HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1921-03-11, Page 5ie
i51; 14 )bl4tale
1"itri 4.;e1
Seger* March in. 1
!feat, Per' bushel
't*, Per ]!!Bohai
Barley, per bushel
Per ton .
ota , per bagoe
. Per dozen 87 to 88c,
8 aa'ts, per ton
FloBogs, Per Doul. . , $6.2 illi $660
B per cwt. 118.50
Ryan,—In MoEfiap, on February 27th, a
Mr. and Mrs, William R am a sou.
O'Reilly.—Ia Mo&[Bop, on Match lfb, to
Mr. and Mm. Frank O'Reilly. a ern,
Dale,—Ia RsUett, on March bib. to Mr. and
Mrs. Oreo! Dales' a er ip a•. Folmar/
Bmo rs, O is dau ht
19th. to Mr. and Mrs. John AlbertBoth.Boal.
a son.
K1Jenfieid.—pot Ooomarty, on, February 26th,
to Mr.. and MW, Roland.Klisnadd,
Garrett. --At Haus!! on February 20th, to
laev. R. E. .44 Um Garrett, a daughter.
Jtfrey--Leann,—At "Willow Grove" Farm,
Ueborne, on March 8N, 1021, Mise Rosie
Mac, daughter of Mr. and Mn. John
Cann. to Mr. William E. Jeffrey, by the
Rev. W. 0. H. MoAlBater.
Kett' -.-Proctor.—At the residence of the
bride's parents, by Rev. J. R. Peters, R.A-,
on February Mrd, 1921. Mr. John Wesley
Kerr to Mica Maagarot A, only daughter
f Mr, and Mrs. W. C. Procter, 11 of
Morrie Township.
Kerr. --In
Seaforth. on March 9th, Alexander
Kerr, aged 57 yearn. 6 months and 4 days.
Hick..—las Unborn, un February 2811,, Daniel
Hick.. ngcd 85 roar,"
Scarlett. -49 Clinton, on Friday, February
26th, Mee. John Scarlett. formerly of Mc-
Killop Township.
Bowmen. --In Bruaneln, on February 25th,
Evelyn Maud Parr, beloved wife of Robt
DOwman, aged 81 years, 1 month and 11
!°oll stove. tune !icer
MM. Mad, aak itine. new'
WIN wit
add may.
0#llon• op can. was of ma -
m, eW4Y*
anthem* bureau. Iwo ma-
e. tit ,..etoanp. and a large number
,of tether tneMalea too numerous to mention.
Th .. B JOHN DO$BEY, Propyls.
$pots, Auotloneer. St'f7ga
' 1
.' turn The.. Bremen hth beeu Instruc
to sell by public aucttl at th reddens oS
the undersigned, Ooderloh Sleet, wet, Rea -
forth, on astuo0ay, March 18th. at two
o'clock. p.m., the following; Svlki oak skim
board. a bulb. seated dining Minis and
ahhdsoeellosit, dining wide bather eogtfi, writ -
•site, wslnot frame aaa p .to vm�, e
bed roam suites with mattrweaa and .poems ,
a number of email tablet, Psndora range
for either .sal or wood, hail rack. New
Raymond sewing melon , 6 -burner. oil stove
that that �, kitchen table and .halm, one
lumber of 0a Ford touring car, and a
other household arndes too num
taus to mention. Terme--Cash. MRS. 0,
'M. CHESNEY, Proprietress : Thos. Brown.
Auctioneer, 2776-4
Implement. Thos Brown has been in-
structed to sell by public auction on Lot
28, Concession 11, MoKIIIop, on Tuesday,
March 22nd, 1021, at one o'clock p.m., the
following: One Percberon mare 7 years old,
1 draft mare 6 years old, 1 draft gelding t
retire old, 1 eve year old cow due March
16th, 1 five year old cow due May 20th, 1
four year old cow due April 1216, 1 four
Ydue ear
U October 12th, Marais 1 farmer cowl, lmplc
rnents.--1 7 -foot binder nearly new. I 5-
foutmower, 1 roller, 1 cultivator, 1 harrow,
1 Fleety plow now. 1 wagon. 1 bob sleigh,
1 hay rake, 1 seeuMer, 1cutting box. one
Pulper 1 top buggy, 1 cutter, 1 dap kettle,
1 heavy double harness, 1 single harness, 3
hishovels, 6 of hay, 200 bushels mixed
days. f grain, 250 bushels of naw, 150 hoohels of
Fowler. -...In Vancouver, B. C.. on. March 2, 1 btrley, 1200 feet dry maple, a quantity of
Agnea Sproat relict of the late William F 18 Inch wood, 30 hens, 2 geese, 1 gander, 1
Fowler, aged 89 year.. bedroom suite, 1 set of drawers, 1 coal stove,
Carlin.- In Hibbert, on March 13th, Patrick 1 oak extension able. 1 cupboard, 1
Carlin, aged 88 year... mattress, 0 quantity of dishes. Terms. at All
mune of 110 and under, cash; over that
amount 7 months' credit will be given on
furn*hing approved joint notes, or 4 per
cent. oft for cash. JOSHUA POLI,ARD,
Proprietor: T. Brown, Auctioneer. 2778-2
Notice is hereby Jr{ven pursuant to the
Truster Act that alI persons having claims
akalmt the Estate of David Kyle, late of
the Towrehip of Hay, Farmer, deceased, who
died onFebruary Eleventh, 1921, arerequired
on or before the 28th day of March inst. to
file withI
G adman & Stanbury, Solicitors r
the Executors, full particulars lace ! their
claims And alter ouch date the Executors
will distribute the meets of the deceased,
having regardmy to claims of which no-
tice has then been received.
