HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1921-01-21, Page 6, - - ,:-:,.!I. � I. , , - , I ITIV I ... 7 PT I ­. . . Ili_ �', -i, i, � ., ,I � , '141 ��, ,�, 1.1 � 11 �­ I � � �, ,,,, , , . , : ,1 , � �� ,�,, � "I : , : .. I I .� I I , I I I I . � � - , 0 1 --,-- . - *�,�. - � , , ID& I F. J. R_ FORSTIM . ­ I ,,,�.�., F , �� o " � ftc,, Ear, Nose and Throat � I iPl: , " University of . I Graduate in Medicine, , I ,, ". rorppto. I . U�a Assistant Now York Ophtha.l.- , IT old 1, Mel W Aurdl Institute, Mc,orefi I � i ­ Eye and Golden Square Throat Rue-', , I I I I dilon, E-ag. At Mr. J. Ran- I . 11 =411"Olffin', Seaflarth, third Wedues- I , day lu each month from 11 a.m- to: � _ 8 ma. b3 Waterloo Street, South, -! lHtratford. Phone 267, Stratford. . . . I � I ,V, % ----- . I., L I CONSULTING ENGINEERS , " I , The K A JAMES Ccl Limited , .;,. . , , .,., " Manager E. M. Proctor, B -A -Sc., �.", I I I � ` I i �t�Biridg- 36 Toronto St, Toronto. Cun- . :. I,f Pki,--tit, W-til"'I"i I- ";: . . I .,* j;tkilt— I..i.-... B.h.l - , Ii Pil lutintit. H-1-99. F -til A.rhl- . I firati.iiii. 1jug-ti.. � �. ,� I 0- F-­U.u.I1y P.ul i ,l,f ,.' _� th. -.47 - ..v. ­ tili.kil LF,GAL R, S. HAYS. Barrister, Solicitor, conveyancer and Nota" Public. Solicitor for the Do- tainion Bank. Office in rear of the Dill micintion Bank, Seaforth. Money to 16110an. — - __ - __ - __ J. M. BEST Barrister Solicibor, Coriveyancer and Notar� Public. Office upstairs ever"Walker's Furniture S.tore, Main liftreet, Scaforth- PROUDFOOT, KILLORAN AND COOKE Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Pub - Ur, etc. Money to lend. In Seaforth on Monday of each week. Office in Kidd Block. W. Proudfoot, K.C., J. L. tMoran. H. J. D. Cooke. — VETERINARY F. HARBURN, V. S. Honor graduate of Ontario Veterin- STY College, anti honorary member of the Medical As,"ciation of the Ontario Veterinary College. Treats diseases of all domesiie animals by the most mod- ara principles. Denti�try and Milk Fever it specialty Office Opposite Dick's Flotel. Main Street, Seaforth. All orders left at the hotel will re- ective nroatnt attention, Night calls received at the o�fice . __-, ­ ­ ___­___ __ J01IN i;RIEVE. V. S. Honor w-raduate of Ontario Veterin. a" College A)] diseases of domestic animals treated. Calls promptly at- tended te) atilt charves moderate Vet- wrinary Dentistry it specialtv. Office � load residence on Goderich street, one door east of Dr, Scott's office. Sea - forth. & 1. I* MEDICAL DR. GEORGE HEILEMANN Osteophatic Physician of Goderich. *8 * I' I in Women's and Children's = ' 'a reheumatism, acute, chronic and nervous disorders; eye, ear, nose and throat. Consolation free. Office above Umbacks Drug store, Seaforth, nesdays and Fridays, 8 a.m. till I P.M C. .T. W. HARN. M.D.C.M. 425 Richmond Street, London, Ont., Specialist, Surgery and Geroo-Urra- 11, I &ry diseases of men and women. ..", . DR. J. W. PECK I Graduate of Faculty of Medicine McGill University. Montreal; Member of CollefrecifPbyisicians and Surgeons of Ontario; Licentiate of Medical Courl CU of Canada- Post-G-duate Member of Resident �Iedicsl staff of General Hospital, Montreal, 1914-15; Office. 2 . doors cast of Post office. Phone 56. Honsiall. Ontario. Dr. F. J. BURROWS office and residence, Goderich street @W of the Methodist church, Seaforth, Phone 46. Coroner for the County of Huron. 1: I DRS. SCOTT & MACKAY I , - � I I J. G. Scott, graduate of Victoria ank�, . College of Physicians and Surgeow � Ann Arbor I'll I and member e the Col- �1� c Surgeons, ol It. �. � Ontario. , . � ." C. Mackay honor graduate of Trin 1, ty University, and gold medallist ol ��Z. Mnity Medical College; member 01 1, the College of Physicians find Sur , .I cloons of Ontario. DR. H. HUGH ROSS. Graduate of University of Toront4 r"t of Medicine, member of Coll 111111-A ol Physicians and Surgeons ? ' `*1 0: �ns� graduate courses h .. I go linical School all Chicago 4 � I ,Ophthalmic Hospital Londor ,- University Hospital, Londoi En ' d. Office --Back of DoTniniol � S I t_ eaforth. Phone No. 5, Nigh , , . . , ansvil-,red from residence, Vic 'Stt Street. Seaforth. I . - - . . 1. THOMAS BROWN : Licenood suctionetlir for the c0uritie . of 11aron find Perth. Correspondene 11 � I n "ate for sale dates can b 11. nolillibry calling uptone 97, Seafaft . . =C& Expositor 0 a. Char"s mod � . add; isatfataftift, lifixisrhfiteed. I -.1 - ,. lc `I: � , '' ­. — _ �.. . IL T. LUINER ­�, . _ �1 .11-4 Od ,111illWioneer for the Count � ,,, "t -ft. ,� ,of iffirlon. Sales attAmiled to in a , I �. ;` � . A of the county. Seven rig, �- ,,, 99's V Wtillift In Mainitolis and 411-119MON, I ra a lop lillill L�; �. a � ­ � - � �Z� , . , i6w THE I _ , . .. I � ­ � I . 4 I ..4 � ...... . . r"'V_­ 111.1j,.�:�­171­1 . I � I I I T� , I . I . . . VY110:11 I I I . ?�,� �`&'T,1'11� . ql`­11,1111)� � ��"­, I 1, . I— . - I , " . .. . I * . I I ­ I I JA"_�R* 41 1W.1'.. "'" - ov , !Xm, �Mww�_,� - I - � . .­Atiqun. - ___ I Ii '. ., .Wik- title Last Powerful I ('0114BATING OCRAN SAII111115. I ­ - 1-1�ht Is "'ailvd Al ... lit th Coniet of I - , "Ar',lim I . ,- I ­­ ,­�-,­'-'-Nx-:N; �,�� o ��:�� 0 , 1. "' , �. I " B#A-1 � 11 'I PAINS'. So Chess - L - ­- - . -_ MIL KOO It to only fifaen years ago thut Mr. �'i!,g ,If Fralkee. 11 - I. '11 ,If WIZ,a.,e, styled till- I .)Ill. III, (t-.I.I!,.d rut- the'tin- ' bliany ("ountries.'r "' " "at billeted that nule t"111 IN of , IN, STAYED IN B'"' .11' I Prod � igy�l , .;� , ,, 'ne Wellington Xota.