HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1921-02-25, Page 515
is sA iii Cvt��YC, tti��•� vii 77'i,,�} a1 .i
p"Pebru 24, '
Eggs, per dozen 38
Wheat, per bushel
lalats, per bushel
Barley, per bushel
Bran, per ton
Hogs, per cwt.
Butter, per lb.
Flour, per cwt.
Shorts, per ton
Potatoeii, per bag
KmonAGEB AUUT3ON aA,tlo_gs PA= MTOOK Slip
neev.r---pampbal4wpp Weeks P lrnplmanb, 91 'Thome Comma isse
Caxtcq tok Parma Mk. by bMa it!. ttqp, 0011 ybyy ppt •tWNon
'� 8Ee 4•CermsAAmabeila MoCabbw Croat Lat t�, Concaal0a 1, ittskenMmltb, Lot
BOW, On Wedp
$l labs M t.reaaawr • 9apu.nd, b • the folio i•nn Implamantak.
R•. beievi.. sow oP lar. wad IrtO J'''''s wing a •86
40C b0evD t CBntoa I Cattle --1 thoroughbred 'cow. Mar Flower old
76c G.raba n-[limbi—At Beober, Out, on Fab, I '-'176999=-"'7 yea., old; 1 cow 9 teen old
140A0 9th M100 urea, daughter of Mr. and Mr*.duo b calve In April,w1 cow 7 Y sn old due
$18.00 NelY Gtaaq b Or. la G. 0rebam, o! E:- fn July, 1 fresh cow 7 yours Id, itresh
r Iry Rev. Telt.. of Wo9ooeburg. vile 4 Years d4L 6 eteen tieing o2 years old,
46 to 480 - I 1 fat heifer riming 2 years. 2 heifers rising
$6.60 - 2 yean, 1 thoroughbred heifer 11 months
$40.OU A Ul '1'IOIV SALER old on day ofale; will have pedigree on
date of sate; 2 heifers 15 months old, 1
heir' 10
On 'IAutaday, March 10th, at mac p.m. en
Lot 6, Conneesion 18, Grey, leafing eale d
,farm stock and Implements. John Smillie,
Prop.; Thea.. Brown, Auctioneer.
On Monday, February 28th, 1921, at one
o'clock, on lot 2, Concet:Mon 7. T'nckernmith,
larm stuck. James Flannery, Prop.; Thu ,
Brown, Auctioneer.
On Monday, March 7th, at one *clock p.m.,
PO TPA 6, Concession 8, Tackenmlth. lyes
miles east of Egmondville, Farm Stook and
Implemeoh. Thome. Flanagan, Proprietor
T. Brown, Auctioneer.
On Tueedny, Murch 8th, al 1 p.m., on
Lot 27, Con mesIon 8, I.R.&, Farm Stock
and Implements. Harry Stewart, Prop; T.
Brown. Auctioneer.
On 'rhueaday, Murch 17th, at 1 'look
p.m,. ou Lot 82. Concession e, McKillop
Form Stock and Implements. A. Wankel.
Proprietor: T. Brown, Auctioneer.
On Friday, March 460, at one p.m., on
Lot 26, Concession McKillop, Clearing
Sale of Form Stock and Implements. Thos.
Broom, Prop.. 'r. Brow u. Auctioneer.
I,,7LAX M11.1. SC11'rCHE1f4 WAN'T'ED .1'1'
Goderich. 2776,2
Engine, 6 honep,wer. This machine b
new. Apply to JOHN A. ECKART, R. It.
No. 1, Dublin, Ont. 9178x4 d
11 White Holland Gobblers for ale. Phone t
10 on 132, or addrow Ktppen Pont Oatoa b
old thoroughbred Durham boll calf for 0'
dale. 'Chin M choice animal. Phone 11 Y
n 181, Seaforth, or address Seaforth Pont
OMce. SIDNEY GEatb�,LL. 2776-tf
7'b,nuw Brown hon been la,tructed to
by p01,11c motion on Lot 2, Concemlo
'I'uckr.,-mith, on Monday. February 28th,
t 1 'cluck p.m. the (*Viewing: Hors
Matelted pair of black 1'erehero,w visit
yeere. Cattle -16 cows, name milkinQgg
balance coming In noon: 2 bloom elatn
yefm old; 8 he:fen, rising 2 yours old.
