HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Gazette, 1894-04-26, Page 7in t`,e far wo more enarture, raniy in- igeof the pec haus, which xpe�iiLon oL)ra[ion !on lying )evon, on Li • Ca nes of its s sound, evon on hell lands mapped interior rt of the ant and eaeons to rates it ke North ne out by t Jones n's bay Parry ring the and the re safely t ra sur - ago been y. It is ein's ex - limits of .l .Tones and also show, a rant and them on pedition will be resselin on the where s a base hich, if be made ast and t of the whaling - remain includes ions Each, be sup- s, weap. station, he work rological ora and n of the possible ribe of en. seen s point ame in natives ace of ch will ientists, ar sailor tfar off hero is nd for should proves poses to n Franz adually is area, experts eve it to results, lf; arly so Id any nest in found 1 kinds r, and is feed- nimals, e case, ane, in ur col - lo car- t duly cbmen h tered way, sheep, its and is very g Wolf letting y Com. around chorus hen the Itisa , end. es the y than W3 ex- it rifle- hether tram ger 'toshone 1 a Coy. er once even at d away w, but )rbet is started 3 rifle, Just to my kboard of us, he se thirty >posite villain ithout plairt- rl.yoirr Akin re - ire at e-ireatr off er lir itl 4 it 1 0 ,A.GR1CULTCR Profitable Poultry. The beginner in poultry breeding -is often puzzled as to which breed to choose. After several yams of experienee we have con- cluded that there is no best breed of poultry. The man who prefers Leghorns will take more care of a flock of this breed than he would of a flock of mongrels or Plymouth Rocks and they will be the best breed for him. The man who does not like fowls at all will be apt to declare that they do not pay their keep, and they will not simply because they are not kept in a way that is worth paying -for. We believe in the pay- ing qualties of poultry but we have no favorite breed. Good care makes poultry pay and this does not necessitate elaborate buildings aor a costly bill of fare. A warm house and plenty of feed in the way of grain and vegetables of any kind and plenty of opportunity for exercise will put any flock on a paying basis even if it is one of the old two pound kind of hens. With the same kind of care, however, the improved breeds will pay in the hands of anyone, for they have been bred to a purpose and have the inherited capacity to produce more eggs or lay on more flesh from a given amount of food than mongrels will, just as a Jersey er Short -horn cow will give greater returns than a native one will give. Thee best specimens have been bred from a long series of years and the highest productiveness has become characteristic. Kees improved poultry by all means, bot if you do not give what you do keep good care. Dry Goods Box Chicken Coop. The illustration herewith shows how dry goods boxes have, for a number of seasons, been adopted by some fanciers for use as chicken coops. The box is placed in its SERVICEABLE CHICKEN COOP. natural position, one side being made higher by a single board. This provides for a sloping roof, the central portion of which is binged as a door to give access to the inte- rior of the coop. The space left open at the ends is slatted to keep out intruders, and to give good ventilation to the coops in warm weather. The roof should extend over the sides and ends several inches, which will aid in keeping the interior dry during a shower, or rain storm. In selecting dry goods boxes for this purpose it is well to select such as are made with matched boards,in which case,though the boards run lengthwise, instead of up and down, very little, if any, rain will enter. • Sticking Lima Beans. An ingenious plan for setting bean poles iu the most effectual way to prevent them from beim; blown down by storms is shown in the illustratiop from sketches by A. C. Garnett. A forked wooden spike made of Some good authorities go so far as to say that the same food that will produce a pound of beef—worth we will say five cents --would produce -a pound of, butter, worth twenty -figs cents. Perhaps, this comparison will_ not bear close anallfsis, but we all know that with proper manage- ment the pound of barter can be produced so 0 to give at least a better margin of profit than it is possible to secure from the same food turned intobeef. - A good dairy cow willproduce in a year 300 pounds of butter worth on an average seventy-five dollars. It is not possible that any beef animal should' earn this amount of money in the same.titne. The cost of feed- ing the cow should not be more than one- ; half of the above sum, Ieaving a margin of profit more than the total amount that the beef animal could increase in value. I think these figures cannot be well dis- puted.' They should setefarmers-who have half a dozen