HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1921-02-11, Page 5.28
;fs,t, Ib. 45 tct 48c
1r bushel
Barb, D r bus lel
Pieties per cob .388.60
g�, per -ton
$boots, per ton $4000'
Potatoes, per bag $1.00
Hogs, per ask $14.76
10. 1921,
Toronto February S. -Manitoba Wheat -
No. 1 Ntorthern 8i,80%; No. 2 Marlboro.
$1.77x/4: Na 3 Northern. $,1,78%: Na 4
wheat, $1.68%; 'No. 6 wheat, $1.58x,4; No. 6
wheat. $1-$7341 deed. $1.2734: Manitoba Oats
No, 2 'U. W.. 4816,: No. $ 0. W.. 444;:
Na 1 440,6.; No. 1 ted. 41;
No. feed. 39., MndWbe barley -Ns 841„
$0 o; No. 4 0. W., 66%e; reiaotrd, $5%.;
f 65%q(s.. of the above i4 .tore at
Vert totals$.. Atpsrean Corn -411e, nd Mimi,
track, 'pronto, prompt ehtpment Ontario
Oats -No. 2 vitae, 48 W 51c. Ontario wheat
-No. 2 winter, $1.76 to $190 per car lot;
No. 2 spring. $1',86 to 81.70; No. 2 Orme
wheat. 91.60 W .$1.70 ; ;shipping points, ac-
cording to freight Pe. -No. 2, nominal,
811,50 to 31.80. Barley -80 to 86c. according
to frelghta oubMe. Buckwheat -No, 3„ 90
W 96e, nominal. Ryo-No. 8. $1.60 to 31.66.
nominal, according to freights outside.. Man-
ftoba Flour --$10.70. ,Ontario Flour -38.00,
bulk seaboard. MUlfeed-Delivered. Montreal
freight, bags included ; bran, per ton, 088-40:
shorts, per ton, 688: good feed flour, $2.50
to $2.76 per bog.
Chombere.-in Cklselhumt, January 27th,
to Mr. and darn. T. G. Chambers, u son.
CunnInghama-In (Hinton, on January Blot,
to Mr. and Mrs. Gordon W. Cunninghame,
a daughter.
Turner. -In Goderich, on January 28th, to
Mr. and Mn. P. 1.. Turner. a daughter.
Stanlake.-Ln Exeter North, on January 29th,
to Mr. and Mr.. Garfield Staalake, n son.
Moir--Green.-At the redden. of the bride's
Parents, "Frogmore Farm," Hay, on Feb.
2nd, Ira Moir, to Mies Vlette Pearl, daogh•
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Jame Green.
Morlock---Wolfe.--In Crediton, on February
let. by Rev, Mr. Haugh, Mr. Simon John
Morlock, of Grand Bend. to Minn Elizabeth
Wolfe, daughter of Mr. Chart., Wolfe, of
C rdlton.
Lovett -Harvey. -At Londeoboro, on Febru-
ary 2nd, by the Rev. Jam. Abrey, Edith
May, daughter of hie, and M'i., John
Harvey, of Londesboro, W William Calvin
Lovett, non of Mr. and Mn. C. Lovett,
Kirkconnell.--In Grey townehip. on January
2801. 1921, John Kirkconnell, aged 64 year.,
3 months and 29 days.
Linton. -In Turnberry township, on Jununry
71st. Robert Linton, aged 63 years.
Wright- do Brussels, on, January 31st. Mary
Louise, beloved wife of John Wright, need
18 years.
Luwroon.-In Goderi.h, on January 31st, Capt.
Alexander Lawson, in his 77th year.
Note. -Items under this head will be charg-
ed 50 cents per Dingle verse and 25 cents for
each additional verse.
in loving memory of hire Thorns C, clip,
who dud Deermber 3rd, 020;
You ore
e not forgotten, mother,
Nor never shall you he.
As long as life and memory lanb,
We will remember thee.
We have to m am the loss of one
We did 00* bast to save
Beloved on arth, regretted gone
Remembered 0n the grave,
Two menthe have passed, dear mother.
Sinaee you parsed away.
Howell do weremember
The ad and dreary day.
None knew bow sol the parting.
Or what the farewell coot,
But God end his fair Angelo
Have gained what we have looL
Once again we hope to meet you
When the day of life has fled;
Then in Haven hope to greet you,
Where no farewell teamra ailed
277401 Husband arid Family.
In loving memory of Minnie Campbell, who
died one year ago to-dos, February 8, 1820:
No one knows how much we misn her,
None but aching harts can tell.
Earth hes Int her, Menem has gained her,
J®un. doeth all things well.
Forget her, no, we never will,
Se time goes on, we love her still.
Father, Mother, Brother and Sisters.
Mrs. Frank Horton wishes to thank the
neighbors and many friends for the kind-
ness and sympathy shown during her recent
bereavement. Also the Oddfellowe for their
sympathy and prompt payment. 27744-1
'Specialists in Health and Accident
Policies liberal and unrestricted.