Three nova non to pig, 6 .bunks. T
Eight mygilta' credit on furnishing app
nootba old, 3 calves 8 months old,
K•— 2 c,lv,-, 6 months old, 2 calves 4 week, old.
sell Plan t brood sow due about April let, 1 eow
n 7, due on April 10th, one sow due in April,
1921, two 0091211 sows due In May, one
co— with pigs on doY of oule, 1l chunks about
.g 8 123 pounds, also W Burred (tock hens and
and pulialn. Henry -1 heavy draft mare sampan
it 2 Pigs i ed ta In ! general
rmee hone12 years old, 1 driver about
12 years, 1 gelding cooling 8 years old, King
Thomas; 1 gelding 2 yeah old, King Thome;
1 colt about 10 months old. Commodore,
,Implements. 2 wagons with 24 inch firm,
1 ,light wagon, 1 top buggy good es new,
1 Maxwell touring car. 6 pauenger. 1915
model, 1 bob sleigh new,
, 1 light sleigh, 1
Portland cutter, new ; Mawsay-Haub binder
6 font cut, Deerl Mower 6 foot cut Fleet
nt notay. Four te on the dollar* off
for cas). JAMES FLANNERY, Pmprletori•
T. Brown, Auctioneer, 2476-2
tore. Thomas Blown has been Untreatedto sell by public auction at the residence of
ing .'-k, cherry cupboard, 6-plere parlor
nit.•, walnut frames and 100.06ryIbutton8 an( , vith mattr.a andap� nags,
ti mixer of email Whine, inn, Pandorar a'rage
, r , ,
for either ,al or wood, hall rack,
Rti a o
chine, 3 -burner oil a
with ovenkitcbon table nod chub+,,
1920 lime efewenger Ford touring ear, an
umber „f other household ticks too n
to mention. Terms, --Cow h. MRS.
the undermgoed, Goderich Street, west.
beth, on Saturday, March 19th, at
o'clock p.m., the following: Solid oak
board. 6 leather nentod dining chalet
extension dining table, leather couch
& Wood eo0d drill, cultivator, corn an
'.111,;1115, 404
and you'll noon have a better horse.
Better in condition, better in temper
and willingness. If you think all
feed is alike you are mistaken. Try
d ours for a while and you'll be convinc-
, ed that there is a big difference and
• all in our favor. Yet this extra
quality will cost you nothing. Our
bean ooualer, disc harrow, tutee] land roller
steel hay rake, hay rack, 8-aeetion harrows
1 walking plow. 1 Cockahutt 1 -furrow ridin
WOW, 1 For scale. 1200 the.- 1 wheel barrow
d priceg are no higher.
150 feet hay fork rope. 4 bungs, pulleys e
trip rope, bay fork, Page wire, streteher.
65 bushel sed pray. 100 bosheie mixed grain.
100 lemheln s
New bushels barley. 3dbuohelMarket,
s groan need. anmal
Mee ' quantity of hay, 2 down grain bags, Melo
one er separator, raw,^ Pulpa, a quantity u
In stook., 160 nap
umg Pelle, new, asp pan and hath tub hag MAIN STREET PHONE 77
M. CIIESNEY, Proprietr.a: 'Thou. Uro
F�llj'�14I;Z8� o
As the season is advancing we
must be up and doing, Although
prices for all farm produce are
lower, we can not stop; we Must
carry on: ,
There is more profit and more
pleasure in growing a good crop
than a poor one. Fertilizer 'and
good fanning go together. There
is more Fertiliser being used
every year. It increases the yield
and practically insures the catch
of grass seeds, which will pay
the cost of it.
