HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1921-02-18, Page 6i�• Y'.':
i i7 44YY) t ,
Ighr '. i. R. FOISST$R
re, Este, Noae sed Throat
cidate in Medicine, Vaieetsitl of
Late Assistant New York Ophtbal-
ei and Aural Institute, Moorefield's
and Golden Square Throat Hea-
ls, London, Eng. At Mr. J. Ran -
's Office, Seaforth, third Wednea-
day in each month from 11 a.m. to
8 pan. Stratford. Phone
Phone 261, Stratford. South,Waterloo Street,
The E. A. JAMES Co. Lu'
m. Proctor, B-A.,Sc., Manager
36 Toronto St., Torento, Caa.
.5. Sp 1.n'�faer twot. Waterworks. .
ower -
Public Sa11a. 13nosEEaa. Factories. ern-
trattom. Lentatten.
Our row cls apard out of
the manes e we ciente
Agent for Hawick Mutual lnsur-
ance Company. Successor to John
Harris, Walton.
address 130X 1, BRUSSELS
or PLIONE 42. 2709x12
Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer and
Notary Public, Solicitor for the Do-
minion Bank. .Office in of the Do-
minion Bank, Seaforth.
Man. -
Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer
and Notary Public. Office upstairs
Street,over Walker's osFurniture Store, Main
Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Pub-
lic. etc. Money to lend. In Seafortb
ee Monday of each week. Office in
Kidd Block. W. Proudfoot, K.C., J.
L. Killoran, H. J. D. Cooke. -
Honor graduate of Ontario Veterin-
ary College, and honorary member of
the Medical Association of the Ontario
Veterinary College. Treats diseases of
all domestic animals by the moat mod-
ern principles. Dentistry and Milk
Fever a specialty. Office opposite
Dick's Hotel, Main Street, Seaforth.
All orders left at the hotel will re-
ceive prompt attention. Night calls
received at the office
Ci epee
A manufacturing company in Ro-
chester, N. Y.. is carrying on an
annual business of millions of dollars
without the use of currency. Money
has been done away with in all the
corporation's transactions. All pay-
ments are made and all remittances
plant and ;the branch sales offices in
nearly a hundred cities are affected
by the order.
When an employee desires to pur-
chase anything whatsoever and has
nu checking account at a bank a
checkis made out to Ids order by
he head of the department for the
amount of the purcbuse. The em-
ployee endorses the ehe••k to O:e corn -
received by cheque or ether credit pony and settles t''" e uta obligation
instruments. Employee, at their with the head of the deourtetent in
option, get their pay in cheques or such a mariner as is s.c.isf.tctury to
certificates of bank deposit. Even both. All employees, executives and
junk men who purchase old or waste salesmen understand Hint the coin -
metal at the factory ore required, to navy has no money at rte ant and
pay by check. Incidentally, if the make arrangerner't. ••1•r "'lin;!Iy The •
Junk notn is not an American citizen employees aro all co-"pe-ating by re -
by birth or naturalization, the corn- questing check or c,riificute of de-
pany will not deal with him. r.osit. These certifieet,-s are not the
The concern is the Todd Protecto- regular bank certilic,tes of de;xrsit,
graph Conlpapy. The purpose is to but are forms used h:• the company
demonstrate a method of doing away and certify that the Int written
with payroll robberies tied other on them has been !'"'oiled to the
thefts of cash and show the eM- account of the erinbvre. Bills and
ciency of modern banking methods. expenses are paid by check or silni-
According to L. M. Todd, president, ilar form of paper. f''tr fares, hotel
the plan is working out successfully. hills,
i o
iirad farfor sundfor ries, ! fe,re
George W Tedd, treasurer, says ril
0 there i; not so much cash belonging included in the order. Customers may
to the firm as even the price of a rt mit with trade leceptanc•es instead
postage stump on the premises to of checks if they desire.
tempt the petty thief. Recently the company's president
The new method is the culmination made an automobile trip through 12
ut a dream, so to speak, that the Eastern cities, tenderin•r. his personal
president had entertained for years cheek at every hotel where he
Of course, the law of legal tinder' ;to'p011. 'file trip was made to ex -
stay at some time interfere with ner'iment with the pay -4y -cheek plan. 1
the plait; that is, some customer may Only one hotel refused the bank
insist on settling an account with check, but it accepted a traveler's
cash. Legally the company cannot- check. The result of this exnerimeni,
refuse money in payment of an ob- i Mr. Todd says. demonstrates the.