Over $1,000,000 paid in losses.
Exceptional opportunities for local
2773-50 Toronto, Ont.
.alt, corn. or moles., phone me at
once. 19-618, Clinton CentraL - BERT IR -
WIN, Secretary -Treasurer. 2774-1
Engine, 8 hoteepower. This machine b
sew. Apply to JOHN A. ECKART, R. R.
No. I., Dublin, Ont 277604
heifers in calf, one due February 20th,
and other later. Apply to FRANK COLE-
MAN, R. R. No. 8, Seaforth, or phone 19
on 614, Clinton Central, 2778-3
of Bush. Wold sell in one -acre IMS or
number of teem. The heel, is meetly hard-
wood, Apply to ARTHUR ROUTLEDGE,
R. R. No. 4 Seeforth, Phone 2-188. 2774,2
ed by by Royalist -.180083- for ale; 8
choice young bulls ranging in age from 8
month, up to 14 months; 2 young cow* with
cella. at foot Prices reasonable. Write
me, and, if poeible, come and nee me; It is
worth while. JAMES HILL, R. R. No. I,
Staffs, Ont. 2789,8
• tots. -We want 200 more men immediately
to SR positions in early erring at $128 to
8200 monthly, operating Iran treatop, driving
motor tracks end oro, selling tractors, cars
and term power machinery. or an ante tractor
reeahanfes, in city and country garages. Only
few week. required learn these tredve at day
sr evening ohms. at Hemphill Government
Chartered Motor School. {n every Inge tete
of Canada. Start now and yon will be ready
for 4py1pq rush. Send for eM.logtx.
Street West,. Toronto, Ont. RaglOa. Slake,
toms. Edmonton. 0aigary. and VST .
ingwe rushing the Season? Noth-
it! Now is the time to pre-
pare Seed for Spring. We have al-
ready on hand some No, 1 Govern-
ment Tested Clovers and Timothy,
and can fill your orders at a very
reasonable prioe. Do not delay. De-
lays are dangerous.
W. M.Stewart
Application for the poonton of Treasurer
of the Tawnehip of Stanley far the >ar
1921, will be received ty the Clerk up to
February 28th, Salary 690.
2774-2 J. E. HARNWF.I.L, Clerk.
Brown has been instructed to bell by
public auction art the Queen', Hotel, Sea-
tarth, on Saturday, February 19th. 1921. at
2.3C p.m., the farm, emulating of 100 acres,
being Lot 2. Conoewoion 2, Mullett The
fawn hen ail been seeded W grass for about
ten years. Suitable for grain or pasture
farm. Terme.--Twenty per cent. of the pur-
chaoe price on day of sale; balance within
80 dams. The farm win be rold subject to a
reserved bid. J. G. McMICHA$iL, Proprietor;
1'. Brown, Auctioneer. 2778-8
of the late Michael Waters, deceo-.e4
will offer for Bale by public eurolon on the
premio. on the first
the hour of one o'clockinthe afternoon, the
following lands. namely The Southeast
corner of Lot Number Sixteen in the First
Coneennion of the Townntdp of Hibbert, hav-
ing a street frontage of 264 feet and con-
taining One and three -fifth orr, on which -
10 situate a frame home, and at the name
time and place will he offered for sale *ll
household goods and furniture and all per -
nal property on said land., Terms- Cosh
for all personal property. For Real' Estate.
ten per cent. of purchase price at time of
.ale and balance within flfn..•en days there-
after. For full particulars and rondiU.'oa of
.,de•, apply to Frank McConnell, Dublin. or
b, Murphy & Gunn. Soheirum, London.
Dated this Thirty-tirot day of January A. D.,
11321. MURPHY & GUNN, Solloit.n, for
Rot -auto..
] George Elliott hos Lu'-, ,nntruOtd to eel
be public auction on Mardsy, February 21st,
oat lot 27, Concession 2, Stanley 'fn, n.hip.
at one o'clock p.m., the following Horses
1 brown m sing 7 ynar 1 dark gray
filly 3 years olds rising
tin,• COO. 1.e1 fre,h-
n04 3 cows due in M,,,'1,. ' due in
April, 3 laws due ,n ,lar :till milking good.
1 vow freshened October lest, doe again in
September. 9 steer.,ging 2 yea old, 2
heifers rising 2 yeah ated, 10 yearlings, 1
elf 4 months old, 1 coif weeks Old, 1 pure
bred registered Shorthorn bull 3 years old,
bred by A. and J. liroadf,vt. Seaforth. Figs
-'Three brood maws, 2 due in Murch and on
, April: 8 Digs 4 months old. Also one
tem of general purpose 6111,x, 3 and 4 years
old. will be offered for sale at same time
and place, the property ,.6 John Pepper,
Everything must be sold Without recrvc.
