HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1921-02-18, Page 1FIFTY-FIFTH YEAR
The Greig Clothing Co.
Are selling Suits, Overcoats, Rain-
coats, and women's Coats for less
money than it costs to make theGar-
ments. The Reason :-We have
three weeks only to make a clean
sweep of the big Stock on hand.
$60 00 (.;oats for ....
50 00 Coats for
40 00 Coats fur
...... $30 00
25 00
20 00
30 00 Coats for ••-•••• 15 00
80 00 ` uits for.«.,,,,... 30 00
50 00 Suits for Y .. 27 511
10 00 Pants for .. .., 6 00
3 00 Caps fol... 1 50
20 00 Jackets for 10 00
1 50 Socks for... 75
1 00 Socks for 50
25 00 Rain Coats fru'.. 15 00
12 00 Swmtitcrs fur...,.,,, ... 6 0l)
3 00 Gloves for •.. 2 00
2 50 Mufflers for 1 25
1 50
3 00 Shirts for
4 oet Overalls for..... ..... .........
3o oo Muffs for
:3o co Fur Stoles for
All Other Goods Equally Low
2 t.0
1 5 0,1
15 00
How would you like to own' a poul-
try flock of ordinrry size that would
pay for every pound of feed consum-
ed and leave a profit of almoat 1500.
Merely the money -saving properties
of such a flock would make most of
us anxious to claim ownership, but
Miss Maud Holdsworth, a young farm
woman of Northumberland Co., Ont.,
who has such a flock, gets more than
dollars and cents from her poultry.
r Hene are her hobby, and she draws
big dividends of aejlgfaction from her
flock of bred -to -lay Barred Rocks.
The development of her strain of lay -
1 ers has been a real joy to this young
woman, and probably explair}e. her
success in large measure.
The representative of Farm and
Dairy, who de responsible fur this
story, first heard of Miss Holdsworth
during one of his, frequent visits to
the Ontario Agriculture) College. It
has always been a part of our pro-
granune, when visiting that institu-
tion, to slip around to the Poultry
Department fur a chat with Prof., W.
R, Graham and his tts.istants. 'On
Selling Out --T
Shoe Sale
Nothing Will Be Reserved.
This is a Genuine Selling -out Sale.
Big Bargains in Footwear for every member of the family.
Bargains! Well, we should say sol
People who snap them up will get far more value for their
rruney than they ever expected.
Any drop in the price of Footwear this year or next will not.
begin to equal the cut prices at this sale. No, sirs Nat by a long
Look over these prices and if ever you expect to buy another
pair of shoes of any sort -BUY THEM NOW.
Women's 1 -Buckle Overshoes. Reg. Price, $225, for a pair$1.45
Women's 3 -Buckle Overshoes. Reg. Price $3.00, for a pair. $1,95
;Mases' 3 -Buckle Overshoes. Reg. Price $2,50, for a pair- $1.60
Men's 2 -Buckle Heavy Rubbers, red soles. Reg. prier. $4, for$2.95
Boys' 2 -Buckle Heavy Rubbers, red soles. Reg. Price $3, for, $2.3`O
Men's Tan Military Rubber, sizes 71 to 101/2. Reg. price, $1.50,
for a pair •95
Women's Rubber Boots. Reg. $8.90, for a pair $2.95
r,0 Pairs of Women's Fine Shoes. Sizes 21/2, 3, and 31/2. Regular
Price $4.00 to $5.00, for a pair $1.95
Women's Fine Shoes, Vice Rid; black and brown calf leather -all
our regular lines. Regular $7.50 Shoes for $5.95
Regular 6.60 Shoes, for
Regular 6.00 Shoes, for $4.45
Men's Fine Shoes, Vice Kid black and brows calf leathers, leather
or Neolin Soles. Regular $12.00 and $13.00 Shoes for$S.95
Regular $10.00 Shoes for, a pair
Regelar $9.00 Shoes, for a pair
Regular $7.50 Shoes, for a per
/ • • $7.20
/let's Work Shoes, TTntn ("elf, Tan (;rain. Mole and .Shaved Kid
leathern. Reg. 06.50. 06 and 16 shoes for $5,20--$4.R0--$3.95
Boys' Shoes, Meese' Shoes Children's Shoes. Evety pair in the
Store on Sale.
Store will CUSP Thnrelev. Fele-eery 17 to re -arrange stock & prides
The Cash Shoe Store
Opposite Expositor Office ONTARIO
the occasion of our Inst visit Mr.
Francis permitted us to look over the of her best pullet to constitute the
womensubmitted rt. teehe. men and breeding pen. From these she gets
women over the provinoe who try hatching eggs for her own use, for
flocks. A demonstrationion poultry the school fair work, and for such
bucks. A demonstration oneeatflock, it may private orders for hatching eggs as
be explained, is thateconducted she is able to fill. The wisdom of us -
the or lessryDepartment
the supervisionof ing pullets in the brooding pen has
Poultry it s areent pof the fromoabeen disputed by some poultrymen,
lege. Male birds supplied and perhaps they are on strong
the college, and eggs, during the ground where the pullets are closely
hatching season, are distributed in housed and forced and pampered for
Therewe with school fair state- the highest egg production. This is
There were many creditablehstag- not 'Hiss Holdsworth's plan, however.
menta on the list, hut that of Miss
Holdsworth attracted us particularly.
