HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1921-04-01, Page 5e•
• . now.in•sele.svt r
I• Nuuir 1:41111'
AW Idn3i atItew Furs, deltrered at
Digelfouars, Seaforth: Storiet
2766-tf Licensed Bayer.
la the Seed you can depend on. V1 -
it our store and inspect our goods.
We are ttnioading a car of Flour at
present. Get your simply in before
seeding starts.
W. M. Stewart
Adanad-At Alexandra Hoopital, Goderich, 00
Merck 24th, to Mr. and Mn. W. J. Adams,
a daughter.
Hisigino-to Howell, en March Nth, 10 Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Higgins. • son.
wuns--Devny.--In Stephen, at the home of
the, bride'm parents, on March 23rd, John I
N. Willis, sun of -Mr. Job.. Willis, of
Exeter, to Carrie A., daughter of Mr. and 1
Mrs. Richard Davey, of Stephen-
Gemmill--Bolt- At the parsonage,. Wroxeter,
on March 9th, by the Rev. A. MeXIbbon.
Gerrie, masted by Rev. 'hi. Lymberner, Eva
Bolt to John Germain, lurnberry town-
Trethewey.- In Seeforth, oa March itertb,
Anna M. Vivian, beloved wife of W. H.
Trethewey, aged 73 years, 3 months and 7
Rose. -In Seaforth, on March 2810. Jane
Robson, react of the late John Rosa, aged
89 yams, 4 months and 15 diem
Vennor.-In Hibbert, on Nerds Iffht, Gordon
Wesley, infant son of Mr. and Mn. Wm.
Harries, of our Chbelhuret. Ise two
Thoroughbred Yorkshire hogs for service, 1
old one and one young one, and 'leo • num-
her of pure-bre/ young Yorkshire s0w. for
sale. Anyone wanting good sows will do
well to call and see them. 2781:2
land. Good blacksmith business. Good
&..e and barn. Cheap. Apple at once for
particulars. HENRY THORNTON, R. R. 1,
Blyth, Ont. 2791x2
by provincial authorities, one Pair, any
elm. Parcel Post any part Ontario. $1.25.
. land, lot El, N. Boundary Hay Township
10 wrest good hardwood bush, good bank
barn and shed, aim 62.40, and 28628. Freese
howe, and two wood wells. Two end one-
half miles west of Kippen. Apply on the
R. R. No. 2, Howell. 2779:4
. ton consisting of two lote brick house,
barn. well sod cistern For pal-H./ars apple
to MRS. JOHN S. RITCHIE, R. R. No. 8,
Walton, Ont. 2/794
. er & Mammy Peerless Separator. 88 imh
with rear out: 20 H. P. Sawyer & Mersey
a traction enema. All In good eroriting order.
Apply to JOHN THIRSE. BLAKE. R. R. No.
2. Zurich. 2775.8-tf
Both sexes. I have 2 young boars et
for aervice Also • number of young Bowe
that are being bred. Now is the time to get
something good at a very reasonable price
out these are of imported stoek purchased
from John G. Annesser, Tilbury, Ont. Abo
boar for service. ABRAHAM HUOILL, Sea -
forth, Ont, R. R. No. 2, Phone 8 on 818,
Clinton. 2780.4
For sale 4 pure-bred Screech 'l'opped
bulbs with 10 crosses of Imported Scoteb
breeding, sired by Conqueror (Imp.); one
14 months old, red; one 22 months old, red;
2 two yewa old, one red and one roan.
These are extra good animals, both as to
individuals and to tyos, and will be fit to
head any herd. Sold on reasonable terms.
Apply on Lot 8, Concession 6, Tuckeremith,
or pitons 8 on 181. PETER WRAY- 2778-tf
Giese Your
Spring•Suit Now
If you're young in rears
or figure this maid will aster-
oid you.
In business or at other
tines, whenever arid wherever
you muitix particular about
clothes, look and Feel
correctly dressed in this model
-Clothes of Quality" —
01Fered at raisonsik prices—
coed in the essential features
of style, fabric and tiiiiod
Made to measure -- made
to satisfy — guarantecei.
