HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1921-03-25, Page 2• • ■ �+tF^i p ra rr a t. 6611180161771CI 41I`.:1nitii6t ilHBil➢ i Milli tretelti7zvtnrltYtrlsitstlrlittrlA tailit11teles ea■titer(alaiia8411 r. f :ll cl O i.ES INV. 1+r They "Stay Put" Circe a roof of Neponset Twin Shingles is laid, it is on to stay. These famous shingles_ can't warp, pull off, dry out, rot rust, rattle or Wow away. In addition to these necessary virtues, NEPOHIET_.. TWIN SHINGLES are beautiful to look at. Their soft red and green. colors harp monize with any surroundings or architectural plan. Before you build or repair, corse see ourstock of Neponset Twin Shingles. It's worth your a' while, not only m money but in future worry. Our Wire is No. 9, made from open hearth steel, no sulphur or phosphorus. This makes the wire less brittle than Bessemer steel; re- tains the galvanizing better and is less affected by the frost. Again our Prices are the Lowest made possible by carlot purchase. 6 wire, spot cash, 471/2c rd. 7 wire, spot cash54c rd. 8 wire, spot cash60c rd. rbuitiy fence, 18 wire, 10 rod rolls 90c rd. Poultry fence, 20 wire, XO rod rolls $1.00 rd. Barbed Wire, Brace Wire, Staples, Stretchers on hand. G. A. SilLs, Seaforth THE McKILLOP MUTUAL C. 1'. R. TIME TABLE 'IRF INSURANCE CO'Y. GUELPH & GODBRICH BRANCH TO TORONTO HEAD OFFICE-SEAFORTH, ONT. OFFICERS J. Connolly, Goderick, President JJas, Evans, Beechwood, Vice -President IL E. Hays, Seafortk, Secy.-Treas. AGENTS Goderick, leave Blythe Walton Guelph am. 6.20 6.58 7.12 9.48 FROM TORONTO mix. Leitch, R. R. No. 1, Clinton; Ed.' Rlnchley, Seaforth; John Murray, i Toronto, leave Rrneefleld, phone 6 on 137, Seaforth; Guelph, arrive F. W. Yeo, Goderiek; R. G. Jar. ' Walton mutat, Brodhagen. DIRECTORSk Rinn, No. 2, Seaforth; John 1 deric A�blfrn 'Gd yrilliam 8.10 9.80 12.08 12.16 12.28 12.65 p.m. 1.30' 2.07 2.20 4.68 5.10 6.80 9.04 9.18 9.80 9.66 Hatptsewies, Brodhagen; James Evans, . Connections at Guelph Junction with Jeechwood; M. McEwen, Clinton; Jas.' Main Line for Galt, Woodstock, Lon - Connolly, Gederieh; D. F. McGregor, don, Detroit, and Chicago, and all in- n. R. No. 8, Seaforth; J. G. Grieve, t termediate pointe. No. 4, Walton; Robert Ferris, Harlock; Gorge McCartney, No. 3, Seafortk. G. T. II. TIME TABLE Trains Leave Seaforth as follows: 11 a. m. - For• Clinton, Goderich, Wingliam and Kincardine. 8.68 p. m. - For Clinton, Wingham, -and Kincardine. 11.08 p. m. - For Clinton, Goderich, 8.51 a. m. -For . Stratford, Guelph, Toronto, Orillia, North Bay and points west, Belleville and Peter- boro and points east. 8.12 p. m. -For Stratford, Toronto, Montreal and points east. LONDON, HURON AND BRUCE Going North a.m. p.m. Loddon 9.05 4.46 Centralia 10.04 5.50 Exeter 10.18 6.02 Henson 10.88 6.14 Kippen 10.38 6.21 Braeefleld 10:47 6.29 i Clinton 11.03 8.46 Loi desboro 11.34 7.08 Blyth 11.43 7.111 Sulgrave 11.56 7.28 Wnigharn 12.11 7.40 Goii6ig South A.M. p.m. Wi gbam 7.80 8.20 Belgrave 7.44 8.36 7.56 8.48 Londesboro 8.04 3.56 ton aa 28 4.16 i".fie1d 8.40 4.82 Z1p{en 8.46 4.40 Heiman 8.58 4.60 Exeter 0.18 5.05 Centralia 927 6.6 London .10.40 8.15 ERE IS ONLY -ONE GENUINE ASPIRIN Only Tablets with "Bayer Cross" are Aspirin -No others! If you don't see the "Sayer Croat!" on the tablets, refuse them -they are nut Aapirin at all. Insist +l) genuine "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" plainly stampod wilt the safety '•Ita)ry 11u::".. '.;p,ir:n prea,•ribrd by phy�iri ons for nin teem cr:. rs and proved safe by 0)1'1.0::; f , I fuoth- vkr, t::: r.0 i:•. ihu:uimt,�,m. l.nuil):1,To. 111 el, Seam), ;,d Pain 3eno1,13:. I hi lit) h'nrn "f 12 tniL't---al.0o err "I:Ayyer' yta1111(';:'. \Lulu in �•m, 14,. 1r.tdo terra 1 t., ., itz .f 1 1 la t ttv-n of. roma cc 3dcrlt. ;St '.'i:�lr 1. ,.1' root, ,;:t =nil in II .••, '1r. 1 1- 1,1.11 1,,,' 1t i1P , t(, l•. 11:11)1., tel WE ARE EXCLUSIVE AGENTS FOR WE INVITE HOUSEHOLDERS GENERALLY TO CALL AND SEE SAMPLES OF THESE FINISHES. EVERY PRODUCT GUARANTEED FOR QUALITY AND SERVICE. H. EDGE, SEAFORTH, ONT. AS 'OR iA > rile Ints sadMarch, Yte IlailakaysBought 1ildren Cary OR FLETCHER'S ASTORIA f 1 GiRLS! HAVE THICK, } SOFT, HEAVY HAIR A 38 -cent bottle of "Ilanderine" Wil not only rid your soalp of destructive dandruff and atop falling- hair, .hut im mediately your hair seems [wire as abundant and so wondrous glossy. Let "Denrlerine" save your hair. lhnve lots of long, heavy hair, radiant with life and beauty. ditYia'A�t •tWwCl .s�akl= Mallagirlg the %I/v.01104os at the I.Fucial T\10. [niawt iiee That