HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Gazette, 1894-04-19, Page 4` - _ ' �: � �' A- *� .: - _ ' ea _ _. _ n - _ . - -- _I. , _.. _, s- , _. r__ ,, s.. _ - .. _- - . :. r~ . _ - _s y - �.. c-. .. �. 3 _ s_ r � Lam. - .-. ,. ,.:....� .. "":-�i.r - - L - - .. _. ,_ ., _.. - _ --41 - .,I -- I -D ,.--tea.. _ - t .-_ -.. - . :� .... _. , ..._ -r -- .. _�._ _ ,. - n 1. - �'� I :,. .. .� ­ M 1Y.OiL's. _z ... --, .:. _ � - I , ` , -, . I .. . � .. L -_ b. - - - _ _ _.., - : _ ...., -. -_„n .:z_� = ..,r. _ _ -',.tip''# t. , � , ­ . , I - ooegi _ . I I - -- }... ,- #L , now admttte„€ree sha;H; ,• . isttat. au _. ; a-- - -r -in the Pollard-Breekenridge base . at i ;d i�l8 t, te; .ice �' .I �heBia� I- n - d: boos; armed' auk ten aiff-i -a rug St . _ ezant makes = s , , duty heretofore '' s . and -ti- , . -Hord istlie't ett - .. - U Witshing`ton on Saturday a verdict for �� ed, ate__%Wiota _ - . - . y I . ' ...#15,006 for the plaintiff was ., returned admitted free ditty of 3=f per cent., ;ex. , - 4 . , the cept on wool, which shall- be admitted - ��` ' BICTOLES 3� under the Duii_es Act of )890, -these re- -NAVE Il - At i�irden, Man., Willie Huston, aged tali and 7 :fourteen, was drowned while attempting discriminating :duties to F, STAINDARD VALUE. Perf1��1'1PS dull Line. by very best remain in force until oreat-Britain Co.. - �to save a£our-year.oict girl who _had to take part in, an” agreement with"the . - makers, fallen into a creek. United Stat -es for _the coinage anc�nse . So`d —To' t a nrl edicated. - Wm. Taylor,, a. farmer- from near. _ - ' - Y of -silver, and when -such' agreement -I _ 4GIennmorris, blew out the gars in a room shall be made the discriminating "duties j,, ClO ,hes, Asir and TOoth. .at the Market hotel, Galt, and was shall -rU.t�11.es Cease. , 4ound dead. Saturday morning. 1 ~' Qi' such articles as Chicago, April -17.-� Ten cases of I _ At Dunnville 400 yards of gill nets smallpox have been found in the county Saltpetre, Baking Soda $ ,were seized and destroyed by Fishery hospital here, and the institution has been quarantined. T One hundred ®mployees o><James'Mc- 4 � city pest hoose T�igY ARE BUILT TO sEtb, A'!' ,.Sulphur, _ BOra7�, -Pherson & Company's shoe factory, is full, and patients -are sleeping on the THS PRICES OFFERED Hamilton, are out on strike against afar- floors and in the corridors, The health N�auFaerinco er Dream of Tartar, Italian Castor Oil, =ther reduction of 15 percent, in wages. authorities to -day inaugurated a house. EFSOm Salts; Senna. 11 few months ago ,the- men accepted a to -house searm. for new cases in the The 0®old BICyCle Co.Ltd`, - -10 ,per cent. reduction. more thickly crows=ded portions of the . I city, - � Br"for4, Ont. Come to the drug Store if you 1?t�a �Vilkinson,.of Browns -valley want to be certain of their Purity. . . Ind., says: "I had been in a distressed Depor:'t s8'Yonas Sr., ToeoNro � y _condition for three years 'from Nervous _�.�Y•range t0 be In �R�R & �'1:Ri ,Patent edloaln@S, �Y•j�SSse cess, Weakness of the Stomach, Dys� _ �� r ' etc >-Vepsia and Indigestion until my health Mildma on .ISTa�% 24. &gent,W. 31 vas gone. I bought -one -bottle of South r------—MIDD:IIAY, Co��pie'te Stock. -American Nervine, which done me more . . — - � - " - -aood than any $50 worth of doctoring I � I ever did in my life. I consider it the 8 T I\T � IES T Y - grandest medicine in the world. Sold at Dr. Clapp's Drug Store. , 3 _ - A Boston singer sends out to her We have - just passed into Stocl� on® ��.o.