Her carefully tabulated returns show-
ed that for the first ten month of
the calendar year of 1920, with a
flock that varied from 104 birds in
January to 69 in November, she had
a clear profit over and the cost of
feed of $986.38, or over $5 a bird
for the first ten month.,. We im-
mediately made a careful note of
name and address, and registered a
decision to visit MSss Holdsworth at
the first opportunity. Others, we
thought, should hear of the methods
that bring such exceptional results.
Three weeks later our representative
found himself in the little town of
Port Hope, and started out for
"Hythe" Farm, five miles distant.
Our visit convinced us that Miss
Holdsworth has not special advent,
ogee in equipment or otherwise. The
big farm run by her father and bro-
thers is devoted to the production of
Shorthorn cattle, and the senior mem-
her of the farm has talked on the
art of beef -making and the boys of
country living at hundreds of Farm-
ers' Institute meetings all over On-
tario, and has been extensively used
by the Department of Agriculture in
the Standing Field Crops Competi-
tion. The poultry houses and equip-
ment are just such as one would find
on the ordinary farm, where a flock
of 100 or more hens are kept. Chicks
h and brooded in the na-
tural wa
r' hatched are
and the only
things are the calibre of the flock, the
attention they receive, and the re-
sults secured.
i'oultry began to boom at Hythe
Farm about eight years ago, when
Mr. Holdsworth followed the advice
he had given to hundreds of others
from the institute platform, and gave
his daughters a special interest in the
form by turning the poultry over to
Iwo of them. At first the poultry
department was run co-oneratively by
the two young women, hut now this
department is a special care of Miss
Maud -and the net profits are hers
also. The flock that they took in
charge was a mixture of pure-bred
Barred Rooks and pure-bred White
Leghorns. This flock they culled so
as to enter their first laying season
with thirty-six Rock pullets and an
equal number of Leghonts, Careful
account was kept with the two breeds
and the balance was so decidedly in
favor of the Rocks that the Leghorns
were sold off, and all attention since
given to the development of a profit-
able strain of Rocks. For seven years
now thinnest records have been kept
from the time the pullets start to lay
in the fall until the first of March.
Miss Holdsworth would be glad were
she able to keep trap -nest records for
the entire laying period, hut as she
has duties other than caring for her
poultry, this has not been possible.
And from a practical standpoint, the
winter egg record is the important
one. 11 is then that eggs bring the
highest price and profits are made, if
at all, and it has also been demon-
strated on many poultry farms that
the heaviest winter layers are also
the heaviest yearly layers.
eggs and sand, then they are intro-
duced to commercial chick feud and
this is mixed gradually with pure
wheat. Later ,in the season they get
cracked corn with the• wheat, but
oats does not enter as an important
part of the rations until fall. The
chicks always have buttermilk.
Miss Holdsworth has been a keen
student of her hobby; and her hobby
is rapidly developing int, a profitable
business. She has given to her
poultry that attention to detail that
As we left the pen where is more characteristic of women than
she had her best pullets hou,ed of men. As we left, however, she
;:he left the door open, expletning reminded us that poultry keeping is
that while the weather. was suitable not without its misfortunes and its
they had free range of the Yarm. Un- mishaps. It was an accident that
der these conditions,the pullets are killed seven hens that kept her pro-
toget rr out R e s is year from passing the $500
more vigorous and ah t bl fit th f
for breeders. To be even more cer- mark. On another occasion her net
taro of maintaining the vigor of her, profits in the year were only 118. "I
flock, she does not place all the de- might say," slit. remarked, "that it
pendence on the trap -nest records in was misfortunes that taught us how
selecting her breeding pen, but has , to make a profit of $5.0tt per hen."
an expert cull for type and ¢bnatitu- i May this be interpreted as a warning
tion. Ito enthusiastic beginner.: not to ex-
'rltc yearlings are sold off just as pect too much until taught by ex -
soon as they begin to moult and last perietees
ach on pullets $
that weighed sixand
seven pounds. The market is .higher LET'S HAVE .4 TARIFF FOR
in the summer and early fall, and l RF.V1 NUF. ONLY.