Terms: --Eight Months; crislitr,n approved
straighoint t notes.
cash. discount WILIAM I SINCLAIR,
Proprietor; Geo. Elliott, Auctioneer. 2774-2
Implements. Mr. (cors.- Elliott has been
instructed to pelt by public auction en Lot
43. Conees.ion 2, L.R.S.. on Wednoday,
February 23rd, at ene o'clock sharp, the
following property: Horne,. -1 brewn mare 5
years old, 1 bay mare 6 gram old, 1 hay
driving horse, quiet, 12 years old. Cattle ---
One parre bred 12 years old, Victor
1 cow d, dh Aprill1st 1 cow 3
years old, due June 20th; 1 cow 4 years old,
furrow; 1 cow 6 years old. due June 6th:
1 mow R years old, due June 6th: 1 caw 9
years old, farrow: 4 young cattle rising
gooey old; 3 yearlings ; 6 opring calves; 1
Birk now due February 0710: 1 Birk sow due
March 9th; 1 pure brd Cheater White hag
8 month old, and 75 young fowl. Imple-
entn--Mawrey-Hama Binder 6 ft, cut, near-
ly new,Deering mower f foot cut, nearly
new; Deering hay rake 10 foot, disc harrow.
Maeeey-Harris spring tooth cultivator, Maosey-
Harris 11 -hoe drill nearly new, set of 5001.
2000 tbs., 1 wagon, box and stock rack, 1 met
of harrows, 1 Bet of bob sleighs, 1 109 huggy,
1 cutter. 1 fanning mill. 1-ooated democrat,
t road wagon, 1 Fleury plow, 1 sod plow,
1 Cockahutt gang plow, 2 seta of single
harness, 1 Massey -Harris cream neporator, 1
turnip pulper, 1 grindstone, 1 sugar kettle,
1 ,cufller, 1 .wood rack, 1 Incubator, 240 egg,
and other small article too numerous W
mention. No reserve as proprietor has .old
his term. Terme-All eume of 85.00 and
under, cash ; over that amount 10 months'
ordlt on approved Joint notes. A discount
of 4 per cent per annum off for cash,
ELI CRICH, Proprietor; George Elliott,
Auctioneer 2774-2
Farm Stock and lmplsnenb, in the
matter of Albert John Fortune. authorized
ngeignor. There will be offered for sole by
public auction by Thos. Brown, auctioneer,
on Wedntnday, the 23rd day of February.
1921, at the hour of two o'clock in the af-
ternoon, on the premiere the following valu-
able Fifty Aare Farm: Being the went half
of Lot Number Five (61 in the Filet Con-
cession H.R.S., of the Towndl>ip of Tucker -
smith, in the County of Huron, containing
fifty acres of land more or lee.. There are
on the place a frame house and a frame
barn and four good wells and an orchard.
The place b convenier-t'r oituet.1 as 60
markets, schools and, churches, being en17
one and one quarter mil. from Seaforth, in
which plone there is the beat Collegiate In-
stitute in the Province. aha 8.0arate and
Public school., and. Roman Catholic, Angli-
can, Presbyterian and Methedbt ehorche ,
At the tame time and Diane time will also
be offered for sale the foae0(tig farm stock
and implements: Sleek -One Mow fear years
old supposed to be in calf; one driving mare;
one team of heavy home ; a number of hens,
etc. Impiemente,-1 binder, Massey -Harris
make; 1 cultivator, Massey -Harris make; 1
need drill, Mammy -Haub make, 1 plow, 1 set
double barns„1 set single herniae, 1 cutter,
1 set sleighs, nearly new, 1 land roller and
numerous other articles. Terms of Sale. -
10 per cent of the purcho.e money to be
paid on the day of sale and the balance
within two wed. thereafter. The farm will
be offered for ,ale subject to a mortgage
thereon drawing interest ,at the rate of
63t per cent, and subject also to a reserved
bid- The stock and implement. will be sold
for mob. For further particulars andcon-
ditions of sale apply to THE LONDON &
WESTERN TRUSTS Co.. London, Ont, au-
thorized' trustee, or t0 J. M. BEST, Seaforth,
Ont., Solicitor for onid Trustees: Thoma
BrovH1. Auctioneer. Dated at Seaforth. Ont.,
this 10th day of February, 1921. 2774-2
Al$lorioN BAion Oy PA*N NTbo$ A$I
lmoir, mrete-'r, t0, fiV: ' atw
moor. hr bass Se romml to sell
motion on 8�1,�6���Coararelon 11,
Lusa end 'a r4exa• welt of Cromarty. Oa
Tuesday, F 1616, at one o J(oo�k•
sharp, the fetlowing pregmfte, nadyz
Sane+ -Heavy Mae. 10 Mara old 1p ..i,
Perobenon ally reins 8 yearn old, 0*e, i..d
SAY rising 2 Maw odd, 2 colt., one, aaggeedd
driver, will work Maxis or double, Cattle--
One froth cow 6 Mere old, 1 heifer relax
3 yearn old duo in April, 1 cow Maine 6
Fame eld duo In Apra, 2 fat steep, 2 .teen
el•Int -d,.4e.re old, 2 heifers Molne 2 years
old. 4 calves Moine one year old, 6 young
calves. Woo 2 brood sow., ono due Apra Int,
the ether due In Jelly, Lnpleme600-Ow
Mersey-Harrh binder, 1 ¥assay-Harrb mower,
1 Noma seed arid, 1.jepring tooth cultivsWr,
1 hay rake, 1 set of harrdw., 1 single
Farmers' Mini plow nearly new, 2 walking
plow., 2 twin gang plows, 1 Matting tor. 1
land roller, 1 Norton disc, 1 muffler. 2 wagoos,
1 hay rack, 1 grovel boa. 1 open buggy. 1 pig
rack, 1 .et bob •lafpp. 1 Clinton fanning
mill, 1 bay fork and Mingle a uoanWy of
timothy hay, 1 set double breeching hams.,
one collar, Quantity of three Inch tile,
apple dryer, barred, log chain, forks, hoes.
