HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1921-02-25, Page 8lel Reductions ifte FEBRUARY 'per c. discount OFF ALL 'a Snd Boys' Mitts, Gloves, and Ci f3snntieta. xR ; `' ALSOO r l trings, Chimes and Shaft irBella Y. O PER CENT. DISCOUNT OFF ALL S' -Saskatchewan, Manitoba and 6i8 alankcta--Jute, 1 arsey. and Wool, • SPECIAL REDUCTIONS ON ',• Club Baga, Trunks and Suit Cases ),y Broderick's Opposite Commercial Hotel. t�• - WE WANT EXPERT DEALERS REMARKABLE opportunity for one high - grade deal- er in each territory , prefer- ably one who has a knowledge of farm conditions. The posi- tion is permanent and the work pleasant and profitable. Experience nut essential - we train you. Exclusive terri- tory, liberal co-operation and excellent pay. To men of energy, ability and absulute integrity this position offers a valuable rlasociati"n and one that is of real service to the community. Write u, to -day. The Shinn Mfg. Co. of Canada Guelph - Ontario Secty. & Man., - W. H. DAY (Formerly Professor of Physics at the Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph.) rue H EXPOSITOR 1 DISTRICF MATTERS T() PROSPECTIVE HOUSE BUYERS If you are in the market to buy a house, 1 have had placed in my hands for quick sale, a must desirable property on the south aide of Railway street All modern conveniences, and about half an acre of land. Property is in first class condition and will stand inspection. This is a genuine snap at the price. Apply to JQIIN RANKIN, Broker Main Street Seatorth. FURS WANTED 1 Social Evening. --The Epworth League of the Methodist Church en- tertained the Egntondville Christian Endeavor Society on Tuesday. An oxcoptiotially good prograunme was given by the Egmundville Society, consisting of an address by Mr. Jas. Love; a solo by Mr. Earl VanEgmond; instrumental duet by Muss Ella Ches- ney and Miss Margaret Grieve; solo by Miss Sodic Robinson; reading by Miss Latimer; solo by Miss Clare Sproat; reading from Shakespeare, Mrs. Ben Johnston; dialogue by Misoes Ella Chesney Sadie Robinson end Messrs. Ralph McGonigle and I-eter Simpson. At the close of the ..rogramme lunch was served and a thoroughly enjoyable (evening was spent by the large attendance present. All kinds of Raw Furs. delivered at the Dick House, Seaforth, Highest Cash Prices. G. E. HENI)ERSON, 2766-tf Licensed Buyer. J. F.DALY Jeweler a n d Optician. Issuer Marriage Licenses SEAFORTH ONT. WESTERN ONTARIO'S BEST COMMERCIAL SCHOOL Stratford, (it trio Our winter term commences Tuesday, Jan. 4th, and students may register in our Commer- cial, Shorthand or Telegraphy Departments at any time. Our courses are thorough and prac- tical, and we assist graduates to positions. Get , ur frog catalogue. D. A. MCLACIII„t1 Principal. • Gorier eh street. -Mr. R. M. Jones, of Guelph, repent Sunday at his hone here. -At a meeting of the official board of Grace Methodist church, St. Thomas. held on Tuesday, a unani- nroue invitation was extended to Rev. A. W. Barker, B.1)., of Windsor, to heconey 'their pastor at the close of the present conference year. Rev, Mr. Barker is u former pastor of Seaforth Methodist church, - Mies Harvey, of London is a guerre at the !Lone of her nester, Mra. 1''. J. Bur- rows.-Mra. L. G. Venlg:mind was in Stratford on Monday attending the funeral of her aunt, the late Mrs. Scritngeur.-Mr. Arnold Weatcott has taken a position itt the jewelry store f Mr. J. F. Daly - -Mr Tln ipsen, who has been visiting :as daughter Mrs. S. McLean at the Manse, Eg- mondville, has returned to ins eeine w Thornhill. -Mr Charles '.itt e, of Me- I�,tllop, was int Wuodbri iun Tues- day attending the funer.a ge ar th. late Capt. Thomas Wallace, M P. --Rev. Capt. Edwards occupied the ;'ulpit in :he Methodist Church, Petrolia, on Sunday last.