The Huron Expositor, 1921-02-25, Page 64'.
..> , L :J. a, FOiRBTRR
any, Nab a;41 Throat
b Nedtcine, University of
Assistant New York Ophtiul-
• and Aural Institute, Mooreflald's
and Golden Square Throat
,London, ng. AtMI Jt Ran -
's Office, Seaforth, third Wednea-
in each month from 11 a.m. to
▪ p.m. 58 Waterloo Street, South,
S tratford. Phone 207, Stratford.
The E. A. JAMES Co- Limited
E. M. Proctor. IEA -SC.. Manager
$ 'Dimwit* St., Toronto, Caw
smarm Pat•.emeaw, Waterworta, •ower
ate 8y1:01110. Incinerators, SehoaN.
Pablie Halle linewinp, Factories, Ar►i-
vetias, Litlgatle.
Geer req:-U•aeny paid art of
the WNW we .ave ear clients
Agent for HawickMutual foInsur-
ance Company. Successor
Harris, Walton.
addtess BOX 1, BRUSSELS
or ('HONE 42. 2769x12
R. 8. HAYS.
Barrister Solicitor, Conveyancer and
Notary Public. Solicitor for the Do -
Minion Bank. Office in rear of the Do-
minion Bank, Seaforth. Money to
la' - --- -
Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer
and Notary Public. Office upstairs
ever Walker's Furniture Store, Main
Street, Seaforth.
Barristers, Solicitors. lend. NotIn Seleal'nb-
I c. etc. Money to
forth in Monday So
Leopard Is Most Cunning
Block. ofeach
L. Killoran, B. E. Holmes.
Also the Most Dangerous
M SE** - -No Sorgi111—M MN
01 the African Animals Just Swallow a Causide
RAZ -MAH 15 Guaranteed
•e'-,»` :• :•.:=••:•-:'�'••�`M••;.•;..`'�`�"cC•r•�normalmiaow
to restore breathing, stop mi
Vall the wild animate. living pst srinip in the bronchial tubes, glee
i nights of quiet sleep; contains se
ni lfrlrish haat Africa it la 00 st Tour
wrecked by the disastrous outcome
of the war lacked confidence to re-
sist men who based their claim to
leadership upon their laving fore.
seen the catastrophe and predioting
the tragic outcome of the policy pur-
eued by the predecessors.
Phe few days which I spent to ,
charge of the Vienna Foreign Office
were the moat frightful experience
of my political career. Every mom-
"Casgarets" for
habit-fwmiag fir uI• agencies
o dryss ' crit brought resorts of new disasters. Just think! A pleasant, harmless,
g{st'a Trial free at our ageaciw or seri realm acceded; •Beheads proclaimed Clue ares works while you aloe p and tut
'fVtpletoaa, lag King W., Toronto. Pan -Germans and your livor active, head clear, s4auach
leu ural which most often
,akt•s an unpruvnkt•(1 attack its independence;
uu i ,n• ly travelers. By mutant. leo-
sweet and bowels muvtug as regular es
Local al Agent, E. UMBACH. Socialists were contending for au- ' a Owe by morning. No griping or
pant.. are deter and treacherous and preunacy in Austria; Ina loot its au• ineonveaienee. 10, 25 or 50 cent boxes.
vet , hold. Thry :rte Macken iu theirthorny; revolution grew stronger and Children love this tautly oathartie too.
- bloodier from day to day; the streets
a,o,.,:,cmts thou 110115 and Ill attack- • were unsafe; the foreign office was
mg atear methods are more devious.
THE PARSING OF A NATION guarded by police; advocates eP a _ —
When they charge they carne twins- 1 republic were wmning new adher
- I .. .:
lug tuwarde theta enemy Instead of Lim is known of the declining days eats. 'Hens Centre which the
vetrnnaegt com-
hungry, but he is not often too full to
spear el iuckleae June blq that cornea
within reach of bee. Now and
then a big p ing a clinches
its strong man ibles on the toad's
lip or foreleg anal clings there, much
to his inconvenience but apparently
not to his great suffering. One night
some one offered him one of the big
green larva that feed oa grape leaves.
The worm was the eize of a man's
finger, but the toad undertook to
swallow it. He would hove succeed-
ed had he taken the grub headfirst;
but, since he started with the tail,
the worm could dig its hooked feet
into the floor and crawl out of the
toad's mouth. At the end of five
minutes the grub finally crawled free
though it died- from the coating of
toad digester that It had enoountered.
foot of whits It is fun for the youngsters to feed
Austro-Hungarian Hungary the go 1f d katydids to the toadt he has such"In a
gallultug law on the gro
und after the Empire theft ih known of the fall of mated the folly of allowing the sol- man has never trod; or, so e- time ewallowitlg all the lege and
warner of a lion. Mao they do not. Germany. Yet the fall of the Dual tilers to disarm. in the midst of secreted, the ''Mite man has never He sarins them into his
returned to tell the tale. Police in mouth with his paws, very much as
_waste tune by biting arcus or shoul-
ders 11 is tete face, and especially
the eyes, 01 a man at which they alai.
