HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Gazette, 1894-04-26, Page 4. .
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:teei�f 2.• routs.
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Tiolifbomiefou -Live
ion teem ib thetr dutybugio Ike
attentaon of the- Caiiadian puplic a mat-
ter 'which has already -done /much to
":injure, and if allowed to continue
1 threatens almost the total destruction
• of one of Canada's greatest industries,
namely, the export of live cattle to
" Great Britain. When it is remembered'
that since the establishment of this
-trade about the year 1875, it has
bitaight :iiick-br4Canada in cash over
1,75,000,000, the ,,Trioe of Canadiani
" cattle -sold in Great'Britabi, it' beeemes
• at once apparent how deeply this in-
dustry affects the interests of thestole
• country. Theimpartance, therefore, of
the subject demands that the Associa-
tion submit to the publid-bhe following -
facts The cattle ' trade rhed its
highest point inE11090ince Will& time
it has declined. Thei-"fiffaiwIlligs‘ were
the Vtports of cattle and thi...ii-41Eatflor
the olio/der years -1S90-91--92:9B
l'iuMber of cattle'ex-
Year. r,'"potted to United —The-Irv:Slue:
- 1890 3 v.-`V,z•‘14,145
1891 • 99; p7 • L7,381,284
1892 93 6,920,748
1893 89; 12 6,799,638
Wititse'itheigaitiarilgrof Canadian
:cattle' Wa-#1at: ankle for this de-
'. cline[--ittg-tgeibraia.a: a Preventible one is
is alsolViQing in the same direction.
If thertikde were in a healthycondition
• it might be 'able to stand some draw-
backs, but as if the seheduiing :were not
misfortune enough, most if not all of
the vessel owners have an understand-
_ ' ing or combination, whereby they
-charge such freight as they choose.
-.Diving to quarantine regulations. Can-
adian cattle cannot be shipped 'through
I the United States -to Europe. Thus
the whole export trade is confined to
one Canadian ..port, that of Montreal,
the head of ocean steamship naviga-
tion, To this point must come all Can-
adian cattle intended for the English
market, and there be shipped by one or
other of the few lines of steamers sail-
ing between that )-Jort and (Teat Brit-
--ain. Each line has its representative,
at Montreal, and what is easier-4er
"• these representatives to meet weekly or
oftener, and combine as. to cattle rates.
They have their agents in England,
cablifig them constantly as to the price
of ,cattle. If it goes up, theypti(up-the
freight rates, including rates for cattle
already on board. If the price falls;
sratei de Rot came 4.9W74 In proportion..
If there is a large quantity of cattle at
Aiontreal, the vessel men combine to
, exact excessive rate. If the markets
improve and shippers Want to ship in.
time to take advantage of such im-
*provements, up go the rates. .In fact,
every state of the marketor 'exigency
of the cattle trade Iseems to be taken-
. advantage of by the' vessel men, to levy
, excessive rates. Buyers cannot ascer-
tain before buying what the rates wiil
be. _Thus with a well-groanded -fear of
being charged excessive rates, _they
have to buy in ignorance of what the
vessel men will charge to carry the cat-
tieto market. The rate _may be $7 a
head, or it may be $1.7-.50. This nn
certainty alone makes cattle bnying ex-
tremely- bacardais,.to the great prep',
dice, in some- oAseS., of the farmer who
Wigs, of the--. bayer.
4041tifitistateindustry be reduced,
.1.0 the lek of gambling. Barra, who
on buying have not reckoned on a sud-
deriaweerke by the vessel 17113121 have
loSt 403 VilYs some even being- ruined or
driveneut of trade In any event this
very element of uncertainty renders it
extreinely difficult for the :buyers to -
pew, :what they may safely !offer for
• edge.-- As a rule, shippers dont know
- - whatilie rates_are te be, until the caf
difionsrendeil op-ssibie
and it existe, and iti74thitaary power and th
most tyrannically. Owing to acan-
petition among the American - ateaia-
ships, the shippers get lower riles so
he can pay the producer more and yet
land his beef in England and compete
with the Canadians in price. The
question is a very important to Cant,-
dians with whom the raising of cattle,
for export is a large source of revenue,
especially in the older farming com-
About 5,000 gallons of aged whiskey
ran to waste and soaked into the ground
at Walkerville on Saturday. Through
some misunderstood order a tap was
opened to allow a large tank supposed
to be empty to fill with the whiskey.
The tap was left open for over an hour.
The loss to the Messrs. WOker will be
nearly $8,000.
*4740,*e tiding-?" "The _tn�dbOut. tam differna ;.
antfor41hebeSt! -
The Cook! Bicycle CO,Ltd
Brantford, Ont.
tkPirr: 143 YON. st.,‘Totioavo
Arrange to be in ARMOUR & BERRY,
Mildmay on May 24. • 'emtliu,DmAy,
perfumes—F'ull Line. by very best
soaps:Toilet and Medicated.