-to whose record in the Assembly our correspondent at Geneva largely attributes the election I ,. I . � 1 ., 1$!. I 1: -'eloy-two s. OF RHEUMATISM , t I ol'sts Of lit,, world are ,uv1,,1d tu 3� ., _1 ., 41 1 Years Old Yl,of of China to the Counoll of the League I ,,,,!:,f " , , for lilt QX. I .illl; N'tod. "III:tf is Ih" urigill of .. ". Nationa­entered Columbia U111 - ".4'i, I 11". . I � ,�, Ali H 0. I 0:1., I­jid unit ill v,fiat circumstances - ­ I- _. I , ,..: , * .... .. , ...... ,... , . 1W.. versity, Now Youk. � In definite pre- . � 1, * - i),fl,,�. ,i I I istory. .. I - it. ;.bttnd;,n,. III,--" f I Young Mrs. Beecroft Had .... : _:._,�,�� �. ._. _. _, -it <,*< . �, ... . . , paration for a diplomatic career its I "' ... ,.,,I hi., Illoili'liolls, an !� I­t.tli� �. :,,I! -I,: king; his aul- Happily Stopped Wben He sci,iii, III,— wipli,ito-d this I. `,`,_':,"by Ka)jjlg IIIA )I is dtle to I I li. I I 41hive t if,, I of file wa-s opoll I Miserable Time Until she,, I I . 11 other ploii,�Iell, all I A - " , oct;�,Ik" I freliks U, noint, mo, , I specialized ia international law under Professor John Bassett Moore, and 'I I ,,;I-, -I"'Ng'' Than ill$ base, Began To Take "Frolt-a-tives" it ,k bit if if; l: ........ idly admitted .... .. Took Lydia E. Pinkha,Ws I . ....... F 1(,.,.Az"%Vhkf ties "I- I"t I was R in this subject that he took degree, with a thesis ._ �., ; : I i, gi,id,-I his country I h-l! -1".." through thi - , , ;I.I..", is, III,[ " It,- :k-l"'It I .I 0 -,;I ,I,�,.,,, � ��;' . I Vegetable Compound,l \ ' . I I— ctl Ili ., kly York to am ',.s � tshoP,h on StD, .,Or , of Aliens in China." He . voul- I . ,I,". .fllll,16�d lot'.1yrt 3 O,rr�lllfll 6T., JIU", 1'. Q. "For 1he ',its[ 'J!"'!'LIT� s.... , I . I ,ho gaping rustics with 1"Li knowledge was one of the mefft active and die - policy. �., , - . ,ill, :I I ,.I, , that . a year, I suffered with Rlselli- �. ,;.,!.-,1.s,00,;.,I ..;o -I., , 1',;;l,;of,,I,.dIy it " -_ _ __ ,it ches,i. New York is indIfferent to, I tinguished of the Columbia under- '' I still ""I,'- ,�:,!",�.Il:",ajo,'. malkiles, being forced W st4ty I. bed v . tat I I iki'l. pm 10 I "lls"lits Hamilton Ont. - " I thave suffered for I I I !,, iiii, but It in not indifferent to.% I gradirates of his time. Not only I , I , I , " , (I. 'I'm', Was to con- for 11, ve, months. I tried all kinds of I rial -111,11 to It"ll loill I ;;:;, thrt-t- y(,ur8 itwn a fernale trouble and � I was be elected to the Phi Beta Kappa .., I ,­ ­ikI ,-xt--!kd France to the inedicine without relief and thongtkt ., 1�1"�ikl" fly it!-' slocUlM and glacierm ! of if,,, Ile Age ccolk,"it, -lit livit,liklie"'S. pain and irreff's r ,v lari (y w Plich ke&t we Ili bed four or Mot- ,,ut-old buy'who is declared to 1, i, T'�arvol. Not knowing touch the moo famous of the American col - lege faternities. but he became !:1,p- aoid i. I'vivilkeeH and to abRorb I would never be able to walk again. 'fit, citstributi.ti ,It s,oid ill, the , diivys�vqauhinon . I nearly went crazy - ,ti-iot the isditiorif leasky editor- , in -chief of the "Columbia Spectator," I �1,,,riish Nellil-riands; him remoter I.I.I, ,:,W It), French kings the One day while lyiug io bed, I rrad . --1 depon'lli, in III,. first ill 'it v, oil walk paints in rly back. and for about a g,ame are prey r1,,.cih:-,dad's,prexs ivan- the students' daily paper, and his edi- as aboad "1,'.r­ii,i1-a-6ws" the great fruit . foaclol, Curr,nr� i(oif fit- top0glupid- we' it �( H. tiffle I Could not do ray work. � agent and toriale were notable for the excellence . . I -hl- ,l­l-Akors of Charlemagne ' "t lioly �,-rklftll Niciptro He ", .', 1')�, medicine; and it seemed just what I -i- I ,I4ilecbi or I 1- ­,,, ti I It, I. , _h tis. \',*Ik,-i,- I Haw Lydia E. Pinkhara's Vege"ble Cutup d in the llarnilton ,9 , ; I Imb Ish bitorieti to tile effect eifther-English. RewEwalsoamein- I if,, ,� a state mettiod almost lacedied. so I decided to try it. there ,im ,­ It"'I',1koll 1'. ill -.!,: I ... of clirr, I I— I I, � I� al I. I "vele"; ild,crtilied ",!"-a,W-x* af.d I Luok it. Now I have tie I I.:,, It.- hILa beaten all- the groat Eura- her of the Board of Student Repre- ­. w'llorialit than warfare. 71e.firslf box belted me, and I v,��)"'N`1101' faults q,I;.ot,t)t.s of ,,alld, pain andaniqUiLerwWar uAlealli I over- ,"'I ,it l'"IK(ers, The probability is sontativell. '�I;1'1`1 11 Ili F11911LIld we" In hill took thetable-La regularly until every 1, . advance I, ,ti, , k- d by plants w.rk, or stAy un rny fielit from early I !!:It It(- has beaten no. intutiter. Cape- As a debater, too, Mr. Koo made , V illost 'if the Polish ;.,,�,, .,,III h" ,"r trattickof t.hc Rhoulnutism left 1:1bler'Y'lowti svlovh. murninr - at nit,ht. I kee Do , until lau I,hiiil-a Natif the othfir day that the�l his mark unwirg his contemporaries. his turned the tid ' Ili ),IljlY, lir,selitly to I--- described. XQC.- Iko:�,.V9'V'-,1Vil i.,. ,I !"!g6%g I ."i, � I. V " , III Use a�d (to all tuy -,wit work witho IS ti- "as fit a class slightly lower In 1908 speech " I'l I , monl,), of father, file money of LORENZO LEDUC. , if,.. pit,lietie ol k_1,111,., ,he ,alol it) h any troultle.. I h -wit- ri-cunimended C e I favor of his own University 4n a de - 1 tit, I Lxpaying classes lit France. went 5W. A box, 6 for $2.50, trial size 250. ;-I I.." and glivinI, � ....... I I I, � III I tie CcItIlP00fill ;I) Rill frionds."