Honor graduate of Ontario Veterin-
ary College, and honorary member of
the Medical Association of the Ontario
Veterinary College. Treats aiseasea of
all domestic animals by the most mod-
ern principles. Dentistry and Milk
Fever a specialty. Office opposite
Dick's Hotel, Main Street, Seaforth.
All orders left at the hotel will re-
ceive prompt attention. Night calls
received at the office
Empire was overwhelmingly own- violent assaults all bluntly massacres which
piece. fount Andrassy, Prime Min- I o.t • ray received ltd death stroke in lighter ctsnoods Ch the
t nearpolice ! a little boy crania in more cake than
Mer et the time, writes in a striking tti • back—front the Ilungarian got- headquarters, with the new (police his mouth will ci rurbbly hold.
-e t fu: 'hitt ght greet'. Moreover the toad is troubled by the
"' d t Th °
a .
anter of these
eprlehal aye. I e•nnn.n . e
"history's laws are rrlentleanly en- v I c •er like leas upon my bruin that tunnel whiuhf is Bahl to passstreet.
1t •t ee• ugniaed lhlni, (n ua town
r>arga�ta meq •
insects kicking after it is down; and
et' ' rfl ill sing quite a
can9es that the roust dangerous �- forced. Victorious viulcnce never t',' first men of ,u1 cuwiUy were sometimes
a y w
'dm! ,t : pw is,t:ul call perform is to stops half u'ay. After one day's legal . h see murdered and assassinated the main business portion of the swan song after it is engulfed At
tulle. a wounded leopard into thick existence, Karoly's cabinet became a without reason ur !masa,- iii sepia_ city, is thought to have moms and such times the toad pats his stomach
tied, Indeed, It is cuualdered so don- revolutionary goverment. tion for the sins of others, without even
ce_Meter a along
from its walls.
ny in- with his forefeet or lies flat on the
gel ow, a 1,1..0111.6 by experienced ••jt will remain for me a tragic my being able to resew: .,r to Hid l e from the occidental l nffic in- floor and stretches himself as far as
whir l.unuars that they will not dolt. end untdfact-able memory, how 1 was them. he ran reach.
Inrctrtue fur a wume•nt the sceuu summoned with extreme urgency to "Finally, we received the harsh of the law, the Chinese have their
11 a usually happens. A young sports- Schonbrunn by His Majesty that armistice conditions. A ('row:( Coun- own courts of law. Criminals egainat
,eau, ,-ager to acquire the spotted night and how 1 could not find a cit was held at night. The conditions their code, when punished, are not
re 1.aled before the white man's tri -
skin et one of tLnsn animals, has find ,rlvrvancr to get there xr scums acre a4 Lunar. As
the luck to gel a shut at one of therm
hart, .1 could plunge away Into some
ILuk scrub. He seen a heavy blood
trail and conelodra that th.• animal
is pretty hard hit. In tact, he already
begins to have visions of finding It
dead in it.. hIdIng Mime. Ire ap-
prea,-hes the scrub at t tlo arty, Ilia
gun cocked and ready. There is abso-
lute silence; 001 a leaf stirs, and it
seems to him Incredible that a live
antral should be near at hand. More
than ever is his suspiewn confirmed
as to the animal having received u
mortal wound. He takes a few more
stealthy steps with his eyes ell the
denser patches et brushwood, and
also on the grana twigs smeared with
blood which tell him the way his
quarry ham takeu.
Meanwhile the leopard, Icing ut0-
Uonless, watches. Hr (5 nut gulag to
be 1ake�n by snrpnse, 1186 knows by
the nature• ur the case %hies, way 1319
enemy is coming; he live silently'
waiting until the right moment ar-
rives. The man advances, ills. sense
Of Recur1!y' inerea8tng :11 the II,,,niet11e
pass without anything happening.
The leopard watches. lir ,au see
every uluee•ment of the Mantel,
whereas It et pr act ivalli ,n. p, es(bh•
for the uufurtunule }:,all n, r„lice w;, t.
unu aim
bl 1
:Its spotted tied am F
+u clear ru the ground ;.ud ,+1 ,•clot
uliferu3 with the su.riiimeiu,g tubage.