���a�.d Dollars -worth of business correspondents a number of y phonograph cylinders impressed with 1 - . her songs, so that they may hear a sam • I - ple of her work before closing anengage. X I ad Tyra �' - Clot�i�."n:R1 went, This is a unique and 7 - Before long every manager of lecturers, � Being a .deb Lot and bought at 35 per cent. less- than regular prices., humorists, vocalists and instrumental - . soloists of every description . will be They coniist of Mehs,' mouths' and Boys' Suits. A special line of ,Propelled to provide himself - with �`! .{. . , 0honq r-apl?id speoimens of his "attrac- � _. lflent�� ��� Worsted Vo r Us slid " Vests. oras aybility before he oan hope to pro. _- -_ - - _ . .o ire engagement for -them. The po- 6 .l rooters of entertainments of various This is one - of the best opportunities ever offered you to -Sebure a good and stylish Sul L sorts, the cenn try says; 'will be able to Very, Very Chap. . _ - Ladies-, Dont forget.. ” " - . " Judge for themselves as to what they ought to get for their money, and disap-. OUR -. T ,T!- I�.^ ,. � . . pointments will be fewer. ,.. . . . =-IT- Save your Ammonia li-oap ,wrappers -­ ­ . - . When you have 25Ammonia orlOPuritan - - r' - Soap wrappers, send them to us and a 3 - • - - It� is meeting with unequalled success. . cent stamp for postage and we will mail : _ . . you free a handsome picture for framing. -I" 1. A list of Pictures around'"' each bar. - Ammonia Soap has no equal—we recom-o trOU.b'le to ,show • g - mend it. Write your name plainly 'on s the oatside of the wrapper and -address' � 0 1 - -W ,A. BRADSHAW & Co.,48 &-50 Lombard - . - - t., Toronto, int. Sold by all general -9161 merchants and grocers, - Give it a trial.1. _ :-he Toronto News is nothing if not " . - sensational and at the top. Not long _ . ago it raised the fui:ds to assist a street - . - car employ to defend himself in the v(�� � �. �' .x'1'1. r1 1 ' '� -� High Court in an appeal' made by the : - > pr i n R. t�l.r y, a Street Railway Co., against a judgment _ . - 1 given by the court in his favor. Now it 1. z - - : is raising a furl to assist MaciVherrell = .®- 5 _ ' to push the appeal proceedings and to - _ _ search out any new- evidence that may _ -- -%O& I - V,gfl.& r exist to clear him from the murder - C-� c . . J . 19 harge for which he is now under sen- - tence of death. E ClintOD, Ont., &Irll 17: Early this We have jest rec�ived.Flannels; Linens, Cottons, Woolens, In the -most- xte latest ran e e nsiVe all, r morning lire broke out in the Central g S. - - P hotel, - owned by •Mrs. T. Cooper, and . ' _ -s.r. _ - - - . F - " occupied by It Mason which was des -D1 1 t]3 very C:l2tIceSt -mat including the 11eWGSt patterns - troyed- An effort was made to - erns rihts,_:anal up to the choicest Silks and Vel p ° t save Vets. 1 the adjoining hotel; owned and occupied _ _ (`t .0 � �,by d� Lea, but in a couple of hours `t i ent 5� Farm- shin � �rl� ��.�.d� 1 �le1. est �� ' it also. was is ashes. .On the. Central _ PSt'edora►S and Christy Sty's, ' F_ hotel there was 3,Q00 insurance 6n the - Nec%kwear,_ gWrtS, Socks, etc. building, andr800 on the fnaniture. On - - i — .... J +ea's, $ 2,200 on the lluilding and $100 �u- VCl'Q�aP:r3T' ���$$�t�;eixit �� in tLe Lest -OSsibi T F shape with onl • Zhe pure t -on he €urniiwe•. have -the latest oods;ii� 3 I . � goods. �'� �, g'eas1 sugars,p�ces, oto.