1 ob.vel, 60 sap palls and spam, grindstone
and other articles. No reserve a* the pro-
oriolor hre sold hl. term. Teams -All mums
of $10 and under. cant; over that amount
9 months' credit will be given on approved
joint nates, or a demount of 4 pm cent per
annum off for cash. Hay road fat others
cash EDMUND TREFFRY, Proprietor; C.
W. Robison, Auctioner; F. Contex. Clerk.
- Hooaehold Effects, Etc. The
undersigned auctioneer ban been inotructd W
sell by ',utile auction on Lot 28. Concession
Hay Tewnehlp, on Thursday, February
24th. at 1,00 o'clock p.m., shore: Heroes --
1 gelding rWiog 5 years, show horse, weight
1800 115o.; 1 gelding rising 5, 1600 lb..;
1 mare rising 10, 1600 pound. ; one .Mare
rising ' nine yearn ; one pair of geldings
rising three: n ntnnadnr bred Rod McKinney
trotting ma on e rising 7, hmade a mile In
2,10. rhep.m- MalnureCattle
revs o
1 '7 yours old , colt 1 sow 8, in 00111
1 fresh mdch c ; f cow 6, in calf; 1 cow
o in calf; 1 heifer rising 8, nuppo.d to be
in calf; 1 heifer riningethree, I .Leer rising
three; 2 anq•ra rising two; 2• hailers rising
two; 2 spring only., 1 fall cliff, 3 June
salves. Implements, Etc, -' wagons, Masney-
Herrin binder. Mae.,y-fln
aswer. nide
delivery rake, 13 hoc drill. fertiliser drill,
cultivator, disk harrow, bennr-vltivator, rid-
ing plow, new steel roller, set of harrow., 2
walking pin,w , buggy, cutter, 1501 ib.. scale,
2000 Ib. schle, finning mill, hay rock, pig
rack, set of oletglm. gravel box, wagon Lox,
wagon jack. cutting box. scuttler, 85 White
Leghorn hem, 2 yet of ho,y harness, :4 net
d ningle harness, pair collars nearly n
9 pair rollam, ladder, range, sewing machine,
hod roomnulla, springs and mattress, 6 beds,
lounge. 2 extersion table., Ienf table. road
he0Ga, u
n m• Mauna, feather tick, 2 pa,r
pillows, 21 chairs,f , lumps. 3 lontern.,,
quantity of fruit, m,,lu,carpet nweepe•r, flower
stand, fork., shovels, hum, whilartreed, neek-
yok,.:,, chains. and numerous other rtieh,,.
'term. f Sale ---310 and un,1,'. cash; over
04,n 0330 10 onth.' relit will 0,r 00
a l�rni.h,ng nppru,md t iuint nate., Fou0,•0r
per cent. per annum MIT for cosh on credit
amounts. EDMOND TROYER. Proprietor;
Frank Taylor, Aumtioneer. 2774.2
Hors.. Pigs, Mr. Thomas Brown hes
1•een instructed to ro ndurt an auction vibe
oil Lot 25Conc.aoi.,ng'fuckernmith, oar
Wednesday. February 21, at I ',-look churn,
the filo, ing property, name This otter -
wax . r not,d fumil,r, y uch a 8rnre
fa ,ny'nnd Crimson Flower.,, 1,5,4 11 , 0,
(11110114,n alae Strawberry's. Shorthorn.
5 1 10.11 I fl
tt 1
to solve , h 1 Mundt.
