HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Gazette, 1894-04-26, Page 2A RIO AT BLUEFIELBS LOCAYO's STATEMENT.- t Lo h d th f 11 wingstateme BUT THE BRITISH ARE ON TOP. The Latest News From the Nicaraguan City -4n Interesting Situation. - A New Orleans, La., special says :—The Picaynne's correspondent in Bluefields, Nicara.nna,sent by the steamer Bergenseren, which Lias arrived here, a letter stating that a crisis has arisen in affairs there. The letter is dated 4.30 p. m., March 2 and says : " News has just been received from ret• I THE WILLIAMS' MURDER. Locayo as made e o 0 "The Americans complainedof theMosquito A Toronto Paper Moralizes on the Case and Questions MieWherrelra Guilt-- What the Accused should Have Donn Government to Nicaragua and the United States Government before an y steps were taken" to occupy the town. The British -did not land their troops at my request, and <I refused to accept troops from the Cleopatra on March 21. I did not promise or agree to land any troops after the British left Bluefields. "The action of Nicaragua in occuping Bluefields is due to the hostility of the Mosquito chief in threatening to arrest any Nicaraguan soldiersfound in the Mosquito Ramz to the effect that William Wilson,an territory. American, was shot by the Governor of "The rumor that the English are to have Rama last night without justification. Corn island is utterly false. The Nicara- W iison died at 8 o'clock this morning. The I guan Government was unofficially offered Governor, a Nicaraguan named eAguilla,1,OOi),100 for Corn island by the United who is a nephew of Locayo, the commis- j States Government foracried of 99 years. aioner, refused to let a boat leave Rama last i Nicaragua had no -intention of accepting the offer, but should the United States Government desire Corn island as a coaling station th. matter wou?d be brought before the Nicaraguan Congress, and there is no doubt .the request would be granted by Nicaragua. " The --English marines that were landed at the bluff on March 2 were landed with• out my knowledge or consent, and the cap- tainof the Cleopatra assured me the troops were not landed, notwithstanding that I have a photograph of the marines in pos- session of the bluff, with the British flag hoisted and the British consul at their head. On March 5 I agreed to their land- ing, provided they were under my orders,. but as soon asthey came they usurped sovereign power, took full possession of the town, and issued proclamations and orders to -the inhabitants. " A few days after they landed they (the Engiish)disarmed anddisbanded our troops and made prisoners of seven Nicaraguan soldiers who arrived from Corn island. l: protested and they were released. The arms I refused to accept, and they were taken to Greytown aboard the Cleopatra and tendered to "the Nicaraguan Govern- ment, which refused to accept them. The arms were left ashore in Greytown. " Gen. Cabezes was alio taken from the Atherican steamshipYulu while en route to Greytown and placed under arrest aboard the Cleopatra and taken to Greytown, but released when the Cleopatra returned from that port. . " While the British marines were here the residences of private citizens supposed to be in sympathy with Nicaragua were searched by the British under pretence of arms being stored. I have seen the official reports of United States Consul Seat to Consul Braida, in which he complained in the -.most bitter language' of the scandalous vers. It was a trying moment. Owing, proceedingsof the Mosquito Government however, to the timely action of .the U. S. -:prior to the occupation. consul, who was enthusiastically supported " I cannot understand thepresent position by the American element,_ Locayo was of the Americans and especially of Consul again brought to terms, binding himself Seat,who also spoke in favor of the despnsi- this time to confine these foolish intruders tion of the Mosquito Government, and only to his residence quarters. If one shot had lately, at my request, he forwarded a letter been fired there would not have been a to Consul Braids at Greytown reporting -Nicaraguan aliye in Bluefields inside of 30 certain acts of the Mosquito, Government minutes thereafter, including Locayo, who detrimental to foreign interests. beyond any shadow of doubt deserves to be shot for the many outrages which he has perpetrated against the inhabitants of Blue, fields and the Mosquito reservation. A general meeting of . the citizens was then convened at the International Club, when the ACTION OF THE AMEBIC &NS was again endorsed, and which is that no assistance shall be rendered to Loeayo, and that the Americans will remain neutral - pending the arrival of a United States ship, unless it should become necessary to defend their homes and property, when even then they will be directed by the United States consul. I must here add that owing to the per- ldiousness of