HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1921-01-21, Page 8'Annual Clearing Sale One week only January 17 to 22 20 to 50 p. c. off Underwear, Sweater -, Flan- nelette, Sergt•s, Print::, Ging- ham, Shirtings, Mitts, Shite'-. I{t.bbcl's, and Caps. Terms strictly ca.2h, No goods on approNal. NO goods Returned. E. A. McAsh & Son THE HURON EXPOSITOR $8 to $1'2 PER D:1] Auto tractor mechanics. .ulror•autig. 43 to 712 per .toy. 14.2 wash..) 311 2111 prment de- mand sutomobll.echamu., ,ng. tractor O ` uperating, tire ulcanizing.d-,v`y-aoetyleu. welding. idioms,.. Iwtt.-ry el,•r tnral urh' Practical training. 0O!1 t o•w ueekw t2 w free a die ,11,1 sash, , ri-Loo.. free ,nlogu,• � Nag wnr,�. :e,..r emplgy- ertt. "11111111111.1. Al It/ and - , ti-ts 't'1IAt' •1'014 SI 112,01.. 162 k•„g 0 w.o. 'lorunt.,: 176'1-. CREAM WAITED We have our Creamery now in full operation, arta we want your patrun- age. We are prepared to pay you the highest prices for your cream, pay you every two weeks, weigh, sample and test ,arh can of cream carefully and give you statement of the same. We also supply cans free of charge, and give you an honest hus'ness deal. Call in and see us or drup a card for particulars. THE SE AFO RT IL ,CREAMEEY Seaforth - - - - Ontario 'WESTERN ONTARIO'S BEST COM MERU!Al. SCHOOL. Stratford, Ontario Our winter term commer.ees 'Tuesday, Jan. 4th, and students may register in our Commer- cial. Shorthand or Telegraphy Departments at any tan.•. Our courses are thorough :11:..1 prac- tical, and we assist graduates to positions. Get our free catalogue. Ll. A. McLA('HLAN Principal. IDST 1('1' MAI-rt.:Rs tither. 1nstulled. At,. at recent recent meeting of F'td,lity'Lodge, No, 05, Seaforth, the following ot11)2- s were oust:died by District Deputy Clark, of 1L -,+all: P. G., lin,. A. McGavtn; N. 4i., S. -Decal; V. G., T. Fletcher-, wards!), J. 13. 'Thompson; , )Liar ter,, 11. Reid; R. S , N G., 1). FBurk; 1.. S. V. G. F. Lee; It. S. \ c, J 11,• I .0 2.2); 11 S. Y. C., ll. Spear; h. S. S, J. Waltnsley; L. S. h , J. Modeland• 1. (I., 1'. Dalt;; II. G., It. Smith; chaplain, J. Seattle; It. S., l Aberhart; treasurer, J. Thompson; } S W Golding. After the Installlt- 21..,:I, lunch was served and a very pleasatat social evening was spent by the members. Eg mondv'ille Note.. Mss l anaill❑ Prendergast. wily has Leen Mile the past couple of month-, leases fur Chicago on 'Tuesday r.trl. M r. S Hortun, of Calgary, who clam east t„ attend his mother's funeral, the late Frank Hortun, and who Lax been calling on friends In tht village here. leaves for hum,• next week. -5Lu'h sympathy is f.•It for Mr.. (Rev.) 51t. - Lean, owing to the death of her mother, the late 51rs 'Thompson, whose funeral took plait n) Thorn- ton (till on Wednesday afternoon last. Rev. and Mrs. 51.Lcan and 51,s. Marion accompanied the remains to their former Mime, Thornton Hill. - 5102. Lindsay Byte, „f Saskatche'w'an, I. rlsrtlng 111 :\ Ir. Gturgr dulls'-'l'h.- young ),eup!e .•r the Epwnrih League of the 51e411,•.Ilst church v,.s,t••d the young pcup!r ao,'u•ty •.f our church ao till Nlouday evening last. The League pal •.n the p ','slums f.