HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Gazette, 1894-04-26, Page 8• aos_xt3s/t3e l�i`lliner�. Our Pretty Hats Captivate the Stylish Dresser. Ladies are quick, eye critics. Theyhave a hundred eyes for fashions. style. They know good_ . WE'RE , in the business by having the right thins. Turn and twist your money as you may, gere's no Store in town that will yield such satisfaction for every cent that's spent as you'll there's s no Millinery f nd here Straw shapes, Values are here. Trimmings, ii ii Ribbons and Flowers " " " New chip hats with Tuscan edge. New ::hip hats with fancy insertion. Latest styles in walking hats. Latest styles in plaques. Moderate prices rule here, too. Dress Goods.The - ides at our unusually varied and extensive exhibit of Dress Goods. Astonishment is expressed on all s astonishment grows toexcitement when the prices are quoted and you can't afford to miss the c�hcance. ce you that: we know how to popularize our Dress Goods Department wit h 2 A glance will convince 50c Goods. Anothelarge shipment of Crum's Prints, be Prints. in the trade. A special line of Pink Prints, fit colors at 17% 5ca yd. 1000 yds print; warranted fast colors, at 5c. ayd. 500 Ladies' Vests at 5c. each. Groceries. "Boots and 3hoes. -.We have an I3nmense Stock of Boots and Shoes at Remarkably Low Pricbs• Our Motto : " We Always Lead, We Never follow." • A Fresh stook of Groceries always on hand at close Prices. hat Received`by Vtan Bros, at the WJNGHAM 1,rble ifk Stone WORKS A fine Assortment of -Granite Monuments of every style. Also a large amount .t the ..BEST NEW YORK MARRLB. - -We are therefore prepared to furnish :Monuments and Headstones at GREAT. -LY REDUCED Prices. It will pay you tocall ;before placing' your order. VANSTONE BROS, dNO. BRET11OUR, FIRE ARO STOCK nsuranceAgent+ WRO2ClWrER. $2FPaBs$NTsI Wellington Mutual Fire Insurance Co. Waterloo Mutual Fire Insuracc8Co _ Perth Mutual Fare Insurance Co. Economical Mutual Fire Insurance Co. MeseantihrltasuraneeCo. *tiarnsurance Give=- John A Gal PETER EPINS era cn geetr Wil made. rd Jr WilfOf T `$ RYgieaic,pam ne%us nap. Over Maass out Mod ”airtatOlf--'mer cost.- 11 .eit .aa •mseeor for m -pp a) 4-4 N 0 ce rd S .r, F'urni - ure, Bedroom Suites, Hall Suites, Dinina Room. Suites, Parlor Suites, Drawing Room Suites, Rockers, Easy Chairs, office Chairs, Invalid Chairs, Any kind Chairs, Bedsteads, Sideboards Racks, Dressers, Cupboards, A. i4ttat e anything you want in the Line of Furniture, And Sells it Cheap. Undertaking Department well supplied Throughout. GOOD HEARIcJE. A. Murat' Elora st, Mildmay: J. HERGOTT & CO. Poin&: rta nxilanr,E.,v. Manufacturers _of THRESHING MACHINES, ENGINES NEW MODEL MOWERS, GRAIN CRUSHERS, STRAW CUTTERS, ETC. Repairing of Threshing machines a Specialty. All kinds of Plow points kept constantly on hand. Castings made to order. We have the FinesstvMac Mbachinery and f sdtettiSn Sko ilful cur en nd are preparedto gie 'B. S. cOOK, sai Fli`d-Yg & .uo4'? FORDVPICH, ONT. -Money to Loan .on Farm curity at the Lowest Rate of Interest. Good Notes ditcaunted. Special Attention gtgen CONVEYANCING Mildmay Book ,Store. Null and Ceiling Papers, Borderings, etc, in the lat- est designs. A large range, still left. 1 Where the New York Spring Fashions have already arrived for 1894. hatleStle the This Coming Season? Will be the question of the boys foethe next ew weeks. But it is already answered et 11. E. Liesemer's Choice lines of Ladies' and Gentlemen's Writing Material. Fancy Goods, Toys, Novelties, Base and Foot Balls. School Books, Office Books, Hymn and Prayer BOOKS of every description. Telephone Exchange. t3CHURTER, Mildmay. h at idle; The llrfociel AILEAT MILRKET. Also the Latest v� Designs Vie. Of the Finest • Goods I ' e 4G n the Trade. The Choicest BEEF, PORK, MUTTON, SAUSAGES, FISH MW ALL KINDS. OF FRESH MEATS KEPT CON- STANTLY :-ON HAND. Also a full supply of SALT Mb AT HighestPikepaid for first-class fat animals and poultry. Goofs delivered FREE to all parts of the village. Q. IERINR. Now, boys, come along and select your Suit before the rush begins. Prices Low and 12 per cent Discount for Cash. H. E. Liesemer. MISS FRY, Dress and Mantle Maker H AVING had a large experience I feel confe dent of giving perfect satisfaction to al who entrust uee with their orders. Special attention given to Mantle Making. Cutting and fitting done to order. All work promptly done and fits gt anteed. ooMS 'Over Schneider & fiEiiler's store-