HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1921-01-14, Page 5yj>}p bl.. t41 1 sitl'.t' • to 1 btu. Ge Bd Jr:, �¢ petty ckayt a car, IoM of cattle -to rlroront6 Saturday Mr. ,Tho1 im niczi:aY and W. LYIan]ey shipped a carload of cattle en hogs_ to Toronto from the C. P. R. station. —Mr. John Eckert, Jr. 'in out with his Moline engine grinding and cut- ting -wood,—Mr. John Benuetylse, ex-M.P.P., is busy letting contracts of cutting wood and logs in the bush he purchased from Mr, W. Manley. -- Mr. and Mrs. C. Eckert were visitors in our burg during the week. SEAFORTH MARKETS • Seaforth, January 13, 1921. Hogs, per cwt. $14.50 Butter, per Ib. 60 to 52c Potatoes, per bag $1.26 Wheat, per bushel $1.75 Oats, per bushel 45c Barley, per bushel 75c Flom, per cwt 45.50 Bran, per ton $$8.00 Shorts, per ton $40.00 Eggs, per dozen 70c POULTRY MARKET Toronto, January 11th. -Live Poultry • Spring ohickfno, 25c; gram, 20c ; roosters, 16e; fowl, 14 to 27e; ducklings, 25c; turkeys, 46 canto. Drowsed Poultry --Spring chickens. 28 to 33c : ruwtem, 20 to. 27e ; fowl, 26 t.. Vic; ducklings, '32c: gesso; 30c: turkeys , • - to 60c; equals, dosbn, 86.60. HAIRY ,MARKET Toronto, January 1 lth.--Cheese, new large, 26 to 2'k twinn, 27 to 28c; triplets, 2s to 29c ; 01,1, large, 32 to 85c ; do., twine. 82'1 to 835yc. Rutter -..Fres, dairy. choice. 40 to 00.:; creamery, 2nd*, 66 to 70.' Onset, 68 to 61e. Margarine-• 36 to 37e. Eggs No. 1, 74 to 77c eel s, 70 W elle,. new: laid in cartons, 86 to 90c. BEAN MARKED Toronto, Jan. lith. -Canadian, hand-picked. boohel, 83.76 to 64.20; primes, 33.00 to 3'.60 Japnna, 0 4., : Limon, Madagascar, 1Q(4 ; California Limas, 12344*. BIRTHS Eyetooth. In Stanley, on January 9, 11,91, to Mr. and Mm. David Ryckmaa, a n McLean. --le Tuckemmith. on December '26th. to Mr. and Mm. James McLean. a eor.. Cook. In Mitchell, on December 21th, Mr. and Sim. Roy Cook, a daughter Steele. Ir Hilbert, em December 25th, t• Nr and Jin. ,; lb,•rt Smote. o daughter M A RIUAG ES Levis F'sher. In Coil.orm- Toon-hip. o.. 0. -- 'ember _.vh, by the lie.. li. F. Kenre.k. yell.,• W'.nnifl,d, daughter ..f Mr. and Stn. Churls.. F ther, to Steroid M. Lau... sen ,d .Mr. F:d'rsrd Lavi., of Coderi,:h taw reship. Ripley Ca:.-I.y. Al 1h,•r •fury, With. on Lerem Let _-.1h. 1:120, by iter. W. It. Ileo• tin+. Air John E. Riley. of Grey tea n ship, t. 57, Swish Funnir, duu,•hter f uod .1,.. John Granby, Mo,r, tears. eh.p. T - DEATHS t'uuen.nn 1'. H,•nsall, on Jonua•", 3'..•• 'o.. :Jed >ears. !lore,. In G6der„h, o. Jewelry '.'h, .'4.• Ii..rne •,. e,•,l ., 2 (e., and 1 m,.nth Wood,. In r 1:, n•srl• ela• ata -,I. Sr '., ..tt. :. of the.' lute lien, 0 ,•.,t .., her 2217,•.nr. 1-14,a814111. In 1411,11,1/149.19. ('„I. , :9111. 19'24. Johnm, 11oo.bau, �... ., ..r. IMPORTANT NOTICES FOR SALE: OR RENT.- THE WEST HAI 1• of Lot22, Cone.-stun 5, Hibbert, .r0 acre. thirty acres of it is broken and 'n. rant b in gree.. MRS CONNOLLY, Duh::•. On!. 2770.2 D17RHAb1 131111. FOR SALE:, --5005 SAI.$ registered Durham bull, 10 months eat. color, roau. Thin L.' a good individual. Ap- ply to W. C. SPROA'r, No. 0, KipWn. phone 2 on 79; Hensall Central. 2700.4 ARM FOR SALE. FOR SALE LOT t;., Con eieolon 1, Tuckemmith, containing IOU acres of choice land, well cleared and good buildings. One mile north of Kippen. For Further particulom apply on the premise, n Phone 7 on 0,. I.ORNF; MOFFATT. KiPeenr Post Olson. 2770.o; ]ANTED. TWELVE CORDS OF 3 51', hardwood. 8 cords maple, and 4 'cords beech, all to be good body wood to be deli..•r- ed et Egmondville church by April let. Tenders received up till January 26th. Phone 9 on 133. JAMES CAMERON, Chairman. Board of Managers. 2770-2 S HORTHORNS FOR SALE.- HERD ILF.AD- d by Royalist ---130083: for sale; 3 choice young bulla ranging in age from A months 09 to 14 months; 2 young enwa with calves at foot. Prise. rensonable. Write me, and, if p000ihle, come and see me; it is worth while. JAMES HILL, R. R. No. 1. Staffs, Ont. 2769x:' FOR SALE. --A 6 -HORSE POWER LISTER gasoline engine complete, made in Eng- land, of choicest material and beat workman- ship of any engine sold in Canada. It is in good condition and can be purchased for nearly half the price of new one. JOHN sn ELDER, lienll, Ont. 2766-4 MAPLE GROVE FARM.