Suits $24 up
Implement.. Thos. Brown has been In
"traced to MAI by public mutton on Wei
Half of Lot 29, (3oneeme4.n 12, MoKillop. on
Thursday. April 7th, l921, at one &nook
Pao., the following: floneco----Ono bone 7
rims old. 1 mare 9 niers oid. 1 bons 10
Oattha-0.. cow Si. nears old
raiSdul ....43revyz.nribs, old d.1 .001.41.8 imesalsstakold1 .frvisohli
roar. old duo Moo 1.3*. 2 308dl. 2 young
calves, 8 chunks of pbo Ds., 25
hem.27 eImplesta.-MoCormick mower near -
se I, dine, cultivator, hay rake
3 anotia, , walking plow, scuflioa
wagon. 2 barytes. 1 sot stens. 1 cotter, set
wales, se double bermes. 2 isets eagle
harness, one new, fanning mill, gravel box,
wagon box and stock rack, logging chain
moil box, cream separator nearly new, Peter
Hamilton cutting box, nearly new, not .ling.,
robe. number of sop buckets and ensiles, 2
sugar kettles. Daisy chum. 1 bedstead, about
250 bushel. of oss, 75 bushels of barley,
and other ernes too nioneroue to mention.
The farm, meeting of 50 eerie, will be
offered for sale at the same time and place.
Terms. -All eons of 910 and under, osimh;
over that uneven 9 montlen' credit will be
givm au furniehing approved Joist notes. A
dismount of 4 per cent. per annum off fur
cash. FRED JACKSON, Proprietor; Thomas
Frown, Auctioneer. 2781.1
Implements, Mr. Thoma Brown his
been indtructed to sell by public auction
Lot 7, Concession 13, McKillop, on W.400..
day, April fith, 1921, at one o'clock pin., the
following. Romeo-- -1 mare seeing 5 years
old, 1 draught filly riming 2 yearn old, one
draught gelding rising one year Oct. Cattle
-Cow 8 years old due to freshen April 1010.
1 registered cow due to fruitier, April lith,
1 row 8 year', old due to freshen In SOD.
Welber, I steer rising 2 yuan old, 1 bull 11
months old, 4 yearling heifer', 4 yearliair
nun, I .ow with 11 Pile one month .14
at time of sale and 120 young hem. t01-
pins:n.61. --1 Fred & Wood binder 7 foot
cut, I Deering binder 7 foot cut, 1 5ofoot
Deering mower, 1 blemey•Harrb seed drill,
1 Front & Wood spring tooth cultivator, 2
riding plows, ,2 wonting plows. 2 furrow
gang plow, 4 -section diemond harrows, 2 -
section diamond harrows. 1 farm wagon, 1
set bob sleighs, tor burg.. 1 Mims hirgre, 1
cutter. 1 hay rack, I gravel Lex, 1 lama
fanning 01111. 1 cutting box, 1 root Diaper, I
Ideal manure spreader almosst new, 1 wheel-
barrow, 1 extension ladder, 1 hog and stock
rack. 1 light wagon with pole and Omit.,
1 purnplack, 2000 feet of maple and beech
lumber, 1000 feet of elm plank. 30 pieces
of 3 -inch plank 12 and 14 feet long, quantity
of ro‘k elm suitably sized fol. whililetreot
and sioubletrees, 20 ceder posts, 80 rod coil
of barb wire. 1000 busheb of seed oats, 60
bushel Improved Yellow sweet clover seed,
1. bushels of fall wheat, 5 Mohair of flax
see, hay fork, car, rope, sling. and pulleys.
1 SAD pan, 60 isap pails. Maine forks, whine.
ores, neekyokes, 25 cords of 16.inch wood,
De Laval cresol green feed. Terns. Grain and
feed. cash. Other Mettles. $10 and under,
c.h; mer that amount 9 months' credit on
approosi-joint notes. A discount of 4 cento
on the. dollar snowed off for rash on credit
smoths. THOMAS IRWIN, Proprietor s T.
'Brown, Auctioneer. 2701-1
s's Implernenbs. Mr, George Elliott has been
instructed to sell by publio auction on Lot
17, Concession 2, Stanley, 134 miles went
of Brucefield on Tee/setae. April &th, at one
ei'clock p.m., the following: Horses.-- One
heavy home 10 years old, 1 heavy horse 3
yeses old, 1 large driver 10 years old, goad
third horse: 1 filly 3 yearn old, Cat0e. •
1 f4,441 sl years old dire April 9th. 1 cow 7
yeare old due April 25th, 1 cow 8 years
old solved January 18th. 1 cow 8 years
old with baby beef calf at foot, 3 dry cow.