Che 131411 taker another -lop Iorw:ird,
the m01113711 lids 61331 -.i 1n one sur
gle second the leopa111 i- ',pen hitt
.end has borne him to ilr• gi mind and
. t:as begun tearing and b:':ng ai his
face, line more example of it.• folly
of following up a mound,.,) le„par,!
haS 1)0011 added to a lung list.
A lion 3u thick hush will viten be-
tray its presence by growling; a leop-
ard will never make a scwnd hitless it
knows it has been seen. And 1•-opards
ail do worse than this, Fo ruun1ng
and wicked are they that if not tau
severely wounded they will gn back
.,n their own tracks and having made
a wide circle will come up "u their
pursuer from behind elide all his at-
tention is taken up in felleeing the
Wood trail in front of hint. They will
even climb a tree and leap 'pun their
adversary from above,
So swift and Iightni nglike are their
movements that they .111 reach a
man over a distance of twenty yards
before he ran mine 13 linger. 'They are
t)te quickest thing on four feet. They
live entirely' in the forest; it is eonl-
paratively.iare to eu3ue 0n them out
ou the open'celdt.
The sound they make is not as
loud as that macre by a lieu,. They
bark rattler' than grunt; and yet it is
not exaciily like a bark, more like
the noise nla.le by a steel -saw 02
blocks of stone—a grating, s;Lwing
noise. When I firsft was in ;Africa 1
lived in a litile•house on the edge of
a large forest and the leopards used
to keep me awake for long hours, as
they moved to and fru through the
forest; there would be intervals of
silence and I would begin to think
t., 1d - accepted. Our army leads
fluently arrived late at the imperial stated we eould not offer further re-
ei,untry house. Before we turned out sistance. Every moment the fight -
of Mariahilferstrasse, 1111(•t the Em- ing continued new might cost thous-
pe•ror's brother, Archduke Max, com- ands and hundreds of thousands of
ing for me with an automobile in lives. OAr fleeing army would find
order to hasten my arrival. Whets I itsel4 in desperate straits because it
reached the imperial residence, the had but few lines of retreat. But
Emperor's attendants bade ins has- when every second was priceless be-
te n. .1 ran upstairs, and through an cause it meant saving human lives,
open door to the Emperor's office. the new Austrian government oper-
That ruler was at the telephone and attd at a snail's pace. The new au -
handed me the receiver. The Budapest thorities feared to take responsibility
government was demanding that he and, although eager to make peace,
abdicate'.; if he did not, there would they were Unwilling to incur the
he bloodshed. He would be driven odium of accepting its conditions.
rut :end murdered; not only he, the That continued to cost time and blood.
King, but also Archduke Joseph and Reports reached us that Hungarian
the cabinet. His Majesty quite prop- and Jugoslav sailors were fighting
crly would not consider abdication-- each other. The minister of the navy
would not give up the throne which urged us to turn over our vessels to
he had sworn to defend, in face of the South Slav government with a
a street revolution. The King of reservation respecting the rights of
Hungary man only abelieate with the the other states, and that Hungary
ewnsent of the whole nation. There- should take possession of the Danube
upon, the Budapest government ask- monitors. With blending hearts we
ed him to absolve its members from approved this proposal. for we hoped
'Stair ',Atli of allegiance. The game thus to preserve the vessels for the
was already' up. 1 rou3 the line the dynasty.
mob raised Kandy car. its sh,ulders, -The tragic scriousnmss of our 600- Something very unusual was going
the gever113oent's authority lay in the ferencts was incessantly internipted on at the old oil well. Three or four
dust. Since there was n1 statesman by noisy atlas t demonstrations. Adler n'cn with a spring Wagon were there;
and is, party in Budapest Which he- :u3 * Hauer, the German Austrian po- the ptlnip had been removed, an in o
Irie.•eKI it still ta'"'ihle to defend order !ifiral pleni;n,;enti:r'1,•s for foreign of ;n0 men were peering
and law, 111:11 sine,• th,- army deserted affairs, demanded to have a say in the pipe. Although not a gusher, it
sh,• King .as he-I!desa. Even our foreign ;dike, 2111,1 insisted upon had at. first been a good, flowing well.
a few day: earlier, 1 realized that in51361 ing ",lr corre.cp„nden(•e with- But after a few rtlunlha the flow
t!:e wily 1(av to rescue the situation ,tit assuming any iespnnsibility, or i,::,h,gr,.'W11 less and less until it stop -
,vii s by forrr o, arms. But now the mentioning the set•e0,11111 of Austria • pial altogether. Then a pinup had
f,n'nuatinll wf a new royal ministry', 1rem the Dual Monarchy'. On every. :,esu installed and for a lung time
„ even un art, mid to f„rn11,ne, would tend, people kept urging me not to' ;'.;,r. the ail flowing. At lust, how -
result in useless blemished. Tile only '•,ion my itlic3' and ti, ,cave what ever, ey,'n the pump brought nu oil.