this potiltry woman finds it more The question: Shall we have a
profitable to sell off a part of her tariff for protection or a tariff for
flock then than to keep them around tevenue only, has been a bone of
contention fur many years. Some-
times interested parties have mixed
the issue so as to gain a point for
protection under the plea of revenue
and sometimes "lower tariffers" have
stretched a point and leaned toward
free trade, despairing that anything
in the line of tariff reform will
otherwise be accomplished while the
protected interests juggle the two
ideas, shake them in the sante bag
and attempt to stampede the Can-
adian people with the holler that if
rot given protection, revenue will de -
and the country go to t
bow -wows. Lct us to -day shake our-
selves free from this nightmare and
looking clearly at the issue of revenue
producing tariff see how the great
mother country handles the question,
draw -erne deductions from her ex-
perience, and see if we can duplicate
her system without unduly impairing
our manufacturing industries or in-
juring Canadian workers, We must
not forget in this connection that
British manufacturers do not call for
protection from foreign competition,
perhaps because they realize that
their markets are world markets, and
in placing their wares on world mark-
ets they must du sit in open competi-
tion and. they could not expect that
if they closed their own markets
there would be any chance of open
ntarkets for their wares abroad. It
would he too much like a case of hog-
gishness. Now the fact that she suc-
cessfully competes in foreign markets
is the basis of her great wealth, for
the law of increasing wealth so far as
R natitin is concerned, is "foreign
trade." Just to illustrate that a
country does not grow rich in that
which she sells to herself, or in
other words "internal trade," we will
take two five elollar bills, one in the
pocket of a maitufacturer and one in
that of a workman. '"Internal trade"
in this instance is represented by two
five dollar bills. Now, the workman
wants to buy something from the
Manufacturer, so the $5.00 is brought
out and handed to the manufacturer
Thus we have $10 in one pocket an
nothing in the other. The manufac
turer then gives him a piece of goods
of retail selling vale $6. Does th
workman' get $5 worth? No; de-
cidedly not. He gets in return fo
his good five -dollar bill an article
costing. say $3.00, the extra $2.0
representing profit. Now, how
the two pockets compare --one h
$7.00 and the other $3.00? Keep o
repeating this precede and before
long we And rich manufacircrers and
ocountry la
none the richer .for the transaction.
There is gull the original $,10 fie
work on. This is the prlaclple est.
"internal trade." Now we take 'i
ease of 'foreign trade." We ,have
goods which another country is will-
ing to buy and the other country has
the money that we request for our
goods, We "exchange. He then has
our goods and we, his money. But
he really only has the actual value
of goods, that is, cost price; we have
goods value plus profit. All the
profit is extra money coming into
Canada anti using the $10 illustra-
tion again. He has $3.00 wotth of
goods fur hie $5.00 and we have a
surplus of 1$2.00 profit, and in that
transaction we have increased our
country's riches by 66 2-3 per cent.
Is it any wonder that exporting cdun-
tries are rich countries. Now, as to
British custom duties, I am not going
to give to our readers a full list but
a list of the most important ones; so
here they are, both custom and ex-
cise duties:
Clocks, watches etc., motor cars,
musical instruments, 33 1-3 per cent.
Customs Excise
Duties Duties
Miss Holdsworth was able to tell us
of some very creditable records. One
pullet, which laid its first egg on the
last day of September, had 103 eggs to
her credit by the end of January.
rt of
record does not nlforl ethe breed. far Last
year the best record was 91 eggs up
to the end of March. Four of her
pullets had laid 70 or more eggs by
the end of January. This becomes
significant when we consider that
these four pullets have laid as many
eggs in four months as the average
Ontario hen lays in the whole twelve.
Miss Holdsworth referred with par-
ticular pride to one of her biddies,
that had laid for 28 consecutive days.
The poultrynwan's( dictum filet pul-
lets ere very much more profitable
than older hens has been found ae
true in Miss Holdsworth's experience
that she does not attempt to carry
over many pullets into their second
year to use as breeders, but carries
over only those that have had the
very beat records in their pullet year,
and to these she adds thirty or ferty
to crowd the pullet.
Most of the laying flock is housed
in two small shanty -roofed houses
with an open front, the ope'F space
being covered during cold weather,
however, with a cheese cloth cur-
tain that is raised duriug the day. On
cold nights, cotton curtdins are drop-
ped in front of the roosts to give
greater warmth. Miss Holdsworth
unconsciously bore testimony to the
attention her flock receives when she
told us that on very coal nights she
dark and packs
out after
he roosts,
cher on t
• elasel • together
hens � g
s simple x
is a.
winter feeding lit
The went
the housing. Oats, either crushed or
ground, preferably crushed, are fed
in troughs and kept before them all
the time. A grain mixture of corn,
wheat and buckwheat is fed in the
litter night and morning. the morn-
ing feed being scattered the night
previous. Last fall and this winter
a hot mash has been fed of boiled
turnips mixed with chop. "We•have
found this a splendid thing to bring
on the late pullets;' said Miss
Holdsworth. A supply of green cut
bone is purchased once a week in
cold weather and fed daily. The
creamery truck that visits the farm
regularly for cream brings along a
supply of buttermilk, for which a
charge is made of 35 cent, for an
eight -gallon can. Between the green
cut bone and the buttermilk, it is
not necessary to feed beef scrap.
Oyster shell and gravel are withie
reach of the birds at all times, and,
for green feed, mangels are split
and hung against the wall, where
the pullets can help themselves.
Most of the eggs are sold to priv-
ate customers in Toronto. l'hey are
usually shipped in twil:•e-dozen
crates, but occasionally a ustomer
orders a thirty -dozen crae for
ing. Any surplus eggs
above those which are required for
this special trade have been taken
by a Toronto grocer, who is willing
to l:ay something more than the
'going wholesale price when he is
cure of getting a strictly new -laid
article. This past winter private
customers have paid ten to fifteen
cents a dozen above the price al-
lowed by wholesale commission mer-
chants, but even at that the custom-
ers were getting their eggs more
cheaply that they could have pur"
chased eggs of similar quality from
the city markets. During the hatch-
ing season, a large part of the eggs
go to the District Representative at
a price considerably in advance of
market quotations.