-Mrs. 11,;iji that of the masters. To beat bate with Cornell. The story is told . 'I"'Vil"I". : At all dealers or Sent by II'lleoritll .... I. I, Ill. zk,i,,,,g,. It.;t,il ()f ErdiLy LIFtcliorr, �Yil) Victoria Ave. N., , ,.,, [fly (it, thirty miriarit aufateurt3 in that when the Columbia team reached . Ill' 91,-.,t r..h"... ;ft Vematiles, ' Postpaid ill' -s'. V,g,tabl, L­wtIk7.. III...". are Ilamiltot., 0:aario. , winlianvilum games is an easy feat , Ithaca, the seat of the rival Univers. -:h ,,, �,,d .... I,. ils corridors. Its title- Fruill-ak-tives Limited, Ottawa. !"11; IR)"olAtC11 to S.-:1, till' 11,1't ( For liot(y y.ars wi,orion have been I I �, �I,Irvll Willi bearitig a real expert - ity, - ill a nioist of its members wer( I , I I . ; r - 1, ,,;,,-I-., a till r ... in(ithim and ,. 11.111,-0 Ill an. olost i"I'l wh"". teltog hill Lydia 1%. l'inhhufn'?fVegl­- I:'— 1,;iskitr tit, half It dozeit others I - state of blue funk, o I to the higiii ;,tik- , .11"itolani --'sling lit it... tubl, (;o,,; -,-.-t lias .., wted their ' lilt) Wilklid tw menliune.d Imt for reputation of one f Ili ir opporlvrit�. . nff :ttill JITIll,111-4-14, wits the envy !1f ;,dinhati .... I. f file lie THE VALUE' OF Alk-;0RBFNT,; IN putilk, , !;t­IIg­T. Ili,— ,if J,,Iiv,ai­ii, I,,, ,:", �"vd v,,. be?t:th wh,-ri sUffe'illg .,Tit female ills. Im*Ir 1(oft-1911 Ilitalf8 licit the I ... Y i This attack Of aerVeS vittill 81 itiI . world. ­­-k.d I, unit"l.'al itilliallon. Every Till, STABLE. I, Iii III 1:11III.1111i 1,­Illjollog Ill, I 1, ,[I'l­ This a,e,luot, fur li,- - ­w,nuiii. demand 1 , uncloubtedly IL prodigy, pechal'81 height when they .sought out Koo, I I In '['fit- 1111A fit 11 Ih,y fur it from ,-cast t., "'," 1. If you are , foi- nios( remarkable who has zip- "Yes," he told thern, "I too unit wor- ' LAW .,III[ I'll".,.],.[ J."Ill-ope was �,:"h if I aniount of exervinent %oided such I— a. plani". I,." 1-11-1 to k, trouhlod kil any :oirrivult peculiar to ill , red since Paul Niorp"y cited In :in ried. I have only brought one even- ov, ,, s Ill Versailles us nitich Ill 'I'llil his invan, his Ilk. aiiiinalh depends 111tion file 'killount. -,.I, 1,�Iok it..- ,aod wlwt I%, - t-:111ii'd t,,, -o-1 tit it, w .... ken why don't :,-out try 1. Ii I" 'Alt , . ­, I""- I Morphy Is �4111'1.0'ed in have . . - �tcg dress tit with me, and Joni( lit as Hubip`ts and of fvt�l given find file capacity of the ;,od ,alo i"s* pinkliall, s �cg,far,!,, Otokpnun�-,, ,..,,I fit,. g,,;A1,N it k_h,l,,4 I'laNc, who it -soiled! What, is., to be dione'!" i",J), v,,,Ill,l p.-nuit. Pyer) wher ... .... I ... 31. It I,,,, liver, f,,u,,,l ,it III, lit I i iiii,ni of I lot, � mail(- from oative root -i still herbs and ,-r lived. He wits It untryel as a ' Its fellow -(Iebatet fi d to the nearest it- :,,illhtN ilt-oih or ,xi,mit-c! their l,:xpvrinik-ntaI SLation, Kentvillu, that 11 Ill lilt).- -111' ­IIIglILJ­IJ tililt contains nky riar,,,'_ic4 tit- harmful drugs. it vre vouill, but unlilte most of ,to, I ' Ir's returned with half . !1. I. .,tix it, 'h, it- w it;itt--rit A gj*e;.f !1, !*,.[,� h, I.TINI p"oold ,;�.vvrs will ay.,rau­ 78 1-1-1111 lit" had ;'I- 11111"I'll- "III I— 1-1 in it,, ;-l;*ti,,;m;, F r mi lKwiet) 1,onien are asked to 'e ': ltil`,'� 1,,:,Iia R Piukham Medicine -1,111 I)FOIligil-� Ile nd trainte,cl on :1 rliaberdash find I, , dozen wthite ties of assorted models of aolifol art(I ' 'laborato r;,h,I,, ;,I'll fuln.,hmg, developed IN)LITIdA 1111111LIce pk-r da� including it,,, bedding which wounnted to fell ­ vt­ll ,,,, :=:ind ,`H, sm1h ;1, ,,,I . ... ... tit ,tiv], plrw . w ri, - .. Co.. Lynn, 1�lass., '11I, reHult of forty ' ­_ ,,,,.I, greater wilt r 1. .it lie ea it I'd r"'Inlity. Koo selected line, arrayed himself in Th,. loxtiri ... is UTI, thilitish"i every- ' I lu,urltis fur each st(.I,r. per day. Iphi, ,,:, It'.. co"NIM "r Pligland and Phil, ' years txperiencti is al yuur service. i Ilow young Sarmiel plays nobody it, and went forth to the fray with a light heart. Ile was the calme,-t wh'-rv; sculptor'. if, alabaster. fat- alcullot ,,f b,dding, ()it first thought, ,It tz: The banks, - Alt-il lion, ,,­ are I it nokil tie, cannot hiniself e plain ence, gilt wupdwoill. nieull work. l ,vi'm to be vXcvhsi%k" but when ,!1her slatiutizti� (if o­%illg, ;is 1he - ­ . I - - ­ - __ :7 ; I, Fli.9 fulber, .'I liewish lillortlnwr- rna. in the auditorium that night- - 'laolp"d leath.-I" 7-1, 11 music, illag- it is ­,,�id,trvtl that appruitimately c,,,e I'lay be \%'Ilell lill liloll 111-1.1-1 I t f Lodz. Poland, littighl him a.d the best (tressed. , niti,c,it painting, b-antiful printing ,,,,,_th,,t III` lilt- cxi-n-nivrit is liquid elf (ill the ,oa:�i II , v life way- i� nw , A(TIVITIES OF WOMEN I ;"I(�"9;iihlx Iwo years ago. lie Ae'-Illf-d - alld bulditig,, flnt ,00kery, five Ill mwi must Ili, absorb, -d by sonte trilliterial ..Xces.43ve and Ill, 427)(I Moll � ' I,, granp it almost intuitively. We NEWEST NOTES OF SCIENCE I ta-ges to li, retailwd, till- wisdurn (if using '"'tteally one may solt, behint"'It';rl- ,S,,uth Awboy. N. J., has a W. mal, I have tie record of hiru studying It "AnikNi Ili,, ritirnn's and rine for- I hot 11.1willit wdl be apparent, SaIld I till the ve-go-tab)o giowth it,", jailer. I%ply. he has not the brul" AiI electric light attachment for nitill, wcut a strange face ,if 'gen- It " found 1, ha t one pound . . ), giving solidtly tit Of, wash Lroo! , . i Mi" Annie N. Brown is Norfulk'� .Perhaps , a able of deep at tidy. He plays Very safety razors has been invented. Lli-iiipn' fit vast powdered w1g,, silkii. ,f �-.,a,v will absorl, in twerity-four its roots up. Ili this wav art, foroi­t first woman lawyer. r I , rarely pondering a move. Wile - I Poland is reviving its tobacco t-tfl- and laces, poised tipun high rpd ,If 'frill. will hb�nrb in 24 t h.. Ntationar, dilnes. When !h,� Chinese w,unien Are adopting Euro I her he. is blInd-folded'and playing a If;"hz,n ture with excellent results. Ilk ,,, amazing canee; I.,tind 1-111S f ...... I it, '.