I h
50 1. 1 th. 11. R
1 M
I, H U I I 1 t'
of s n: Lady hull,•,'Hv Std I1212411 1%
,nth. old. ,hue to solve i h,l ','t. I un„v
It' 61at I„ -.''I ne „1 du to sl
May, hied to noted Sir
bull. lei, rl,
1,711011 herd Lull: Sandy P.,,, 1:,10911
1• months old, n well heed it's'. r', x, 1•riria,
alt °lensing ,lux 0,0. Greta Heifer 018,0
;) years due in March, „w 1 y, ars edit doe
March ;ird, iu
years old r,
heifer r ing J year. due :A1.l 'lr,l, he;f,•r
clog ;11'11100, due in July, milk ing good'
old.fr. 3 fat t r two yea,
ar w
,Leer rising year. "Ids. .tea,:r risine two
years old, '- steers 1 year o!'i, t heifer 1s
months old, 4 spring calves, 1 baby livid
calf, also n chunks about Jiro lbs, at time
of ..ale. Horsey- Agricultural mare
old, fin1hed; one drivt11 y•arolds hookers
Ingle or double: one heavy draught rasing
2 years old. Alsoquantity of mixed hoe.
• On the fora, there is ti two-storey
1•riek hem, with f,,rnacerot.. .eftwater,
Inrge cellar, large bank bar,..lana,' .traw
shed with pig and chicken h.•usr underneath.
Farm will he sold subject to a risiereed bid.
Terms. All num. 06 $10 and under, rash;
over that .omtwnt d months' credit will be
given on approved joint notre, or a discount
of 4 per cent. straight w•il: be given for
ash, PAt'1. CADIEi,S, Proprietor: Thos.
Brown, Auctioneer. 2774=
Implements,• --Tim. Brown h,s leen in-
structed to sell by public motion on Let
3:1, Conces.si0n 14, :dc Kit lop, on Thursday,
February 24th, at I 0'01Oek p.m.. the follow-
ing: One agricultural home rising five, 1
agricultural mar rising 0, in fool to Shethan
Stamp. 1 filly r rising 2, aired by 'Shethnrl
Stamp, 1 driving m • rising 8, good to
work double. Cattle-
3 newly -calved cows
with calves at foot, 2. c w•s to calve 0t time
of .1e. 3 NAV, t4 calve in Starch. 1 cow to
calve. in.April. 1 c v to calve in June, I
w t0 calve in September, 1 farrow cow, 2
steers co ing 2 years old, 2 heifers coming
2 years Old, 9 heifers coming 1 Year old. 2
eteen coming 1 year old, 2 fall calves. Pigs
One now to litter nbo,t March 1st, 1 sow
2 months bred, .17 chunks of pigs, and '70
young Rock hem. Implements. -One Mc-
Cormick binder 7 foot cut, sheaf carrier and
trucks, 1 Front & Wood mower 554 foot cut,
1 Deering .feel rake 10 foot, 1 Deering culti-
vator., 1 Massey-Harrie 10 -hoe drill. 1 truck
wagon, Chatham make; 1 wagon box, 1 .tock
rack. 1 hey reek, 1 mollifier. 1 Oliver riding
plow. 1 walking plow. 1 gang plow. 1 set
of diamond. harrows, gravel box. funning mill,
root pulper, 1 crow bar, set of bob sleighs,
40 feet of hay fork rope, 1 shish scraper, 1
top buggy, 1 cutter. 1 land roller, 50 cedar
p.ta, 1 set of double harn,eo,
0feet 0of
harnmt, 1 ort 0t .Ingle tarns,
belt post hole auger, tile ecanp. 1 Masai, -
Hartle 9 -horse power gasoline engine nearly
new, 1 6>,fs inch grinder nearly new, Massey-
Harlis cutting box 12 -inch, nearly new; 1
Massey -Harris cram neparator 100 lbs, ca-
pacity. nearly new: nhout 2 boohelo of tim-
othy geed2 seta of whlffetree, 1 neekyoke,
1 22 -foot ladder, 1 Ford touring car, forks,
shovel.. chain., and other articl. too um°,
apt to mention. Terme--All 011102 of 810
and uunder, ash; over that amount 10 months
credit will be given on approved joint notes.
A discount of 4 cents on the dollar off Inc
cash. THOMAS RYAN, Proprietor; Thome
Brown. Auctioneer- 2774-2
Horn. and Pigs, the property of Reette
Bros., Varna, will he held at their farm ad-
joining the village, on Tuesday. February 16,
1921, commencing at one o'cleek p.m.: -
Shorthorns. -6 envie with calves at foot;
Verna Duchess -129262= 8 years old, with
heifer miff ; Gunhilde Gift -101864=, 7
years old, with heifer calf; Roan Queen brd
=158511---, 4 ram old, with heifer calf;
Nellie n. -154095--, 8 yearn old, with
heifer calf: Gunhllda Jewel -.154096-, 4
Years old. with heifer calf ; Varna Lae,
- -128932-- 6 year% old, with bullalf; Varna
Meld -120832 9 yore old- due March
30th; Roan Queen 2nd00164081=', 8 years
nid. due July 5th; Blaney R, 2nd =104009-,
R years old: Verna Red Rose054097=, 6
years old; Sample Carrie 3rd -154094=, 2
years old: 4 bulb; Merry Champion
_-194462_, 2 yard Old; Merry Duke.
