HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1921-02-25, Page 4TBE R 1 ON EXPOSITOR
rirm uwwin
OWtn-•-iMgagti Bron.-- 8
�. stye --i
Means • 3aelLtj--41
T. Daly --4
W. Y. uwart -b
Mor'- UMW Cowan 6
t • •Week---Hamphu!'a.,aehod -S
td. T. O T4ilna -Bert Irwin --6
ante -15
for Baler- Alex. Stewart- -5
Lt•ctrion-aeld Brae.- 4
{raatSumo.w•re SuIteattle'a Fair ----8
�Wl Calton at the Princes+ --a
&.segs 01 Terson St rune -8
Wallet Wath -wets Clothing Company -1
Groceries -F, U. Bub -hoot, -!
15oatcbsea Wasted---Goderieb MW -6
Fug B•l -Liao Moore -6
Balt Catf for Sale ,J. Gemo,ell 6
8eu4ahom Wanted- at. Marys 6
Mouse for Sale A. Cmc 8
Found --C. H. Haugh- 8
Change in Priem G. A. Sills 8
SEAFORTH, Friday, Feb. 25th, 1921.
The rural woman has always been
keenly interested in the nrobletu of
making the farming upa•ratuons pro-
fitable, and rightly s"fur she is a
very vital port of cites- operations_
Shehas acquired the titbit of piating
self in the background and placing
the. things whereby you stake a liv-
'ieve, in sarin
• est She e 'i
eves b
i fu h
the arm m
;u•hiurry and f.rrSets
1 ,
too often, that her own bed y the
most delicate and moat important
machinery of all.
The Community Canning Centre at
Parkhill has gradually worked out a
solution for some of the problems of
the rural woman. It has demonstrat-
ed that such a centre can be self-
supporting and that it can bring to
the farm woman some of the help
which is so sorely needed. It can
help her to conserve the woman-
power which she so lavishly squan-
ders, and it can help her to be a
better wife and mother by giving her
more time to devote to herself and
to the making of lives, instead of
to the making of a living.
The canning centre in Parkhill be-
gan in 1816. The crop of fruit and
vegetables that year was bountiful,
and Canadians were being urged to
can all this for home consumption,
so that all the goods canned in fac-
tories could be released for the mil-
lions of people overseas who looked
to us for food. The labor of can-
ning big quantities at home is great.
Vegetables especially need to be cook-
ed for three days in, succession. and
with a hone equipment, only a few
cans can be 'cooked at one time.
Many housewives hesitated to give
the time required to this work. fear-
ing failure us a result. and it looked
as if much of what had been pro-
duced roust inevitably he wasted.
The Department sf Agriculture
sent out a circular from the Insti-
tutes Branch, telling all Women's
Institute members that canning cen-
tres would be establhshe,l at tine or
two points in each county and that
demonstrators would be sent to in-
struct the women in the art of can-
ning. Vegetables would receive
especial attention. The Department
meant by this that it would be a
centre where instruction would be
given for a day or two. Then the
demonstrator would pass on, and the
women would do the tanning at kerne
with their usual equipment.
But the Parkhill Institute took the
term "canning centre" literally. They
thought it meant a place where there
would be a canning plant of some
kind installed and where the women
would conte together and do their
work, making one kitchen and ,me
fire do the work that formerly re-
quired twenty kitchens and twenty
fires. This would be eo-operation,
economy and conservation, and world
fill a long -felt want.
They soon discovered that their cotl-
eeption of what a canning centre
should be, and the Department's
conception, were not one and the
same thing, but they persisted in
laying their conception before the
Department, until the idea made an
impression. Mr. Culverhouse. of
Vineland Experimental Station, was
sent up to see about what could be
done, and in due time the equipment
which -was necessary was installed.
The Armory was loaned to the
women by the Militia Department. A
boiler which weighed a couple of tons
was placed behind the Armory. and a
shelter for it was built by voluntary
labor. Two steam -heated vat., and a
steam -jacketed copper kettle
pp t were
placed in a small room at the rear
of the Armory building, to be near
the boiler, where the steam was gen-
erated. Plumbing was installed and
running water secured, and the can-
ning centre was ready. The icemen
brought about thirty baskets of blue-
berries, which were shipped in from
thfe north of Ontario. The vats leak•
ed both steam and water. The fleet
was flooded, the air was white. The
plumbing proved to be defective.