nn'se left 1„ His \tajasty wits to i3,) ) be sa•:ed. Even run Who were 1 h:,d heard that the well was to be
,efraiu l.'r the tine. being from par- attacking n',e- in publi,• pleaded with:.,handoned.
imitation in government husiness. me, to do this in private. Having tied my horse to a tree, i
Thtit ruur.e was net ab,iicating, was "1 attempt, ,1, meantime. to follow ' walked over to the well. The men
of accepting aha; had meun',d and op certain 1,opeful openings for ne- t. were evidently getting ready for ser -
1v h;at might octan toren; it merely gotiatiun via Switzerland. ] sen! :.,us work; there were severe Bans
meant that the King, in view of his thither nne ,.1 the secretaries ,f the 'all of some liquid, which they were
ir.obility to form a lawful cabinet able foreign office followed by the former, handling tenderly. the longest
maintain order, abstained from Austro-iltmgarian ambassador i n ; W hen all was ready,
le maintain
in the ewes(' of events London, to take up these negotiations. ran was lowered into the well. Down,
and causing useless bloodshed until But the revolution had destroyed -' ,lawn it went while the mien waited
:1 better opportunity presented itself every prospect which alight haze ex- - ,quietly.
to claim his rights and to fulfill his isted there- Our first representative ! I asked one of thein what they
obligations, was able to meet Entente diplomats . were doing.
"Rulers have been overthrown in in gaints1 the impressiode. that. But by ' t: "We
are "It otingstthis
the pas: on ninny occasions and in agreement might
many manners; but there Was no the time our former London embus- ' and we hope that by setting off a
precedent for what now occurred at sador arrived at Bern, rhe monarchy charge of nitroglycerin down below
S,-hunhrunn. l was witnessing the which was to he a party to the ne- ! We may break things so that there
first presentation of a historical plot, gotiati"n had already ceased to ex- will be a good flow of oil again.”
and I was humiliated that it should ist. ! I was too busy to stay longer; so
have a Ilurtgarian author. 1 was 1• f h F I drove on down the road. But as
convinced that a revolution could not h I rode I y
take place in Hungary exeopt to over-
throw a ruler who violated his oath
of office and defied the constitution.
At least no exception to that rule had
,wcurred in our former history. On
this occasion, there was no such
techniacl justification for a revolu-
tion. It' was not necessary in order
to get peace. for no man desired peace
more ardently and sincerely than the
King. There was no reason to fight
over the personal union of the two
monarchies, for this was settle(} and,
furthermlore, was an inescapable re-
sult and natural outcome of the sit-
uation. A democratic suffrage law
was no longer an issue. It did not
require a revolution, consequently, to
give the disaffected elements control
of the government. They were in
complete possession of power without
"This revolution was consequently
only a crisis of hysteria and an mani-
festation of war neurosis. It suc-
ceeded, not because the revolutionary
party was well organized or pnsse9s-
ed military power or pursued a
thought-out, carefully planned policy,
but because society itself Was a nerv-
ous wreck and all the stays of the
old order failed. The people and
classes which normally maintain the
stability of the state saw no escape
from the frightful situation in which
the country was placed; they had no
confidence in a favorable peace or in
any measure of salvatinin, They were
bereft of energy and power; and
shirked the fearful responsibility
which goes with their possession for
protecting the established order to
the last. Since the beat elements
nmong the people despaired of sav-
ing the situation, they permitted
themselves to be 'lambed from their
positions of authority with a feeling
of relief. A regime discredited and
Honor graduate of Ontario Veterin-
ary College. All diseases of domestic
animals treated. at-
tended to and hargeslemoderate9Vet-
erinary Dentistry a specialty. Office
and residence on Goderich street, one
door east of Dr. Scott's office, Sea -
Osteophatic Physician of Goderich.
18 ialiat in Women's and Children's
diseasea, reheumatism, acute, chronic
and nervous disorders; eye, ear, nose
and throat. Coneulation free. Office
above Umback's Drug store, Seaforth,
Tuesdays and Fridays, 8 a.m. tin 1 p.m
C. J. W. BARN, M.D.C.M.
425 Richmond Street, London, Ont.,
Specialist, Surgery and Genio-Urin-
ary diseases of men and women.
Graduate of Faculty of Medicine
McGill University. Montreal; Member
of College of Physicw ,1s and Surgeon
of Ontario; Licentiate of Medical Coun-
cil of Canada; Post -Graduate Member
Of' Resident Medical staff o. General
Hosdoors easital, tfotPost Office.6Phoonnea, 2
Henson, Ontario.
Office and residence, Goderich street
east Of the Methodist church, Seaforth.