beef animals on the farm and no milch cows beyond the one which sup- plies the family table, to thinking if there is not a better use to which their grain and hay might be put. It would require some labor to care for the product of a half dozen cows. But the business of the farmer is to combine his capital and labor in such man- ner that the two together may produce the best result. He does not look for his pro- fit solely from the earnings of his capital, nor from the wages of his labor. There are hundreds and thousands of farms throughout the country where no dairy products are manufactured for mar. ket, but where there is some- surplus of labor that might well be turnedin this direction.. There is always and everywhere a_ good market for butter. It is a cash article, and so helpful in providing that constant ready income, the lack of which so often hampers far.ners, compelling them to buy on credit, borrow money at high rates of interest. and pay more for their goods than if they had the- money in hand when making their purchases. There is no over production of dairy goods in this country. When low prices rule it is because the quality is below the standard. And even when prices are at their worat,one who will put a superior article on the market will find the price comes up at once to meet its value. We wish that some of our readers who are feeding beeves this winter—farm- ers, we mean, not ranchmen—would figure out the cost of the food and the expected value of the gross product obtainable from it, and then compare with this the value of the dairy products that might have been manufactured from the same food. We think it will show them a leak that might be mended, and possibly explain to them one of the reasons why the farm does not pay as well as they think it should. We are not making an argument against the growing of beeves on the farm, but only we wish to caution farmers against sticking to old methods if there are newer and better ones that they might follow. The small farm dairy is one of the things that may help to make the farm more profitable than it has been. AN APRIL JOKE THAT DIDN'T FOOL. BY E. W. K$:AyLE. IMPROVED METHOD OF SETTING BEANPOLES. seasoned young oak or hickory, about one and one-half inches in diameter and two and one-half feet in length, is driven slantingly into the ground by meansof a tough, hardwood mallet. After a heavy rain, when the ground is wet as deep as re- quired, give the spikes some tap with the malleeto loosen it, then grasp it,where the branches fork, withdraw it, and insert the bean pole, packing the soil with the end of the mallet. The stakes or poles are set in the ground, as seen in the sketch, the two outer ones slanting to cross each other. The pole in the middle is shorter and set vertical to reach the two which are crossed. By this means when the vines reach the point where the poles cross they will entwine themselves so strongly around the three poles, that with the strong base they have and the firm hold in the ground, a hurricane could scarcely blow them down, and the beans will flour* well. Con naercial Aspects of the Dairy Question. The farmer, in whatever branch of Ag- riculture he may be engaged, who neglects to study carefully the commercial aspects of his occupation, will fall far short of realizing the best profit that is possible from it. By this I mean that he must not only make it his aim to grow good crops, to feed good cattle and feed them well, but' he must consider the relative profit -to be de- rived from the *emus branches and meth- ods that it is within his power to pursue. Lund which will produce a erop worth $50 per acre should not be used for one -- worth only half -that, unless the cost of cultivat- ing the former will be so great as to annul the extra- value and so- give no greater ; net profit. Grain and fodder which could be fed to a well bred: animal with profit, should not be washed on a scrub that will `no more than retuts its east, if it will that. Many farmers who keep but et few head of stock, are this season feeding- beeves which at the beat Will return only a nar- row margin of profit, when they might be. feeding Milkers which, within more out - ley would return much more for the same - ration; -There might be more labor son: netted =with the latter, but thin would not be a serous matter on moat ferns where, the gutter bri4at mucb leisure.- . eatie Scribners' lllragazine A cat in Chattanooga has been ` in the habit of lapping beet from a saucer in a saloon,and is a confirmed toper. `,It:gets drunk two or three times a day,_ and sleeps off its debauches. The proprietor of the saloon prizes the cat, and thinks of trying the gold cure on it. An anti -tobacconist in Middletown, N. Y., who went about the streets snatching pipes and cigars from the mouths of amok ;ers, claimed when -haled before a -magistrate that he hada. right to breathe a smokeless. :atmosphere. The magistrate, to insure this privilege .to.him, for&time at least; Ohm ci �im to . 