-• Mr. Howard Battu and little daughter have returned to their !tome in London - Mr. F S. Savaugc is in 'Toronto this week.-'1'ht• snow of the past two day's has mule good sleighing to town and was very wel- come fur the ice harvest. There is, however, very little sleighing i• the cuuntry.-Messrs. C. Aberhart, A. A. McLennan, Dave Reid Roy IIu'nres and A. I). Sutherland wctre in Mitchell ore Tuesday evening attending a Masonic gathering. Death of Miss Duncan. The death n-ourred at the hospital in London un Tuesday of Ruby Francis Duncan, second daughter of the late John Dun- can, of Scaforth, aged 42 years. Miss lluncan had been in ill henith for a lime time. The remain" were healeht. to Seaforth on Wednesday. the funeral taking glare fmrn the residence of her bn,ther, Mr. W..1. iluncan, Vic- toria Square, .in Thursday morn nig to St. Janes' cemetery, The det•e:tsed. who was born in Scaforth. is stirs ived by three sisters and fete- brothers: Andrew. of St.ratfurel; Welliegl.,u. of I,undatr; W. J. of Seaforth, seal 1;, -or go of Preston. and Mr,. F' rank Waller. of Stratford, and Mrs Hey .1 ltml Mr- A. Ston- . -f Pres'•:r1. FAMILY GROUPS We make a Speciality of tak- ing Family Group Photos, Headquarters for Developing and Printing Amateur's Snap- shots, also Picture Framing. D. F. BUCK, Photographer. Seaforth Collegiate. -A!! the ,-s- I epi,s of i^e `oafert4 fulleesa•. salute. 1st".'' lata",• -'e•1 le the picture; send rec,rok tit gradu- ates who have Vwh::'al-h p•- fronted end lune In the school, kindly !so.. tlo ,r centributiens at Thenap.,,n's Hoek Store at an early date. SO t'ry pupil rant ex -pupil should he proud of the record of this soh,,, ; which the finest in Ontario, se du nui :piss the opportunity of enabling the students of to -day to have before them the hist',ry of the scho„1 which will undoubtedly .be an ineentitt• to thorn and future students to main- tain this record. The first scholar- ship the committee has any informa- tion of was won in 1138:. -•toy Mr. William Prendergast, of Toronto Normal School. If any one knows of a sehnlarship won previous to this nate or obtained between 1855 and 1906, will he or she kindly send the information to The ExposilSr Office, which will greatly assist the Com- mittee. Tifig MYRON ERPOBiTOE New Wall Papers MM oil r. anand Mrs? J. J.� Mc- Carthy. West Monkton; Mr. and Mrs. Our NEW 'WALL PAPERS Andrew Dantzer, Dublin, and Mr. and have arrived and are ready Mra. Fred Eckert, McKillop, were for your •rioapection. Most guests of Mr. and Mrs. John J. Nich- ol* them come in the 21 -inch Olson to a sumptuous dinner. -Mr. width and this in a great im- Chas. McDaid, of Hamilton, spent a provenient. This gives more few days last week with his sisters room for the design and alao and father. He and his wife, like the means less seams on the mountain city very rnuch.-Mr. and wa!!, alae more paper to the Mrs. Joe Evans, of the Dominion roll, House; Mrs. Jas, Redmond, Mr. Wm. Redmond, Mrs. Joseph Nagle, Mies Mary McConnell, Mr. and Mrs. F. T hom p s o ra s Eckart, Mr. and Mrs, And Dantzer, Miss Rose Dorsey, Miss Camilla Mur- ray, Mr. and Mrs. Tilos. Murray at- tended the R. C. Church, Logan.