Phone 46. Coroner for the County of
J. G. Scott, giduate of Victoria and
College of Physicians and Surgeons
Ann Arbor, and member of the Col-
lege of Physicians and Surgeons, of
0. Mackay honor graduate medallist n-
ty'Universlty, and goldof
!'ridt]r Medical College; member of
dy College of Physicians and Sur-
geons of Ontario.
Graduate of University of Toronto
Faculty ef wee of Physicians eandeSurgeonsmber of �of
Ontario: pass graduate courses in
Chicago Clinical School of Chicago;
Royal Ophthalmic Hospital London,
England, University Hospital, London
England. Office ----Back of Dominion
Soak, Seaforth. Phone No. 6, Night
Calls answered from residence, Vic-
toria Street. Seaforth.
Licensed auctioneer for the colmties
of Humin and Perth. Correepondenee
arrangements for sale dates cast be
made by calling up phone f17, Seaforth
or The Expositor Mee. Charges mod-
erate and satisfaction guaranteed.
conclusive evidence, ex-
amine the dockets of any court, in
un attempt to find where one Chinese
has issued a complaint against an-
other, say the police. Quick execu-
tion, under the busy life of down-
town Portland, is said to have been
muted out to many men, while mi-
lady shopped above.
At any rate, that is the gist of
one of the marry tale told about
police headquarters concerning Port-
land Chinatown, by an "unchow" who
should know. Moat of the police are
aware of the suspected existence of
the tunnel. The numerous raids
against gambling dene, which to the
public are more or less routine af-
fairs, are tinged with the thrill of
adventure for the police, who won-
der which ane of their number will
be the first to discover one of the
entrances to the mythical passage-
they had gone. then three they
would he again, nearer than ever, tun-
cuuiforlably near! And indeed leop-
ards have not the respect and fear of
hunnan habitations that moor wild
animals have.
Like hyenas, they will slink about.
quite close to a house, especially if
they think there is a chance of get-
ting a. dog or cat. They are particu-
larly fond of dogs and cals. This
story will give you some idea of a
leopard's boldness. Three settlers had
hero sitting rather late one night in
a small stone house. One of 'bent,
who slept In a hut 200 yards away,
at. last rose to go. He was followed
out of the room by his dog, a small
terrier, and in leaving omitted to
close the door. In crossing to his own
sleeping place the dog wandered from
him and, without. his noticing any-
thing, was chased by a leopard. In its
terror the dog re-entered the room.
The leopard. undeterred, followed 1t,
and In some way as it entered, man-
aged to close the door behind it.
Alarmed at finding Itself in ani -
closed place with two human beings,
the beast ,lumped on to the stone
chimneypteee, where It sat glaring at
the other occupanta of the room.
Whenever either cf them made the
slightest. movement it growled, and
prepared Itself for a spring. So that
for ten whole minutes they had noth-
ing to do but. stand perfectly mo-
tionless, watching the animal Even-
tually one of them could tolerate the
tension no longer. and, rushing to the
door. threw it wide open. In a mo-
ment the leopard was mire nlort+ out
in darkness, not, however, without
having first severely mauled the man
at the door.
France's Spinsters.
France is taking up seriously the
problem of her 2.040,000 marriage-
able girls, who, as a result. of the
war's losses, can never hope to have
Licensed Auctioneer for the
Of g tbs yy�e*a2tss' .-
�t1Is Manitoba acid Ssatateb.-
w� Tams rtsaaseable. Phan. Na
Osebtalia P. O. R.
kit at The Maras
Mw ?
Obildre Ory
® _ 1♦
" -yen the person o the Emperor
was in danger. During the charm
which then prevailed. his bodyguard
was lessened. Schonbrunn was pro-
tected by cadets from the military
Leadenly. Whitt had been hut a few
days before, a powerful, brilliant,
imperial and royal court melted away
like the snow at Easter.
"I took my leave of His Majesty.
My efforts failed because they came
too late. I had not been able to be
of service and had only harmed my-
self; but I am glad I made the effort.
1 should have felt disgraced forever
had I not answered the call which
was made upon me, and had I lot
endeavored to avert the, catastrophe
which Iso vividly saw approaching."
Inune iat,elis after 'kaiak Dnnd.rine'
you can not find any dandntff or falling
hair, hit whet. plumes yon moat i. that
your hair seems twice SA abundant; en
thick, glowey and just radiant. with life
and beauty, (let a 8a -cent bottle@ now.
Have lots of long, heavy, Ieeantifel hair.
41110 t 1-a 11
Ilii II IiJ r r
Are we rushing the Seas„ -'
ing like it! Now is the time •
pare Seed for Spring. We ha. '
ready on hand some No. 1 Got •
ment Tested Clovers and Timot!t
and can fill your orders at a veto
reasonable price. Do not delay. De-
lays are dangerous.
