HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Gazette, 1894-04-19, Page 1.13‘zoted to the 'iiitere is of East ETur®i ax.d East truce® MILDMAY, ONT., THURSDAY, APRIL 19th, 1894. No.i6 CHURCH DIRECTORY. NGLISH.—Services at Fordwich, 10:30 a. m.; ▪ at Gorrie, 2:30 p. m.; at Wroxeter, 4:30 p. m ev. Mr. Brownlee, Incumbent. Sunday School, one hear and a quarter before inch service. METHODIST.—Serviced at 10:30 a.m., and 6:30 p. ta. Orange Hill, at 2:30 p. m. Rev. Mr. Greene, pastor. Sabbath School at 2:30 p. m. W. 8. Sean Superintendent. PRESBYTERIAN. --Services at Fordwich at it a.m.; at Gorrie, 2:30 p. m.: Bible Class a Fordwich in the evening. Sabbath School a • Gerrie 115 p.m. Jas. McLaughlin, Superintenden ETHODIST—Services in the Fordwich Metho • dist Church, ,'; 10:30 a. m. and 7 p. m. Sabbath School at 2:30 p. m. Pray -)r-meeting on Thursday evenings at 7:30. Rev. Mr. Edmunds pastor. N. McLAUGHLIN, ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES. witnesses required. Office:—At the Drug Store, Goxarn. R. E. CLAPP, M.D. pnys1ai re and iiiiuxrgeorl. GRADUATE, Toron to University and member College Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario. Residence, Absalom St., nearly opposite the Liv- ery stable. Office in the Drug Store, next door to Carrick Banking Co. 1fTt DMIAY. 1. A. WILSON, M.D. I..IONOB. Graduate of Toronto University Medieal College. Member of College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario. Office -- Next door to Wendt's Jewellery store. MILDmAY. trreeLDmAY, W6 H. HUCK, V, S. Mildmay, Ont. GRADUATE of Ontario Veterinary College, and registered member of Ontario Medical Association. Also Honorary Fellowship of the Veterinary Medical Society. Calls promptly attended to night and day. DR. WISSER, Dentist. Walkerton, TjONOIR Graduate Department of Dentistry, I + Toronto University ; Graduate Royal Col- lege of Dental Surgeons of Ontario, AT COMMERCIAL HOTEL, MOUT. EVERY =!rices moderate, and all work guaranteed **isfactory, J. J. WISSER, D.D.S., L.D.S. JAMES ARMSTRONG, Veterinary Surgeon illfgADUATE of Ontario Veterinary College, • and registered member of Ontario Veterin- ary Association. • irk Residence Next to Methodist Parsonage, ALBERT STREET, GORRIE, ONT. Lorqnercial Coritnr.Elora and Absalom sts. Mildmay. liliS fine Stone Hotel is =tea up in first-class style, with -large and convenient sample rooms, spacious parlors and chambers and every facility for the entertainment of the traveling publie. - The bar is supplied with the choicest liquors and Free Bus to and from all trains. GooeStabling and attentive bostiers. F. X. GU ITTARD, MANAGER. Constantly kept on and. Remember .the -Stand TheCornerHardware Store: C. %, le se me r, JOHN J. BRADLEY FASHIONABLE a - - ''-ILOR HAS just commenced business in Vogt's Block formerly occupied by Mr. Martin's shoestore. Heir g a practical and experienced workman, I am able to guarantee first-class -work in the lot est styles. ` John J. Bradley, WROXETER. Scientific icon Agency for CAVEATS. TRADE MARKS, DESIGN PATENTS, COPY RICFITS, etc For information and free Handbook write to MUNN & CO.. 361 BROADWAY, NSW Toag. Oldest bureau for securing patents in America Every patent taken out by us is brought before the public by a notice given free of °arse in the cfrxeuxifxc Antlxxon Largest circulation of any scientific paper in the world. :Splendidly illustrated. No intelligent man should be without it. Weekly.$3.00 a year; $1.50 six months. Address MUNN & CO, Ponmsa$xs, 361 Broadway, New York City Chas. Wendt Mildmay Jewelry Store. For Watcheti, Clocks, Jewelry and Fancy Goods. Large stock to select from. 100 different designs in Brooches. 50 •,� "hi►isats 30 " kinds of Purees, 15 " " of Wallets, 25 " of Pipes, I5 " " Spectacles. 