We have no hesitation in recom-
mending it for all kinds of crops
where the land is at all run down,
and for all kinds of roots, pas-
tures, or hay crops, and it is con -
siderable cheaper than it was last
Anyone using it I will try to
give them the brand that will suit
their land best. All Fertilizers
guaranteed to contain what it is
sold for.
i Would be pleased to have your
aider•. if you do not see me''phone
219, Seaforth, and your order will
r taken care of.
W. M. Stewart b ` "
Aut. clone. r. 2776
('. wooden barred, large wood watering
tub, 1 steel barrel. Ifappy 'Thought cooking
-'in .3,v sod o .,l: M,'Clrrr heater
and Hogs on Lot 9, Conwnaion 6, 11.burne,
o mil.:, south of Elimville, on 'Thursday.
March 3rd, 1921, at 12.30 'dock. shore, the
ollowing: Hones.- Grey 'Prreheron enure 5
rears old, draft mare 4 years old, teem
m tehed agricultural gelding,. 6 year old, 2
raft geldings riming 4 yeom old, well broken:
raft filly riming l year old, eligible for
exlotration; good driving mare 8 yearn old.
1. r' t rsen re Bound and In good condi-
lon. Also braes mounted net of doable
riche* harneta. Cattle --8 cows dun t time
1 nate, renewed cow, cow cow
March 29th,
mo s due April 22d. codue May 10th,
ow due June 10th, cow due September ]et,
we due October lot, farrow cow, fat cow.
00002 Cattle --7 teen rising 8 yearn old, u12
fat heifers doing 8 year. old, 4 good beef
ring hetfem rising 2 years old, 10 eteen
Ming 2 years old, 8 heifers rising 2 years
old, 10 atoms one year old, 18 heifers' ening
1 year old, Reentered Poll Angus bull. Cattle
nre alt In firnt.olann shape, Hogn-11 store
hogs, about 160 9,s.; 10 store hogs, about
126 lbs.; 0 store hogs, about 100 lbs.; 9
vows due In March; 6 no s due in April; 3
rowa due in May; now with litter at foot;
Registered Yorkshire hog one year old.
Hogs to be .old first. Pmitivety.
r u er,.
as the proprietor to quitting farming. r'I',rrns
- Seven mnnthed credit on apprnr.d joint
note,, with 6 per cent. per annum off for
.h. SAMUEL. BROCK, Proprietor; 6.. W.
Rob,00,,o and Wm. McNeil, Auctinneom;
Frank Coat., Clerk. 2776_2
Implements. 'rhos. Brown has ta'en ,n
otroded by the undersigned to Bell by public
action on le,1 27. ConcessionL.R.S..
'Turk emir ith, ,n Tuesday. Murrh 32 19:71. at
o'clock xha. y horn. i naricul-
mare 10 year..i told. 1 driving horse•
will work single o, double quiet and
llaN.; 1 year oldfilly, Mired by Imica_
Cow„- 1 cow duo in March, 1 ,uw due April
1533. 2 farrow cows, 2 2-yrnr-old' tat heiferu,
1 two-year-old steer, 1 yearling,,, and about
2.0 pulletsnd hens. lmple•ment,' 1 6-f,.,t
rut Deering hinder. 1 1 -foot rut Deering
10 -hoot Mou.•y-Harris rake.
.N:us.".y-ll„nrin 100th eultn-nanr nd eider
combined, pray. no—sl alta, heien t. 1 Mnoney-
llnrris 14 plate 11220 harrow, 1 :,et ,liumond
harrows, 1 No. 7 Wilkin.;on walking Plow.
1 th res -quarter Chatham wagon, 1 Rain
'loupe .sleigh, hay rack, gravel box, one big
box with shelving. 1 seufner. 1 fanning will,
1 srt reale. 2000 tun capacity., I forge, 1
separate,hay fork, hu,gy, ,utter, 10-
n.h grain grinder. 1 3.81. P. gasoline ,
gine. 1 2.11, P. gn oline engine, 30 feet of
4 inch belting, I power emery.andrel,
,•0:02,in-h emery stone,. 40 gallon 0ni ,nil tank,
Ford• coupe in good running order, 1 net
double harness, 1 set single harness, quantity
of hey and grain end sortie nlsik,'. washing
machine. churn and o few household urticlks,
fo,-lo,, ohov,ts, and other nrkel,, too numer-
t, mention, No proprietor
3,,, sold his farm. Term• - All mums of
810.00 and under, cash; over that amount
8 months' creditapproved joint nut,..