Miss Holdsworth plans to hatch her
first chickens from the .first. to tenth
of April and last year she had some
out by the end of March. With nat-
ural incubation, however, hatching is
a slow process and at least one-half
of her chicks strive ir1 May. Practic-
ally all are raised with hens and
Mina Holdsworth has one old biddy
that has been kept for five years
just on the strength of her virtues
as a mother. Late in the season,
one hen will mother twenty to thirty
chicks. Mise Holdsworth has found,
however that the earlier the chicks
are hatched, after the first. of April,
the more profitable are they as win-
ter layers.
The chicks are first fed hard-boiled
1'laying cards (pack)71rz
Chicory (cwt.) 9.52
Chicory substitutes
Craotl, ib .10
Coffee, 11,. .10
Tea, ib. .24
Currants A Raisins 21/2
Matches, 10,000 1.24
Brandy and rum, gal18.48
Sugar, 98, cwt. 6.16
Mollaases, cwt. 3.90
Candies, cwt 6.16
Tobacco riot tnfg., ib2.18 1.92
Tobacco mfg, cavendish 2.85 2.50
Candied peel, cocoanut
and corms!, Ib, A4
Condensed milk, cwt2.80
$241.12 024.00
end ha011wi." fixAte
now Menplet,ehr reversed
owners of hungry stomachs donee
like parleying abstinateip•
price t.1 coptmodltlets in MAny
lines, have dropped greatly. Sugar
took a 'nighty shde from 80 cents to
7 cents per pound, though 40 cents.
was predicted by the profiteering'
wretches. , The humble potato can be
purchased for 75 cents per bushel,-
ushel, .
though the, consunnnter was free :_
told they would at least be around `'
six and seven dollars per bushel this
winter. In some parts of this State
they can be purchased from the farm-
ers for 50 cents per 100 pounds. Eggs
per dozen from the high notch of 86
cents a year ago, are down to 40
cents, and butter from near a pin, •
nacle of 80 cents per pound, is down
to 40 and in some cases lower. The
reason of the rapid decline in prices
of these two household commodities,
eggs and butter. as given by com-
mission dealers is that owing to the
unusually mild season her ladyship,
the barnyard n, has cancelled the
strike order, busy and is slow
working overtime, and that heavy
shipments of butter from Denmark
has helped to drive the price of the
latter down. Clothing and shoes
since New Years in the retail depart-
ments, have -surely shot down the
toboggan slide. Some claim reduc-
tions of 50 per cent. However, as
that may be, they have at least slid
down tremendously. Of course we
were kindly informed through *be
medium of the press by the profiteer-
ing human vampires, that these two
articles would be Much higher this
coming season. Retailers, generally
have been mighty slow to favor the
conaummer with ,the benefit of re-
ceding prices, probably with covetous
eyes watching the contents of the
latter's pocketbook. The price of
wheat has been cut in a half or more
front its highest figure. l'urn and
oats a great deal more so, but many
of their bye products have mounted
upward since. Why should a pack-
age 'of shredded wheat be now 18
cents instead of 15 when wheat was
highest? A package of Pillsbury's
health bran now 18 and 20 cents in-
stead of 15; a package of Quaker oats
now 33 to 35 cents, instead of 80
when oats were quoted at their high-
est. The wheat flour bread loaf in
this city hold tenaciously near top
prices despite a near 50 per cent. cut
in wheat prices, and flour has drop-
ped several dollars per barrel. I
think at one time it was about $5.50
down from the peak. In some more
Christian parts of this mighty Res
public, the 15 -cent loaf has been re-
duced to 10 and the 10 to 5 cents per
loaf, but in this city there seems to
be a nigger In the woodpile, and that
animal is the human profiteering
wretch. If every good housewife and
cook who knows the art of baking
would do so when ever practicable
the price of the bread loaf in this
city would tumble from its lofty
perch. Sooner or later all manner
of commodities will have to reach a
water level.It isestimated there
are trillions of dollars of building
and other improvement up this way
and adjacent territory contemplated
but held in abeyance until a lower
scale in the price of labor and other
articles that enter into construction
are reached satisfactory to those so
contemplating these enterprises.
When the affairs of Europe are
store stabilized and financial bank-
rupt tottering nations are assisted
and put on their feet :and liquidation
has completely run its course in this
country and President-elect Hadieg
is firmly seated on his Washington
throne many prominent financiers
claim things will gradually turn for
the better. But as I see it if that
bunch of Republican Senators officer-
ed by henry Cabot Lodge had not
for the sake of party politics and al-
so to discredit President Wilson, en-
gineered and led the fight, whick
eventually and for the time being at
east, has temporarily delayed the
entry of this glorious Republic into
the great family of the League of
Nations. Had they not done this
the affairs of Europe and the rest of
a troubled world would not be in
such a chaotic state as exists to -day.
This country's prestige, weight,
wealth and power backing that of
Great Britain, France, Belguim,
Italy, ,Japan, and other powers, would
have proven a mighty factor in es-
tablishing a better order of thisga.
Ir his efforts in behalf of the League
of Nations, Persident Wilson 1 a
broken-down man. Now he is sees
with silvered hair, drawn face, weak-
ened voice, walking feebly with die
aid of a cane, 8t tittles assisted to rive
from his seat. and again wheeled is
an invalid chair. Pbr the League of
Nations the grandest dodrtnent since
the dawn of the Christian 1:'ra, he
labored for its suoceee with all kis
er.ergy and might, despite the op.
position of unprincipled foes and for
it he would gladly have given Ms
life. But on history's pages his name
will go down as a shining star as
tong es this world endures. While
the memories _ and names of his de-
tractors will be consigned to the
waste basket of oblivion.