`Y. pounds (I f vi-w-lation is k-11--nded a, fill a., tit- I)t"Lo footwear. . rnatelles slintiltaneouKLY 01 .sit. Sausage casing4 have been invi-nivil ,;,I,­,".,;,1P,,,,:lr!r-,,�f it I ., wund,- fill . d . Iirdie,; - -,I, I " a,,orip,g fit it,.. (I ,litlity Id th(, file dune g,l,w:, ilk 1h), ,Ill ", i, -ert -o �Ilinnvsotii has mor., than 4,000 w,, ! ,1.� 'town to a 8illglt - galoe ota it. , [Ili I whi,ch are tilade of Wood pulp, cellulom.. unilt -r towert III po%d,rod hair and !Llii t 'ill ():It �tr;Lll :, lit -tLcr absorb, :I ... t I lie curiou- �r .... taoo I- pr. -,,w-, . ,ts. I m,n trade unioni., ,LMI-1-1 Ilf'ol to Sallitiel. As lie ap, Phonograph neetilt-s which pro,lue., w--:11"119 11st I -.1iol,s of �ilk and -xra: � Is ,,It ,j�;,,, III.I.It �:1.111 I 11ilbably hL of (lie ocean j­,din�, ik,-r,­. ill.. 1N.r I . ("'Tillecticut 1,-;,(I,' the nation will, I . a table it IN nppiti, r h;, I - I o; I,- 11 ,a -Tit :, v,�r y (.I,.;Ii- tone are being Inad, I'r N.,M" so"'It"110,11 on wIre. '11"oligh 11 . _u_ "r ha�:nr. ,,-re imd target' �,,Ient advanc.- if I, .,,;I,f fivv ..t."Illen lcgislator." I li, hits ah,,adv d,iermmod opun Ili, I , III v. thv 1w,vilification is adjustab!. .11 .Ill pol,tured 'I" it""t '-III"'- Ih` 'Ill) 1,;4-,- If 20 1, *-'.-, l"I'Irld., of ill-itle On file cOatil.1 -11 (:.--k' fill r v it]" TI "' mstitutwn I,f wtio,ii Ill claillie, . I ,..III It-- will 1-:aki-. for tit- ,hu,iits lo'l -I:, -1 ...... ;,pic -in, -fill (I if, R o 1 sight stiv, .If Ilk World lmiitl of [o'- IILCogTt- i, it, t., :Ib".1bid p'l .1; l, It ,.ill ,)I, jk,,rii, where the doi ... � posh fill, I, If U, Ilk. grvat,r than that ,if own. slighte'l I "Nitatioll. ."olm, ,;Illo ,,I'll 1,111k, ,,T,I hill, , I.,,.,, th,il -T:. ti.,r'.1"'I". III:I1 -k-o J.'unds ,If I ....... than I ... if, ,thrl, ann""Ilt Ili I i,: Sarah 11. Clark has bel I;`- Stildl,l) fill- 0,11d Ibink Ilia; h,.- Eul'"pe. w"I"ll"d I'll: fl,t!,. 'I'-'. I., ­r dark ­-:", o,,I ::I, ­xI­11­ anlotint. - 1-1,0 file a,lv;,Ilr;, IN !''t"I "It, 'I, III.. .Ni ",,,mi�t fill- sim�.sjx yvarg in ik:l� hill is d1w to Hllp,rlor brmn III,,, c, 13k,th vilds ,)f steel rins are ,-,,tllll,.r. n- ­­ Io ,1,11!, 1:,,t , , ,,�!, - !"I ", 1, , , ():11 li"ll." If -,,� 11 iri''I p.�:kt will 1.wl ,If Bord, ol,t ". � I " III "! ii.,-.\ (ErII71:111i) 'hurch. . '' Iw �­s throllgh In.-I'lal plo- "Plk :It I'!,- ,:It. � '"-­ li o new 1'. nstrafe " :.I""!!. ,!..ol " I-, 1; I­I!"i, or Ii 1111d, I, I , .t. r ,1 ­pair ill f!"IfI..tIIi.'I--!� .o:` I .I- W.,Irwn 'I'lor, it, Till- nv�v rvlol I a it I. "I s)XII',-n 01, I, ...... liteen firo­ ;,-I, kly ilk.- D. ""' ;ljng !".12mv. N-i Z­daod lm� 4..'19'r rvgisl:vr.-d - _ - 1. TNIA, "tit D.ng.-r.'u,,.� I 1:, 111- 11 It" ,�, wd -I,., , ; 1, t 4 1, I , - imi , ,I. 4'"'.."', � .... III,, ,q,Vm­.:. RI!1 ' " ii, I,. m;kde hi -:,-Ir i:ki ...... � I,, I , I! C Z, '!­akii, .."Imil,I)II-1, 01k. j .I 1, I S '11I.1i liv litt'ral I ;IF, codmm) tll;Lll. I),) ­'s . 11 III., 1, (,it fill- theory thal I— has ­!,i,i:-;,­, 1c.'r'."'titing I�olu that .-,41, !'-,,f. lc;,ppm. ­,,'", "; it'.. 11;,- 1 '111, it It d, ,, I! .,, i I,, I,. t wo 1r,qll,l-. w :,!I ;,l)-i,rb. nt, ,\,., ) iinv . v I.,flng, filol hm,-.�� III", C.1:111 .... - loalLill. Niii... thal PH1041 loro,�n al". vII. ,,� ', I, called Iho ­,he,,�r; rm.,Ill" , , wo (.,it ,oi­ 'd bees. ',,,v,irk � III,; lit,iijillo Ili N;�:,,­, i!i -p--akiti� yt -n, !­,­ .. I,% I ! I;. ,"t. Tlo. I I I'luct,3. 'I'll, I, - k ,� � .: ,I "J. I I , 1, !t � pl"N. I ,11 indtl,try ,,,I till. lvlwid I .11 If is no I-xidimation ,hat --,r, � '': I () I- 1-1 liv (-I,,- To— III, 'i;,vinis I h, ll:1 - "It'j.-cl I., I!— I..- ­V., 'If I $1 " ! . . : 1� 1""'I", :)I� .,.I,,,. to totill a %I:(,] ;!g_llti�l Ill- .,;:,III 11 - . .; I. M;I-1,11 � which ill probibl� ii, mpi I lie 0'-� IV, ,If :I Illarl rI:1nhAi,-a11v. . '. .I ,If flil. *1 , ill., �-,t I t ", -,�­ , I T, I� ,j!h ,,, ,rh(nts - 11, . ,, * , i" I .1,:, l: ! 1", \ ; I:1 1:kll`f`:Ll' . vo-lon by lo -,kin, ., rl;0I d, ,if 11 I imle I Ti'l. ,...rnh,r,h1p of the 't "tilig Wo- 0, fhan fill, (11 .... 1Y that I I 'tUIS I"', 'I . 1, 111.11',11.0 britill . :It] Ilk i r s 'Al)t.� -hall -troke- Ait I!.;lIr'I�'.-ct:ir plallt of 20,I)II(I , Fif-o"ll A11,1,if,'foo '.., ,I,, kil,,in,lk. I_t, ­ I ..,,. . ­- filriv, a ,;­�, II,;,,1 I Ip. -l'.. I '� -i,tian ­,jati,,ri M0, Ch I A ,,!, I, I)-,,, , f:u"' �,:,* I If I-ouTs". it Is it ;Ill ll,kii.to . lur�ort,%ver ivo, b, -.-n t ... rnillt ted ill , , :. W or Soli -nit, .,.I.I ..: �!I­hoq­. . T- - ": - .,I i . f Il. I . Ili It& -h, b, -1,--I I,, ind polling I'l; I, Whe'l H!, :.tj,,! � . . .-:1 li;I,l ti". �IOIII)Ol Inark. ,If --III-- %'if,, lo;,, ,,h, -,s il,tt i!,il I l -':,;w,--1 it, suppl.N I ... \,.,r to Lyml :lit) that 11.!I; .. .... - ,9 i,,, -1,v I!