4 veers old. 1 aged dry cow, 1 cow 4 years
old slue September 24th, S heifers due In
September. 6 steer calves 7 months old, 1
calf 2 months old. Implements.--Masey-
Harris binder 6 foot cut 1 Deering 6 foot
mower, 1 Deering 8 -drum 9 foot roller, 1
Masesey-Harris corn and bean ecuffier with
puller attachment, 1 Deering spring tooth
rultivator, I small acuities.. 4 -section diamond
harrows, single plow, 1 Verity riding plow,
1 2 -furrow plow, 10 foot McCormick rake,
I broadcaat seeder, 1 steel wheel heavy
wagon, 1 democrat wagon, 1 rubber tired
buggy, 2 cutters, 1 aleigh with log bunks,
1 fanning mill, 1 set 1000 lb. scale., 1 bag
truck, 1 Melotte cream separetor, 1 large
.one boat., 1 corn worker. wheelbarrow, 2
grindstone., I flat grain rack, 1 gravel box,
large iron kettle 2 wire stretchers, 2 lad-
ders. 1 28 -foot extension ladder, 1 root Put -
Per. 1 pia crate, 1 chicken feeding crate, 2
hand corn planters, 1 Daisy churn, 1 set
heavy harness, 2 set plow harness, 1 set
esthete harness. 1 wood rack. 2 down grain
bare. about 90 hem, a quantity of /umber,
'some cedar posts and pole., a quantity of
hay, a quantity of chop, 300 bushel. of
Data, about 100 tile, 1 ,coop shovel, 1 grain
scoop, also forks, chains, doubletres, pails
and numeroue ether articles, ego 40 biehels
of potatoco. Furniture. -1 kitchen range, 1
cook stove, 1 couch, 4 kitchen chairs, one
rocking chair, 1 writing desk 1 clock. 2
kitchen tables, 1 bedrooms suite. 2 sets
allffinits, 1 sewing machlue. 1 ghee cupboard,
Terros.-HILY, chop. grain, end. All .um.
of 110 and under, cash: over that amount 9
months' credit will be given on approved
Joint notes. Four canto ou the dollar will
bo allowed off for cold on erelft amounts.
HUGH MoGRECOR, Propneet; George El-
liott, Auctioneer. 2780-2
.--.• end Ireplements. Mr Deist, Elliott has
been instrocted to .ell by DWI. auction on
Lot 17, Concession 8, the. Mylon Line. 234
miles from Veins, Stinky Township On
WednoidaY, Ascii Oth, the' foiletaino proper-
ty: Farm, containing 20 attars north half
of Lot 18, Concoseion 9, Tosanship of Stan-
ley. On the premises these is a brat class
134 story frame home refth good cellar 850-
4,, it and woodshed athlohed. One frdme
barn 20.40, one implement ebpd. lots of
good water. rhe taro 2. sat eitered and in
tint clans working order. set* ten acres of
good fa wheat: IS acres Dewed, the re-
=Ander in gram. liorsos.-Ono 'Med orri-
cultural team of mares rising eve years. got
by Earl O'Clay: 1 grey mare 7 years old, 1
Agricultural gem' gelding 5 fears old, 1 draft
mare 10 years old, 1 draft mere rising eve
Yee., 1 *sericulture] mare 12 years old, 1
agricultural mare rising 5 yews, 1 good
driving mare 6 years old. Cattle. -One pure
bred bull. Nbnpareil Pride No. 132482, 2 rrit.
old; 1 cow 7 roses old freshened in No-
vember, bred In December; 1 cow 4 year.
old freshened In December, bred in January;
1 heifer 3 years old freshened in JOML117: 1
mw 7yeare old, freothend in Febroary, 1
cow years old due to clove in April, 1
eow T. years old due to melee in April, 1 cow
4 year" old due to stale. in May, 1 heifer
due to calve In May, I cow 8 years, old'due
kbto calve in October, 1 cove sum:sued to be
in calf, two heifers threes years' old
due to calve in May; one farrow cow, ten
ethers 2 years old, 4 stcens 1 year old, 8
young calves, end else! forty hens. Imple-
1 four hone -power Ides' Gould -
&coley Moore engine, 1 Joliette 11 -inch
grinder, 1 Deering mower 6 foot nub one
Memeey-Harrie 18-2.0e dein hew, 1 farm
wagon. 1 act of eleighs, 1 Cockshutt two
furrow riding plow, 1 Fleury walking plow,
1 Chatham fanning mill with banter, one
rubber tire top buggy. 1 tool tire top buggy,
1 mad cart 1 18 -font hay reek. 1 set of
teem harness, 1 se of golden mounted single
harnees, 1 horse colter 24 Inch. 1 horse rol-
ler 24 inch, 1 wheel harrow, scoop above'.