- CHESTER White hoar for osolee or for sale; :Oh acme choice young' boars for sale that nee from pedigreed stock at a right price. Thee., page are stock by the largest boast 'o! Anneowr of Tilbury, and he hno boars that. weigh 1,000 pounds in aerriocable condition. A. HUOl1.1., R. R. No. 2, Seaforth, 2770-tf 'FOR SALE:. -•-THREE YOUNG SOWS DUE to litter in Februxry, also a Scotch Short, horn bull, roam in rotor. 19 mntnhe .Jd. For further particulars apply on Lot 80, Con - cession 2, Tuckersmith, or phone 10 on 614. Clinton. 00550RD CR/CH, R. R. No. 3, Seaforth. 2770-tf COWS FOR SALE.- 1 ROLD THE LOAD of coma that ho I advertised last week. 1 have anrthrr load o d of ivate corm, will in, which 1 will at c at , its ashen or willle. ex- change for fat rattle, at CAdmore'a Sable, on Friday, December slat, until sold. If you want a choice cow coming 4n seen, worth the money, come and see thio lot Terms - Caeh or no sand tea. 1p U. heti Anyone n¢ rattle which they wl.h to ship U, F. 0., call me 9phone3.as i expectto ship aeon. Phone 94,C. T. Turnbull. 2788 -if Clay Drain Tile MR. FARMER:— JUST A LINE TO JOG YOUR MEMORY. THIS IS THE TIME TO PLAN YOI!R DRAINING. HELP IS MORE PLENTIFUL THAN IT HAS BEEN FOR SOME TIME. GRASP THE FIRST GOOD ROAD OPPORTUNITY AND GET YOUR SUPPLY OF CLAY TiLE. SiZES, 3, 4 AND 6 INCH. FROM Wm. M. Sproat Phone 9-196 Seaforth, P. O. .07reQ POWER FUEL Each pound of our quality feed contain u maximum strength - building stremg- building elements. bi every bag you will' and tits be of imitated grains, in prime condition, and of full weight. Choice feed poabi more than cheap feed—but rearms double value on tip investment, don't forged Try us with your next order. . W. M. Stewart MAIN STREET PHONE 77 SALE REGISTER On Wednesday, January 26th, at 1 o'clock P.m., en Lot 16, Conc,mion 14, McKillop, tenervr nale of hors., Cattle, Sheep and Piga. W. S. Forbes, Prop:, T. Brown, goat. ANNUAL MEETING The Annual Meeting of the Bayfield Agri- cultural Society for the purpose of meed,. 'ng the Flnaefiul Statement and Auditors' Report, all. the appointing of utnerm and directors for the coming year will be held in the Town Hall, Bayfield, on Wrdnwdoy, January 19th, 1921. at ne'00fbloek. A. E. ERWIN, D. F. MCNAUGHTON, Secretary, President. 2770-1 ANNUAL MEETING The Annual Sleeting of the members ,.4 the McKillop Mutual fire Insurance Compmty will be held in the Town Hall, Seaforth, all Fri• day, February 7th, 1921. at tau o'rlu,•k p.m., to receive the financial statement and Audi• tar's report, th, Aching of th res• Dr.•otors nd two Auditor.;, and other business which might b• runsol,.r,.l at the meeting. The re- tiring Directors 0:,• It. t; '('art>, D. 4.• F McGr,•,,.r and Malcolm Me6 ova, oho are eligible for re el,. II,,n. JAS. CIINNOI.LY, THOS. E. HAYS, l'rrniuent. Secretary, MF~;TIN ' (rF O HURON ' RON COUNTY CCOUNCIL 'rhe C,u,u•il ..' the Corporation ,;f th'e County of Huron wit! meet in the Council Chamber, Goderich. at 3 o'clock en the utter. moon or 'ru,wda�, the 20th Clay of January. 11121. All account,- against the Gvnty must be in the henei of the Clerk nut later then Monday Preceding the imaging of Couneii. GEO. W. HOLMAN, County Clerk, G,derirh. Januar( '7, 1921. 