— I if,hn 1".., ..r :,t, --l,. , ':, ., , I !) " l. f� I , . IT "'Ill. . �%,, lit I".. . i"taids it ],;,,I I') I'l,"k �:1, it. t"l,"'. ,\: ! :- .t,lm, r I 1,.1l­St,,- li-ri, :11 -"-1 :Ic' fill' ;If)"%',' [h,' ;1­1:�):, it Aiwing th-, twu­Io0d tv,vt-Itiv, I, -..,T11Hg J.­n- ": 'i , 1". .0 .1 .. o,:ITI)r(* -- I"qUI-ol"I'll. : 111ill. I,! 'k. 1. ,t �, " , ,If. tll;ll tl­ . ,,, , lit. "ff"I't. .."'d 1,10c I, hilk , , - , N I " � - , i� C0 . i. ht, , io- I -,,,d 6o. , .1. b.. so. bill 111111.1 1, 111,111111,_, I n I 11,I11.111 I'Ii\l.rV(1 di'll *1001 ket-pt, it - ,If,] ;!I- . � I - , , it � i . ,,, I nly It I!1,llv4t;,.,1 1 ...... I - � .., I,!; . ", 1'. I I I! I f .1 r, :' 't - I '-w:�!:'11"Ift, . , ­11.',� dullo ,,I, I It .III I, -1 ill It . : \1�1 I ... I I , I - I"'-,' t.; ­k �,r Ill, Imm:i.. ­,�., I, Of aft 11W 911ti Ihl-SV I ointi,tits ( .... )I hy vvalloration. . , :, , I-!, I 1 :I!.. li!­I.- Ft , .,! f �Alt I I I'l :i, .. - I ! �! V- I, :,I .,.,;I I ii� 'n I I. Oinattor, ,it rr,!, �, ,, ,, to (I,,.I,.. Ifi- ­' - ; I I -I'S. til I) oil., ,.let, ."","I'll.,] III Inv---,L,-,l it) 1"'11gland is a WIIc);lli,:, I I ,:� , I]!,. I., I .1 ... I ;:I;,! it,:,' rl -i :, li-,16,1 flier, , gr ..., -a It., I in 111i, (it ... (,kin ,if I h- " 1, ci., Ili � I I I, I hit I " I ill)() ;I )I-, I rs I I nk l I . �111!11K I-Xezpt ;I, 4 Ill'.)"I, 11.)W , Vanity hag which ejects a hill)( �1.tll- : III .:!,I),]- 1 ,;* I: ) .4 ;"], , " fit, it , 1, - I -' IV. . I - . I :11 111;1`1 h,;I. ,�,r will fwl "­' fmi'l This palisail. l", (�t,,;.-Iii�.,.!!Tl% I ',, ll-Itv lit the I'll I IoIII:I 11 hi�t OWN, . I .:I� ,If Ill., anla­or.� ,If Ili, olst ilig pit'l 'hvil it 'pring I.,; llres4ud, I .,-! r t: ll,n .1; , if h.IS III— . ,,), h pon'), Ill . "o. , :1, ! ; "I", 3, M ,1, - I"'tid a wt'li- Z"I.- -r , : .,,I, I, *, l. -l: , 1,,J5 W,rt. woolet). . I �, jawlar.%, i -:b' hare dimingoish­l owio­ili TO enable babi " s it, .steel) marvl%, .H:Z,11,�Ill, 'Wh : - I:ja!1;`n!1 11-',k , ",It I ,IA Ill � I )I. ,,1.,l ,x,i o;, Th, onIN ;,ht-rna- , h,o ,,,. Lady A kickland Gvldk�s, l-ife of fl), . . ,,Tit fit I lie board? Etvo ,-III," out of doors, a wagon whiv.h cun be I a -.17";, ,21 ,"I,,. w1lI"_*, 7, !"'. th"I'k-fIll't'. to I)?­eill WUSlt' Is Frulic'. k 1.,* no Total,- ,11., wl) I;;-,Ii,h Aniba,sadcr ilf Wit'llil"O'll- , i�,r, wit, convey Oil, itiuu,,,�ion complet-Ay closed has been patented. ill-, i�il prl itwn , , ". , . . i", 0 :Ili I,,%Il,h.s, ` ''I J1. l%,11'vthillg, It"."ibIv hi, 0,v ]).,I . . ...... I,,,, Thai Ims 1nd,-iliik.,Ti t,, ,,,:,. I pa­ionati-ly fond of children. . ' ',O fill, ganie makes a I ......... iolois ' To help .solve its,fuel problem. III, ,:,I, TI!,tiei �, gre.tt . ,it ;IIl­Ir1­Ilt1 U, 1,L;W- Lilt' , 'It litUill 1-1 Ih,- kdrilne, of Faml. Ill lI,d;"n-! Ilk Turkikt4tan. wives cltTi bli it I" 11110n one's inli-11i,t would government of Brazil is vneourai,ing Ioloh.ti ,If Ili; ,,, jl"_ ,r,I­;r4,I7ii,rni, ,avaldr . )p.,r-l1z,!i, Ill— k ­;,;r.;; -juatill.- -n ,I, 11'at th'. ��;,:tlalil, fo.ffl' , - .,lid ul�,o I ti Denni;, i IT t III. 1,,oble,., 11 is ("llZi,t-il for It box of matches and vz­i. ;It , , illy go an far as to ufmit illat the planting of eucalyptus treeit,, . ., I lit"il, 1" 1,111,11 I; ,.l.i.,; fill it,- . ,,�azin�, .-ilit­L1 th,�' ,'IIor;1f:I Y I' rU- IN ­n a sub ..-I -i mu, , J, ,if s, . ,i lilt f !, 3' :" I Iwo call hav, ii� illay)Y wiVes as 11 �,', slanding as a pla)vr is a pre- ' Ax.new word countt r- for typt-wril - .- ,t;r;-,­, of r,r,-s,1'1..ioITl Experl- !:,I ovd. I I, 1) 1, I I'les. c'no'll". I . , .I- indival. n f Ilia ul'.11tul power'. o er.5 is.muunted orrone end of thili ill 111�. �:Ipk% that 01, 'o: lif,:,x I.,cjlh;6 () 11. t,oi i,f -,:I� ,tm,� contain, 12 4 I 1 ------- _. A bill befor, itiv iNtrinrin relvilistw: that woolert Ile Illade 'ligildt' i'­noincna4o I skill as it I I'l,sis lilit3 I -r ` i,"t'lluPs no better fridication space bar, being operated as the bai ,`t�i Is Ill, ;,.(ioli w I -,:,!,,,,-d -ioN. potll,!, ,.f nitr,,Irvn, 1.lunds ,if ' chinvitie I,ruilitlit.%. !w"vid.., .I'. (if a intellect is dupresised. ,b -n ,if �alt flit I WI, li,l', . . S, "I".. .�r- ­ � ,s,,o,,ru,. .If) 1 2.1 l­t,iids of potaAh. I , . o :is judges and state attorneys. ' s!" .. -4- than, uncanny ski)] ,iF Experiments in England ind'eao. I .1, -I... bacillul III"! ,!­�, 0 I 'J'ht�,- difl*i�rent eii-ioents ­st in coni- Nunivrwi., filing., ill;ki ill,. o.), 7k. I I,.,,. V B, Stevens.,n, the woman I A billiard player. To say that Capa- that fish dried in electrically heated ,__ - . .:: �J.` !;I:;,- .'V, ;fl -r tlil 1-1 I .1. ., I- ion * ,,, I ,r, 1;, vrtfliz,-I� - Iwit limit I ... I r , ill th, . ;?"J"ght w(kr1bY Of `Ofl9ii`T"r!k­`:l tl.t " "s --hvs.s chainpion ,if Great Britain, be- � . !,?�nra, has 1hp finest It In in the I ' ' air can be kept in good condition rot , . , I it-, t.,phoid bacillu" ,iI;l i I,,. _� 'w'o- :e0Tl1­1Il,:th-!y IN,), imund .'iti c, nts for I I I III Of , -lh(-r couati-h-s lr-� oving ':1111ed I'll'- f4u011 Use by ft)-- p, ­;d,, ilk ;4itn ill play chess when she was I -,,,,.I%-,- ; .21. , -'Id bpvansp he, happt I, ') f IN) the - -F champlon is years, '111..'UA ru.,iI,l Tor 1)-.t! ;'Innills' 111,, .. iiii.r,g,cri. 11 vcnts fiir pii;­Phorus and ' h'na- Thi-ir inveniuti.r;nk,s years old. not inure reu,oil- A woman is the pritantee of it vool, ,iii,lictheria I.acil!�i, ren,amp ai-tiN, �, cent, for piaa.,h. This would make if) iitiliz- Infirmities of age :vnil increasin;r 1 ,11, than to claim t1w honor for book in which each recipe is illustrat- ,f,er Thr -P. w.-1 itn,l !he ttibercul.) it ton of stral, worth $408 for the ing ihings of little valu.. is 411(,%" A-hfnc5::: have caused Dowager Queer - I ii, .life Hoppe I)eeall,sl he I-' the , ed bir. 1?ictaTca of the ingredient., it, .I., hacillus i iif­r throk- month, - fertilizing constituvnt� it I'- intains ` by . sca,venprs wit,) voll"�I 1)"41 I� Alexandria of CreRt Britain to for- �-kropio.n bilNurd player. be used. ... flat% the ,obm b,,;l1I-:s aflil ' Investigation shows , Ili ;,, cow urinv I, 0, n I's in like street. childf,ill I'I'd liak" society. 1 Nie o-rigin of chess is NerY iii An eloctro-magner. instrument has , ,,bole'va Ohrio selli'm :o be .ni:)r,- vilnerable. contiiin� 21 liounds of llitro�,Iktn slid -, " onien ;,I",, le, be s,,,Iin i,n Ow umj'ki-r, picking ill, ,rid tr,�gsuring 11w 1"'u-1. in the newly organized University be � % old indeed that nobo(l), earl bs� -`Iain- who Invented It, Some be- been invented by a French scientist V�en gift,,,r ,Ie�lj�!,,c in tit, Ord!- poulids of I ... Lash in low ton, and ' In ,f Tti,, Ile. Janeiro, women will I­ve to test ,I person's Memory andi p,,wer nary j,rocessos of n-uninr, Falt Ties . the lsolid.,, k.6 p,,unds nitrogen. 2.4 I � 1 0 'e" ItW 1ILonths, of May, Joi, eligible for all teaching Find admini- - that It guint, h -5 b. n k ( w he 2 ce n) u of attention. I f .:::i�n okind To vontaio ctiote a ncon- pounds of pht),,phorti, androne pound '! " if July Iho, Women and children to ,irativv posts. 1 -r Live thousand Years. According Ant aerial mail service to chrry ! fif nilcro-organising. of potash. Ai ill(- prioe fo these ma- the power chiss appefli, in groops The leading 11vt,rce center of the I., one legend It was Introduced into oversLas letters urriving at Capl� The Joqrn;,tI of lilt - Arheticnin terinis: a,; iziv,n abriv- ;I ton (If the ,arr)ing b:,.�Irets honw, uh,-n , dlj--k!. �Tnit,.,l Stallits is now in Seattle. i'l,rsia froni'ladia. The story is that TowTi it) three. other cities ih. Soutiq �Nledl_ .;,I Assookoinn �kq ... r, s tlial ii urin,- would he worth ,1r.R(" and the I'l"-s" peavil storws hity., .".t"ca.1 u'p' � Wash, whvr,� ditring ill(, last ye-ir ­� , ;aossenger from the King f Ifind 0 AD-ica is plarmatil I - Rappia found, for in.ta I,-, a gra-11 Folid, $2.fffl. It. will ne seen, there- 11roki-n into r)iec,,,s and dri,([ in t, I I mw -v tharr 2,504 divor,,­l Were K ,, - ' .-,peared bell the Persian King Operated by compressed air a brave. ,,r mail front 1.300 11, 311'.e' i,400 baoteria fore to ,av, the ton t,f liquid worth . in. filly will furnish xio,.)d fut 11, I sl -1. - I I .d. A111i a clie.-F1 board, and demands it '�-at hit,-, been invented to help. hold ;,, told from ](if) to 4,w fungi. These $6.86 two t,ons ,if ,t!*,qw having a Ihv kernel. which has it grsod i-iailko( At ;I recent con,--iihim of the Demo- : ho either reveal the secret oC rLvAing. tool intsildie boidem a3d cithei figures'fire considerably groat,�r if the firtiliz,-r value Of $6.08 per ton would " lilt,, is wild to 1he nutmivv drii .. v' g,:I; 4, i , ,rats fit Germany a rosolution wa.4 ... gatrif. of, j)ay tribute to his "'as- hollow _ structures. i-xNroinatiun is mad-- of dirly or rrode Ile use,], making ;I total of three tons for making ucedi,i]IP. Arooh,i luuni. pa."ed whiCh favors a woman I N see- . 1. I. , We Infer that the tribute was Australians tire experimefting urith, Sull and -­k,h salt was foxind to con. of Immure worth $1i,92.. Thi� doe� ;' file Ilse of life peach storle, I., 1,� tion ,If the foreign offie.e.�' I ;- .: 'I,. since thP s"ret. of chess )life noth a mcann oil driven harvestei tuln' boween 6.01)o ,nd 51,UOO ba- llot Z,ake into ack-mint the %ilue of ,elling to native artists or- vi)gr;l�-1'-_. The first, foreig-ner to be devorateci :.. � I Yet Iii fully reveaklea. S'J' which strips g'train fields, at a r2cte, leri;, per gritaiii, and, in several In- the himills 'furnished i the straw w1hu varve them into diffei,-w fqrins with the American Red Cruss wvda( :: "11 is credited with being the dis- of about .sixty iveyes. a Ill ,1Hn,l-s. bowleen 76.0110 and 30fil which is an exceedingly " valuable fac- of animol,. Suitio Of III,.- iaxg.-i of till- District of Columbia is M rtiv. , wfirer of (lie game by some, while An extra lang plug has been irl'.. with flip ponto-nt or fiingi Nar�inkt be. . tor r(it only in soil tilth, but in the ' I ston,s, if round t-notylib, ari- taive(i . I Luisa TetrilZZ111a, the fit prima ,("iers attribute it to Haroun al - 11i,lo-hid. vt,nt,ed for iiiisertion in electric liXh- twe,.n 150 ;,lid 7 ... ). I devel,ipmenl.- if intportiml Ni il or- into finger rings. During The S"ill')Tl * one mil� .,..I- ill the inli `1 ""tk' dwina, whn was bonored'lilklee'ause of Claims have also been ,,!--,I ou behalf of Japheth, shrem, -"or kets carrying shadeR too Nman to Frioll till' point of �irw er lilrgiene. i:klni�ins whirl) arp ,J-,undant. only 'llimk Ili(, Itill fir her intieretlit in the maimed veteran- Hermes and others. ,nle "Itnit a persons hand. hon, it w­iId br lesirklid,a To .,In- where humutz: iF prescni. � Yards floor 1".014". in the Walter Reed lv­pital in Wash- .\,rxes, ­iv Simple enough foi a blind workmarl plo:I, in prp�,-rvalie,n ,if food prodtict:� 11111 ,if Pewh slonesdr�ing ill tio­,:n I It ito,,twi after the hr, in that institu- . 4 appears to be curlons in this to operattl safely is a Frew,li's in - no sull That IINI 11"t been purified I I P. , - I llaying Of-alled 111t.m. grollp. I ti(In, and also for her work for th, ­--pect that It was created fully Ile - : v,loped New ventor's machine for rapidly trininlinv and divest' -d ol I'll 1-cli-rial ,.01.- . I ,if sillisil gill", and I ... ys pick ow I I" ... .\Ilivt, during, the Nvar. � I . moves have been 1.0 rked Out, but the old rules the bristles of brushes, - Tao''lladon. ___ . KAISER BRONCHMS ::: rlkilk.on�,,s. ;,.Tit, ,ill:,1,11- r on, 'a ',I I, '. 1, d list,( )I. full Wh, 11 Statistics shol- that. women, in fit(, I till to Tltll(' Net 11 "" :,,i,tritained, and the hand of tit(. - Rubb( -r ballads with thick, rouf0i have Victurt.,que , I I'a" he'ti (akell ... If "ol'".- r:� lif about Olo' c%OrY f,;r-,nvr and uplifter has norreirl�re fly treat].% been invented by a mal. .Nin -t Names. The pra,11I... ,if e., ing "wilb.-rs allit IN EXILE :!��-,kl-,rn� I � -s it,- it, r1lels ilre M.)Id III vhvloi��I� drugwisi"; 1101V I 1111flOYed ill lilt- inditstriptit forin- ,.I-lv (-niployinv chiefly tir (-xvitisively . .1 -n stayed in the game (if ehesg. ol,-P time it was (onsidtit­d livinL in Washington. D. C., to serve the purposk, of overshoe's. III ­rs in:,1,,,t ,If ri:m,es Ili file str­,ts of Ilwy nre 111­20i've(I 11, (,(It (1.,s, ;I [III ug"d as a cough medi, INI. 7TI I,)). i ' ,,,,j to .�.vl� beQu invented by Ill,- di nod Ali inventor in Czechoslovakia ha,., an.1 avellip-s of Ai- iican " it ' es I " �c f ,,,at ,,I ,,lit :11111 Thousands Liberated ;JI,,r they ;.jc Iiiined inif. wbiii. p- More than 49 per ,ent. of I - from ltqly (hiring th,"c"It I' a'; t ,­oru Penalties were imposed npon patented a process for making ill imitation from .9 o A ­),,sii) ei-os I d"r. In many small villilges Ih! grants . . I,).�p who abandoned tlicinsolvI try - cork turf for insulk Tho lint. Illa, it ,tell -s Ill; illought. What? bave you not beard the joy- 11 11110 1)cwdi�r Is a very popolfir oin.,-, . ivvre women. This I'll an increas, P';" ;­ fascitialions. Once ;L I)J�flup wits lion anti building purposes. ,x­Ipi ,if ,onvent,�w , Jim it 1, a ful tiding.91 Bronchitim has been ex. t" dicill, I'll pool p,--,pl,- I,., .I ron" ,11 ,if ii,irly twenty-fivr. per cent. over i . :;,,ight red-handed Fit 113k, game by a A Louisiana man is the inventor (if pra, 1 I,-,- oft, -n rentark­iI iipl-n by for- lled-kickod right out of Paciety- It)' ('011911. . lilt, pre-war period. ..rdtnal, Peter Damian, o I ()St)a s-110 ;I tool for wreeking, walls and ceilings 1.1917'r .1 ." p,rilliar lo ill,, cnilcl,d an it 100,000 Canadians libernted from —.- .1111,,. Adrienne Baland, known ilk laoroupon wrote film a letter Ili Nthi,11 of buildings without requiring ,,;(,�ir- ­ 8 I,-, If till ;,, ,,vl,l,-n, .. of ih, ?Ili Itter- the bondage of thA clitien.c. I-i,ery Li(erary Possillyntlon. Ihe l(,ading ace of the FiTn(,h nir,vl, :I,, ilonianded if it was seemly ,,,,) F-4dings to be Frected. of I.wl. iinimaginici!v­ eharReler of trace of bronchial trouble is blown to men, will make it tour of South �11,lr! away thy "oning aryii(i the Agricultural stations, especially ft., III,- American pil tTistorittal date.ri hitvt- been calle(I i­,Iure,,qiw nameq atoms b the worid's most affeatiorks Thore art, few things morf, niplan- chilly thkin the spectacle or literary Arnl!rica. representing her country o.4 ,anity of chilies?" It is the iiii,ory the education of orphans find lor Th, disease-yestroyer, Huakley'n Bronchl- 'Ar. ii,rial missionary. ill ,-!­" that altra,lp men ,if Ini'etirct Abandoned children, will be, estalililill- ,tr,ots. F*:,.,nch set the fast,- US Mixture. No wocidor people are fossilization," writes A1410 [Is 11,11- "A Ili Siam many womon art- employed f- there is ,I my%lery to ; i. ell by the government of Brazil. i-ol in fill., rosr'­T Parts has its rajolaingl No longer do they dread ley in the Loadon ,Mercury. great in ariny warshops, in factories anti Ti-, it m not to bi, follo(I In An Old open style street car ir. Ittle ,111 29 Joliet aod Its Rue do the effects of coughs, colds, asthma, writer conies into being. lives. I bors, a ,,it the railways and roads, el ,'�rkl games, and is only fai y 11 I Boston has been equipped as a double 9,,pt,�mbro. This fail has spread even etki., arld so anxious fire they that and dies. Time pass -s; Near by year they are paid the some rate .is men , prt,sent in checkers. A write'. itt 1111�45 deck ambulance for removing large it) South America, llupnos Aires has others should benefit also, hundred the sedf ent of inuddy cominent ark(I In for'equal work. '­ w York Post says ­th,rp is N,olll- . nunihers of Patientft to a hospital, its Pargno 3 till Febrero. Its July of letters have been writt,,.rit prottIsMa critleisn' thickens round the greni One (if t -ho poindisi of tile th,lag aboilt the Came which .,,-,Vt,Is Almost every known grim in mind Pronier.a.dri, Its 10th of November Ing the merits of this wonderful firl all's b "I , ones. The Nedimerit .Net, Arm. FAkimriq is that hridt,q are solecteli to an Ignorant but observing eye to in Australia, New South Wales lead - Stilisre, and also Its 25th Of 'Way Strei,t. in unnnei lion with the, Armis- cloull"s ravinkisly. Tlere, is one letter:- what was once a living organism be- thing prineipsilly becRLIAC ,if the condition ,,),!It out a man's mind along it ,ingl,a Ing the other states