•:' 2); ,r,),nag at..1 our young people en t•rt:rico I l4em to a.1an,ty 1111101,. \!. -1,, hal , tel y pin.,�' 1.1 Iirr 111:1 vlll.agr wl!I •i. It,,), itt.t apill•al.a,tka• .,1' , c, or¢ t .ly at, it'attlII ari. L !!...11! t.t 1 up Lilt' hu, I. 52 11 r, .a Va,t.t1 I.:Ino) r.t t •.. Lal. ice:' os:I neer-say. JAMES WATSON GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT REAL ESTATE AND LOAN AGENT DEALER IN SEWING MACHINES. Fear good houses for sale, conveniently situated in the Town of Saaforth. Terms reasonable and possession given promptly. Apply at my Office for particulars A 1r Jeweler a n d Optician. - Issuer Marriage Licenses SEAFORTH - ONT. home of Mrs, James McKa)F in Eg- nrundville an Friday afternoon at which a substantial sum was raised for the Chinese Fanzine hand. --The 63rd unnicer'sury of St. Thomas' church will be observed on Solidity, January 30th. when Rev. Capt. S F: MoKegncy, 91.('., will be the preacher fur the day. Word Was received here this week that Mrs. E. C. Moor,., of Arua1111• Sask., and daughter of Mr. 1 E. Hays of town, had been a aUe- ccs,ful cooleel:vrt in a guessing con- test given by the J P, Cairns store iu Saskatoon. winning a cash prize ut $200. Many friends here will con- gr'atulate her on her good fortune. --- Mrs. T. McQuaid. wile has been spend - ng Sante months with her daughter, Mrs. (1)r.) Mulligan, in Grund Forks, North Dakota, has returntd Lu her horse on (u:1,-rirh street. --The annual meeting of First Presbyterian Sunday school was held on Wednesday even- ing last at the home of the superin- tendent, Mr. James Cowan, the teachers and offitters being present. 'rhe reports showed the past year to have been a most successful one. There are now Diu on 1 the roll and the year's contributions amounted to $099 (18.. dtev. Father Goetz has re- turned from a trip to the Western States. Mr W. Chapman has retard- ed to Hamilton after a visit with his parents here. Mr. ,lames Watson, t who was confined te, his residence for a few days, is able to be out again. Seaforth \ g neult ural Snciet) The 221,':21121 Pecitieg of the Seat Agrioul, .,lr:a' ,.') 2 - in -Id the 2'arnegl, I.'i.r r r Hail on \Ve.2, afternau: :,i„i w:,. fiul:c wra at., lel ed. The financial statement .11.15,4) that the past year ha,) Leel: a s110),•s.- iul ane lull ,I;,1; L. ..! i„n)y 2.x l,w.di. furl•• on l6r \,..'I..: .'• I`-..-.,�, I, llir '. ire•. still remains „ 0o11.10, 0)1:e halnnce 111 the t rt•na•I1 I. 11 i- the missiles .,f the Sur:,'', :.. ho: :I spring fair .,n F1'iday, :1i'. .1 1st, and the annum: !'all f,r:1 ),11 Lill. firs; T'nusday ,:,d Friday Lor lo;. Fair. It ,- also the intontir.n of the Sestet}' :his year to ether "The Combined St:211.1 Mg Field and 'Threshed Grain (',int - petition.” I; Tito onipetition seven liberal prizes, the first of which will be $75, will he awarded on the basis o{ the ronlLlued snare ,.n the crop in the Held and the threshed grain. All competitors are required IL/ j,.w the same kind of grain and the same variety. That 15 to slay, if a Society decided :0 enter in ioits, it will de- cide what 7121022 y .,f' .ants lis will select fur ties c'lnlpetitiotl and coiripetiCur must sew the saute variety, all of which must be registered seed, or if this registered variety_ is 7201 available, the seed must be that zip. ['roved of by the Provincial Seed Committee, Tao' standing crop will be judged first and then the threshed grain will be judged in the bins or sacks of the compctiters. the machined score ileterioining the final :award. This is a new c„nt ln'tition that prom- ises to arouse a good deal of interest in the district. The fallowing officers were elected: Pres., George 51r1.,•e; 1st Vire, T. Livingstone; 2nd Vire, R. Dor•rauce; Treasurer, R. M. .lodes; Secretary, 5f, BrodeS'irk•; auditors, A. Scutt, ('. Stewart; I)irectul's. Seaforth