Four c.•nof straight for ,Yn,h, HARRY
STEWAIt'r, Proprietor: Thorn. Brown. Auc-
tioneer. 2776-2
and Implements. Mr. C. W. Robinson
has been instructed to .ell by public auction
on Lot 19, Concurs ion 1, Tuckers mith, on
Wednesday-, Murch 2. 1921, the farm, con-
taining 100s cres of choice land, well drain -
e,1 and goodbuildings, r nt to school
and church. Ten per ent' of the purchase
money to le paid on day of sale; the bal-
ance to be paid within two weelo.
At the same time and p l a c e
there will also be .,old the following farm
stock and implements, namely: Cattle One
cow5 years old due to calve about time of
sale, 1 cow 6 yearn old, 1 Jersey cow 4
years old milking now, 1 now 8 years old to
delve about March 16th, 1 row 0 years old
milking now, 1 heifer 3 years old. milking;
2 steers 8 yearn old. 2 liters two years old,
1 farrow cow 4 yearn old. 1 heifer 18 months,
old. 1 steer 8 months old, 4 fall .cal.., l
Leer and 1 heifer two years old. Norm --
One gray mare 6 years old, 1 bay mare in
foal, 1 bay mare in foal to 'Colonel Bowers,
1 driving home, one filly three yearn old
in June, 1 pair of soring colts. Hogs --d0
pigs about 8 months Id, 3 pigs 4 months
old, 2 wows due about April lac Implements
--Deering binder, 1 ManseyHarris cultiva-
tor, 1 Massey -Harris drill, wet of 4 -section
diamond harrows. Massey-Ffarrie hay loader.
Deering manure spreader, Cod,ahutt 2 -furrow
riding plow, double walking plow, 1 Bingle
Walking plow, 1 wagon, hay rack, gravel
box, net of sleighs. All the implements are
nearly new. One buggy, 1 cutter, 1 set of
heavy double harness, 1 set of flow harness.
1 set of driving harness, 175 feet cd hey fork
rope, car and althea, 1 wheel barrow, a
quantity of lumber. aloe a nnimhet' of dols
and Windows with (rams, about ten tons
of bay, 1 Ford car. Hay and car wt71 be
Dash. Terma,—Allum, of 410.00 wad un-
der, tuck : over that amount 8 mentba'
relit will be given on furnishing approved
Joint notes. or 6 per cent off for cash.
LORNE MOFFATT. Proprietor: C. W. Rob-
inson. Auctioneer. 2775s2
helfen In calf, one due February 208.11,
and other later. Apply to FRANK COLE-
MAN, R. R. No. 3, tt«aforth, or phone 19
on 614, Clinton Central. 27714
r & Masney Peerless Separator, 86 inch
withrear cut 20 H. P. Sawyer & Massey
traction engine. All in good working order,
Apply to JOHN THIRS1(, BLAKE, R. It. No.
2, Zurich. 2775x8-tf
von SALE.—ON 1.01' 81. O('NCFSSION
2, Tuckenmith, two barns, one is 30,56
and the other to 20,72. Also a frame house
and kitrhen. W. LANE., Hntcefield. Phone
622. Clinton. 277.5,3
steady work fn a Tong while for .v-
iral ;,sol srutrhervr...v-
iral Wngn 82.00 per day
up to 60 pound , and a bonus per pound
-r that 0,10,12. Apuly by letter or tele-
phone to A. 1.. MCCRF'DIE FLAX Mlt.l..