W. M. Stewart
The habit of referring to the vehicle
used to convey prisoners and disor-
derly persona to a police station or
prison as a "Black Maria" had its
origin in Boston during the colonial
days when a negress by the name of
Maria Lee kept a boarding house for
sailors in one of the roughest sec-
tions of the city.
Maria was a woman of gigantic ;
statute and prodigious.�ttrength, and!
was therefore a great assJatanse to
the authorities in preserving the
peace. The entire Fawlese element
of that part of Boston stood so in
awe of her that Whenever an un-
usually troublesome person was to
be removed to the station house the
services of "Black Maria" were
usually required. One of the stories
told of her is that elle took at one
time, and without assistance, three
riotous sailors to the lock up, and
then, glancing around. demandee1 to
know whether "Thar's anyone else
wh•i needs Maria's help?"
So frequently ass her assistance
needed that the expression "Send
for Black Maria" became a syn-
onym fur the removal of prisoners
to jail—a synonym which persisted
lung after the original Mack Maria
had been supplanted by a barred
and guarded vehicle.
found myself unconsciously
straining my ears for the sound of
the explosion. I was disappointed,
however, for I heard no sound. But
although no sound reached my ears,
the explosion came at the proper time
down in the heart of the earth. What
a terrible ripping and rending there
must have been!
When the vibrations had died away
in the bowels of the arth, there was
an oozing and trickling as if the life-
blood had begun to run from the
terrible wound within. And truly it
was so, for when the pump was in-
stalled again and the power connected
the precious oil rose and poured out,
barrel after barrel..
' Those things I learned when I
again drove past the old well in the
' field; and as I drove on, considering
the event, I thought that there are
more wells than oil wells. There are
the wells of the human heart; and
those sometimes fail to flow just as
the oil ,wells do. And when they fail
the Master sometimes sees fit in His
wisdom to "shoot the well" of the
human heart. It seems cruel some-
times, those broken plans and crushed
hopes. How many torn hearts there
are in the world! And the Master
has thought best to have it so in
every case. But, oh, how rich is the
nil oto love and sympathy and kind-
ness, and how full is the stream that
flows from those broken hearts! If
breaking the heart brings grief, sure-
ly the "oil of gladness" that flows
at last will soothe and heal the
wounded heart; and in the joy that
follows we shall not remember the
Two hours of hard work, with crow•
bar and hammer, on the part of
policemen in a recent Chinatown raid
at Portland, Oregon, failed to gain
admittance to the steel room in which
Ching Louie and a party of seven
other Chinese were said to be con-
ducting a game of fan tan.
The alleged gamblers, when they
had their fill of the sensation of
being in the interior of a boiler that
was being riveted, opened the doors
with difficulty. The heavy hammers
had nearly made them prisoners by
jamming the locks.
At police headquarters Ching
Louie, while counting batt from a
stack of hundred dollar bills, inform-
ed the police thnt someone had spent
$10,000 in fitting up the room for a
gambling den. The place measured
forty feet square. The walls were of
(luart4•r inch steel; and the doors of
the same material.
Galleries had been built around the
wane in order that spectators might
watch the game from that vantage
point. In the centre of the room
Was a large table which at times
resembled a garden. as there was se
much "long green" stacked 071 its
surface. Efforts of the police to lig-
certain alto was owner of the den
were unsuccessful. It is well known
that. men who were "pinched" were
but hirelings of some Chineae boss
who wields great power among his
Discovery of the iron room aurprie-
ed even some of the old timers on
the police force. !Junk places were
talked of, but such an elaborate lay -
nut, above ground, waw not known
to exist.
It he well known, however, that
there are nwmemns seeret pasdsges
and dens beneath the Portland bassi -
ebolee farms for sale In the Telenet*•
of Ueborne and Hibbert. all well built lied
Improved. oe easy term. of payment THOMAS
CAMERON, Woodham. Out
farm for .ale, being Lot 8. Concenefan
good tsta y of culttiivation;alnear to �h0011, eta-
tion and two ,hlpp!ng polne.. Easy term..
Apply to JOHN 8. (HYDE. Klppen.203 r
$1.00 per pair
(Government Approved)
The R. R. (rib rolled) Lens is the
!OWPSt priced effective Lens meeting
the requirements of the Law yet in-
Made in Canada
Can be obtained from your dealer
sr sent direct from Factory for $1.25
any size pair.
2775-31 St. Catharines, Ont.
Lot 96, Concession 4, Ueborne. On the
Property is a good brick dwelling and frame
barn, 34a80, cement Boom and water inside.
