HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1921-01-07, Page 5e bnue. s and 18th es ' thi- Woke are b1',11fal, date. 37881 on rs in Moll '�]�. et eNe• a Ms � p$l 1t� T. t19B�1� �:: laselatants,-•Dir. K. Ehlers, -gOf a, gave an address cliasapelis, --Choi the Evangelical church et. Sabbath evening, and was listened to with rapt attention. -Mr. D. Chilton, of the Bank staff, spent New Years at Ingerso)L-Mrs. Pope, of Heneall, spent a few days of this week visitidk in town. A keen,.eonteat for the r'eeveailip of ]fay was held on Monday. The result was a victory for Elmore Klopp.--At a well -attended meeting of the ratepayers of our school, held on Wednesday of last week, it was decided to call in an expert to ex- amine the heating system and upon receiving his report, to call a special meeting tc take softie action in the matter, Mr. C. Xtx'k was re-elected trustee and Mr. Dan Hartieib was given the caretaking for 1921 at $250. SEAFORTH MARKETS SeaforU,, January 6, 1920. Eggs, Vet' dozen 70c Butter, per ib 50 to 52c Potatoes, per bag $1.25 Wheat, per bushel $1,,,, Oats, per bushel 45e Barley, per. bushel ., Flour, per cwt. Bran; per ton Shorts, per ton Chopped Ooats, ton Chopped Barley, 1'er ton hugs, per cwt. 754 $5.50 $58.00 $40.00 $45.Ou $52.00 $14.75 POULTRY MARKET Toronto January 4th. --Leve Poultry - Spring e(6irkens, 2y; creme. 20c; rowden, 16r. fowl 18 to 27e. ducklings, 25c; turkeys, 46 rents. Dressed P. Wtry--Springhickens. 2i to tier: rou,tora. 2.. to 27r, fowl, 25 to tar:' doednnga, 22r [:rens. 30e, turkeys, t t. 50e: awua)r, doter,. 86.00, �- DAIRY MARKET '!'„nn,lu, Junuaro nh. L'h«re, new large, Esto :7': twine, 27 29c; triplets, w to 260: old. la: are. 32 t, 35e; do,. twits, 12',. to :O.... Rutter -Fish dairy choice, 09 to 00c ; c..emery, 2nda, 66 to 6nr ; finest, .8 to 81r. Margarine -36 to 3;0. Eggs An. 1, 74 to 77c; selects, 78 to .60c. new led in carton, 90 to 96e. BRAN MARKET e' Toro,. e, nl January - Canadian, hnn .,, '.ed buorl, 13.7: to $4.. • : unser, 53 00 to 83 50 Japer... Bt'.r: 7,i ',.. Madagn,rar. 101uc; California Limas. It '.r GRAIN MARKET 'Toronto, January '•'h. - Manitoba Wheat No. 1 Northern, 81:•o No. 4 whet, 81.76 0,. Macon ba Oats No • ('. W , "' . No. ('. W. ; 0+.,r . . 'tr., t,... 1 feed, l �',0 kr ; No feed, 48'k,, No, - feel-. 4,. ', Manitoba Parley- No. 3 ('. W it. N,., 1 C. W.. 4t•. rejected 70 cents:s-cent,70 cent, Al/ of the above to to,.• .,l Fort William. .Ameri- can t'prn 81.15, )-•mina). track Ternrn,, Prompt shipment t intarin Oat. -No. 2 white 90 to 50e. Ont,ri,- Wheat No. 2 winter, 01.85 81.!10 per car i -.t: No. " spring. 91.hn r.. 01.-.�q{ i., shipping p, ,, ...HOW to fre(gbt. Pres... 8fO. 4'nomTnt4L 91.74 to $1.00. Rerley-. an to toe, according 1. freiohto ,,,,.g,tt,ie. Buck- wheat -No, e, 81.00 to 81.00, WMfreel. Rye N t. freights to Manitoba.. (lour --511.15 nu top relents, 810.54, To, rrumnnt standard, Crtar.o Flour 0.8,9.6, talk seaboard. Mill - feed Car luta- Deii,.rnd M,.nt rrW. freights, bags included Bran. leer ton. 830 to 840; abort, per ton, 0.4; .,o4 feed flour, $2.71 r.1 R:,to. BIRTHS R'i leen.