The water was turned off by the
town authorities, who were making
repairs. The day was one constant
succession of tlhings that -should not
have happened. But the idea was
right. the defects could be remedied,
and the women had firm faith in
the future. •
The first year, all canning was
done in glass sealers and cooked in
the steam -heated vats. A rack was
placed over the steam eoils in the
bottom of the vat. A few inches of
water surrounded the bottles. Tkis
water could be brought to the 'boiling
point in three minutes after the steam
was turned on, and dozens of cans
id cooked at once. Blau
coo be Blanching
could be done quickly and efficiently
in the steam -jacketed kettle, and
jams, jellies, syrups, berries and
soups were cooked in that same kettlp
in an incredibly short .apace of time.
'The work that fleet year was largely
for the Canadian military hospitals
overseas, although some work was
done for the community. All chick-
ens, fruit and vegetables were donat-
41d by the women of Middlesex and
other counties, and were canned in
the centre and shipped as a donation
• tolire lads who were sick so far from
,;bone. The expenses were paid by
cis* doartione, concerts, teas, and
w4},yts in which Institute women bare
betoms expert.
That was four years ago. Anarge,1
airy work room was built later to ,
the rear of the Armory, with a large '
storeroom upstairs. The work on
this building was nearly all volun-
tary -carpenters, masons, painters,
and others giving their time. The
old vats have been removed, and the
cooking is now done in retorts under
five to ten pounds steam „'esure,
which •m'aterinlly lessens the time re-
quired for cooking The i'etense heat
in these retorts makes the use of
glass sealers innossible art tin rens
are used, and there is a capping ma-
«bine for the tins, run by a gasoline
At a recent demonstration held in
the Centre the great saving in time
and fuel which is made by using tins
instead of glass was shown. When
the tin is used, the material Is
blanched, prepared, placed in the tin
capped, put in the retor, cooked
minutes instead of hours, removed
and put away. 'there is no fear that
the cans are not sir -tight no screw-
ing on of tuns, no breakage. very
Ile' Ie fuss
Tl•is year. peaches were bought
1 by the orchard, sugar by 12 -barrel
lots, peas and corn by the acre, and
other supplies in similar quantities.
T'a.se who had fruit or vegetables
..f their own brought them to be can-
ned and were of course, allow. - 1 full
value for these.
The Parkhill Canning Centre has
shown that, with proper „rganiza-
h.n. a e'mmunity canning centre
ran be self-supporting. And in every
.-.,nnnunity where there is a ete•amery
or a cheese factory. the problem of
having a centre should be very sim-
ple. Gett.int, the stn -am is the big
question, and in these factories, steam
is always available. A room in which
the equipment could be installed and
the work done -and the canning cen-
tre would be at their doors.
A community laundry is also feas-
ible. Here steam -run machines would
do the work quickly and easily. One
person could be hired to take charge
of the community wash day or groups
of women could come on certain days,
or one family could take charge one
week, another family another wt•ek,
and so on. Organized effort is all
that is needed to make a centre of
any kind :-elf-supporting and bene-
lical. But the rural women must first
of all eo-operate among themselves.
They must forst canning groups or
washing groups. and deride or the
days .,n which these groups w"old
te-e the ee stirs, sig that there w.,uId
be few. if any. days on which the
equipment would stand idle.
T:akc an ideal remmonis' day at
the canning centre. A group of fam-
ilies. men and women, came by auto
In !Ile meriting, a ,Ilstan.•e of twenty
.miles At norm they were r,•a.l' 10
go Mime, and they took with them
Son cans ,f tomatoes and torn. The
then 'lid the lifting end hesvir r w•trk.
The ....men did the pr aariii', .rat
o.! long tables. The eau:ere
rapped by the engineer. wh-, also
placed them in the retort- and watch-
ed the cooking process. These pail
•ire rest these families 1a rents •:all
This paid for the tin• the ov, ell. cal
t•spt•nsos, the engineer': salary and
the fuel, and left a littic profit.
With the assistance of the men
and the running centre equipment•
these women accomplished in 3 few
hours as much w.Ok a. would have
meant weeks of effort at some. Taus
teal cu -operation was se, ured. and
the Men helped the wosro 05 the
farm women so often help the :neer
In the afternoon, anoth::r group of
families ramp, did their work. and
took away hundreds of car:: in the
If it is desired to make money over
and above the running expenses,
this can easily be done by canning
surplus material. A ready sale can
is' found fur all such goods. They
are really • a home-made product.
They have a delicious flavor, and the
Pure Food Act has no terrors for
the women who offer them to the
{.uhlie as food.