ligation. - So far, however, this con- erow'ing confidence that the public
tingeney has not arisen and every has in modern banking methods.
one of the 800.000 or more customers it has been estimated that the aver -
of the company uses checks. If they age industrial worker carries around
didn't, they wouldn't be customers. in his pocket a roll of bills averaging
President Todd says that should any 527. In the aggregate this amounts
one of them send cash, the stoney to millions of dollars. a large propor-
wuuld be sent to the customer's bank (ion of which, if the Todd plan were
with a request for a check. Ile ex- applied generally, would be returned
pects to bring home the lesson which I to the banks. -
bankers, credit men's organizations, t
economists, police officials and others •
are trying to impress upon the pub-
lic in an effort to stamp out the pres-
ent tremendous wave of crime. I
The plan is working out in the fn- .
andel and credit departments, accord-
ing to their heads, without any incon-
venience, and nearly everybody with
whom the company does business is
converted to the pay -by -check system. 1
The officers have been conducting aft ,
educational campaign to that end for I
years. The result was hastened by i
the epidemic of hold-ups and out- I
law-ry. A11 -lepartm ,nts of the ' I
a of Ontario Veterin-
graduate n to
wry College. All diseases of domestic
animals treated. Calls promptly at-
tended to and charges moderate. Vet-
erinary Dentistry a specialty. Office
said residence on Goderich street, one
door east of Dr. Scott's office, Sea -
ppOsteophatic Physician of Goderich.
B8ases reheum
men's and Children's
diletin o t sm, acute, chronic
and nervous disorders; eye, ear, nose
and throat. Consulation free. Office
above Umback's Drug store, Seaforth,
Tuesdays and Fridays, 8 a.m. till 1 p.m
• C. J. W. HARN, M.D.C.M.
425 Richmond Street, London, Ont.,
Specialist, Surgery and Genio-Urin-
ary diseases of men and women.
Graduate of Faculty of Medicine
McGill University. Montreal; Member
of College of Physicians and Surgeons
of Ontario; Licentiate of Medical Coun-
cil of Canada; Post -Graduate Member
of Resident Medical staff of General
Hospital, Montreal, 1914-15. Office. 2
doors east of Post Office. Phone 56.
Bensall,, Ontario.
Office and residence, Goderich street
east of the Methodist church, Seaforth.
Phone 46. Coroner for the County of
hiapc'palrl" 10 the qui,ke+t,
surest relief for Indigestion,
irn.,,; e11u I,
Flatulence, Heartburn,mentation or Stonw.ela 1)i=tr..as caused
by avidity. A few tablets giro alm„ot
immediate sttunneh relief andAlertly
the st omaett ie ,orreeted 0,1 you ran cat
favorite fonds wi theut fear. Targe ease
mets only few tents at drug store.
Millions helped annually,
(Continued next week.)
J. G. Scott, graduate of Victoria and
College of Physicians and Surgeons
Ann Arbor, and member of the Col-
lege of Physicians and Surgeons, of
C. ty aduate of Trio-
tJniversithonor y,and gold medallist of
trinity Medical College; member of
the College of Physicians and Sur -
Keens of Ontario. -
Graduate of University of Toronto
Faculty of Medicine, member of Col-
lege of Physicians and Surgeons of
Ontario; pass graduate courses in
Chicago Clinical School of Chicago;
Royal Ophthalmic Hospital Landon,
England, University Hospital, London
England. Office—Back of Dominion
Bank, $eaforth. Phone No. 5, Night
Calls answered from residence, Vic-
toria Street, Seaforth.
Licensed auctioneer for the counties
of Herron and Perth. Correspondence
arrangements for sale dates can be
made by calling up phone 97, Seaforth
or The Expositor Office. Charges mod-
erate and satisfaction guaranteed.
