HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1921-02-18, Page 5;
Seaforth, February 17. 1921.
Butter, per lb. 45 to 480
Wheat, per bushel
• Oats, per bushel
Barley, per bushel
Flour, per cwt
Bran, per ton..,
Shorts, per ton
Eggs, per dozen 35 to 86c
Hogs, per ewt $18.25
Potatoes, per bag $L00
A taTION 4A1.16 Or sAs2L- 'alio
luotrusted 1
lorl6l, Aa' . leblvet'(77,i� Ils4i-
....$1.80 11,96 Rant, eon.M�'iYw aerie.
Bac farm has ell been Lot e W grew r abenti
m at WI ®noaa.'
921, se Avo'RON BALE o)3' TNIN''FAR19 1[0118,.
s. --The uy aod0Ued nuctleneer Ikea Ewe
Instructed to ae11 by py bile auction on loot
10, Londo8 Road, 2 .ud a half miles south
of Henan, on Tuesday, February 22nd. Sale
to tart at one o'clock sharp. One buckskin
gelding 8 years old, about 1600 tb,.; 1 bay.
- gelding. 1 yeses old, about 1600 clew.; l
810 arm, acme.--Tweuty per cent. of the pue-
seg years. Suitable for grain or pasture
$6,60 .hese 96806 on der of otic.: balonce within
$88.00 r The f6tms will ba 'sold subject
t0 a
Neter; Chestnut gelding. 6 years old about 1400
Applications for the position of Treasurer
of 1921will beriTownship
received f 89,' the nley for the year
Clerk on to
February 28th. Salary 099.
2774-2 J. E. BARN WELL, Clerk.
On February 26th, at 1 P.m., Lot 4, Con.
1, Tuckeromlth, uudk,o sale til Corm tock
implements, John Taman. Prop.; Thal.
Frown, Auctioneer,
On Thursday, March 10th, b one p.m. on
Lot 8, Conmm�lon 18, Croy, clearing aide f
form •bock and Implements. John SmSlte,
Prop.: Thee. aBrown, Auctioneer.
On Monday, February 28th, 1021, at one
o•oloek, on Lot 2, Conn -melon 7, Tuokrmmlth,
farm stuck. Jamin Flannery, Prop.; Thos.
Reno n, Auctioneer.
V ennor. In Hibbert. on February 8th, to
Mr. end Mrs. William Veneer. a sum
Velland. -in 'I'uckr.mith, February 1, to
Mr. and Mrs. E. Volland. a daughter. n
Ryan. -In McKillop. onFebruary lath W /
Mr. end Mrs. Thom. 1'. Ryan, daughter. 1'
Alexander. 10 '1'ucke,eninn, on February 13, -
w Mr. nod Mn.rJohn Alexander, Jr.,
W olsh. - In McKillu9, , February 16th, w
M. and M.. John Walsh, a nun.
Everett -In Regina, on January 15th, to Mr.
and Mrs. ledwa Everett, ern.
a do h
t ter.-
Kathlren Gladys.
Frerdln.--(o Clintono February 6th, to
Mr. and Mm. Thep, FremMn, nun,
Walsh. -Io Morris, oA February 5th, to Mr.
and Mr. Gordon {'&lab, twins, boy and
Brandon. --In Wingham, on February 6th, to
Mr. and Mn.. Thomas M. Rrand000, a non.
80 do T
reserved bid. i G. M.MIOHAEL, Yfop
T. $town• Auetione.r, 27
bene, yea„ mold capable for farmer*' driver; 1
and Hoge on Lot 9, Coneoelun 8, Un
20.11e, south of EldmvlBe, on Tho ruder',
March 8rd, 1921, at 81,80 o'clock, sharp, the
follow)ng: Hones.--Gpq,-J'ercheron mare 6
years ,.Id, draft mare 4 years old, team
mathed egrie1Itural gddlog 8 year uta, 8 I
dragelding. rising 4 years old, well broken;
draft filly rising 1 year old, eligible for
rriffetratIon; good dr(vlog mere 8 years old. '
Thane ho.ee are sound and In good condi-
tion. Abu bran,+ mounted not of doubly
bdchen harass. Cattle -8 cows due a4 time
of sale. renewed cow now due Maroh 28th,
2 rows due April 22nd, w due May 10th.