-149217 - 18 months old; Merry Mao
_149219-- 18 months old; Merry Sort
eleven mnntho old. Grad. -Ona grade
heifer 3 ;teem old, 2 grade heifers 2 years
Id Homes -1 marc by King Thomas In
feel to R. Murdock'. horse, 1 mare by Ring
Thames, 1 filly rising 8 panto. Piga- 1 Berk
SOW to farrow In March. 2 gems and 1
gander, n number of barrelo, 1 Chatham
'embitter. The young ode.. are sired bit
--- ------ --- - ----- - I the herd Aire, Merry Meofcr -102491_, bred
by R, Mitchell & Sone, Freemen, Ont, Merry
NOTICE { ma..er7-10n49g a was get by Right Bort)
Notice b hereby given that the Annual
General Meeting of the Robert Bell Engine
& Thresher 00., Ltd., will be held at the
Company'. OMee, at Seaforth, on Wednesday.
the 16th day of Fehrnary, 1921, at two
o'clock, 10 the .ttern�poo.n�. ,
By eider of- 30214 PxwLAYSON.
2778-6 Beezet.fy,
- 06 - of h Red Rosewood (100641 .
At Mitchell'* ,ale, Right Sort sold for 38,8
1 Merry Master Is n holfbrother to the Orand
Champion ball et Toronto Exhibition. 1919.
Terme.--All amen of 110 and and r, c wh;
over elleamount eight months' credit
he allowed on bankable paper. A dboont
of 4 per cent will be allowed for arab:
BEATTY BROS., Peeprietoo; Capt T. E.
Robson and George Elliott. Auctioneer.
1 2778-2
tdSk t+l, yb¢J
dip41.!o o4 • 4c,•
4 s, r. VOSS 44avox
4,?Dlaretor sad
o ; lmbalme, - 0 ra $4x18D.
O • UBMieR�iiAWi Parlorlr !�1 4'
0 Beattie riltas opposite Tis O acre of t $p 3dtrI
EXPolltol` OIlee, Residence O , hie terms for Quiets mak rlA y on. ylr4m
O (ioderloh $t., opposite O I �o w1LLtAM Solaeim. eget or d. W,
0 Scott's,• RUBINBAN, Atrction,>.t, 'eaetar. S77µ
O .Flowers furnished on short 0
O notice. O
O Phone ,Night or Day 119 0
0000"00000 0000
never fa��y�p�
LT: Wen. wad and
0000 000000000
0 w.T.EOX&co.
Embalmer and O
O Funeral Dfrectors O
0 Holder of Government 0
0 Diploma and License 0
O Chargee moderate O
O Flowers furnished on short 0
o notice. 0
O Night Calls Day Calla 0
0 Phone 176 Phone 43 O
000b00000 0000
0000 000000000
O Embalmer and Funeral 0
O Director O
O Undertaking Parlors Above 0
0 M. Williams' Grocery Store, 0
O Main Street, Seaforth- O
0 Flowers furnished on short 0
O notice. 0
O Charges Moderate O
0 Phone -Night or Day -192 -0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Hensall Seed Show
The South liuron Agricultural Society will
1-01,1 their Annual Seed Show In the
The ("flowing Pries w,'I be awarded on
the Leet eempbn of seed exhibited in accord-
with the rules gover,ng Seed Fairs'--
2hon, Spring Wheat. any ,v• 11.50 $1.00 75c
2 bushels No. 72 Outs...2.60 7.50 1.25
2 bun. Waite Oats, any Athr
variety ......... 2.50 1.50 1.25
heBurley, 6 -rowed... 2.50 1,50 1 25
hue. of F'leld P.a ears.,.. " 1,00 750
1 hie,. Field $Vann... 50 100 75.
1 l,ushel ,d 'Timothy Seed '.0 1.00 '750
I bushel of Iced Clover S..•' 5q 1.011 75e
Conceseio0 2. Mullett, 10 acros01
Wood bush; 60 res almost new Val-
ance hes been grimed and - top-draaed for
20 yearn- All gond land, well drained, per-,
featly olein.. Every Ferro. ar.blo. In Stet
claw state for cultivators. within half a
miles of the maeadamtrod road*, this mile
from town. 800 rode of extra gond feta -
Mg. Barn 43874, with steel roof and a
steel oldies, also rodded. Stable room for
40 head of stook, cement floors and water-
works, up-to-date fol conveniences; ; Ont class
garage and a buggy hoe. Good water and
good a frame house with up -iodate con-
venience.. For further partieulon apply 60
CHARLES PEACOCK, R. R. No. 4, Clinton,.