- - n fish S 1, g p vin Liniment reirloves all �= ' `Beard, soft Vr 'calloused Lumps and, s - S Our . Pr ng 3ispla , MILLIN: ' �. Jlile><shed horses, plead : avin; G'urbs, -- I3vne, Sweeney; Stifles, = - th- yearupses every - ,i s .�- - s $ua1s,..Sore _:'and Swollen Throat,: - - - - : i .1 the new�tT'elties. Coweghs, etc. Save5Q b y ffse..of one 41`� t�- Iliottle. Sold .at Ddddma Y D $tn re.I'm _ ..e.,1 - : . _ - A pisaio fak%r is,said to being the a trade in the . st>uoud' co 'nst: A -_ - >Qov-. ` 13 s meth -. - a - 8 m of -procedure iso to . _ - -. . 0 on olfer=a,ptan amaz;nglgiferal term_ s:- -1. - - t - piano is placed in the hortse an yt -L L, and tiie victim. induced tQ ' who h ` : ,ar y In vfa 4.13--,. W - � - �►� E .. . - � t a .� .n: an > believes is an instiranr poli., iastrui€nnent, but �wich �afterwas: _ > - . s - - - - . Proves f* -be A prom, sorb . n4e-for , ai - �. ,Tied. -G z - - L4!E = I iw sd _ -- OO , : and Bladder dim 'ev ' . ` _ - h ed 1 - - _ :._ y h :. - _hers by-'the�at "South:Anieri - - _ - .. T, . -_ _ - - ta -= - 4 _- Pott : • . _ Y - cannot _aoore. 1.- _ __11 ­ ..: - .. -- , - . ___ _ `. = the a ielef - ancl- . tli' ours ' jy _ t _. ___ y: _ - _ _ e - _ t T e tc. - . • - ..- . or: } _ . _ - __ . K 1[�ie, .- - . -. ' . _ -" 4e .Co _biw -- _- . ' - :eII Ij184j = - r = - ,.,_. �- t-,.. meson, y r - ltn _ a• d: � - _t , , :. -- _:� . _ y - a ,. , ,, _;-.. , . .. : ;_,- - - _. e> ., ;ab _.. �_ 5 <_.5 _ . .,W�' , -- _ _ _ sr ... = - - �POP.. t.. ._.. - r �_ - - T , n- _ „ - - :� _- a a - , _ a _. - , atlfl ter- z _ -- z _, , _ _. ,LL >:.-- - >w , T. .. . z <> - _ - .,. »� ��� D f .- - -.,..... , ..�Y- _art:._. r _`. - ,_. _- _+.-� - - - _ -c;. mss+' . _..+,-,- _ "...1 -s ,.2 _3 .. «. -i- - `sem ' r.. - - .:_.. r ?_ .. r_.. - - - - Rva.. Wiz¢%'._ _ R ism- - , - :.... 'z-„.....:.._ .a,c Or . , : A _ - _ Win. - _ .'%.. - - _ _ <:,=vim ra`:±- _- -t -+ .._.a ,'-. + -o,".> .... ,:.',-.. ...c. .:. _ -:... ...... ,,.... ,.'44'a �:. _ �- ¢acs.,. I-. - -- _... - _ .: .. -. __< -a,..,.. _._....., ,.. .F-m.<,.a 'fir.^- ,. _ �`” _:,.,.-.:�_.�<_ _-ate,-,- .- .. -_ :. _ P. :t _ _ .g:: ��.-.'> _� ,, pp�� PIM .a fin` z..t - ::e ::. ..s•' ' �� _ _ _ _ .. ,+ 4ai,i" _';L.,>� .6 _. _,. <_ _. :-. _. - - - -.res.. L:_ - - ... .� _ :. �ro� - _:C: - +_...:.-_^"'a+-- ..Tv.� , - _ ,_-+w= v.'.... ..:;l.G'. ,'sit-._ a�.` - _ �..,v:.�.. w„ :. _ ���y�y� _ova -.� �: �• -.:. .� _ -, a ��i'.5� ��._ -r _ .s<_ -_.. _ "` x fir �.._ _ `.l.la. . -? — "'F' _- --vm-i.ac. - ..1::. _ ':.:: :<e _ zs" Y T _ t -e - -'. K"- ,3.. f N Y : z_ - �: - .. 4:v _ .� - , - - < 1 r _ . x ,. _, . x:�go _ _ _ - Y _ x -: „ s:x _ „.x_ _ ., r a 3 - r ffi- . A �,�_ _.._.__r. a .,,� _z-.� _m - - �� n. _ r_ _. _.451 .1 , -.:_ - - •_ -' t, il.. ..,,. 'iF - ;v y" �'.'�✓-%�4--�'..+.s_ _ ..,U - _ 4. ,yam - : = _ -s, rg..j, - . : 9`x-.... .A... _ r�,�.Y,G _-.'- t �-. _ .-'T .'o >'ti. 4�-, '.gKr:f::- ->}` - ..�� ''i _'....._ :' . , ... e... r., -a. ,- _. Vii-. ,e'e-� .. 't= < _ -..-_ .'i : 6S- a a.�+-i� Y_ . ,'x..L - .d,y"..-'-.`..... _-..A- 35+ ,:...'x-... w-.. .s .. ..:'.x _... _�-a:a "Sa2.-20 `=i.:. -gib G" r - - .".11111 �_z_•.- .. _: _ �...�, <�� - . _ .. �.. _ ��,. .-> . z , _ ..,--..._.. <... � _ .w. :. - � � "� - +�-ate .