Henson and Exeter.
March 8th, 1921. 2778-3
On Wednevdsy, Mach 21lyd, on lot 1.
Concession 10, Grey Township, adjoining the
eibnge of Brussels, Farm Stork, Implements,
Km. . Sole 0nre,er.id as farm hue been sold.
Sale at 1 p.m. Molly Holland, Proprietor;
F. S. Scott. Auctioneer. 1 2770.2
Implements. Thos. Brown Sae been in-
structed to sell by public auction on lot 25,
Concession 14, MeK Mop, ei mile south of
Walton, on Wednesday, March 28rd, 1921, at
one o'clock p.m., the following: lloroes. -1
heavy gelding rising 8 ,yearn old, heavy draft
gelding 6 years old, 3 le or r rng rains
7 care
Y old, rood double y ret old, about
urn. Cats.. --1 cow 7 years nth calved
about a months, call at tout, t cow .1 rears
old to ,.me In about to last of o April, u
w to pig fleet eek i April,. 2 litters ;eta
quantity of hens. Implements.- 1 Frost &
Wood binder with trucks. 1 Ma:w e, -Harris
mower Sty foot cut, 1 Mo.ryHarra 10 -hoe
/reed drill, 1 spring tooth cultivator suitable
for two hnn.cs, 1 Sharp hereto' rake. 1 lumber
w t,: 1 set of bob sleighs woh Rat
asks mu•hunk, and h•,lsters. 1 top buggy Mc.
Loughlin make, 1 open buggy, 1 cutter,
vet diamond harrows, one nearly new. one
Fleury w'nll. i ng plow No. 21. 1 Pare plow
Nn g
tanning 1 milt,1 plow. doubleland
a net roller, harm.,l II Beet
Ingle har/moda repair. 1 ,1Melotte
cream s harness in s
rotor 600 tbs. rapacity, i churn.
pie trough s10 feet Inns, 2 lined •ter troughs,
about 10 f, -et long. 2 water horrel , 1 root
IMPORTANT NOTICES pulprr. I flat hay rack. 1 gravel box. 1 t.arnip
other, 1 met whiffl/re., 1 neck yoke, grind
stone, wooden pomp head with Ingo, horse
collars, one extension ably. The whole wilt
positively ho /sold withoutve IL” the
proprietor has sold his farm.. 'terms, All
sums of $10 and under, cash: over that
amount 9 months' credit will be given on
furnishing approved joint notes. A di,eourt
of 4 cent on the dollar will be allowed
off for rash on credit amount•. .IOHN
PRYCE, Proprietor: Thom. Brown, Auc-
plemnnto d household Furniture Mr.
George Elliott has been instructed to sell by
public auction on Lot 9, Concession f,,
Stanley, 211 miles south of Varna. on 'Tues.
day, March 22nd. at 12.30 o'clock sharp, the
following property, namely: Horses • One
draft move rising 7 years old in foal to R.
Murdoch'. horse. draft mare rising 6 years
old, draft more rising 5 yearn old eligible for
registration, draft gelding rising 3 years old
aired by Earl O'Ciay, driving mare quiet and
reliable, works single nr double. Cattle. --
Cow 8 years old due to calve May 1st, cow
7years old with calf M foot row 7- years
old due April 16th, 2 heifers rising 1 year
old. steer rising 1 year old. 2 !wirers rising
2 years old, 5 ate,rs rising 2 years old. heifer
rising 9 yearo old, 2 steers rising 3 years
ng 4 yearn old. also about 100
BarredRook hens. Implements, -Deering
binder 6 -foot cut Massey -Harry mower 6 -
foot cut, Massey -Hard, 13 hoe drill nearly
new, 12 plate Deering disc, Deed�ping 10 -foot
steel rake, Massey -Harris bean cultivator and
harvester combined. Fleury walking plow No.