The output from the Parkhill cen-
tre this year was 15.000 tins of dif-
ferent sizes, and 500 glass sealers.
used when the supply of tins ran out.
The 15,000 tins were about equally
divided, one-half going into the
}tomes in town and country' as eum-
ntunity work, the other half being
sold to the Government fir use in
Canadian military hospitals and to
private individuals in other places
throughout Canada. Fully fifty fam-
ilies who wanted to use the centre
to do their canning had to be turned
antes because the supply of tins ran
rut and00 more could be
in time.
And is it not worth while? The
quilting bee, the paring bee of a hv•
gone day meant co-operation among
the neighbors and lightened tke
heavier tasks of the pioneer wormen's
day. The canning centre le the same
principle applied in a twentieth cen-
tury fashion. We send our ihiik to
a common centre. such as a cheese
factory, and we here lessened the
labor in the fart home in this way.
The time has come when individualism
must give way to the community spir-
it, and when organization must not
qnly be applled to secure better prices
but to secure better living conditions
and make farm life more attractive
by lessening the labor which falls to
the lot of women. It. is time that tie
rural woman took some thought for
herself. How much more tare is
taken, at times, of the colt's mother
than the mother of the farm boy takes
of herself? How much better chance
is given to that same colt to grow up
jlealthy beside his well -cared -for mo-
ther, than is given to the boy whose
mother is over-worked and over -heated
day after day?
The canning centre means
waste on the farm, less waste of
food, less waste of woman energy and
strength, less waste of time. Let. us
leave the tarifrs until we understand
them better, and let us consider prob-
lems whieh mean so much to women
everywthere. The men of Ontario
have their district representatives.
Why has not each county a home
demonstrator to help tke women?
Simply because the women have not
been interested in solving their own
problems. They have not asked -
and consequently they have not re-
A Word to tae Farmer..-F•rmoro. note ra•
tor.aar.d W gotBo, b.rrt returnsfrom miss
sea this spring. If n t. by not? Be is
-.haps before the busy tuns eta in. 1 a
agent for two f to m
belt nerd ofaream
separate... esu the m.o'ket Wnamely,
the Magnet and lief. ..l The a machines
•brourh years of ..peri nee. buss prose.. W
be second to none and rt tally gwrygteed
., gees irdl•f atl,.n- K, oto kera e . -
r11�iau,d our peer ry i' t The be.t
, r hben, brush,- ,tri ...lw y. In •tock
..f III need n will thy you to call. W. L.
M el l i•, Agent. Moven 2716-3
Money Wanted. A, ti.- •+rd -r locoed hats a
caber of book un for '91s and 1915
ut.moettled he e
,u ' e
t lasr ,5
.he parties N0%114 V.11 ,.I' r le these 0t
once so .1.1 to to .. turn 4• .• est lige Allen
cose • 1926 0, 0rtn of u ready. lie
llake. the' ap o," .act. of thanking hie
many otaitoreen. and :he s•nblic generally
fur the liberal pot ton.ve' eeta.,.!ad to him
durum the 46 years a haslien dodos bush
the sante ..01t •ed i„) h..\ by
prompt silently.„ honest deanuge and , urt,-r 11ENSALL
r evict with good Won ko .n hon. w merit the
maa,e ...fide -eve in the future as he hm in r.r ani.. -A one, cheap property with 'L
` the pant. Thomas Mello. 2776-3 coot 043, dwew.g lighted with hydro. Net
• Note. --The I.:os' A ....I inn id of the 'r pea:ire rrvprrtr end will by ld
ka:., Aso a a.•r,d two Carey beset. boors
Methodist church the past week held .ar( has sed .tubae. Will be mild at
their monthly inee;ing at Ube hums ,eaa,w.nble w„sr Apple w 0. J. srrtbar-
nf Mrs. Jamie: Mcl'lynl.rrt in the la,"I' al li•w011 1'.'t (seas 2776-u
village. There was a good turn out
. of members and much good work
was aseemplist•., , 1 in the way of sew-
ing. At the x1.•10 of the meeting u
• tasty luii,)l..vas 'erl',Yi by the hostess
which w:,s ther'eughly enjoyed. 'Che
lath's of this S'.ei't. are making pre-
naratiuns: for the ). tiding of another
hamar In the near future 51r. .los
Jarrett, et the Istatien Medioal Col-
lege, slant the lout I, end :1 the hone
of his parent--, Mr and SL -s. Isaac
'Jarrett, n, th,• rl 'a: e Mrs 1',.'!e•r
Cameron spent a few day's the past
week visiting fri,a:ds in ('linter..
