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The Huron Expositor, 1921-04-08, Page 5
f ,f 1 - peaillorth,: A fid9161tt Butter, per lb ,15 to ' Sia Eggs ,,,per dozen ... ${ to 6e Potatoes, per bag .,.. , , .,.e0 Hoge, per owt. Wheat, per bushel ;1,811 .Oats, per budlel 00' Barley, per bushel Bran, per ton $40.00 Shorts, per ton Flour, per cwt. $6,26 tv.60 BIRTHS Montgomery. -In Harpurhey, on. April 7th, to M. and Mrs. Wm. Montgomery, a aan. Vttley.-In Resdorth, on AprU 6th, to Mr. d Mrs, Joseph UtUay, a coil. Graham. -In Stanley, on Mardi 24th, te Mr. and Mrs. Harry Goldie Graham, a sea Kramkopf.--In M,KWop,i ea March 26th. to Mr. and Mn. Albert Kranskopt, a daugh- ter. 18Wott-In Tarnberry, on Manes 28rd, to Mr. and Mrs. Jame, J. Elliott, a d mgh- ter, Oann.-In EaeWr, on March .29th• to Mr. and Mm. 8. J. V. Cane, •n. e, Madge. -In Usboraon March 27th, to Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Madge, a daughter. McNichol. -In Usborne, n March aL to Mr. and Mn. John McNI/Mel, a ter. Bell. -In Morrie townehlp, on March 2 to Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Bell, a daughter. MARRIAGES Spackman -Peek. --In Goderich, on March 29, by the •Rev. R. C. McDonald, Lillian Peck, • of Stanley, to Robert W. Spackman, of Bayfield. Roberta -Vivian. -In Mitchell,' on March 28. at the residence of the bride'. parent, by the Rev. H. J. Urea, Laura Edna, daughter nt Mr. and Mn. Gedrge Vivian. of Mitchell, to Mr. Dee M. Roberta, of Toronto. Jardine---Cathera.-On March 28rd, at the home of the bride'e parents, by Rev. A. McKibbin, H.A., Mr. William T. Jardine, of - Tugaske, S.A.. to Mee Alma. third daughter of Robert and Mn. Cather, of the fourth tones•ion, Hawick. DEATHS Baird. -In Stanley, on Match 24th, Margaret MoDermM. wife of Tbottra. Heird, aged 86 years, Jackson. -In McKillop, on Diener 28rd, Theo- dore, only child of Fred H and Mn. Jack - eon. aged 8 yearn and 6 months. McCollum. -In McKillop township, on March 29th. James McCallum, aged 80 years, 10 months and 4 da,. Chrietle.--In Exeter, on March 26th, Charlet gheetie, aged 79 years and 6 months. Crawley, -In Exeter. on March 28tp, George Eli Crawley, aged 67 year. and 2 menthe. IMPORTANT NOTICES FOR SALE. -81% YEAR OLD HORSE, that will work or drive. GEORGE BEAUREGARD, R. R. No. 2, Seaforth, Phone 18.170. 2782,4 FOR BALE. THE KIPPEN HALL. -The Kipper Hell d for sale. Apply to W. M. Doig, L.L.B., Suite 6. Stevens Bldg., Port Huron. Michigan. or phone I616 Port Huron Central. 2782-2 FOR SALE. -FIFTY ACRES OF GRASS lend, East Half Lot 4, Concession 8. Tuckenmtth, 1* miles that of Egmondville. Apply to JAMES J. McQUADE, 818 Ford Ave, Highland Park. Mich., or PETER H. Mr0RATH, St. Columban. 2781.2 H008 FOR SERVICE. -MR. THOMAS Harris, of near Chiselhunt, has two Thoroughbred Yorkshire hogs for service, 1 old one and one young one, and also a num- ber of pure-bred young Yorkshire sows for sale. Anyone wanting good sows will do well to call and see them. Phone 17-140 Sea. forth Central. 2181.2 FOR SALE. -ONE-QUARTER ACRE OF land. Good blacksmith business. Good house and barn. Cheap. Apply at once for particulars. HENRY THORNTON, R. R. 1. Blyth, Ont. 278182 RR. NON -GLARE LENS. -APPROVED be provincial authorities• one pate era, sire, parcel psi any part Ontario, .1.26. LINCOLN ART GLASS, St. Catharines. 2780,4 FOR SALE. -A • FORDSON TRACTOR equipped with governors and pulleys, nearly new. Also • 2 -furrow plow and doubly dint. JOHN McDONALD, Woltos, Phone 222.18, McKillop, or 18, Morrie and Grey. 2779-tf FOR SALE. -IN THE VILLAGE OF WAL- ton consisting of two lob, brick house, barn, well and d atern. For particulars apply to MRS. JORN 8. RITCHIE, R. R. No. 8, Walton, Ont. 27794 THRESHING Oi7TFI'r FOR SALE,-SAW- er & Massey Peerless Separator, 86 inch with rear cut; 20 H. P. Sawyer & Massey traction engine. All in good working order. Apply te JOHN THIRSK, BLAKE, R. R. No, 2. Zurich. 2776.84f CHESTER WHITE PIG8 FOR SALE. - Both sees, I have 2 young boars flt for eervlce. Also a number of young eowe that are being bred. Now is the time to get something good at a very reasonable price, e a these are of imported ,tock purchaoed from John G. Anneeser, Tilbury, Ont. Also boar for service. ABRAHAM HUGILL, Sea - forth, Ont, R. R. No. 2. Phone 8 on 616, Clinton. 