Poet hole, auger, era,'" seed sower, pig
crate Pipe wrench. abosst 75 cedar pmts.
1 DeLavel cream emerothr new, 1 assailing
machine nearly new, 1 Deism churn new, 1
cosi oil heater, 1 New Perfection 8 -burner
coal 001 strove with ovrn. TOMO of Farm. -
Ten per cent, of porchese money to be peld
the day of sale, the balance In thirty dam.
For 'particulars apply to the usdereigned or
phone 17 on 628. Terns of Sale -Ali sums
of 910 ea] under, cash; wow that smount
8 mom ' credit will be gives' on tarnetios
on .
none. llimper •tmight
4 A. •T, Pro-
twitter: e
awl tetb ineoneer. M 2790-2
atm* ewe" Or 1101/111112glib
cm, r non Imam bee been
to still br pU8. actetios $olt&t.
oi 23.. undies's/sad, Market
oel F019,410, APrU Pe& 1123, at 2 o'
8.0., the followingOnnue•Ortord . mese
coal heater with self rr, small mug*
header. 8 -burner coal stove
en = ult
board. kitchcu0board. kitchen
idyls, 3 toilet sets, lachese chairs. lme,
flower pot., 2 Intehen blase rake, hoc lawn
wer. epodes. baby cutter, baby
,eohing machine, 2 hedroom suites, Vats
iron lade, spring. and ensertresse pilloent
psetureo, dishes, 140 yards carpet, 10 pair
lere curtoins, silver ware, croak 4 duke,
parlor tbl.. 2 rockers.. 2 Ismail tables,. 2
lardlners, tabled linoleum. 1 parlor write.
new hand saw and busk saw. Terms. -Cash.
T. Brown, Auctioneer. 2780-2
Inv Implemeets, Live Stock, Produce mad
Household Effects. Under lostructiono from
the adosthistratrix of the Estate of the late
Patrick Carlin, Rendre, theve swill be offered
c DO. by Janus Jones,
auctioneer. on Lot 23, Gincemelsro I, Md.
bort, on Tuesday, April 510, 1021, at 12•30
0 c p.m.. the following valuable property
Real Estate -Peru! I, Lot 23 in lat Con -
00.8,. Township of Hibtiert. excepting two
for rellwer Purposes. All cleared
and in Mot dee state of eultivetion erupt
about even .on of hardwood bush. This
splendid faros 4. situated on the Huron Road
.,bout two milee west of Dublin, is well fenc-
ed and drained and upon It is • solid brick,
commodious. dwelling hoses, heated with bot
water and equipped with Delco Light Plant
and all modero conveniences: a1.0 ISM* hank
barn with cement Boon.. water ',steer and
lighting plant, drive shed and Wray, shed,
All buildings In and class repair. Parcel
2 -Thr north-westerly half of Lot 11, in let
Concession, McKIllop. 50 acme, On LW.. farm
is a windmill and cement water tank. It i•
mp en grams farm.
Parcel 3- The south half of lot 6 in the
8.4 Concession, McKillop. 60 scree ThO
property ha. been used ee a grow farm for
some yea05 and his • windmill and cement
'otter tank, and to well fenced. Chattels:
Horse' -Heavy draught tem 5 and 4years :
3 heavy draft horse.. 2, 8, and 8 years; two
drivers •nd one aged mare. Cattle -Five
cows due to calve in April, 2 cows with
calves at their side, 2 milking cow, 1 fost
cow, 1 fat heifer. 7 steers, 5 heifers eleven
calves. 1 registered Durham bull. Pigs. -
12 pig, three months old, two brood sows.
Poultry. A number • of hens and duels.
Implements.- 1 bleesey.Harrie binder. one
Deering mower, 1 Maxwell hay herder, one
2.furrow riding plow, 1 rem monk,' Mt.,
gang plows, four single plows, 1 cultivator
with box attached, one email welter.
1 dim harrow. 1 iron land roller, seed dell,
home rake, side delivery rake, two iron
harrow., 2 wagon., pig rack, two hay reeks.