in value and ll,�e fottep in To Whom It may Confitilriliz "This is voines a of marble. "On ,If their teeth. Tbi- is because witfirnito tbr,ad, and colinect it lip with some variety of precious -tones produced. Day Paris, a number of to certify that J had been tociffiring file attaininent Of lotAl fos- ,,,, "pected to 6ii,w leather for whor things which Most People have Finland has been cfficially estimated inlinleflial councillors Intend in lity . for over three weeks with br.richitill, silization the great man ha� le-coniv l,,j,c,ftRinR ancl also to isoften skins. * no knowledge of--sorro, libilo,kolihie, to have 1,1030,000 horsepower avail- hPfore the Paris Munwipal Council and was advised to try l3cickley's a elazitic. It beir-outes inerpanlagly The de-th of Horace E DodgP and P�Yehfc, re�iglous, mystic Ocing whie.h able in its streams, of which only A ProPomal that the name of Nnvptri- her 11 should be to tbe Bronchitis MlIxturts. I purchased a difticult for the member of leach suc- John F. �o;ikp, brZerit,'and owners 41 100 01090 to reality to be boins, by : 150,000 horsepower is being utilized. RI-ven one of alreeis Paris. %­ bottle and after the third done I lie- epeding generation to remember that of the automobile plant bearing jjjj6 an7 human brain." An autokmatice switch has been de- . of __ illisived trollaff and before the bottle fhdah;i, I the stony objects whieh fill the nin- amirn eases were once alive. It is of- Tiame, places two girls at the h, ad of I —_ ligned that turns on sin autornobile The Fan. was was perfeavity well. the mammoth plant, which employs Get the Walking -habit. lights at a designated time irrespec- I 'rhe Folding-frin In ultakin the above satiortion I have heidZU in it is best ton a work of elonsiderahl, labor To the living rroru more than 18,000 persons, The girls. I MaLbel-"Father, I need a fl,vr rld- ' tive of the presence of the Owner Of I -me originalL,if &a saying the reconstruct animal Miss Isabel Dodge and Mrs. James ,11z -habit." a car. I froln Japan, In the fliast fans were relloody I ever came IS liolstact, with the foRF0 I shape. But The Iroobi, is CraniWell. are Militias. and the re- Fatber-"I can't afford. ll." Fxperinients by British scientist, I carried by both spirm lind were mueb imed important The for hellify cold@ and bronchitis."- Mrs. IL Harding, c/o Dust- . eenerRI13 worth taking. And Ili 7- 1% it worth . . �,ponqibility of operating the plant .114ut what am I to do without a have developed a way to freeze beef . at ceremonies. (Mlipaki Toronto. The ,:.se more whiff ihan in falhi upon their shoulderi. I rldfag-bikbit?" , so as to preserve completely the phys- Japanese had war -fans, ciArl bright lose Birash On., original (:)III oror1s.­ Twenty girl chnufreurs will be sent I "Get a walking -habit." ical and chemical properties of tke . tied. and there are some ran% which of this testi-orl may be seen at W. Buckley, Limited, 142 Mutnal —,-- . - - � I. I he Aisne district ill France by the J _. __ fresh meat. posseliat a small poinard conrealpff in !he handle. K. St., Toronto. This mixtare Is The Best Ile Could I -i ... 1. American Committee for Devastated I ntiot 11feels. A small but powerful refiterto, The fol1inir-fan was In- I rodnee-d it) Fnitland in Heill VilL'. proven thousands of Ca=dian 'households, Nladiti, 'I hope. dpar, 1ho r:ng France. The girls will form a motor Itervice unit. to transport live I Boot heplq are. Raid to be 0 f Per. backed electric laynp has been design. I litille. coming from Italy. to �hleh it will give Yell sure relief. It cannot Y ... I Just gave me Isn't a ,lj,,.i, I Ill. stock * carry the Rick and rhildrPin to hoq_ ,,an origin and were first developed � ed for use instead of flashlight pow. der when taken in . tied b"n introduced by Catherine de &it. sevitut cent's In the price that stands between find tha,.raad lalloil." - _ li*s fill. o ­NI "No. darlinp I pitals and homes, deliver rnereban. , t "'It Pe(ll'il -]gbt bOtteT pr otect photographs are dirnly lighted rooms. . Medici. you _ at I to health. Take no crubstitnte­ t �,Ifl,lo,,,�­- r". ve imitation I could fincl." dist, fInd (in a, y other errand that be neepRitarv. Each : their fc,�et trom the hot sands over I which It was necessary to travel. I Jewelry resembling gold and 11011 . - on the bottle with the "Satisfaction I niny girl multir I ------.O-- t darneRtic utenitfla aro. be- . I Fnirliab, Arabic stud Hebrew have , anteed, or money refunded " ' . Nor"eg' an experimenters are try- be qualified to pic� all ih%tperiaes, speak . French, and make minor repairs in - The manufacture of yeast from ,arnilihing ng made in France of an alloy in - by a eliernint . been recognized so the official lan- 'Tycror druggist It) I i.g dritits witil as tire, huokwheat Is vented containing ninety guage in Palestine; Sold in Senforth by E. UMBACH. . .toTnobiles such ernergencielit earburotnir a new industry for Den- per cent, nf roppey and ten of alum- acetylenoe gas. or ignition trouble . 111ark- I .. ,,,X,�,ilh&d , mrim. itil_� � 11 1111111,111,I!,1111111 IMF , , F 'P11111111 � ii;: , 111.41T11% MM"M I . . / . -1 .- I, I , . I I . - .. 111 I I . - 1-1,1 , . I., . I 4.� . i I �. - � , � IgQgz;iai,ii� ----..- - We Ail . � ­ . , . . . M� 11 I I lik ". . . . ...... 14' - A ­&"AAM �24.vw�ti,,if�, "gaigg _ � %&&,q,i4,A,&,.,, " .. 'm"Ifit"", ""_ --..1i, -1 ffWM�W,4W.,,A,ii%,,.kw I,. -1., .�4.;�,jll LIN /