Locayo and the hypocritical • tntagonism of the British consul, the 'Hon. S.C. Braida has been subjected to a "Host trying ordeal, and more especially so ti he has received no instructions from € ither United States Minister Baker or from the State Department at Washington. However, as Capt. B. B. Seat, United States vice-consul, sailed from . here on the 20th inst. for Washington via New Orleans, as one of the committee of three appointed by the citizens of Bluefields, we feel that our Government will be, on or before the 28th, fully informed on all matters connected with the unsatisfactory condition of affairs within the Mosquito reserve and for which Carlos Locayo is responsible. While: every true American must be in favor of the en - fore ptent of the Monroe doctrine, the however, of these Mosquito Indians trol themselves according to their own lbws and customs within the reserve- tion/,,ss defined in the treaty of Managua, tadbe also enforced by the Government ie United States. For if the Govern- t of Nicaragua should now assume the night with Wilson, who might have been saved had he been brought here for treat- ment. Great excitement prevails here this evening. One shot fired here would cause the death of every Nicaraguan in Bluefields. We are anxiously awaiting the arrival of an American war ship. I have no time to secure further particulars, as the vessel will leave in a moment. During the afternoon a steamer arrived bringing a letter from the same correspond- ent dated on the morning of the 23rd, in _which he describes the tension of feeling there and also positively confirms the report ot the ceding of Corn island to the British by Locayo in consideration of being left in control. Among other things he says : The ceding if Corn island to the British is the first step ,oward interfering with the CONTROL OF THE NICARAGUAN CANAL. On the 18th inst. the Cleopatra steamed away for Kingston, and on the evening of the 20th the Canada, with the chief of the Mosquitos and the deposed Attorney -Gen- eral of the reserve, a British creole, steamed away for Pearl lagoon, where the chief and his legal adviser were landed, it being the home of the Attorney -General. No sooner had the Canada steamed away than Locayo brought 30 soldiers and several boxes of arms and ammunition from Rama. This was a direct violation of an agreement entered into between Loeayo and the Brit- ish consul in the presence of Hon. S. C. Braids, our U. S. consul, that Nicaraguan soldiers would be neither brought to Blue - fields nor would Nicaraguans be put on the police force daring the absence of the Brit- ish warship. The presence of the Nica- raguans ica•raguans on the river steamer necessarily created the wildest excitement. In less than 10 minutes fully 1,000 citizens, Ameri- cans and Creoles, were armed with revol• There are serious doubts as to whether MacWherrell is really guilty of the murder of Mr. and Mrs. Williams ; and the Crown ought to scrutinize all the facts very closely through some well qualified and independ- ent functionary. The jury, by acquitting his alleged confederate, Walker, showed their disbelief in the theory of the prosecu- tion, and have practically increased the doubts as to the guilt of MacWherrell, for all agree that the evidence showed that the crime was committed by two persons. It should be borne in mind that the leading detective in this case engineered the evi- dence in the Handcock murder case, but in that instance mistaken zeal providentially resulted in proving that the outraged father —a man fond of his children—was innocent of the murder of his favourite daughter. Yet he was kept in prison for months after he was practically shown to be innocent, bail being persistently refused. Such con- duct would not have happened with im- punity in England. The Crown must look at tlacWherreli's case as a question con- ct ruing the life of a human being, and not as a question of proving the INFALLIBILITY OF DETECTIVES. " While the British troops were here they behaved admirably, there being no drunken- ness or disorder among them." Locayo's statement is denied .by Consul Hatch, Consul Seat and other Americans who sey he dii'invite the British to occupy the territory. THE SITUATION CRITICAL. A Colon special says:—It is reported -here, that the Nicaraguan's threaten to make a second seizure of the Mosquito reservation. An American citizen is said to have been shot b'y the order of the acting Governor of Rama. The British warship Canada is waiting for a reasonable time at Bluefields in antici- pation of the arrival of the United S fates flagship San Francisco with Rear Admiral Benham on board. The situation of affairs at Bluefields is said to be critical. ficial, there was no fear of his being absent from the trial, or being unduly influenced. A trial for murder is not -like a game of skill where all means are taken to overcome an