- - Mr. and Mrs. Vincent McGrath and little son are visiting their many rel- atives in our midat-Mr. and Mrs. P. F. Benn are holidaying at Lucan at the home of Mr. Benn's boyhood. -Rev. Father Noonan, P,P., is in London visiting for a few days. (tit(•hSTORE - - SEAFORTH raniteware Bargains Big Specials See Window BEATTIE BROS. "The Fair." Phone 129. ti-" t1. .n Granite.. .ere rat Beattie it,,. roan- e. ,tor oat .lyse sod.- eras Mrs- Russell mid son, of Avonton, u h tn, a engger I"" .t„o11.• S"".n d with Mrs- Graham of the vil- e d, � .. before. The Cant Sl tore, visite Mgr on Saturday. -Mrs. John Scott and Mrs. D. McKellar visited in Strat- ford a few days last week. -At the time of writing, Mr. Ernest Graham is slightly indisposed. -Miss Norma Wilson returned last week to the collegiate at Seaforth, after having been e • •u detained at home for some time through illness. uVp •- ,t,• r:, , ,;t„, Odic,t'• flow., ter Sale. An eight -room how,. with all m•.I,,n s •• r ,memo,'V . Jnrvta So.., .Applyt, " J. Ar road t'uie.11776x:. 14.. .1on.t nee I a t:r,.- hunt to nd.ertiee Senior t)ut Shoe Sale our Patrons gre J•,n:, it f,�r un- 'rhe t'onh Shoe St. ire. 'p, Local Briefs. -W. M. O'Beirne, editor and proprietor of the Stratferel Beacon for thirty years, passed away at his home in that city on Friday evening of last week, following an illness extending over six years. Mr. O'Beirne torr. 67 years of ago. and prior to his ilnless wan one of the prominent journalists of 0 ntario. - Mr. Blythe L. Stephenson, a fernier well known Seaforth boy, but now of Winnipeg, was married in Detroit on February 16th, to Miss Florence Bingley, of that city. Many Seaforth friends will extend congratulations. -Miss Hazel Thompson has returned from the millinery openings in To- ronto. --Miss Orr, of Durham, has accepted a position as milliner with the J. Mactavish store. -Miss Mary alodelend left on Monday for To - lour ane wi.l a'„-tntd :me. nit 't.innv before returning t - Miss Mndge Stewart lel ' ml-" for Stratford. -Mr. an Welter Cale are visiting wit 'reels this we d(. Mr. / • 1enden is in St. George thi "o^'inn f'e funeea' of his sit• late 'Mra. McIntyre. -Ma SPECIAL THIS WEEK A Bell Piano, need only two months, owner leaving and will now sell for VMS, casb; or terms arranged. This style piano was sold for $600 last Humbler and is cure a chance to save acme good money on a high class Instrument, folly guaranteed by the Company. Also one Square Piano, in good shape, to go at $76.00, or will rent for a term of months. Get busy and phone 6-616, or write E. HU -GILL er in Pianos. Phonolas Viking Separators, etc.. Selling di- :nI$r factory to customer; saves Suety time. Give me a trial. BOX I2 rn nd.-. An ,ail viol), Inn '•I, .4,1 t,) 1.1 0u1, It i0.1. too „.ki og, lion nee a pros ion proper+, :l tt'iY to 11 it n,., Ito :•4:. i,1 27762.1 tn,r ., :Ing .111. S.•It:ng Out sole. o 0,,itldint'ae.enunt, r, .1.0.1..) -.ilk, o, t..,untn. the enol • ee ea,. I.,w.. ..i +, fen.pro, neem- rat tram-. t., pe- rod Sp. it rsh pore.. Geo.A .iR,;..n.„n h. 277:-1 Auto l'a,nting. \. 0 (h time to figs 'nor pointed uJ ,put ,:hn„ „ • r, •' 1 .. had =-t . •at ),', r - -x.•Oenre ring o dl , , ,rap"• y, . t, tic, t job rat a `.:.1.' ,r;.. t-ge Ite,lll+ Coo otri-. :1767-tf Our Hockey Situation. Thr Strat- feel )fidget; apparently prat cur laiys ut of 1:.. rstunng, hal nue newt van tel', amt the protest Sts ledged by the Seaforth management has compelled a reopen,ug of th,• whole situation, causing all the previous games in which john Cook and Kalfleish took part u, 10 cancelled. It w:t., clearly established by the Seaforth manage- ment that Cook had taken nut a false affidavitas to his ugr and also 11 :11 Kalllt t.