HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Gazette, 1894-04-19, Page 7eie
king Crime In the
of Canada.
Ward dtabbed Isis Wife
er Kal:e, Carved Her
I the Fragments in the
recent trial of Walter
,rampton, the lag& con-
antial evidence fog mora
is recalled with much
peculiarly horrible one,
Lble foe the crushing
►n tial evidence that was
el was a member of a
iving in Caledon town -
spring of 1375 he made
England. On the way
quainted with a pretty
on ber way to Toronto.
ber name, was coming
r uncle, a garde.;er at
ripened fast and soon
Canada Mary became
use was furnished and
,ent to live on the hus•
ledon Township. Ellen
titer of a neighbor, as-
• fez MURDER.
mewhat of a failure so
Ward were concerned,
>f frequent occurrence.
Mrs. Ward prepared to
Toronto. Her husband
tion and drove her to
at Caledon, but when he
is.wife that she had bet -
and he would then ac -
was strangely persistent
yielded and went back
h he requested her to
irl away.
tormy one and the wind
out the house. What
cording to the theory of
ve Murray,who worked
by the opinions of many
rd, while his wife was
utcher knife and stab -
Then with the skill of a
e carved the bleeding
ess pieces. The bones
h in the same manner as
use carves a Christmas
utilated fru ments of
wife, the fiend calmly
horrible work. rom
ght u several jars of
rl a roaring fire in the
the fire was so intense
the stove was burned
tallow sp
read over the
e whole house was in
g of a madman, Ward
ember and seared his
en, when nothing could
rushed to his father's
e alarm. When asked
id he was awakened by
He called for his wife,
y. Then he ran out of
out being badly burnt.
spected that something
once telegraphed the
ronto. Detective John
ed on the case and he
while the timbers were
aw Ward in bed at his
questioned him closely.
ed that, while the man
burned about the neck,
en singed and he bore
fought a battle with
burned itself out the
away. A piece of the
d the fragment of an
that was left of Mrs.
of the house was found
g and some feathers
d, that apparently had
y the fire. A butcher
t as if it had been used
der the spot where the
erre had the fire been
peen burned.
then commenced to fix
expert testimony on
ally convicted of mur-
alyzed the iron of the
feathers. His evidence
• d was present in large
e position in which
it was surmised that
= killed while in bed.
s the case was tried at
ing of 1876,
eron defended Ward.
nneth MacKenzie and
d for the crown and
by the researches of
The defence pleaded
of less than a dozen
. Workman, who said
unsound mind: The
a. preponderance of the
and among others Dr.
Asylum, testified that
fectly sane and respons-
along tediously and
ty and sentenced to
n the first Friday in
•ns were sent to the
for clemency and the
•cited to imprisonment
his sentence he showed
insanity and was sent
Ium at Rockwood. Five
the asylum.
ad many a wordy war
Ward's sanity, and to
''said of New York, an ex•
s, and another expert f rom
e made an examination
Bided that it was diseas-
ig fact that a son of John
the defender of Ward,
Osier in preparing the
against .MacWherreli
raise and reward
e Pthan to have• them
ger#shy of them ; we
o to speak for us.
The Care of Poultry.
The care of poultry is just as difficult to
obtain success as that which is necessary in
the breeding sad handling of the domestic
animals. The difference lies only in the
magnitude of the business. In both cases
the strictest attention must be given to the
details. A writer says: As the season is
now upon ns when the countryman is using
his utmost endeavors to induce his hens to
lay their fall limit of well developed, fertile
eggs, in order to supply his egg trade and
those for his own use, a few hints from a
practical standpoint may not be out of
place. As the breeding stock are usually
yarded in rather small pens. the first prime
necessity is to keep them strong, active, in-
dustrious and healthy. We find no method
in oar years of experience more satisfactory
than the following : Provide a scratching
.pen' near by the roost house. Keep the
floors or runs littered six or eight inches
deep with dry straw, chaff, leaves or shav-
ings from the lumber mill. In this a small
quantity of grain, such as oats, wheat,
millet or buckwheat, is well scattered,
early in the morning. This grain, sifting
down through the loose litter, compels the
fowls to work and scratch for their food.
This keeps them active and strong, instead
of sluggish and unhealthy, as a heavy
morning feed given daily is sure to inspire.