01. Wittem MORT .AGE COVENANTS - An Open Letter to Sir Oliver Mowat Anent the Subject.-- Sir—In speaking of the abolition of the personal covenant in mortgages --there are three kinds of mortgages - to be conalder- ed - 1st—The person or company who -lend a specific amount or percentage of their own valuation of the property, said valuation and all expenses in connection with the loan being paid by the, borrower. --2nd—Mortgage securing balance of pur- chase money, sometimes almost the whole amount. 3rd -Mortgage to secure an antecedent debt. r The question is, is the covenant neces- sary to the life of the mortgage, or - benefi- cial to the mortgagee --and is it injurious, on the other hand, to the mortgagor or his pro. perty—and in considering this question,we must not -forget that there are probaby 97 mortgagors to the three mortgagees—add legislation' should be the greatest good for the greatest number, though up to thin date the 97 votes, (probably through care- lessness or ignorance,) do not seem to have as much power or say as the other three. - I aubmit that the Covenant is absointely unnecessary to the -mortgagee, and is posi- tively injurious to the mortgagor and the country at large, oft timesmakingwrecks and exiles of our countrymen. The maxim and business principle of every mortgagee should be made by law- to be, --"Never lend more on property than you would be willing and perfectly satisfied to take it for at any time." For above that amount the mortgagee is the real speculator, and cer- tainly deserves no more consideration than the unfortunate mortgagor who may be wiped out of all his margin or equity. Let us consider the different kinds of mortgages separately : Ist--An application is made to a Loan Company --(who are notallowed or supposed under the present law to take a tad mort- gage, nor mortgage on chattels, though in effect, that is exactly what the law, through" the covenant- allows them to do, viz : din - train anything onthe premises)—the appli- cant signs a document agreeing to pay ail expenses, legal or otherwise, including valuation—the rule now is to lend 50 p.c. of this valuation ; this is strictly adhered to by all first class Loan Companies. Tell a good Loan Company that the applicant is a good man financially, and they will tell yon that they are not "note shavers," that while they are pleased to have a good man on the covenant, they only lend 50 p.c. on the valuation, and on suitable property— " they are not compelled to lend -until sat- isfied." Now, if through misfortune, or other wise, the borrower (cannot pay up, whose is the hardship—the Company who can take the property at 50 p.c. of their own valua- tion, or the borrower who stands to lose the other 50 p.c. entirely. The effect of the abolition in this case would be, that the money would be really, and in fact, lent on what it only pretends to be now, namely, on the property men- tioned in the registered instrument. Let us suppose though that the borrower wants more than 50 p.c. to help him in business perhaps—he knows or soon finds out the Company's rule,—and seeks a pri- vate lender— this is where the Bond would enure in : the mortgage would tat for • the whole amount, with special Bond showing the personal liability, after all remedies under the mortgage had been exhausted; to be a certain percentage of the valuation, say all over 50 p.c.—but that up to that amount the land only be held. The effect here would be that each party would know exactly how much they were speculating outside the land itself and gov- ern themselves accordingly. I say a certain percentage—for it would never do to allow the lender to take back a personal Bond for the whole amount, else what is the necessity of the valuation of the property, and it must be remembered, that borrowers generally, are not the choosers, and not in a position to dictate, and the law should step in and state what percentage of a valuation (obtained at the time of lend- inu the money) could be recovered by personal Bond alone. It would mean that lenders knowing their position would base their valuations accord- iugly,—it would do away with a good•deal of undesirable speculative building, and establish the Building and Loan Business on a solid basis. The soundest Loan Companies and the shrewdest lenders on landed property, believe in and desire the abolition of the personal covenant clause,,- though there are some Shylooks who fain would take the very heart of the, unfortunate mortgeger and gobble up the property too,but who -would affect scorn