HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Gazette, 1894-04-19, Page 311118 KUS3UTH. .GARIAN PATRIOT qY AT TURIN. ne to Die, as 1Ia Wish - La nd—Career of One seat Orators and Un - r the Century. Turin says —Lona tan patriot, died at .11 igbt. Governorof Hungary, [angary, on April 27, roatian family. His n to Austria may well for between 1527 and ors of his family were .ustrian Government :is instinct was fos- the college of Patak, e traditions were all ly after his graduation for the county of n its Assembly. He lawyer. His political eeople grew rapidly, ears he was sent to 68 an alternate for an 'hen he endeavored to n by the party in speech denied to him, reports of the Diet's ,rticies were the sub- ip ted repression by Feeling that he had h e published a series ticizing the Govern.. ;e and bitterness that sed to four years' im- irs later, when the 5 power, he was re- ame the editor of the ren years his unceas- he establishment of ice. As member of the address to the king that Hungary deuce, and when this became Governor of pr thepreservation of behind. Kossnthsaw. ld as best he could es from without and Hungary fought her 1, and lost. The ex- y, where be was im- nded his extradition, ned by the support of 1 England, refused. ided that Kossuth be ted State; sent the • bring him to this guest. wed to pass through Louis Napoleon, to f the French people. husiastically receiv- • he landed in the s was received with A. gentleman who ites of him :— the most versatile irator I ever heard. honghts or his ex- ry of the secrets of s. There was one English that was the most part the San age and of the nd in that way he txceedingly quaint, arose from the fact glish while he was 9r hooks obtainable ,hakespeare's plays. d originality in his is not often shown aurope in 1852, and to hope of winning the fight for Hun - His last great effort in to repudiate the Austria. Failing ;o a life of exile in this advertlsment ourier : pglish, and Hunger - :tea by L. Kossuth, imself, declining a red to him by Hun - r the publishing of comparative corn- ' of the sale of tht kossuth Ruttkay, In 189'2 the city of with the freedom the recipient of of hiscountrymen's ess he considered in vain, not see- licaily free to -day, eat measure to his d when about 35 children, two sons rife and daughter ve him. thews in the Union le rebellion : Col. , and Major Al- ert Rattsky and Ruttsky, a name - live at 348 Grand gion Known. Horn have never s for more than a , within the mem- on the outpost of he meeting place iy different temper - d waters of the rmth of the Braz- en currents. The on the northwest 'ng from the warm indene int& fogs, pe Horn blankets" e forerunners of low level to which el Fuego descent, station of the conflicting winds ;tires, are all direct Ging to -make this 'my region of the €istinguished from ttiveman.-"V " :tor, after he had plied by any poet pporaries." a world so much 'nrowe how to hear • Olean SOUTH AMERICAN REPUBLICS. _ Their Existence a Hesace and They Should be finder English or American Con- trol - The occupation of Bluefields, or Blew - fields as some have it,a porton the Mosquito coast of Nicaragua,by.a British force, caus- ed considerable alarm in Washington,which regards with no lenient or friendly eye any interference on the part of European powers with Central American territory, and es- pecially this strip which,nnder the Clayton- Bulwer treaty between the United States and England, is in a measure neutral ground. This treaty, which vests the con- trol of the prospective inter.oceanic canal jointly in the two parties to it, with abso- lute right to neither, would be violated by the landing of a hostile military force by either power, but since it has been Learned that the British marines were debarked at the request of the consuls, British and Am- erican, in order to protect the town from the threatened ravages of the Nicaraguan soldiery, a turbulent and pestiferous set of marauders, alarm has been allayed. The Nicaraguans declare that the Mosquito Indians, who own the country, asked for their assistance against the Jamaica negroes who swarm on this coast, but the Indians deny this. The British marines continue to do police duty, but what