Crushed bone and sharp grit are abso-
lute necessities and should be kept before
them at all times. FowLs must have it, as
it is the teeth with which they grind their
food. In many parts of the country where
there is no atone the supply of sharp gravel
can be obtained by going to the runs and
streams and hauling an occasional load.
We also use all the broken crockery we
can lay hands on, and break it up to the
size of wheat grain. Some writers advo-
cate kroken glass for poultry. Don't al-
low this. Keep all glass out of their each.
We have had some experience in that line
and want no store. All the sour milk from
the house is given to the fowls ; it makes
them thrive and keep healthy. Two or
three times a week fresh lean meat scraps.
butcher shop are also given
Keep plenty of pure, fresh water before
them at all times, winter and summer. In
winter the water should be given warm.
Always be sure their drinking utensils are
perfectly sweet and clean. Fowls require
an enormous quantity of water, and it
should always be within their reach.
Care of Sow at Farrowing.
The care of the breeding animals should
not be spasmodic or irregular but continu-
ous through all seasons of the 'year. The
sown should especially be fitted for the
uses they are intended to supply. They
mast necessarily have laxative foods, con-
taining the nitrogenous elements and the
phosphates, such as millstufis, oats, oilmeal
and plenty of clover, which promote mus-
cular development. Corn or any other
starchy foods constipate the bowels and
contract the muscles to the extent that
parturition is difficult and often impossible,
so that fatalities are the result. At a
meeting of the Missouri State Swine -
Breeders' Association Mr. 0. D. pester
" There might a great deal be said on the
question of how to treat the sow at farrow-
ing and at the instance of our worthy sec-
retary I will give you a few impressions
gathered from my own experience. When
we take into consideration the value of the
brood sow and the important part she
- plays in the great swine breeding world it
behooves' us to make every effort to • dis-
cover how best we may treat her that the
highest results may be obtained.
"At the time of mating I prefer to have
the sow in good, vigorous condition, but
not fat. After being bred she shouldbe
put aside and watched closely as the time
of heat draws nigh. As soon as she is
found to be in pig, she may be put in bet-
ter flesh to enable her to respond to the
additional strain made upon her system in
the sustenance and development of the un-
born progeny ,butinevery case this shouldbe
done with bone and muscle; forming food,
such sah�oats or a slap made of mill -stuff and
oil cake meal but with little corn. She
- should at all times have the run of a good
roomy lot or pasture in order to afford her
an abundance of daily exercise:
" A week or ten days before due to far-
row she should be isolated and made ac-
quainted with her new quarters. - At this
period no corn should be fed but a - liberal
supply of warm slop. I have never had a
sow thus cared for experience much trouble
at farrowing time. As to the best kind of
a house, I hardly know what to say, but
during theneinter and early days of spring,
a warm, dry house is most•certainly called
for. I use a house built expressly, for this
purpose, with a stove in it, and find it a
success ; and use prairie hay or bluegrass,
which grow abundantly in our section, for
bedding, as it accumulates less dust and
wears longer than straw. It is well to be
present when the sow farrows. I use eight
inch fenders securely fastened seven inches'
from the floor; this often prevents the sow
from crushing the pigs against the wall.
During' warm,dry weather a ground floor is
much cooler and preferable to plank. The
. first week after farrowing, the sow's diet
should be carefully regulated. One of the
greatest dangers -is in over . feeding. Very
young pigs cannot take much milk, hence
the flow should not be unnaturally stimn
Iatest - As the pigs grow older the feed can
be gradually increased until the pigs are
ten days old,or two weeks old,when she may
be put on full feed and all kinds of milk
producing food may be, fed generous-
Early Maturity.
With the class of stock. intended for
meat, more especially, it is quite an item
to feed -an& care for them in the way best
calculated to secure a quick growth and
early maturity.
Under present. conditions no hog should
beallowed to be kept onthe farm until he
is a year old, except as a breeding animal
A wether should noti be kept until he is
fully -two years old, or a steer until he is
three.. In order ,toe .taco ' profitable early!
maturity, no animal ehould.be allowed: to
pass= these -lilting To a very considerable
e telt the -growth must be pushed from the
start, €eeding - ration -*ell calculated
make'sgood frame ;and aecnre a good-
topircent of eandmuscle, and at the
e feed en Art ani mal kept
it grd'dtlh,
ti> 767T401,4 -in, -a
t with no class ogr 'wine animals i
f s it
-desirakl le toteepthem fat. The est health
and thief -tie not maintained when a grow-
ing animal is left too fat. At the same time
the growth and -development must be.
pushed and the judgment of the feeders
angst be exercises as to the condition of the
animals, and the ration must be deter-
mined by the condition of the animal&
If a growing animal is fed sufficient to
keep in a good, thrifty condition it will
grow readily enough. With an animal in-
tended for meat it is an exception when
they can be considered as growing too fast.