NOW, a perusal of these figures
shows that where Great Britain pro-
tccts her industries she also places
an excise duty against the sante va-
riety of goods which acts as a double
header. It gives her a revenue and
prevents exploiting by her manufac-
turers. You will notice at the com-
mencement of the list that clucks,
autos and musical instruments are
listed et 33 1-3 per cent., and that
there is no excise duty imposed
Whether she buys a tremendous
amount of foreign -made articles of
this description and manufactures
very few herself, I am not able to
say. It may be that these exceptions
prove the rule and if we had complete
information on the matter it might
be shown that they also were straight
revenue producing propositions. How-
e• fir, we have not the information en
hand and so must leave it open. Per-
haps 50100 of our readers will be able
to supply it.
e -
Now for a question. If we were
to run our own custom and excise
tariff as a revenue proposition only,
charging an excise duty nearly cor-
responding to the custom. duties so
as to cut
n exec
hurt the
n d
u is would
manufacturer and the laborer, or
would it stimulate our manufacturers
and laborers to greater production of
better goods and seeking foreign
trade bring wealth into Canada from
abroad instead of relying upon bleed-
ing Canadians to better their own
financial standing? -F. W.
Dear Expositor. -Nearly one and
a half months of the New Year is
now history. How timeaeents to fly
when a chap has gone past the three
score stark. 1 suppose it seems the ,
same way to nearly all of Adam's
race. The weather continues very
mild. though about February 3rd the
thermometer dipped to 2 below zero,
rather tun unpleasant and cold for
the robins and other birds and butter-
flies reporters seen flying around some
time agtt.
The struggle is on between capital
and labor, organized and unorganized.
In this city reductions in the price
of labor front 10 to 20 per cent. and
more has been and 0 quite common.
Hundreds have been laid nff entirely
and others working fewer days in
the week. The Board of Public
Works fc giving temporat', work to
all they can to relieve temporally
the situation. The opening of navi-
gation will give employment to sev-
eral thousand. In some cases plants
have shut down for a time, then
again resumed operations with a les-
ser fore, and a reduction in the
wages and at times a lesser number
of working days in the week. But
through the length and breadth of
this land tens of thousands are being
laid off every week for an indefinite
period. Strikes are occuring in dif-
ferent parts of the country owing to
wage reductions; others, despite these
reductions, gladly continue at their
work. it. is estimated by competent
nhservers that closely to three thous-
and are out of employment in this
city. A person walling the streets
can se0 many a dejected idle work-
ingman with clothes and footwear not
of the hest and warmest order. At
Washington, on February 3rd, it was
stated that on January 1st there were
3,473,446 less workers in industry in
OUR country than in .lanuary, 1920.
according to reports published by the
United States Department of Labor
as a result of a nation-wide survey.
Bread lines and Roup kitchens have
been established in various cities and
places. As employment becomes
scarcer the efficiency of labor increas-
es and the arrogance and uncharity
of capitalists ton often is in evi-
,rlence. When employment was in
t plenty, wages high, often labor was
25 per cent.
Turing the Mouth of Fety
rnnry on Picture Mould-
ing, ready-made frames id
all sizes, Square or Oval.
D. F. Buck
:1n interesting article on birds in
e teen' inane of The Expositor un-
ner th',holding of "The Reason Why"
hrought to my memory with melan-
choly interest a bird incident in dear
old McKillop in the days long since
passed. Like the most of the early
pioneers and settlers on virgin Mesh
farms in Huron County, nay father
had erected a long shanty 01 ids
(Continued nett week)
Hutchison's Grocery
Will endeavor to supply its Patrons at all times
with Groceries that are FRESH and GOOD
and CLEAN.
If the Price is not always the lowest you may •
expect there is a Reason and that the reason is
coming on Saturday.
(under the same roof) is increasing its busi-
ness steadily on account of the Freshness and
Superior Quality of its Meats and Fish, coupled
with Prompt Delivery.
eggs and sand, then they are intro-
duced to commercial chick feud and
this is mixed gradually with pure
wheat. Later ,in the season they get
cracked corn with the• wheat, but
oats does not enter as an important
part of the rations until fall. The
chicks always have buttermilk.
Miss Holdsworth has been a keen
student of her hobby; and her hobby
is rapidly developing int, a profitable
business. She has given to her
poultry that attention to detail that
As we left the pen where is more characteristic of women than
she had her best pullets hou,ed of men. As we left, however, she
;:he left the door open, expletning reminded us that poultry keeping is
that while the weather. was suitable not without its misfortunes and its
they had free range of the Yarm. Un- mishaps. It was an accident that
der these conditions,the pullets are killed seven hens that kept her pro-
toget rr out R e s is year from passing the $500
more vigorous and ah t bl fit th f
for breeders. To be even more cer- mark. On another occasion her net
taro of maintaining the vigor of her, profits in the year were only 118. "I
flock, she does not place all the de- might say," slit. remarked, "that it
pendence on the trap -nest records in was misfortunes that taught us how
selecting her breeding pen, but has , to make a profit of $5.0tt per hen."