further action Great -Britain and the States will take is not known. An American man of war is bound thither to co-perate with the British force. There will never be peace, security and stable Government in these couutries,which are among the richest in the world, until either the British or the Americans control them. It is owing to the ridiculous Monroe doctrine of the latter, which pledges the United S tates to preserve the autonomy of these ragged and shoeless republics from attack by European powers, that they have endured. Without this protection they would long since have fallen into the hands of those who would have reduced them to order, and made them a benefit instead of a blight in the tropical region. They are in a state of savagery, but notwithstanding that war is a chronic condition, the people grow in numbers if not in prosperity. The possession of Nicaragua by the British and the Americans would put a solid barrier across the land from ocean to ocean,.which would separate the conflicting countries and serve as a deterrent to the waspish hostility which each set of malcontents bears to the. other. Kiev or St. Petersburg. The latest intelligence from_ St. Peters. burg frlay prove to be important not only to the Russian Empire, bat to the future history of. Europe. It is stated in a tele• gram, which the officials at first delayed and then passed, that the Czar, since his recent and severe attack. of influenza, has betrayed symptoms of a permanent affection of the lungs, and that his trusted medical adviser, Prof. Sakharin, has condemned the climate of St. Petersburg, and has recommended him to reside, if not permanently, at least for a long period, either at Kiev, the:. an- cient capital of Southwestern Russia, or in Perekop, the isthmus that links the Crimea to the empire. The reasons which induced Peter the Great oto build himself a capital at the northwestern extremity of his dominions haslostmuch of their force now that, Swe• se -den has`ceased to be an important State. The population of R ussia for nearly a gen- eration has been slipping southward in search of culturable soil, and the living forces of the empire are now far nearer to Kiev" and the Dnieper than to the Neva and St Petersburg. If to these reasons the . argument of health is added, we can well believe that the Czar has decided on a per- manent change of residence, and, if he has, he must also have decided on a permanent change of capital, He cannot live twenty years away from the administrative centre. The foreign Ambassadors, the great de- partments, the men who govern Russia, must attend the sovereign;. and, if they attend him, -they must, for convenience sake, as well as for the sake of their own dignity, begin to build. There is ample room on the Dnieper fora great city,plenty of stone procurable, as the ancient monu- ments attest, and a supply of labor at least• as abundant as that which maintains St. Petersburg. There is no historic prejudice to be offended, for Kiev is far more -nearly connected with Russian history than St. Petersburg ; and no religious opposition is to be feared, for Russian religious feeling, so far as it has a centre, turns toward Con- stantinople rather than toward St. Peters- burg, which is, indeed, far too modern for any sentiment of the kind; It is quite possible, therefore, if the Czar lives, and finds that Kiev suits his consti- tution and his children's, that the old city on the Dnieper may develop into a stately - capital, the seat of Government,- and the focus of the railway system of the empire." —{The Spectator. - Bullets Were Not Trumps. A fellow campaigner with the late Gen. Cureton, who died at Kearaney, near Dover, this week, sends us the following story illustrative of the gallant officer's sang froid when on active service. During the Kaffir war Gen. Cureton and three other officers were sitting in a bell tent playing whist by Light of candle stuck in a bottle. A de- sultory fire was kept up by the enemy, but of this no notice was taken, although sev. eral shots passed clean through the tont. Presently, however, a bullet struck the bottle candlestick, putting the light out. The cards were carefully laid face down- ward, and, calling out the guard,., Gen. Cureton ordered them to pour a volley in the direction of the firing. He then pro- cured another bottle, relit tits candle, and the game was quietly finished, Gen: Cureton and his partner winning the rubber. RECIPE For Making Hoot Beer., During the summer months a more deli- cious eli cious drink than -Root 'Beer -could no be de sired. For the -benefit of our readers we give this recipe. Take Snider's Root -Beer Extract - - one bottle Yeast - half a.ca,ke' Suga>: c ` -tilts - - •Luke Warn= Water - ;. 