w due June 10th, now due September 101,
0060 due October let,. furrow mm
w, fat w,
Young Cattle --7 esteem rising 8 years old, 12
fat hells. rising 8 years old, A good bort
78.8 + lbs.; 8 geldings, 4 year* old, 'farm chunks;
1 mare 6 year. old In foal, chunk; 1 mare
'I'TLE 4 yeti. old, in foal, chunk: 1 black mare 8
ring noifrre rising 2 yea. old, 10 steers I
r lathe 2 yea. old, 8 heifere riming 2 year
,Id, 10 steer one year old, 18 heifers rising
1 year old. Reglntered Poll Angus bull Cattle
ure all 'n first-class shape, Hogs -11 .tore I
hog., shout 650 The ; 10 store bogs, about
12!, 11, 9 store hogs, about 100 IDe.; 9
e due In Maroh; 6 bOWN due In April; 3
sews due in 'May. sow win, litter at foot;
Itogmte d Yorkshire hue one year
Hogo to be sold first. P.itively noree
m the proprietor is quitting farming. T
' Seven menthe' credit on approved
otos, with 8 per cent. err annum of
ache SAMUEL BROCK. Proprietor; C.
toanson and Wm. McNeil, Auction
rank Coates, Clerk. 277
Implements. Mr. George 16111,46 hew Igen
instructed to sell by public uuctlon on Lot
40, Concmunnn 2, 1..R.0,, on Wrdngadny.
Februlary 23rd, tit one
rV. t
following property: Aurum--
11 brown more
yrneold 1 baymare 6 Years old l
driving horse. quietyears old. Cattle -
One Imre bred row. Victor Alpha-9KY77;
1 cow 12 years old, due April let; 1 cow 8
years old, due June 20th; 1 cow 4 year. old
furrow; 1 cow 6 years old, due June 6th;
1 euw s years old, due June 6th; I cow 3
years old, farrow; 4 young cattle rioing 2
Years old; 8 yearlingo; 6 spring lure; 1
Birk Bow due February 17th; 1 Birk cow due
Mardi 9th; 1 pure bred Cheater White hog
8 month old, and 75 young fowl. Im
trt pie-
eoMassey-Harris Binder 6 ft. cut, near-
ly new,Deering mower 6 foot cut, nearly
new; Deering hay rake 10 foot, disc harrow.
Mouthy -Hart -10 egging tooth cultivator, Massey -
Harris ll -hoe drill nearly new. set of scabs
2000 tbs., I wagon, box and stock rack, 1 eat
of harrows, 1 set of hob sleighs, 1 top buggy.
1 cutter. I fanning mill, 1 i-oea[ed democrat,
I r,ad wagon, I Fleury plow, 1 e,st plow,
l Coclohott gang plow, 2 sets of single
harness, 1 Massey -Henle cream aeporeter, 1
turnip pulper, 1 grindstone, 1 sugar kettle,
1 scuO,-r, 1 wood rack, 1 ineubnWr, 240 egg,
a nil other small articles tau numerous to
mention. No nerve as Oroprietor hao sold
his farm. Terme- A11 sums of 16.00 and
under, rash; ova that Amount 10 months'
credit iin approved joint not.s. A discount
of 4 p. -r cent Der annum elf fur cash•
ELI CRICH, Proprietor; George Elliott,
Auctioneer. 2774-2
Murlock Wolfe --In Croditon, on February
1, 1821, by Rev. Mr. Haugh, Mr. Simon
John Morlock, of Grand Bend, to Mini
Elirabotb Wolfe, daughter of Mr. Chari.
Wolfe, Credtton.
McKenrie. In Goderleh, on February 8th,
Donald Neil McKenzie. in hit 73rd year.
Smith. - In Clinton, on February 4th, Susan
Clark, widow of the lute James Smith,
aged 80 years.
Manning.: In Mullett Township. on Febru-
ery 6th, Joseph Edmund Manning, aged 63
yea, and 0 months.
PLewart.- In Montreal, on February IOth,
Evelyn, youngest daughter of Mr. end Mrs.
A, E. Stewart, formerly ofSeaforth, In
her 15th year.
Note. -Item, under this head will be chem..
ed 60 cents per single ve.s and 25 cents for
each additional verse.
In lov ins memory and respect for Forrest
nideat non of Mr, and Mrs. William 1....,•,
whom God ,mll,•d home two ye0nt ago the
evening of February 27th:
Sometimes when all life'., Itesots hn,r Leen
And eon end La 181 fere
n for , r mare e0.,' set.
Thething. ,',r which we greed with hts he.,t
Will flash before us. and we shall ser haw all
(2,1'. rine. ere right. But not to -dui.
Cod's plans, like lilli. pure andhite unfold
We must not tear e cluseeshut !Eaves npart.
Time will reveal the calyx of gold and
7f through patient Lull we nee. h that land
Wheel tired feet may estiehen snail
clearly knew and unde.tnn•l, I trunk
T,,0t w wt asy---Ood the e lei t.
h I,u ed On ' 1'j ,'one in Lope
Engine, 8 horsepower, This machine Is
new. Apply to JOHN A. ECKART, R. R
No. 1, Dublin, Ont 2771,4
hatters in calf, one doe February 20th,
and other late,. Apply to FRANK COLE-
MAN. R. R. No. 8, Seaforth, or phone 10
on 614, Clinton Central. 2778-8
of Duch. Would sell in one -acre lots
number of trees. The bush is mostly hard-
wood. Apply to ARTHUR ROUTLEDGE.