were they compared to the pawnbroker, who if he lends too much on an article has to " grin and bear it;" if it is destroyed by fire, moth or rust, he is the loser ; if it happens to be stolen, it must be produced when called for. This is the class of mortgagee that needs looking after; his, legalized action has driven some of the best men out of our land—and bowed others down with writs, costs, judgments and executions. - NOW WE COME TO MORTGAGES NO: 2. The person or company who is desirous of getting rid of a property which, accord- ing to` their own valuation, is worth ten thousand dollars, (buC which they probably got for a loan of 50 per cent. from some unfortunate who got behind), they will take one thousand dollars down, balance at 6 -per cent.—as interest they say is what they want—now tell me who is the spec. ulator. - One man puts in his good hard money to the tune of one thousand, pays interest foryears, and improves the property; the other -does nothing but wait for the in- terest to become due. The buildings must be insured by themortgagorfor the benefit of the mortgagee. If the property decreases in vaipe, or should he make default, the mortgagor loses his one thousand dollars and anything he may have put in in im- provements, while the mortgagee has one thousand dollars hard cash to the good and his improved property. back on his hands. Poor mortgagee!—If he had held on to his pro. party till he got 50 per cent. of the purchase price cash down, he might have had it long enough to have reaped the benefit of an increase in the value of the land (and there. fore needs setting right), -while if it decreas- ed while holding on to it, he would have Iost that thousand dollars; but then he would; lie at liberty to cue himself,and then again he -world not be a "poor mortgagee." This is :the class of -Mortgagee that needs 00proteetion whatever; but there should be legislation to defend his present victims, and legislate hint with all his`bideousness out of existence. for he is the most raven - ons of all the others. Of the third kind ofmortgagee,—I can only say that any creditor who is satisfied to take a mortgage for his account, is almost sure -to be ;satisfied with 50 cents on the dollar,-and_my propositionwould be right in his line. - That proposition is :—To abolish abso- lutely the personal covenant in mortgage;, and let the mortgage stand firmly until paid on the property mentioned in the Register- ed Instrument, and that alone. And any bond accompanying a mortgage which calls for more than a specific percentage of a sworn valuation, attached thereto, say, all money lent over and above 50 p. c. of such valuation, should be invalid. —This would establish loaning on a posi- tively safe basis, and there would be no booms nor bubbles to burst. Yours truly, WlemerdM Fumes. A DISTINGUISHED EXPLORER DEAD. Commander Cameron Killed by a Fall From His llorae—His Career, A London despatch says :—The distin- guished African explorer, Commander Verney Lovett Cameron, was fatally injur- ed by being thrown from a horse the other day, and died a little more than. three hours later. He - was hunting with Baron Roth - child's staghounds, at Soulbuey, in Bed- fordshire, when, his horse becoming un- managable, he lost his seat, and fell heavily to the ground. He was picked up insensible and never regained consciousness. The coroner's jury found that the com- mander had sprained his wrist, and was, therefore, unable t9 control his horse when the animal became fractions. The verdict of the jury gives the immediate cause of his death as concussion of the brain. Captain Cameron was the first European traveller to cross the whole breadth of the African continent in the central latitude, beyond the western shore of Lake Tan- ganyika to the Atlantic ocean. Cameron's mission was to take relief to Livingstone. On reaching Tanganyika, however, he found that the man he had undertaken to succor was dead, and all he could do was to send the body of the great missionary bark to England. Then he started on his voyage of discovery, which led him across the Dark Continent, the story of which he told in his " Across Africa." Commander Verney Lovett Cameron was born at Radipole, Weymouth, Dorsetshire, where his father was rector of the parish. He was appointed a naval cadet in 1857, and by successive promotions reached the rank of commander in 1876. It was be- tween November, 1872, and April, 1876, that Cameron was engaged in the explora- tion of Africa, which he did under the auspices of the Royal Geographical Society, in charge of the East Coast Livingstone expedition. The most important of his discoveries was the establishing -of the fact that interior lakes and rivers discov- ered by Livingstone connected with the Congo river. After