21, Fleury walking plow No. 21 new, set 4
vection diamond harrows. Doering cultivator,
wheel for binder tongue, new 16 -loot rack,
new cutter, tot) buggy, bob sleighs, wagon
23, inch tires, graver iwx. Clinton fanning
mill with sleets, set new 2000 Me. oealos,
26 grain bags, set brass mounted heavy
harness nearly new with breeching and back
hands, set backbend harness, half set plow
harness, 3 bridle,, 6 collars, pair collar tope,
sweat collate, set single barnesa, wheelban
row, crowbar, forks, shovels, hors, chairs,
some rock elm planks, 3 batrea, quantity of
hay, 180 bushels of seed sea, steel water
tank. Furniture. -2 bed room suites, two
bureaus, 2 feather beds, parlor /mite, six
dining room chairs, 6 kitchen chairs, glass
cupboard, extension table, kitchen table,
kitchen stove, Happy Thought range nearly
new, wood or coal; large carpet and lin-
oleum, Daisy churn, Patriot washing nm- I
chine, 25 sealers canned fruit, pail., milk M
cans, crocks, flour bin,- some bed clothes and a
pillows, new Raymond sewing machine, four f
burner coal oil stove nearly new with oven. o
4 pairs curtains, curtain pales, gleaswate and
dishes, Doherty organ. 2 bed smiths. 2 mat- a
tresses. Everything most be ,old as the pro -
prietor hue sold his farm. Terme,—AB us em
of 910 end under. cash ; over that amount eh
9 months' credit will be given on furnishing b
approved joint note/, er a diaeount of 4 per t
cent. per annum off for cash. CHARLES be
HAGAN, Proprietor; Geo, Elliott, Auctioneer. m
elements, and Threnhag Machinery. The c
undersigned auctioneers have been instructed y
to sell by public auction on Lot 25, N. M. y
Hay, 04 mile west of Blake, .n Wednesday. y
March 16th, at 12 o'clock DJs„ shaft:—
Live Stock -4 brown horse '7 years old, 1 F
AUCTIolt SALE OF FARM STOCK AND brown horse 8 years old, 1 driver 14 years old of
Implement. Thee. Brown has been in- tsaful,sa third home: 1 g.tdWg driving colt
strutted to sell by public auction on Lot Coming 8 by SOver McKinney: 1 fresh cow m
26. Concession 4. McKillop, on Thursday, 7 'ware old, 2 cows 8 years, old in calf ; 1 8
]Bank 24th, 1921, at one o'clock p.m. the 2-year-ol4d,, heifer, 1 2-yearold ether, 1 year- br Hone�o.•- 1 home 9 years old, work ling hetfdf 2 calves tieing one year, 1 calf 1
or drive; 1 matched team, Ally and gelding, 6 weeks old, 1 sow with titter, 4 store pigs 1
2 and 8 years old, sired by Olen Rae. Cattle about 176 Me. each, some chickens. dao 1 cu
--1 now 6 years old fteahened January let, 4 -year-old gelding by Commodore, Thresh- H
1 cow 4 yearn Id freshened February 1st, ing Machinery. --I Sawyer -Meaney outfit, 86 M
1 cow 4 yeah old, due March ROI; 1 cow Inch separator, rear cut, 20 H. -P. Sawyer H
6 years old flue Apra 7th, 1 cow 6 years traction engine complete with all belt, etc, en
old due April 19th, 1 cow 6 von,. Id due ALM water tank on wagon, all In good work -
May let, I eow 4 years old due April 9th, 1 ing order; also one Bedwell bean !heather F1
cow 8 'eats oto, farrow : 2 edema 2 yeses eld, in good order. and one Pony separator, goo,[ 1
$ hollers 2 years old, 1 fat heifer 2 years to run with gasoline engine; 1 9 H. -P. Lister tic
old. 1I salves 1 year old, 1 grade bull a sea engine, best make, on truck; 1 Jolllette 10
year old, 1 calf 2 months old, 1 calf one grinder, 10 -inch bo;' 1 circular eat. outfit, pe
month old, 1 ow bred 26th February, 20 grindeane. 1 6-0as.enger Reo touring car cu
Rook Pullen, 12 Leghorn., 2 get. and the In geed running order, Implement. Eta— bo
gander. ImS ernente..--1 Deering binder 7- Macey -Harris binder 8 foot eut, Massey -Hartle 1
foot cat, 1 McCormick mower 6.foot cat, 1 mower 6 foot cut, Mann cultivator, Mesmer- s
McCormick drill 11 hoe. 1 Front & Wood 10- Herrin 11 -hoe drill, one home rake, cutting h
Soot rake, 1 hay loader. 1 cultivator. 1 steel box, fanning mill, wagon 8 -inch tire, light ha
roller, 1 net 4 -section dlamodd harrows, 1 wagon, top buggy, whoelborrow, Flemry plow, n
gang plow, 1 walking plow, I 1 -furrow rid- pulper, /single and double harness, large tr
ing plow, 1 smeller, 1 turnip 'teener, - Sue- copper kettle, large *pole drier, apple peeler, ha
COM manure spreader, 1 wagon, 1 hay rack, Iron 5.611 a. washing machine, long and abort orb
1 gravel box, 1 5 -horse -bower gm engin 1 hidden. dnobletrae, ne,kyokes, Baine, fs,'ku, n.