an expert cull for type and ¢bnatitu- i May this be interpreted as a warning
tion. Ito enthusiastic beginner.: not to ex-
'rltc yearlings are sold off just as pect too much until taught by ex -
soon as they begin to moult and last perietees
ach on pullets $
that weighed sixand
seven pounds. The market is .higher LET'S HAVE .4 TARIFF FOR
in the summer and early fall, and l RF.V1 NUF. ONLY.
this potiltry woman finds it more The question: Shall we have a
profitable to sell off a part of her tariff for protection or a tariff for
flock then than to keep them around tevenue only, has been a bone of
contention fur many years. Some-
times interested parties have mixed
the issue so as to gain a point for
protection under the plea of revenue
and sometimes "lower tariffers" have
stretched a point and leaned toward
free trade, despairing that anything
in the line of tariff reform will
otherwise be accomplished while the
protected interests juggle the two
ideas, shake them in the sante bag
and attempt to stampede the Can-
adian people with the holler that if
rot given protection, revenue will de -
and the country go to t
bow -wows. Lct us to -day shake our-
selves free from this nightmare and
looking clearly at the issue of revenue
producing tariff see how the great
mother country handles the question,
draw -erne deductions from her ex-
perience, and see if we can duplicate
her system without unduly impairing
our manufacturing industries or in-
juring Canadian workers, We must
not forget in this connection that
British manufacturers do not call for
protection from foreign competition,
perhaps because they realize that
their markets are world markets, and
in placing their wares on world mark-
ets they must du sit in open competi-
tion and. they could not expect that
if they closed their own markets
there would be any chance of open
ntarkets for their wares abroad. It
would he too much like a case of hog-
gishness. Now the fact that she suc-
cessfully competes in foreign markets
is the basis of her great wealth, for
the law of increasing wealth so far as
R natitin is concerned, is "foreign
trade." Just to illustrate that a
country does not grow rich in that
which she sells to herself, or in
other words "internal trade," we will
take two five elollar bills, one in the
pocket of a maitufacturer and one in
that of a workman. '"Internal trade"
in this instance is represented by two
five dollar bills. Now, the workman
wants to buy something from the
Manufacturer, so the $5.00 is brought
out and handed to the manufacturer
Thus we have $10 in one pocket an
nothing in the other. The manufac
turer then gives him a piece of goods
of retail selling vale $6. Does th
workman' get $5 worth? No; de-
cidedly not. He gets in return fo
his good five -dollar bill an article
costing. say $3.00, the extra $2.0
representing profit. Now, how
the two pockets compare --one h
$7.00 and the other $3.00? Keep o
repeating this precede and before
long we And rich manufacircrers and
ocountry la
none the richer .for the transaction.
There is gull the original $,10 fie
work on. This is the prlaclple est.
"internal trade." Now we take 'i
ease of 'foreign trade." We ,have
goods which another country is will-
ing to buy and the other country has
the money that we request for our
goods, We "exchange. He then has
our goods and we, his money. But
he really only has the actual value
of goods, that is, cost price; we have
goods value plus profit. All the
profit is extra money coming into
Canada anti using the $10 illustra-
tion again. He has $3.00 wotth of
goods fur hie $5.00 and we have a
surplus of 1$2.00 profit, and in that
transaction we have increased our
country's riches by 66 2-3 per cent.
Is it any wonder that exporting cdun-
tries are rich countries. Now, as to
British custom duties, I am not going
to give to our readers a full list but
a list of the most important ones; so
here they are, both custom and ex-
cise duties:
Clocks, watches etc., motor cars,
musical instruments, 33 1-3 per cent.
Customs Excise
Duties Duties
Miss Holdsworth was able to tell us
of some very creditable records. One
pullet, which laid its first egg on the
last day of September, had 103 eggs to
her credit by the end of January.
rt of
record does not nlforl ethe breed. far Last
year the best record was 91 eggs up
to the end of March. Four of her
pullets had laid 70 or more eggs by
the end of January. This becomes
significant when we consider that
these four pullets have laid as many
eggs in four months as the average
Ontario hen lays in the whole twelve.
Miss Holdsworth referred with par-
ticular pride to one of her biddies,
that had laid for 28 consecutive days.
The poultrynwan's( dictum filet pul-
lets ere very much more profitable
than older hens has been found ae
true in Miss Holdsworth's experience
that she does not attempt to carry
over many pullets into their second
year to use as breeders, but carries
over only those that have had the
very beat records in their pullet year,
and to these she adds thirty or ferty
to crowd the pullet.
Most of the laying flock is housed
in two small shanty -roofed houses
with an open front, the ope'F space
being covered during cold weather,
however, with a cheese cloth cur-
tain that is raised duriug the day. On
cold nights, cotton curtdins are drop-
ped in front of the roosts to give
greater warmth. Miss Holdsworth
unconsciously bore testimony to the
attention her flock receives when she
told us that on very coal nights she
dark and packs
out after
he roosts,
cher on t
• elasel • together
hens � g
s simple x
is a.
winter feeding lit
The went
the housing. Oats, either crushed or
ground, preferably crushed, are fed
in troughs and kept before them all
the time. A grain mixture of corn,
wheat and buckwheat is fed in the
litter night and morning. the morn-
ing feed being scattered the night
previous. Last fall and this winter
a hot mash has been fed of boiled
turnips mixed with chop. "We•have
found this a splendid thing to bring
on the late pullets;' said Miss
Holdsworth. A supply of green cut
bone is purchased once a week in
cold weather and fed daily. The
creamery truck that visits the farm
regularly for cream brings along a
supply of buttermilk, for which a
charge is made of 35 cent, for an
eight -gallon can. Between the green
cut bone and the buttermilk, it is
not necessary to feed beef scrap.