One of the best seasons for pushing the
growth is after grass and clover make a
sufficient growth to furnish a fall feed, but
in order to get the most out of it, have the
stock in a good, thrifty condition. If they
are allowed to run dawn from now until
grass starts, it will require more or less of
what we may consider the best time to
make up for what has been loet. It will
pay better now to feed a little extra to
maintain a steady growth, than to allow
them to run down. Every item of profit mwet
be considered, and pushing the growth
from the start sufficient to secure an early
maturity is one of the essentials necessary
to make stock return the most profit. One
item should always be remembered in
connection with growing stock, and that
is whenever they are fed without securing
a gain the cost is increased without a cor-
responding profit.
The New Work Undertaken by the Marine
Department, and its Conductor.
Intimately connected with , the efforts
now being made to make Canada the great
highway across the American continent,
and between Europe, Asia and Australia;
are the surveys in progress and now being
extended, f>f the tides and currents of the
great waterways both on our eastern and west
ern coasts. This matter was brought under
the notice of the BZtish Association at its
meeting in Montreal in 1884, by Dr. John-
son, of McGill College. As the association
had giready intere,ted itself in similar ob-
servations in other parts of the Empire,and
as Canada is eminent for the greatness
of its inland waterways, while the know-
ledge of the tides and currents which
embarrass navigation in them was very
imperfect, the subject was warmly taken
up by the association, and a committee
was appointed which was afterwards
aided by a committee of the Royal So-
ciety of Canada, Dr. Johnson acting as
convener of . both committees. In this
way and by deputations and petitions
representing the most important Shipp ng
and commercial interests, the matter was
urged upon the attention of the Govern-
ment, and eventually action was taken to
the extent of instituting some tentative
tidal observations at a number of stations
under the management of Prof. Carprriaei,
of the Meteorological department. A fur-
ther step has now been taken under the
auspices of the Minister of Marine, in the
special employment of Mr. W. Bell Daw-
son as engineer in charge of the work and
in preparing for careful observations with
the best instruments to determine the actual
nature, rate and directions of these cur-
reetjwhich have proved so disastrous
shipping and obstructive of any attempt to
run swift lines` of ocean steamers to our
great interior ports. The means at the
disposal of the department are very small
when compared with the greatness of the
work and the importance of the practical
ends to be secured ; but they will, no
doubt, be supplemented, and will be used
as far as possible in ascertaining the most
important data of a practical character.
The officer in special charge of the work
is believed to be eminently fitted to the
task imposed on him. He is a graduate in
Arts and Engineering of McGill, and after
graduating here spent three years in Paris,
taking the full course of the celebrated
Eaole des Fonts et Chaussees and passing
its examinations with credit. He subse-
quently spent some time in examining the
great engineering works then in progress
in Eastern France and prepared a descrip-
tive account of them for the English Insti-
tution of Civil Engineers, of which he is -an
associate. He has since had somewhat var-
ied experience in Canada, extending from
Nova Scotia to British Columbia, and is
thoroughly acquainted with the climatal
and other eandisions and requirements of
this country.
The work is one having no party or
sectional aspect, but tending to the general
good by removing obstacles to navigation
and trade, and thus benefiting all classes of
the people and the inland districts as well
as those on the sea coast. It is one that it
is felt should be prosecuted with vigor, and
with adequate means, so as to ensure
efficiency and to obtain practically useful
results at as early a date as possible. A
report has been prepared and will shortly
he published giving the actual condition of
our knowledge, whether learned in the
preliminary tidal observationsalready made,
of previous surveys, or borrowed from
foreign sources, and indicating the methods
and appliances most suitable for securing,
in the first instance,- as early as possible the
information necessary to reduce to a mini-
mum the dangers of the navigation of our
eastern coasts and of the Gulf of St. Law -
ranee, to be followed by similar observa-
tions in .the west.
A Durable. Paint.