cutting box. pig rack, light wnffon, t boggy, ,hovels, hors, a quantity of mixed hey, and ase
get brltohen harneaa, set plow bermes, .dl numerous articles. Ales some furniture, Cl
angle harnes, hay fork car, rope and bedsteads, efdeboarde, Wrens• banging lamp. aro
pulleys, 2 large barrel, 1 Hamilton thou- cxtenaion able, other tables, cholla, Nickels, on
tReetor, 1 Ford touring- car 1920 model, Some Williams sewing m.chlne good ea now, Book nos
teusehold egeet, shoot 800 bushels oat, stove for coal er wood, coal beater, wool to
*bout 8 tons timothy hay, about 4 tons sweet heater, aroeke '. 2 lounges, DeLavnl cream ei
some thaw. 'Pe,•ms.—HmU, erases, Separator. ea. Tatem of Sala --110,00 and oth
y, Grain, and- Oar to be sash. All ems under. cash; over that amount 8 months'
'of 920 and under, eaeb ; over that amount' credit will be given on forniehing approved Al
12 Tenths' credit will be given on aerabh- blit nota. Four Per Dent. per annum off am
1 approved joint note.. A dboeant of 4g�„ fax cash on smelt -Wawa and fn
+f* ftir cash. CECIL OHE; Proprietor; 7,' hay, cash. JOHN 1ffiR$K. Proprietor:of
'Brown, Auctioneer. 277&2 Frank Taylor. Oscar MOOD, Anationasm,
old thoroughbred Durham bull calf for
sale. This is a choice animal. Phone 11
on 131, Seeforth, n oddre,n Seaforth Pont
Ogee. SIDNEY CEMMELL• 2776-tf
11 er & Mmeey Peerless Separator, 86 inch
with ea cut: 20 H. P. Sawyer & Massey
traction engine. All in good working order.
Apply to JOHN THIRSK, BLAKE, R. R. No.
2, Zurich. 2776x3-tf
ed by Royali-t -1901:18-_ for sale; 8
choice young bulls ranging in age from R
months up to 14 months: 2 young cows with
calve. at foot. Prices re/aonable. Write
me, and, if possible, me and see me: it a
worth while. JAMES HILI., R. R. No. 1,
Salta, Ont. 2776x4
For sale 4 pure-bred Scotch TOpped
bulbs with 10 eros.. of Imported Scnteh
breeding, sired by Connuerbr (Imp.); one
16 months old, red; one 22 months o/d, reel:
2 two yearn old, n rd and roan.
These are extra Roods animals, both as to
individuals and to type, and will be fit to
head any herd. Sold on reasonable term,,
Apply on Lot 8, Concorvlon 6. Tuckeromith,
or phone 8 on 131. PETER McKAY. 2778-4f
toet.—W, want 200 more men bnmedlately
to fill positions in early spring et 9125 to
$200 monthly, operating gee tractors, driving
motor trucks and can, selling tractors, cars
and farm power machinery. nr as nate trustor
mechanics, in dty and country garages. Only
few weeks required learn theme trod.. at day
or evening dames at Hemphill Government
Chartered Motor School. in every large city
♦f Canada. Sart now and you will be ready
for miring rash. Send for .n talogne
Street West, Toronto, Ont., Regina Soaks -
been. Edmonton, Calgary, and Vancouver.
neet)on, separate house for oils or gas-
oline; also good Mable, with ample room
fee vehicles. This ho always been • No.
One sand with good village and country
tr.de. Also part of Lot No. 11, Concession
2, Tackenmith, containing 11 acres of land.
On this property is a frame hales, warm
and comfortable, with rural telephone, sable
and drive abed, all complete. This Is s nice
may little pleoe, with strawberries and all
other kinds of both berries and fruia for
borne ase. This would be an ideal property
for a retired farmer, or would do floe for
• market garden These propertis wW be
.old either together or separately to snit
purchaser, and time of poomesion ran be
arrangedd, tat terms, either call personally
or address WILLIAM LEITCH, EgmondviIle,
Ont, Hum., County. Phone 14o. 16 on
148. 2777,4
Peri Ano.' Ski 4..
osseus rola Eittit Met
ateaPr tp anion on on ate. MM
Othro don _3,T b .et Hlbbartr on ilal.,
Reach , March i j,A021: the feliowing:
$ons,—Mose 4doing 0 yea[ l old Ib 00 Pitov.