2770-2 Mortgage Sale Of Lind in Town of Seaforth Under and by virtue of the powers nf sale •maimed in a Mortgage which has ,ten duly registered and will be produced at the time of sale, there will be offered for sale by public auction by Thos, Brown, Eno., auctioneer, at Dirk's Hotel, in the Town of Seaforth- in the County of Huron, on Satur- day, the 16th day of January, 1921, at the hour of 2 'clock in the afternoon, the fol- lowing lamb, namely: All and singular that certain parcel or tract of land and premiss. situate, lying and being in the Town of Seaforth and in the Township of McKillop, in the County of Huron, heing rnmpnaed of a part of the north half of Lot number twenty- five (25), in the First flat) Concession of the eaid Township of McKillop, commencing on the Eauterly limit of said lot and at the dividing line between the North and South halve of anid Lot, thence Northerly along the Easterly limit ofaid Int 1087 and 600-1000 feet, thence Westerly parallel to the Northerly -boundary of said Lot '727 feet. Thence Southerly parallel to. the rEaeterly boundary of said Lot 988 and 09-1000 feet; thence Easterly" parallel to the Northerly boundary of said Lot 134 and 6--1000 feet. thence Southerly parallel to the Easterly boundary of said Lot 103 and 82-1000 fent, thence Eaotorly along the South limit of the North half of said Lot 692 and 6--1000 feet to the place of beginning. ' TERMS OF SALE Twenty (20) per cent. of purchase money to he paid down in cash on the day of sale and the balance within thirty days thereafter. when the Purchaser is to be entitled to a Conveyance and pna.wsion. The Purchaser on the day of sale will be required to Men an Agreement to complete the purchase. Fur- ther particulars and terms of sale will be made known on the day of pale and may be had in the meantime from the undersigned. Dated the 29th day of December, 1920. Thomas Brown, R, S. HAYS, Auctioneer. Mortgagee's Solicitor. 2768-3 AUCTION SALES A UCTTON SALE OF FARM STOCK, IM- tamers. P and Household Effects. ec Mr, George Elliottliott has been instructed to aell by Public auction on Lot 19, BAN., adjoining the Village of Verna; on January 20th, 1921, at 12.80 sharp. the following: Hoteat-One gelding rising 4 year. old, 1 mare rising 8 Yearn old, both from Olen Rae; 1 dgdn rising 6 ynem o 1 driver, 1 gelding 8a Yearn old. Cattle -Two steers rising 0 gears elate 3 knitters rising 3 years old in calf, ^ ate.; sing 2 years old, 1 heifer rising 2' yearn old due in April. 2 farrow coon, 2 B rl calves 1 w D nR co 6 years old due four. May, 1 A o,,t en , also Hag rllty aHen. -About 60 bene, also a quantity o hay. Im1 Dlemens: -I -Deering binder 7 foot ant, 1 Noxon seed dr111 with seder, 1 Oliver Crean eeuier with bareet. Attachment, one 1. H. C. roller, 1 Deering mower 6 foot cut, 1 Noxon Mac. 1 Noxon rake, 1 ono -home nrudler, 1 gang plow, 1 walking plow, 1 Per- rin riding plow, 1 aeraper, 1 net f Uah alelgh:4 1 Manley -Harris spring tooth culti- vator, 1 light wagon 2 wagon., 1 hay reek, 1 open buggy, 1 Clinton fanning mill, 1 extra net ecreem, 1 pair ocelot, 1 bey fork, ear, and pulleys), 120 feet of rope, ding epo., 1 scoop shovel, 1 iron kettle, 1 rubbertire buggy, 1 hog.heed, 1 nap pan, apples, 'about 80 pails, I cross cat mew. 1 cotter, 1 erase hand seeder, 1 scythe, 2 arta harness, 1 set Dhow herna,h, 1 eet angle hatneee, also forks, chains, grain baste, and other amid, tem nutmeg. to mention. Household 0ffecta -1 Boardman & Gray piano, piano is mush; 1 dresser, 8 writing desks, 1 iron bed, one - Singer sewing machine, 8 bdatesde. 8 rock- ing chairs, 4 cane bottom chairs, 9 kitchen chairs, 2 arm chairs, 8 elands, 1 kitehet'r cupboard, 1 Home Comfort steel range, 1 cream separator, 1 .emch, 1 dining room ettenelon table, 1 parlor able. Terme---All enure et 81e and ander, cash; over that amount 12 menthe' creat will be elvers on furnlshing eatravel joint not.. A dtseannt ' of 4 per cent. off for cash on credit t nmeunte. Hay to be mush. .TOH'N WANLESS. Proprietor, Geo. Elliott, Auctioneer. 2789x2 k5 AUCTION -SA 1 r -- AU T20QN BA;LIp OF OA.Trx& -MR, Tao8, Brown bus been lllstraats4 to ■eU ' by publk 0100001 on Lot 26. Cenceoolon 14, Me- KUlop. one mile south of Walton, known as the Dickson Farm, on Tuesday, January 18th, vt®ine o'clock sharp, tho following property, namely: --47 heal of steels tieing three yearn old, and 6 heifers rleing three years old. Reason fur selling le 1 am alert of feed 'Tamm. -Ten- months' credit ' Of. approved 20iat not., ora discount of 4 per cajtt. off for oast up credit amounto; JOHN CLARK, Proprietor; T. Brown, Auctioneer, 2770:1 AU(."PION SALE.