Mr rind Mrs. {•:sneers, n .meth, who
pgrchaaavi the tine bonne of Mr. ,' 1 t llc-
leasvel in and are ga-
1ting comfortably settled. Mrs.
French, of the village, attended the
funeral of her cousin Sirs. Moore,
loin Hensel! during the past week. --
Mr. Joseph }io.el paid a business trip
to London during the week. -Mr.
Lorne Moffatt is having an auction
sale en W.slncsday, March 2nd Many
other sales are being held in this
vicinity. --Many in this part are hop-
ing for a sew weeks yleighing as
there is considerable' teaming to be
done in the way of drawing logs and
gravel and ether work. Mr- It. R.
Higgins. of Clinton, was in the vil-
lage on bueinees this w•e•ek Mr. Hip -
sins has Bed }.•,•n enjoying good
health for sent,- time, but his many
Hipp. n friends lease he will be soon
fully recover,.{: -The many friends
off Mrs T110.3 Workman are pleased
• her eta.:.gain after tier recent
Mr. and Uri. Stepleiis,..$tanI,y, lam
weeds attended the funeral at their
aunt. 'Mr. Smith of Centralia.-Ilrs.
Gruhamt of London, visited last week
at the home of Mrs. Roustt,-MSM
Greta Mustard, of Clinton, visited at
her home last week. -Mr. Gemmell,
wife eee daughter, have returned
teem vi.vdtjng relatives at Grand
R:upida riich,-- The first meeting of
the 11 r et, a U. F. O. was held on
We lee i of last week at the home
f ta--velem, Mrs. Haugh. The
et .- •nn•• well be held at the home
t' e ei•:e-pre_s,deut, Mrs. Jas. Aiken -
heel. A nwnber of new members
,.rare added. -Arthur Colwell and wife
attended the funeral of Mrs. Sloane -
stunts. ei Hensel! this week.
:tense .t, ,. r.rnuew.,0' at mote, nen.
th.,,,,nv '.,. :
.1 , ' :,Y , n.l •1111111/11l03,
.61,6,1)a ,h.,. 5nl.'
The l•a,h 'hue
)lied i1 Itch' t. Our sshele r,en-
munity was saddened on Monday of
is -t we,•lt t.. Learn of the death ,.f
Mr=. F:arl 1'erk.ns, formerly Sl:sr.
)•a ro•t Rosy •,f our village, and eldest
,.laughter ...f Mr. Da7lhel Ross. She
died after a short illness in Harper
Hospital, Detroit. Her mother was
r:., ter and clow her .Jive, but there
was no h,•pa- of her recovery. She
away en Munday morning.
TIfuneral! was held in Detroit, her
lath, r, broth, r ,tack, and sister, Miss
I.:t'',i'-, and uncle, \ir. Reinke, at-
:, rl.tin.g Mr. and Bl 00. Parker, par
ruts of her husband, returned from
California in time to see her alive.
Much sympathy is felt here for all
the bereaved family. She was 22
seas of age
\'.t Pay t., Electrify- l.. H. & B. -
The following better-, taken from the
Leaden Advertise- may be of in-
terest: "In 0 letter feeeived yester-
day t.y Prof. L. A. Weed from Frank
Welsh, seer, tary-treasurer of the
Varna Fainter.' Club, Huron County,
the writer makes a vigorous attack
on the plan to electrify the London,
Huron and Bruce, instancing especial-
ly the rural depopulation in Stanley
Township where he lives. M r.
Welch's farm is in a block of 2,000
acres on the fifth concession. Twenty-
five years ago 1.,400 acres of this
was under tillage, and 600 acres in
grass, Now 90(1 acres are tilled and
1,100 are grassland. At that time
there were twenty-five able-bodied
men on the land supporting 77 per-
sons. To -da", there are twelve men,
two of whom are really boys, sup-
porting thirty-seven persons. By
elaborate calculations, Mr. Welch
shows that by no means could suf-
ficient freight 'be obtained from his
district to make the I.. H. & B., if
electrified, pay its way on the stretch
between Brucefield and Kippen. "You
P o ulate the
farms." he states,
"t6 get thefreight.