- In Seaforth, ..n December 27th, t0 Mr and Mrs. John Wilson, a son. Youngblut.,- In Huuett. on December 26th, to Mr. and Mn,. Jo,et'r Youngl,lut, a datneh- - Walesa, • In Tuckeo,milh. on December 2g9., to Mr. and bits, Elliott Waltem. . da,.gb• ter. Tucketomith, on December 26th, to M. and Mn,. Edie. (formerl), Miss Mary McDonald), of Brvre4c)d, a son. Humphrlw,- In Wattan, on December 2801. yland Mrs. Brueels, , r Christmas Day, 1920, to Mr.. and Mo,. ,W. H. Style,, it son. MARRIAGES ,7nh ns Meir. -In Usb..rne, on December 29 Ray Johns, eon of Mr, John Johno, to Mist. Madeline Mon, both of Osborne. MoCutchem-Ward-.17 the Manse. Walton, by Rev. R. A. Lunn, on December eat, Mr. Elwood McCutebeo, .0 Grey township, oto Miss Honnah Ostia- Ward. of Ethel. Osborne- Smith. --At .F•• -home of the bride'* 0'rent.. Mr:- and' E W. C. Smith. Huron wmrhip. n T,o 6 December 25th, Alice , G. Sml'h to Mr. F" .er Osborne. DEATHS .01'rendertpnt..- In Eget»advllle. no December :11x4 8r... John Pr.v.,li rgnot. eg,+l 71 years and 6+m�onthe, Raney. -r,. Osborne. fa Iro.ember 25th, Annie Violet Bailey, bola.-'( wife of George !Hailey; aged 29 yesr.. 9 months and 17 days. Walker.t•f In Elma Township, .n December 26th, Sobert Walker, father -of him. .Sohn R. Herdic, of Turnl.-rre. in his Rath year. Torrent% -On Thurado). December 90. 1920, at Cbrinnder, Sas)., Margeret Elizabeth, third daughter of Samuel and Elizabeth Torres,. aged 6 y. -n--. 7 months and 22 days. -4 N4'ICE TO .-UTO OWNERS Bran your batteries :e our treated Garage for th winter months. We will store your bntteri6and. have ,nmo fully recharged for you f 83.00. Any kind of battery repairs you y neer( will lc attended to. 2708-2 - COOK BROS., Hensel]. &Isiness for Sale *tend Store, $It, tit end :',$tix,: woes mint bust int sold at.. once, as t11e Proprietor ns tiara/feed property peri elsewhere. A= y ere.good chance fora quick colo. "Apply to POSTMASTER mr. • semi 411 t.11ttS lliAe .611 their , B. Webb t 44 i to thank Bas their kindness dur- ANNUAL MEETING ilte annual meet -^g of the Sealant, Horti. Mon. cul{ural Society will bo held to tyo -Carnegie j £.Pbrsr, on Tuesday evening, Jaauury lith, ht o'clock. Annual report and election �MUM! GRIEVE, A. D. SUTHERLAND, ,276&1' SecreTrees. IMPORTANT NOTICES aaae,�, t�m,�;;n, DI'rCH1NG TOOLS LOST, -WILL THE the mown sb.. Jilted Harr ditching tools eft and save futown rther trouble. return the s 2788x1 DURHAM BULL FOR SALE. -FOR SALE rcolor, glottertnl Durham bull, 10 months 1d roan. This le a good individual. AP per teW. C. SPROAT, No. 8, lappet., u phone 2 on 79, Hernial! Central. 2789x4 `WANTED . AT If/CHEST WAGES, EX- nerienetd flax acute/tern. None but first clear otcheo, need apply who can earn high S EI. COMPANY,! South Oshawa, ADA FLAX & Ont, 2160.2 If we never had Tsui», iv'e wouldn't, appreciate •enpsjine We Need Your Money EVERY WOMAN IS PROUD TO BE a „n„' tingood baker. i't.Andevery natural woman eanbake 'well if she will use our Five Roses 'or Purity Elder. It is so skillfully blended, so perfectly milled that even 'the inexperienced have success with y it from the start. Order a sack and see for yourself. 4„:HU1C1'HORNs FOR SALE. HERD HEAD - h eol toy R+ryullnt :3180009_ for sale; 3 oho..., „on0,e young bulb ranging in age from 8 p to 14 months: 2 young rows with rid,hop at for,. I'rieen rewinnable. Write nee. und, if viewable,come and nee me; it b worth, while. JAMES HILL, It. I2. No. 1, :Hada, Ont. 2769,01 Fuf SALE., A 5.