+h had no right to play v.ltlt the Stratford Club. Not only this but evidence was produced, which utst grave doubt on the eligibildy of players Merenz and Zimmer. Tae O. II. A. Executive evert though it was shoo n, four out (of the Stratfuni t, mu, to he under grave suspicion of wrepg dell g, yet this 0- H. A. Ex- ecutiYe whitewashal the Stratford aunatser coulldrlhavliaof this tteam y club manage - calibre and not. know anything of the wrong tieing, passes even the comprehension of the poor intella't•ti we are sup- posed to have (according to the Strat- ford paper„.) In any ease the man- agement here stands for all that is clean and fair in sport, and especially in .Junior hockey when boys are sup - posted to compete. Cook and KaT- fleish ter oat for good, while Morenz and Zimmer must prove that than they • re eligible before they' y curlier in any series. As we go to press we r: e where Kitchener de- feated Presttn In the play off in Guelph, an.I will meet Stratfor t`- m,,rrw1 night.. afolth me t::r the winters M•rnday- tee pace or meet- ing to be :1 I1 A Friday last announcing the safe or- i-• ' r his • uehtcr, Dr. 11fm .' n r' -..i. vie Eine's.'. Nisi' in'" ' :.,^,!s in S. Theme !+'m 1) ':en has accepted =:`j n in the millinery departmet. f T•,te Stare in St. (:atherinet Df Tt em s r-irve of Fq,' , ;i' otos r -'1- vialtie relative, , ',nh'1-n this we^'. --Miss An'ie C;' k spent the week eof wits h ster in G -- Mr F. Mcrae ^'! of D',b!in, attended the annus neetinu of the share'm'dcrs of t" ;t: relerd Bank at Toronto nn Wed morias -Mn-. R. J. Mu'drew, wh :A been visiting his sisters Mrs. J t. Scott and Mrs Robert Scarlet' .eturned to Brockville on Monde 4r. Muldrew is manager of a large vh-:Iesale and retail hardware bus:, •^s= in that city.-Mra. Umbach and Mrs. Hewitt of Waterloo, stent th creek end with Mr E. Umbach anti sir, and Mrs. T. G. Scott. -A box will be held i`vh- Orange Hat'. Winthrop on Friday evening, Marci, ith. - Seaforth citizens generally -hould bear in mind that the premium 'int of the Horticultural Society closes nTuesday next, March 1st.-Mra Sidney Dolmage and Miss Agnes Dodds, of McRillop, are guests a. the home of Mrs. Charles Altemar, in London. -Mrs. 9. Neely is visitinr her son Mr. John Neely, in Lender. -Miss Kathleen Burrows, of Toron to University, agent the week end et the parental home of Dr. and Mrs F. 3. Burrows --Mr. McDonald, man- ager of the Dominion Bank, spent Sunday at his home in Goderich- Mr. John Stewart, of London; spent the past week at the home of his brother, Mr. D. H. Stewart -Miss Gretta Chesney, of Stratford is vis- iting her aunt, Mrs. G. M. Chesney, M AN LEY Notee.--Mrs. John Murray spent a few- days last week with her mother, who is still in a precarious condi- tion at the home of Mr, and Mrs. J. F. McMann. -Mr. ,Toe Eckart, who has been amongst las the pat few seeks, has returned to his home in ieaforth.-Mr. Jas. V. Ryan, from Seaforth, made a business trip to r burg last week and purchased n .tnlity of wood Cram Mr. J. Ben rowers. BRUSSELS Clark -Sinclair. -The marriage of Louise, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Sinclair, of Brussels, Ont. to D. A. Clark, of Hamilton, was solemnized at the home of the bride's parents on Thursday, February 17th, Rev. Mr. Johnson, of St. John's church officiating. The bride was at- tended by her sister, Miss Ruth Sin- clair, and Dr. Ingram, of Hamilton, was the groomsman. Miss Minerva Jones [flayed the wedding music, and during the signing of the register Miss Isabel Strachan