-- MR. THOMAS BROWN her been irmtructed to sell by publictr auction at the idenco of the Ince John Cameron, next to the Preebyterian Mane, ERmondvIlle, on Saturday. January 16th, at 2.30 p.m., the following: One cow 6 year* old lo December, 1920, due to fonahen ow February 26th, 1921; 1 Tubular cream eel, - rater, 1 cutter, 1 net Dingle haraeun, set eca eo, grindstone, work ,bench, oat box, wheel barrow, piano ma. crow bar, pleke shovels, news, eythe, f irks. and other emelt art/el.; seine alfalfa hay, one parlor suite, I canter table. I small table, I Crown Bril- tient coal beater with oven. 1 bedroom suite, 1 bed, sewing machine. 1 006000ion table, linoleum., and other ankles. Terme.-A11 nano of 810 and under, cash; over that amount 4 month.' credit on approved joint notee. - Six per cent, per en0Ym allowed fur cash on credit amounts. MRS. JOHN CAMERON, Proprletr.a; T.'. Brown, Auc- tioneer. 2770:1 AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK AND Imblement.. Thomas Brown ha. been in- structed to roll by nubile eviction on Lot 6, Concession 7, Mullett. on Monday, January 11th, 1929, at one o'clook p.m., the following: Humes -ane agrickltural mare '1 year+ old, 1 driving horse 6 years old, agricultural colt rising two years. Cattle-- Cow due to calve in March. 1 well-bred Jersey 'heifer due to calve in February, caw due to calve In March, Jersey cow due to calve in March, Ater , rising 3 years old, one heifer calf. Pigs, Etc. One brood now, 2 chunks about 100 minds, 2 sheep, 39 hems and pullet.. Implements. McCormick binder 6 foot cut, d drill, home rake wagon, net harro v. ulking plow, spring tooth cultivator, set sleighs. gravel box, McLaughlin Stanhope rubber tired buggy, nearly new; piano box cutter, set double harness, net Bingle driving harness*pit of turnips, about five load.; Perfection coal oil stive with oven. one 1. X 1,. washing machine, rolling coulter, hay .tack, and other aeicio too numerous to mention. '!'errs.. -All sumo of 919 and under, cash; over that amount 9 menthe' credit will be given on furntohing approved joint notes. A dtaoount of 6 per cent. per annum orf for caeh on credit amount.. Roos and Hay, rash. JAMES MANN. Pro- prietor; '1', Brown, Auctlonrrr, 2769-2 CLEARING SALE OF HORSES, REGIS. tered Shorthorns, Choice Bred Durham. and Hereford Cattle: Hogs and Implements. Jas. Jon.. auctioneer, has received inetruc- tnn. from the undersigned to sell by puhlir auction o, l,ot 7 ('nnc'.e■ion 10, 'Town hip of Ilibhrrt, 2 miles rant of Cromarty en Wo',tnesduy. January 19th. 1921. the follow- ing: H.ua,,, 1 motch,,l team of mars 5 irand 6 years old. 1 mere 5 years old. I geld- ng 5 years ole 1 g.dding four y nam old. Cattle 2 eons due at time „f sale, 3 ,vow due April r , • May, 2 heifers due in Say, eupn•'s„l to be .n calf, 1 farrow o, t llt,r ,hem hull "Royal Kitchener." R,•R. No. ,:tk months old, 1 hull coif registered. "Sold 1'r " 6 menthe all' 16 steer. ' ,del 2 heifers 2 years old. 3 steers 1 0o•'old, 2 heifers 1 >enr old, 9 serine rake,. 11.1'1 i Y„rk•-hire sow due end of February. 10 piles al.•ut 1011 pounds, 111 Inge ,,knot 1211 n, kinds.. :\ ,tunntins of s.•.,) oats. ,,ntity of „yr,l fes,). Implements. Spiking tooth harrow new, nfarm '"'.asvte•on' her, ne: ;y l,1 If ftlg,, thin. x ,r, -span,1.r. _ incubators 120 . r>. partt(': t.e.11 hater. new. pulp,•lhay fork. pa , i.1 .0 le due, el brae„ toxo n t,vl 00: n(0.0 , rly• new. Salo at •'. look sharp. Tern,. All sums of 310 a �d neer ever that amount 10 months' *slit will be rice. , n furro hing approved ant not,,. A di+r,ount of -': tier cent, off � foe cash. N.. , r,'e as the farm is Owing- ing lin lids. Crain and runts. cash. SIRS, .511801-:5 BUCKING, Adminatralrix; .1n men .bona. A art ionrer. Perth and Huron, 2769-2 A 1071'10:1 SALE OF FARM STOCK, 191- plrmento and household fulnitu re. The undersigned has been instruct,) to sell by public uurti.tn on 20,) concession of Stanley, Lot 30, thrrr miles South of Clinton, on Wednesday, January 111th, 1021, at one o'clock sharp, the following: One Pcrchnm mare 0 (,•1110 old, 1 Beloit* mare 7 yearn old in L ad, I hath gond brood mares s ; 1 Percho,n tiliy colt i months old. Parc hymn filly colt 9 rnorths old, 1 Durham erode cow, 4 years old, frehend in November: 1 Durham grade ri years old, freshened in November; 1 Durham grade cow 3 yearn old, milking in November, 1 Durham grade co • 7 years old her to freshen at time uf sale; 1 Durham grade row 4 years old due to freehen in February, I Durham grade cow 6 year. old lee to freshen in May, 2 good Durham grade heifers, rising 3 years old: 1 Hereford grade heifer rising 2 yearn old, I Polled Angus grade heifer rising 2 years old, 2 yearling .teem, 3 Derham grade calyx, 2 months old. Implements- 1 Maxwell hinder 6 foot cut, '1 Deering mower 7 fad cut, 1 international roller nearly n,•w, I 10 -foot Maxwell rake. 1 Mann cultivator, 1 Massey -Harris fertilin. ink: drill, 1 disc harrow, 1 set of 4 section harrows, 1 Ceckxhutt riding plow, 1 ".furrow- ed Plow, 1 Fleury Plow Nn, 21. 1 Chatham wagon nearly new, 1 truck wagon, 1 set settles capacity 1,600 lbs., 1 Chatham fanning mill with bagger nearly new, 1 new steel tire lop buggy, 1 new steel tire open buggy, 1 bran cultivator nearly new, 1 International l't horse power gasoline engine nearly new; I pump jack, 1 root pulper, 1 ,-utter, 1 lawn ,wing. 2 ladders, 2 barrels, 20 rod No. 9 ,oven wire, 2 rolls of fence wile, 1,000 fret 7' good hemlock lumber, I met of double harness, 1 set of single harnrsx, 1atone- boat, I wheel harrow, about G ton of first elms timothy hay, about 6 ton of first class nlfelfa hay, shout 5 ton of green feel, :100 hushels of good seal bnrlcy, 200 bushels of turnips, 200 bushels of m»ngels, 1 cook stove, Acme R. in c,rod repair: good hotting stove, 1 kitchen table. 1 Daisy churn. 1 washing machine, forks, chains, ohavela and numenms other article. Terme- 'turnips, mongel, and all sums of 810 add under. ash: over that t 9 months' credit w•tll hr given on fu u,hing upprnved 71,int notes. kira dis- uot of 1 oar cont• straight t11nw•el for each on .redit amounts. Everything to he mild as proprietor Jae', Id hie term Anil muvinu away. WILLIAM TAYLOR & SON, Proprietor, Geo. H. Ell inti, A nrtiom•rr, 0770.1 rl XECIITOIIS SALE: OF VALUABLE FARM aJ farm stock and implements. Under in- structions from the Executors of the Estate MEdward Drayer, late of the 'Township of cKillop, in the County of Huron, farmer, there will be offered far sale by public Uhth » 3 Uc- tion on the numbuer on Th and n the r. rd day of February. 1921. it one elor k p.m., by Thomax Brown, auctioneer.the valuable farm of the lot. Edward Drager, namely, the westerly three-nuarters of Int number four in the Thirteenth Concession of the said Town- ship, containing one hundred acres more nr less. Upon D the Dremiell aro n frame kolas, hank barn,dei 1 1 ed well good. prop ty w res err under cultivation. The property is situate five miles 11-om Brodhagen. There will akin he offered for sale the following chattels: Cattle --1 cow 5 years old, due to calve March 18th; 1 cow 6 years old, due to calve March Met; 1 row 7 years old, due to calve April 6th; 1 euro 8 yeses old, der to calve April 27th; 1 cow 4 yours old, due to sive June Ilth, and 1 cow 0 yenta old due to ralvr June 16th, 8 yearlings, 2 winter calves, and H caltrea, and 2 hogs. Homes 1 draft home 4 yenta old, 1 draft horse 6 years old, 1 draft mare 7 years old, 1 mare 14 years aid, due to foal June 27th. Imple- ment,. -1 Massey -Harris binder 6 foot cut. 1 Masary-H»rtio mower 6 foot cut. 1 hay rake. 1 roller, 1 dine harrow, 1 Bet diamond har- rows, 1 Dene hay loader, 1 Noxon seed drill 12 hoe.; 1 wagon, 1 wagon box, 1 hay rack; I Meek rack, 1 top buggy. 