A fire -proof and water -proof substitute
for paint for use ih boiler and engine rooms
consists of six quarts of freshly slaked lime,
well sifted, to which is added one quart of
rock salt and a gallon of water, the mixture
being then well boiled and skimmed clean.
To five gallons of this mixture are added a
pound of slam, half a pound of copperas
(stirred in slowly), three-quarters of a poun
of potash and four quarts of fine sand or
hard -wood ashes. well sifted. To this may
be added any coloring desired. It is said
to be as durable aislate, and to be especial-
Iy applicable to brickwork and similar
Yates Thompson, known es the most ens
emetic man in England when he controlled
the Pall Mall Gazette, now wants to enlarge
Westminster Abbey ,and has offered -to sufi.
eribe $200,000.1or an additional chapel.,
Mere-. rhetoric in.'serious , discourses is
Eke, flowers in corn, pleasing to those who
look only for amusement, but "prejudicial-
-to $ilia who would reap profit Iron!`
: No man call tie- brave who considers pain
t+a t eve of life
isasure as tth crate
g 9.
it isitnowa to include Gold., Silver, Dia-
monds Coal, Asbestos and Cryyilte.
Although 'the region surrounding the
north pole has so far presented a condition
of dismal defiance to the peeringeuriosityof
men, enough has been gathered concerning
its mineral resources to establish the fact
that in those inhospitable - surroundings
nature has stored her wealth most lavishly.
Far within the arctic circle fine veins of
bituminous coal have been seen. Isinglass
stone abounds, and there can hardly be a
doubt but that underneath the perpetual
ice cap might be found a plentiful supply of
the precious metal. The Alaskan rivers
and streams give evidence of auriferous
abundance, and the Astatic and European
polar appror.ehes also furnish these indica-
Despite the intense cold which prevails
over all the approaches to the pole during
the greater porton of the year, it is evi-
dent that the earth's crust is here of less
than the usual thickness. this evidence
lies in the fact of
of much of the circumpolar region, in the
colossal geysers of boiling water, and
when it is considered that a vast area is
entirely unknown, not having been trodden
ley human feet since the last great cata-
clysm, it is inferrable that there are other
evidences only awaiting the explorer. On
the Ural Mountains, which form a part of
the boundary between Europe and Asia,
and which project northward to the Sea of
Kara, are deposits of asbestos, silver, plat-
inum, diamonds, gold and iron, and all
things indicate that in the pre'olar time
this region must have been a veritable Ar-
cadia. A point on the southwest coast of
Greenland, just a few miles south of the
arctic circle, enjoys the distinction of hav-
ing the only known mine of cryolite in the
world. This is an ice-caoped point on
Cape Desolation and is only accessible to
vessels of unusually staunch construction.
Very early in the century a German
prospector named Golseck, who landed at
Cape Farewell, which is the southern ex-
tremity of Greenland, was the first Euro -
peau to make this discovery. Being told
of this curious stone by a native, he pro-
ceeded up the Arsuk Fiord, went to the
place, and at the water's edge saw -the
outcropping of the white, soft substance
which the natives used in dressing pelts,
rubbing it on the fleshy aide, where its
action was much like that of soap. The
material was then named cryolite, meaning
ice stone, and the prospector had found
the floride of sodium! and aluminium, the
substance having a considerable cammercial
value, as alum, salsoda, bicarbonate of
soda and other substances having value are
its products. This cryolite deposit is very
peculiar. It occurs at the base of a moun-
tain slope, in the form -of an oval pocket or
chimney, its longer and shorter axes being -
100 and 200 feet respectively, extending
downward at an angle of forty-five to the
horizon. Thesides,asfar down asthe excava-
tion extends, are of gray granite, and the
formation was also coveted with this rock.
In the absence of any more specific infor- the best condition, thequality of both
mation as to geological chacteristics it may oil and skin being best fitted for the
processes in which they are used.
The Seal. Hunt Promises to be a Good
A St. John's,Nfld„ special says :—Twenty
two steamers with five thousand --men e
board are engaged in the seal fishery. Th
prospects are excellent, and the weathe
favorable. Steamers are reported takin
seals off Fogo and Tilt Cove. Thousand
of seals have been hauled ashore over th
ice. The seals are welt` distributed, so Lha
many steamers are participating in th
Writing on an earlier date a St. .John'
correspondent says :—
On the 10th instant our sealing steams
started for the icefields. The . Season i
favorable so far for getting norf<h. W
have had, up to this date, but little east-
terly wind, which often packs the ice clos
in upon the sh re, and fills up the bays
-so that the ste • era cannot penetrate th
great masses so as to search, for the seals.
Westerly and southwesterly winds have
lately driven the ice off shore, so that the
steamers have made a favorable start. The
same number of steamers as last year,
namely twenty- two, will this year take
part in our great seal hunt. One steamer,
the Eagle, was lost at the whale fishery,
but her place has been filled up by another,
the Windsor Lake. About 5,000 men are
embarked. Much depends on the success
of the seal fishery. In a favorable year it
is worth over three-quarters of a million
dollars to the country. Formerly it used to
reach a million dollars. This harvest is
reaped without any sowing in six or eight
weeks. It is, however, very precarious.
Last year only 129,061 seals were taken.
In 1892'the number taken was 340,624. So
many of the seals escaped the hunters last
year that it is anticipate d they will be
found in large numbers this year and that
the returns will be above the average ; but
the ice,the winds and the waves have to be
reckoned with ; so that, as we often say
here, "it is all a lottery." Nothing is cer-
tain but its uncertainty.
The Isle of Man has no pawnshop.
New Zealand has only one-story houses.
ore people die in spring than in any of
e the seasons.
✓ It takes a Danish express train a day to
g travel a hundred miles.
s Foreigners took sixty-three per cent. of
e the Chicago World's Fair prizes.
e - Naturalists assert that a healthy swallow
devours six thousand flies every day.
e Moscow's foundling asylum, founded by
Catharine II., is kept up by a tax on play -
e ing cards.
The parish of St. Marylebone has as
many as 3,000 buildings officially described
as factories and workshops.
Dressmakers in Paris are said to charge
unmarried women less for their costumes
than they do their married sisters.
Eighty of the towns in Great_ Britain
supply the navies of one hundred towns in
The huge guns of modern navies can only
be fired about seventy-five times before
they are worn out.
It requires an order from the President
of the United States to procure an impres-
sion of the great Seal of State.
It is a point of honor that Moorish wo-
men never know their own ages. They
have no birthday celebrations.
The takings of London theatres and
music -hails exceed £1,500,000.
Smooth taper fingers are generally in the
higher degree artistic.
Football was a crime in England during
reign the Henry VIII.
Last year certain amendments were made
in the act which regulates the seal fishery.
As the act now stands, no steamer can
leave a port in Newfoundland for the pro-
secution of the seal fishery before the 10th
day of March in each year, at 2 o'clock,
afternoon, under a penalty of$4,000,unless
the 10thof March falls on a Sunday, in which
case steamers can leave on the 9th at 2 p.m.
No custom house officer is to clear a vessel
for a sealing voyage . before March 9th.
Taking seals on Sunday was prohibited in
the, same amendments ; and should any
seals so killed be brought into any port in
the colony the owners would be liable to.a
penalty of $2,000. The object for prohib-
iting the sailing of steamers before March
10th is to prevent the capture of seals
before they have reached the age and size
which have been found to 'give- the best
returns. When taken before the age of
three or four weeks, the skins and fat
are comparatively of small value.If allowed
to reach the age named they are then in
be surmised that this chimney in some past
age did service as a vent .hole for some
spouting geyser, and may at one period have
spouted water highly charged with the sub-
stances mentioned, held in solution. It is
a most unique mine, being simply a huge
shaft worked in " benches " and extending
Being close to the arctic circle it is near the
sixtieth Parallel, and is farther. north than
are the Russian penal mines in Siberia.
Although this pocket has been profitably
milled since 1864, as the excavation covers
13,000 square yards of superficial area, the
depth reached is not very considerable, be-
ing only 100 feet.
It may seem like a contradictionof terms to
speak of an animal mineralogy, and yet it is
a fact that there are islands in portions of
the circumpolar districts that are really
quarries, if the term be allowable, of an-
imal remains, bones and tusks, ivory of the
finest kind, of a quantity warranting a one-
aggregation of aiirimal forms to which
all thatnowexists on the earth hardly affords
a comparision. If we survey the present
animal construction on strictly mechanical
lines it seems incredible that colossal mon-
sters should once have existed carryin g
tusks more than sixteen feet lung and
weighing singly over 300 pounds, yet the
evidence goes to show that not only were
there herds of those forms, but they were
also myriads in numbers. The polar region
is one vast cemetery of the remains of a
world of bygone fauna, and on a scale of
aggregation that would probably exceed
that of the combined world at. present.