and Miss Verne Walker sang charming solos. Mr. and Mrs, Clark left for Florida, where their huneyrnoan will be spent, and will later reside in Hamilton. DUBLIN Notes: -Many of our church people went to Logan on Sunday to St. 11rigid's church to be present at Rev. Father Nicholson's first solemn mass. lie is the third priest to be raised to the dignity of the priesthood in the past seven years. Right Rev. Bishop Fallon, of London, ordained the young priest on Saturday. Present at the services were his former pastor, Rev. Father Kelly and many of his rarishioncrs, Major Rev. T. Mc- Carthy. M. C., was deacon and Rev. Barthelem(,wr Gaffney .subdeacon of the mass on Suuday. Both priests were personal friends of Rev. Father Nicholson. Rev. Father Brennan, of lamina, was master of ceremonies, and Rev. Father Muckle, head of the Basiletut Order in London diocese, was the speaker on the occasion. He congratulated the Rev. Father Kelly, the pastor, then the congregation, on its home life, which must be in a good state to mature and foster their faith in this the Divine word in this busy world. Followin-g the mass the young priest 'gave his blessing, first to his parents, sisters and brothers, then to the individual members of the eongregrttion. All of the visiting 'Notes.- _T,,., lip• t .••-e Frdi:r ming last -•'ill ! fee Fs a a decide -1 - •e n= • The yo-ing ,n'e are t-, •--r:0 -red Thr 'seeds n':^ ete. 'n :Cm )at $57-- ' Jn'1y Si'.' -• ' 6 'r hair n"' wit. tt e 'le 's A ,my re', u', Mel- „ stessea thi:. ,'rids':) r':r',,ee J,"C AN Sad /keel -ism. a 9 -ye old s^ ' Fred Hi -z • ' a ve,... . •cidert e. s ;-vdhlgen - i s g'•aralm see, 7''i'e wait t ig f • he he e eel -. inat a monumerl cni cion en o:n- mcnt on top to fall off. It atriek ei on the arm, rousing a had frac- ,are. --John Rock, of Concession 13 or loan township, is in a critical con- r"rinn ruiio .ing, ar. rese._t^nt at him 4rm. He was uaine„ a cutting box •perated by a gasoline engine, and vas stooping down to change the belt, when the fly 'wheel came off, striking him snob a heavy blow in -ae head that his skull wee fractured. Little hope is betel for his recovery. Mr. Rock has thirteen children. PRINCESS NOW PLAYING ETHEL CLAYTON in YOUNG MRS. WINTHROI' Paramount Artcraft Picture Presenting the problem of a young mother's duty to family and love of society. So tender and fine you can't hold back the tears. So human you'll laugh in sheer delight. Ethel Clayton in the finest role of her screen career with a great sup- porting cast. including Harrison Ford and Walter Ileirs. CROMA RTY Notes -The Merry Makers held "ieir regular mectjnlr in the club ,rause on Friday night lent. A very splendid programme at-, given by 'he members of the el 'h These meet- ings afford a splendid opportunity for the young people to cultivate and improve in ,certain lines, sucb as rendering solos, giving good recita- tions, taking part in a debate, etc. - Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday OLIVE THOMAS in FOOTLIGHTS AND SHADOWS A Selznick Picture PRINCL.S� McK►I,LOP Sp,• jai a ,liranitewnre rat Ileattic Ilius. 't'heo.