St. Mary:.• Ont. 2776-1
'.1 by R,,•,1, t IIt07:20 for cul. 3
.•hula yonnv boll, ,, in a from s
months op to 11 months v yuan, -'-r c with
alve. at foot. Price, noble n vn writ„
m and if p.rsible. comer, rd ., ,t u
Snrth while. JAMES HILL, R. 10. 10.,. 1.
taff, Ont. 277504
inn.--Wo w•,nt 200 mom men immediately
to fill positions in early spring at $126 to
8200 monthly, nprrnting gm, tractors, driving
motor truck: and cars, 'telling 3rnrrors, ears
and farm power machinery, or n9 nuto tractor
echaniies. in city nd country 1Rungen. Only
few weeks required -learn thee° tholes at day
or evening elbow at Hemphill Government
Chartered Motor Schools in evert, large city
of Canada. Start now end you will he reedy
for sprints rush. Send for eat-ninouu.
Street West, Toronto. Ont., Regina, Saska-
toon, Edmonton. Calgary, and Vancouver.
nn Conrmsion 12, Townohip of Hibbert.
County of Perth. 90 acres cleared, the rent
in good hardwood bush. On this farm M a
good frame house, veneered with metallic
siding, 2 bank barn:, one 52260 with 0000
foundation; the other 32290 with cement
baeement, both with cement floors: pig
home, hen bonne and drive shed; never fail-
ing supply of water. This farm is well
situated, being 6 miles from lfennall sta-
tion and convenient to both church and
school; thoroughly drained and fenced. Mao
50 nor., East IA Lot 21, Concession 13;
45 .4.2r,, cleared, rest in bush. ds well fen -
rod, river running 0,0x,0 lot: with a first
clans gravel pit on rear of lot. This M a
desirable property and will be sold reason-
able. For further particular apply to the
Cromarty, Ont. 2776x5
Note.—Items under thin head will be charg-
ed 60 cents per single verse and 25 cent. for
each additional vent ,
Munn.—in ever loving memory of oar
dear mother, Mrs. Alex. Munn, who departed
deka 11fe on February 19, 1920.
One year hire teamed. our hearts still nor,
Ae time goes on we mise her nese.
Her welcome smile, her loving face.
No one on earth can take her place.
Lovingly remembered by bee daughter and
0000,0 2778-1
Habkirk.-•Ln loving memory of Garnet
Ilabklrk, who died one year ago today,
nor ell 1. 1920.
Mind would I give his hand to clmp.
Me dear face to see.
Rip hear hie voice, to wee hie smile
That meant so much to mr.
'Mat m®Oty lo Jett ea dear today
Aa In the hoar he paned away.
!Oben dare are dark amid friend. ars few,
Dear Garnet, hew I long for you.
Laving Wife and Mother.
Akeseder:--In T0kmamitb, on February
18th, to Mr, and Men. John Almmader,
OS quboan_—In Ribbert, on February 960, to
r. and Mm. Wm. Cdaohoon, a daughter.
Ikdtz.--in Rennnli Heapltal, on Febrtary 22,
to Mr. enol Mm. Wm. Delta. of Tooker -
smith, ■ daughter.
Haird.—In Stanley, on February IOM, to
Mr. and Mr. Tho. Baird, aten'.
Oaae.—fn Tuekermith. n February 7 t►, to
Mr. and Mr. E. C. Cane, a Dao.
Baird. --0n Stanley, on February 28rd. the
infant daughter of Thomaa B. Baht, aged
11 day..
Damao..—In London, on February 22nd,
Ruby Fremont, emend daughter of the kite
John Duncan, aged 42 yoare.
Marray.—in Goderich, 012 February 1960,
WBtlaa George Murray. aged 62 yeah.
Ohidley.—In Clinton, on February 1060, Flora
Chidlny, eldest daughter of the late Joseph
Cbldley, aged 62 year..
Knott --In Fullerton, on Feb. 18th, Thelma
M. L. Knott, beloved daughter of Mr. and
Mn. Fred Knott, of Carlingford, aged 2
yes. and 4 menthe,
O'Beirne.—in Stratford, on Friday. Fekrrmry
18th. William Mark o'Betras.