Give us hydro
for light :Inc! convenience, so as to
remove the drudgery front our wo-
men's lives. Then our young folk
will not turn cityward, our idle
lands will be reclaimed, and Ontario
will prosper." Mr. Weleh dues not
think that the scheme of electrifica-
tion would have any chance in his
township if put to a vote. "Respect-
ing the attitude of tke electors of
Stanley Township," he writes, "on
this question. I believe they would
he very rotten against it, as they are
strongly opined to hydro radials."
Notes. -Mr. Harry Stewart has
sold his farm on the second conces-
sion to Mr. .Tames Dallas: -Our
Young People's Society held a very
successful Valentine Social on Fri -
,lay night. Much credit is due to
Miss Aikenhead and her class of
young girls for the programme.
Lunch was also served, -Mr, .Tack
Hill, from the West, is at present
visaing relatives in this district, -
Mrs. Bill end Mrs. ,W. Chapman paid
a visit in the fore pert of the week
tr, Vire and Mrs. J. Corniell -A new
and very valuable addition has been
added to our choir in the persons
.f the younger girls and those to
the south of our village: -Quite a
number from this district were spec-
tators at the hockey match in Sea -
forth, between the Seaforth Juniors
and tratford. --The little girl of 11
days nid orf Thee, B. Baird, of Stanley,
Passed away en Tuesday morning o�
this week. The sympathy of the
'immunity is given to the bereaved
parents in the loss of this •little
daughter, who brightened the home
for a little while:- iohn Hill, of
Mance Jaw, visited his parents Mr.
and Mrs. Geo. Hill, of our village.-
I)eath of Mrs, W. G. Smallaeombe.
On Thursday night of last week
one of our pioneer residents, and we
believe the very pioneer of our vil-
luge as to years of residence, passed
oway in the person of Mrs. William
G. Smullacombe, relict of the late W.
G. Sinallacomhe, who predeceased her
-.,n..r ten years ago. Mrs. Sn,alla-
r,.lnbe had reached the good age of
'77 years and leaves to mourn the-`
1, ss of an ever kind and loving mo -
'Let, talo sons. Frederick and Garnet,
.•I two tdautrimers, Mr:a Will. McKay
.'f tris villa)"', and Mrs. Geo. Walker
•'f f' leph. The deceased s worn
tterfully bri:11, and energetic for one
.l her year, arid felt well enough
to manage In her ',W11 hone until a
couple of months or so of her de-
cease, although her sons ,old daugh-
ters would all have liked her to live
with them. About the first of the
year, however, seeing her mother de-
clining in health_ her daughter, Mrs.
McKay, urgt.l her so much to live
with her that she did so until the
tome of her death and war, only ill a
few days from that dread disease,
pneumonia, coupled with a certain
at•akness of heart, but she remained
'suite bright and sensible right up to
tae very last and although her illness
was of such short duration, her son
Carnet, of (;-Irlph, and her daughter,
Sirs. tar,. Walker, of the: snit,,' city,
wort• able t.e reach her bedside before
death carne. F'r,derick, who is now
fining in Bi,israrth, Man., was so fat
±,Stant that although leaving one
lour after l o -living the telegram of
to r very seri ,us illness, was not able
.. reach herd in time to sec his mother
a;n'e but wit- able tr. attend the fun-
, rel, which woes held on Tuesday af-
ternoon last to th,• Henaall Union
cemetery and 65517i quite largely at-
tereded, many 6 'Jing from quite a
distant,. The services were conduct-
ed by Rev. Mr. Rivers, who spoke
1.Ighly of the d,rvased as a member
.•f his con,'rogatien. Anri'ng the
many beautiful wreaths that adorned
ti's casket, was one from the family,
another from the Worneu's Missionary
5.','iety, of a hie), the deceased Was a
life member. another font the Dublin
St, Methodist •'hunt, Guelph where
tit's. Smalla,-.mfhv had often a' tended,
:rid a number of other lino ones from
n.•'t'hbers and friends. While our
village los., its oldest resident who
was so highly respected for her many
excellent qualities, the loss is most
acute to her sons and daughters
whom she lived so much and was in
turn Inc,{ so much by them. Mrs.
Smallar,mvbe had resided in Henaall
within 0 month or two of 45 years,
Her maiden name was .Agnes Whit-
lock, and she emigrated to this coun-
try with her parents when only three
years old, settling in Darlington
township where she was married in
Death of Mrs, Newell. -.0n Sunday
morning last, one of our aged and
most respected residents passed away
in the ler:on of Mrs. Robert Newell,
whose .maiden name was Miss Eliza
7'aylir. The deceased was a woman
of stirling character and of a quiet
and retiring disposition, hut one with
whom you once became acquainted
you learned more and mere to prize
for her many excellent qualities.