his return to Eng laud Cameron was assigned to active duty, in thg navy, and then in 1878 he _ made a journey, through Asia Minor and Persia to India, with a view to ascertaining the feasi- bility of constructing a railway from the Mediterranean to India by following the course of the Euphrates, a scheme of which he heartily approved and in support of which he published a volume entitled "Our Future Highway." With the late Sir R.F. Burton, Cameron, in 1889, explored the country lying back of the gold coast and amassed a valuable collection in all branches of natural history,besides making extensive surveys. Commander Cameron received many honorific distinctions from the govern- ments and scientific societies of Europe,and was the author ofanumberof work s of ienti- fic value. It is to him that belongs the credit of being the first to point out a practical means of civilizing Africa,by the formation of chartered companies for the construction of railways and establishingsteamnavigation of the great lakes and rivers of the Dark Continent. f' CHASED BY PIRATES. ASpanish Picaroon Makes it Lively For a Merchant Vessel. When within about forty miles of Santi ago,and just in sight of the high mountains, our captain descried a small object at a distance of about ten miles, which he made out to be an artned boat. After some obser- vations he ascertained that it made directly for us, and convinced himself that it was a Spanish picaroon. He instantly turned about ship and stood back again. It appear- ed that this little vessel brought with her a breeze from the north, which had not yet reached us, and consequently gained suffici- ently tor us to ascertain her character with C the naked eye. The steerage passengers seemed greatly alarmed, but the captain kept of good cheer, observing that the breeze which' they brought along would strike us before they could come within three miles of us, and that then we would soon be out of sight. His prediction proved to be correct, for as soon as we took the breeze .we began to lengthen the distance between us,until3p. m., when the boat became invisible to the naked eye. During the chase and flight the courage of the alarmed passengers was so greatly rean- imated that they behaved in a most pre- posterous manner, jumping and capering on deck, swearing and defying the pirate or picaroon with clenched fists and inde- cent postures of the body. But, alas ! this mirth was not of long duration and their subsequent fear was equal to their extrav- agant joy. About 3 p. m. the wind died away and left us a dead calm, while the breeze a few miles to the north of us still continued, and soon after our indefatigable pursuers hove in sight again; and we found that they must ultimately come up with us —[From "On Piratical Seas", in the April -- Scribner. Three hundred millions of passengers have been carried in the cars of the Brook- lyn Bridge since they began running, in 1883, without a fatal accident to any of `hem. The "cow tree" of Central America ex- udes a sap which resembles milk: " It is both palatable and nourishing, and is drank by the natives. The weights of the six largest diamonds are Koh-i-noor, 103 earata;"Star of Brazil, 125 ; Regent of France, 136 ; Austrian Kaiser, 139 ; Orloff, 195 ; Rajah of Borneo, 357... A fOMPETIR FOR OAADA. ARGENTINA A RIVAL IN WHEAT - GROWING. An Anticipated Expe't Crop or 50,000,004 _ Bushels. Another competitor, says Mr. Jas. B. Campbell, in the Globe, .has arisen to com• pete with Canada and the States in wheat. -growing. It is the Argentine Republic. A few years ago she was an importer of wheat. In 1882she began exporting with an insignificant 62,000 bushels. In 1893 she exported 30,61)0,000. This year she promises 50,000,000 of bushels. Curiously enough there is the same delightful uncer- tainty regarding the crop of Argentina, that there is about the crop of the United States. With regard to the future prices of wheat and corn, the purchasing power of the English sovereign is a star of the first magnitude. Gold is about 250 premium in Argentina. When the Aegentina-farmer sella his wheat, he sells it for paper money on an inflated basis, but this money pays his way in his own country, his transporta- tion, taxes, buys his food, and last, but not least, pays his labor account ; it is only when he invests in an imported article that he must pay out paper money on a gold basis. The peon of Argentina, and, for that matter, the Italian, is not a large consumer of imported goods, so that the tax is not severely felt, and its indirect reaction on the price of the product is not appreciated by the masses, but I have no ambition to drift into the bimetallic or monetary problem. I am content to leave it in the hands of heaven -born bankers, merely remarking