HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1921-03-11, Page 8al te; '$'4Y an Paper i AND tationery Clean-up MARCH 5th to MARCH 19th Papers for every room in the kome. We have in our Stock a num- ber of Beautiful Papers which we are disposing of at greatly reduced prices ranging from 10 cents up. Limited quantities only, cannot be replaced when sold. Please bring uietssurements Our 1221 Papers are all 21 inches wide and are now ready for inspec- tion, SCOTT'S WALL PAPER STORE TILE HURON EXPOSITOR )VE WANT EXPERT DEALERS REMARKABLE opportunity for one high - grade deal- er in each territory , prefer- ably one who has u knowledge of farm conditions. The posi- tion is permanent and the work pleasant and profitable. Experience not essential— we train you. Exclusive terri- tory, liberal cooperation and excellent pay. To men of energy. ability and absolute integrity this position offers a valuable association, and one that is of real service to the oommunity. Write us to -day. The Shinn Mfg. Co. of Canada Guelph - Ontario Secty. & Man., - W. H. DAY (Formerly Professor of Physics at the Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph.) DigilAKT MAT'fERS Takes Fit in Store on Main Street Seaforth, while with friends after a long discussion of the different points shey' decided that it was the finest fitting tailored -made Suit of Clothes he ever had. All clothes got at "My Wardrobe" ftt well, feel well, look well; are Well -made, and are well worth the price. Suits, twenty-four siellars up. Announcements—The ertgagement is announced of Mies Lillian L. Porter, of Ilensall, Ont., to Mr. Wm. A. Kerr, eldest son of Mr, and Mrs. John Kerr, Seaforth, Ont., the wed- ding to take place quietly the latter ',art of March. tir"4-7'.2:181, Luck of the Mounted, Kendall; Henry Elizabeth,McCarthy., Harriet and the laisser, Norris -,No Defence, Parker; ; Adventurous Lady, Snaith; The Rap- ids, Sullivan; Stronger than Hifi Sea,l Watson, Kathleen, Morley; Everyman ' for Himself, Moorhouse; The Myetery in the Ritsmare, Johnson; The Second Latchkey, Williamson; Heritage of , the Desert, Grey; The Last Trail, Grey; The White Mull, Packard. 1 Non-fietiuti—Elementary Lessons in , English Idiams, BaSCUIII ; New Hand- i book for Lietrary and Debating So- cieties. Gibson; China the Myster- ious, Murdock; With Grenfell on the 1 Labrador, Weide; Autobiography, Carnegie; Recollections of a Police Magistrate, Dennison; A Study in Canadian Immigration, Smith; Let- ters of Travel, Kipling; The Prinie . Minister, Spender. Juvenile—Higho acres, Abbott; Sceutruastership , Baden-Powell; Wonder Stories, Bailey; Mystery of the Sea Lark, Barbour; Little Heroes of France, Burke; A Boy in Serbia, Ernst; The • e ; "f, ersletae . Airplane Spider, Murray; Pee s at Power Farming.—On Friday after- the British Bluejacket, Vaux; ales be in the "one" of the Labrador, Wallace; With Strand Theatre, Cardno's Hall. 'I he Allenby in a es r, subject lecture will be on Power Lost River, Chaffee; Story of the i and will be delivered by Mr. Saints, Hall; Transport Girl in norm next, March 18th, a lecture with . of Wonder and Magic, Pyle; Troop moving pictures willgiven P I tin • Brereton; The ChoietWall Paper If yen intend to do any Paper- ing this Spring it will pay you to come . In and inspect our NEW WV, PAPERS. Most of them co ki in the popular 21 - inch width and the colorings and designs are in keeping with this iniprov,ement, We can save you money on your WALL PAPER. Thompson's BOOKSTORE - - SEAFORTH of Goderick, "spent Sunday et her home here.—The many friends of Miss -Hazel Dormice will be pleased to , learn that her health is Awing marked signs of improvement.—Rev. Mr. Roberts, of Mitchell, occupied the pulpit in St. Thomas' Church on Sun- , daY last.—County Clerk Holman was in town on Tuesday.