Thr. itarburn, G. D. Hare, F. bowler. W. R. Smillie; McKillop, John Eckart, .Ionics Carlin, F. McKernLer; Hullett. W. Rinn, 1\'. Nissen; Tuckersmith, las. (larnonhan, sir., (;. McCartney, James }lay. . -_---- NOTICE I am now handling my mna,c busi- ness direct from my home, Lot 23, Concession 1, H.R.S._ Tuckersmith, which means a saving of considerable expense to me, and also means I can sell goods at prices equal to any music house in Canada, quality con- sidered. I am sole agent for the BEi,L PIANO in this territory, and as they are endorsed by the best artists in the world for the last 50 years prospec- tive buyers can be proud to snow that they make no mistake in the purchase of a Bell Art Piano. The war tax is now off all our goods and prices are normal again. So don't let the winter slip without making yourself an owner of one of a and a Piano. The our Ph enols, y make the family ties greater and life worilb living. Thanking my friends and customers for their support dtfring 1920, and with best wishes to all for 1921, I am Yours trio„, J, E. BUGILL Mkt 216- BOB 229 1.4,0,21 Briefs. --51 r. Aet),u2' Br.1ad foot. tchn spent the holidays at the Lazne of his mot ne•r, \1 rs..1. 11. Broad - fool left on Friday last for Seattle. Miss Guerra Brown is visiting at :he h..nn• of her sister in Toronto. Mr. G. A. Sifts w'as in Taranto on Thursday. --,Mr. alai Mrs. Coates, of London. were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. Amens this week. -Mrs. .1. A. Stewart anal Miss Stewart Aere visiting friends in Stratford this '.reek. -Special services will he heli it, the Salvation Army CB t1,1(.1 011 Staidly, 1a0uary 2:11. conducted by Capt. Allard and Lieut. Rlatford, of (Tinton. ' - Miss Edith Siegel, of Mil -hell, is n guestat the horn,. of :1,1r. and Mrs. S. Deem. -.Miss Mar- garet Carroll haves on Friday for Ternntn. Nils Ray Carpenter, of Niagara Falls, is spending the week at the hoose of his uncle, Mr. G. A. Sills. --Miss Lillie Thornton, of Pres- ton, is the guest of Miss Marion Per- terfield... Miss Ruby Saddler, of Staffs spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Chamberlain. -Miss Mae Mc('linchey, of Wellesley Hospital, Toronto, is upending a couple of weeks at her home, North Main st.- Mr. George Bethune is in Toronto this week --The young ladies of St. .Tames' parish intend holding a dance in the parish hall on Friday evening at which the G. W. V. A. Orchestra will supply the music. -Mr. R. J. Wegg is now occupying the music store in the Williams Block, recently vacated by Mr. .T. E. Hugill. -. The offertory in St. Thomas' church on Sunray last for the Chinese Famine Fund amounted to $84.15. --Dr. F. .1. Burrows has returned from London and we are pleased to learn that he hos entirely recovered from his eye trouble. -Mr. James Devereux has purchased the residence of the late Alexander Davidson. and will occupy it in the spring. -The many friends of Mr. L. G. VanEgntond will regret to learn that he has been confined to his residence for the past two weeks with a serious attack of neuritis. -- Mrs. F. H• Larkin, Mrs. J. C. Greig, Mrs. L. T. DeLacey and Miss H. i. Graham were in Clinton on Tuesday afternoon attending the amwal busi- ness meetintr, el the Huron Presby- ter1a .-A mission tea was held at the For Hale..-1)„rh on, calf. 02,. weeks ul,) cheap for n quirk vale I.. tl. va.Egtnund. Scaferu, Ont. 101,1 Corn. W..u 1r ul.,wng r I,,L f n f.