or apply on 0rewls. . 2744x4-61
Conceonlon 6, in the Township ..f Tucker -
smith. 8 miles from Seaforth, 6 Mite from
Bruce0eld and Myren, convenient W aehogl
and ehunfb ; 95 acre cleared, remainder f4
maple bush. On this farm ate excellent bund -
Inge and are le first -clam emir; hard and
soft water in the home and In stables; 2
wells, 1 having n windmllL This firm is
thoroughly under drained end fenced and
In a high state of cultivation, never having
been heavily cropped Thin Is in every way
a first clean and up-to-date farm. Also Lot
22 Concession 12, in the Towmhb of H16 -
beet, contnining 100 acres; 80 acres cleared
end thoroughly uoderdralned and fenced, the
remainder 4 in dratclam ample bush. Oa
the premise. Is a comfortable frame home
and good barn 48.56 with stone stabling;
ulno good well with windmill. This farm b
all seeded to grin. and 1a in excellent condi-
Con, having been cropped very little; situ -
Med within 6 miles of Hemall, quarter of
mile from school, There ie long dietanee
telephoneoedtlon n both forme, also
rural malludelivery. Thee farms will be
sold together or separately to salt purchaser
and on rasonable terms. For further par-
ticulors apply to the proprietor, on Lot 16.
Conanelon 6,' Tuokenmlth, or Seaforth P. 0..
It R No. 4, or phone 14 nn 101, Seaforth„
911051A19 G. SHXLINGLAW, Proprietor.
!n the Surrogate Cosset of the County of
Ifuron. In the Matter pf the Perste of
E:,thrr Moo., late of the Village of Hen-
nell. In the County of Huron, detester,
NOTICE is hereby given pursuant W the
Statute .n that behalf that all persona hav-
o,g rl tear agaimt the E.,tate of the .aid
Esther Moore, who died on or about the 111th
Oily of December A. D., 1920. are required to
end by post prepaid or deli,er to Gladmau
& Stonbury, Solicitors for the Administrator,
or or before the fourteenth day of February,
A ft. 1921 the,- and nd de•-
Mr,ptions i s U•nmet,.
,.., - of t0,,r '11110,0
MALI the natio( • of 13.,emr,ty or any) held
I, them , 'tiff,' sod tr.06 after the
`u:d day ane Administrator will proceed to
„tribute the 0.00t -s of the deceased among
03,e parties, entitled thereto, heroine regard
eel,. to the claims of which they shall then
1 l.,,.hel of /ignite Sed, 50 100 75c DATED this twenty.,ixlh ,lay of Januar).
h,shel of Alsilee Seed. 50 1.00 7501 v. D, that.
I 1.8.. Potatoes, a art .'e 1.00 nye y,
hoe. Pantofor gen. u 50 1.00 710 t, LADMAN & STANRU RY,
f Onions, Dutch Sete
00 n t{email and Exeter.
I t creditable showing f
3,,-,,,, and Seeds Sueustnke Ilaele - 2772-3 Solicitors for the Administrator.
.ell .eels entered for ,"n, pet,ti00 must
,. I,, -,•n >.ruwn by the 0,1, 1,,t.., within our
sr °n• -icing to the exhil,3,. rei .111 exhibits
1,011 be held to he 0,q'reyenmti40 of
the 3,,101 quantity of s et:,.,1 off^n-I for
•,I. by exhibitor. The S,. .�t:,ry of the Se -
.,00. may totse and pre,-,,. oomph-, from
,...h,bit for referceo in case
,.f 'Il.put
,n, from the sale of :•-.I by exhibitor.
Comae titom must 6.'..11e membeni of
the N,eirty by paying to t -'Treasurer there-
, either previous 0,, o:- at the time of
matting entries, the .euro pi $1.00 each. which
ill also entitle such mrmi,rr to free entry
3.- NO Premiums aha„ be awarded on ex.
hi6its that contain weed sed, which, in the
opinion of the judge, e, of a n0xi0un nature.
4. - No exhibitor shall receive more than
e m any class.
7, .All a mph. must be correctly labelled
with the name of the variety, the amount
of seed for ale and the aelling price. Grain
rot !eros than 25 bushels for sale, except
Spring Wheat, 10 buoheb: Aleike, Timothy
and Clover, not Ins than 8 bushel.; Alfalfa
3 huhels, Early Potables, not lees than 6
bushels ; Late Potatoes, not lee than 26
bushels; Onions, not ler„ than 1 bushel.
6. -In case of dispute, a statutory declara-
tion that the above rube have been ,complied
with, may be required from each 0r any
exhibitor of seed.
7. All cxhlbtta fur competition. for prima
must he delivered at the Town Hall. Hensall,
t later than 12 o'clock noon, and aha10 not
be removed until the Asea of the Fair at
4 P.M.
dOALF.D 'TENDERS, addrmo..1 •o the Post -
11�ster (lemma!,
oe1Neral, will be rece„edt Ottawa
t11 n Friday, the 4th Murch. 1921,
f„i the, ,v eyxnce 01,, Majesty's Mails. on
n proposed Contract for four year, six timet
per ww'k, over
r Seoforth No. 1 Rural Mail
16000,'. fromthe Postmaster Ceneral'n
Printed notice containing further informa-
tion nn. to conditions of proposed Contract
may he Sven and blank fordo of Tender
may be attained lot the Post Offices of Sea -
forth, Egrnondville, St. Colum),an, Clinton.
and at the office of the Peet Office Inspector.