—The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper was observed • in the.Egniondville church on Sunday ' morning last. Dr. Larkin preached the preparatory sermon on Friday. ' Mra, Dennis and little daughter, who havt been visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Brown, have re- turned to DetroiL—Mrs. W. McLeod is visiting with relatives in London. —Mr, W. J. Fowler, of Leamington, was here this week. He came to attend the funeral of his motherahe late Mrs, Williain Fowler.—An en- tertainment will be given in the I At Beattie's Salvation Army Hall en Wednesday Opened this week a crate of Tea- pocs direct from England; dif- ferent sizes, shapes and colors. To reduce quantity we are offer- ing them at Bargain Prices; quality considered. NEW HOSE Boys' and Girls' Ribbed Hose at ia-orge Clarke, a graduate of the France, Merchant; The Cavalier Maid, 35 and 40 cents per pair. I- arm ng 0.A.C., Guelph. Ont. Mr. Clarke has Knipe; By Sheer Pluck, Henry; Tone, BARGAINS IN GRANITEWARE made special study of power farm- Spyri; in Freedom's COUSe, Henry. mg and the information he will give - --•- DEAL AND SAVE at Friday evening at the home of Miss should not only pruve ef interest but For Sale. Top buliegY. new.f ncx, used 1 Annie Taylor. They will be enter- , evening next, Mardi 16th.—We have ! been enjoying beautiful April weather during the greater part of this week. —Much sympathy will be extended to Mr. Fred Huiser in the death of his wife, which occurred on Tuesday Several other members of the family are also ill. CONSTANCE Notes.—The Jolly Sixteen held one of their most enjoyable evenings last !vr""k Ar""L E." wur". s-urth '27"u BEATTIE BROS ; tained to a "Poverty" dance Friday ith, surrounding country. , For Sale. -T v., sticks of timber 82 feet ., , evening, March 18th, by Miss Annie be of great benefit to every farmer . i long, 12 Mabee; scalars. i sound Apply to mery. Seat orth. 2778-tf Hayes—Smale.- -1 e marr g Sir Walter Hayes, eldest son of Me, ! fee., A Poly' to J. Wesley Beattie. Sea. 2178-tf . - and Mrs. Elgin Hayes. Virginia St. ...'.-I's Tea. The Ludic,' Aid of the ----- 10 - — h I ''h of , yeee weere,e-Marri,1 man work on "The Fair." Phone 129 Pryce. FURS WANTED court, and Miss Florence Smale, Methialeit rhureh will serve ten lo the ar oo to rine rly of Seaforth, Ont., taok place room fi "in 3.3l/ , 7 [1.0. OR March 870 .i. Regina on Wednesday. February , 2778.1 e3r,i, the Rev. J. W. Whillans officiat- ; nes.. your f urniture repaired Of. 1.1fghoilit.g.1 - ! ed before houherleanIng time. Sl,lng salnl'Ics mg On Thursday evening the young w inc. Churl. Holmes, 277.3 ,,,uple returned to the city when a If yim would like I recept ion was held at the home of dollars for future us I I. he groom's parents. A number of , 0., ahs.. sl,- "00 intimate friends welcomed them, and 1 "'''''' 0000'` 08'',0' were later entertained to supper, 1 when eovers were laid for sixteen. ,,, w lere,eree tee, the tables being tastefully arranged , to lin rve, Monti...um to save MOO.. of your e come to our Sdling Cash Shoe 5,0. 0P- , 2778,1 -neral purpose mare 8 •n single. Can be seen , ictoria Square. Apply a -y. Seta orth. 2778(7 who intend to wear shins; the 18 - Alb kinds of Raw Furs, delivered at the Dick House, Seaforth. Highest Cash Prices. G. E. Ft ENDERSON. 2766-0 Licensed Buyer. .TF. I) A_I ,Y Jeweler a n d Optician_ Issuer Marriage Licenses ONT. SEAFORTH - WESTERN ONTARIO'S BEST COMMERCIAL SCHOOL Stratford, Ontario Our winter term commences Tuesday, Jan. 4th, and students may regiater in our Commer- cial, Shorthand or Telegraphy Departments at any time. Our courses are thorough and prac- tical, and we assist graduates to positions. Get our free catalogue. D. A. MeLACH LAN Principal. I fall sold his fern in McKillop and; moved into town with the hope that I the change would prove beneficia1l. The hope proved vain however, and he gradually sank until the end was reached on Wednesday evening.— ! Miss Julia.Kenny, who has been wait- ing on her sister, Mrs. C. Eckart, for several weas, has returned to her home in Dublin. The many friends of Mrs. Eckert will be pleased to learn that she is greatly improved brioe 888 groom will make their home on the il ,',.