oin- telligent, having beena greatat traveller,l and a man well able to take eare of himself, if he had done the deed he would immediate- ly -mmediate- Iy have crossed the lines, which he would know would have vastly increased his chance of escape. His returning to his old place is in his favour. The more the facts are examined the more unsatisfactory the verdict appears to be. We do not go the length of saying that we are quite sure that MacWherrell is in- nocent of the murder ; but we contend that, as the case now appears, there are very serious doubts as to his guilt ; and that there is not sufficient evidence to justify taking life. The Crown should reinvesti- gate the whole of the facts. Bearing in mind the Handcock fiasco, this should be done by . some impartial functionary, by some one gifted with a judicial mind, who is skilled in sifting and weighing evidence. —[MaiL The latter sometimes disregard the empha- tic instructions of I'alleyrand, when, as the French Minister of Foreign Affairs, he sent young diplomatists on foreign missions, "_Above all things avoid too much zeal." MacWherreli'a case is very peculiar, and one well adapted for a moralist to preach upon. When, according to his own state- ment, he bought in the outskirts of the city the horse and cutter for $10, he well knew that they must have been stolen,and consequently that he was liable to be pun- ished tor buying stolen property. There- fore we can understand why he kept him- self in the background when he . heard of the murder. Not one man in a hundred would have had the reqnisite moral courage to come forward and say " I (a man with shady antecedents) am guilty of buying property well knowing it to have been stolen, but nevertheless I had nothing to do with mur- dering the owner." Had he done so, all the same he would have been tried for mur- der, although probably have been acquitted. Very few men understand the wisdom of making a clean breast of their trouble when they are in a false position. Men guilty of manslaughter have been hanged through trying to cover np the lesser crime, thus leading to the natural inferenee- that the case was one of murder and not manslaugh- ter. The following case, which happened in London, England, some years ago, shows the wisdom of people coming forward in such instances. Once in every half-dfzen winters there is a panic in London about garotters. During one of these panics two young men took a walk one dark night be- yond the region of lamps. Having garrot- ters on the brain, one armed himself with a sword stick. As they were passing a country side -road a man lurched right to co sho of direction of the affairs of Bluefields and the Mosquito reserve the several growing in do ies created and carried on by Ameri- • cans and in which millions are involved, would at once be destroyed by- arbitrary taxation. It would be the lemon squeezed _ dry, a game which the Nicaraguans under- stand only too well, especially when Amer- icans are not backed up by warships. INHABITANTS PANIC STRICKEN. A New York despatch says_ :—A special to. the press from New Orleans says : The inhabitants of Bluefields are panic-stricken, according to advices brought by the steamer Gussie," which arrived yesterday. Women and children are reported to be leaving. the town in large numbers. All efforts to form a provisional Government failed, owing to- perfectly o action o in remaining were cheaply purchased by the victors ; geThe Cleopa neutral. = 2while in 1870, notwithstanding that both The Cl urine sanded blanch and the:sides-were-armed with breech -loaders, the -. �•Sr�ti'sh niarinesZancXed on :.the bluff, seven. Iosses`never approached thehuge of withitheorn emissi ds, on private property, .so res-nehe battles.of the early century or_ ee permission of the_pwner, it . as of those of the .even ',Years' War. At e occurred. The lienteric the t1I riotWorth, it is true,'one-sixth- iif; :the total Aiiiericagg`tllink :lite riot was panned,by forces engaged were -either killed or wound- -and L'ocayo,the Nicaraguan commissioner, i tie i a proportion was and the British, to give a -:pretext for bring- ing the British marines into Bluefields: to take possession: of the town. The British occupied the town, assumed - thee: entire police Bower, _and Locayo did _,not protest. When the Brfftish'leftBl-aelelds theE.coin- . mss ►ner:promised t=hat no mora Nicara•: p gaai>_ soldiers" would die- brought there, but Losses in Great Battles. At Mollwitz the Prussians lost 18 per cent., the Austrians 28 per cent. At Kolin Frederick's force suffered to the extent of 37 per cent., while his victory cost his enemies only 14 per cent. At Zorndorf, the bloodiest battle of which we have any record that we may rely upon, the propor- tion of loss to the total forces engaged rose to the enormous total of from one-half to one-third. Kunersdorf was almostas de- structive to human life, and Frederick lost 