Licensed Auctioneer for the County
of'Hnron. Sales attended to in all
parte of the county. Seven years' oa-
perlance In Manitoba and Baekgtcbe-
t17m. Terme " alienable. Ptitnibe No.
115 r U, Exeter, Centralia P. 0. R.
No.4. en left at The Hinton
f e. $enlorth. nrf►ffipWy at-
Courtesy costs little of any of us
hut pays big dividends to all of us.—
C N. R. Magazine.
The fact that the sum of 1-9-2-1 is
12 indicates that this will be a hard
year for loafers.—Kingston Whig.
Since Germany is so persistent a-
bout winning the Battle of Jutland,
i'hy did she sink the balance of her
t wit 11,01 in Scapa Flow? ---Guelph
"Ex -Kaiser to settle somewhere in
Brazil•" says headline. He will feel
right at home among the outs.—Lon-
oen Advertiser.
A talent is perfected in solitude; a
h acte•r in the stream of the world.
Oh, let's call it a winter and be
done with it. --Buffalo Commercial.
When an unnmarried man arrives
in a community the women regard
him with speculative eyes.—New York
Building lots are said to be coming
down, but it is hard to make the
builder of a home believe it.—Hamil-
ton Spectator.
New administration will have a lot
of office furniture to sell, undamaged
except for the spur marks on the
Jerk.—Ann Arbor Tirues-News.
There is a movement on foot in
Ontario to stake it impossible for
Wien to marry before the age of 21.
That's a fine idea. Give the young
Mrs, Britten Tells How She Was Restored To Health After
Suffering for More Than A Year.
Another Triumph for Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound
Dimeadale, Mich.—"I had
inflammation and a devisee -
1 went end weakness, and it
�" had been neglected .o tong
that it caused great pain, and"
this affected my mind and
nerve. so that I will very
irritable. I had severe pains
every month, so that I was
often obliged to lie in bed for
two days at • time. I suf-
fered for more than a gasr
before my friends .aid,' Why
don't you try Lydia E. Pink -
ham's Vegetabl.Compound'
So 1 purchased one bottle
after another until 1 had
taken ten battles, then Lydia
E. Pinkbam's SanetiveWash.
I received so much benefit
from this treatment that I
ern now able to do my own
work."—Mr.. W. D. Barrens,
R. No. 2, Dimondale, Mich.
Neuritis, Sditiica, Neuralgia.
Have brought good
ealth to half -a -million
A healthful, money -saving remedy,
well known for fifteen years, pre-
cribed by doctors, sold by drug-
gists. $1.00 a box. P Ask our agents
es write for a free trial package.
Yeaplatens,143 King W
Leal Agent, E. LIMBACH.
Anther Michigan Woman eggs:
" I was bothered for alat1g
time with female troubles pea
was so nervous I felt almost
afraid at timet. I also had
E] � � Q wenpain cein rtainylyriight n a bade wsy.
Lydia E. Pinkh.m's V egetaute
Compound has relieved me of'these nervous feelings and pains and I am much
better in every way. I don't know jnet how many bottles I have taken, but
I took it for nearly a year end it has done me a world of good. "—Mrs. JesRIE
Gnat:4CM., R. Na 8, Box 51, Kalamazoo, Michigan.
Goad health is a woman's greatest asset. With it she may he the inspira-
tion of her husband, a happy mother, and the life of the home. Without it
she suffers agonies herself, household duties are a burden, and her family la
made miserable by her condition.
Is it any wonder that these women ware nervous and irritable after suffer-
uffering so tong from such deranged conditions? Such ailments act directly apon
the nerves, and it has been said that a large percentta:w�e of nervous pYmtra-
tton.nervoaedeapondeney, "the burs.," and nervous irtltabltty of woman seise
from same derangement of the femaie organism.
If women who are in this condit&on wooed only profit by the expsrieucs of
oilers andtaaake LpydIdra.E. Ph bam'e-Vegetable Camponlo,•d�,,-at• iiea.an seh+ r
feriae andja del medlar "r y �. an�tiloe' Witness
bathd and children.