`,'";Z!* s.teh,4.',!',`', ",','.11„. du,i.br ' c,'bt', 'is,,, in health.—,Mies Alice Carbett, of with cut flowers. e Mount Elgin farm near the city. I see, olnionite Expositor 011ie, 277801 Brantford, spent the week end with -- - - ---e- I Autos for Sale. 1 1220 McLaughlin Master Inc mother here. --Rev. T. H. Brown Sisty-tvio Years of Wedded Bliss.— """ '''''"' 'In". is conducting a mission in Mitchell Dr. William Sloan and Mrs. Sloan, of usual courant,- 1 ,,,i M r Laughin nix this week.—Mr. D. McDonald has sold Moi, cord tirm and earner, the let Dunn Avenue, Toronto, and form !eerie. l ,e..e Feel Teeene, 1 used Ehev-• his property in McKillop and intends Bell, Overland Deal,. removing to Saskatchewan.—Mr. Wm, erly ,ef Seaforth, celebrated their 6.2m1 rkohleotn,tou ring. Gm, C. ' • 207. 2777-3 wedding anniversary on Friday last, I To the l'utilic. • I w is h to announce to an Hopper has purchased the residence when a large number of I. fiend,: e all- ,n, °id ,,,,,,,,n,i, and as many new ones that of Mrs. John Kerr on North Main l'a vi rig repurchased the shoe repair bui.inms, street.---4Word has been received here - . ''' bv .0 i.am i b . Pc. itib b of the death in Vancouver of Mrs. FAMILY GROUPS We make a Speciality of tel.. ing Family Group Photos. Headquarters for Developing and Printing Amateur's Snap shots, also Picture Framing. D. F. BUCK, Photographer. td at their residence to congratulate them un this unique event. They have resided in Parkdale, one of the suburbs of Toronto, for thirty-nine years, and the genial doctor has been Treasurer of Parkdale Presbyterian to do nl I 1.in31 f repair Ork OD the short- ',imam notice. 'Adm.,' fiw ne shoes a peclalty. " lor. for many years a All work guaranteed. and prices moderate, well known and highly esteemed resi- n', on a Chas. Con..tigney. 277704 dent of Harpurhey. The remains, Special Optical Sale. High-grade gold -fill- ahteh will be accompanied by her son, speetaelik and eye glasmeY with belt qual- Mr George Fowler, of Fargo, N. D., church for the last 35 years. The Sy flat spher hail lerL.irsi for only 88,20. 10a doctor is in his 89th year, and Mrs. ...,.net fee0 by our well known specialist, will be brought to Seaforth for in - Sloan in her 81st. Both are in the 3,1 r. li ug loon 058 twenty-five sears' prat.- terrnent, the funeral taking place best of health, and have every ,t,'!..:,_1,,J1`„P,,"";,";'-'11,,,w`o= Te. money ,:,,: from St. Thomas' Church on Satur- veryindication of many yearn of activity I ,,rly eeeeie, one Wedneaday, March 22mil day afternoon.—Miss Jean Govenlock, etill ahead of them. They were and 23rd. Come early. Beattw's 15a2irinB2ea. fernier residents of Blyth, where the loctor had an extensive practice and where he took an active part in po- Masonic.—On Monday evening last litical affairs, contesting East Huron Rt. W. Bro. George A. Fraser, of in the Liberal interest against the Parkhill, District Deputy Grand Mas - late Thomas Farrow. We are sure ter of South Huron District paid his that the many old friends of both offical visit. to Britannia Masonic the doctor and his wife, in this lo- Lodge, Seaforth, when the second cality will wish them many more degree was exemplifed by the officers years of wedded bliss. of the local lodge in a manner that sicalled forth the highest praise not only great novels ae- G. W. V. A. Notes.—The aneual from the District Deputy, but from meeting for the election of officers, all the members and visitors present. THE COST. was held in the club rooms Tuesday After the work was completed lunch Reproduced in 6 acts by was served in the lodge rooms when evening, a good attendance being —Paramount-Artcraft— about eighty members of the craft sat prsent. The reports of the various A story of college days, political clown to the very substantial and well committees were received and proved life and high finance, written by one to be gratifying, the club being in a served tables. This was followed by of the outstanding figures of Ameri- healthy condition. The following of- a toast list, the principal speakers can literature of the past dec.