15 different kinds pf Mouth Organs. Solid Gold Rings from 90c. up. Also Fancy Chinaware, Vases and Novelties. Stock well sseoted to meet all requirements which I offer e}t lowest Prices to make room for Christman Goods. .ISSERE, i agon-Maker, • 21T31 et iririafEeNre Having had a long experience at the business I feel confident of being able to give first class Satisfaction, Repairing Promptly ©one. If you are in want of a good rig give me -a call 1 A. F. M ISSERE, Absalom St, Miidtuay, We have just received A grand assortment Lamp Goods, Goods, Stoves and Silverware, which can bebought at. MODERATE PRICE&. Also HARDWARE of all kinds, Tinware AND Sewing Machines Carrick PlR1NcRli co. GENERAL BANNING_ BusniEsS DONE. Drafts Issued on all parts }of Canada and the United States. ► RiT' esidscounte sits. JOHNSTON'S CAY-I —AND— Produce •St ire. A. full stock of Tweeds; Worsteds, Cottonades, Shirtings, Ladies Wear, Men's furni b ng, Linens, _Honey Comb Quilts;' Satin Quilts, Laee Curtains, Flannelettes, Prints and Ginghains, F`reshi` Groceries, Boots.and: Shoos, Highest market price laid for :. Come with the crowd to J. L TITMUS'S the cheapest BISCUIT and CONVECTIONTRY house an town, Full lines of Groo®r®IS, Ve es 03,'li`olbaac'= cost and ejgetrs FLOUR and FEED always on hand. —"! Illlll1/1/— Fruits of all kinds in their season. OYSTERS in bulk, or served in any style. Everybody welcomed. Elora st, Mildmay. Don' Fail to See JAI? tie,s,s4n4Lqr',s Spring Stock of Ladi€'s' and Gents' sios (Bought direct from Manufacturers.) Slater's Finest Ladies' Wear (French process). The best in the market. Also, McPherson's Best Ladies' and Gents'. Stirling's Hand :17ades. Oxford Ties, Ladles' Buttons, Bals, Slippers, the beet in the market. Over $2000 worth in Stock. JNO. NESSE N AUER Next to Commercial lintel. Elora St. PRODUCE TAKEN. Mildmay. GORRIE • Elegant lines of MILLINERY are now Shown. The latest novelties aro constantly being se -- cured, and we keep right up with the cities. Hats and bonnets, dyed done over and trimmed to order. A choice line of Canned Goods an-- Seleot Groeerie Always in Stock.. Cakes, Crackers, Biscuits, Bread, etc., Constantly kept. You can always get a tip-tc Confections Of all kinds, Nuts, Raisins, etc., in endless variety. Ch remms Toys ' In d, ess,variety.. Fano Goods su. table for Presen talons. Special things in Dressed Dolls. A. B. ALLISON C arriek Woolen 0 FIs. A. Gissu Propi ietor. Tweeds,.Blankets and all kinds of wool- en goods - manufactured. Fargo a zd complete stock always --on hand. er` 'ANTED ch the Price vaid. 'RtrEiritAit t> mp IN -A DAY.—South e1;=iha, •ea0-Cure; for Rheum.a, radically cures in ,lo; Tilton the system yiysterious The irefitra , 75 -cents. Fordwich: Mrs. Pinkerton; at the station, who has been quite ill lately, is now, the are pleased to report, recovering, although not yet quite strong. Mr. David Bell, who rented the Wil- son farm last fall, has sold out and re- moved to Detroit. He did: not take his white horse with him. Miss Sarah Young, who had made her home with her grandmother, Mrs. Young, on the 9th con., just north of here, died week before before last under very distressing circumstances. The young lady was just entering woman- hood, l)eing irt,her sixteenth year. A few days before her death she was at- tacked by severe pains in her head which increased in intensity until her agony was almost unendurable. No. thing that the physician or loving friends could do availed until death came to the poor srtfferer's relief. It is supposed an abscess had formed in her brain and reaching maturity its burst- ing had caused the trouble which car- riud her off after only,a few days ill- ness. Dr. Spence has recently assumed control of the Fordwich drug store and Mr. Bell, it is understood, will she.rtly launch out into the hardware busi- nryss, Mr. Rogers, teamster, is at present in Toronto undergoing an operation upon his eyes, which have been troub- ling him for some time past. The profound sympathy of the entire community goes out to Mr. and Mrs. Matt, Wilson in the great sorrow which has stricken their family, A week ago last Saturday their two eldest children were taken down with scarlet fever, which quickly developed in fatal form and in a few days both were dead. To add to their troubles Mrs. Wilson was vary ill at the time with a serious at- tack of quinsy while the infant was suf- fering from chicken pox, Our foot -ball team. is getting in some good practice lately. We have a stror g team here and think that if Corrie, Wroxeter, Lakelet, Redgrave