They. Are Nell FO- E/vim ine c - i ic,tmine Hives Carefully for Foul Brood-t)ltp the Queen's Whigs- Makh)g and Controlling Increase. (Contributed by Ontario Department of Agriculture. Toronto.) Unless the beekeeper gave each colony au abundance of feed in the fall, not less than fifty pounds Per, colony, the first manipulation In early April should be to feed all col onies which do not have at least twenty-five pounds of stores left in the hive. Many colonies starve In the spring and many others remain weak bccuuse there is not sufficient food to the hive to allow the queen to lay to rapacity. One frame of honey la re- quired to produce one frame of brood alit to be In condltiou to give a good smells honey crop there mhould be net less than ten frames of brood by June' 15th. The syrup for spring (ceding should be two parts water and one part sugar. Care must be taken against robbing when feediug the syrup. The Fotrances of all colonies should be reduced so that only a few beds can anter the colony at one time. This tends to prevent weak colonies 1,,n being robbed and also keeps the ..Ionics warmer, which permits an ,•X t,.; r, d ed brood -neat. Qurrnle1s colonies and colonies which do not rover two frames thick- ly. : hould be united with strong col- eni's. The alnrplest method of unit- inr colonies in early spring Is to place the very weak or queenless col- onic's on top of strong` queen -right colonies, with one sheet of newspaper between the two brood chambers. This .should be completed In the evening. The bees will quickly gnaw through the newspaper and unite pecurtlilly. If American foul -brood le present In the apiary, colonies must not be united unless to other colonies having American }•oul-brood. When the colonies have been unit - d and have sufficient food, they need no • further manipulation until the period when dandelions and frult trees bloom. This is a very important time and a little attention given to the bees will result In increased profit later. The three manipulations which shrink] be completed during the dan- ,lenon and fruit bloom period are (1) clip the wings of Queens; (2) Exam- ine every colon}' for foul -brood; (3) give all strong colonies extra room. We clip queens' wings to control the swarm, also that the age of the queen may be known. A part of the la, wings on ode side are removed w-Iln the aid of a small pair of RCM- Sors The rtasons for clipping the wings of the queens during this per- iod are as follows: (1) Queens are eat,ily found; (2) There Is little like- lihood of clipping v(rgln queen; (8) During a honey flow queens are less liable to be killed; (4) The operation 'is completed before the swarming season commences. The brood -chamber of every colony I!) examined for American and Euro- pean foul -brood. If the colonies be- came infected the previous fall or secured infected honey through rob- bing or otherwise in early spring, American foul -brood will most likely he found at this examination and preparations can be made for treat- ing the diseased colonies either 'at once or at the beginning of the mala flow In June. If European foul -brood Is present it can be easily detected at this time and preparations completed so that it cannot do serious damage. While American foul -brood is apparently only contagious, European foul -brood Is highly infecitoua and endemic, where black or hybrid bees are kept. Resistant strains of Italian bees, strong colonies and an abundance of stores will rob European foul -brood of its menace to beekeeping. The third manipulation at this time is to add an extra brood - chamber to every reasonably strong colony. No queen -excluder is used and the queen has the use .of the double brood -chamber until the clo- ver honey flow has nicely commenced. In some seasons when the weather is favorable the stronger colonies may even need a third hive-hody above an excluder, as a super for surplus honey from fruit blossoms and dandellons. White swarming does not. usually occur until late June and early July, the swarming fever commences In many colonies during the fruit bloom and dandelion period because they are crowded and have not sufficient room to store surplus honey and en- large the brood -nest. When the clovers begin to yield, it is time for the beekeeper to crowd the queen into the lower brood - chamber. Take enough frames of the youngest brood, unsealed and eggs, and place these in the upper brood - chamber. Then place the remaining combs and queen In the bottom brood -chamber and place a queen - excluder on top. Next