-. stays a cel our ,ou.n qua jhe cairn P. E. Ketnluko 1•1...m. No a, 2771-1 , lh'ospect Cemetery. { TL(,K 12KSMl hti Wanted. 111.111.1. u,d hurt,, Il,au.i' Notes.- N1 ISS Norma Wilson is too Death of Mrs. ll - etut.-We learned ,.n, two .,tall,. «212 1, 111•111.1,1411,1 111•111.1,141111•111.1,111•111.1,1411,1haul for the past two 0 12.2ne N,, t 017. Clint,., t:,nt)al n,. 111 20 attend p with regret of the death f Mrs. John For sale. :t ,•...,.I ,,,,a h,•oter. «halt a no,. weeks. She in a student of Seaforth I2etut, of Comber, the family furiner- L,n,., ,.a ., Illy 1.r e, 2)1. Collegiate. Thr many friends of 513', 1 lv' residing on the farm now occupied ., .t :,t t her In,uu,. ..f ..-d: pleased v• . the u•e•'r 's1, h t us Stewart lTuckersmith. She t n LT. 'Taylor, 'fuck and Mrs. Alex. St b' r\t s. cal My 5 - have them m their widst again. a woman Lebo was always ready to mot" ell 11 M":t • a.'< THE HURON EXPOSITOR Boxed Note Paper GOOD QUALITY of LINEN FINISHED NOTF: PAPER, 1n boxes containing 1 Quire of Paper and 1 Package of Envelopes. Your choice at 35 Cents per Box. Thompson's BOOKSTORE - - SEA FORTH A Bargain ii l 't ll, 11teN tf ` + r.''u and church entertainment on Monday evening, January 24th. -On Sunday, January 23rd, ae"r'ial services will be conducted both n, rning and evening by the Rev: George E. Morley, B.A., of Toronto- Mr. Morley is an elocu- tionist of the fleet merit and will delight his audience. The Aromas Trio will give some musical aclec- tiuua.--Mr. and Mrs. Fisher and family are wending a week in Lon- don, visiting the latter's brother. DUBLIN Notes. --Mrs. William Jordan has been re-elected president of the Altar Society, and Miss B. Doyle secretary - treasurer for the fourth year in suc- cession. -Mrs. P. F. Senn is spending a month with her mother, Mrs. W. P. Evans. -Mr. Harry Ryan, of Lucas) left for home on Friday last. He spent a pleasant fortnight with his Two Columbia Gra- sister, Mrs. L. J. Looby. -Arrange - mems are under way to have a good concert in the Opera Hall at an early bre size, date. There are a number in our fonolas, to to clear at barga BEATTIE midst who would enjoy hearing good a great singers or speakers.-- Miss Mary Murray left on Monday morning to In. Lake charge of a school at Church BROS Hill, Ont. -Mr. John Keyes, Jr., was the guest of his aunt, Mrs. Joseph Nagle, over Sunday. ---Mr. and Mrs. Juhn Flannigan, of Calgary, Alta., "The Fair.” are visiting their many relatives in Phone 129. this locality.-Mrs.William Byrne, of Logan, entertained at a large dancing party on Monday night. -Sunday night's storm put the electric lights uut of business at 11 p.m. on Sunday night, Winnipeg, also survive. 'the funeral took place on Friday at 2 p.m. from his tato home, 21 Pauline avenue, to Muff round. - I•,.:,,..I at (1,, ,' t 02,:,r -. ..•„1..x211, . Ir..,,., cur. 11,0,, o 'They have lived In the \Vest fur the o.D ..una , 1.1,1,50 at 'Il,.- Ex past yy\l ar. es. cl SlsKellar is dile to be nut :,1'1111, after her severe In ness, Hoc I'+nnd Linn glad to ser •I I , , rat ell 11,t1,1 M„� L, r rerottvoq• ., well The I,lulo•s' 1j2 1.1 t Ln..• 51rs Dimadd „. n, r..1'.1,•d.. ,,,, A, :1111 uu•t 2)1 ,• +.' -• I,'.. 15l,'Kelltu' , u• Sit urd:r: ,afteriteou to •,• isinclude pian.,far LC. Loa 1Ll•e11)14 n ., , n., 1 :.. .ILLI . n, ,..,. , 1. 111,r 1:•;,I Klein 776' If .tu tutnuI,)I, i'ainled. we l,„1`I •: a',' pau1l -r-..e 1.. 1,3 0.I1.• wild: 1, 1,•.2)•,. n-1 It. Itlat111111, dna.:. :11141 . pier L.1. '.... on•'. )ul oaks I..,o , I,.. • alas,. a 05`.,.1 .,II iia ,. u..,n` ,n.ly 1..: rt“, h.'