,gtddinp' rlsfpa four oats old 1600 lbs., 41111m
ddun mare aril,t years Md. Cattier—Two cobs
e in AP 2 cows fret
cow due September 1st, 2�cows bjustt froth-
ened. 7 Steen 900 the., 1 heifer 000 IDs.. 7
8eorlioga, 6 calves. Pigs —sow supposed to
be in pit, 11 store hogs. Haus.--140 hero.
Implements.—Deedwr 7 -foot binder, nearly
now; Deering mower, Cooksbutt cultivator,
blamer -Harris 11-1drill, 2 set leen Dan.
teas, high wagon, me -quarter wagon, truck,
hay rack, 2 walking laws, stuffier, set aleigbs,
66-footd ahalf oxteneibn Wladder, wheelbarrow.t rake. pokier. log ear,
hay fork and rope, thither outter, rubber
tiro boggy, steel tine baster, set light harps.
2 eels heavy barnms, fanning m111. Morn.wood .
a Cash -barrels.
bullets ocream
ats, 700
bushel. tomato, Ford touring ear, starter.
1020 model, forks, shovels, crass - cut saw,
gas engine, cutting box with blower. Im-
plements are Wl nearly new. Bale at one
o'clock. Tarots --„.All mime of $10 and under,
crib; over that gamount 7 month.' credit
will be given on furniahing approved joint
cotes. Siper cent per annum off for
yah on credit amounts, Nd reserve ea the
proprietor hm sold his [aria. ROBERT
WATSON, Proprietor; Jas. Jeno%, Aar -
2 778 -1
Cu'4S9�GrkiM1>ztha4l'%C•tit�`dFlhil syi;�.uJtl',lf 7:fi
.441.4 u,iit;ly 1'r,„,6 F lPk0Y1.,xG r 1rG',rl A.
and Implements. Mr. Thos. Brown has
been Instructed to sell by public auction en
Int 26, Con. olon 2, Tuckemmlth, on Mon-
day, March 14th, of one o'clock, the follow-
ing, vie: Horace. -I heavy draft mare rL
, 1 good third bowie rain
Years, 1 reliable driving more rising
yeas., ase a good third home. Cattle
atoms 1 year Id,': Puh1 Angus calves
Dig one year old, 1 Durham grade calf
ins one year Id. Plan.—t young own,
due April 18th and one May 16th, 2 s
due May 29th. Implements.- 1 Deering
binder, 1 Deering lad cultivator, Oliver corn
cultivae,tor, with bean harvester attachment,
McCormick 6 -foot Meaney -Harris
Moe need drill with fertilizer and grans acral
attachment, a good m new, wogden Innd
roller. Mammy -Barrio dao, 4roectlon diamond
harrows, 1 riding plow, 1 walking plow, 1
Deering hay rake, wagon, la -foot rack with
pine bila, gravel box, art of bob alnlghs,
1 large aa4gh platform. 1 cutter gond an
new,one rubber tied carlols, 1 democrat
waon, 1 Chatham fanning mill with ele-
vator, net of 2000 n,. eealw, one grinding
atone, 1 Maple Lea! car, 130 fret of good
one. Inch rope, 1 roots pulper, wire,
fire •x-
tingulaher, 15 rods f hog ire, Cnpitoj
churn separator
{ � g rlina good repair. good Favorite
dozen hardwood planks, roos c w vol,aboutone
ohovcl, manors forks, pitch vrforks,resap stable pan
8x8;§ feet, 126 good buckrta, 18 -foot ladder,
Net of driving harnoe, 1 art 2 -horse whiffle -
tree., 2 seta of doubletrete, 16 tots of good
lean mixed hay, 2'•: tons f alfalfa hay, 70
Rock pullets and 2 pure-bred roeatero, 250
bushes of onto, about 200 bushel. of mixed
grain, and other f Sale. --Hay.
Lon numerous
mention. Terme of Sale.—Hay. grain end
hens to be rush. .All nuns of 110 and un-
der, cash; over that amount X months' credit
will be given un approved joint not..,. A
daeount of .1 per cont, off fur h. PAUL.