and other parts of the township where we hear are clubs would organize into a town- ship league, Fordwich would come out on ,top or make the leaders hustle. Such a league would produce lot s of sport and get the young men of Howick well acquainted with each other. Sohool was closed for a few days last week on account of the scarlet fever. We hear of no families afflicted other than Mr. Wilson's. Mrs. McCurdayand daughter are the guests of relatives in Mildmay this week. 46.411+ Howick Pathmasters for I894. The following is the list -of pathmas- ters, poundkeepers and fonceviewers appointed at thc Last Howick council meeting held about a month ago. The GAZETTE is not furnished with a copy oftl.e council proceedings, so have to trust to the accuracy of our more fav- ored exchanges. We hope the Clerk's salary will shortly be increased si that he can afford another one -cent stamp per month to mail a -copy to the GA- ZETTE : PATH3iASTERS. Con. 1.-3._ .Menzies, C. Baylor, J Shaefer, S Wenzel. Cons. 2 and 3.—Wm Plant, S Hunter, A.:Rdgar, .M Martin. Cons. 3 and 4.-11 Hutchison, A Mc- Denmid, E Cooper, C Roadhouse, J tat terson,. �' Spence. a Cous. 4 and 5.--1/44 Jardine, IL Towns- end, D Bradnock, Thos Walker, J Roe, Wm Wade, J Gibson, B Wallace, S Hyndman, J Ringler. Cons. 6 and 7.—J. Young, .R Tong, -w G Strong, H Hummason, N Hall- man, A Nickelson, E Spanks, J ; McDer- mid " S . Braden, J Erallllnian, W Leon- ard. 'ons. 8 and 9.—Wm Hastie, W Stin- son, J Stewart, R L +A ikon.: Jas Hun- ter., T Goggins, R Buteher, 'J T TPin� ter:` Cans. 10_ and,11.—T Baird: J=J J)ay.,' Wzn Buttrey, , W Sim sora, Sennett, C Irwin, R Millen, -J -De W Huth,. G Strong C Hallman, R Harding. S Harding. Cons. 12 and 13.—B Stafford, A Fin•. lay, Isaac Wade. R Cunningham. !Io' Clegg. Robt McLaughlin, Montgoln.`4 ery, J Rolston, J Ferguson, H Cowan; J Porterfield, A Hood, (ins. 14 and 15.—D Galloway, G Wiley. E Rush. J Scott, A Hastie. It Ferguscn, .7 Mahood, P Philips, Win Kreuger, J Zurkee, C Gedkie, H Dem- merling, D Ziegler. Cons. 16 and 17.—J Gowdy, Wm Pomeroy, Wm Wallace, T Inglis, G Burnett, L Liesh, C Wolf, F Dettman, D Campbell, J Deitz, J Baylis. Con, 18,—.1 Johnston, W Renwick, A Mesner, A Witmer, A Drummond, Wm, Fraser, Con. A.—T Richardson, A Fitch, Neil, W R Gallager, D Rea, IV Case more, Thos Gibson, R Earls Ww John- son. Con B.—R Laing, Wm Griffith. R Nichol, A Finlater, A Miller, 1I Willits, J Mclean. J Hamilton, (Lakelet beat). Con C,—J Ball, G Hyslop, H Patrick, G Roberson, Ww Mckee, Jno '.McLeod. Poundkeepers,—C Wilson, J Hooey, D S Milne, John Reas, J Roe, Geo Brown, AIex Orr, A Edgar, J J Lamon- by, and Wm Evans. - Fenceviewers,--J Spotton, J Waf- ters, af.ters, J Hamilton, E Phair, G Rusk, E Harding, flip Gibson, Jno McDer- mid, Robt McLaugliu, Jno Maguire, E Snarling, 1'i'm Weir, W R Gallagher 1.1. Rea s ad Z'� Wade, The Bible and Creation. In these days when doubts are some- times :thrown on the accuracy of the history of Creation, of the ex- istence of Paradise, and of the tempta- tion of our first parents, as given in the Bible, it may be instructive to those who are firm believers in the Scriptures to trace the accounts there given until they come within reach of the so-called historic times. In the, 5th chapter of Genesis, Bth versa, we read :—" And Adam lived 130 years and begat a son in his own likeness, after his own image, and called' his name Seth." Years. Genesis 5th: 3—Adam to Seth 130 6—Seth to Enos 105 " 9—Enos to Cainan 90 " 12—Cainan to Mahaleel, 70: 15—Mahaleel to Israel60. 18 Israel to Enoch 162- 21—Enoch to Methuselah 65 Adan 's age when �'_`ethus, was born 687 Adam's age at death (Gen; v.:5)930 Therefore Methuselah was 243 years old when Adam died. He must have received .the history of creation from Adam himself, as they both lived to- gether for more than two centuries. Years. Gen. v., 25—Methuselah to Lamech 187 26—Lamech to Noah 182 6f 6 66 Methuselah's age at Noah's birth 359 Methuselah's age at death 960 Therefore Noah was 600 years old ween Methusaleh died, and must -often have heard him repeat the history cf creation. Noah did not die till the year of the flood (Gen. vii., 6). