HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Gazette, 1894-04-19, Page 5eeleee-e-
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r VANGELICAL.-Services 10- a.m. and 7 p.m
a-• Sabbath School at 2 p.m. C. Liesemer,
Superintendent. CottagepxayermeetingWednes-
day evening at 730. Young People's meeting
Tuesday evening at 730. choir practice Friday
evening at 8 o'clock. Rev. Mr. Must, Pastor.
DBESBYTERIAN.--Services 10:30 man. Sab-
bath Schoo19;30 a.m. J. H. -Moore, Superin-
eneent. PrayerMmting, Wednesda,y evening at
o'clock. Rev. R. W. Gallagher; Pastor.
T? C. CHURCH, Sacred Heart Of Jeses.-Rev.
at • Father Wey, P. v. Services every Sunday;
alternatively at 8:30 a.m. and 10 a.m. Vespers
t' every other Sunday at 3 p.m. Sunday School at
2:30 p.m. every other Sunday.
LUTHERAN. -Rev. Dr. Millerrapestier. Ser
vices the last three Sundays of every mouth
at 2:30 p.m. Sunday School at 130.p.m.
a,aETHODIST.-Services 10:30 a.m. a,nd 7 p.m
Sabbath School 2.30 p.m. G. Curie, Superin-
teudent. Prayermeeting,-Thuraday 8 p.m. Rev.
W. B. Danard, Pastor.
3.1.13.A., No. 70 -meets in their hall on the
• evening of the second and fourth Thnrs-
c.I.Le in each month.
K. E Melt, Sec.
0.F. -Court Mildmay, No. 186, meets in their
C.hall the' sec•ond and last Thursdays in each
ieouth. Visitors always welcome.
Jot MeGAA,te R. S.
O.C.F. No. 186 -meets in the Forester's Hall
the second and fourth gondays in each
teouth, at 8 pan.
F. C. JASI.R11, Rec. .
1 MS :-41 per year in advance;
Otherwise $1.25.
• at
One Six Three
Year. months. months.
Dee column $50 $30'618
Half column... ...... 30 18 10
Quarter column.... ... a-- 18 10 6
Eighth column 10 6- 4
Legal 'maces, 8c. per line for first and 4c. per
line for each subsequent insertion.
Local business notices Sc. per line each inser-
C?tract advertising payable quarterly.
Graud Trunk Time Table.
Trains leave Mildmay station as fol-
Express 7.15 a, in. Mixed 10.55 axe
Mail 11.55 " Mali 2.5 p.m
Mixed. 5.20peat Express.. . 9.35 p.n1
• -.a ir• • •
Mrs. W. Fletcher, of Galt, accom-
panied by her daughter, Eve, is at pre-
cut visiting with her sister, Mrs. 5. W.
Green, here.
The service of scng in the Methodist
church last Sunday evening drew out a
large attendance, -. and the occasion
proved an interesting one.
Schneider & Miller have this week.
,lowered the sidewalk in front of their
store. Besides being much more com-
eactteble for pedestrians the appearance
greatly itprovei.
a_ •loer au& window has be. -3n put into
the 2%.13,alom-S'-, will of the Commercial
Mr B. Lindensnimlitias ranted his
farm, lot 26,00n. 6 -car -Tick to his son4n-
law. Mr. jtthua Da-haa for a term of
years, and has moved into Mr. Dahms'
house in Neekerville,
_ Arrangements are just about com-
pleted for a gaine of lacrosse between
the Walkerton eleampiona and the well-
known This' tlesaof Pergut at the Mild=
may Demonstration, on Queen's Birth-
There will be a meeting of the South
Riding of Bruce Reform Association at
the village of Formosa, on Saturday,
April 28th, at 1 o'clock p. M., for the
purpose of selecting a candidate to een-
test the Riding at the approaching Pro-
vincial election. •
It. is said that nearly every livery
stable within 15 miles of Mildmay has
one or more rip spoken for by people
who intend to be present at the great
Demonstration to be held here on May
24th. Some of the stables have every
vehicle in their barns spoken for al-
ready. It is expected that the largest
crowd ever seen in Mildmay will be
present on that day.
It is our painful duty this, week to
record the death of Miss Lydian,
daughter of Mr. Henry Ritter, of this
village, which occurred early on Satur-
day morning. Miss Ritter had been in
excellent health, although suffering
somewhat from a cold. contracted a fe
months ago, and was engaged .in learn-
ing tailoring at Mr. IL Lies-
eraer's, on Absalom St. Two weeks
ago she was taken ill with what proved
to be pneumonia, and in spite Of all
that could be done, she sank, until Sat-
-urday morning, when, after only eight
days illness, she passed stiddenty,gfray,
the direct ea. -lase of leer death being
heart failure. Miss Ritter was a beau-
tiful and amiable young lady of -eigh-
teen years, and had a wide circle of Scott to the conclusion of his apparent -
loving companions who, along with the ly interminable 'letters sometime this
bereaved family, deeply mourn her side of eternity. Mr. Scott wants full
early demise. Her funeral occurred on swing at everybody, however, and al
Monday, a large, number following the though he gave us, last week to publish,
remains to their lasting place in the two -column article, he prints, in the
German Evangelical Church ceme- Walkerton Telescope; a request that
tery. that journal will give him space to
plicate whom be chooses since the GA -
The Saturday edition of THE Wee=
has of late beeu making great strides.
Each week., in addition to the regular
nes of the day, Womankie Paget
Mr: -Beatty, who takes- the place of
Rev. Mr. -Gallagher asepielor oft the
Mildmay and Aytteen:P*Nryterian
churches, preached\ hilt? firetteemosn
here on Sanday. He is an able, agree-
able speaker and bids fair to become
vezy popular with the congregation.
Rev. Dr. Spetz, Professor of St
Jerome College, will make a short trip
through Carrick with the Passion play
and views of the World's Fair, lecturing
on the scenes as they are thrown upon
the canvass. Churches will be used
for the entertainment as larger stretch-
es of curtain can be used there than
in halls. Ile will be in Mildmay on
May 1st; Formosa on the 3rd ; Demer-
ton ,May 6th; Carlsrhue, May 7th, and
Neustadt, May 8th. Admission, 25c. and
That Audit Controvery.
For several weeks past there has con-
tinued in the GAZETTE what started out
to be a controvers'y on the Carrick
audit, but what has degenerated into a
succession of wild and groundless
charges made by Mr. Scott, which were
promptly exploded by Mr.• Johnston,
one of the auditors. Believing that
the explanations made by Mr. John-
ston as to Carrick's finanzes would ben-
efit the public, we allowed the matter
to proceed. Mr. Scott, however, made
scarcely any effort to substantiate his
charges, but laid new ones, many of
them, by strong insinuation, attempt-
ing to - implicate officials who had no
responsibility whatever in connection
with the audit. This we objected to and
insisted on Mr. Scott eliminating them
before inserting his letters in the GA-
ZETTE, our two -fold object being; first,
to prevent a wholesde abuse, by in-
uenda, of, honorable officials through
this journal, and second, to bring Mr.
Military Departraent, Sporting, -Dra-
matio,-ete., it has a munber of interest-
ing Special Articles by brilliant writers.
Last Saturday it gave a splendid histor-
ical ketch by one of the Nile voyageurs,
a racy sketeh, How Blowers 'on ne
hotel this week, much add'ng to the ap-
parance and 'convenience of that ex_ Hat," being a story of lake marine in
cellent house. The work waseperform-
olden days, and other equally in-
tating -articles. Every week some-
thing good appears MIL
While the choir was at practicelast
w s tkn off a ehetee time ago will be Friday evening a large number of ladihs
- reeteeed enget, the neat at may. cteeq, and gentlemen entered the church, and
eiercial and other travellers will hail c ailing Miss Ada Moyer, organist, to
_ this news with deliglit.- thefront, presented her with the fol.
Mr, A. Murat evidently has private lowing eddeess and a well-filled purse :
news of a lob of weddings to come off •Miss ADDIE MOYER :—We as your
friends"think it but right thAt"-- we
• soon, for he has fairly packed his large should manifest to yea or hiehest apt
ed by Mr. Kramer.
We are informed , that the morning
train east and the late train west which
I furniture warerooms with elegant side-
boards, parlor, dining and bedroom
suites, stands, chairs, etc., which
1- are being very much- admired by visi-
Sabbath Sq'iool nniver hary sermons
will be preached in.the Methodist church
• next Sabbath by Rev, II. S. Magee,
Owen Sound. Ir the mornings "chart -
sermon" will be delivered. in the
evening the subject will be "Sunday
• School and Christian WorkY The
collections will be in aid of the Sabbath
School funds.
The Crescent Base Ball Club, inter-
• mediate champions of Toronto last
year, and members of this year's senior
▪ league, have been secured to play two
,games with the famous "'Unions" of
Gerrie and Wroxeter, at the Demon-
• Aragon to be held in Mildmay on May
?4th next. The Crescents defeated tht
Tecumsehs in Tomato last Saturday
afternoon by a. score of 1St° 5, livint
• their opponents seven successive
Mr. John Reinhard, ol Anibleelde, me
with a peculiar, and "possibly a, ver
serious accident net long ago. As Asa:
Wife can Iearn he was Wockb$ a'ittAi
1• '-gg, mudwhile his head '11-4141*:•11-
-bank his set �f (*pea ink
hisAhr 0 It .6.--1.1W'0413 he
ws ill 11
i(1.11411:r1°'.'117 the -10qt oci!W
be extriefr i7tif* 40E02=ar)
preciatien of your services as organist
of the Methodist church ie this village.
Now for several years you have served
in that capacity willingly and efficient-
ly, for which -we are not only thankful -
but , further would show our apprecia-
tion of your services by presenting you
with this purse and what it- con tains
along with our thanks. The, songs of
Zion you have given tis by instrument
and voice, heve been not only a help in
leading other a to take a part in the
same, but we trust a blessing to. many.
Our wish and prayer is that you: may
not only long be spared to take a lead-
ing part in so worthy a service here
below, but that finally yon may also
take a part in the songs of Zion, with
the redeemed above when they meet
and crown their leader mid king Lord
of all.
Signed on behalf of ybur friends,
W. B. DAigAttn,
Giso. CUELE,
Stewar - -
Miss Moyer was taken: completely by
surplice. She thanked the donors very
natich„, believing that their kindness
mine item hearts loving and sincere:
She hid -given her. aeiviexis as organist
with pleasure and from a sense. of Indy-%
ileee and, she hoped, with some profit
- others. • .'Stte '8-X1)i-eased _the hope that-
th-fl-good wishes expressedin the ad -
Ansi would not only be realized by
init. by =lie all. - AteCetriiiiin �f -kiss Moyerls reply, the adios
served -an excellent tea whietithey had
prepared for ther_loOptision; after which
apileacant tune was spentiithsteniflg
-a4-ae-•-a •••
' ••••ti -
his sto
ZETTE declines. If the Telescope de-
cides to do so it is no affair 'of ours, but
we purpose that the GAZETTE, while
freely discussing all questions, shall re-
main free from unfounded and un -
backed personalitiee.
Mr. Scott charged that a mistake had
been made of $50, in the amount of
common school assessment. This was
shown conclusively to be an error of ad-
dition on the part of Mr. Scott. Yet he
never has admitted his ruistake. lie
then charges that $50 too nmeh was
levied on the Howick Union S, Section
This was shown also to be an error on
the part of Mr. Icott which in an after
letter he admits, but °Images that he
shouldhave said 8,502.15 instead of 100.
In Mr. Johnston's letter of Aprd 12th
Mr. Scott was shown to he still further
from the truth, Yet he quietly ignores
the correction and proceeds to make
further charges. In Mr. Scott's letter
to the Telescope he says he has no de-
sire to be burdened -with any public of -s
ft* hiaedeolining years, yet in Mr.
Scott reply to Reeve Liesemer he says
"I 'attended the council to tender for
the clerkship" and in the •same letter he
says to the Reeve," if 1 am appointed
Auditor I will do my duty." When Mr.
Seott says he has no desire to be- bur
dened 'with any putbile office in his de-
clining years he must‘ admit that this
want of desire is of very recent origin,
and is not unlike the ease of the fox
calling the grapes our because they
were beyond leis .reacla. We have no
quarrel with Mr. Scott, whqis person-
ally, a very getdal, well-educated gen.
tlenian, but, like every one else, he
must avid personal inuendoes, or seek
some other outlet them the-GazstrE for
his literary efforts. _
Mr. Jos. Tschirhart is building a
frame residence inter-- which he will
move hisfamily When the -house is com_-
Marriage have been quite plenty here
of 'late.
Mr. B. Bemsessner has commenced
the erection dfine brick residence
and stable upon the property he recent-
ly purchased from Mr Jpsepll An
er is eotninenema m
ieere�tion of eh%8 lefitkifteeheil his
roperty near the'0020 _
machine is a large one and capable of
doing all work in that line and will be
very useful in this section.
Planing • ills.
Mr. Wm. Woods has decided not to
go to the Soo after all, but has rented
the Madill farm instead. He will, no
doubt, keep up the reputation of the
Model fartie.
The debate at the Patrons' meeting
the other eveninewa,s decided in favor
of those who supported farm life.
A meeting of the Huntingfield Pres-
byterian Church congregation will be
held next Tuesday to elect a Treasurer
in the place of Mr. Alex. Sangster, who
has decided to retire.
Farmers hereabouts are busy seeding
this week. There still remains a lot of
spring plowingtodo.
We are glad to see Mrs. McIntosh out
again after her prolonged illness.
" Mayor" Page having removed, it de-
volved upon the community to elect a
new mayor. We understand Mr. Edw
Johnston has been selected, and he will,
we are sure, fill the position with all the
skill and dignity required in that hence -
a\bie office. Mr. S. Yager was a close
second, and possibly owes Ms defeat to
the fatal fact that he has not trimmed
his whiskers lately.