that if it is the opinion of the Engliah that _a gold standard is of advantage to them, it is not going to be the easiest matter in the world to make them change it. - It is asserted that Argentina can sell wheat at a cent a pound in Liverpool and live. She is doing it at present at 67 cents per 60 pounds. I shrink from asserting that only 5 per cent. of the arable land of Argentina is under the plough, nevertheless it is said to be so. They have 750,000 square miles of land, irrespective of Chaco and Patagonia, and there is also Uraguay to be considered. Fifty million bushels is not a very large item in the world's supply of wheat,but these countries are developing, and the most serious part of the business is that their harvest comes on in December and January, and when they have a good crop the wheat will be pouring into Europe during the months of March, April and May, and taking the market for our spring shipments from the lake ports. The Eng- lish merchants, if sere of Argentina, and watching the harvests of India and Egypt, which come on in March and April, will refuse to bid np for the American wheat, which has carried storage, insurance and interest charges throughout the winter at hicago,Duluth and Port Arthur. England can avail herself of the cheapest labor and transportation, and if we are to export we must sell on the same basis. WHAT CAN BE DONE IN EGYPT? As for Egypt, well, they say that dams are to be built on the Nile, which are to add to thattcountry a fertile belt equal to a fourth of the area of Europe. However, even at the present day wheat is growing in the old worldwhere it has not grown during the Christian era. The United States Consul reported to his. Government that the more settled condition of the coun- try about Bagdad had given an impetus to the cultivation of wheat, and that " con. munications by means of steamers and lighters are good." United States and Cana- dian wheat growers must face the situation. The whole business and .living( fabric of America north of the Mexican line has been built up on a basis of market prices which arenotnowobtaincble without the de- struction of one or more crops of our com- petitors. The tiller of the soil cannot, on the present basis, maintain American labor. Cheap transportation and the cheapest labor in the world have upset the calculation. I do not mean to say that wheat will always remain at 50 to 70 cents a bushel in / Chicago. A crop will be destroyed ; a hot wind will pass over Kansas, and take 50,- 000,000 bushels away at a swoop ; the crop will be patchy ; a war will break out ; the acreage in America may be reduced ; 65,- 000,000 people will take care of a great deal of wheaten their own account, but, gener- ally speaking, the American farmer on this northern continent has lost his vantage ground as a wheat grower. Indian Money -Lenders and the Law. The Indian money -lender almost every- where is a thorough Shylock. In Sarawak, where land may not be sold for debt, ung less as a penalty for swindling,- and when. a limit is put on the interest that the courts will enforce, the Indian money -lender hat been found as hard and merciless as the Chinaman and Malay are fair and reason- able. With men like these, and an ignor- ant peasantry, one would have thought that English Judges would have done their best so to administer the law between the two as to give the debtor a fair chance, while allowing the creditor what was justly due. Bat. they are so hide -bound, such slaves to the letter of the law and to Eng- lish precedents, that not a helping hand call the debtor get, and the courts are mere machines which the money -lender sets in motion or directs at his pleasure. A Mohammedan lady, who never apt peered in public, and the owner of a valuable village, was sued for something like 50,000 rupees, the money advanced being not more than 2,000 rupees at the outside. The Court of First Instance, a native subordinate Judge, appointed a com- mittee to examine the creditor's accounts, which reported them as very suspicious. Still, a bond for the amount sued for had been given, and in face of rulings by the High Court, the sub -Judge had no alterna- tive but to give a decree for thefull-sum. An appeal to the High Court of Bombay met with no success. However muck the lady might have been defrauded, they dm aided the bond was in order and the village must go.—[The National Review London. Mere rhetoric in serious discourses is life flower's in corn, pleasing to those who look only for amusement, but prejudicial to him who would reap profit from it. A delinquent tenant in Whatcom,. Wash- ington, laughed at all the landlord's efforts. to legally remove him from the house. At last the landlord forced hili to get out by: taking off a portion of the t'Uaf.,