Mrs. Newell bad reacher{ the good
old age of over 80 years, but had been
in declining health for several years
and during the past year was par-
ticularly poorly. A native of Derry,
Ireland, sh0 emigrated to this coun-
try with her parents and in early life
was married to her husband, Robert
Newell, who predeceased her some
14 years ago. Before coming to take
up,farming near Chiselhurst they
lived for some years near Stratford,
where they
afine farm which
they sold of and then moved to their
late farm near Chiselhurst, where
they resided for many years before
the deceased came to our v1•Tlage,
and purrhased a neat home on Ox-
ford street where she continued to
live until her death together with
her two unmarried daughters and
who gave her such good care and
attention during her advancing years
and illness. Mrs. Newell leaves to
mourn her loss six sons and four
daughters, nearly all of whom are
living at a distance.- The funeral
service on Tuesday afternoon last
wag conducted by her pastor, the Rev.
J. A. M('Ctmnell, who bore high test-
imony to her fine life and true
Christian character. The funeral was
a private one and the remains were
interred in the Hensel( Union cem-
etery. The bereaved sons and daugb-
ters, who lose a splendid mother in
every sense of the term, have the
sympathy of all.
Briefs -Rev. Mr. McConnell, ac-
companier) by bis son Gordon, left
here on Tuesday evening for Toronto
and will attend the great Temperance
Convention being held there. On the
coming Sabbath, the 27th, services in
Carmel church will be conducted by
Rev. Dr. Colin Fletcher, of 'Thames
Road, who is so well and favorably
known to Carmel church congrega-
tion. -Mrs. W7n. Armstrong we be-
lieve very pleasantly entertained a
rumber M Ler friends during the
past week .'..Mr. William Reynolds,
who has been here visiting his Bro-
ther and sisters for some time, has
secured a good position in Tilsoniurg.
-.,Mr. Young, of Thameaford, who
will, about the middle of next month,
take over the Commercial Hotel as
purchaser, was in the village the float
of the week Messrs, Cook Bros.
Milling Company Tian been =IQ
large shipments of beans. -Mr.: -Ed-
ward Sheffer is in Mkbigen vislting
relatives and friends. Our Mirthless
men report trade as very good. -The
Hensel! Annual Spring Seed Show
will be held in the Town Hall this
Friday. Very liberal prises are of-
fered. -The Presbytery of Huron was
held here on Tuesday last. There
was a large attendance. --The ladies
of the W. M. S. served meals for a
very reasonable charge, the proceeds
of which go to missions. The ladies
also served light refreshments before
the clueing of Presbytery, --A very
enjoyable evening was spent at the
home of Wag F. Foss on Wednesday
of last week, when her pupils gave
her a surprise party. The evening
was spent in games and music after
which a dainty lunch, provided by 'the
pupils, was served and much enjoy-
ed. --On Friday evt••ling of last week,
hies. Peek ph-asa.:ly entertained it
number of friends. -Mia. R. D. Bell
returned en Tuesday ervenirrh• last
fro., Blounsb It it, Pa., where she
spent :, 1unite-c of months with her
sister s, and hen returned feeling muci,
bee etitted 1, -he change and trip. --
11r.. (' , \lclloneil and daughter,
Miss It ;sr..., are visiting their rel-
1•.s•s • i',rest and Parkhill: An
tee, d.,, ee was held in the hall on
Tne..l•,y .•..ening last, given under
the ::u:.'.fres of the O. W. V. A. There
was quit a large attendance and fine
mush -as -G. J. Sutherland, as agent of
the exm'utors of the Dent Estate, has
sold the 40'0cre fa -in in the Town -
ship of IIay to Mr, Nig hart Warrent;r,
1 of this village. On Monday evening
' last 51 rte. ,•Lown •er pleas-
t v p n
,elle entertained s number her
, y t of
Indy friends. Whatis known as
1 fest Bluster's night was held in
Zurich Lodge at Ilensall on Munday
evening last. There was a large at-
tendance of the members and the
Third Degree was very ably put on,
At the close of the lodge refreshments
were werv,d and a pleasant hour or
Mo spent in social intereuurse.--MBs
J. MacArthur, of I.onk,n, formerly
of this village, Inas been visiting her
brother, Mr. H. Arnold, manager of
the Molsons Bank ---The fiddfellows
of Ilensall Lodge and Exeter Lodge
are arranging to put on degrees fur
each other in the near feture, and in
this way increase the interest of the
members M the work. - The snow-
storm of this week h:,s .fade a little
sleighing, but it rases not hid fair to
last long.- Miss Nellie ('armiehnel
has taken a position with Mr. A. W.