R. R. No. 4 Seaforth. Phone 2-188. 2774x2
1 0r & Maysey Prerlww Separator, 36 inch
with rear cut; 20 H. P. Sawyer & Mnesey
traction engine. All in good working order.
Apply to JOHN THIASE, BLAKE, R. R, No.
2, Zurich, 2775x3.1f
2, Tuekersmith, two barns, one Ls 30x66
and the other is 26x72, Also a free. house
and kitchen. W. LANE, BruceOold. Phone
2 -028, Clinton. 27754
ed by Royalist -_170033- for sale; 8
choice young bulls ranging In age from 8
Months up to 14 months ; 2 young cows with
enlvea at foot. Price, reasonable. .Write
me. and, if possible, come andree; it is
worth while. JAMES HILL, R. R. No. 1,
Staffs, Ont 2775x4
tors.-We want 200 more men immediately
to fill positions 1kr early spring at 0126 to
*200 monthly, operating gm tractors, driving
mot^ trucks sed car, selling tractors. cars
e nd farm power maohinery, or as auto tractor
mechanic, in city end country garages. Only
Dm weds re:mired learn these trades at day
fir evening Blesses at Hemphill Government
Chartered Motor Schools in every large cite
o f Camsda. Start nownd you w111 be ready
for sprint rush. Send for catalogue.
8llpffiLL MOTOR SCHOOLS. 189 It'titw
Street Weet, Toronto, Ont., Regina. Stake -
Aon, Edmonton. Calgary. and Vancouver.
Thomas Brown hoe been instructed to sell
hY public auction on Lot 2, Contssion 7,
Tuckersmfth, on Months'', February 28th. 1921,
o'clock ▪ 1 o'clop.m. the following: Hom®-
Matched pair M black PemLerum Heine 2
years. Cattle -15 cows, some milking. and
balance coming in coon; 2 steers rising 2
Team old: 8 he;fem, rising 2 years old Pigs
Three sows le to pig, 8 ohnnim. Terms -
Eight months' credit on furnishing approved
joint not.. Four ciente on the dollar off
r each. JAMES FLANNERY, Proprietor:
T. Broirtl, Auctioneer, 2775-2
George Elliott hos been instruoted to mall
by nubile auction on Monday, February 21st.
at Lot 27, Cdneession 2. Stanley Township,
at one o'clock Dan., the following: Homes -
1 brown mare rising 7 yes.. 1 .lark gray
ally 8 yearn old. Cattle --One caw just fresh-
ened, 8 cows dao In March, 8 cows due in
April, 8 cows dile in June, still mincing good.
S cow freshened 0,1,900 1eet, due again in
September, 8 .4., s rising 2 years old 2
betters rising 2 years old, 10 yearlings, 1
ealt 4 months old, 1 cal 9 weeks Ad, 1 pare
bred reg etero 4 Shorthorn buil 6 years old,
bred by A. and J. Brosdfoot Seafortb. Pian
-Three brood sow., 2 doe In March and one
20 April 8 pigs 4 months old Also one quantity
team of general purpose aloe,, 8 and 4 yes-. stand,
Ad, will be offered for eale et same time yoke.
tial plane, the 0renerty of John Pepper. Tonne
Everything must he sold without reserve. that
'.Perms t-Elght Month.' credit on approved en
Soint notes, or a discount of 4 per cent
straight for cash, WILLIAM SINCLAIR, mrount.
Proprietor; Cleo. Elliott, Auctioneer. 2114-8 Prank
orre old.I n a,'kets. ooi)ol, end church.. being only M 1,(N STREET
I one nod sine quarter miles from Seaforth, r
,�hich plus
mare 7 yearn old, general purpose; 2 marcs
6 years old. 1200 and 1800 tbs.; 1 gelding
8 year. old, 1800 lbs.; 1 10000.6 year'.1d,
about 1500 /be.; 1 filly 2 yearn old, chunk.
Term Ten months' credit on furnishing
approved Joint notes, with interest at We
rote of 8 per cent, per annum, as well after
us Proprietor;fore C. maturity.
Robinson, C Auctioneer;
Frank Coates, Clerk. 2776-1
Farm Stook and Implements, In the
natter of Albert John Fortune, authorised
renigocr, There will be offered fur mile by
public auction by Thos. Brown, uuetionerr,
11,21. at ntheahourla of 2trwdu o'ulook( in he af-
ternoon, on the premium, the following valu-
ofll ti(ty Acre Fa: BeiNumber Five (0t* Inng thethn Firotwest hal
smith, in the County u of Huhe ron, ip of on, ntai Ing
fifty norm of land more
or loss. There are
on the place o frame house and frame
barn and four goad 44vvelle and n orchard.