(105085. POWER LISTER gowhne eupi1,e complete, made in Eng- hmd, of choicest materialend beat w kmnn- ahio .•t any engine meld in Canada. It ie In goal .edit ion and ran be purchased for nearly half the price of new one. JOHN ELUF:K, Hyman. Ont. 2766-4 CU4S FOR SAI.E,. I SOLD '01140 LOAD ,•o o that I advertised last week. 1 hate another load of choice cow., just in, whrrh 1 will offer at private male, or will change fur fat rattle, at ('odmore`n Stobie, santon - 0sy. chalet owrxming^tin sold, If you the money; comeandwee this tot. Terms- - Cash, or good notes. Anyone having eatth• whirl" they wish to ship t'. F'. 0., call me by ph..ne as .1 expect to chip noon. Phone p4. of T. Turnbull. 2168.4f AUCTION SALES W. M. Stewart MAIN STREET PHONE 77 Election Cards TO THE RATEPAYERS OF TUCKE*SMITH: I,udi,a unit ConHemen: Please nrcept my niacere thank', for your aut,port ut the recent election, 2760.1 Your,, truly. JOHN McNAUGtjr.ON. TO THE ELECTORS OP THE TOWNSHIP OP TUCKER8MITH: Being unable to meet You peo,onally, I take this opportunity f YOU mr grati- tude fur the very honorable nupport which you have given me in becoming a member oof the Your bent Council my ability. for urthe i interests will act tf the Township, and thanking you again, end wishing you a Prosperous and [Sappy New Year. 11760s1 ROLAND KENNEDY. AI ('5(014 SALE. MR THOMAS1t4t01VN---- ... ... - . hoe been instructed L. sell by public n'lrr.l.n at [ht• to of the low John NOTICE TO CREDITORS l'xmr.•n. oast to the !'n>+lytrrixn ,4., at Evmon'h elle, on SeturJay. ,Lunney 15th, at 2.30 p el.. the folios -one • one row A ymm .1.! I lr,:emLrr, 1226. .iue to, freshen u F'rt'n.ar. 26th, 1021. 1 I''Lltlur , eam n arnO• . 1 cutter, 1 ..et ,ogle harness, se orintfeG,ne., work I.,•nch, out I.ox eL,-el Iwr row. nian.. 1m��, ow Lar. pick 2h1.,.4, loon, .ythe, fork:.and other mmo urti. some alfalfa he,. one parlor suite I tent, Gable, 1 small tn14'. l Crown liril lino: :.rel hunter with oven, f bedroom 0u)te I '.•1 took ing machine, ' extension Lehi.. 1,,:•.1,,, ,- and other 0 rttrM,. Terms..- Al 'ore. '4 810 and under, cash:, over the co.•'u n, i months' credit on appr,.,rd join t... .S$ . per ,vent per annum allowed to, ae'•h edit amount,. MRS JOHN u• .In the Matter of • the Estate or Edoard L Drager, late of the Township of Mrhil(op. on the County of 1laron, Farmer, drrrde� ti V'' The ttreditors of the id,,v, la mcd Edward l'r:,3,•r, who died ellYr x4001 the ,nthmay of November, 1920. a /4.1/11.,11d on o, he - the S.•,.•nth day of Frhruury, 102), to t 1.1 -oil to the undersigned Solicitors for the t F.,ecuton or the said Estate. full particulars .•f their ebunei apalnet hie FL.tat., atter w hi.'h dal, the annuls of the send Estate will CA vie ft, N. 1'0.,,0,, . 'l. tiros n. Auc tine:,•'•; .!7'19-1 Al",'Time SAIF: 01' FARM ,STOCK ANI( Im:.lements Thomas Brown has Leen in- rtruetet u. 'ell by public emotion on Lot 0, Con:'owion 7. Mullett. on Monday, January 1721, at one o'clock p.m., the following: 4 Horses. rrisi --One agricultural mare 7 years old, Ji yearn old, agrfeul(ural cult rising two yens. Cattle- Cow due n, cave •n Merl.), 1 well-bred Jersey heifer due to •a lee in February, cow due to calve in Mon•h. Jemmy row due to calve in March, tee. rising 3 years old. ono heifer alf. Pies, Etre. One brood ,•.. •2 chunks about 100 pounds, •• sheen. 