The time has gone by for our earth again
to possess the conditions of such reproduc-
tive vigor as produced both theearlier fauna
and flora. Without a doubt a time will
come when this frigid storehouse will be
A good deal of lively feeling has been
awakened by the announcement that on
the 5th the sealing steamer Newfoundland
passed the mouth of St. John's harbor,
shaping her course for the ice -fields. She
has thus a start of five days in advance of
our steamers and has the field all to her-
self. She cleared at Lunenburg, being
manned there, and consequently is not
bound by our laws outside the three mile
limit. The newspapers have commented in
strong terms on the injustice of a Domin-
ion steamer being permitted to disregard's
our fishery laws, and injure a valuable fish-
ery which we are trying to protect. The
matter has also been referred to in the
House of Assembly, and the Government
were called on to explain why they had
not corresponded with the Dominion Gov-
ernment on the matter, so as to secure co-
operation in the protection of -cur seals.
A resolution, it seems, was passed last ses-
sion instrusting the Government to do.
this, but they allege there was no unanim-
ity of opinion as to what the Dominion
Government should be asked to do, and in
consequence they did nothing.
No w this matter has a very serious aspect.
Should more Cana,lian steamers take part in
the seal fishery, which they have a perfect
right to do, and should they follow the ex-
ample of Captain Farquharson, by starting
several days ahead of our vessels, thus not
only forstalling them, but injuring the
prospects of this industry for the future,
then disastrous results would be likely to
follow. Our laws for the protection of this
fishery are the results of extended and
experienced and much thoughtful consider.
ation. Before such protection was estab-
lished the fishery had been declining rapid -
opened up and its treasure made to respond shouldt thinksinceithere t w beuldhaslroveop ifficulty
to human needs. Itis even well that some in coming -to an understanding with Can -
things can be placed out of the common ada so as to secure whatever lei islation is
reach, as coal,gas'and petroleum all illus-
trate with what reckless greed we waste
when once we have access to the stored
resources :of nature.
The' -Novel "Entertainment Furnished ton
ttonera by a White -Clad Girl.
-` Late London exchanges devote consider-
able space to the performance of "Mile.
Bob- Walter," whose specialty is a skirt
dance in a cage of lions. The performance
is of suoh'a creepy characterthat the atten-
tion of the government has been called to
the matter and, when the usual amount of
red tape has been unwound, the show may
come to a.sudden end. Several young lions
have been trained to remain tolerably quiet
while Mlle. Bob does her act. The cage is
wheeled onto the stage with the lions, and
and the trainer enters, carrying a long,
sharp -pronged rod in one hand and a heavy
Whip in the other. The animals are chased
around the cage until they are pretty well
tired out, and then Mlle. Rob enters, clad
in along white . gown: She first gives a
preliminary pirouette or two and then
pa es to see the effect on theions. If
needed to regulate the departure of vessels
from Canadian ports,so as not to strike the
seals prematurely. The Government of
Canada would not for a moment refuse co-
operation in such a desirable object. It is
for the interests of both countries that this
valuable fishery should be preserved, and a
common arrangement agreed on. Probably
before the close of tluesession some action
will be taken in this matter.
Another Deputation to Wait on President
Gardner, of the Board of Agriculture.
A London special says:—(Star-News.
cable)—The Right Hon. Herbert Gardner,
President of the British Board of Agricul-
ture, will receive on April 3 a deputations
from the Chamber of Agriculture of the
United Kingdom and from the Royal
Society in reference to the cattle trade of
Great Britain. I learu that these depute.
tions will urge a proposal antagonistic to
the Dominion of Canada's cattle export
trade, and to this end will make strong
representations urging that° all imported
l cattle shall be slaughtered at the port of
they do no more than growl she continues landing.
her performance to the end, always getting _ s
enough applause to; warrant an encore. The The idle man is the devil's cushion, on
. dancer, howeever,hasnever-done more than which lie taketh his free ease, who, as he is
acknowledge theappiause with a bow,not incapable of any good, so he is fitly disposed,
earing, apparently, to • tempt - providence for all evil notions.