Parker.—In Harper Reaptta, Detroit, on
February 1460, Margaret Reinke, beloved
wife .1 W. Earl Parker, and d sum of
Mr. and Mn, D. M. Bees, of Broomfield.
aged 22 years. f
yes .nt.,,..,:wti,- s.�xe •1. 0.1...,,.:.,.: .t.m _1..,0
Implement.. Mr. Thos. Brown hes been
instructed to cell by public auction on Lot
26, Oonoession 8, McKillop, on Fildey, March
4, 1921, at one P.m, sharp, the following.
Herres -1 black home tieing 12 yore old,
1 bay horse nine years old, 1 bay mare 7
y,nra old, 1 Peroheton ally ricin 2 years
old, 1 bay driving mare 11 yearn old. one
black driving mare 9 years old, 1 need
horse. 1 black marc, 13 roam old. Cattle --
One free), tow with calf at foot, 1 cow due
April 14th, 1 cow due March 6th, 1 cow due
Apra 17th, 1 mw due May let, 1 cow doe
May 9th, 1 cow, due April 22nd. 1 cow doe
July 11th, 1 cow due March 22nd, 1 farrow
cow 5 yearn old, 1 heifer due May 2nd, 1
cow 4 yearn old, 6 steers retina 2 yeah Id,
4 heifer ,(ning 2 years old, 2 young belle,
1 steer 1 year old, 4 heifers one year old,
11 spring ogle., implemenbe-1 Meaney -
Harris 19 -disc drill nearly new, 2 rultivat rs,
turnip need. nearly new, Mnoaey.Harrlo
hay loader nearly new, 1 Deering binder
with trucks and sheaf carrier .tesriy new,
1 Front & Wood hinder with trucks and
sheaf carrier nearly new. 2 mower, 4 plows,
nearly pew, 1 gong plow, 2 net of barrows,
one nearly new, root pulpor, 1 10 -hoe drill.
1 turnip slicer, 1 stool tired buggy, 1 cutter,
1 net of bob aleighn, 1 Mannoy-Harris hlndor
7 foot 18 dine Deering aced drill, 1 steel
land roller. 1 root pulper, 1 wagon. 1 net
of aleighe and ant reek, 1 double net of
single harmer, 1 set of single Menem, 1
double net of hernaao. 1 boiling pot, 1 Mnooey-
Itnrris cream separator, 700 19,. : 1 range
otos,, n quantity of mangelo and turnips,
about 000 bnnhela of oats, nbmit 12 tens of
hay and a quantity of straw, 3 genie and
1 gander, 15 cords of short wand• hard end
soft, 1 dinner bell. Terms of Sale,—Roots,
hay, and ,reln, eneh. All mune tun of 810.00
and under. cash; over that amount eight
menthe' credit will be given on approved
Joint ata, or a discount of four per cent
on the dollar off Mr en.h. THOMAS 0
8800M & SIMS. Proprietors; Theo. Brown.
Auctioneer. 9736.1 O
ybelow ,.'ens bicycle ,-Ir,-ulnr
eut nig box, n ger kettle. a
.,uuntity ofv, a fens,. atone bout,
radar pants. extev.,onirladder, grindstone. 1
chop box.. 76 r, -Inch tile, graved box, hang-
ing lamp, 2 other tamper t rink, 3 -burner
Perfection oil oboe.' with ns0n shovel., forks,
logging chains, wash tube and other article.
too numerous to mention. Terme.-- All num*
02 $10 and under, cash; over that ,mount
12 months' credit will be given on furnishing
approved joint not.. A dingount of 4 per
cent. off for cash. JACOB DETWEII.ER,
Proprietor: Thoma, Cameron. Auctioneer.
$10 TO $50 A WEEK
at home in your spare time. In-
crease your income at hone in
your spare time. You can earn
$10 to $50 each week writing
show cards at home or qualify
for a position paying a goof]
salary each week. No canvas-
sing or soliciting. We teach
you how anti supply you with
steady work. Write to -day for
full particular's.