2 palm of bobeleilchs, 1 Clinton fanning
Mill, 1 pair wales. 2 hay forks with oan,
ropes and sling.. 4 good ladder., 1 oat bid
a quentity of three and four -Inch tile, top
buggy, open buggy, cutter, wheelbarrow,
pulper, chaff bmaket 2 liele double harness,
one set single hansom, forks. shovel., chaise,
whIMetrees. neekyokes, 2 sugar kettles,
lawn mower. 40 gallon coal oil un, two
grindstones, vice, large box of tub, two
cross -cut saws, wi, stretcher, corn sower,
Ice tongs, barrels, block and tackle, a
large quantity of hay, cab, barley, wheat.
and Chop, also • quantity of householdeffects
end other articles ton numerous to, mention.
Terns of Sale of Red rotate. -Ten per cent-
oi the purchase nusney of each parcel to be
void at time of sale •nd the balance within
Thirty dans thereafter. Each parcel will be
offered subieet to a reserved bid. Of Chat-
tel.. Salm of 810 or under. cash; over that
amount tie months' credit on approved joint
not.., except for Grain. Chop and Hay,
which are to be add for cash. For further
porticulans, and also for conditions of sale
of Real Fetate, apply to the auctioneer, or to
licitors, Stratford, Ontario, March 23rd, 1921.
Horses and Cattle
The Annual Spring Show, under
the auspices of the South Huron Agri-
cultural Society, of Stallions, Harness
and Halter Horses, Bulls and COOT!,
will be held in
Clydesdale or Shire Stallion
1.5 2nd Ord
Aged Stallion $10 87 14
Stallion foelrd 1918 or later6 4 2
Belgian or Percheron
Aged •Stal I lo 8 4 2
Stallion foaled 1918 or later6 4 2
Carriage or Roadster
Aged Stallion 5 3 2
Stallion foaled 1910 or later5 8 2
Harness Horses
Heavy draft team 8 5 8
Second prize given by M. R. Ren-
nie, $5.00 in merchandise.
Heavy draft brood mars in foal 6 4 2
1st and 2nd by Sterling Bank
9 year old heavy draft geldint
or filly foaled in 1918 8.75 2
106 prise by R. Paterson. pail
Stock Food.
2 year old heavy draft gelding
or filly foaled In 1919 8.502
Arrieultoral Teem 5 3 2
Given by Molaons Bank.
Agricultural rnare in foal 5 1 2
lot prim given by Ronthron &
Drysdale. 85 in merchandise.
year old agricultural gelding or
filly foaled in 1918 0 2.50
2cd by E. Rennie, merchandise
2 year old agricultural gelding
or filly foaled in 1919 8 2
tst by A. W. E. Hemphill, stock
food; 2nd, neckyoke by Brown
& Clark.
Heavy draft or agricultural 04
4in 1920 4 2ts
1.0 by W. A. McLaren, stable
broom and wire chaff haricot. ve.l.
86: 2nd by Moore Br..., 4 older
Vnrettl Tht,,e3,aLe Team 6 2
let by W. C. Montgomery. 26 in
Carriage Team 4 2
Sinitic Carriage Horse 4 2
Roadster Team 4 2
Single Roadster 4 2.082
Sed by W. C. Davis; men's shirts
T. W. Parlmer 05 he MerchiusUse for the
host Clydesdale Stallion, any ege.
Owen etelgor, beg of linseed mast for best
Percheron Staltion.
T. C. Joynt, 96 Hat, for beet Carriage or
Roadster shown on halter.
GOO. Week. 2 sinstletrom, for best *triad -
tonal or Draft Colt shown on halter.
Conk Bro.. $5.00 in Merchairelhe for nes
host Agricultural Team.
Aberdeen Attires
1st 2.4
AgedHull 14 44
calved after Sent let 101100 4
Onv 2
Heifer under two yews eId $
Aged Roll 4 4
Bull, calved after Sept- 1st 10100 4
Cow 8 2
Heifer under two years •Id 9
Botcher Steer or Heifer, grodo• • • • 8 2
Ail Exhibitors must first became Members
of thi. Society by Paring one dollar la the
Secretary. Entries min be nude with the
Secretary at the Commercial Hotel. amtil sap
o'nlock on the du of the elms- Isadles
deselsion Ample aceonsanseelon will be
Provided for all horses.
C. SOLDAN, President, IlensalL
R. M. McLean, Secretary, Seaforsh.
=port seMentlt "aid oar
' ilentheih."