�. lout ` It & has,. I,..., .n I.L.L., .. ud •.III. i, 27(12-II e,i1li `.I. .. .I nd1..1 u. 1 -I 01 - , I ,e, 1, Lh 015..)1 , n II:.I 2'oh.f ,,.n„w,.IA121.11 21 I. .1:2).2., 2770-2 70.1 Auto Pointing. .• Ito 0. hal • • r pn ,. rnl l put . r,hapo o• .p, muco 1 )'o,.12,,1 r., , :Ie - ,at,LL ,.d rill o, , 11, .'I,.' oil, �at•r cc , r,aprice,h' prie, !V ...xhel. .., rt Iwll rage, 2767-,f •rl„• Nato'nal r)psrn (7..monnl' ,. . m,np • L. loafurth craw), dao ,n' ::1* 11)71. un ,Ire 11,11 ra11,11 0 ,',,•,) 'I Iu v, ods. h, r. Lail lig „t.> bi i. 114) idoers.o (11 1,n„..•r• on- ..-same. and will 1.. th.• own, a- .,-n .o Mono., flail, Turionin ('ONSTAN('E Notes. Mrs. (;,'urge Dale spent a few day last week with Clinton friends. -The 1'. O. F. held an "at home” on Thursday evening last, when a large crowd gathered to enjoy themselves. ---A1C. James Mann held an auction sale on Monday of this week of farm stock and implements, as he has rented his farm to Mr. Joseph Riley for a term of years. --- Mr. Sehoales, Jr., of Algoma, is visit- ing relatives and friends here --Mrs. R. 11. Rogerson, who has been visit- ing in Clinton, has returned hone. -- Mr. and Mrs. James Medd are the happy possessors of a baby daughter. -Miss Mary Flynn will entertain the Jolly Sixteen ('lug this (Friday) even- ing. W:V.TON N..tes. --Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Mc- donald are here front the West visit- ing the latter's mother, Mrs. .Tames M,J)unalel, north gravel road. -Mr. George McCall had a bee drawing gravel ont' day last weekand a dance the same evening. Needless lo say, everybody had a very enjoyable time. Miss 1.yla McLeod has returned to Toronto. --Sir. and Mrs, W. Anderson entertained 'a few friends one even- ing last week. --Mr. Colin McNeil was visiting his brother John, at Ethel.- 'rhis community was shocked to hear of the very sudden death of Mr. Aaron Holley, which took plane on Tuesday of last week. Sympathy is extended le the bereaved ones. -The young mon gave '1 dance in the A. O. U. W. Hall on Wednesday evening of last week. --The Red ('rosy have still a quantity of light grey Scotch finger- ing yarn nn htnt(1 which they intend to sell off at $1.20 a pound. The yarn is first, quality and is a rargain at this price. ---Mr. Wm. Berry left for his home in the West after visiting his parents for a few weeks. CROMARTS Old Resident Dies In Toronto. -Mr James Hislop, for twenty years a well known and respected resident of Toronto, died at Grace Hospital Wed- nesday morning of last week. Mr. Hislop was bora at Itodgerville, Ont., about 72 years ago. For many years he was •t resident of Cromarty, Ont.. who he taught school, and later kept a grocery store and post office. He moved to Toronto about 1900, and up to 12 years ago conducted a dry goods business at the corner of Wel- lesley and Beecker Streets. Since retiring from this business he had been city agent for the London As- surance Cnrporat.ion. In religion Mr. Hislop Was a Presbyterian. He WAS Tong n member of Robert Burns (',amp No. 1 of the Sons of Scotland. His ennsistent Christianity and deep sympathies created a large circle of friends, to whom his death will be the cause of much regret. He is (survived by his wife and seven chil- dren: Thomas W., of Pittsburg las.m R., Mrs. C. E. Bousu, Mrs. S. Ajitzel Mrs. H. Creswell, Mrs, W. Carter and Miss Victoria, all of Toronto. A bro- ther, Dr. Robert Hislop, of Detroit, and a sister, Mrs. J. Dickson, of 11O 1T El E('TRI('ALLY fiuul7HD The heated labor ..f 1 he old fash- loner iron disnp- ▪ pe:u's. When you get a Hot • i'uint you gel rgs the best --naw sells fur $8.00. To rrtt'etthe wishes of our customers, we will from 110w' 011 • rent our ATEA VAl'UUM C'LEANER at $1.25 for the one-half day. BOOK AHEAD. tNaw -arc, 72EID BROS. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES Fr SERVICE TDHON , 1121 SEAFORTH. ONT iiNIMMENEMMENNMEI PRINCESS NOW PLAYING ROBERT WARWICK in THE CITY or MASKS -A Paramount-Artcraft Picture - Where lives are veiled and lovers oft are strangers! -that's New York. The city of unknown faces -hurry- ing past. -lost. Where your next doom' neighbor may be a genius, a prince or a gunman -bot always a mystery. Picturized from the fascinating novel by George Barr McCutcheon, MON., TUES., & WED. ViOLA DANA in BLACK M AIL! A Romance of silk -stockinged crook - dont. A Metro Classic PRINCESS eS Ira do a kindness to anyone. tihc wa.s 111 lar au111e• time lull wax 12)21011 L, N'nnl,or Ho'pilal ))I eIT h ural I w1111 an •'pvr,Ai d A few ilaY, I• t, 1w;ud, pneunloma set nr 12101 I' .1rs0d p, act•full) ,way to the 0'12)al 2.” 'I 511, 1012PS a ''2)''w nig Land no0 1 1.11,1•11 „1' 2) 2:,111y gr t o up, Six •,vi.' oil 7. ,Lul10it ,, '1 \\ "see and 111 '1' "1' Ick, i u.ilh• \11+ 1 t Looe, t 2 ..n.b,; r, and Slr., Il.dno s, of 1\e-1, lied one .Lwgt.'s 511 -is Italy. 1,1!l•.ln,- Um ,d,. N,I!r ni of 5, a 2 ; Stanley Detol, Itrucelie!d. and four .ons a ('o:ol,rr, all of wh,nn attended the fu11rra! Ii,'v. \Ir.. 1411'„,•r of ('umber, 1'onuel'1y of Sea- leitis had charge of the funeral set. )ice. 'The sympathy of many old !Ilrn,lo herr in e x t,'nd,•d to rile 1•c I ,'; ,.l husband :and children. Node- Jame, Gemmel!, wife and art' t lanai( t Intl Ives at (Iran,! Rapids, Mich. Miss Mary P,roadf.,ut has retuned from a Uta 11x11 With hta"-i,trr, ND's. 1\'a!k•.•r, ..f Nlirhigau,. MON., TUES. & WEB. Margaret Hill, who used to sing in a notorious Barbary Coast dive, became the foremost prima donna of F,ur0pe. The story of her s•.rdid past, her wondrous career and the love that lifted her to sublime heights is told in a picture that teems with action Samuel Goldwyn and Rex Reach present (TUT OF THE STORM Adapted from the Famous Novel THE TOWER OF IVORY by GERTRi Ii)E ATHERTON directed by William Parke. SOLIIIId 'i vasa FOR THiS SPECIAL New Strand =OPPOSITE POST OFFICE - HAY 'fhe l'uuncil. -The c•uuncrl of the Township of Hay met according to the Municipal Act, when the follow- ing subscribed to the Statutory de- claration of office; 1•:Ilmore F'. Krupp, Reeve; Icahn Campbell, Samuel Heitz, W. E. 'Turnbull and Louis H. Rader, councillors. The Reeve took the chair and the council became organized for the year 1921. A short address was given by- the Reeve, after which the minutes of , the last meeting, the rumination report and the result of the election WAS rend and adopted. The following officials were appointer for the Township of flay for the year 1921 at the salaries stated, and that the Clerk be instructed to pre- pare a by-law to that etT,'et:-Clerk, Andrew F. Hess, salary re township, 1125(1; re telephone, $1.25; assessor, Wm. Edigholfer, salary $95; Auditors, Jacob Haberer and W. R. Dougall, salo,ry $12 each; Caretaker of hall. Mrs. L. Rupp, $35 and percentage; Slr•mher of Board of Health, A. Heide- man; Sanitary Inspector, west, C. Eilher, eastern B. C. Edwards; Road Overseer, William Lamont; School