35 per cent., against 26 per cent„ of the al- lies. Withthe advent of Napoleon and the Loosened formations of the Revolutionary armies losses were at first -diminished; but at Aspern the Austrians left nearly 28per cent of their men on the battlefield, arid the French, although the bulletins denied it, are said to have been weaker by one -halt after the battle. Borodino, too, . deprived the Russians of 36 per cent., and the French of 24 per cent. During the later Napoleon- ic wars we find the losses somewhat lower, although after uigny the Prussians en re, weaker by as many as 20 per cent., and he victory of Waterloo cost us rather more than that proportion. ` W hen,however,we turn to the campaigns which succeeded the lull 'of exhaustion'ol- lowing the downfall of the First Emp re we are confronted with no such bloody re- cords,in spite of the invention of percussion caps, rifles, and even rifled cannon. The allies of the Aline only -lost some six per cent:, and the Russians 14 per cent. Inker- mann, however, wae•as bloody as8Waterloo, but it was a struggle in which tactics play. ed a very small part. • The losses at Magenta and Solferino were comparatively slight. Although the cense- thef theAmericansquences of Koniggratz were immense, they AN ENGLISHMAN IN AFGHANISTAN. Ile Describes Some of the Queer Ways of the It atives. —Mow the English anis are Delayed. Resources and Prospects of Queens - Land. - On the 9th inst. the Hon. M. Hume Black, special agent of the Queensland Government, delivered an address before the members of the Edinburgh and Leith Chambers of Commerce on "The resources and prospects of Queensland," with a view to the extension of trade be- tween that colony and the Mother Coun- try." Towards the development of the en- ormous territory of Qaeensland, the lecturer said, the popularly elected Government had expended during the thirty-three years of its independent existence a capital sum of £31,000,000 in the conquest of nature, of the wilderness, and in a series of great public works which must command the admiration of every impartial student of sociology and empire. Queensland has been perhaps the most progressive colony under the Crown in its immigration policy, no leas a sum than two and three-quarter millions of lean money having been spent since 1853 in bringing immigrants from every part of the United Kingdom. Seven- teen and three quarter millions sterling had been spent on the 2372 miles of railway system, and two millions sterling .on the construction of harbors, lighthouses and the deepening and improvement of navigable rivers. On public buildings a million had been laid out; £827,000 had been spent in erecting and ' equipping 10,000 miles ot telegraph lines, and £1,418,000 had been advanced to local bodies for the purpose of carrying out local improvements. The lecturer then enlarged upon the mineraI,pastoral and agricultural resources of the country, discussed its sugar and marine industries, and in conclusion said that the prospects'of the country were of the brightest and the soundest. The pub. lic debt, though large, had been wholly expended on works of a reproductive character, which materially enhanced the value of the public estate, and consequently gave added security to the bondholders. The public estate consists of 427,838,08E acres, only 111 millions of which had been alienated. Expenditure from loan had practically ceased, and strict economy had been introduced into every department of administration.. The whole strength of the population was nowavailable for those pur- suits connected with the development of the pastoral, agricultural and mining re- source of the soil. If their indebtedness were large the means of meeting its annual charge and its final extinction were infinitely greater. These might be measured even now by the excess of exports over imports. That excess in 1891 was £3,229,383; and in 1892 it was no less than - £4,761,180. The total exports last year reached £9,170,408 of which £6,290,931 was the value of pas- toral products, £2,290,232 mining,£588,453 sugar, and £121,992 pearl shell and bech- de-mer. This was equal to £21 per head of the population -a proportion unparallel ed in the history of any country in th- world. With the expansion ot the meae and sugar industries, to say nothing ot the increasing returns from the principal mines, the exports in the next few years would go on increasing by leaps and bounds._ To the practical man with moderate means, to the capitalist, and to the young and en- ergetic, Queensland offered opportunities, not excelled anywhere. OUT OF THE DARKNESS, and. without saying a word staggered to- wards them. They naturally concluded that he , was shamming drunkenness— although probably he was intoxicated— and that he had confederates, and they peremptorily bade him keep off and the one with the sword -stick hurriedly pointed it at him to fend him