5 -gallons Dissolve tie sugar and yt-in the water, add`the ext�`t, and bottle, placein a warm til eft . ler - ° tin i fe gI for tweet��`�onr h meats, then ` when' wil pen arkl hn cions. __sparkling 'Tile • ►i FEIIERAL LIFE: Twelfth Annual Meeting of the Shareliolders. THE DIRECTORS' REPORT. New Business or a Most Satisfactory Character. Increased Preminmand Interest Receipts —A. Head Office Purchased—Polley- Holders' Security. The twelfth -annual meeting of the share- holders of the Federal Life Assurance Company was held on Tuesday, 6th inst., at the head offices of the Company, Hamil- ton, and was well attended, Mr. James H. Beatty, President, in the chair, Mr. David Dexter, Managing Director, acting secre- tary. - DIRECTORS' REPORT. Your directors have much pleasure in submitting for your consideration the twelfth annual report of our Company. The report is accompanied by a statement of the receipts and disbursements for the year,and of assets and liabilities at the close of the year, on December 31st last. During the year 1,459 applications for insurance were received, amounting in the aggregate to $2,357,133. Of these applica- tions 1,366 were approved, for $2,116,633 ; the others, for insurance to the amount of $240,500, were either declined or held over for further information regarding the risks proposed. The new business written is of the most satisfactory character, both as to the dia. tribution of a company's risk over a large number of lives and the amount of the prem- ium income derived therefrom. The premium and interest receipts for the year amounted to $313,256.36, an in- crease of $45,611.67, over the preceding year, and the assets of the Company were increased by $115,981.52. The security to policyholders, including our guarantee ,capital, was, at the close of the year, $998,901.30 ; and the liabilities for reserves and all outstanding claims, $294,160.04, showing a surplus of $704,-141.- 26. Exclusive of uncalled guarantee funds the surplus toa�ppolicyholders was $84,338.36. The death claims for the year amounted to $103,031, under forty-seven.policies. Endowments matured during the year to the amount of $10,258. A. most favorable opportunity having arisen a few months since to purchase a desirable and suitable property in this city, for the head offices of our Company, your directors accepted it, - and subse- quently made improvements which have greatly enhanced the valve of the property. Your directors trust and believe that their action in this matter will have your entire approval. - In .submitting their trust again into your hands, your directors desire to express their gratification with the progress made by the Company, its present position and future prospects, and their confidence that each year will add to its present solidity and prosperity. The accompanying certificate from the Company'si auditors vouehesfor the correct- ness of the financial statement submitted herewith; all accounts, securities and vouchers having been carefully examined by them. JAMES H. BEATTY, President. DAVID DEXTER, Managing Director. AUDITORS' REPORT. To the President and Directors of the Fed. eral Life Assurance Company : GENTLEMEN,—We beg to advise comple- tion of the audit of the books of the Com- pany for the year ending December 31 last. The books, vouchers, etc., have been care- fully examined, and we have much pleasure in certifying to,their accuracy. The accom- panying statement indicates the financial position of your Company as at December 31. Respectfully submitted. H. STEPHENS, SHERMAN E. TOWNSEND, - ° Auditors. Hamilton, March 6, 1894. SIIA'IMARY OF FINANCIAL STATEMENT, Receipts. Premiums and Interest.... $313,256 36 Less re -insurance prem- iums 12,156,03 ---$362;100 33 Disbursements. For death claims, endowments dividends to policy -holders, and - expense $213,988 29 $87,112 04 Assets. Mortgages, debentures. loans on policies, real estate and other assets $379,098 30 To -which add uncalled guarantee fund 619,803 00 Total..., .$998,901 30 - Liabilities. • ` Reserve funds and . unadjusted claims $294.760 04 Surplus security $704,141 26 Amount insured $10,649,355 I1 Mr. Jas. H. Beatty, the President, in moving the adoption of the report, said .— " It is with even a greater degree of pleas- ure than on the occasion of our last meet- ing, one year ago, that we, your directors, now present our report, and render to you ail account of the - trust you placed in our hands. "it has beenmyprivilege.at previous` meetings to call your : attention to the" marked advances made by our Company, as indicated. by the =reports placed before you from year to year r ; but on nti former occasion have I been able to point you to such a great increase in the income and the assets of the Company.: The;report shows a gain over the previous year of more than seventeen'. per' cent. in: income, Oa over forty-four per cent. in: assets, exclusive" of guarantee capital. "In some previous years a greater gain was made in the amount of our insurance than has been the case in the past year ; however, it has been the aim; of your -direc- tors for -the pact two or three years,-. as in. timated in Ivy remarks at our last annual- met nnum meeting, to encourage an increase in our premium iteOrne an a:kdistribut on of- the ii i-pany's tifffi ever al.greate iruimber of- lives by'aubstituting investment inturanc tract can -he ollatainedt gmaiier tainoTi.taforterneinatinglisln ?ru&Btorea at 25c. per ` "In tri Chia course •we have s; ental --11 to the'�Y'tinl hp ' t a • i' insured without increasing • the' aggregate amount of risk very much, and have largely increased our income "Regarding the very ;substantial and commodious premises we, now :occupy for our head offices, the purchase of which is mentioned in the directors' report, it is needless for me to - say anything, except, perhaps, to add that the cost of this pro. t perry, with the improvements made since its pnrchase, is much less than that of an equally desirable property within my know- ledge bought or built fora like purpose." Mr. Kearns, Vice -President, on second- ing the motion for its :adoption, said : "It affords me much gratification to join in the submission of the report which has been presented. In addition to what has been said by the President; I can assure you that the continued and large growth shown in the resources and solidity of the Company enhance the value of its contracts to the insured, whose interests are our first care. " Our agents, who have been energetic and intelligent in the discharge of their duties; will be strengthened --in their work in no small degree, and, no doubt, will en- able your directors for this year to afford you even more favourable returns. " With a surplus to policy -holders of $84,336,36, surpass security of $704,141,26, and total resources of about $1,000,000, the Company can offer favorable contracts and promise good results for its patrons." The report was unanimously adopted. Dr. Wolverton read a carefully -prepared analysis of the mortality experience of, the Company for the year, for which the thanks of the shareholders were tendered him. On motion of Dr. Williams, a vote of thanks was given to Mr. Dexter, the Man- aging Director, his assistants, and to the agents of the Company, to which the Man- aging Director, Dr. Wolverton, Medical Director, and S. M. Kenney, Superinten- dent, responded briefly. The retiring directors were all re-elected. At a subsequent meeting of the directors the officers were all re-elected. -eat Use Wide Awake Soap in the bath and toilet, it leaves the skin soft and smooth. Mothers. " One good mother is worth a hundred schoolmasters." said George Herbert. Men are what their mothers make them. But if the mothers are peevish and irritable, through irregularities, "female weakness," and kindred ailments, they find no pleasure, no beauty in the care of their babes. All effort is torture. Let all such, who feel weighed to the earth with " weaknessses" peculiar to their sex, try Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. They will find the little ones a delight instead of a torment. To those about to become mothers it is .a priceless boon. It lessens the pains and perils of childbirth, shortens labor and promotes the secretion of an abundance of nourishment for the child. Wash your lace curtains with Wide Awake Soap and you will not have to spend hours in mending them. Nerve Pain Cure. Poison's Nerviline cures flatulence, chills, and spasms. Nerviline cures vomiting, diarrhoea, cholera, and dysentery. Nerviline cures headache, sea sickness and summer complaint. Nerviline cures neuralgia, toothache, lumbago, and sciatica. Nerviline cures sprains, bruises, cuts, &c. Poison's Nerviline is the best remedy in the world, and only costs 10 and 25. cents to try it. Sample and large bottles at any drug store. Try Poison's Nerviline. When you buy the new mammoth quartette bar Wide Awake Soap you only pay for pure soap not cheap chromes or wood cuts. Try It for next week's washing, Given Away Free A little advice that may be of use to everybody. The human system, like every other machine, needs a periodical cleaning and general toning up. This is just the season for this ' operation and St. Leon Mineral W ater is just the medicine for this purpose. Not like artificial Spring Medicines it does not irritate, does not dis- appoint, nor does not produce reaction. Sold everywhere. Wide Awake Soap is not a patent med- icine put . up in small packages to de- ceive the public, but is a solid bar of the best soap in the world. Try it. 11fr. J. W. Dykeman $t. George, New Brunswick. After the Grip No Strength, No Ambition Hood's Sarsaparilla Cave Perfect Health. • The following letter is from a well-known merchant tailor of St. George, N. B.: "C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass.: " GentIemen- I am glad to say that Hood's Sarsaparilla and Hood's Pills have:done me a great dent"of good. I had a severe attack. of thegripin the winter, and after getting over the fever I did not seem to gather strength, and had no ambition. Hood's Sarsaparilla proved to be just what I.. needed. The results were very satisfactory, and I recommend this medicine to all who. are afflicted with rheumatism or other a [ood's' P Cures afflictions caused by poison and poor blood. I e Sarsaparilla la house sI my ood � peep $ _ a 2 it;ienneed a tonic. We also keep o 's Pills on hand and think highly of them." W DYKENtAN, St. George, New Brunswick. 00ilS Pips are. purely vegetable, and do 4040* aln or gripe. Sold by all druggists. 'Wide Awake people are alive to the fact that the new mammoth quartette bar Wide Awake is the best and cheap- est soap ever sold in Canada. Try it Vice incapacitates a man from all public duty; it withers the powers of his under- standing, and makes his mind paralytic. How to Cure a Corn. It is one of the easiest things in the world to cure a corn. Do not use acids or other caustic preparations and don't cut a hole in your hoot. It is simply 'to apply Putnam's Painless Corn Extractor and in three days the corn can be removed without pain. Sure, safe painless. Take only Putnam's Corn Extractor. It is estimated that there are 8,000 Ameri- cans in France. Recipe. ---For Making a Delicious Health Drink at Small Cost. Adams' Root Beer Extract......... one bottle Fleischman' Yeast half a cake Sugar two pounds Lukewarm Water two gallons Dissolve the sugar and yeast in the water, add the extract and bottle, plade in a warm place for twenty-four hours until it ferments, then place on ice, when it will open sparkling and delicious. The root beer can be obtained in all drug and grocery stores in 10 and 25 cent bottles to make two and five gallons. Wide Awake is a mammoth bar of pure soap. Try it. A.P. 704, T�iEMQjT OCIV UPD wid 5$011i It is sold on a guarantee by all drug- gists; It cures Incipient Consumption end is the best Cough and Croup Cure. a Consumption a01311067ii is oftentimes absolutely cured in its earliest stages by the, use of that won- derful onderful Food Medicine, Scott's Emulsion which is now in high repute the world over. "CAWTION."