CADIEUX, Proprietor. Thom. Brown, Auc-
tioneer. 2770,1
]mplemrnta. Mr. Thos. Brown has been
instructed to Hell by public auction on Lot
32, Conceanion 3. McKillop, on Thursday,
March 17th, at one o'clock sharp, the fol-
lowing property. namely Koros.. -2 heavy
draft horses 7 and years old in foal; 811y
rising three years; heavy draft by Cumber -
lend ,tem, 1 -year-old heavy draft ally by
Glen Rae. I•year-obi filly by Earl O'Clny,
1 -Year-old filly by 'toddy Winters, sucking
coat by Emperor McKinney, driving horse 6
years old by Toddy Hireet. Cattle. --One c
yram old, blue row 0 years old due oto
calve March 21st, o ream old due
to calve April 715, spotted eow 11 yearo old
due to calve March 25th, rod cow 8 yeorn
old due to calve April 1st. red cow 6 years
old due to calve March 4th, red row 6 years
old ouppoved to be in calf. red heifer 3
rs old due to calve August 20th, red
5.' far 3 yearn old sun/mod to be in calf,
had heifer a yenr., old due to calve March
-7th, heifer 3 yenrs old due to calve May
b15. id, 4rish eow heifer 6 rising
old with calf 4 weeha
rid, 2 heifers
riding 2 years old, 2 steers
spring calve,,. 14 head
of fat cattle ready to ship. Pigs- Four pigs
4 wonths old, pigs 3 months old, also 86
1 pail f orse- goose and gander.
implement, —One wagon n'mplete good o
DOW, 00000, new gravel box, et of sleighs,
Poortland cutter, driving sleighs, - buggies•
gond epair. Meaney.Ilerrin' manure
spreader No. 2,8.foot Massey -Harris culti-
vaar, 8 -foot Masoeylfarrs drill, Masaey-
10arra dint with 14 discs, Fleury plow No.
13, 2 sets of Iron harrows, Verity plow No.
10, steel roller nearly new. 2 muffler, Mas-
sey -Harris cutting
box and jack with 26 feet
of carriers. 10 -inch Maple leaf grinder.
sealer 2000 ib , capacity, grass eel ower,
fanning mill oompleto. G /Amy make, turnip
drill, spray pump with barrel and hose, 2
ticks of timber 1 foot square 1R and 20 feet
long, 87 pieces of joyee 3x8, 16 feet long,
Massey -Hereby binder 6.foot cut, complete;
Money -Harris hay loader, nearly new, Nn.
Deering mower, 6 -foot rut nearly new;
International side delivery rake nearly new,
30 -foot Deering rake good o new, DeLavnl
cream separator 600 lbs. capacity, used Arne
season, good o new, sugar kettle, new Daisy
burn, mane household furniture, set team
harness complete, 2 sets of plow harness, 2
Acis of single harness, set of carriage
harness, number of hone collars, I6 -foot hay
rack new, 14 -foot hay rack and stock rack,
also 1000 htuhels of Improved Bonner oats,
600 bushels of mixed grain, 20 too f good
timothy and alfalfa mixed, 300 bushels of
mangolds. Terms. --All sums of 510.00 and
tinder, h; over that amount 12 months'
coedit will be given on approved joint notes.
or a discount of 4 per oent per annum off
for oh. Aont, hay and grain tobecash.
A. WAUNKEL, Proprietor; Thos. Brown,
Auctioneer, 2777-2
Sold atnt';tltes and deliver-
ed t(Of .expense.
R. 8. SPIAFQiRRTH, mfr.
Ali the season is advancing we
must be up and doing. Although
prices for" all farm produce are
lower, we can not stop; we must
carry on.
There is more profit and more
pleasure in growing a good crop
than a poor one. Fertilizer and
good fanning go together. There
is more "Fertilizer being used
every year, It increases the yield
and practically insures the catch
of grass deeds, which will pay
the cost of it.