off. The drunken intruder then staggered back without speaking, and they natutally be- lieved that they had a narrow escape. When the owner of the swordstick got home he drew it out, and to his astonishment there was a little blood at the end, and he then knew. that in the excitement of the moment he had unconsciously drawn it, and that he must have pricked the man. But it turned out that he had mortally wounded him. In a day or two the paper s were fell of an account of a man who had been mysteriously murdered at the spot where this had occurred. Instead of fool- ishly keeping quiet the two travellers attended the inquest, and explained the circumstances, and the jury accordingly returned a verdict of death by misadven- ture, thus exonerating them. If they had stayed away -they might ultimately have got into serious trouble. It is quite certain from all the evidence that MacWherrell--who had been recently paid off by his employer, and who had some money left --never started for the Williams' house with the intention of robbery or mur- der.- He took pains to inform sundry folks on the road, as w ll as neighbours of the murdered man, whither he was going. No intending thief or murderer would have acted thus. It is admitted that the evidence proves that two persons committed the crime. The jury rightly acquitted Walker; therefore, if MacWherrell is guilty, it comes to this, that he must have met some other person after he had left the last neighbour's house, and arranged with such person to commit the crime. THIS IS NOT CREDIBLE. thu,-ne;t: ay 30- N caeragaan soldiers -earns o . _ �Iie river on;:a steamboat. from Ramat ate- = ie - Americans .asked; or. .the 21.4-__Ibat, British marines from the ='Canada' be Z he story related by Mr. John Wild, Welborn, England,of his experience and the work carried on by the English workmenin Afghanistan within the past three years is full of suggestive thought respecting the land of the Ameer. Mr. Wild epert his early days at Castle Howard, Leeds, hi the time of Mr. Sutherland, whose ability as a landscape gardener gained for him con- siderable distinction. After completing his apprenticeship, Mr. Wild obtained an appointment at Stoneleigh Park, and subsequently was, for a considerable length of time, in the employ of the W Prince of ales at Sandringham. In April, 1892, Thomas Salter Pine, the pioneer of the civilizing force of mech- anism and labour in Afghanistan, was sent over to England by the Ameer to select 13 representative men to introduce English workmanship into that country, and Mr. Wild was engaged as gardener, the other branches of industry including leather currying and tanning, the manufacture of iron and steel products and other indispens- able avocations. The rugged and almost unbroken series of HILLS AND MOUNTAINS which hemmed them in on every side on teeir journey from English territory to the Afghan capital did not favourably impress Mr. Wild, who remarked to his guide that from the prospect around him he might as well have remained in England for what good he could do. His guide expressed acquiescence, remarking " that Le should be surprised if he did much good ;" how- ever, before leaving for England last *um. mer, Mr. Wild, who was unable to stand the climate, succeeded in teaching the Afghans the art of pruning, while he also laid out some beautiful gardens at the pal- ace of Jellalabad, in the English style. The work, however, was not congenial to the Afghan, who unless he could foresee the advantage of anew undertaking was very loth and reticent in carrying out instruc- tions, while the method of procuring means to carry on the daily routine was even more cumbersome and roundabout than the stereotyped story of obtaining a hat peg for accommodation in a Government office in England ; although it must be confessed that the remedy is far more efficacious if even more drastic, for Mr. Wild remarks that the administration of a good thrashing to the offending party usually puts matters right. Apropos of this he tells a humorous story of one of the Englishmen out there, who went to the local post office to enquire why they had not received any letters from home. He was at first informed there had not been any, but on being threatened with a good thrashing the official admitted they had been delivered to a high dignir tary, whereupon the native clerk received a speedy and salutary impression of what ENGLISH CHASTISEMENT means. The letters were duly delivered in future. That Afghanistan is still far behind in matters of this kind is apparent from the fact that letters are conveyed by means of `runners,' one of whom starts off on the journey from Cabul to the Indian frontier, running a distance of from 8 to 10 miles (carrying a locked bag containing the despatches), when he is relieved by another - runner, who carries the bag a similar dis- tance, and so on until the English territory is