2780,4 PURE BRED SCOTCH BULLS FOR SALE. For sale 4 pure-bred Scotch Topped bullawith 10 crows of imported Scotch breeding, aired by Conqueror (Imp.); one 16 montho old, red; one 22 months old, red; 2 two years old, one red and one roan. These are extra good animals, both as to individuals and to type, and wit) be At to bead any herd. Sold on reaaonnble terms. Apply on Lot 8, Concession 8. Tuckenmith, oe phone 8 on 181. PETER McKAY. 2778-21 AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD EF- fects. Mr. Thomas Brown has been in- otructed to sell by public auction at UO,,pp Dominion Hotel Dublin, on Saturday, April 9th. at 2 o'clock p.m., the following: One extension table, 9 kitchen chairs, 1 °eyeing maohine, 2 kitchen tables, 2 cupboards. dishes, tinware, glaeewsre, lamps, picture., carpets, lawn mower, 2 dressers, 4 "wash Olinda, 2 feather beds, 2 wooden beds, 2 iron beds with epringn,. and other article. too numerous to mention. No reserve am the Proprietor is leaving Dublin. Tonne-0ash. JOHN MURRAY, Proprietor; Thee. Brown, Auction 2782.1 A730TION SALE OF FARM STOOK AND lmulemente. Tho. Brown has been in- structed . to tell by public auction on West Half of Lot 29 Conc./Mon 12, McKillop, on Thursday, April 7th, 1921, at one n'ebok Ism., the following: Honor, -Ono bene 7 years old, 1 mare 8 years old, 1 horse 10 Team old. Cattle -One cow flee years eld milking two month.., 1 now 8 years old, fresh' 1 cow 9 yeah old due April 8th. 1 cow 9 Peers old rine May 18th, 2 yearling, 2 young =Ives, 2 chunk% of Pigs about 126 lbs., 26 bens. Implements.. -McCormick mowlrr near- ly new, Beed , dkc, odlt)vator, bay rake, 9 station harOOws, walking Plow, muter, wagon, 2 ion ea, 1 set sleigh%. 1 cutter, set scales, net bre harness. 2 eels Bingle harness. one new, fanning mill, gravel box, " . wagon box and stack rack. logging opsin. box, cream eepaeater nearly new, Hetet ,aamilton cutting box, nearly new, set n was, Mdse, number of cap blacked and spites, 2 sugar kettles, Daley churn, 1 bedstead, about 200 "bush. n f oats, 76 bushels of barley, end other rticle leo nnmerouo to mention. The farm, consisting of 00 acres. we, be aced 20r sale at the game time and place. -Ail aims of Mg and under. (moth : Aver that amount 9 months' credit will be given on furnishing approved joint notes. M de/mount of 4 p4 mt. pee=WM for cub. FRED JACHB0N, Proineeter - "1'aoeam Strewn, Auctioneer. 2781-1 GOVERNMENT TINTED SEED l tke Seed you can depend on. Vie - it our store and tnapa©t our We are uas nloading a p of Motu*gooat p�, " Get Your supply in before ataitg.We M. Stewart MAIN STREET PHONE 77 FARMS FOR SALE FARM FOR SALE. -00 ACRES CHOICE land, Lot 8, N. Boundary Hay Township; 10 acres good hardwood bob. good bank burn and shad, etre 92.48, and 28x26. Frans house, and two good wells. Two and one - ball mils weet of Klppea Apply on the premises. MRS. CATHERINE COCHRANE. R. R. No. 2, Hensen. 2770.4 FARM FOR BALE.-Fba SALE LOT 6, Concession 6,H.1L8.. Tuekersmith, con- talaieg 100 three; 90 acres cleared. 10 scree bush. - Bank barn on cement wall; frame house and Bummer kitchen, lie acre, good orchard. 2 • never -falling wills, good sell, hool at corner of the farm, 03). miles from Seaforth. This t an excellent farm and will be sok) on reasonable terms. Poses - aim given on Apra Lt For further par ticulare apply to 8108. vat. CHESNEY, Erma dvsle Post Office 2780x8 FwaM FOR SALE. -l00 ACRES OF choice clay loam. part ,f Lod 88 and 84, Concession 4, McKillop. No epee ditches, no waste land; well tile drained, and a1l fenced with woven wire. Large bank barn 100416 feet with peaty of Itght, al40 threw shed 40 by 20 feet with drive home underneath. All cement doors, also water ooavleoce through- out, Four acts of bath. Good eubetantial f am home, 8 chem, furnace, hard and •oft water, rural mall and telephone. Four mils from Seaforth, 15 mile from school• try term. for quick thin Apply on the premiss or address T0011AR W. MCMILLAN, 8eet- forth P. 0., R. R. No. 2. 278041 FAIIMS FOR 8A140.-100 ACRES, LOT 11, Contestfpp 6. 