We have no hesitatiun in recom-
mending it for all kinds of crops
where the land ie at all run down,
and for all kinds of roots, PaB-
tures, or hay crops, and it is con-
siderable cblipgper than it was last
I fall,
Anyone uaing it I will try to
give them the brand that will suit
tr 7 their land best, All Fertilizers
Hina guaranteed to costa', what it Is
2 said for,
sem- Would be pleased to have your
order. If you do not .see me phone
Owe 219, Seaforth, aid your order will
be t>ficen care of,
and Implements. Mr. Thos, Brown has
been instructed to sell by public auction on
,ot 7, Conc,eninn 1, Huilett, an Tuesday,
arch 16th, 1921, the farm, containing 100
crest of choice land, well drained, and good
nem. There a on the farm /even acres
f hardwo,nl mople which a suitable for
ople sugar bush, and first-class brick house
nal alto a large bank barn, and three
ever -failing wells. Coneenlent to vehool and
hutch. Terms.—Ten per cent of the pur-
ase money to be paid on day of sale; the
Mance to be paid within two weeks. At
he arsine time and place there will also
sold the following farm eteek and imple•
rota, namely: Cattle -1 cow 6 yeah old
ue the time of sale. 1 cow 5 years old due
ay tet 1 sow 7 years oto due May 415, 1
ow 3 years old due July 28th, 1 cow 9
cam old, due November 7th, one cow 4
ears Id due November 9th, 2 steers 3
ears old, 9 stems 2 years old, 1 helfer two
ram old, 8 heifer. ten monis old, 4 ,teen
months old. Piga,-1 brood acme dye time
sale, 1 brood sow due April 15th. Horses
1 agricultural mare 8 mare old, 1 draft
are 6 emrs old, 1 general purpose horse
years old, 1 driver two years old, well
taken, 1 driving aged mare. Implements —
wagon nearly new, 2% inch tires, 1 wagon,
rubber tired top buggy nearly new, one
Her arty new, 1 bob sleigh, 1 Maasey-
arris binder nearly new, &foot cut, one
reaaey-Harts mower 6 -foot Ont 1 Money -
orris seed drill, 1 cultivator, corn and bean
tidier. 1 die harrow, 1 hay rack nearly
ew, 1 gravel box, 1 4 -section harrows, 1
eury walking plow and a rolling coulter,
Champion plow. 1 cultivator, 1 Welker
udder, Mosey -Harris hay rake nearly new,
foot, 1 Clinton fanning mill, 1 root pul-
1, 1 scale 1200 lbs., 1 new Massey -Harris
[ting hox, 1 sweep wheel to drive cutting
x. 1 wheel barrow, 200 feet hay fork rope
set slings, pulleys and trip rope hay fork,
rt bees mounted heavy double harness with
igh 001,0. nearly ; 2 sets of plow
mesa, 2 eat of driving harness. 4 collar.
early new, one grindstone, 2 meta double-
, 00 end cedar poets, R tote timothy
y. 400 bushels seed oats, 10 bushels buck -
oat. 160 bushels potatoes, 176 sap patty,
early new, and *piles, 1 Dnp pan nearly
w, 8 wooden barrels, 1 steel oven. one
evelend bicycle nearly new• a gpaatlty of
In bag*, 40 pullet, 1 hen turkey; also
e high oven Penlmsnlar stove, Meeker,
e, 1 Delaval cream eeparaar, 1 klahen
b1e. 1 kitchen eopboard, 1 Daley churn, 1
d*board, 0 bedstead., forks and .hovels, and
er article too numerem to mention.
Terme —Hay, grain and hens to be east.
1 *ems of 910 and under, cash: over that
aunt 8 neonate' credit will he given on
riddling approved )Dint note., A discount
4 per cent, off far cash JOSEPH M%RO,
roprletr I The.. Brown, Anel OTPfg!
.we12n+> .Fvu is htIllk: "t hAYla,�hris,"auskha, in0a'.i ••a:lk..l:lt.l4rvi ilsih'1�;
iC,�,v W Nl::•i'n,.
Tendon to
�1}fi�tr > 4
st y ra nsewn of Intb
Ito Oder Of
the (icuA0il.
Phone 89.
Wall Papers
We beg to announce to the people
of Seaforth and surrounding country
that we are prepared to accept con-
tracts for all kinds Of Painting,
Graining, Hardwood Finishing, Paper-
hanging, Etc, We have secured the
exclusive agency for two of the
largest Wall Paper Jobbers in On-
tario and will be pleased to submit
our large line of sciMples for your
inspection in your home on request
by post yard or otherwise. Remember
we will hang your Paper regardless
of where purchased. Country work
given prompt attention. Better book
your orders now.
Painters and Decorators
Seaforth ,-. , . Ontario
Field Crop Competition
The Seaforth Agricultural Society has entered the Field Crop
and Threshed Grail: Competition. All Members desiring to compete
must forward their name, to the Secretary. The amount offered by
Government meet for
each Club
r$275.00, divided into eight prizes:
1st7o.D0• 2nd,f
$ ,U lowest prize, ,
$ It is necessary have
not less than fiteen entries to form a Club. The Government pro-
vides the seed, the price of which will be made known to competi-
tors; Seed can be obtained from the Secretary of the Society.
Conditions --Crop to be Banner Oats, not less than 100 bushels,
Crop will be judge) as n Standing Crop, and seed judged when
threshed. Winners will be licensed to (.1..,,,,;c , f Meir seed as
Registered Seed, The Society solicit< entri• +. For firths informa-
tion apply to the See rotary
M. BRODERICK, Seaforth
Weida. bat
1h ssit emla °Ol I, jt i
1 1, )
11. is 11'1 1
SEAFORTH BRANCH, J. G. Mullen, Mangggr :..
Notice to the Public
On account of the Manufacturers and Wholesalers carry-
ing on their respective business practically on a Cash basis, we,
the undersigned business men of Dublin, Brodleagen and St.
Columban, are compelled to adopt a cash system, which will go
into effect on March 1st, 1321, and we must request that all out-
standing accounts be settled on or before this date. E. J. Murphy,
P. Dill, M. J. Klinkhammer, James Krauskopf, D. McConnell,
William Stapleton, John Evans, W. Hills & Co., H: Nelmee, J.