Attendance Officers, William H. Edi- ghoffer, west; Mrs. B. C. Edwards, east. A grant of $010 was made to the Children's Aid Humane Society, Goderich, and a grant of $5 to the Sick Children's Hospital, Toronto. The Clerk was instructed to•subscribe for eight subscriptions of the Mun- icipal World, one copy for each mem- ber of Lhe council and also for the clerk, treasurer and assessor. The annual meeting of the subscribers of the Hay Municipal Telephone System will meet on Saturday, January 291)1, at two o'clock p.m. The Clerk was authorized to purchase the necessary number of dog tags and upon arrival to deliver same to the assessor, who shall deliver one tag for each dog owned hy,, persons assessed, the as- sessor to keep record of the serial number of each tag delivered by hint and name of person to whom same was delivered t,,, and hand record to the Clerk of the township. The Clerk was instructed to draw up an agreement extending the term of agreement. with 'Mt. P. Melsaac and the Telephone System as Manager of the Dashwood Central for a• term of five years, dating from April 1st, 1921, at the rate of $5.00 per telephone per quarter. The following accounts were passtd;. W. G. Hess. five war medals, $50; P. Baker, wood for hall, $6; I. Yunghltlt, putting wood in hall, 50c; D. A. ('antelon, coal for hall, $38.78; L. Prang, wood for hall, $14.67; A. F. Hess, election expenses, $122.50; Children's Aid Society, $10; Siek Chil- dren's Hospital, $5; 0. Duehnrme, .Tr., refund 1918 statute labor, $9; G. Link, refund telephone tax, $2; W. Desjardine, refund telephone tax, $2; David Dignan, labor, re telephone, $2; Northern Electric Co., $167.69; Bell Co. L.D. T., Nov. and Dec., $76.35; Bell Co., switching, re Tuckersmith system, $25; A. F. Hess. interest nn note, $27.50; M. G. Deitz, salary, $312.50 ; batteries, $7.40; corn, on tkts., $7.75; power, $10; less C. 0. P. S., $7.55; Total, $530.10; P. Mclsnac, salary, $281; tom. on L. D. tickets, $56.75; tom, on collections, $15.74; I power, $9; labor, $7• express, $2.00; i poatage, $1.75; tom. local tkta., $1.95, Less C. 0. P. S., $40.30; Total, $385.39• P. Mcisaac, messenger service Grant{ Bend $3.95; J. G. Forrest, labor re telephone, $1. The Council adjourned - to meet again on Saturday, February 5th, at one o'clock. 111 1111111 JANUARY 21, 1921.. ----a Iti v M111111 ,1%..... --Big(. 1 III Sale of 1 Furs 1 'III III Now For A -Rous- ,;�, 11111111 ingSpecial Sale ofA1111111' Ladies'Wi.nter A 1i111111 arel atprices that p 0”Illshould make an ab- lil solutely complete � III i' clean-up1 und- Ifi I of ISI of' . i, (It I1 , �1 _ a reds lIY h, ' e Big Sale of Coats 11' NIIIV II 111 IYI garment,s The Big Sale Includes the Very Things you 11 need NOW. All our ;111 111 1111111 111• n• II 111 111 Ladies' Furs Ir Ladies' Coats Silk Dresses Serge Dresses Waists, Skirts And Every Item of Millinery OUR STOCK OF READY-TO-WEAR GARMENTS IS LARGER—IT MUST BE PROMPTLY REDUCED—ALL WINTER GOODS MUST GO REGARDLESS OF COST OR VALUE. WE ARE PUTTING OUR GREATEST EFFORTS IN THIS OCCASION — ANI) LIKEWISE OUR GREATEST VALUES. A GENUINE REDUCTION SALE ON THE CLASS OF GOODS WE SELL, IS OF GREAT IM- PORTANCE TO THOSE WHO BUY, FOR IT MEANS HIGH CLASS MERCHAN- DISE OF THE HIGHEST CHARACTER AT PRICES FAR BELOW ORDINARY. AT THE EXTREMELY LOW PRICES WE ASK THE GOOD THINGS WILL GO FAST. DON'T DELAY. BE AMONG THE FIRST TO COME. Ijl ll 1.4 ri. ;9 7dF,ttl steetr'.�L nd .% tr d ?,ratr254,i1 i ,b.<nt,, ner , r;r.Ynt„A•rll:r•