—Beware of substitute8 Genuine prepared by Scott & Bowie, Belleville. Sold by all druggists. 50c. and $1.00. TIESTRMMEREA The official organ of ,Church's Auto -Voce School for the cure of stammering, Toronto, Can., sent free post-paid. AGENTS WANTED, To male11 ucod sea femSoftieale. .e r Cleaner. Entirely new; sells to every housekeeper. Also our Bread, Cake and Paring %gives, Carver, and }knife and Scissors Sharpener. No capital required. Ea�gll dbia refits. Cl0CSS Snt. „ x t CO., NURSERYMEN ! DEALERS ! rum TREES. all on plum stock, 2 and 3 years. Largest stock in Canada, well furnished and first-class. Also a few cars left of tho=e Celebrated Red Globe Danvers Onion, none better grown. H. S. HURD, Halton Nurseries, Burlington, Ont. ii�o0��®�� ACRES OF LAND l� For sale by tII & DIILIITa-Rhe AILST.ROAPADL COMPANY in Minnesota, Send for Maps and Circulars. They will besent to you Address HOPEWELL CLARKE Land Commissioner, St. Paul, Minn . CONBOY'S IMIPROVED SDI " mum Have all the latest improvements. Be sure and get one for your buggy. They are better than ever for 1894. Shafting in Longest Lengths. Saving Couplings. pu-lleys Any Style Split. • CAST IRON AND STEEL, PLAIN AND GRIP WATEROUS, Bran Canada. ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE FREE MEIALUCROOFING Q. TO RO NTO CANVASSERS WANTED for the Farmer's Friend and Account Book, presenting separate accounts for all farm transactions, etc. One agent has already sold nearly 400 copes. in one county. Send for circulars and termis WILLIAPr BRIGGS, Publisher, Toronto. BOOKSMoney spent for good book s is wet spent. Any book or novel, new or standard, mailed post free on receipt of price. Send for out catalogue. Established in 1860 by A. Piddington. RISSER & CO• MAMMOTH BOOK STORE. 248 Yonge St. — Toronto. LADI ES, COMPOUND PENNYROYAL TEA —GlvaS— Health, Strength and Beauty. Cures all diseases and irregularities peculiar to women. As a tonic no better can be had. Take it,. Samples free. Sold by all druggists in 25 cent packages, or mailed to any address on receipt of price. T. A. SLOCUM & CO., 186 Adelaide St. W„ Toronto, Ont . 'Valuable Cook Book sent free, -DR. AFT' - REs ASTHMALENEC Gives a Nights Sweet Sleep & ST sit sthat younight need gasp nob A m A up all - ing for breath for fear of suffocation. On receipt of name and P. O. address will mailFREE Trial Bottle DR.TAFTBROS. MEDI- CINE Co., Rochester, N. Y. Toronto Branch, 186 Adelaide St. W. Use Dr. Taft's White Pine Syrup for Colds. MU -SIO Every Music Teacher in Ca- aada should know where they can get their Music cheapest. Write us for Catalogues; also sample copy of the CANADIAN MUSICIAN, a live monthly journal with $$1.00 worth of music in each issue. $3 to $6 per day made by canva=_eers. See premium list. Weoarry everything in the Music line WHALEY,ROYCE & CO 158 YONCE ST. TORONTO, QNT In the first year in which the Aermotor Co. did galvanizing it expended $50,000 in this work, and did not furnish galvan- ized goods for the entire year either. No extra charge was made for the goods into which this enormous sum was put. Are you curious to know why this .lavish expenditure was made? Are you curious to know how the Aermotor Co. came to make bed -rock, hard -times prices long before hard times set int The explanation is this. The Aermotor Co. foresaw that some. thing better than painting was required and foresaw that hard Vines were coming. T118 AERMOTOR CO. FORESEES, IT LOOES AHEAD, IT ANTICIPATES, IT KNOWS WHAT IS CONING, ro KNOWS wIIAT SHOULD BE COiIING, IT KNOWS IN ADYAIWE WHAT IT sHOULD D0. Because of this it has an enormous factory, and tarns out an enormous quantity of goods, and good goods. The other fellow is a used -to -be, has been, or might have been, had he known, but he didn't know. It is all in the past His bus Mess is in the gone by Ours is in the present, the future. llis consolation is found in the darkey's statement. "It's bet- : zr to be a has-been than a nebber was." After we hare done <.n3 are doing a thing and it is known to be the only thing to .'o, certain little piping voices are heard saying. "We can do it you will pay us enough money to do it." We made the Steel Windmill