National Show Card School Ltd.
Room 42, 44 Adelaide St. W..
Toronto - - Canada
$4i 10 $10 per Day
Speri;,l 1 tracks' Gas Tractor
Course $50.
Special 4 weeks' Auto Mechanics
Course $50
Now on at
1113 King St. West, Toronto.
Write for particulars or come at once.
. 1". 0.:i11':E'f1Nt;
The regular monthly meeting of the U.E.O.
will hr held ,n the Town hall, Seaforth. on
Mis charge h hof ip.m. This the Department oft' Ag will be
A Toronto, supported the Department of
Agriculture, Ottawa, The tonic will be 60c
Elimination of the Scrub Buil from Huron
County. The speaker will be Mr. A. G.
Farrow, Oakville, 1'. F. 0. Director for
Balton end 0100 member of Shorthorn
Rre'edern' A.asociotion, assisted by Mr. Me-
kenti, and Mr. Stothen, Agricultural Repre-
ss tutive for Huron County. The lecture
will be illustrated by magic lantern views.
Meetings will also be held at Hensel, on
March 1st; Clinton. March 3rd. We request
very Farmer to be present
2776-1 Bert Irwin, Secretary.
Specialists in Health and Accident
Policies liberal and unrestricted.
Over $1,000,000 paid in losses.
Exceptional opportunities for local
2773-50 Toronto, Ont.
0000 000000000
0 Funeral Director and O
O Licensed Embalmer O
0 Undertaking Parlors in 0
0 Beattie Block, opposite The 0
0 Expositor Office. Residence 0
O Goderich St., opposite Dr, 0
O Scott's, 0
0 Flowers furnished on short 0
O notice. 0
0 Phone Night or Day '119 0
0 0 00 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
W. T. BOX & CO.
O Embalmer and 0
O Funeral Directors 0
0 Holder of Government 0
0 Diploma and License 0
O Charges moderate O
0 Flowers furnished on short 0
O notice. 0
0 Night Calla Day Calla 0
0 Phone 176 Phone 43 0
000000000 0000
New Bargain Store
Our firm handles all mill clearings of great Moodie
Mills; gives you an immense assortment. It is
the great Specialty of our Bargain Stores. The
price is One -Third to One -Half Less.
Last Fall we bought $7,000 at enormous discount.
They are the leading makers in Canada ; no 'let-
ter lines made in the world' A wonderful op-
portunity as the assortment is many times greater
than other stores carry. You Save One -Third
and More.
Last Fall, when the Mills were in desperate straits
with cancelled orders, returned shipments, lack of
orders, yarns contracted for that had to be work-
ed up, we waded in and bought $20,000 of great-
est Bargains on earth, Sweaters, Wool Mitts and
Gloves, Scarfs, Setts, Hosiery, Etc. To -day the
price- is up double what we paid, because the
Mills are now only making up for orders actually
taken or all closed entirely. You people will
never get again the Stunning Bargains We Can
Give You Now.
The A. A. Cockburn Bargain Stores do not handle
regular goods at regular prices. If we cannot
get a Bargain we don't buy. Hence lots of 'lines
we do not carry at all, but what we do .have is
Cheap. Later on, when we get one full stock in
and store in first-class shape, we shall publish a
complete Bargain List in detail. But we want
you to come in and look us over. We have a long
lease of the store and expect to build up a big
business, run on strict business principles.
Starting Saturday we shall sell Best Grade Work
Shirts—black stripe and plain blue, Union made,
not trash, at $1.45
Ladies' White Flannelette Gowns $1.95
Misses' White Flannelette Gowns $1.75
Children's White Flannelette Gowns $1.00
$1.00 per pair
(Government Approved)
The R. R. (rib rolled) Lens is the
lowest priced effective Lens meeting
the requirements of the Law yet in-
Made in Canada
Can be obtained from your dealer
or sent direct from Factory for $1.26
any size pair.
2775-3 St. Catharines, Out.