The place conveniFntlY situatedW
Are we rushing the Season? Noth-
ing like it! Now is the time to pre-
pare Seed for Spring. We have al-
l'eady on hand some N1,. 1 Govern-
ment Tested Clovers and Timothy,
and can fill your orders at a very
reasonable price. Du 002 delay, De-
lays are dangervus.
W. M. Stewart
In -
f for stitute in the Province. uloo tkapurfie and
• VI ; Public ncha,le and Routnn Catholic, Angll-
' Att the name time mid Methodist
ch,d place there will else
AND be offered for sale the following farm meek
and dmpirmenI, Stock Onars,
w four yea
4,1,1 ouppomed to be in ruff; one driving mare;
ane team of heavy hon.; number of here,
etc. Implement.,- / binder. Mammy -Harr..
make; 1 cult 1 valor,
ke; 1
send drill Masse-Hanin make, Iplow, l netdaub e
hnrseen, 1 art single
1 net olelghs, nearly new, lh land 'roller `end
numerous other articles. Ter of Sale. -
10 per cent. of the purchaoe ionce to be
paid on the day of oulo and \\\,the balance
within two wreko thereafter. The farm will
be offered for Rale subject to a mortgage
thern ,hawing interest at the rato of
6'0 per cent, and subject also to a reserved
bid. The stook and lnrplementn wI1 nye oold
for coob. For further particulare and con-
ditions of sale imply to THE LONDON &
WESTERN TRUSTS Co, London, Ont, au-
thorised trustee, or to J. M. BEST, Seaforth,
Ont., Solicitor for said Trustees; Thomas
Brown, Auctioneer. Dated at Seaforth, Ont.
this 10th day of February, 1921, 2774-2
and Implements. Mr. C. W. Rubinsu,
hoe been instructed t sell by public m etwn
nn Lot 10, Concession 1, Tuck,r.mith, on
Wednesday. March 2, 1921, the farm, c
twining :00 acro of choke and. well drain.
.•d and wised buildings, convenient w school
and church. Ten per rent. of the p.rchns
money o be paid , day of nnle the bolt
to he paid • within two weeko.
At�� the ,same time and '101'6
tie re will also be sold the fill low]ng farm
stare eel implements, mired y r Cattle One
row 5 year old due to til yr nlxut time of
eelr, 1 w 6 yen.. ,d,), 1 .I erne} 4
years aid milking new, 1 cow 8 yea. old to
calve nls,ut March 16th, 1 cow a yen, old
milking now, 1 heifer 0 years old, milking;
2 steers 0 yea. old, 2 ate(-, two years old,
1 farrow cow 4 years Id, 1 heifer 18 months
old, 1 aper 8 months old. 4 fall cal vin. 1
steer and I heifer two years old. 14000,0--
One gray mare 6 years old, 1 bay mare in
foal, 1 bay mare in foal to 'Colonel Bowers,
1 driving horse, one filly three years old
'n June, 1 pair of spring colts. Hogs -10
Vila about 3 months old, 3 pigs 4 month,
01+1, 2 a due about April 1st, Implements
Drs roe binder, 1 Massey -H orris rultivs-
tor, 1 Mtoasry-Hanin drill. set of 4.rretinn
diomond harrows. Massey-Horria hay loader,
Deering manure spreader, Coelethutt 2 -furrow
rid,ng plow, double walking plow, 1 in le
walking plow, 1 wagon, hay rare, Kra�irl
box, .sot of sleighs. All the implements
nearly new. One buggy, 1 cutter, I art of
heavy double harness, 1 set of 'Slow harness.
1 net of driving harness, 175 feet of hay fork
rope, car and lingo, 1 whe.•el barow,
quantity of lumber, aloe a number of dao.
and windows with frames, about ten tons
of hay, 1 Ford car. Hay and car will be
ash. Terms.- -All num; of 110.00 and un-
der, cash ; over that amount 8 months'
'edit will be given on furnishing opprosed
joint notes, or 6 per cent off for cash.
ELAINE MOFFATT, Proprietor; C. W. Rob-
inson. Auctioneer, 2776.2
Implement,- Thome. Brown hat been in.
atrurted b sell by public auction p Lot 4,
Coneesnion 4, Tuckersmith, on Friday, Feb.
y 25th, at one o'clock p.m„ the following:
ruHors. One general purpose main teeing'
7 supposed to be in foal, 1 Percheron tare
rising 7 years old, 1 driving horse 0 years
old, quiet and reliable, works Ingle or
double: 1 gelding rising three, 2 Percheron
011ier rising 2, 1 Peroheron Ally rising 1
year old. Cattle- 1 newly calved cow with
calf • t font retie. 2, 1 cow a yea, qld due
to calve inApril, 1 cow 6 years Id 'due to
calve June, 1 cow 6 years old due to
nlve October 1st, 1 milk cow 8 yea. old, 2
heifers rising 8 yea. old milking, 1 dry
2 etee. tieing 2 years old. 1 heifer
rising years old, 6 spring calves, 8 fall
calve•, about 80 hens and pullets, 2 geese
and - gander, Implements -- 1 O O rmiek
binder 7 foot cut truck, and sheaf carrier„
nearly new; I Frost & Wood mower, one
Massey -Hanka 78 -hoe dist drill, nearly new:
1 cultivator nearly new, f Buentos manure
spreader, god working order: 1 10 -foot steel
roller, 1 McCormick bay rake, 1 set Frost
& Wood dls., 1 set diamond hart -owe, one
Fleury walking plow, 1 Frost & Wood walk•
'ng plow. 1 stuffier, 1 top buggy nearly new.
1 second-hand buggy, 1 Portland cutter, 1
wagon with box, 1 set sleigh., 1 wet double
harreso, 1 eat of single harness nearly new,
1 eat Dingle harness aecood hand; I De Leval
cream `epnrator nos* new, 1 pea harves-
ter, 1 r for wooden track and 156 feet
of inch rope used one ee.ton, 1 fanal`r.g
mill, 80 tads of Page .vire- Term. -,10.00
and under, mall: over that amount 9 montha'
orad$ will be given on furnishing approved
Joint notes, Five per cent.. per annum off
for cash do credit amounts. JOHN TAMAN.
Proprietor; Thoe, Brown. Auctioneer. 2716-1
element', Household
Effects, ]Ota.
undersigned auctioneer has been instructed to
crit by puhlie auction on Lot 28, Co ion
7, Hay Township. on Thun.de Duce
7, February
24th, nt 1.00 o'clock pm., shorn: Ho
1 gelding 'riving 6 years, show hone, t
1800 the.; 7 gilding Awing 6, 1900 ,•
1 mere rising 10, 1600 pounds: one gm= rising' nine years; ono pair of geldings
rising three: a tanadar bred Red McKinney
trotting mare rising 7, has made a mile in
2.10. Thin is n promising Marc.' Cattle -
1 ecu, 7 yea. old In 'calf, 1 cow 8, in cal;
1 fresh milch cow; 1 cow 8, in calf; 1 row
9, in calf 1 1 heifer rising 3, supposed to be
in calf; 1 heifer riving three; 7 torr rising
three; 2 steers rising two; 2 heifem lining
two; 2 OD'ing calves, 1 fall calf, 8 June
0nlv.. implements, Rte. -2 wagons, Massay-
Hartil binder, M0n0ey-Harris mower, de
delivery rake, 18 how drill, fertiliser drill.
cultivator, ndi.k harrow, been mrltiveter, rid -
Ing blow, new steel roller, set of harrows, 2
walking plow.. buggy, cutter, 1800 lbs. eeaie,
2000 Ib, ocnle, fanning mill, hay rack, pig
rack, .et of eleigho, grovel box, wagon box,
warren jack, c tting box, ecu,er, 55 White
Leghorn hens, 2 .6 a heavy harness, 9 net
nf eingle harness, pair collar nearly new.
1 pair collate, ladder, range, hewing mschine,
bed room suite, syringe and maitre.., 6 bode,
lounge 2 ertemion tnhies, leaf toile, coal
heater, some pictures, feather tick, 2 pair
p1110 ., E4 chairs, 6 lamps, 8 Innterm,
of frelt. D iia carpet sweeper, flower
forks. ehoveM, hoes., hifletrem neck -
Mains, and Oumeroue other rtiele..
of Sale. -910 and trader. 0ah ; over
a exeunt 10 month.' credit will be given
fnrnlobing approved joint notes. Fon,'
t par aspI. oQ ter Bash on credit I
tee EDMOND `SROYER, Proprietor: '
Taylor. AuoUoneer. 1774-2 1
es 3
,. 4i4]t'1'46 tMil,Yrti'd.l'i1
Hume, F',ga, Mr. Thom. Brown has
been inatructrd to ronduct an auction nate
oil Lot 25, Concession 2, Tuckersmith. ,na
Wednesday, February 2:1, 0t 1 .'clock sharp,
the following property, nsmrly This offer.
ing consists of noted fomlli.uch Bruce
Fanny's and Crimson Flower. .. dads Scotch
tnmillw, also Strawberry's. north n.,
Jrnnett McLaren 108:132 _ 7 years old due
to calve :larch I:,th; Dally Marquis
168618. -. I5 months old : Roan May
150980-:- 2 yea. old, due to calve time
of sale ( Lady Butterfly 3rd '-163246,o 18
months old due to. rake in August, Funny
B. 61st _ 103731 - - 8 years cold, due to calve
in May. bred to noted bull. Sir Richard.