1n the Township of Tucker .mlth, 8 milt from Seaforth, 6 miles from Brueefiel4 and Klppen, convenient to school and church; 86 acres cleared, remainder in maple bush. On th1s farm are excellent bund. Ingo and are 1n ant -clan.- repair; hard and .ort water In the house and In tables; 2 well.. 1 having • windmill. This farm 1. thoroughly under drained and fenced and In a high .tate of cultivation, never having been heavily cropped This is in every way a first class and upeto-date farm. Also Lot 27. Concession 12. 1n the Township .f bare., containing 100 acro: 80 acres cleared and thoroughly uaderdralned and fenced, the remaiqder is 1n first class maple beth. On the peembes le a comfortable frame hoot. .nil yood burn 48x68 with atone •fabling; alto good well with i nl. Thio farm ls all seeded tow le i grass end fes n excellent condi. Sion. hating been cropped very little; situ- ated within 6 miles of 04,neall, quarter of mile from .chool. There le loug dhmnce telephone connection on both flume, aide rural mall delivery. These farm, will be sold together or separately to .uit porch..er end on rewonable terms. For further par- ticulars apply to the proprietor, on Lot 12, Concession 8, Taokenmith, or Seaforth P. O.. R. 8. No. 4, or phone 14 on 181, Seararth. THOMAS 0. RHILLINGLAw, Proprietor. JAMES. WATgON GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT REAL ESTATE AND LOAN AGENT DEALER IN SEWING MACHINES. Four good houses for sale, conveniently situated in the Town of Seaforth. Terms reasonable and possession given promptly. Apply at my Moe for particulars. FURS WANTED 800 Muskrats at once. All kinds of Raw Furs, delivered at the Dick House, Seaforth. Highest Cash Prices. G. E. HENDERSON, 2766-tf Licensed Buyer. FIRE NOTICE The attention of the public is called to by-law governing the taking out of Fire Truck from the hall, etc. The Fire Truck shall not leave the ball for a call unless accompanied by two firemen. No person not a quali- fied fireman is permitted to ride on the truck unless requested to do so by a member of the Brigade, By order. SEAFORTH FIRE BRIGADE. H. R. Scott, Secy. NOTICE A meeting of the McKillop Council will be held at the Carnegie Library Hall on Friday, April 8th, 1921, at the hour of 1.30 p.m. F. J. WeQUAID, 2782-1 Reeve. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC Notice is hereby given that we have closed om' business'in Eglnoad- ville for some time, but will resume same on further notice. 2782x1 MURRAY BROS. GRANO TRUNK sY'S W M The Double Track Route Between MONTREAL TORONTO DETROIT, and CHICAGO. Unexcelled Dining Car Service. Sleeping care on Night Trains and Parlor Cars on principal Day 't'rains. Full information from aay Grand Trunk Tieket Agent or C. E. Roraing, District Passeag9a Agt., W. R. Plant Agent Phone 4w, 1 - our r ai Why pay big prices for outside Flour when the Home Product.can be bought at greatly 'reduced prices. Rob Roy High Grade Manitoba, ',per bag.... $5.35 Chieftian-Blended, per bag.... 5.10 Clansman -Superior Pastry, per bag4.65 Ask The Grocer Rob`Roy Mills Limited You Get Full Value in Berger Clothes "Clothes of Quality" we smartly tailored in a wide variety of new styles. They are offered at reasonable prices within the reach of all. We have over one hundred wimples to select from. including guaranteed fast - dye Botany gage, of pre- war quality and paces. We are also showing a wide range of plain and fancy worsteds, mixture tweeds, and everything that is new in designs and colorings_ Wardrobeat My Suits $24 up FORDSON TRACTOR Power Farming These necessity. A Fordaon Tractor means mare prosperity for the owner. ns fromPthepuseyof as machilteanste ed production, horses; the elthe easeat of some drudgery for both man and wife. The Fordson Tractor is simple in design and sturdily constructed of the best known steel. It has the necessary power to perform every task an ordinary farmer has to do, and in addition is ex- ceptionally economical to operate. Call at Daly's Garage for further particulars. We nave a num- ber of second-hand Fords for sale. are the days of PROGRESS, and Power on the farm is a J. F. DALY, Seaforth AUTHORIZED FORD DEALER Thomas A. Beattie, Salesman. .. Ia11+Ine111nnmlIilmnmllumisImxunullmnuuunnlmmultulf Q MAN