2 open (vagina, 1 Clinton fanning mill, 1 net platforms scales 2000 the., 1 pea buncher, 1 pea 'harvester, 1 ace/er. 1 turnip seeder, 1 cutter, 1 set bob alelghe, 1 pulp., 1 spring Beat, 1 walking plow, No.'21: 1 hay eon 4 pulleys, 160 feet hay fork rope nearly new, 1 Buvar kettle, 1 set double harneo, and otherrticles too nut herms m to mention, Terms -On Chattels, all awns of 810 and under.' cash ; over that amo0nt six per cent credit on approved Joint notes with six per cent dierount allow- ed off for each on 'credit amount.. The Real Fete* will be sold .abject to a reserved bid and else enhjet to other conditions which will be made known on the date of Bale or may he had on applkation to the undersigned Solicitors. THOMPSON & RICHARDSON, Mlfahell. Onallo, Solicitors for Henry Replan and William Drager, Executors; Thomas Brown, Auctioneer. 8770-8 7r+)ill' r41aw1rtmwrsxtE�slr. Real Bargains. for Saturday- Free Delivery to any part of the town. • 10 Bars Comfort Soap $96 10 lbs. Saluda Tea i 4,80 2 Tina Maple Leaf Salmon 1-00 Very Fine Potatoes, per 90 lbs. Bag 1.40 6- Packages Ammonia Powder - .25 O'Cedar Polish, per bottle .50 3 Boxes Dominion Matches S8 7 Plugs Master Mason Tobacco . 1.00 2 Large Tins Tomatoes .35 10 lbs. Choice Cooking Onions ,40 Choice Dairy Butter .50 Black Pepper, per Ib. .35 Finest Dates, per lb. 20 6 Cakes Pahl Olive Soap .64 Very Best Overalls, per pair 2.35 Purity. Flour, per bag 6.90 I 22 lbs, Wire Huila .15 W. J. Finnigan JAMES McFADZEAN Agent for Howick Mutual Insur- ance Company, Successor to John Harris, Walton. address BOX 1, BRUSSELS or PHONE 42. 2709x12 0000 000000000 0 S. T. HOLMES 0 0 Funeral Director and O O Licensed Embalmer O 0 Undertaking Parlors in 0 0 Beattie Block, opposite The 0 O Expositor Office. Residence 0 O Goderich St„ opposite Dr. 0 0 Scott's. O O Flowers furnished on short 0 O notice, O O Phone Night or Day 119 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 tee 0000O00000000 O W. T.BOX &CO. 0 O Embalmer and O Funeral Directors O H. C. BOX O Holder of Government 0 Diploma and License O Charges moderate 0 Flowers furnished on short O notice. O Night Calls Day Calls 0 Phone 175 Phone 43 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0000 0000000000000 W. S. GORMLEY O Embalmer and Funeral Director Undertaking Parlors Above M. Williams' Grocery Store. Main Street, Seaforth, Flowers furnished on short notice. Charges Moderate Phone—Night or Day -192 O O O O O O O O O 000000000 0000 FARMS FOR SALE FARM FOR SALE.. -'LOT NO. 2, NORTH boundary of }lay Township, 100 acres of choice land• ty mile weal of Khmers. For further particulars apply en the premises. HENRY IVISON, Proprietor 27674 FARMS FOR SALE. - I HAVE SOME choke farms for sale in the Townships of Uaborne and Hibbert all well built and Improved, on easy terms of payment THOMAS CAMERON. Woodham, Ont 2658-tf FARM FOR SALE...FOR SAT,10 WEST half of the north half Lot 23. Con- cession 13( north half of Lot 29, Concession 13, and oorth fifty of 1.ot 30, (',one...in 13, in the Township of M,•K.'lop, oontnining in all 10212, erns There are -n the prrmisro a frame barn 66x00 with .•Lena foundation, frame house 22x34, with si.me foundation under the whole house, drilled well with •indmill, it:. neer. of rhe,re fruit. The property 10 known its the John McCallum Farm. and b situated Py ml/en from the village of Walton. For further partiru lam ,o ply to JOHN MrDONALD, Welton, (int. 2,08-01 FARM FOR SALT -LOT 00, CONCESSION •1, McKillop. containing :1914 nares of good land. There is a nevor.falling well at the barn with wish mill d large remold tank and Pining throu netables. It la all .ended w z iCb the exception of 5 ecren which s slowed. Thur i n gond hank burn ARx60 with «tone tabling. undernenth. oleo a straw and hay abed 30s70, with hen and pig house underneath. There is a gond brick house and kitchen onremien p also hard and e o[t water In the house. The farm is all fenced with wire and well drained with tile. School is on the farm. and is situated 8 miles from the town of Seaforth. Has telephone and rural mail delivery. Owner is desirous of selling on asnnnt of ill hes/th. Fog fur {.the, pardeulate apply on the premises or 1 address, JOHN MeELROY. R. IL No. 2, Sea - forth. 