57909 herd bull: Sandy 1307 =133093-:
IS months old, n well bred Waterloo Princess
sad plea frig „eel ity. (7rnd.e -Heifer ris ing
3 years duein
March, w 4 years old due
March 3rd. cow 7 year. old due in March:
heifer rising 3 yea. due April 3r1, heifer
"'140 3 yo, r, due In, July, mllking good
• farrow euw, 3 fat cows, steer two years
.stem. r 8 years old, steer rising twit
Yeti, old, 2 irrr iter. 1 year old, 1 heifer lh
,c,nh." tile 1 amine calve,. I lathy beef
alf, also ' chunks about 130 Ilex. at time•
of .,ale Hon.,. Arricultura) mare 5 years
old. finished; one driver 4 yenrs old. broken
single or double; one heavy antught rising
2 yeti. old. ALso n quantity of mixed hay.
I•1,c 1, house with furnaces and a, ft two-stir.
� water,
large cellar, large hank barn, large strnw
shod with nig and chicken hour„ underneath.
Farm will lei sold subject to a reserved bid.
'mems. --All suns of 110 and under, cash:
that amount 8 month.'erain ill be
given o approved joint notes, ,
dies Dunt
of 4 Per rent, straight will ler given for
0,h. PATI. C:\DI Ei:ti, f'ro'rieGir: Thos.
Briton. Aurtiom•er. 2714
Li Implententn.• Thea. Brown has been -
stru,lyd to sell by r'uhl ie auction on Lot
33. t'onc..osi0, 14, MoKlllnp, on Thursday.
Febrary 240. nt 1 o'clock nom.. the follow-
ing: On,' agricultural horse rising five. 1
eulturel mare rising 6, in foal to Shethnn
Stamp, 1 filly rising 2,red hy Shethnn
Stamp, 1 driving mareriming k, good to
work double. Cattle 3newly-calved cows
:irkCa vc
1 s nt foot,2 coin to calve at time
til se, 3 o to to'she in March, 1 ones in
miles in
April, 1 core: ato calve in June, 1
w to rolvr in September, 1 farrow cow, 2
steers m .
corning 2 Yeaold, 2 heifers coming
2 Fermi old, 3 heifers coming f year old, 2
steers Caming 1 year old,, 2 fall calve. Pigs
One sow to litter ohsiut MRrch fat 1 sow
2 months heed, ,17 chunks of pigo, and 70
young (lock hens. implements. --One Mc-
Cormick binder 7 foot rut, sheaf easier and
trucks. I Frost & Wood mower 54 foot cut,
I Deering steel rake 10 font 1 Deering 00111-
401,0,. 1 Musoey-Harris 10 -hoe drill, 1 truck
wagon, Chatham make; 1 wagon box, 1 stock
rock, 1 hay rack, 1 moldier, 1 Oliver riding
plow, 1 walking plow', 1 gang plow, 1 set
c f diamondo harrows, gravel box, fanning mill,
000 pulper, 1 o bar, wee f hob sleighs,
'1 -
' 0 feet of hay fork rope, 1 .lush a raper, 1
top buggy. 1 cutter. 1 land roller, 50 cedar
push, 1 set of double harness, 1 net of plow
harness, 1 art of single harness, 32 feet of
belt, post hole auger, tile scoop, 1 Maass*.
Horria 3 -home power oosoline engine nearly
new, 1 61/2 inch grinder nearly new, Maooey-
Ffarrih Cutting box 12 -inch, nearly new; 1
Massey-}Inrris cream meant/rut 500 lbs, en-
mity, nearly new; .bout 2 bushel. o7
cthy Reed. 2 eof whiff/etre., 1 nockyoke, t whiff/etre., 22 -foot adder, 1 Ford touring car, forks,
shovels, chains, and other articles too numer-
ona mention, Tertoo-A11 , autos of 91!)
n d .under, cosh : over that amount 10 month.
credit will be given an approved joint notes.
A discount of 4 r nto on the dollar MT for
nab. THOMAS RYAN, Proprietor; Thema•
Brown, Auctioneer, 7774,2
$1.00 per pair
(Government Approved)
The R. R. (rib rolled) Lena is the
lowest priced effective Lens meeting
the requirements of the Law yet in-
Made in Canada
Can be obtained from your dealer
or sent dirtot from Factory for $1.25
ep air.
2775-3 St. Catharines, Ont.
In the Estate of Andrew Wright; late of the
Township of Hibbert, in the County of Perth,
Notice to hereby given pursuant to the
Trustees Act that 011 Creditors and others
hnving chins against the ERtate of the staid
Andrew Wright, who died on or about the
211r1 day of January A. D., 1920, at the
Township of Hibbert aforesaid, re required
on or before the sixth day of March A. D.,
1921, to Rend by poet prepaid or deliver to
the undr.igned their Christian 0aar0R and
surnames, addresses end full Dnrticuloo f
their claims end the nature of the oeeurity
(if any) held by them.