-ade. being Rt. W. Bro. Fraser, Rev. Mr, firers were elected: President, R. S. Unusually elaborate scenes of the Matheson, of Stratford, Rev. Mr. Hays; Vice -President, Dave, Reid; Thompson, of Monkton, and Past Dia- Newhi York Stock Exchange and Secy., Chas. Holmes; Manager midfashionable life are in the picture. Treasurer, John Wilson; Chaplains. Revs, Capts. Edwards and White; MON., TUES., & WED. Sergt. at Arms., William Smith; Ex- The Last Episode of ecutive Committee, Chas. Sills, Robt. "THE LOST CITY" Smith, Ross Sproat, Joe McMillan; auditors, A. D. Sutherland, L. T. De will be shown with Lacey. The club announce a dance OWEN MOORE for Thursday. March 17th, and pre- parations are being made to have this in a very enjoyable affair. The G. W. V. A. Orchestra will supply the music and lunch will be served by the Ladies' Auxiliary. The prices for this dance will be $1.00 to members, $1.50 to non-members, and 60 cents for extra lady. Members will not re- ceive invitations for this dance and are asked to hand in to the Secretary of an the - wish invite - PRINCESS NOW PLAYING DAVID GRAHAM PHILLIPS CLINTON It is Your Duty To See The New Fashions. Spring MillineryOpening Special Exhibit •, It is Our Pleasure To Show You Them. and A Dastardly Deed.—On Saturday night Mr. L. Sabine, a young drug- gist of Toronto, was cruelly murder- ed by a burglar who shot him in the abdomen, just as he was closing the store for the night, r. Sabinedy- ing shortly after in the hospital, He was a son of the late Rev, T. J. Sabine, a Methodist minister web known he the London Conference, and his wife was Mise Jennie Shannon, der a number of years a well known resident of Clinton. HILLS GREEN Notes.—The Young People of Hills Green Sunday School have organized a Bible Class and will hold an Irish social in the basement of the church f,I1 Friday evening March 18th. A cordial invitation is extended to all, —Mr. and 1Virs. Edmund Troyer have moved to Brigden, where they intend living with their daughter, Mrs. W. C. Jarrott. Their many friends in this neighborhood were sorry to lose them.—Mr, and Mrs. Stephen and family are now settled on the farm recently vacated by Mr. Troyer. SPECIAL THIS WEEK A BeU Piano, used only two months, owner leaving arid will now sell for $385, each; or terms arranged. Tide style piano was sold for $600 last summer and is sure a chance to save some good money on a high class instrennent, fully,,guaranteed by the Company. Also one Square Piano, in good skape, to go at 675.00, or will rest for a term of months. Get busy and phone 6418, or write trict Deputies Rt. W. Bros. Fred Porterfield, of Mitchell, a n d J. H. Reid, of Seaforth. Visit- ing brethren were present from Monkton, Stratford, Mitchell and Hensall. On the whole the meeting was not only the most largely at- tended but the most interesting and pleasant that has been held in Bri- tannia -Lodge for some years and the W. M., Mr. J. F. Ross and his staff of officers are to be heartily con- gratulated on its success. Local Briefs.—Mr. G. F. Rogers', of Toronto, Collegiate Institute Inspec- tor, and a former principal of Sea - forth Collegiate, was a week end guest at the Queen's.—Miss Margaret Prendergast, of Egmondville, left on Saturday for Chicago, where she in- tends making her home with her bro- ther, Dr. L. Prendergast. —Special services will be conducted in the Sal- vation Army Hall on Sunday by Sergeant Major Clark, of Stratford. —Miss Madge Stewart, of Stratford, spent the week end at her home here. —Mr. George Sparks has sold his residence rai Market Street to Mrs. Thomas Pryce. Mr: and Mrs. Sparks intend moving to the West, where several members of their family re- side.—Miss Alva Graves is visiting with her sister in Detroit.