•'n little. if any, difference between'n throwing 'sons money and staying owns front w r Selling Out Shoe Sale. The Conk Shoo Store. oppatjp• Int,/oat, Office. The Sp 110.1 'Oil' At a -•'tent meet - Ling of the trustees of the ten a •hools of the School Fair District, a review of the work of last year showed a gond surplus after paying a large prize list. The new prise list for 1921 shows items to the value of over $250. A keen competition is expected this year in all lines. The following officers were elected for 1:121: President, John Murray; Di- rectors, John Lane, Ed. Horan, Wm. McClure. Joseph McQuaid. Harold Lawrence, Scott Bolton, George Ben- neweis, Tohn Shannon, George Love, Isaac Hudson; Secretary -Treasurer, F. T. Fowler, The date of the fair will be set later. u NDW SHGV,CI`IG "THE REV'IeNGE OF TARZAN" By Ede ar Rice furroutt :s SEE- l'he Ape -Man Call the Beasts of the Jungle. The Wreck and Explosion of the Yacht, • Tarzan Swim Mies G) Sa'ety. Hundreds of Wild Be. ars in Their Native Haunts. Tarzan 11': nt His Food in the „angle. Tarzan kill a Full -Grown Lion bare- handed, The Most sensational Film of the Season ) "Better tit in 'Tama» of the Apes,'" W A LTON Briefs. -Mr. John Fulton is laid up with an attack of pleurisy. Although he will soon be 90 years old, he has been active until lately. We hope he will soon be restored to his usual health. -There is a large stock of timber being hauled to the McDonald saw mill: -Quite a number have the mumps in the surrounding district - Mr. Jas. Bishop and family habe mov- er' to the Hay farm on the 14th con. of McKillop. He sold his house in the village to Thomas Ryan. -Mees. Jas. Mose has been on the sick list for the past two or three weeks. We hope the coming of spring will help reinstate her to her old-time vigor. -Mr. Henry Jackson, of the 8th line, of Morris, is not as well as his many friends would like to see, - An auction sale will be held at Thos. Ryan's on Thursday ofthis week.- Duff's church congregational meeting was held on Tuesday of this week for the purpose of selecting a minister. -Real estate is booming in the vil- lage. ST. COLUMBAN Spneinln in (traniteware at Beattie Bron. Notes. -The Literary Society held a very interesting meeting Thursday last. A pleasant evening was spent with music and a few speeches. -Mr. Frank- Melady took a business trip to Toronto recently. -Keen interest is being taken in the good road system, and we hope that, under the able guidance of Mr. Decoursey, we shall soon have one of the best roads in Canada. The work is progressing rapidly. -Our juvenile hockey players t surprise the Dublin team quite a ir, a game held there recently by handing them a beating of 7-4. The visitors played good clean hockey. fames and Thomas Lane were their :tar players while their goal tender, lasil Lane, made some very fine stops. For the home team Jerome nd Gerald .Jordan played a good same, 'but they lacked the staying ewer of the visitors. The teams: it. Colnmban-goal, B. Lane; de- "^nce, J. barQnaid, C. Malone; centre, f Lane; wings T. Lane, J. Heifer - am; sob , T. McQuaid, Joe Lane. anblin-Goal, R. Dill; defense, L. Teauaknpf, J. Carpenter; centre, J. erdan; winters G. Jordan, R. Byrne; .bs., J. Nagle, J. Looby. 1 TUCKERSMITH'S EGG QUEEN Editor Expositor: -Thirteen years qo we started with a pen of Rose ',embed White Wyandottes to build "n a gene -al purpose farm flock of •oultry et Forest Home Stock Farm. is the Wyandotte is a good table "owl we directed our efforts along 'he line of egg production, hoping by -election end breeding to get a good 11 armmd flock Every- thing Goes On the New Low - Level j'rices At Once. Ili ys The N. .; York N-"^rine journal, On .June Sth of last year we hatch - ^d out about, 225 chicks. and in the ALSO SHOWING 'all selected fifty pullets to keep "LARRY SEMON" 'ver. They started laying early in in neeember, and on December 20th one if them was selected and put ander "THE HEAD WAITER" 'filcial test. She was changed