place on an empty super and the full hive -body of brood oil top of the super. If the beekeeper wishes to make Increase, this body of brood can be removed to a new stand ten days af- ter It was placed on top of the super. Unless the honey Clow has slopped, ripe queen -cells wilt be found and -all the brood will he sealed so that when the field -bees have• returned to the parent hive, there. wilt be little dan- ger of chilling the brood. The in- crease should be exainined in three- Weeks hreeweeks to be sure the queen is laying. If She beekeeper does nor wish to make Increase. all gne,en cells should be de'str'oyed within a week after the (1131101 was placed on top and the bees will fill the. combs withLoney as tho been emerge. Much honey is lost- to the bee- keeper because of l ick 03' room and colonies sho'.r I he e3a,mril3ad at least once a neelr rlori ns a honey flow and wipers dde,l vl n -''•r the last one added is ono -loth' t :in-rhircis filled. -F. illi Pini •11 I -n 1'.11113)1 Apiarist, O. A. Coli ar. (u1 Into. The insertion of a Sat coiled spring in a pocket in the back makes s nets belt for men elastic. 1•t,.d, )area,. a.-u.:,Jw:wc,rwra 8;t1iYra::.. ;%ae. Ent Will Afar Six Weeks' Tani:ego, With "FRIlf1:4 •TIYEs• Mtl. AMEDEE GARCEAU 82 Hickory St., Ottawa, Ont. "I iia for many years a victim of that linitis disease, #Iseumasiv,. In 1913, t was laid up for lour months with Rheumatism in the joints of the knees, hips and shoulders and wit prevented from following my work, that of Electrician. 1 tried many remedies and was under, the care of a physician; but nothing did me any good. Then I began to take 'Fruit-a-tives' and in a week I was easier, and in six weeksI was so well I went to work again. I look upon this fruit medicine, 'Prune, tines', as simply marvellous is she CUM of Rheumatism, and strongly advise everyone suffering with Rheu- matism to gi v e' F ruit-a-tives' a trial" AMEDEE GARCEAU. 50e. a box, 0 for $2,50, trial site, 25e. At all deaieno or sent postpaid by Fruit -a - lives Limited, Ottawa. Ont. FROM DULUTH Dear Expositor: -Since my letter of the 4th inst., the weather has been somewhat colder. On the 9th it registered six below zero, and we are promised by the weather fore- casters five to fen below by to -mor- row morning. It is very seasonable March weather. Representatives of the "coal octupus" here have announced a cut of fifty cents per ton on aome var- ities of soft coal, )making a third reduction in a short time, or a total of $6.75 to $7, according to the sort of soft coal, giving, as an excuse, too much surplus on hand owing to les- sened ,demand caused by the mild winter and also to clear their docks for next season's supply. Just the same they feel very optimistic, pre- 'licting that next winter will be a 'direct opposite to the present one and that their business with flourish. They seem to think they have a lease 'n life and the right -to a large per- centage of the contens of the con - summer's pocketbook, but in the in- tervening time the climate and the federal authorities may restrain their profiteering ambitions. March 9th was the 29th annivers- ary of the worst storm in Duluth's history. And none living who ex- perienced it can very well forget it, and -I had an experience in the midst of it which it would take oblivion to eradicate. I was then employed at the How- ard Block Building, then in course of erection, and situated on East Michi- gan Street close to Lake Avenue south. About 7 an a slight drizzle as of coming rain commenced to fall, but in mighty short order it turned into a heavy blinding fall of snow, becoming much colder with a rapid - lying increasing wind, gaining_ in in- tensity of velocity as the day pro- gressed. Owing to the increasing storm, operations were suspended on this building at 8 a.m. Putting aside our tools, we each took our different ways. However, in the meantime I called upon friends at the then frame building of 19 East Superior Street. A young man was there, who just the afternoon previously, had come down from Carlton, Minn„. suffering ONE WOMAN'S EXPERIENCE Of Interest to Childless Women. Toronto, Ontario. -"I suffered for a long time from a female weakness, in- flammation, and a terrible backache by that condition. One day one ymlr booklets was left at my door, and read how other women with troubles Pused e mine had been made well, so I got a bottle of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and a package of Sanative Wash, and it.belp.d me wonderfully,' and I now have the'flnest litf.ic baby boy that any mother could want. I want to recommend Lydia 111. ['inkhorn's Vege- table Compound to any woman who has female troubles." -;sirs. JOSEPH 1.A BELLA, 77:3 Shaw Street, Toronto, On tario, Canada. The erl,orience of Motherhood is a trying cmc to most women and marks distinctly ari epoch in their lives. Not one woman in A hundred is prepared or understands how to properly care for herself. Every 'Woman at this time should r I,v upon Lydia -F,. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, a most valuable tonic and invigorator of the. female organism. • In many homes once childlettia there are now children because of the fact that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound makes women normal, healthy atjtl strong, and this good old fashioned root and herb remedy coil. tains no narcotics or harmful drugs. from n axe slit wound an one o�E hie ea Bla , la : aali,d Mme tY wd� bo ' Bio t4 on a 1iv �y to have $ dri ; , tett of fl )z a cal ' Rd8r9 ani h 4,;venupiielt r 57 a-24 bloody a two in '1 raw I een- sented to do so, but they told me not to allow any more than one dol- lar for the trip, s sum even in mild weather and evit in those times too little. • I first tried Kendall's on Second - Avenue West near First Street. They asked $2.00, ' Thei( I' tried Lerch's, between Second Avenue and Third Avenue West 1st Street. They ask- ed $8. I then plodded through the snow. drifts and blIriding storm to Tolman's livery 'stable, situated at Fourth Avenue West and Superior Street. They asked $5, but said they would rather prefer not to send a man and team ' out in such a storm, All of these liveries I have -mentioned have long since disappeared, also the buildings. However, to go back to my story, I' then started eastward on Superior Street to get back to where the wounded boy was, and the storm still getting fiercer and colder. For several blocks I did not meet a living thing on Superior Street - man, dog or cat, and in order to lo- cate my position, went close up to store, doors to try ' and catch the number,. On arriving again at No, 10 I an- nounced the results of my trip and said if they would pay the two dol- lars I would try Kendall's again, but they would not allow me; probably if I had their charge it would have been several dollars higher but most like- ly they would not have pulled out at all. Owing to the conditions of the streets and avenues, it was several days before the wounded boy was ta'.;en to the hospital. After a long time there he left it a cripple for life, owing to joint oil escaping from the knee joint. This storm left snow almost piled mountain -high on Son, of the thor- oughfares of this city, in many cases up to the second stories of buildings. Many had to burrow a way out through snowbanks piled up against doors and windows. Street cars were stalled everywhere on their routes, and hundreds who had delayed doing so never got home that day or night, remaining in their places of business, dbces and many other places. To have made the attempt in the late part of the day or evening and hav- ing any distance to go would have been almost like courting death. The saloons were given permission by the police authorities to keep open house all night and not to turn anyone out under .any conditions. So for once they were a benefit to the human race, but they, no doubt, were well repaid. It is claimed this 'storm was responsible for several deaths; the miracle is that there were not more. Much damage was done to property by the heavy wind. It took nearly a week to remove the snow and get traffic and business back to normalcy as President would have termed it. On April 5th will occur a city elec- tion lecttion to select a mayor, two commis- sioners, two municipal judges and al- so an assistant municipal Judge. However, the latter has no opponent in the fild and has the race all to himself. At the primary election be- ing held to -day, twelve candidates for commissioners were originally on the ticket. In the meantime, however', Voss, present commissioner of finance has withdrawn owing to ill health. For over thirty years this faithful servant has been head of the city's finance departmint, both under the ward or alderman system and the present commission form` of city gov- ernment, and Duluth citizens of all classes regret to hear of his ill health and forced retirement from active public life and hopes for his speedy recovery. So this leaves eleven chn- didates, out of which four will be selecteto enter the race on April 5th, and from these two will" be