E Hemphill in his dreg and faney
goods stare and will, nn doubt, give
good satisfaction.-- Hiss Emma Dick-
son on Friday evening last, enter-
tained a .dumber of her friends very
pleasantly : t he home r her sister,
1 1, s 1 h if
:Ars Gro Glenn, of near Ripen.
' f eben:.r.. •1... •• now largo.
20 e ., n, Ale:, win31-4• 32,, .'iripirt,
to 02,.,, nid, arge. 33 to 35e: do., tw-in,,
35,5 to .. nutter 013-11 dairy, choice.
40 to 50r. 1,erye N. 1. to 59e: tr.eh,
,•, .1,.7targarh to :ear. Eggs
Now loot-. I. to -18,', . 1160 ;hid .n ,art6nx,
t,. isle
1.15. 1; ST0('8 M A Ile FTS
1,8 oh a bur -o -.d ,n. •,t .:.nh• on the n..rtt
ill.m,rn,r ,, 6t' ,roll. n,•d :Isom of pr
:16,0 ost.•nLL math lost week, ,1,.•r. 1.3ter
In the day there wa.showof !repro.,
meet in the demand, rout ,rood to, choice
rnle .. er ,n0,' ,-tringr, By A,u.n,r
time there a pretty ral clean up of
the offering ,, ith lower ,'neer, selling bare-
ly steady. ('hos. hnndyw,•iaht steer: and
heifer:, were ,.,,mowhnt r
- and hreutht
better prices than for �a week Not. The
tots prh•,. toe, rents, per pound. w a paid
for fool- head averaging 900 pounds. sold by
Georg.. Tucker and Sone. They were extra
good, .esu-nnwhed rattle, feel by Wales next..
Arthur. Ten rents PIT pound wax the best
price pend for heavy steers, and only two
or three 11,-0 were goal enough to bring
that figure. The bast straight load brought
• cents per pound. Most of the real good
bother steers and heifers sold at from 164
to a rent with run of choice at from 0':,
to 9 cents. -
Choice veal calves were hard to find, only
one in an offering of 137 head making 1515,
ens per pound, in market that wax fairly
trong at but week's elating price. for
similar qualities.
Lambe were a little stronger in all grades
to -day, quite a lot of the choice kind se/ling
t 126, rent per pound. 77,e supply .t
sheep and lambs was light for the demand
and average quality of the run was good.
Sheep price.. were steady. Choice sheep, 7
to 7,* cent: good, 6 to 651, cents; heavy, 6
to 6 rent : culls, 2 to 4 cent.
Hags sold generally at 211.76 per cwt.,
fed and watered, though a few went u high
s $14.25 to oubide buyers. Parker buyern
are talking of the poaxibilityf a price f
$13 per cwfed and watered, or 212.00
f.o.b. for We'dnesday's delivery.
The receipt to -day were 122 cars with
1,954 cattle, 137 ealvet, 2,002 hog., and 903
.torp and Iamb..
The quotations were an follows: Choke
heavy steers, 29.00 to 210.00: good heavy
4 mchoke,
, $8.50 to 29.00: butchers' cattle, choe,
8.50 to $9.50; d.., good, 27.50 to $8.60; do..
medium, 26.00 to 27.00; do., common, 84.00
to,00 ; big he
M tc r* bulb shote
c.270 to
57.00an: good, 56.00 to 57.00; 0, ,lo., common,
34.00 to500
* . butcher** roma choice_ sees 27.60 :
to 08.0(1 ; do.. Rood. 06.25 ib 37.00: do., mm -
mon. 84.00 to 15.00; fender., $7.75 to 98.75:
lo., 900 Ma., 07.25 to 88.25; do., 800 Ib..,
55.78 to 26.75 ; do., r moron, $5.00 to 86-00:
runners and rotten., 0200 to $4.50; milker',
good to choice, 905,00 to 5120.00: do., com-
mon to medium, 550.00 to $60.00: choke year-
ling", 290.00 to 2180.00; lamb., ymrlings,
$9.00 to 09.50: do.. apring. $11.00 to *12.00:
calves, good b, choice, 914,50 to 316.57:
sheep, $6.00 to $7.50: hogs, fed and •watered,
818.75 to $14.25; do., f.o.b., 912.75 to 513.25:
do., country pointe, 012.50 to *13.00,
Montreal, February 22. -Cattle receipt.,
403. The market was slow at steady prima,
a ton of 59,50 being brought by a lot of
13 good quality steer* averaging 1,292 lbs.
each. Seven fat cows avdraging 1.178 !ha.