reached. It is not an unusual thing for the whole of the letters to be Iost, and then the only satisfaction the complainants get is that the `runners' have been seized and the despatches plundered. On one occasion the Englishmen had to complain of the non - receipt of a number of English newspapers which had been sent out to them, and they were told that the papers were too heavy for the `runners' to carry. They sought and received redress, however, and some few weeks after a large. bundle of news- papers arri vedn Cabul, and probably never was the English newspaper more dearly prized or its contents more eagerly devour- ed. The Afghans have a very firm belief in kismit, or fate, and it often hap- pens, in spite of the summary justice meted out to them, that when MacWherrell's account of his actions onthe Thursday reads consistently. If, as alleged, Williams told him that he had hired a man for his board only, a strict enquiry . as to that should be instituted by the Crown. It might have been only a put off; but Williams being old he would need help ; and the fact would tally with the statement of Cory, the former hired' man. A minute and searching inquiry should also, be instituted testing the trut of MacWharrell's account of how he,passed`'The time on his return from the Williams' house. The strongest corroborative evidence against him is the statement of the policeman who swore that he saw two men driving the horse and buggy eastward on the Thursday night, and that " to the best of his belief the prisoners were the nen ; but more than belief is iceman s e required 1 ofa o best ea b9 thep- to justify taking away a. man's -Iife." The nry, by acquitting Waller," showed- that SUBMARINE GHOSTS. A Diver's Thrilling Experience. A diver who went down to work on the steamship Visettya, which was in collision and sunk off Bhrnega t light, had a grewsome experience. It was a diffic•ilt job, so two divers were sent down—one of them to remain on deck in sixty feet of water, to act as second tender to the other diver who went below. The latter had been below but a few minutes when three jerks came over the life -line. When he had been hauled up on to the deck he was so un- nerved that he forgot he was still iu sixty feet of water, and signalled to have his hel- met removed. When both divers had been hauled to the surface, he said that while he was working through a gangway, he had seen two huge objects coming toward him ; and nothing could dissuade him from the belief that he had seen two submarine ghosts—until the other diver went down and discovered that there was a mirror at the end of the gangway, and that the diver had seen the reflection of his own legs, vastly enlaged, coining toward him.—[From " Life Under Water," in the April Scribner. ed, .but at rave o h - Lhe : believed shat _ the -: polioemaa. was only_ol e=eleventh, and at Weissenburg one- mistaken; as to one of the . men, Being i_h A "one,.hem t have -been - _.. to twelfth. — t mistaken as$.- � re to serve a mistaken as to the other. Why was this " second titer Cariiotr anhae nodesire strain of .evidence kept-hack;for -months? Why was eeccial term in France,- see as the it not forthcoming when the prisoners were iifiicial'iife has -Been severe_on himself and mit inti" Who - t Both brave suffered in health- iiefore theg :., Mme. t•arna . 1romoverwork; ;and Mile. Carnot _has be- - wAs pr SIR :, It is'ean old;story,.' but a -- - nes o .. _ . come goi_ri-lea£, : to act,so.. It,gave no oppor ioi t r rnot'u eleetrarr waa - trns one,- that °l ;, l accused' -to- show that it vF a alai And 1r' f• most'unexpected t himself as is ami y .: acral .:' nary= aboulia be m de as to t engi. ,_, ;.� After:the baltot;beseiithiswife`"a despatch,. date waren thn�Fall�etnsn ��eslior�e� tie toelfi for hoax until she saw M, fact it must Piave been a eecr� ow brie nrrounded�by"the guard man : et unkeown to-- rui ;ii aT,ryays attends the Press- ot eyed d ubiquitous ° reporters. but bore, but the control refused teat- It'si io eon �esstheAmericar ssigned:arequest l of root co erect. This they°ttio ze THREATENED WITH EXPOSURE for which they know death will be their only penalty, they reply quite indifferently that if they are to be hung their fate under any circumstances is inevitable. Whilst being an indolent race they are very lax to adopt any imported improvement, remark- ing that 'what was -good enough for their forefathers is good enough for them,' while they positively detested using the English tools. Spades, rakes, hoes, &c., were ob- noxious to them, and under no cicumstan- ces could they be induced to bend their backs in usiug these implements of cnit.iva- tion, preferring rather to sit on their haunches doing their work. Mr. Wild ob- serves that the principal work done in the workshops at Cabul is done by Hindoos, who are chiefly taken from the engineer- ing shops at Lahore. It is chiefly on ac- count of