2782-tf FARMS FOR SALE. -100 ACRES, LOT 12, Concession 6. in the Township of Tooker. smith, 8 mile, from Seaforth. 1 miles from Bruce0eld and Eleven, convenient to school ami ooe000hhhhhhyeah ; 96 scree cleared. remainder in maple On t.1110 fawn are recollent build- , Inns an are in first-class repair; hard and soft as fn the bowie and In tables; E welt, 1 having a windmill. This farm is thoroughly under drafted end fenced and In a high state of eontvetian. never having been heavily '8reppel. The is In every way a first class and op -to -date (arm. Also Let 27, Contention 19, In the Tovnehlp of 9531, - bort, eontatng 100soros; 80 ante! eleseed and thoredghly nnde_dnalned end fenced, the remainder Is In Oat elan mania hank. On the premises it a eemfortable frame home and geed barn 4806 with stone stabling: also good well with windmill. Thin farm la all seeded to grass and is In excellent condi- tion, having been cropped very little: situ- ated within (7 miles of Henson, quarter of mile from ached!. There la long distance telephone connection on both farms, ales rural mall delivery. Theca farina will he sold together or separately tos t ponoboser and on reneonable tennis. Forfurther par. Oculars aster to Ode DItlpvteter, en tet IL Coneteelon 6, Teekeritrotb, or 8ettbralt. 9'. O„ RR, , No. 4, of hone LAW, on t1PlrlMoO, - THOMAS O. 8 WANTED In this locality, a responsible—and trustworthy man Lo represent a large Financial and Brokerage house, Lib- eral contract and big returns assured to the right man. One with experi- ence in stocks and bonds preferred. Apply to S. C. PARISER, C' o F. C. Sutherland & Co., 10-12 King Street, East, 2770-1 TORONTO. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the matter of the estate of Joseph Fisher, late of the Township of Tuekersmith, in the County of Haran, Gentleman, deceased. NllfitE is hereby elven Dureuant t, the Sonne in that lahtdf 'flint all Credit*, end other, honing elision or deman.b against the 'ate of the said Joseph Fisher. oho dial on nr about th,• suit day of December, 1920, are r,'p ,reel r . . or before the 6th day of Faro- : 1921, to send by post prepaid or deliver to J. M. Ilmt. Seaf,rlh, Onavio, Solicitor 0,.: ,I oseph lie Fisher. 0:01(0: M. Fisher and 1. ups T. Ft.h,•r, the (te,uwn of the said tato full nano.',, lura of their claims. AND T.5NE: NUIICF; that after the last stentiotosl date the ttool F:xreutum will pre. . •s,) to ,Intr,lut ;he of the saidIle- 1.109.11m .og the part thereto hnwum regard oh!, to !heluima of which they ,h:.11 then hovel .ousae:r,•, and the mel Execet re -hall not be11011)e for the said insets or 0,0,' tart then -,f to any person or pr, n 0 of wipe .•I,.m noty'e shall not hos•• Netton.,,,..,,,1 by them at. the lino• of such d"trd.utn, J. M. BEST, Solicitor for the said Executers. Dated at Seaforth, Ont., this 71 day et January, 1921 2770-1 NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Matter of the Estate of Edward Drager, late of the Township of McKillop, an the County of Huron, Farmer, deceased, The ('rr,lit..rs of the above named Edward Drager. who did en or about the sixth day of November, 1020, are requested onor be- fore the Seventh day of February, 1021, to send to the undersigned Solicitors for the. Executors of the said Eoate• full particular, of their claims against his Fate, after which date the meets of the said Estate will be diatrihutd among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to those claims of which notice hoe been received as above. This with*. is given pursuant tb • Section 60 of "Thr Trustee Act." Dated at Seaforth this 6th day of Janu- wiry, 1921. TIIOMPSON & RICHARDBON, of Mitchell, Ontario, 0-61.1 Solicitors for the Executers. WE WANT EXPERT DEALERS REMARKABLE opportunity for ohs high - grade Heal- er in each territory , prefer- ably one who has a knowledge of farm' conditions. The posi- tion is permanentand the work pleasant and profitable. Experience,1,t essential— We train y.01. 