30 hen. and ,.0 tots. Implements. • McCormick binder 6 fort rut, seeed drill, horse rake, wagon, art harrows, v. alk, ng plow, spring tooth cultivator, net sleighs. gravel box, McLaughlin Stanhope ruhh.r tired buggy, nearly new; piano box gutwhornets ,net amt double horne, et single driving kerne.. pit of turnips, about eve loads; Perfr•ruon coal ail ntove with^ven, one I. X 1,, washing machine. rolling coulter, hay stack, and ether artiel s too numeruun to mention. Terms, --All sums of 410 and under, cash: over that amount 9 months' credit will he given on furnishing approved joint note.. A discount of 6 per cent. per annum 0)2 for cash on credit amounts. Rome and Hay, cash. JAMES MANN. Pro- ; T. grown. Auctioneer. 276921 CLEARING SALE OP HORSES, FIE010- wred Shorthorn), Choice tired Durban's and Hereford Cattle; Hogs and Implements, Jas. Jones, aurt.ioneer, hes received instruc- tions from the undersigned to sell by public auction an 1,,.t 7, Concenwion 10, Township of Hibbert, 2 miles east of Cromarty, on Wednesday. January 19th, 1921, the follow- ing: HH rhea- 1 matched team of mares r. and 6 year. old. 1 mare f. yearn old, I geld- ing 8 year* old, 1. gelding four years old, o Cattle -2 cows due at time f .ale, 3 row. due in April or2 cows 0000.0 Mar be in calf, rue in fnrn.w cow, 1 Durham. bull "Royal Kitchener," Reg. No. 188790, 20 months old; 1 bull calf regh,tend, "Bold 'Prince," 8 months cid: 16 steers 2 years nld, 2 heifer. 2 years old, 8 atee,v 1 year old, 2 heifer 1 year old, 9 spring calves. Hoge. -1 Yorkshire sow due end of Fehruary, 10 pike, about 700 sounds, 13 pigs nhont 120 Numb,. A quantity of seed oats, a quantity of mixed feed, Implements. -Spring tooth cultivator, 3 -home disc harrow new, farm truck new, 2 home gasolinemngine, new; crusher. new: heavy belt 14 feet long. cutting Fox, cream separator, 2 incuhatorn 120 egg 0oparit) ; coal heater, new: pulper, hay fork, sap pan and 80 burketn, cutter, set brass mounted harems. nearly new. Sale at one o'clock sharp. Terms, -•All some of UO and ,order, cash; over that amount 10 months' credit 0f,1 be given on furnishing approved nine. notes. A discount 'of 5 Per cent. off forrash. No reserve no the farm b chang- ing hands. Grain and roots cash. MRS. AONES HOCKING, Adminetr•trixt fames .Innes, Auctioneer, Perth and Huron. 2769-2 A C.CT1ON SALE OP FARM STOCK, IM - George Ell ott mente nod Hous -been m nstru .terlto sell old Effects. Mr. Georgepublic auction on Lot 19, B.R.N., adjoining the Village of Varna; on January 20th, 1921, et 12.80 sharp, the following: homes -One gelding rieing 4 yearn n'd, I more riming 2 yearn old, both from Glen Rae; 1 gelding riming f. yearn old, 1 driver, 1 gelding $ Years old. CattleTwoa 8 Leer rfaimr 8 Yewt old, 2 heUmr rising 8 yearn old in soul[ 3 amens rising 2 years old, 1 heifer rioting 2 yearn old due In April, 2' farrow cows, 2 erring calves, 1 cow 5 yearn old due in May. 1 thorohred Yorkshire Hog rising four. Hers ---About 60 hese, oleo a quantity of hay. Im- plements, --1 Deering binder 7 foot cut, 1 Noxpn need drill with seeder, 1 Oliver Aran ectaeler with harvester attachment, one 1. II. C. roller, 1 Deering mower 6 foot cut, I -Noxpn dbe, 1 !login: rake, 1 one-horse oeu4er, 1 gang plow, 1 walking plow, I Per- rin riding plow, 1 scraper, 1 net" f bob sleighs, 1 Massey-Harrle spring toothculti- vator. 