, Our corner has quite an improved
appearance since the old sheds have
been removel.
Mr. Fred Wilkey and family have re-
moved to Chicago where they Will re-
main. Mr. W. has a brother living in
the Windy city.
The Brazilian revolution seems te
have ended at last. How soon it will
break out again no one knows as those
South Americans take unaccountable
fits of rebelling and it only requires a
plausible leader to rouse the people into
revolt. Final bankruptcy seems to be
the only thing which will produce
something. like permanent peace under
In Mildmay, April 17th, the wife of Mr. Henry
Miller, of a son,
In Carlsruhe, the wife of Mr. Henry Schul-
theis, of twin boys.
In Carrick, March 26th, the wife of Mr. -Mat-
hias Willy, of e daugh- ex.:*
MiAle MED. '
HeeazLE-Wriaie.-4.n Formosa, on Tuesday,
April 10th, by Rev. F tater Brehm an, Miss
Elizabeth Willy to Mr. Ferdivand Haeizle,
both of Carrick.
RITITINGER—VOISIN..—In Fern, C on Tu -s lay,
April 10th, by Rev. _Father Brohman, Miss
Maria Voisin, to Michael Rittinger, beth of
Culross. •
MONTAG—KwaN -In Formoz•a, on Tuesday,
April 10th, by\Rev. Father Brohman, Miss
Annie Klein, Celzoss, to Mr. Frank Montag, of
VoisiN-Seatiae,-In Formosa, on April 16th,
Miss Maria Schill, Carrick, to Ur. John Voisin,
of Culross.
HamANN-latueeale.-In Mildmay, on April
by Rev. Father W.e.le Miss Mary Mueller,
to Mr. John Hermann, both of Mildmay
In Carrick, on April 13th, Mrs. John Kuester,
sr., aged 80 years.
In Mildmav, on April 14th, Lydian, daughter
of Mr. Henry Ritter, aged 17 years, 10 months
and three d ays.
Mildinay Market Report.
Carefully corrected
the GA.ETTE :
Fall wheat per bu
Barley '
every week for
$ 54 to $ 55
Potatoes,- .• I . • .. • t • • ..... 32 to
Smoked Meat per Ib..: 8 to it
4ggs per doz 10 to 11 •
Butter per lb.....• .. . . iri
2 5ha ,ta /lam Etzir •
Dressed pork„ 00 to
Furniture Warerooms
G N SchWaim.
Manufacturers of and Dealers in
Sash, Doors, Lumber -
and all kinds of
. ira NI .'t *171.1
Planing and Sawing done to order. CASH paid
for all kinds of saw logs.
CONTRACTS Jor Buildings
taken. .Plans,
Specifications, and estimates furnished on
A large and well assorted stock of
consisting of
Parlor Suites.
Bedroom Suites,
Dining room
and Kitchen
Office Furniture
of all kinds,
Easy chairs, etc. et.
Prices Away Down.
's worth your while to give us a call.
G. & N. Schwalm.
Mouses for Sa 1 e.
A farm of 43 acres, with a good frame barn,
well watered, on Gravel Road. Terms easy.
A single dwelling on Simpson St., frame.
Good!komfortable, well finished frame house
on Absalom St.
Good stables on the lots.
Will be sold cheap.
Apply to
EW -1114
In Mildmay.
Having leased the Goetz blacksmith
shop in Mildmay for a term of years
I am prepared to give perfect satisfac-
tion to all wno honor me with their cus-
tom. I have had a lone experience and
make a specialty of horse -shoeing.
' Repairing of iron and wood -work
done to order. Also new work done.
A call solicited.
Just north of the Commeacial hotel,
SPECIAT, attention given to Shoeing. A.
L. kinds of iron -work done and repairing don
to order. "First-class Workmanship,Low Price
and Quick Work," is the motto at this shop.
Your Patronage Solicited.
- 54 to
32 to
53 to
38 to
Next Hauck's Hotel,
Full Stock of Harness Goods of all: i.
kinds. .
First Class Leather. - •
First -Class Workmanship,.
•Prieps Low,,
Elora St., south end.):,
• CALL and see the BIG STOOK.
- . .
00 Cords Wood,
- Wanted by
The Leading Blacksmith.
O4Z stases him A line stock 'of crittOrs,
-and slitighs on laud. Prices
is the..plitee where you can get your Horse1,
smithlarg614dolig eand atliCkinhead; °ant deeNT3Ita.l B1841E-
i_hoft„a-newinaohine foe LiftingStones:, •
Ownelliellohtetn4a412etele1311lint1474 Iiiiiitedniedoet°" ietsftitawoerbitedeaslettelf,IY • - -
tfileilattehitniwhiehlt takes tWO110ISOS to
withoutit- ValiitEdsee=ititna eeettriees.
- • "