selected on that day. A commis- sioner now holds office four years and draws- an annual salary of $4,000. The -city government is run Ly a mayor and four commissioners and one each of the latter filling one position known as Commissioner of Finance, Public Safety Utilities and Public Works. The Commissioner of Public Safety is over the police de- partment. Two of the candidates at the primaries to -day, Bush and Get- chell, are endorsed by Duluth's nicked named Wall Street crowd the monied interests, also by the Commercial and Lincoln Clubs, all pretty well inter- woven. Fred Ward, Superintendent of the county poor farm, is their choice for Mayor. Labor in to -day's primaries are backing and endorsing Phillips, present Utility Commis- sioner, who has filled his position with efficiency and also Leonidas Merritt, a sterling man who has priv- cusly done faithful public service for this city. The latter threw their weight and influence to ' after Mr. Fred Voss, their first choice, was forced by ill health to quit the field. For Mayor they will back Snively, another man well spoken of. I will hazard a guess that in to -day's prim- aries Bush, Getchell, Phillips and Merritt will be the selection for commissioners and if so that Phillips and Getchell will win on April 6th, Labor scoring one and their oppon- ents one. I forecast Snively for Mayor, labor scoring. A lady, Mrs. Marie 1,. Marshall, is also in the field to -day for commissioner, but I hold out no hope for her. She was formerly a school teacher, also assist- ant cashier in one of this city's lead- ing dry good stores. At one time she resided outside of Duluth, but her Lome was destroyed by the awful forest fire of October 12, 1918, which caused such a holaeust of death, des- truction and suffering in the rural districts, villages, towns and cities of Northern Minnesota and elsewhere, And some sections of this city were devasted by the tire fiends relentless fury. ROBERT MCNAUGHTON. Duluth, Minn., March 12, 4921. • New automobile tire chains are at- tached with metal wings that give a *heel additional traction should it encounter mud or deep snow. Alb Ye a + r A.,,,X:4 tto ce ry, 35 are - 111111 111111 11.!!11 111111 j MnaMPUMXIM INC07tPOlttY,,CE0$46 'Capital and 143erve*9,OQ0,Q00 Over 180 Branches The Molsons Bank There is no wafer or surer way of safeguarding, your surplus money than placing it in a savings account with The Molsons Bunke. Whynot begin to-day7 BRANCHES 11i1 THIS DISTRICT: Brucefleld St. Marys, Kirkton Exeter, Clinton, Hensel!, Zurich. STOMACH IN ORDER! NO INDIGESTION, GAS, SOURNESS "Pape's Dlapepsln'.' hoe proven itself the sdrest relief for Indigestion, Gases Flatulence, Heartburn. Sourness, Fer mentation or Stomach Distress caused by acidity. A few tablets give almost immediate stomach relief and shortly the stomach is corrected so you con eat favorite foods without fear. Large ease caste only few cents at drug store. Millions helped annually. CASTOR IA ItoS Infests and! CNldren. lend Yna 8681 Always Bot Haw the Swam of Oa" dzeii cry CAalT(' $A From Chrome eat her A Horsepower Hama. S trail E 4 OR rilliti►caters These two articles are mage lifts chrome Lrtther, tho strongest, totghmt le+:'am known. CC�heepp will sot harden with sweat or water. They Whit grsat strength and qualities that ran mire than please you, y we miaow you ode was selection of tullhrs n iarania b M. BRODERICK, Seaforth. F. O'BRIEN & SON, Staffa. R. A. SADDLER, Staffa. $50 to $5,000 A YEAR FOR LIFE A CANADIAN GOVERNMENT ANNUITY PROVIDES If -Ho better life investment available --Ifo better security obtainable • tanot be tailed or levied upon for qct• esus etd if feet, or destroyed -Not be � by trade dep�reasion -*keg fry Dominion Income Tax --No medical examination required Anyone over the age of 5 years resident oar de ehiffed V firstmn may ptudtase. Any two peraom may purcbasr, jointly. >ilatployers may purchase Il.r their eniehiyees-riebool beards for their ptyeschers- cmgrrgeggatio,n for their ministers.-.' 1pt5a,dont of tie, ., Otte.., for n�,� �'to � information Bested*, Mate .e: wad ase I..t birthday. Persuasion wiled, /hey look io force! SHE was so proud of her first cake. It was sia' Iight so tempting 1 But her young bro- .ihers had an eye on it. too, and 1 You've simply got to hide the cakes and bread when they're made from Cream of the West Flour, Maple Leaf Milling Co., Limited Toronto, Winnlpra Srwndon, Hailfns YOU CAN PROCURE CREAM OF THE WEST FLOUR FROM MARSHALL STEWART, U.P . Co- OPERATIVE CO., VAFORTIL Oat. e- .i r X13381