>. _ .._ _m _ � . ¢, r - ,._>.:_,- „-c,... .r .._ . e..�. _.�. _ _ _ -- _ ate- ,x.. ya re .-.. _ - '. >. _ o _. _. 4 w, =y Axa z- _ --:.c2 .-«�.<. r4:-_ nt. _ sots._..-; 1- mss- _,.... _.:, r .��--'sT""°... .,R'' - .. :- _.-._,_., r- ,<.., '��.c-'= v,- e,.._ _ :_.zY.� 4"' ..,... K... r _ -...a - --. -moi _ ---.x. vs - -. z. +,.>e . - �_ +e_:++'-... ' .'..`` - .,z fin. ..a:.. ^_�... 3:. `". . _.. _ .*.i.+`.� .., _ ....:-._ .. _ ?:` .��'T� _-^^�z.-.1�--'_' .: a� rte.;: _ ,3{ #. rvsE.- _-?- '?-. .t . mi.. _. a� -. - : _ _;� - -✓..T - _ -_. ,._ .. ,_ -+. fi� ., x ^s -i..�. _ $� =`kms" ..mac. Y`~� ""5 `�, . _ -: -- ... _ —o- _ x . _-. '-r-� s -•- .=-r m ':fir: �c-" -:.;,`-}^'.. ..c, ... . .�,. ..-.-c n: -.a, .< .,gn -_ice. ,.ac., `^s:4-. - _ 's,. ngep- „ .-: . _. _. - .-: .. _.r 1 -,:._ ..�.SG_. __. :,.:.... _.ro,_:a'x ..._ S$�- <�r - �. Via' ?'�"+ /11 - ._- _ ,,..., - .:kms - '-'•'"'�:_:, �. ._.�_ ..�- ;�-^ � '- �' +a - ,- -.. �, _. .-_ , __ . ” _ __•..:. �.�-' fir.. _3Me L" _ -�"-o- - - _ r_�-fI:' _ - - 'tet_ .. M '- -- - - r : - _ - .._ _ __ .._._ . - _,�___ ... F ''� ,. _ �•. , � _ _ - .._ :. �'� - Vis,- ,,.. ��� - _ -��: r- - ,. -� ��"' - �-:, - _ :� �' -� . � -'. +l`� ..:... rr. -' - ��.�:- ms`s"_ "�-, . _ �s _.,,k-._v,M - ,. C -- VANGELICAL.- . � � 3 Sabbath -Schon 11�Y-pmnteudent. Cot 9 evening ,F -t. 7:33. 5 esday evening at ,, twening at 8 o'clock. .,� 3RESBYTERIAN. 1 -? bath school 9W ,-1eneent. Prayermee ` ".- ,o'clock. Rev. It• W v.c cH�RCH, SaA Father i3 e1, P, . L' -'alternatively at 8:3(j f every other Sunda � 'P 30 p.m, every other _`�, T UTHERAN.-Re J-4 vices the last th is - at 2W p.m. S-1.dat ETHODIS`:'.-Ser t' Sabbath School teizdeat. Prayeru e,• . Nt'-H.Dauard, I'a 01! SSC i3.B.A., No. 70- . evening of t; ie 6 Awineach month. R. 1l EMER, Sec. ic�=M O.F.-Court ild• hall the sece:.0 month. Visitors alk' -- O.C.F. No. 1456-2:i the second a:, i mouth, at F la',;' . l: V 4 I'll, __ ,12 F rte<.7' :—I per y ADCnRTi lone column .................. Half colmiun............. Quarter coluznr....... . l;igltth coluiun.......... 111=11 notices, bc. ,,," line for each su}isen,;c Local business notice tion. e6tryraCart.y ---- G-raud Trunk Trains lea-, e 11; l kwA " id�ox?%ti sow. a. li $'gess ...... 17.i5 a, 7n. ' iLou anted.. ...... 5.2%; . rn 11 —..-a Mrs. W. Fletche paanied by her daulrl ent visiting with her - (+ een, here. The service of sc x church last S u n rl a Targe osteo. i auc j roved an intlerestin E7 3- Schneider & 'Sill - :, �ewered the s:c'e� a1 rte. Besides being fie for pe�lesiris %ty improve dnsr and wiado c bsalom-S=, wall i hotel this week; m a •i B,arance anu ccnv-cn, e:;lleat house. Tl e, ii ' ed by .sir. �r&W cr. We are- informed tl east -and the late k,@a off short +ed abqat, the fir. -M� and other t :~ -� . Views wit11 delight Mr, A. Murat e9ide Mews of a lot cf weddi soots, for he lis 'fairly furniture warerooms Y boards, parlor, dinin,, �gbes, stands, c'.lai are being very much tors. _Sabbath Sc'iooi nLi, Vial preached in the - neNt Sabbath by Rev. Owen Sound. In the a sermon" will be deli, e=v'ening ` the subject o -$ hool and Christian Collections will be in sic bawl funds. I Crescent Base ii ._4 te champions of -__yam wed members of tI f , have been sets, tj siileS with the famoE �e and Wroxeter, f tc't be held in 31 The Crescec in Toronto -� by a score of', 1 , 1,:' Opponents sew€ i _ .-e >ma2m16a. -