And further take notice that after the
Inst mentioned date the Administrators will
Proceed to distribute the assets of the de-
eemed nmong the parties entitled thereto
hnvine regard only to the cleimo of which
they thall t.hen have roeeivosl notice and
that they will not be liable for the said
assets .0 any part thereof toy person or
pemrn f hoe, elan. they shall not then
hem had notice.
Dated the tenth day of F4brnary A. D.,
Exeter and Henwil.
&lifetime for The London & Woetern Trusts
Co., Ltd.. Administrators with will annexed.
farms for wain 1],
the 7'uwtshivd
of Osborne
and Harbert, nu well built and
Improved. on easy terms of payment. r t- THOMAS
CAMERON, Wuodbam, Ont 20684/
farm fur nate, being 1.d 8, Conemsion
2. Stanley, Farm is will druined and in
Rood state of cultivation; nor W school. sta-
tion and two ohlthring pelota F y tenon.
Apply W JOHN B. HYD}: kippen, or
V rem nits.,
- ---- 1 2772-3 Solicitors for the Administrate
The New '
will open for service at
gine O'clock, Friday
to see our Pure Home-made
Candies and Ice Cream.
Our Motto:
"Cleanliness and Service"
Cheoros Bros. - J. James
In the Surrogate Court of the County of
Huron, in the Matter of the &date of
Bother Moors, late of the Village of Hens
call, In the County of Baron, Spinet..
NOTICE ins hereby given pursuant to the
::tatutr in that behalf that all persona hom-
iny claims against the Estate of the said
Nether Moore, who died on or about the 18619
My of December A. D., 1920, are required to
end by poet prepaid or deliver to Giadman
& Stanbury. Sol leltore (ur the Admloiotrator,
on or before the fourteenth day of February,
A. D., 1921, their neat., addreeeae and de-
scriptions and particularo of the . clahns
and the nature of the security Of 007) held
bythem duly certified, and .that after the
said du the e Ad
minis tar
proceed to
distribute the assets of
e deceased •mord
the parties0 claims
thereto, having regard
only to the clalmn tit which they aha8 then
have uonice.
DATED this twentyetixth day of January,
A. D., 1921.
Herman and Exeter.
Lot 33, Cone.slon 4, llxhnrne. On the
Property 1. a good brio* dwelling and frame
barn, 34x80, cement floes+ and water Imide.
never -Inning wells, one with windmill; e
acro of wheat in, and fall ploughing all
done, Well tiled and wire fencing. Ramon -
able terms for quick sale, Apply on prmisee
ROBINSON, Auctioneer, F,etsr. 2774-4
F'"ARMS F'OR SALE.- 1.(02 17. (ONCES-
2, Stanley, 100 all cleared-
tk,nkbarn 60x90 feet ors,,' awm water
througholt .applied byw ,ndmlll. Seven
pens'ed bowie, large driveshed, stone pig
large silo, one . mile from Hrucefirld,
fades from Seaforth, Clinton +,11,1 Hrnsall, iA
mile from school. Aima I,,! 1:1, Cuoeealon
4 Stanley, 100 acre, 8 act,- bash. This b
a grass farm, For further eartkUOr0 apply
to HUGH MCGRECOR, Brumfield, Ont
nulr at Winthrop. Hanes County, on
lending 010001 road, 4 miles north of Sea -
forth G.T.R. station, and :- miles south
01 Walton C. P. R.: school al.,/ church
Soil riff clay loam, good Imre frame home,
arse barn 34x60 feet, atone ,.inkling under-
nrath, good spring, well, wirelrnlll, water•
jog tank and other farm co Mentes. For
'arthro lura apply' to Dr. J. S. HOGG. Pne-
tm, or J. R. COVENLOCk. Senfor.h, ,
0utora of P txte of the late It H. (lo,
of k. 2175x2_
Tw,•nty.Ovo are f vulualde land in
the Townab in of Me Klllop, on the 8th and
9th concession, lot 13; them miles east of
Winthrop. The farm is well drained and In
Number One condition; about forty acres
broken 00. On the premiere are a large
concrete house, bank barn. 40x60, and one
(riving house; about six acres of hardwood
bush. Situated the same 'dfotsnce from
Ilublin, Seoforth; Dublin Rural Mall, tele-
phone. Terns to suit 9urrhwer. Possession
at' once. Phone 616 on 2, or addr.e MRS.