business, made the model to -hich the best of our imitators can only hope to remotely ap- roach and in their endeavor to approach it are still weakly ex- } ;rimenting at the expense of the user. But to return to our :ormous outlay for galvanizing. Why did we do it? The urn is this. WE BUIID THE BEST WE KNOW, REGARD. ':88 OF COST, and we believe we know better than anybody. "a know that thin metal, exposed to the air, will not last ,loss galvanized, but if properly galvanized, will last scores of ars. - Barbed wire galvanized will last 20 years, and be prac- illy as good as new. How long does it last painted? But e barbed wire is an eighth of an inch thick, while some of steel used in the vanes of windmills is from a thirty- and to a sixty-fourth of an inch thick, and therefore would t only from a fourth to an eighth as long as the barbed wire, ler things being equal, but they are not equal; the sheet tat has holes punched through it and is riveted to •thicker 1 more rigid pieces. :he vibration of the Itin parts at once cracks the paint :and the rivets, and water at once gets in and rust quickly at. zy the thin parts. Some have used galvanized metal and put ;lack rivets. This of course is not so good as painting- since • cut edge of the galvanized metal is exposed and is in no way :tected. WE BUILD FOR THE AGES. We wouldn't sell a a poor painted wheel, nor one;s• made of metal esteem. d before being put together If you would pay double price for tt. We a be 1 I d the best know, a n d know• rx ' tug that such urs are praot-—e 0» '?`•7�� foully hien, we ° nothing la with ,tiO. 'hen 'eseclio01 -. fan Aer- otor Wheel is '1 riveted up,corn- 'cted and cleansed 'rust and impurities, is thea immersed in 'died zinc and aluminum +1 - left there until it becomes a hot as the metal is and until every F, .ark, cranny, crevice, pore and opening of -eery sort is filled, closed up and saturated with the molten setal and the whole 23 pieces composing the section become n'dered and welded together as one piece, then you have sore% 'ung that is strong, enduring and reliable- It is expensive to lo, and small doers cannot afford to do it. We keep 40 tons zinc and aluminum melted front one year's end to another, Rut we have business enough so that we can afford to do it. One word about the nature of galvanizing. The silvery white coating which fills every pore and covers every portion of the aerrnotor Wheel, Vane and Tower is zinc and aluminum when t is first put on, but which, atter standing fora time forms; with the steel, a chemical combination or alloy uhicb cannot be in�lted and is practically indestruetible. The 5th advertisement in this series will show a 4 -Wheel Stec* Trunk, weighing 175 lbs, which will carry 2 tons, and of which we use 500 in the Aermotor Factory. It will be found almost indispensable on any farm or in any warehouse. For 2 copies of This advertisement, which is No. 4 in the series, and4t.50 cash, ;ent in immediately after the appearance of adv. No. 5, we will teliver f.o.b., Chicago, one of these Trtfeks or forward from a0aneh houses, freight from Chicago added. Where we can. we shall make liberal offers to accept copies f these advertisements in part payment for Windmills: If yon Dave any thought of using a windmill this year write .es at awe, stating what you will need, whether Pumping or Geared, and -if possible we will make you a liberal offer. The Aermotor Co. proposes to distribute 5500. CASH, 1N PRIZES for the best essays written by the wife, son or daughter of a farmer or user of a windmill, answering the question, w WHY SHOULD 1 US13 AN AERHOTOR 1" For conditions of competition and amounts and numbers of prizes send for par- ticularsto the Aermotor Co., Chicago, or to -its -branches, at Sala Francisco, Kansas City, Lincoln, Neb., Sioux City, Iowa, Min- peapolis, Buffalo, or 65. Park Place, New York City. Amadora, bumping and Geared sante price, All Steel, all Galvanized -Afters pompletion, delivered free on cars at Chicago and stripped t. I3-fit 2 2-ft$50 6-ft. $12 5,1Fu onean9where a1t the fro.lo mg f �RA 3Y' B13ER$ They -give perfect satisfaction in fit, style aiid finish, and I ilas - beeomea i)y.*ori$_ "GRANBY RUBBER' wear like Iron?