Brushes —dlothes,-Hair and Tooth...
For such articles as
Gream of Tartar,
Epsom Salts;
Baking Sod -a,
Italian Castor Oil,
Come to the Drug Store if you
want to be certain of their purity.
•Patent Medicines, Trusses, etc
Complete Stock.
s=m-r0- 19IBMI.it.BIV-Ils\l-C+.
e have just passed into Stock One Thousand Dollars worth of
••Heady Made Clothini
• Being a.Tob Lot and bought at 35 per cent. less than regular prices.
They cobsist of Mens,' Youths' and Boys' Suits. A special line of
•• Mens' Black Worsted Coats and Vests.
This is one of the best opportunities ever offered you to secure a good and stylish Suit
very, very cheap. Ladies, Don't forget
No tratible to show goods.
Xis meeting with unequalled success.
ery epartrnerit F-1-1.1.1 for the SiDritag 711.1.51-1,
We have just received. Flann,•p1s, Linens, Cottons, Woolens, in the most extensive and
latest ranges.
ress Goods
in ..he very choicest materiqls, including the newest patterns of
- -Prints al1C1 up to the choicest Silks and Velvets.
. 4
urniitngs of all kindsThefinest_Fin.est Fedoras and Christy Stiffs,
Neckwear, Shirts, Socks, etc.
otir Grooery13-epartmeolit h in the Fat possible shape with only the purest goods. We
have the latest goods in Teas, Sugars, Spices, etc.
priiag Disp1ay- of M
thing. All the newest Novelties.
-_t;ean an0h
vitie 1-6041eq cases the • al, a*,- godiamaliedea esailedveSawat;'Is
is fixed
th J
- In has ace,
to:14*- e ship - ring -Sp
-- the . shippers
ioady kit]. In sealA ea to
board. have to This
itte4V`15°4_ times ate&
of fiitev*kr • the agents when:
D -4Y we the In these
:- hippers are in
--- 'mean- coinbine
it 44
seciONIX--4,- laexf
1iado ot Canada is now ▪ being paraiysed
binations in
.= "
wmckt.•-• 000
tqr uot.to-as• seflt-tO its term.
're we have two interests, tJe
Y. this year surpasses every-
'• Clothing, etc., etc,,
prove its popularity.
• C HU
•••• Sabbath School j
•day eyening at 730.
ToesrlAy evening at 7:3
evening at 8 o'clock. E
DRESBYTERAN.—S School 9:30 a.
enti Ant. Pra, ernMe
o'clock, Ito%:. K. W.
U. CHURCH, Sacrl
Father Wey, P. p
alternatively at 8:30 a.1
every other Sunday at
2:30 p.m. every other St
3-4 vices the last thre
at 2:30 p..ra. Sunday S
J -TI• Sabbath School 2,
tendent. Prayermeetn
W. B. Danard, Pastor.
M.B.A.., No.
•P•veuilit of the sj
y in each month.
C0.F.—Court Mildm
• hall the second a -
month. Visitors al \-s-a.j
0.0 ,F. No. 366—me
the second and
.month, at 8 p.m.
'Terms :—$i per yc
One column
Ralf coluE.il
Eighth C10,,ohidic.r.n
es. S.
rileofeaoli ebahesllsu$13ssneo(itlic.c
Contract advert-isinp
Grand Trun:
Trains leave :Ili
lows :
G-OING sol
Evpress 7.15 a, m.
Mail ...... 11.55 "
- Quite a number
the Reform corse
Mr Jos, Teskey
enjoying a visit
town this week.
Mr. Jno. Hufaer,
in the United Stat
at present home o
The party wha
1.1 -der from the C
.winter is requeste:
On .1410-4a4-
iaig will again bo
anglers after t.: if.
A Patron poet
brig eats thp fat
moth spoils his 114
him full of pain, b
his money.
Mr. E. A. Hew
- Toronto, was a vi
Saturday. Mr. H
of scho)arships a
examination, and
_young man.
Mr. Geo. Lamb
and feed busines
Belmore, who to9
day last. Mr. 1
Maki' improyeme
at the west end
• The Mildmay
fitted up for the s
to be an early o
Wolf has a new w
device, placed in
satisfactorily. Ti
peets of a large ba
A team of farm
Mr. Jno. Morrison
ter's mill on Mond
away. The wagm
the trip up Absalo
very swift one.
to a standstill by
pole in front of Re
ware store.
One would imm•
that we read and:
gave to 1894 one s
1894 another sort.
deuce that. He n
from the other.
up, as umpicturE
their number is f
is precisely the st
in the time of
• minor respects,
the best qualitie
• claim the true:
broadened iutelle
has man, and s
modern man as Ix
ly different from
- century's length
claan,cala 14'44 ac
Av.; .