1 light wagon, 2 wagons, 1 hay reek, !'open buggy, 1 Clinton fanning mut. 1 extra set screen), I pair scale., 1 hay fork, oar. and Pulley., 120 feet of rope, sling ' 1 ropes, stoop 'hovel, 1 inn kettle, 1 rubber 'ir -buggy. 1 hogshead, 1 sap pan, mules, about 80 pull., 1 emus cut saw, t cutter, 1 gram timid seeder, I scythe, 2 seta hareem, 1 net PM's - harness, 1 not oingie Mumma, oleo chains, graih bags, and other articles rtLmeMw to mention. Household ERecte renimaq 'Gray Plano, pion Qaone Bremer, .0 writing desire, 1 Iron bed. one . Ter sewing machine, 3 bedsteads, 9 rock- ohaita, 4 cant hottdin chairs. R kitchen Irv, 2 arm chalet, 3 ntnode, 1 kitchen )ward p 1 Homs Cot0foet nisei tying- 1 sepmble. 1 roach, 1 dining encs radon table, 1 parlor table..0) 0000 -pmt , ma M 010 and., tcredit cash ; over that cunt 12 semi-) credit will be given- on rn/shine approved joint note., A discount .4 per cont, oft for cash op credit aunts. Hay to be dash. JOHN WANT.F48 for-. tow 1 --I Ain cog he cu cream All to WO i1t Ontario nm • Prnbrtetor, 51.. El/loft Auctioneer- 2780x2 ' r a t•• dust iron- among the parties entitled t';. -rete, ha. Ing regerri sly to th.me claims of which notice has been rere.i„d as above. (has notion is given pursuant u. Section ,.f "The Trustee Act," iDated at Seaforth this 8th day of Jnno- .'ory. 1921. THOMPSON & RICHARDSON, ^^-78!h.{ lioliM 01 Mottehell, Ontario, Ow R.chutes. NOTICE 4',•r) on i.. of Births, Merril/X.4 or Deaths meet be a ritten plainly in durable 1110ok Ink „n the anis supplied, and all the evestdons r •red which can be answered. r"f��r order of the Registrar Genera/. M. MURDIF:, Clerk of McKillop. Or; 24th, 1020. Beaforth, P. 0. 2708-2 WE WANT EXPERT FIELD MEN. REMARKABLE opportunity for one high grade field man in each territory, prefer= ably one who has, a knowledge of farm* conditions. The posi- tion is permanent and'the work pleasant and profitable. Experience not essential - we train you. Exclusive terri- tory, liberal co-operation and 'excellent pay. To men of energy, ability and itbsolute integrity this position offers a valuable association, and 0710 that is of real service to the' community. Write us t0 -clay. The Shinn Mfg. Co. of Canada Guelph - Ontario Secty. & Men,, - W. H. DAY (Formerly Prdfessor of Physics at the Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph.) Mortgage Sale Of Land in Town of Seaforth Under and !y virtue of the power of els Mon coontaIned rl,- in a Mortgage which has Y registered and ill be produced at the time of ale, there will be offered for utile by public auction by Theo. Brown, Roo., auctioneer, at Dick's Hotel, in the Town of s oa ear h, to the Count of Y Hymn, 1, t the Satur- day, the lith dry of January, 102), at the hate of 2 nolgik in the aftern,wn. the fol- lowing lands, name)y: AB and singular that certain parcel or tract of hand and premises situate, lying and being in the Town of Seaforth and in the Township of