;anyfurther tt*an is absolutely- necessary. Exact j ustice is`comrnonly more merciful
in the long run than pity; for it tends to
thosestronger ualities -hie
`T ah
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indci - -
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The Crown Prince of Siam is among the
boy authors of the world. Helas -written
several stories for British (children's) maga.
zine&, and can write fluently in -three Ear.
opean languages.
In China, when there is only circumstan-
tial evidence against persons suspected of
crime, the accused is tortured until -he con-
fesses. Sometimes an innocent person will
confess, just to escape torture.
Statistics compiled by the Census Bureau
show that in the United States there are
14,969,467 horses, or one horse for every
four inhabitants ; males, 2,295,532 ; cows,
16,511,940 ; ewine, 57,409,583; and sheep,
32,126, 868.
Providing the recent survey of the Mia -
gourd River under the direction of the
United States Geographical Engineering
Department is correct, the once majestic
river has dwindled greatly in the past fifty
years. The ratio of decrease is said to- be
_ In the face of the absolutely stupendous
number of pictures which represent Queen
Victoria on any and every domestic
occasion with her crown on, it is rather
curious to learn that she has not,as a matter
of fact, worn n it more than twenty times
during her whole reign.
A Spaniard, a millionaire, is at present
working as an ordinary paid workman in a
soap manufactory at Berlin. He possesses
the largest soap factory in Madrid. He
wishes personally to learn the difference
between the German and French modes of
making soap, as he ia'not satisfied with the
French method, which has up to now been
followed at his factory. As he cannot
speak one word of German he is accompan-
ied by an interpreter.
Mrs. Kendal, who is so justly noted for
her lovely complexion, gives the following
as her complexion recipe:—Zen hours' sleep
every night ; a four -mile walk every day ;
vigorous rubbing in cold water 9 brown
bread, no sweets, and no coffee."
An old and curious key and lock is at-
tached to the door of Temple Church in
Fleet -street, London. -The key weighs
seven pounds, is eighteen inches long, and,
unlike other keys, was not made for the lock.
On the contrary, the lock was made for it.
Both key and lock have been in ase since
the Crusades, the church itself having been
built by the Knights Templars in 1485.
One of the sights of China is the antique
bridge of Suen-tchen-fow,2,500 feet long and
20 feet wide. It has on each side fifty-two
piers, upon which huge stones are laid, some
of them 20 feet, long. Many thousand tons
of stone were used in the errection of this
wonderful bridge, which is.regarded by
engineers as indicating constructive talent
as wonderful as that which raised the
Egyptian pyramids.
At Quebec the winter markets are -very
curious. Everything is frozen. Large
pigs, killed, perhaps, months before, may
be seen frozen in the butcher's shop. Frozen
masses of beef, mutton, deer, fowl, cod,
haddock and eels, long and stiff, like walk-
ing sticks, abound on the stalls. Milk also
is kept frozen, and is sold by the pound,
in masses which look like lumps of .white
marble. ,
Journalists in the United States are pro-
verbially imaginative. The following quo-
tation is from an American medical con-
temporary :—" The voracious daily Press
states that the mother-in-law of the Mikado
of Japan has recently been ill. She was
attended by 423 physicians, but in spite of
that has pulled through. The 423 medical
men hadn't much to say as to the cause of
the lady's illness, but a Buddhist priest of
ingenious mind declared that it was owing
to the introduction of railroads. His logic
was simple. Before there were rai',roads
she was well. After there were railroads
she was ill. What could be more clear than
the conclusion he drew?
VieE,oria's� R Dislikes.
Edmund Yates says that Queen Victoria
refused to purchase the necklace, earrings,
and brooch of Mary, queen of Scots, in the
Eglinton collection, because Mary was not
one of her favorites, and when she was
persuaded to buy for the Windsor castle
collection a fine portrait of Charles II.,
which had eome into the market, she thus
indorsed the memorandum : " I consent,
but with great reluctance, for L do not like
Charles IL" The sentiment does her
credit, but it recalls her interview with
Macaulay. The queen said to him : "Yott
have drawn a sad portrait of my ancestor,
James II." To which the historian prompt-
ly replied : " Your majesty means. your
majesty's predecessor, not ancestor."
Macauley says in his diary that he meant
this for a compliment, and intimates a
hope that the queen took it for one.
The Poe has decided to forbid all per-
formances of the well-known masses p of
He expresses
and Weber. es
t Ha do
Mozart, Haydn,P
he opinion that they -are -of too florid a
character to be Conducive to ptoty.