04001 at
" 4:4 2Va
1101 be seldr an manonabletts.. p.a.
1 .ton Arivq0 at. Amu U.,. Far ,Iramming ix-
' st=zelf.Z Or. wM. ,
choice day loam, part of Let. 23 end id
Concession 4, 215aKillini. No mom, au
waste land; wail terserelned. and4r &sod
with soros whs. ;elle hank hem Nest&
feet with pletp of light. oho strew Mod 40
by 20 fast wide drive home susdarnsath. All
cerout Sobs, Also water waviest* lihneerh-
out FoUr eons Ot WM. Good subirtnotial
frame issue 8 rogena, furnace, hard ond sett
water, rural met end triephone. Four mlios
8...forth, mile from oilsool. Easy
terms for quick oale. Apply OD the prise
or • eddrose THOMAS W. MolltILLAN, Sea.
forth P. 0.. R. R. No. 2 27841-tf
pAglitti FOR SAUL-100 ACRES, LOT 1.1,
CODONSO100 8, to the Township of Tooker -
wank 8 gellos from boaforth, 6 roll. from
Brueedold and Lingen. convenient to school
and dumb; 96 servo cleared, remainder to
maple, hush. On this fans are excellent build-
ings isnd are in thst-elms repair; heed .54
soft water In the boss and In viable; 2
wells, 1 having • wIndelli. TVs fano ts
saw &allot sod fenced and
in a high state of ealtisetioo. never having
heevily eenroot This e in. every way 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
• first due and op -to -dote farm Mao LW
27, Conuselon 12, in th. Township of Hite 0
beet containinir 100 acme 80 acne cleared W. T. BOX & CO.
and thoroughly underdrabed sad fenced the 0 Embalmer and •
remainder ie In Stet 0.
the premiss le • comfortable frame boss Funeral Directors
and good barn 48,86 vith etono etabliogi H. C. BOX
alas good well with windmill. This fans Is
0 Holder of Government
Maim against R.. It naPabiell$
nriaut O'llesirke to* died MI Ike
litoonober. lilt to wet io=te
nwreicni"a: orb= nisi ow:
maid eetate Aeons the Demons
gate ep:egtor will yrossed alto $i.
Log regard only to the slalom, odd* node*
shall bare bee* received.
Dated the 21st Mande, 1921.
See(8rolo and Osilarlels.
2780-8 &Odeon ter Bacester.
Victory, Govern-
ment and Muni-
cipal Bonds
Sold at current rates and deliver-
ed free of expense.
al! ...dot to gram and In In nolleot condi-
tion, booing boon stropped YOST MAO; Obi.
atod within 6 miles of flensall, quarter or
mils from school. These is long distance
telephone connection on both farms. aloe
rural mall delivery. Tame farm will be
sold together or separately to suit purcheser
and en rosmonable tens. For further par -
Huhu, apply to the Poprietor, on Lot 12,
Cononmion 0, Toskozsmita car Seaforth P. 0..
31.. R. No. 4, or 14 on 131, Soeforth,
THOMAS O. 8BU.LTNO1.Aw, Proprietor.
0 Diploma and License 0
0 Charges moderate 0
0 Flowers furnished on short 0
0 uotice. 0
O Night Calls Day Calls 0
O Phone 175 Phone 48 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
SEAFORTU BRANCH, J. G. liOless, Ussingert
0000 000000,000
42) S. T. HOLMES
0 Funeral Director and
Licensed Embalmer
0 Undertaking Parlors in 0
0 Beattie Block, opposite The 0
Expositor Office. Residence 0
Goderich St, opposite Dr. 0
0 Scott's.
0Flowers furnished on abort 0
notioe. 0
Phone Night or Day 119 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0000 cvst,Z.r* GOO.*
°' W. S. GORMLEY • ,
Embsanwr and Funerill
O Director
0 Undertaking Parlors Moos
0 H. Wtllilas.335 Gramity eta*
0 Main street, Stsferth.
0 Flowers fmailshed on shark
0 notice.
Charges Moderate
0 Phone—Night or Day -192
000<>00004. 000
Stands for
The Citizen's Liberty League is an organization comprising men of highest standing
in tie professional and business life of the Province,—men who are not interested
either directly or indirectly in the manufacture or sale of liquor, and whose demon-
strated integrity and sincerity afford sufficient guarantee as to unselfishness of motive.