Oyster shell and gravel are withie
reach of the birds at all times, and,
for green feed, mangels are split
and hung against the wall, where
the pullets can help themselves.
Most of the eggs are sold to priv-
ate customers in Toronto. l'hey are
usually shipped in twil:•e-dozen
crates, but occasionally a ustomer
orders a thirty -dozen crae for
ing. Any surplus eggs
above those which are required for
this special trade have been taken
by a Toronto grocer, who is willing
to l:ay something more than the
'going wholesale price when he is
cure of getting a strictly new -laid
article. This past winter private
customers have paid ten to fifteen
cents a dozen above the price al-
lowed by wholesale commission mer-
chants, but even at that the custom-
ers were getting their eggs more
cheaply that they could have pur"
chased eggs of similar quality from
the city markets. During the hatch-
ing season, a large part of the eggs
go to the District Representative at
a price considerably in advance of
market quotations.
Miss Holdsworth plans to hatch her
first chickens from the .first. to tenth
of April and last year she had some
out by the end of March. With nat-
ural incubation, however, hatching is
a slow process and at least one-half
of her chicks strive ir1 May. Practic-
ally all are raised with hens and
Mina Holdsworth has one old biddy
that has been kept for five years
just on the strength of her virtues
as a mother. Late in the season,
one hen will mother twenty to thirty
chicks. Mise Holdsworth has found,
however that the earlier the chicks
are hatched, after the first. of April,
the more profitable are they as win-
ter layers.
The chicks are first fed hard-boiled
1'laying cards (pack)71rz
Chicory (cwt.) 9.52
Chicory substitutes
Craotl, ib .10
Coffee, 11,. .10
Tea, ib. .24
Currants A Raisins 21/2
Matches, 10,000 1.24
Brandy and rum, gal18.48
Sugar, 98, cwt. 6.16
Mollaases, cwt. 3.90
Candies, cwt 6.16
Tobacco riot tnfg., ib2.18 1.92
Tobacco mfg, cavendish 2.85 2.50
Candied peel, cocoanut
and corms!, Ib, A4
Condensed milk, cwt2.80
$241.12 024.00
end ha011wi." fixAte
now Menplet,ehr reversed
owners of hungry stomachs donee
like parleying abstinateip•
price t.1 coptmodltlets in MAny
lines, have dropped greatly. Sugar
took a 'nighty shde from 80 cents to
7 cents per pound, though 40 cents.
was predicted by the profiteering'
wretches. , The humble potato can be
purchased for 75 cents per bushel,-
ushel, .
though the, consunnnter was free :_
told they would at least be around `'
six and seven dollars per bushel this
winter. In some parts of this State
they can be purchased from the farm-
ers for 50 cents per 100 pounds. Eggs
per dozen from the high notch of 86
cents a year ago, are down to 40
cents, and butter from near a pin, •
nacle of 80 cents per pound, is down
to 40 and in some cases lower. The
reason of the rapid decline in prices
of these two household commodities,
eggs and butter. as given by com-
mission dealers is that owing to the
unusually mild season her ladyship,
the barnyard n, has cancelled the
strike order, busy and is slow
working overtime, and that heavy
shipments of butter from Denmark
has helped to drive the price of the
latter down. Clothing and shoes
since New Years in the retail depart-
ments, have -surely shot down the
toboggan slide. Some claim reduc-
tions of 50 per cent. However, as
that may be, they have at least slid
down tremendously. Of course we
were kindly informed through *be
medium of the press by the profiteer-
ing human vampires, that these two
articles would be Much higher this
coming season. Retailers, generally
have been mighty slow to favor the
conaummer with ,the benefit of re-
ceding prices, probably with covetous
eyes watching the contents of the
latter's pocketbook. The price of
wheat has been cut in a half or more
front its highest figure. l'urn and
oats a great deal more so, but many
of their bye products have mounted
upward since. Why should a pack-
age 'of shredded wheat be now 18
cents instead of 15 when wheat was
highest? A package of Pillsbury's
health bran now 18 and 20 cents in-
stead of 15; a package of Quaker oats
now 33 to 35 cents, instead of 80
when oats were quoted at their high-
est. The wheat flour bread loaf in
this city hold tenaciously near top
prices despite a near 50 per cent. cut
in wheat prices, and flour has drop-
ped several dollars per barrel. I
think at one time it was about $5.50
down from the peak. In some more
Christian parts of this mighty Res
public, the 15 -cent loaf has been re-
duced to 10 and the 10 to 5 cents per
loaf, but in this city there seems to
be a nigger In the woodpile, and that
animal is the human profiteering
wretch. If every good housewife and
cook who knows the art of baking
would do so when ever practicable
the price of the bread loaf in this
city would tumble from its lofty
perch. Sooner or later all manner
of commodities will have to reach a
water level.It isestimated there
are trillions of dollars of building
and other improvement up this way
and adjacent territory contemplated
but held in abeyance until a lower
scale in the price of labor and other
articles that enter into construction
are reached satisfactory to those so
contemplating these enterprises.