OR WOMAN = Brave enough to Face the Future? ▪ Big enough to Assume a Responsibility? Far-seeing enough to Prepare for Misfortune? • Ambitious enough to Increase your Estate Immediately? Patriotic enough to Provide for your Own? Energetic enough to be Making a Good Livelihood. E Healthy enough to Pass a Medical Examination? e: Then clip this advertisement. Fill in coupon and send to 8. C. COOPER, Inspector Northern Life Assurance Co. BOX B. SEAFORTH- EXPOSITOR OFF [CIL ARE YOU A re ▪ NAME ADDRESS 1 Date Born day of la am year 111111111111111111Nm11111IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII MMR11111111111m1111111111111mml11BURR eta�tutq 8.14p y 1 t wtio marks la ow .ila'xtiaa foot, Kd or.0 r ig% asefogw: in_ es er -before the • 1 tb April, 1981. 0166, date executor sold aatate eme emtitt6d, bay - Ina regard oily to . otau,.. 'wwbbiiaphh mtles ehe8 have death received; Dated the 21st Marche, 1921. PROUDFOOT. KILLPRAN & 1101411615. 27804 Seaforth and Goderl4A. Solicitors for Erseater. Victory, Govern- ment and Muni- cipal Bonds Sold at current rates and deliver- ed free of expense. R. 8. HAYS, SEAFORTH, ONT. 2778-tf THE CAN OF CO 'PAW -UP CAPITAL RESERVE FUND SEAFORTH I}RANCH, .1, O. Mae% q 0 0 0 0 00O O O O O O O :O O O O O O O O O O O O O o W. T. BOX & CO. O o S. T. HOLMES 0 Embalmer and 0 0 Funeral Director and 0 O Funeral Directors 0 0 Licensed Embalmer 0 o 1 '.., C. BOX o 0 Undertaking Parlors in O 0 Holder of Government O 0 Beattie Block, opposite The O 0 Diploma and License 0 Charges mmoderateO O Expopitor .Office. Residence 0 O 0 Goderich St., opposite Dr. 0 0 Flowers furnished on short 0 O Scott's. 0 0 notice. 0 0 Flowers furnished On short 0 O Night Calls Day Calls O 0 notice. 0 O Phone 176 phone 48 O O Phone Night or Day 119 0 0000000000000 000000000OOOp O 0000 004409 W. S. GORM ;' O Embalmer and Funeral'`. 0 Director O Undertaking Parlors.. M erti 0 M. Williams' Grocery at.z* O Mt, fo$b. `.. O Flowersain furnishedStreeSeatin sbi> 0 notice. 0 Charges Moderate O Phone -Night or Day -19$: 0000000000040 government Control OR Prohibition Which Does Ontario Prefer? The issue in the coining Referendum is a clean-cut one between total prohibition and Government Control. To make an honest decision in favor of one or the _other, every man and woman in the Province should consider the effects of both. Look on This Picture Today the Ontario Temperance Act is being openly defied, and crime and criminals are being bred whole- sale. As long as there is a demand for liquor there will be a supply, and an attempt to enforce total prohibition is merely playing into the hands of the `bootleggers, who would reap a richer harvest than before. Ten illicit stills would spring up in the place of ev ry one existing at present, the drug habit would incre se amazingly and the general result would be a to 'ng of the standard of morality throughout the Pr ince, an ever-growing contempt for a law which is bound to be violated, and an increasing feeling of distrust and. unrest. This is not romancing, it is a picture painted from life in such countries and com- munities as have already adopted -and regretted -so • called total prohibition. And on This As an alternative the Citizen's Liberty League, which stands for moderation in all things, urges the people of Ontario to make possible the enactment of a sane, safe and practicable Temperance measure under which the' Government would control the sale of every bottle of liquor. Government control respects the sanctity of the home; it replaces the bootlegger, the illicit manufacturer and the drug peddler by a responsible body of men answer- able to the people; it assumes that you are a respect- able citizen until you prove yourself otherwise; it places no stigma on the law-abiding man or ',Roman of decent habits. There will be no more liquor in the Country under Government Control than ander Prohibition and what there is will be pure. • The bar will remain abolished under Government Control -which has proved its efficacy as the enemy of drunken- ness and the champion of True Temperance. T. T. " in the coming Referendum and sip Vote "! N O the Ontario Temperatkce Metzkoria1 for Govertitnent, Control.