2 never -falling wells, one with ladndll:
res of wheat i. it • and faploughing all
for sale.
tiled �liek drA
wire fencing. prem
able termsn
ROBINSON, Auctioneer.
Exeter. or C.
si0n 2, 9u,nley. I I/0 norm, all cleared.
Donk horn 60,00 ecrt. eemenL doors. water
throu,rholt snpplird by windmill. Seve•p
roomed hoe:, lure, drive riled. stone pi,:
penlarge silo. one mile from Brucrarld. +
ewliv, from yeaforth. Clint,. and liensall,
milt from srh,ad. Also Int 11, Coucen.lon
4 Stanley, 10U wires; 3 acres bush. 'this la
grave, a farm. For further partieulnn 6(161,
to HITCH Met2E0112. Ceo.efleld, Out.
The New
will open for service at
One O'clock, Friday
to see' our Pure Home-made
Candies and Ice Cream -
Our Motto:
"Cleanliness and Service"
Cheoros Bros. - J• James
l ..:dr nt W;nth=,p. Heron Cnu0U', Sea1,•adia; r.. vel road 4 mil.., north of
of Waltonforth
C. I' 13, ,e
milesand 5
, h'l and ha
eh ne
Soil rich cloy loam, goo.! I.rue frame house.
tome barn 04,60 feet. stone .tabling ander
roma,: good sarin::, well. windmill. water
ing tank and other farm convenience, For
particular, apply to 11r. J. S. HOGG. Pres-
ton. or J. K. GOVENI.00K, Seafnrth. et
-eats. of Estate of the hate S. 4I. (Inve•n-
lo. k. 2775.2
vents -flaw arra, of valuable land it,
the Township of McKillop, on the 6th sot,
POI conceisien, lot 13: three miles east of
Winthrop. The term iv wen drained and 1a
Number One condition; about forty acre.
broken up On the premixes ore a lane
concrete house, bank burn, 40,60, and one
driving house; about six acres of hardwood
bush. Situated the snow distance from
Dahlin, Seaforth: Dublin Rural Mall, tele-
Terme Pnn e 616 o
1t n 2,eh rs
03 once.5address MRS.
SUSAN ROSS, Clinton, R. R. No.4. 2776:4
r acres of rhnire land, all cleared and 1•.
high suite of cultivation. Weil drained, a ,+
also watered by 2 drilled wells pumped abv
mills. On this form is a red p eseeLbr!rk
house, 0 large bank barn and hug pen. s4.
small driving +hod and a frame cottage. nut
able for hired man or partner. Any man
wanting n chores home and with convenience
U., town on a I(nmininn highway. whicl
will be one of the last when finished i
Caada. should get in touch with me nt cure
Pwoe,-.i,,n give this airing. ABRAHAM
Ii11011.1. _ 2771-11
drrl aor.w ndtoining the Town of Sea
forth, conveniently situated to all churches,
schonl ellls brick Collegiate.
cotta0with�a cement ent kitcheis a n-
Isrn 100.06 with stone .tabling underneath
for 6 horse., 16 head of tattle and 40 hogs
with steel stnnchiona and water before all
stock: litter carrier and feeds arrier and
two cement .Iles; driving shedand plat-
form .rales. Watered by a rock well and
windmill. The farm 1 well drained tad i•
n,ah.etc .,f cultinatiun, flowing i- ,Jr
done-ehofee clay loam. Immediate pow. -
Mon. Apply to M. BEATON. R. R. 27 Sen•
forth, Ont 7
1n the Surrogate Court of the County of
Huron, 1n the Metter of the Estate of
Esther Moore. late of the Village of Hen -
▪ .11, in the County of Huron, Spinster,
NOTICE ls hereby given pursuant to the
Statute in that behalf that all persons hey -
Int elates against the FStete of the said
Father Moore, who died an or about the 19th
day of December A. 0., 1920, are required to
send by poet - prepaid or deliver to Gladsome
A Stanhnry, Solicitors for the Administrator.
on or before the fourteenth day of February,
A- D., 1921, their names, addresses and de-
soriptiana rind partleulare hf their claims
and the nature of the e.eurity Of any) heist
by them duly eertifled, and that after the
Bald day the Administrator will renewed to
distribute the assets et the deceased among
the parties entitled thereto, having regard
only to the claim,. of which' they shall then
have notice.
DATED this twenty.eixth day of Jann6Ty,
A. D., 1921.
Hei mall and Exeter.
2772-3 Solicitors for the Administrator.