—Mrs. Jos. Dayman, who has been spending sev- eral months with her daughter in New Orleans, has returned M her home in McKillop.—Mr. McBride, of Toronto, was a week end guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bell.—Mr. H. W. Creseweil kaa been confined to the house for the past two weeks through illness.—.Mrs. J. H. Broadfoot and Miss May returned on Saturday evening from Hamilton.— Mr. Guy Morse, of Flint, Michigan, is visiting with friends in town.— Miss Helen French has returned to Toronto.—Miss Susie Tovell, of St. the names S tions sent to. The Secretary, Mr. Holmes will be at the club rooms evenings from 7 to 8 p.m. to handle official business. Married In The Went.—The Ed- monton Bulletin of February 28th gives the following account of the marriage in that .city of a former well known Seaforth girl, Miss Irene Farquharson. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Farquharson, who before their removaleto Provost, Alberta, re- sided on James street: "The 1107111e of Mr. and Mrs. John MacGregor, Edmonton South, was the scene of a very pretty wedding Thursday even- ing, February 24th, at eight o'clock, when Charlotte Irene, daughter of Mr and atm D. R. Farquharson, of Provost, became the bride of Carl F. Laubman, also of Provost. Rev. Capt. K. C. McLeod offkaated. To the strains of the Lohengrin wedding marca, played by Miss Jessie Ferrier, the bride entered the living room on the arm of her brotber, Alex. Farqu- harson, who gave her away: The room was artistically decorated in pink and white, and pink and white carnations were used on the table, which was centred with the bride's Marys is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. cake. After a daintsr buffet supper J. A. §tewart,--Migs Hazel Deem, ot the happy couple left on the midnight Stratford, visited with kir. and Mrs.: train for ;southern points, and 071 their retwrn will be at home to friends at their home in Provost. Besides, the immediate relatives, the pleads included Miss Edith Ferrier, Miss Jessie Ferrier and Miss Mary McDonald." "THE DESPERATE HERO" PRINCESS Shea nil Thursday, Friday, Saturday —Goldwyn's Big Special Production— "EARTHBOUND" New Baoks.—The following new J. E. RIJGILL books have been received at the Public Library and were put in cir- Mrs. Pattersens-Many friends will etattgAll. Pianos, Pkonolas, Viking I culation Saturday, February 26th: regret to learn of the death of Mr. ' CrUi.,Beparaters, etc. Selling di- Fiction.—Wildernem Mine, IN -lidless; Alest. Kerr," which occurred at his *aid factory to customer; saves A Mating in the Wilds, Mans; um- horde, North Main street, Seaforth, sten, time. Give me Al trlsL den Creek, Burt; The Valley of Sil- on Wednesday evening in his 57tk ent Men, Curvrood; The Little House, year. Mr. Xerr had been in poor PBON11 sts Mr Sri Dawson; Erskine Dale Pioneer, Fox; kealth for a year or more and last Wilitani Bristow during the week.— Mrs. J A. Wilson was in Wifidlington last week attending the funeral of the late Mrs. Hall.—Mrs. J. D. Flinch - ley has returned from St. Thomas -- Mr. E. Tovell, of Hamilton, spent Sunday .sa the home of Mr. 3. A. Stewart,—Mrs. (Dr.) J. Patton and daughter, of St. Thomas, are spend- ing the week end at the home of 41,1 , . !ieeeeeri,e. ''W,Pnot icih .1100,i" 17.14,4 '15.04.3f,,,t, 3's —OF— Latest Styles —IN— Ladies' Apparel and Accessories Friday March 18 McKILLOP A St- Patrick's Box Social and Entertain- ment will be held in Leadbury School on March 17th, at 8 p.m. Programme consist- ing of sale of boxes, followed by the empty- ing of them after which n box full of fun will be given away free: eenee. read- ings, and old-time humorous dialogue.. Ad- mission 26 cents. which will be remitted on purchase of boxes. 2778x1 Notes.—Mr. Louis Tebbutt deliver- ed a fine heavy draught horse to Mr. J. E. Daley this week. ' Farm Purchased.