Lydia 161. PlaldssneaPriva.te Tea - Cott apon e"Ailtaleaaa.Pemt-
lliar to '{Women'" vin beeelat to won free wawa Ile sunup *Abe
tone loedl a 1L Ptaklue n sendtdhne Co., Lygo. litsmadoisettn
T1$ Boole contains vainable tnforniatfe .
te11,•ws a chance to grow before put -
(mg them up against the hardships
.,1 life.—Manitoba Free Pness.
This world is not so bad a world
As some would try to make it:
Though whether good or ill
Depends on how we take k.
• Optimists' Calendar
It is
l to find an
r'tor asmodesas l thea one who n-
rted the following advertisement in
.r., of the London papers:
"Engagement Wanted.- Snthall part,
such as dead body or outside shouts."
- --Windsor Magazine.
Immortality will come to such as
are lit for it, and he would be a great
soul in the future must be a great
:'0111 ttuw.—Einerson.
Kerensky ran never help Russia
by staying in Paris and sending ad-
vice and institution to Russians in
Russia. That sort of leadership
doesn't count for much.—Hamilton
If the people of Canada are -so
indignant over the depreeiation of
their dollar in the United States, why
do they send so many of them over
there?—Orillia Packet.
A Pennsylvania college teaches
conking to men. It may not escape
votive that this came when women
got the suffrage. --Flint Journal.
Attorney -General Raney is a busy
body; and that's a compliment. Some
„0 his critics call him a busybody—
e•nd that's no compliment.—Orillia
Fac• kat.
Our domestic• was called Mary Ann,
Shp came from the County Cavan;
To lessen her toil
She lit fires with the oil
NOV.' we miss her—and also the ctkll
-A. C.. in Manitoba Free Press.
"You take it too, seriously," said
Brumtnell, smothering a yawn.
"Is it supposed to be a joke?" ask-
ed Wales, whimsically.
"Yes, your Highness, played on
mankind for the benefit of posterity,"
said Moore.
"Tut, tut, Tommy," said Sheridan '
reprovingly. "You are too young. to ;
be such a scoffer."
"Indeed?" .
"You young fellows are,ledastray
by your own impudence. and soon
begin to regard yourselves as pater-
nal achievements rather than mater-
nal miscalculations."
A roar followed this sally of the
elder Irishman, but the younger was
not to be so quickly defeated.
"And you old boys." saiahe, "make ,
another tnistake. You regard your-
selves as attractions lung after you
have become ornaments."
"Personalities are to be avoided,"
returned Sheridan good-humoredly.
"We were taking of marriage."
"Don't mention it;" retorted Moore
politely. "1t is a queer thing at best.
Before a wedding a woman has a
husband to look forward to."
"And when married?" ,_
",Faith, Sherry, a husband to look
"Im.agine it, Brvnnnel1."
"Fortunately, your Highness, there
o t s'Unie limits to my imagination,"
replied tlu Beau.
"Sentimentally but not sartorially
speaking," observed Sheridan, scrut-
inizing the equisite'a Incvcrave,
through his eyeglass. "'T is well to
remember that imagination is the
thief of truth."
"You have dismembered marriage,"
said Wales, smiling, "what of love'."
"Surely the objects have nothing in
common?" Cried Moore.
"The two together would be most
uncoinmon," remarked Sheridan.
"Love is the incidental music in the
melodrama of life."
"the sugar coating put upon the
pill of sensuality by the sentimental
apothecary," retorted Moore. "Love
is the devil, matrimony is lel—hem!
}low do you know, Moore?" de-
manded the Prince. "You have never
been married.
"1 have never been to Hades, your
Mr. Harrison was in a bad temper,
and when an acquaintance met him
one morning with a question, "'Ow
is your 'ealth to -day, Mr. 'Arrison ?"
he waxed wrathful.
"My name is not 'Arrison," he
"Well," said the other, "if a
haitch, a hay, two hars, a hi, a hes,
a ho, an 'a, hen dont' spell "Arri-
son,' then what 'on herth do they
Dr. A. J. Ochsner, of Chicago, states
in the Journal of the A. M. A.:
Cancer occurs almost exclusively in
portions of the body exposed to the
irritation of the outside world. This
includes the •astro-intestinal canal,
which comes in contact constantly
with filthy food in locations in which
stasis insures long continued contact
and persistent irritation. We find a
notable example in the enormous in-
cidence of cancer of the stomach in
people eating raw vegetables grow-
ing in soil fertilized with manure.