the indolent character of the Af- ghan that Mr. Wild does not appear to cher- ish any lasting result from his work in the land of the Ameer, although hebelievesthati a. railway affording a ready means of tran-f sit from the Indian frontier to Cabul were constructed the advance of civilization would be more pronounced. The Ossified Man. In the Museum of Natural History fth Dublin is the skeleton of a man,a native of the south of Ireland, who was called the ossified man. His body became ossified during his life time. He lived in that con- dition for years. Previous'to the change he had been -a healthy young fellow of night t he superior strength and - agility. One g ale f►t`out in a field after a debauch and some time later he felt the first symptoms of the strange transformation. The doctors could do nothing' to avert the progress of his malady. His joints atitiened. When he wanted to.lie down or rise up he required assistance. He could not bend his body, and. when placed : upright he resembled a statue of stone.- He could stand but not dove in the least. His teeth were joined :and became an entire bone. The doctors, e.; in: order to administer nourishment, had to ',hole through them. He lost the _ him. e use ofhia-tongue and his sight left niosit one-l'ialf of the`quinine produced died the- United States. Ori gin of Gold Nuggets. This has long been a matter of contra. versy. It was suggested many years ago by Dr. Selwyn that the nuggets grow in allu- vial deposits by successive deposition of gold, and this theory has been supported by other authorities. Prof . A. Liversidge, ina recent eSoc etynoff the New.South ave(Royalconcludes that Wales, September 6, 1893), although large nuggets may be produced. artificially, those found in alluvium have. been worn d ow a from larger er masses rather than grown from smaller ones, anyaddition that they may have received from meteoric matter being quite immaterial. Youth is beautiful Its friendship is precious. The intercourse with it is a. pur. ifying release from the worn and stained hardness of elder life. old eer- A minister, having some of his mous,was asked what he had in his package. "Dried tongue," was the reply. A favorite mode of ' suicide, among the African tribes who dwell nea; Lake jQ'yassa, to Y wade into the lake, and calm- ly 1 wait for a crocodile to open its month and show you the way to eternity. h Real th The report eorr czar has developer following his rete: fluenza, and that sician he has dere time at least at h part of the empiri considered before, sumption, the ma his eldest ion to may be accepted Petersburg, with foundations in a hasten the progre good reason, mo should not be ma` the Russian peop forces of the emp St. Petersburg, 2 - Sweden Sweden as a stro nullified the res location of the ca sia But the res for any consider ably involve a for the soverei2 twenty years sl) administrative c resents, the fore governing man ni Equally of course and so must build; to make the czar' create a new cap. with its better ie surpass that on sous nor histori the change, and 1 capital ,-chid be to -make- it not OL St. Peer:burg ce hea'.tnfui tee. fer will, if made development of the other, iu -i:v have a certain temperament of be brought into and its infiue have in marked d which is the hei pressing effect of questionably act climate, cold ar burg: A softer clime the Czar's spirts and in Kien he t far more Europe so brought nears chief drawback burg is that its from Europe hat that feeling of t which has been limited their vie and prevented which comes fro with the expere Kieft the czar si if it is made the European ideas moreover, be i Austria that th must impress it mote his willing into the society the political etil very considerab degree to bring into fuller touc progress and tc which separate be a distinct gi will modify in policy of Russia acquisition of C ed, that policy. has been no de and in support million of train ern Russia. A tion to control secure a kindlit Soil, the Russian "native, irres"ist for access to ti intensified by t domain Vladiv at all seasons No American ap ed, then disgn ish mariners that act to be or pretensions quito coast, vociferate. I Government atioe, and Ball United States Ent the facts c ly made their and through t that envelope facts were fur Consul at Gre miles from B report, the Cl mariners at : urgent petitio and British r called upon tett their liv= invading Nica their request of the blue the distur oa e: stantially con Ambassador assurances tid pation by the nificance. In had withdras begins to agit expansion. Bayard is neg ernment for t questions gr Bulwer treaty let that treat it dead. W h about is that the right, w joint control Nicarag the ora € shown that B Bulwer treat; partner with utter -oceanic; never liked have always of violatioes tions could hi they would ,, aingeists app forgotten abs are afra andi' pill them by questions tai treaty.