 4 Phone Mirk or Dfy. 119 , 0 004:000.4000 00,00 0000 O000O0.0QQ 0 W.T''BOX JiCO. 0 0 Embalmer and 0 0 Funeral Direetora O O H-C.Box O 0 Holder of Government 0 0 Diploma and License 0 O Charges moderate 0 0 Flowers fuf'nished on short 0 0 notice. 0 O Night Calle Day Calls 0 O Phone 175 Phone 43 0 000000000 000 0 0000 000000000 000000000 W. S. GORMLEY Embalmer and Funeral Director Undertaking Parlors 4bove M. Williams' Grocery Store. Main Street, Seaforth. Flowers furnished on short notice. Charges Moderate Phone—Night or Day -192 0 000000000000.0 FURS WANTED 000 Muskrats at once. Ali kinds of Raw Furs, delivered at the Dick House, Seaferbh. Idighebt Cash Prises. G. E. HENDERSON, 2766-tf Licensed Buyer. FIRE NOTICE The attention of the public is called t.r by-law guvernfng the taking out of Fire Truck from the hall, etc. The Fire Truck shall not leave the hall for a call unless accompanied by two firemen. No person not a quali- fied fireman is permitted to ride on the truck unless requested to do so by a member of the Brigade. By order. SEAFORTH FIRE BRIGADE H. R. Stott, Secy. , i PA D.UP-CAPITAI;, RESERVE FUND e 4 5 lel 11 SEAFORTH-$RANCIi', J G.. Mules,• Ju7 FORDSON TRACTOR Power Farming These are the days of PROGRESS, and Power on the faun is necessity, A Fordson Tractor means more prosperityfor owner. Prosperity means increased production, the saving that eomes from the use of a machine instead of horses; the release of some drudgery for both man and wife. The Fordson Tractor is simple in design and sturdily constructed of the best known steel. It has the necessary power to perform every bask an ordinary farmer has to do, and in addition is es. ceptionally economical to operate. Call at Daly's Garage for further particulars. We have a. num- ber of second-hand Fords for gale. J. F. DALY, Seaforth AUTHORIZED FORD DEALER Thomas A. Beattie, Salesman. i THE EV -1 OF PROHIBITION Look at Russia United States Other Pro- vinces Before deciding in favor of Prohibition let every resident of the Province take stock of the results of similar enactments in other countries and prov- inces and then 'consider whether a Prohibitionist Ontario would be a desirable place to live in. Was Russia not 'a Paradise before it poured its Vodka into the Neva as compared with the conditions that prevail to -day ? The " Little Giant " of organized labor in America, Sam Crimpers, says r "I believe that Bolshevism in Russia began in Prohibition!" The United States; after two years vainly attempting to become bone-dry, now realizes that its Prohibition blunder has iiwaded and upset the habits of the nation, and threatens to wreck its social, and economic fabric. In those provinces of the Dominion where, by a minority vote. Prohibition was recently foisted on the people, the ramblings of discontent can already be distinctly heard. Throughout this continent wherever so-caihlel MIR prohibition has gon into effect, liquor is still readily obtainable—at a price. Illicit manufacture and bootlegging is rampant, the use of poisonous drugs is increasing daily and crime and unrest prevails. A SANE TEMPERANCE MEASURE NEEDED Ontario is about to choose between these evils and the safer, saner policy of Government Control, which assures the wisest regulation of liquor—its importation, sale and use. Through Government Control, Temperance can be attained without violating the per- sonal rights of the people. The Citizen's liberty League, which stands for moderation in all rigs, headed by some of the ablest _pubfie-spirf ud men of tario, is fighting in your interests for Government Control. You*areme�urged �to�heelp by voting 1401 to the R fialsrn,slnt C aiWARIO TE:11ilaPli litNCE IMII YIm 7s