The Japanese, who eat such vege-
tables in abundance, suffer greatly
from cancer of the stomach. The
inhabitants of India, whose religion
commands them to boil food and drink
are notably free from stomach can-
cer. Sewerage is said to be an im-
portant factor in the production of
Tom Moore
We first offered the public our
Millions now use it to their utmost satisfaction
Highness, but I know it is hot just
the saute."
The verbal duel of the quartette
ended in'a shout of laughter and tae
Prince, un the arm of Brum reit,
:.trolled away in search of Mrs. Fitz-
Herlert, while Sir Percival and Skkeri-
da0 syught the Bard -room, leaving
!Moore to his own devices, a procee:'-
ing that suited him ,exactly, as he
had caught a distant view of Hessle,
and was eager to 4c off in pursuit.
That young lady, guessing ns much
took refuge in a flight as skilful as
i1 was apparently studied, and Moore
}tempered by the politeness he was
compelled to bestow upon his friends
and admirers us he encountered them
on his pursuing stroll, found k.imself
at the end of half an hour ad nearer
the object of his quest• than at the
beginning of the evening. Just then
there came a request from the Regent
that he should favor the aasemblage
with one of his own songs, so, in-
wardly chafing at the delay, he was
compelled to warble rapturously, not
once but thrice, for his good nature
was gt par with kis fellow 'quests'
(COntinued next week.)
110 Smoking -No Spraying— No SW/
Just Swallow a Capsule
RAZ -MAH la Guaranteed
to restore normal1breathing, stop mums
'gatherings In the bronchial tubes, give
longnights of quiet sleep;contalaa a
habt•fonuing drug. 11.00 at your drug-
gg11,t'e. Trial free at our agencies or well
Teaplerone, 142 King W., Toronto.
Local Agent, r. UMBAGB.
"Cascarets" if
Sick or Bilious
Tonight sure! Let a pleasant, harm-
less (.hsearet work while you sleep and
have your liver active, head clear•,
stomach sweet and bowels moving
regular by morning. No griping or in
ennvenienee. 10, 25 or 50 rent boxes.
Children love this candy cathartic too.
(Continued from page 7).
"Tut., tut, Tom,” said Sheridan re-
provingly. "I still cling to the old
Moore eyed the speaker's wig with
tolerant eye.
"Faith, Sherry," said he, "brains
such as yours are an excuse for any-
"Perhaps," said Sheridan. "But it
is a poor rule that doesn't work both
ways, and surely you will not have
the temerity to assert that 'Anything
is an excuse for brains.'”
"In society who can doubt the truth
of the statement?",
"It takes a sinner to be cynical,"
said Sheridan, having recourse to his
"Then," said Moore, "what a doubt-
erour greatest dramatist must be."
"I have been described as a doubt-
ful character more than once," re-
turned the old gentleman. "Your
Highness, when you arrived we were
discussing matrimony." -
"An amatory eccentricity," drawled
Brummell, who had joined the little
group now surrounding the Prince.
"The connecting link between bank- ,
ruptcy and the Bank of England,"
declared Sir Percival.
"The straight -jacket in which are
confined couples suffering from senti-
mental insanity pronounced incurable
by the church," Said Moore.
"A.h," said Wales, "recovery'` is
sometimes rapid, nevertheless."
"Marriage is deceptive," said Mr.
Sheridan, with a sigh. "Lovers go to
church for a bridal and return home
to fled they have been given a yoke."
"What would you suggest, Sherry,"
asked the Prince. "Would you abol•
ish matrimony?"
"I'd make it a bill drawn on DI-
varce at say three years' sight."
feas at aidcouples would
discount thebill,"Moore.
• Capitai Account—
()frit,. l're•f,ls.r .111,1 ser, 14
1hlsrsrt \':u, i -I. Tonto.
'.,ly:t"') :,rl 11,:1111ford ...