'Eca!usive terri- tory, liberal eii o,ii-ration and ex,•ell„I,t pa). To men of energy, ability and nh ;, rluh i'argrily this position offer's n valuable •„oociatiun, and one that is t'f real 11016119' to t. he community. Write us to -day. The Chi nn Mfg. 'n I Q. ( of Canada Guelph - Ontario Secty. & Man., - W. H. DAY (Formerly erg Y Professor of h y61Ce at the Ontario•r'c A 1 altars s. I College., Guelph.) Business for Sale General Store, Stock and Fix- tures must be sold at once, no the Proprietor has purchased property elsewhere. A gond chance for a quick sale. Apply to POSTMASTER - Kippen - - Ontario with w,9?t Good THEnionex'_ when deppsi ' iii ou1r; Department, akd bit interest are safe,' acid ed whenever regtdred; account today. - - THE CANADIAN: OF COMER . PAID-UP CAPITAL 111$r' RESERVE FUND SEAFORTi1 BRANCH, J. G. Mallen, Manage}'. Annual Meeting 510 TO $69 A W EEK The Annual Meeting of the Seaforth Agricultural Society will be held in the Carnegie Libary at one o'clock on Wednesday, January 19th, 1921. M. BRODERICK, 2769-2 Secretary. WE WANT a reliable agent for every un- represented district, to sell our well known Fruit and Orna- mental Trees, Shrubs, gee, Good Pay—Exclusive terri- tory Rights. Our agency is valuable under present conditions. 600 Acres of Nursery—Estab- lished 40 Years. Write for particulars to Agency Department. PELHAM NURSERY C., 755-16 TORONTO, ONT. CREAMA M WANTED South Huron Agri- cultural g cultural Society - at home in your spare tinge, lit•' ' crease your income at home in your apare time. You can earn , - 1 $10 to 450 each week writing show cards at home or qualify, for -a position paying a good salary each week. No canvas-' sing or soliciting. We teach you how and supply you with steady work- Write to -day for full particulars. National Show Card School Ltd. Room 42, 44 Adelaide St. W., Toronto Canada. 2770-4: i! 7 NOTICE Take notice that all Book Accounts owing . to the Firm of Dorsey & MacKinnon. Sea - forth, have been assigned Yo John Garvey & Sona, Wholesale Grocers, London, Oat, and e due and payable to them only. or to their Soliritor. Mr. J. M. Beet, Seaforth, Ont J. M. BEST Solichor for John Garvey & Bona. 27684 FURS WANTED All kinds ,if Raw Furs, delivered at the Dick Htau-.e, Seaforth. Highest Lash Prices. (2. E. HENDERSON, '_700-tf Licensed Buyer. We are in a position to pay high- est market price for butter fat and to render the best possible service. Our gatherers will take care of your cream regularly the year round. Phone Clinton, 145. We will appreciate your patronage, Clinton Creamer Yl 1NN1'A L MEETING The annual T,. sting of the South f° Huron Agricni7. ral Society will be held in the Commercial Hotel, Ben - '111, on Frida3, ,January 21st, 1921, t 1 p.m.. sharp. for the purpose of -ec'eiving the ,ir'-ctors' and auditors' annual reports• the election of direc- tors for the current year and the transaction of "ther business. Limited. R. D. HELL, CLINTON - - - ONTARIO President. 2761-tf K. M. MCLEAN, d Secretary. =uumnllmm11nllluun111nmtluamm19n111!lmmumnlnlniunummloImuI ARE YOt7 Al = C MAN RW WOMAN Brave enough to Face the Future? Big enough to Assume a Responsibility? Far-seeing enough to Prepare for Mi0fortune? Ambitious enough to Increase your Estate Immediately? Patriotic enough to Provide for your Own? = Energetic enough to be Making a Good Vivelihood. Healthy enough to Pass a Medical ExaminatioD" Then clip this advertisement. Fill in coupon and send to S. C. COOPER, Inspector Northern Life Assurance Co. BOX K. SEAFORTH EXPOSITOR OFFICE. E NAME .4 DDRESS Date Born day of in the year • s tt I11 aN 11I I l l I l l 1111 I I1111111111I 11111111111111111E 11111) l (111U 1111!111) t 11Ii 1U111N1i9U W IIIII Arty Clothes? Because they have Style. - Every Suit is guaranteed. The all wool fabrics are spifendldly tailored an trimmed. Yet you pay(ta moderate price.. $40, $45, $50, $56, $00 " My Wardrobe " MAO STIISIVI: a t�.