When the affairs of Europe are
store stabilized and financial bank-
rupt tottering nations are assisted
and put on their feet :and liquidation
has completely run its course in this
country and President-elect Hadieg
is firmly seated on his Washington
throne many prominent financiers
claim things will gradually turn for
the better. But as I see it if that
bunch of Republican Senators officer-
ed by henry Cabot Lodge had not
for the sake of party politics and al-
so to discredit President Wilson, en-
gineered and led the fight, whick
eventually and for the time being at
east, has temporarily delayed the
entry of this glorious Republic into
the great family of the League of
Nations. Had they not done this
the affairs of Europe and the rest of
a troubled world would not be in
such a chaotic state as exists to -day.
This country's prestige, weight,
wealth and power backing that of
Great Britain, France, Belguim,
Italy, ,Japan, and other powers, would
have proven a mighty factor in es-
tablishing a better order of thisga.
Ir his efforts in behalf of the League
of Nations, Persident Wilson 1 a
broken-down man. Now he is sees
with silvered hair, drawn face, weak-
ened voice, walking feebly with die
aid of a cane, 8t tittles assisted to rive
from his seat. and again wheeled is
an invalid chair. Pbr the League of
Nations the grandest dodrtnent since
the dawn of the Christian 1:'ra, he
labored for its suoceee with all kis
er.ergy and might, despite the op.
position of unprincipled foes and for
it he would gladly have given Ms
life. But on history's pages his name
will go down as a shining star as
tong es this world endures. While
the memories _ and names of his de-
tractors will be consigned to the
waste basket of oblivion.
NOW, a perusal of these figures
shows that where Great Britain pro-
tccts her industries she also places
an excise duty against the sante va-
riety of goods which acts as a double
header. It gives her a revenue and
prevents exploiting by her manufac-
turers. You will notice at the com-
mencement of the list that clucks,
autos and musical instruments are
listed et 33 1-3 per cent., and that
there is no excise duty imposed
Whether she buys a tremendous
amount of foreign -made articles of
this description and manufactures
very few herself, I am not able to
say. It may be that these exceptions
prove the rule and if we had complete
information on the matter it might
be shown that they also were straight
revenue producing propositions. How-
e• fir, we have not the information en
hand and so must leave it open. Per-
haps 50100 of our readers will be able
to supply it.
e -
Now for a question. If we were
to run our own custom and excise
tariff as a revenue proposition only,
charging an excise duty nearly cor-
responding to the custom. duties so
as to cut
n exec
hurt the
n d
u is would
manufacturer and the laborer, or
would it stimulate our manufacturers
and laborers to greater production of
better goods and seeking foreign
trade bring wealth into Canada from
abroad instead of relying upon bleed-
ing Canadians to better their own
financial standing? -F. W.
Dear Expositor. -Nearly one and
a half months of the New Year is
now history. How timeaeents to fly
when a chap has gone past the three
score stark. 1 suppose it seems the ,
same way to nearly all of Adam's
race. The weather continues very
mild. though about February 3rd the
thermometer dipped to 2 below zero,
rather tun unpleasant and cold for
the robins and other birds and butter-
flies reporters seen flying around some
time agtt.
The struggle is on between capital
and labor, organized and unorganized.
In this city reductions in the price
of labor front 10 to 20 per cent. and
more has been and 0 quite common.
Hundreds have been laid nff entirely
and others working fewer days in
the week. The Board of Public
Works fc giving temporat', work to
all they can to relieve temporally
the situation. The opening of navi-
gation will give employment to sev-
eral thousand. In some cases plants
have shut down for a time, then
again resumed operations with a les-
ser fore, and a reduction in the
wages and at times a lesser number
of working days in the week. But
through the length and breadth of
this land tens of thousands are being
laid off every week for an indefinite
period. Strikes are occuring in dif-
ferent parts of the country owing to
wage reductions; others, despite these
reductions, gladly continue at their
work. it. is estimated by competent
nhservers that closely to three thous-
and are out of employment in this
city. A person walling the streets
can se0 many a dejected idle work-
ingman with clothes and footwear not
of the hest and warmest order. At
Washington, on February 3rd, it was
stated that on January 1st there were
3,473,446 less workers in industry in
OUR country than in .lanuary, 1920.
according to reports published by the
United States Department of Labor
as a result of a nation-wide survey.
Bread lines and Roup kitchens have
been established in various cities and
places. As employment becomes
scarcer the efficiency of labor increas-
es and the arrogance and uncharity
of capitalists ton often is in evi-
,rlence. When employment was in
t plenty, wages high, often labor was
25 per cent.
Turing the Mouth of Fety
rnnry on Picture Mould-
ing, ready-made frames id
all sizes, Square or Oval.
D. F. Buck
:1n interesting article on birds in
e teen' inane of The Expositor un-
ner th',holding of "The Reason Why"
hrought to my memory with melan-
choly interest a bird incident in dear
old McKillop in the days long since
passed. Like the most of the early
pioneers and settlers on virgin Mesh
farms in Huron County, nay father
had erected a long shanty 01 ids
(Continued nett week)