Tho Tritst. I:ul'd!f;:r. I.im-
11,-,1 tile„ k' ... $ 1-:t9,:148.27
nrf n l''1.rn:1,u', ... t:, wl0.1,
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Lem :;I,,'l a'u,1 ` Ito to 93.912.9)
lin ,:l0 and I n4,.•nt„r.r .... ti16.739. 111,
I.1011 'n t.'harlrred Links 6.•74'•. ti„
'.,:h tot Il,a.d 11.,666.27
Guaranteed Trust Account
\ln't g:4g' a.
]'n ueipxl
49,141,,,9•1 ',7
Interos1 16x.011.:,1
loons tui `•I..,'00. Iw11.15, eft• 711.37
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0:401,19 , a I:ov, n,menl
of 7s; found! „urs ren is :,17 174.1,1
Can)11 it n 3-),::l p:Jtnos
School I4.-119, 001 1:11 1,1i
'1',-t,h, 101:1:0
(1'In•r I i., ll, to1 t, ' 10. I,h
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tither 1, -els ..mono u, 'I:m
riot. 1ton,inlnn e,on.r,mlru:
—._. $5,422.65:,-14
Estates. Trusts and Agency Account—
Flt IBIS II n1 III, •,:;Wool. .... 110,313.7:tL:,4
17.4.73 ( 4ti
SHEET, DECEMBER 31st, 1920
51.731, 065 12
Capital A(.count—
C,1/1121: ba,,, k -4, knew', io,) $2.0ta Ie1W).041
t-apit -ti 1•.1,4 ,a.ti .,. 1,147.500.00
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1)1,11 1.11.i, .1. •. ;sept and Ori
n•I. .,,. .lauuary
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Guaranteed Trust Account—
'1'r":--• I'0 d: 'e\ Inventmenl .$ 4,661,035.97
'fres-' 16•1•e.:To _-_ 921,619.91$ 6,422,68'•. s>.
Estates. Trusts and Agency Account—
I'0):,u,s. 'I'-,. . .lint .''(Lc'
L• $23.512.312..1N\
••1'h" , r`I"' e,. r"''•", nt ' '•'gni,.,1 in the 'rni,Buildings. 1. 1611.010.1
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„d „ tugst•l,:e41 In 1!1^J'ley the ' tn:,d:..t1 AI`Ilr,Iee;1 t•nnllx„t. i lohll. ,: 1}' 1.
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J.1019-, .1. 41',41:1011:.
Wt., hue Incited the hoot, tot• [hp .•••r rn.lh,e 31st IWC, I,s.r. nen. .rah t'. Weis. I.u,k I.1atr ✓ ,n,d xlr:4lrltn•x Ad 1u
rnrrxmtlinn. ewe I,n,•. :,,heal Ih. .n"r.n0•nt. anti 1: at.- 'x with Il.,.,h.-r.l:. ,. ,'onx,rnll'l After doe Linnehde•r.tlor,
lix • rust,., 1,,.' rymdu.l „lou :,. 0 Bit, I ,nail War of the ,Ori -,r, u.a,. •-01 w In,I„1.•ndrnt ut•Ipinn re fnrnl'tl
and , 'ordin. I,•x r 11, i,r,,.a1tn,1 ,:,d the r.apinna tion.+ 01,',., t. .'tl( our hal In our '.ninlnn the• t0ten'ent
` „O"ix or ,lir •nrporallnn that hnrr
,•I .rlh rnlrle , I,.I :IIs Ila. , .,r .hr .. ern lrx„nr leu• r„nx.rntlnn'. n,,.( .. .'
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I; F., I; 1'.INi :f .s, 1't' \. Aud IU,M.
1I. 1'ld1.'r rpt•".. 511,0,
ur 11 15 11 1' ' 5N'ne4AN & ,•nMPANY,
, •hnrlrrrd Arrnunnv,lx.
1x held by the Trust ttoa,Is,,,Y
,991,1 or 1.. laude me ,olden to
'Itele yreoirl mortgage t.nrtd;
11. 1p ,,'I<I 'ALE.
I;,.n'•rnI Manrte„r.
TFr.ntn .,h .hrtar n. t•r'I
Cut ' =rier
More Tobacco for the Money
Packages 154
Yz 1bTins 854'
.✓t t ildtB: ks. :1 1 „e e�.,1k;y;iS,eP.Ni'
Cut r,telk
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