O O O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
374,,411i41,07,,,, L0.ld,8lladi de''kiva:ar.
Embalmer and Funeral
Undertaking Parlors Above
M. Williams' Grocery Store.
Main Street, Seaforth.
Flowers furnished on short
Charges Moderate
Phone—Night or Day -192
00000000 0000
In the Rotate of Andrew Wright late of the
Township of Hibbert In the County of Perth,
Notice la hereby given Puteuent to, the
Treatees Act that all Crediton end others
baring elate. against the 82,6000 of the said
Andrew Wright, who died on or about the
23rd day of January A. D.. 1920, at the
Township of Hibbert aforesaid, are required
n or before the sixth day of March A. D..
1921, to send by pmt prepaid or deliver to
the undersigned their Christian eaten, and
nrnamen, oddness. end full pnrtieulmrn of
their claims and the nature of the security
(if any) held by Them,
And further take notice that after the
loot mentioned date the Adminintratoen BI
proceed to dietryhnte the ,resets of The &t-
eemed among the parties entitled thereto
having regard only to the rink= of which
they shall then have received notice and
that they will not be Heide Inc the said
meets orny part thereof to any porton or
Demme nt whose claims they obeli not then
have had notice.
Dated the tenth day of February & D.,
8004 sod 9enaa0-
SnReiton for The London & Woetrn Trate
00., Ltd., Administrate.: with will annexed.
Farmers with Sales Notes
tarn them Over to this Bank for snit
The Bank will eve you of all te9Whllle
fag Presentation, and payments will be
your account -
Sales Notes supper= mahout Char$e,
PAID-UP CApnAL • -. Ig
SEAFORTH BRANCH, J. G. Mullen, Maung,
Notice to the Public
On account of the Manufacturers and Wholesalers carry-
ing on their respective business practically on a Cash basis, velar
the undersigned business men of Dublin. Brodhageu and ft.
Columban, are compelled to adopt a cash system, which will go
into effect on March 1st, 1921, and we must request that all out-
standing accounts be settled on or before this date. E. J. Murphy,
P. Dill, M. J. Klinkhammer, James Krauakopf, D. McConnell,
William Stapleton, John Evans, W. Hills & Co., H. Nelmes, J.
L. Benneweis, Querengesser and Riegel, Hillebrieht and Rock,
John J. Holland.
Every Farmer Needs a Ford
You don't hesitate to own a binder for a fair sty's use per
year—to Save time.
Why not a Ford for use day or night every day in tho year.
—to save time that can be better used in productive work,
—to keep you in close personal touch with markets,
---to handle light produce to town.
—to bring out help M your farm,
—to keep the boys contented on the farm.
The sturdy Ford is the farm car you want for d,.peswtalaie power,
endurance, simplicity and economy.
We render Ford Service and sell Genuine Ford Parts.
J. F. DALY, Seaforth
Dominion Quality Means A Saving
To You.
Every part of Dominion Light Plants is the best obtainable. Quality comes first, price lost.
That's why a Dominion Light Plant is one hundred per cent reliable and efficient. Dominion
quality means tkere is little chance of your having to go back to candle or lamp while your
plant is being repaired. nen upkeep expense is cut to a minimum. .
Dominion Light Plants are quality products made in Canada for Canadian eonditaons. A
Dominion plant on your faun will lengthen your working day and bring you untlwagbt of
comfort and convenience.
We will be, glad to send you n complete descriptiox and the name of the near- dealer.
(.ener:rtor rated at one K. W. (1000 watts) witk a continuous overload capacity -.hf 20 per
cent, or more. Battery of 160 ampere hours. 8 hour ratings. Air cooled engine with three
S. K. F. Ball hearings operates on kerosene. Loads, sixty 20 -watt lights witk engine' run-
ning or thirty 20 -watt fights fmm battery alone for eight hours.
Dominion Steel Products Co., Ltd.
Massey -Harris Warehouse, Sealorth
'If you want tke beat, buy a Domilllanw
All kinds of Fertilizer.
Fixtures and sdrlt a unrurniung