—Mr. Thos. Broom has purchased the farm of the late R. H. Govenlock consisting of 225 acres. This, together with his pres- ent farm two miles west of Winthrop, makes Mr. Broom the possessor of 375 acres of excellent farm land. MANLEY Notes.—Mr. James Johnston has sold his 76 -acre farm west of here Mr. Thomas Hieknell,—The farmers around here are still busy hauling gravel to build up the town line be- tween McKillop and Logan to make it. passable for the mail carrier and to give an outlet to the Tar, Tur- pentine & Charcoal Mfg. Co. to get to Dublin.—Mr. C. Eckert is at pres- ent spending the week amongst us —The many friends are sorry to learn that Mrs. Henry Witteraon is on the sick list—Mr. Leo McKay is busy getting his wood and logs out that. the Hulley Bros. are cutting. Basil King's powerful story of the unseen world. • Four lives bound together by a common creed—'3N q God—no Sin—no Future Life." Two men and two women torn by the conflict between loyalty and passion Then inevitable disaster—and for 'one of them a headlong plunge to death. Is the soul swept from earth the moment it is freed from the Or does ita-earthbotind—still the violent emotions which the must endure? "Earthbound" is a remarhable lift - tang of the veil that stands between this life and the next—a motion pic- ture endowed with a power and hu- man poignancy that can be found in no other form of art. The year that it has taken in crea- tion began a new era for the screen. ALSO SHOWING "Larry Semen" in "The Fly Cop" —A Rig V 2 -reel Comedy— and FORD MONTHLY Adults 25c. Children 15c body? share living New Strand IN ATTENDING THIS EXHIBIT Sat'day March 19 you will have ari opportun- ity to observe the very newest and best in SPRING STYLES—a privilege you are sure to enjoy. STAFFA School Report.—The following is the report of the examinations of School Section No. 3, Hibbert, for the month of February. Those marked with an asterisk missed one or more examinaticns. Senior Fourth.—Vern Leary 80%, Allan McLellan 70%, Ada Miller 69%, Flora McDonald 6811, Frances Chilvers 66%, Russell Worden 65*. Junior Fourth.—Howard Leary 77*, Allan Viviafi 57*, Robbie Miller 52'7, *Harvey Hambley 40%. Senior Third.—Verna Drake 78%, Fraser Oliver 67*, Clara Elliott 61*, Henry Harburn 50%. Senoir Second—Leo Perry 63% 'Ada Elliott 68%. Junior Second,—Mavis Drake 93%, Maggie Martin 78%, Margaret Golding 75%, Cliff Miller 74%, Robbie Miller 73%. Senior Primer. — Mabel McDonald 96%, Margaret Drake 92%, Marvin Harburn 77%. Junior Primer.-- Sylvia Tuffin 82%, Edith Tuffin 68%. Hay, Teacher. WINGHAM A Narrow Escape.—William Wil- liamson, an employee of the Western Foundry, had a narrow escape from drowning in the Maitland River Mon- day afternoon. In company with Chief Allen, Commissioner Holmes and Messrs. Pilon and Campbell, Mr. Wil- liamson was assisting to clear the jam of ice where the new cement bridge and dam are in course of con- struction. Without warning, a piece of ice on which he stood broke away and precipitated him into the water. The current, which at present is very swift, quickly carried him down stream among pieces of ice, which every moment threatened to crush and carry him under. His companions hurried down stream, vainly en- deavoring to reach him with poles from the shore, but It was not until he was. about half a mile down stream that he was rescued. He was hurried. to -his home and a physician sum- moned, who found the patient suf- fering from a broken shoulder, with minor Wises and injuri' es ani kuf- Perkin considerably from the chill and shock. 01 ,04A WO tro„,^4,),00„..f, „, • 5.ostrytrar,trts'inasora+3,3,5oro,o,ldt -(1 ne finds a deg iouch ofinclivicluahly in eacIt ofour .mo els 00, 535, COME AND SEE THE BEAUTIFUL STYLES. 0 NOTE THE ATTRACTIVE PRICES COMPARE THE UNUSUAL QUALITIES. "Creations of Beauty" aptly describes the Hats we have to Display. MacTavish's tif 51 ,rit4lJ14.01V ;0,-t'h5 103! 8t, 103 SI Peet ,ker, ee Met; e. ssistaissa '1,41 ashaisisassitueestatawarri,SleSSM+PAV.NS..aVaiamIsseiammw,,,yess r54 ^33. "'PTV 8 ..31*"..1."7,77,11d