Pest Office Inspector.
Post Office Inspeemro Office.
London, Ont., 21st January, 1921. 2772-2
The Annual Spring show of Stallions,
Bulla, Cattle and Borax,, Hors. will be
held at Hensall on Tu:oday, April 5th, 1921.
Particulars later.
President 2744-3 Secretary.
Re Michael Waters
NOTICE I0 hereby given pursuant W "The
Trustee Act" the at all persona having Jaime
rint the etatb of Michael Waters, late
the City o1 London. Gentleman. formerly
of the Village of Dublin. who died on the
fifth day of December, 1920, are required 00
Drove and ale them with Murphy & Gunn,
Rank of 'Mont. Chambers. London, on .r
before the Fifteenth day of March, 1921.
after which date the Euecutore will not be
liable for any claim not then Sled.
27724 Solicitors for Mbeeatare.
usiness for
General Store, Stock and Fix-
tures nest be sold at once, as
the Proprietor has purchased
property elsewhere. A good
chance for a quick sale. Apply
Kippen - Ontario
Just Arrived
Get our prices
and leave your order
Car Manitoba hard wheat flour
Car Ontario wheat shorts
Car American kiln dried corn
A quantity of Alsike, Red Clover
and Timothy
Wm. Stapleton
Phone 31 - DUBLIN
. fit` fag,, >k
11 ar. 4 jx'13,14a,124
A. bank . apeQunt
in character'buflding'
' confidence, independence
increases effort and parse dine way;#
Open an account to -
prepared. , -
PAID-UP CAPITAL . $16.0014
SEAFQRTH BRANCH, J,G. Mullen, Manage*,
Notice to the Public
On account of the Manufacturers and Wholesalers carry-
ing on their respective business practically on a Cash bailie, we,
the undersigned business men of Dublin, Brodbagen and Bt.
Columban, are compelled to adopt a cash system, which wM go
into effect on March lst, 19E1, and we must request that all Mit.
standing accounts be settled or. or before this date. E. J. Murphy,
P. Dill, M. J. Klinkhammer, James Krauskopf, D. McConnell,
William Stapleton, John Evans, W. Hills & Co., H. Nelmes, J.
I.. Benneweis, Quercngesser and Diegel. Hillebricht and Rock,
John J. Holland. WHAM
Just arrived, a full line of Sample Suitings in
Scotch and Irish Tweeds, English Worsteds and
Serges. Give us a call and look over our Samples
before placing your order. Our prict-'i. run from
$24.00, up.
Popular Prices are Coming.
tt My Wardrobe "
February 5th to 15th
Ton Days Onl,
In order to slake room for spring stock arriving. ere are going
to offer some of the Greatest Bargains ever seen ,n Shiga. This
i3 no fake, but a real Money -Saving Sale.
All Prints worth up to 40s yard, to clear 25e
Flannelette worth up to 60c a yard, to clear 35c
Shirting, worth up to 60c yard, to clear 40e
Grey Flannel, worth up to 85c yard, to clear 60c
Circular Pillow Cottons, worth up to 90c yard, of ,'lea- 75c
Sheeting, worth up to $1.00 yard, to clear 30c
Black and Blue Dinnons, 908 yard, to clear 75e
Men's Socks, $1.00, to clear 60e
Fleece Lined Underwear, $1.50, to clear 90e
White Lawn, 35c yard, to clear 20e
All Ladies' Underwear, ONE-THIRD off Regular PrieeA.
Men's Overalls, 54.00, to clear $2,90
Men's Overalls, $3.00, to cleari19p
Men's Fine Shoes, worth 59.00, to clear at
Men's Heavy Work Shoes, worth 57.00, to clear at
Men's One -buckle Overshoes, worth 52.50, to clear at
Men's Two -buckle Overshoes, worth $3.25, to clear at
Men's Three -buckle Overshoes, worth 54.00, to clear at
Men's Gum Rubbers, worth $3.75, to clear at
Men's Gum Rubbers, five holes, worth $4.50, to
A Quantity of Gum Rubbers to clear at
Boys' Gum Rubbers, worth $3.00, to clear at..
Rice, 3 (sounds for
Tapioca, 3 pounds for
Currants, per pound
Grand Mogul Tea, worth 75c a pound, for
Master Mason •Pnbacco, 20c per plug, 2 for
20 pound Pails lard at 25c pound for
Redpath Sugar, per 100 pounds
(Now is the time W lay is your supply.)
White Sent Flour, always on hand, per 100 1P96. $6.90
Re on Hand for the Opening.
clear at 53.00
6TAFFA e - - - - ONTARIO