I.. Benneweis, Querengesser and Diegel, Hillebricht and Rock,
J. Holland,
Power Farming
These are the days of PROGRESS, and Power on the farm is a
necessity. A F.rdson Tractor means more prosperity for the
Prosperity m41179 increased production, the saving that comes
from the use of ;1 machine instead of horses; the release of some
drudgery for both man and wife.
The Fordson Tractor is simple in design and sturdily constructed
of the best known steel. It has the necessary power to perform
every task an ordinary farmer has to do, and in addition is ex-
ceptionally economical to operate.
Call at Daly's Garage for further particulars. We have a num-
ber of second-hand Fords for sale.
J. F. DALY, Seaforth
Thomas A. Beattie, Salesman,
tinder and by virtue of the power', con-
tained in a certain mortgage, which will be
Produced nt the time of sole, there will be
offered for sale by public auction on Mon-
day, the 21st day of March. 1921. at the hour
of two o'clock in the afternoon at the
Queen's Hotel, in the Town of Seaforth, by
Thoma Brown, auctioneer. the following
property, namely)
FMntly —All and cingula- those certain
Parcels or traces a land and premises sit.
nate, lying and being in the Township of
McKillop, in the County of Heron, and Pro-
vince of Ontario being composed of fleetly:
the north half of Lot Number Thirty-three
(83) in the Thirteenth (131)0 Cones elon of
the aid Township of McKillop and contain-
ing by admeasurement Seemly -five acre. of
land be the same more or less, and,
Secondly -.-The southwest onrtton of Lot
Number' Thirty-three 'n the Fourteenth Con-
cewsion of the said Township of Wainer,.
more particularly deveribed as follows, that
Ls to soy, Commencing At a point on the
northerly limit • of the road' between Con.
reooiona Thirteen and Foert,•en of MrKlllop
aforesaid and at the nonthv'oot corner of Bald
Int Number Thirty -than, thence northerly
alone the westerly boundary of said Lot a
distance of .eighty rode; thence easterly
Parallel with the mid concee.lon mad
distance of sixty rode: thence southerly per -
0.1101 with the Baldes terly boundary of
0ald lot eighty rode tothe northerly limit
d• said concession road and thence westerly
Rion the northerly limit of said road Dirty
ode to the place of bec,nnjng, the said
herein described portion of land conteining
by admeeaurement Thirty Acres of land be
the Fame more or lee.
On said 70 acre there is a comfortable
dwelling house, a gond barn and it driving
shed. The property M elm/edam terming
land and In gond wandition and fa located
about thus miles from Walton and about
10 mike from Seeforth. The gale win be
subject to a reserve hid.
TERMS --10 per cent of the purchase
money to be bald down at the three of ale
and the balance to be paid. without interest
M thirty days thereafter.
For farther particulars end conditions of
aalb apply a PROUDPOOT, 1QLt.ORAN a
HOLMES, Seaforth and Goderieb. Solicitor.
for Mortgage.; Thee. Brow% Apetlene.•
a: I�I
F o not forget
that now is the
time to make any
changes in your
Believing that the people
Seaforth wish for a first class
Electrical Service, we have pur-
chased a truck and also expect to
have a phone installed in the next
day or so.
1 �hJ�d
When in need of anything in '
he Electrical line, give us a call. / ��
Buy Electrical Goods at an Elec-
We Extend an Invitation to all to call at our P1orr and see
Electrion in Operation.
(Opposite Carnegie Libary
Dominion Quality Means A Saving
To You. ?
Every part of Dominion Light Plants is the hest obtainable. quality comes first. p]aoe last.
That's why a Dominion Light Plant is one hundred per cent rehabie and efficient. Dominion
quality means there is little chance of your having to go back to candle er knee wile your
plant is being repaired. Then upkeep expense is cut to a'sainimunl.
Dominion Light Planta are quality products made in Canada for Canadian conditions. A
Dominion plant on your farm will lengthen your working day and bring you rlrbhougbt of
comfort and convenience.
We will be glad to send you a complete description and the name of the neartol dealer.
Generator rated at one K. W. (1000 watts) with a continuous overload capacity 1' 20 per
cent. or more. Battery of 160 ampere hours. 8 hour ratings. Air cooled engine with three
3. R. F. Ball bearings operates on kerosene. Loads, eilrty 20 -watt lights will o ging row
nine or thirty 20 -watt lights from battery alone for eight hour'.
Dominion Steel Products Co., Ltd.
Massey -Harris Warehouse, Seaforth
All kinds of I?ertill>rer. wit want the host, bay a Unable*"
1`s Ixtarea sed 'wirlittp as aloe* ice,