under 'he barn basement and started to '1v December 26th, and her record rnllowa: Startin g December 26th-Decem- her, 8; January, 31; February, to -late (February 22), 22; making a record of 69 eggs in 69 consecutive days, We claim, therefore, for Matchless Queen the longest consecutive record C L Y E L L A F L A N E $1.15 A Yard Regular $1.50 ,Value. FEBRUARY 25, 1921, Millm-11121117--A111 =NM, 1 We are Doing Our Bit To Get Prices Back To Normal 000.00000000 0 THE CLOUDS ARE 0 PASSING AWAY. 0 0 0 0 The high -price clouds 0 are passing away ; the 0 0 sun shines brightly. 0 ° We are returning to- 0 wards normal price 0 conditions. The coun- 0 0 try has found it hard 0 0 to readjust things 0 speedily after the ter- 0 0 rific strain through 0 0 which it passed. But ° 0 all of us must put our 0 0 shoulder to the wheel O 0 for our own personal 0 goo([ and for the good 0 O of the nation, so that 0 0 the readjustment shall 0 0 be gotten over just as 0 O quickly as possible and 0 0 thus bring greater joy 0 in living to the masses. 0 0 This Store is helping 0 0 by serving you to the 0 best of its ability. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 v I Y E L A L A N N E L $1.75 A Yard Regular $2.50 Value. IIIA IIIIIIII III® PI11 CI:II 0 11111 :1111'1 fill 1111111. 101 1110111'' 11111111 III® 111® 1111111' Si IIIIIIII 111111 P 11111111 1111111 1111 111 Ile 11111111 • 11111111 111 11111111 • 11IIIIi 1 111 • 1111111 611 111 11111111 • 1111111 • . e Ann our crat erci The BELROBE METHOD for DRESSMAKING -a Picture Guide, simpler than words. A complete lesson in cutting out, put- ting together, fit- ting, and finishing the garment with Design Patterns. Is le 111 • A 2 -reel Vitagraph Super -Comedy One of the funniest films -we have ever shown. Alco -A Ford Ednestional Fflm Adults, 25c. 8 p.m. Children, 16c The Biggest and Best Show anywhere for the price. Coming Next Week "Marg Pickford" in "Pollyanna" in Huron; best consecutive winter record, and best monthly record; -and New Strand she still goes on. JOHN HAY. ts< . vele, H 4"f° iii ' wj} M ,id0 ,a II1 Ile THE NEW DESIGNER SERVICE Shows precisely how much material -exact, not ap- proximate -in all suitable widths; the kinds of mater- ials that will develop best in the particular design; how to place pattern on material with reference to fold of material and grain of mater- ial, and to cut correctly, without waste; how to put parts of garments together accurately, and with just the right effect; how to try on the garment and fit it; how to finish garment so as to insure the ultra modish Paris effect. 0 11' DRESS GOODS SPECIALS Here is an opportunity to buy material for a Dress or Suit ori Coat for yourself, or mater- ial for Children's wear at a most decided saving from the usual cost. 54 -inch Covert Coating, suitable for 1. both women's and girls' Spring Coats. Reg. $3.00 value- Present price $190 54 -inch All -Wool Jersey Cloth, a beau- tiful and most fashionable material. Reg. $7 value' Present price $4.90 39 -inch Pure Wool Serge in the popular shades, guaranteed fast dye. Reg. $2.75 value. Present price $1.90 36 -inch Black and White Shepherd• , check, excellent for Children's Dress- es. Reg. 85c value. Present price 58c 40 -inch Imported Crepe Dress Goods in all popular shades. Reg. $1.85 value Present Price $1.28 STAPLE GOODS Stripe Flannelette, good value 19c yard Factory Cotton, yard wide, good value 19c yd. White Cotton, yard wide, good value, 19c yard 0_ - 0 110 110 1111111 III0 1111111 ®M®--■ ®-.,_® ®_1111 wl; Ira 4,,fir lea,hl'1ros; r.