SUSAN ROSS, Clinton, R. R. No.4. 277314
0 Funeral Director and O
O Licensed Embalmer O
0 Undertaking Parlors in 0
O Beattie Block, opposite The 0
' 0 Expositor Office. Residence 0
O Goderich St., opposite Dr. 0
0 Scott's. 0
0 Flow(' r• fllrnio(e,l on short 0
0 nOLlO'e, 0
0 Phone Night ur Day 119 0
I00.0000000 00042,
100.00 000000000
W. T.BOX &CO. 0
O Embalmer and O
O funeral Directors O
10 H. C. BOX'
0 holder of Government 0
0 Diploma and License 0
0 Charges moderate 0
0 Flowers furnished on short 0
O notice. 0
O Night Calls Day Calls 0
0 Phone 175 Phone 43 0
000000000 0000
'scree of choice land, a II cleared and In
high stole of cultivation. Well drnines'. and
nisei watered by 2 drili,d well. Dumped by
mills. On this farm is ., red pressed brick
house, a large bank barn and hog pen, .iso
small driving shed and u frame cottage, anit-
uhle for hired man or partner. Any man
wanting a choice borne nil with convenience
to town on a Dominion Highway, which
will be one of the last ,vhon finished in
Canada. should get in touch with me at once.
Possession wive thin spring. ABRAHAM
HUGILL, 2771-01
dred acres adjoining the Town of Seas
forth, conveniently situated to all churches,
schools and Collegiate. There Is ncomfort-
able brick cottage with a cement kitchen;
barn 100.56 ith .tone stabling underneath
for 6 homes, 75 head of cattle and 40 hogs
with ate l atanchiom and water before all
stock; litter carrier and feed earner and
two cement Jho; driving shed and plat-
form scales. Watered by a rock well and
windmill. The farm is well drained and in
high state of cultivation Plowing is all
done -choice clay loam. Immediate posses-
sion- Apply to M. BEATON, R. 2, Sea -
forth, Ont 2775-2
Cenreseion 2, Hallett, 10 acres of hard-
wood bush: 60 acro nlmost. new land, hart been grazed and top-drcased for
ancea0 years, All good /and. well drained, per-
fectly dean. Every furrow amble, in /Jet
class state for cultivation, within half a
miles of the mncadnmizni roads, three milts
from town. 800 rude of extra goof fen,
ing. Barn 43x74, with Steel roof and a
steel aiding, also rodded. Stable room for
40 head of otock, cement /lo, and water-
works, np-to-date for conveniences; first dao,
garage and a buggy house. Good water anti
good frame house with up-to-date con-
nience. For farther particular. apply to
CHARLES PEACOCK. R. R. No. 4, Clinton,
or apply on pretnfnes. 2744x4.tf
Int 24. Concesalon 2, Tnwmhtp of Hib-
hent, County of Perth, containing 150 acres
of land, all cleared, 40 ac fall ploughed
remernder weeded to hay and groan. On this
farm ie a Own -storey solid brick 6 -roomed
house, 27x32,wwith .some basement and
rioters, /tented by furnace; Irani. kltehon,
IS by 22 fret with pante' and wash room,
concrete foundation and velar underneath:
a bank Warn 57x(13 x R tart silk stone
tinn and concrete
Quo throughout, and
in nimble; buggy hence 14x16 feet, driveabed 29,20 feet These prare all in
fir. elms repair. This property 1r* situated
8 miles tam Dublin. fi mile+ from Seaforth,
2 milts from chureh and school ; 1st well
fenced and under dralnmi. and has rural
telephone and mall delivery For further
particulnra apply to JOHN F. MURPHY,
Dublin, Ont, R. R. No. 2. 2772x4
Coercesien 6, in the Township of Tecker-
amlth, 2 mlhvt from Senfurth, 5 miles from
Bene eehl and Kippen, convenient to school
and nhurth; 114 news eased, remainder in
maple hush. Onl this form n e eareellent 6011d-
inga end are In flrat .Imo repair; hard and
.soft water in the hose and In stables; 2
wells. 1 having n windmill Tito farm is
thoroughly under drninod Rel fenced end
in n high state of rnit{vn L;en, never having
been heavily cropped. This M in every wiry
a O.t claws and up-to-date farm- Alo Lot
27, COnceesinn 12, In the Townsbin of Rib -
bort. enntitining 100 oras ; 90 acreoleered
and thoroughly nnderdralned and fenced, the
remainder le in ant else. maple hush. On
the emesis. Is a comfortable frame horse
end good horn 40x66 with steno rtehling •
aloe good well with windmill. Thin term Is 1
all needed to green and in In excellent eendl-
HHien fon, having been cropped very 11tt]e; Mtn -
ted within 0 mRemelt, quarter of
mile from ochnol. There IR long dlehonee
t08els ape connection on both farina. al.e
rural mull delivery. These farms will ha
onid together or weparately to salt purchaser
and on reasonable terms. Fer farther par -
Dealers apply to the proprietor, on Fit 12.
Oonesesfon 6, Tuckeremitb. or Seefotth P. 0.,
R. R. No. 4. m_�yybone 14 on 181. Seaforth.
0000 000000000
0 Embalmer and Funeral 0
O Director O
O Undertaking Parlors Above 0