TN members of the League are devoting their whole effort towards obtaining
Oat they conscientiously feel will prove the soundest solution of Ontario's liquor
problem - viz., Government control.
By placing the responsibility entirely in the hands of the Government, the people
'of Ontario m.ay rest assured that the sale of alcoholic beverages will be safeguarded
and regulated in every direction consistent with life isa a democratic countr.
rhe League's views on temperance and its attainment are embodied in the Memorial
sere reproJuced, which every serious-minded man and woman is asked to study
vith deliberation before making any decision.
tgnatures are being obtained throughout the Province for the following Memorial, which is to he presented to
23 Ontario (.;kss ernment. Copies can be obtained from the Secretary, 104 Mail and Empire Bldg., Toronto,
Hon. President:
dmiral Sir Charles Kingsmill
President :
I. F. Hellmuth, K.C.
Vice -President:
Col. William I lendrie
F. Gordon Osler
Organizing Seerefory:
C. D. Boyce
Committee :
W. R. Johnston
R. J. Christie
Col. A. F. Hatch
H. J. Waddie
D. W. Kennedy
Col. J. N. C. Leslie, C.M.G.
J. P. C
J. U. Vincent, K.C.
E. S. Willie, K.C.
W. H. Adams
L. W. Marsh
A. .A Amos
To the Honorable the Premier of the Province of Ontario
We, the undersigned residents of the Province of Ontario, believers in temperance and moderation
in all things, hereby desire to express our very grave concern at the prospect of any legislati\ e enactment
being placed upon the Statute Book of this Province which will not be binding upon the onn fcnce tif
8great mass of the people and Inuit be enforced by excessive penalties with armed inspector,: and an
army of spies and informers.
Many seriouatninded and welhinformed citizens, including ministers of the gospel and men holding
the highest positions in the community, while fully appreciating the material benefits hich [night be
gained from the total prohibition of the sale of liquor. agree with the view that there it a proper limit
to interference by the State with individual conduct. They believe that a temperance country s an be truIre
surely obtained by evolution, than by legislation and that total prohibition it inconsisr•nt ith true
temperance and opposed to ChsistiaWmortility, which is based not upon the nfsnufacture or new crimes
for punishment but on the stronger force of love. A
Democracy sprang from a desire for Individual liberty. Stabilised democracy deorecir upon the
security of individual liberties properly used. 'There can be no security for the observance of a law
dictating what men should eat or drink unless it has the support of a substantial majority not lamely
of those voting on a Referendum, but of all the people in the Province whose support is necessary.
Especially is this true when rhe prohibitory forces are highly organized at the polls. If one law is not
enforced, all law is brought into contempt and democracy itself may be imperilled.
It is a fundamental of demormtic government chat things innocent in themselves should he regulated
against abuse, not prohibited. It is well recognized In how that • municipality cannot extend a mere power
to regulate into a power to prohibit. If past generations allowed the open bar to become a menace,
that is no reason why we should shirk the difficult duty of ms.kieg wise regulations to govern the
liquor traffic, and blindly throw to the winds an elementary principle which has hitherto been ems.
side red a necessary safeguard to democratic cis
We believe that the cause of Christian temperance and of stabilized democracy can hest b seed.- -
(1) By Government control of the sole 4, of spirituous liquors, and, if necessary, a o ionic cit,ieed
licensing of individuals to purchase spirituous liquors.
(2) Hy the treatment of those who have not the strength to take care of themseIo co under such
conditions, as patients, not as criminals.
(1) Hy permission to purchase beer and wines under a system to be devised by the Government,
thus minimizing the evil of illicit stills and the illegal sale of ppisituous liquors and drum. We
are not advocating a return to the ')pen bar."
(4) Hy the formation of • vAluntary orgtzation similar to the Blue Rthbosi Army is Great Britain.
whereby all available energies and funds may loe devoted to the resnotion of true temperance
by education arid example.
We ask that sou provide a means for an expression of opinion on the question of Goveni ment control.
We further ink Char the Ontario Temperance Act be amended as above, so that tke conscientious
...moles, rights and liberties of the people of this Province may he fully protected against tn organized
,uinority, and accused persons shall nor be deprived, at they are now, of the sacred right of every British
subject to be considered innocent until he is found to be guilty.
Total prohibition is as unnecessary in Ontario as it is unethical and in -c•
practicable and you are urged to stand by the League in their fight for
Vote "NO" in the coming Referendum
and sign the MemoriaL 4