McMillan, in the County of Huron, being composed of a port of the north half of Lot number twenty- five (29), In the First (let) Concession of the said Townyyship of McKDlop, commencing .iividingElinerlbetlweeen t of id North and South Naives of said Lao. thence Northerly along Om Eaat°rl, limit of meld Lot 1087 end 638--1000 fee. thence Westerly parallel to the Northerly boundary of said Lot 7,27 feet, Thence Southerly parallel to the Eanterty boundary of maid Lot 988 and 09-1000 feet: thence Enaterly parallel to the Northerly. boundary of said Lot 104 and 5=-1000 feet, thence Sontheriy parallel to the Easterly boundary of said Lot 100 and 62-1000 feet, thence Easterly olong the South limit of the North half of said Lot 802 and 6-1000 feet to the place of beginning, TERMS OF SALE Twenty 120) per cent of purchase money to be paid down In *soh on the day of eale.1 and the balance? within thirty days thereafter. when the Purchaser la to be entitled to e Conveyance and pewevefon. The Purchaser ated on the day of eel, will l,0 required to nigh an Agreement to complete the Dnrobaae. Fur- m then particulate and tonna of sale will be i te rntb made known on the day of sale and may ho , had In the meantime from the undersigned. a Dated the 20th day of neeember, 1920. Thames Brown, A. B. HAYS, Auotleneer, Mortgagee's Soloitor. 2788.8 Redpath Sugar cash $11.25; trade $12.00 Two tins of Tomatoes:. ..35 Three pounds of -alada Tea .... 1.50 Two tins Maple Leaf Salmon,..... 1:00 Pure Lard, per pound .. .30 Manitoba Fluor, per cwt. 5.415 'Two packages Shredded Wheat . .29 10 bare of Comfort Soap . .95- 10 bars of P. & G. Soap .... 1.00 Free Delivery to any part of the town. Saturday only W. J. Finnigan JAMES MCFADZEAN Agent for Howick Mutual Insur- ance Compariy. Successor to John Harris, Walton. address BOX 1, BRUSSELS or PHONE 42. 2769x12 0000 000000000 O S. T. HOLMES 0 O Funeral Director and O O Lkensed Embalmer O 0 Undertaking Parlors in O Beattie Block, opposite The O Expositor Office. Residence O Goderich St., opposite Dr. 0 Scott's, O Flowers furnished on short notice, 0 Phone Night or Day 119 O 0 0 O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0000 000000000 0 W. T.BOX &CO. 0 0 Embalmer and 0 0 Funeral Directors 0 0 II. C. BOX 0 0 Holder of Government O 0 Diploma and License 0 0 Charges moderate O 0 Flowers furnished on short 0 0 notice, O O Night Calls Day Calls O 0 Phone 177 Phone 43 O 000000000 0000 0000 0'00000000 W. S. GORMLEY 0 O Embalmer and Funeral O Director 0 Undertaking Parlors Abccve O M. Williams' Grocery Store. 0 Main Street, Seaforth. 0 Flowers furnished on short O D06445, O Charges Moderate O Phone -Night or Day -192 O O 0 O 0 Ol ! South Huron Agri- cultural Society ANNUAL MEETING The annual meeting of the South Huron Agricultural Society will be held in the Commercial Hotel, Hen- sel!, on Friday, January 21st, 1921, at 1 p.m., sharp, for the purpose of receiving the directors' and auditors' annual reports, the election of direc. tors for the current year and the trafisa4tion of other business. R. 1). BELL, K. M. M4LE1N, President, Secretary. 2769-2 Annual Meeting The Annual Sheeting of the Seefarth Agrieul51 rel Society will be held in the Carnegie Libary at one o',:leck un I1'eimeeiay, January lath, 1:0_1. 7I. IIR(11)ERICK, 22769-2 Secretary. NOTICE n,�t 15a1 :(! Rook Accounts t.. mho I,r of 1'-n..y & McKinnon 1`..rth, hevr"'1 + a-.,•40 :..n.. 4.24.1 .!, L w.. ,d to John Gsry S al...,,.,,) I, ndnn. Un[..r rel lh„ porn h! .. them .ndy ..L.•it.. 510. J. vt. (tr.•rt. 0rafnr:h,. jnt� J. Solicitor for John 1I inreyT & Sona. .:76.-3 FURS WANTED All kind, ..f Rae. furs, deliver•! :at the !)ick Il.,u:e, Seaforth, IIizht•<t Cash Prices. G. F. HENDERSON. 27(1[1-tf 1.icensed Bove o The Double Track Co 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 FARMS FOR SALE FARM YO14 SALE. LOT N0, 2, NORTH boundary of Hay 'Township, 100 acres of choirs land, h, mile Wert of Kipper,. For further particular apply on the premises. HENRY IVISON, Proprietor. 2787-1 'WARMS FOR SALE. I NAVE SOME choice farms for sale in the Townships of Uaborne and Bibbert, all well built and Improved, on easy terms of payment. THOMAS CAMERON, Woodham, Ont. 2658 -it FARM FOR SALE. FOR SALE WEST half of the north hnif or Lot 20, Cen. cession 18, north hnif of Lot 29, Cnneosinn 13, one'l north fifty , f Lot 70. Genesis inn' 13, in the Township of McK(ilop, containing in all 1624, „ores There are nn thr premlec, w frame ha rn 68v60 with stone foundation, forme hou+n 22,.34, W stow. foundation under the whole houe, drilled well with windmill, t'_ acres of choice fruit.. The property i, known ns the John MoCnllum Farm, and ' situabsl P� miles from the village of Walton. Far further particulars apply to JOHN MmDONALD• Walton, Ont. 2788-tf FARM FOR SALE. -LOT 80, CONCESSTON 4, McKillop, containing 99rt% acres of good land. There is never -falling well at the barn with wind mill and large cement tank and piping thrmteh ,tables. it is all seeded with the exception of 88 acres which C plowed. There to a gond bnnk darn 48x00 with stone stabling underneath, nIno a atm,' and hay shed 80370, with hen and pig house underneath, There , is a good brick house and kitchen on prrmeism, aim hard and sort water In the house. e farm a CPI in all fenced d Itool ism n maer rm wet/ ddin drained dwitb8tmiler fermi the town of Seaforth. Ba. telephone and ravel mail delivery. Owner ie desirous of Belting en account of ill health. For fur- ther particulars apply n the premises or address JOHN McELROY, R. R. No. 2, Bea - forth 0782-tf 'PARES FOR SALE. -10o ACRES. LOT 12, omfffk�h 8 mike from Seaforth, Tuneablenceeston 5, in the * miles from BtdoeEeld and 7lppen, convenient to eehool and church: 95 acres cleared, remainder in maple bush. On thin farm are exesuent build- ings and are In Bret -elan, repair: hard and aft water in the home and in eta:dee : 2 wells, 1 hnvtng • windmill, Thin farm is thoroughly under drained end fenced and in a high ttatn f cultivation, never having been heavily cropped. This la to every way a first close and op -to -date farm. Also Lot 27, Crmeeseion 12, In the Township of Hite bort, cotytafn4ng 100 ars,: 80 cleared and thoroughly underdrained en fenced, the remainder is in Bret else, maple bush. On the premises to comfortable frame house and good tone also good waif born 18g66 This s arm le all seeded to grams and to in axeellent wadi - Com havf bron situ - within 6 mile Heyman. Iq ar slta- Het)a11, anerter of