Roll Inc 57; light steer* anti heifers of good
quality in mixed lots brought 57 to 38.
One fat. bull of extra good quality. weigh-
ing 1.950 pounds, brought *0. Qnotatione :
Butcher stems, good, 08,50 to 59.50; med-
ium, $6.50 to *8.50; butcher heifer., choice,
58 to 5875: medium, 27 to *R: butcher cows
choice, 56.50 to 57: medium, 54.50 to 00.60:
canners, $2.50 to 53.60;cutters, $3.50 te
$4.50: butcher bulb, goat, 07 to 08: com-
mon. $6.00.
Calf receipt., 307, The market was strong
top veal was 815. Quotations --Good veal,
911 to $15: medium, 212 to 513: gra.., 16.
Sheep receipt, 53. The general quality of
offering wan poor today. Top for Rood ahem
was $7. Poor sheep aold at 55: good lamb
were up to 212.10. Quotations Ewes, 05.00
to 57; lambs, gond. 512.60.
Hog r•redpb, 1,226. A decline of 00 cant
Der hundred was noted. Bulk of Pelee, sold
at 15.50. q
2 sales were reported at 10
rep, $
hundrerl�m( n
per les 18: loo- Oft ear w 812.
select", 9I5.26 to f16; Wows, ifi.2f, to nz.
Buffalo. February 22. -Cattle receipb. 2,-
000: chipping end botcher 'tier', 28 to 60
seen higher. Shipping .feet', 50.00 to 10.40:
butchers. 57.50 to 08.75: yearlings, 00.50 to
0.8.251 heifers, $6.50 to *7.75; roma, 52.50
to 56.50; bulb. 94.50 to 56.55: (moth co.ea
and nor/agent. 055 to $110, Cate.. - Re-
rainb, 2.000: nteady. 00 to 515.50.
Hags -Receipt, 17.000: pigs. Ste higher:
ther* steady to 26e lower; heavy, 08.50 to
90.50: mixed. $10 to 210.50; porkers, *10.80
to 010.75; light do. and p,gs, 810.75 to *11:
roughs. 07 to 57.28: e.g., 05.00 to $4.00.
Sheep and iambs-Reelpt, 14,000; steady
to 50 cent higher. Iwmb, 85 to 09.71:
yeerlinga, 56.50 to 27.60; wethers, 88.00 to
88: mow. $2 to 95.25; mired aheep, *5.28
to 88.50.
We are Now Selling
Shoes at 1921 Prices.
No need W *art any lunger for Lower Shoe Prices.
They are here RIGHT NOW.
We have gone over our Stock and revised our prices to
conform to present market conditions. Our new revised priers
mean that practically all line, are reduced in price on an average
of from 10 to 20 per cent.
This means 'that you can buy Shoes Mere to -day at the
prion that will rule in the Spring.
This .leans that we are willing to take a lues in order that
car may continue Lu ;sive you BETTER VALUES than are ob-
tainable elsewhere.
We keep in clow touch with the market and we guarantee
our prices tu-day W he as low us market conditions warrant for
the next six mouths.
if you need Slime end have been waiting for lower pricea,
don't wait any longer Hume and let us show you the best values
n town.
3dh6Q iYsll;o
111 i
[ 1 1'[j,4) (-}. [ nrWilECR
C R Old
The Farm Light
and Power Plant
It wins the admiration and
approval of everyone. The ELECTItION
is a finished product, clean, dust proof
au(l practically nc'athc'r proof'. See the
wonderful •I;ontr'.1 cure where 1111 the
vital electrical apparatus is centralized in
one removable unit which slides in and
out preeistsly as does a drawer in any
table or desk.
The Battery ,;:applied with the Electrion are non -break-
able, self indicat.i-,e and enclosed in a richly finished cabinet.
(Opposite Carnegie Libary)
The Store that gives you the Best Service
the year round naturally gives the Best Values
when clearing days come.
When we propose to clear out our Winter
Footwear. We appeal to your good judgment
and to your purse.
our Window and Display Tables
The Home of Good Shoes. Noted for Bargains.