One summer night when we were
sitting mund the path light, says a
writer in Country Life, one of us
noticed a toad that was making fran-
tic efforts to climb the three steps
that lead to the walk. He finally
reatehed the veranda floor and began
flipping up the bugs that had fallen
into the circle of light that the lamp
Some nne began catching betties
and dropping them near his nose, all
he soon appeared to accept ns as hie
natural providers. Ile WAR back the
next night and, in fact, every night.
while tlhe toed Benson lasted; and he
has continued to visit us in the name
manner every summer. It is evi-
dently the memttlry of a well -set table
that brings him hack each year.
are certain beget, There r such AA
pntatn beetles and aqua& bugs, that
the toad will not touch. He likes
lightning bugs only w'ketl be is very
In the E.Lte of Andrew Wright. late of the
TownsMp of Hibbert, in the County of Perth.
Notice is hereby given pursuant to the
Treaters; Art that all Creditors end others
having etnima against the Estate of the Raid
Andrew Wright who died on or about the
211rd day of January A. D. 1920, at the
Town.h!i of Hibbert aforesaid. are required
n ,3 before the .7x38 dal of March vt
1921, to Rend by peat prepn{d or deliver to
the undersigned their Chfutlan nems, and
• aa• Adamson and full al.', 0f
theirir el clalme and the mato. 0rf the 1111, .r arlty
i if any) held by them.
And further take notice thnt after the
last mentioned date the A ini,traton will
Proceed to distribute the /RR eta of the de-
cewed among the partl entitled thereto
having reseed only to the claim. of which
they shall then have received notice and
that they will not be liable Inc the mild
-,wets or any part therm( tq any sermon 0r
persons of whose el Mg they shall not thin
have had nbtlee.
Dated tbe tenth day of February A D.,
. Exeter and HetemIL
Solloitme for The London a Western Triads
Co., -Ltd.. Adminietroton with will un wed -
Concession 2, Hullett, 10 acres of hard-
wood bush: 60 acres almost new land, bet-
anre has been grazed and top -dressed for
20 years. All good land, well dratnld, per-
fectly clean. Every furrow arable, in find
clans state for cultivation. within half s
mil.. of the macadamised road., three mile.
from town. B00 rods of extra good fere
ing. Bern 43�o, yr rodded.s Stabl oruo8, fod r
4teel siding,
head of stock, floors and water-
ork., ap4o-daft forr convenienceo flat dines
garage a honv s buggy home. Good water and
a good frame house war up -to -daps con
•enienem. For further particulars apply N
C00 * D yen premises.' R. R. No. 42744,44fn•
Lnt '24, C0ne.s.ion 2, Toe rwhlp of Mb-
bert. County of Perth, containing 1Wraena
of fond. all cleared, 45 acres. fall pldtlghel.
remainder seeded to hay and grass. On t81e
farmtna two -Storey .olid brick 9-ra,tne8
house. 27.02, with .tone basement and
cistern. heated by furnace; frame kitchen,
18 by 22 feet with pantry and wash room.
e,nerste foundation and cellar nndetnleath:
a bank barn, 67.66 feet, with stone found6.-
ut and
tI ter in stable; buggy bonne 14concrete floors :16 feeet, drive
shed 2226x20 feet Theee.'building. are all In
first elan. repair. Thi, property M .hotted
S mike from Dublin, 6 mils from Seger*.
2 fenced�ando'under reh and 1; is well
drained. and hes r0r►1
telephone and mail delivery. For 'furee
partfemlere apply to JOHN F. MURPthFIT.
Ont., R. R. No. 2. 27111.4
Cnnee,ainn 0, In the Township of Tneker-
smith, B miles 1r00m Seeforth, 6 miles from
Rmwofleld and ',finnan. convenient to school
and church: 06 scree cleared, remainder to
maple bush. On !hie farm are excellent huBd-
infra and are In flint -elms repair; hard and
.art water in the hno.o on
d In taroebles;
w ells, 1 having a
thoroughly ander drained and fenced and
in a high state of cultivation. never having
k„m heavily cropped. This le In every war
n first clean and up-to-Mte farm. Alam Let
71, Concession 12. In the Township of If1b-
bert, containing 100 acne: RO acres ramrod
and thoroughly nndardralned and fenced, the
remainder in In fleet elves maple bush. On
the Premises la a comfortable frame haus
and good ham 481[66 with atone stabling:
. leo good well with windmill. TM* Dural Is
all seeded to gess and 4 In exsllent eaten -
tan. having been ermined very tittle; slte-
ntel within 6 miles of Hensall, natter of
mile from school. There 1s long distance
telephone connection on both farms, also
rural mail delivery. Thaw fermis w01 be
sold h,gether or separately to auk pnreb, nr
add on reasonable terms. For further por-
Menlars mph to the proprietor. on Let 12-
Coneeeden 0, Toekersmith, er Seeforth P. O..
R. R. No. 4, or phone 14 on 111, Suoferth-
THOMAS (: emLLDIOLAW, ProprIeter.