Se from gehoconnelction ,to is long W, oleo leplume m odelive.n n both farms, atbe t mail delivery, see fern) will be old together r sennre 1y to suit purchaser nd on reasonable tc Foy farther DSA teulara apply to the Motor, on Let 15, Coteeablon 8, Tnekrrm' .h,per Sea{otth , 0., R. R. No. 4, nr phon ,)4 0r, 1g5, BeaRwWh- TH0111AS Q SHILLO,Ot.AW, ef:weber. is Li•) -irk Route between MONTREAL, TORONTO, DETROIT & CHICAGO Unexcelled Dieing Car Serviee- Sleeping cars on night trains and Parlor Cars on principal day trains.. For further particulars apply to any Grand Trunk Ticket Agent or C. E. Horning, District Passenger Agent, Toronto, Ont. W. Plant Depot Agent WE WANT a reliable agent for every un- represented district, to sell our • Well known Fruit and Orna- mental Trees, Shrubs, Etc. Good Pay -Exclusive terri- tory Rights. Our agency is valuable !under present conditions. 600 Acres of Nursery-Estab • lished 40 Years. Write for particulars to Agency C g Department. PELHAM NURSERY C., 765-16 TORONTO, ONT. CREAM WANTED We are in a position to pay high- est market price for butter fat and to render the best possible service. Our gatherers will take care of your cream regularly -the year round. Phone 'Clinton, 145. We will appreciate your patrons Clinton Creamery Limited CLINTON - - • ONTARIO 2761-0 Happy New Year To Everyone OVERLAND SERVICE STATION CARS PAINTED BY EXPERT PAINTER We feel that we cannot permit Father Time to turn over the Ieaf of another year without express.. ng our appreciation of the pleasant business rela- tions that have existed between ourselves and our customers, a-nd we take this opportunity of wishing you a Merry Christmas and a Bright and Prosper - our New Year. OUR REPAIR DEPARTMENT Is at your Service. Gasoline Engines given special attention, also repair work done on all makes of ciittys. We Guarantee Satisfaction, BATTERIES. Your Battery, the most ilnpurtant part of your (lar, and the most neglected -we take care of your Battery and do repair work on ,tame. Clive it the attention it reu_uires. STORAGE FOR CARS. If you need a place to shire your car , we h ave it. Kerosene lubricating oils, Standard and high test Gas always on had. BROWN'S GARAGE. Look for the visible Guaranteed Measure. Pump. ' Lt1111111111111/1111131111111111111111111N1111111115111111111111111111111/(MPI I M1111t1111111110 we w e we me me we we ow en me me me we me em ars s▪ ea MEV ARE 1'r) i r ; MAN OR WOMAN Brave enough to Face the Future? Big enough to Assume a Responsibility? Far-seeing enough to PrepareforMisfortune? Ambitious enough to Increase your Estate Imme,iately? Patriotic enough to Provide for your Own? Energetic enough to be Making a Good Livelihood. Healthy enough to Pass a Medical Examination? Then clip this advertisement. Fill in coupon and send to S. C. COOPER, Inspector Northern Life Assurance Co. BOX K. SEAFORTH EXPOSITOR OFFICE, NAME E. ADDRESS Date Born day of fa tke year........ '111 W U111H 1111* I1 NI1t11 t 1I11111111I11111t11111111N11111111Big1111B1111I81Hti8UN11t1/111 a 0 Why Art Clothes? Because they have Style. Every Suit is guaranteed. The all wool fabrics are splendidly'tail+mr trimmed. Yet you pay a moderate price, $40, $45, $50, $55, $60 bh My Wardrobe" MAIN .. maser. tgEtt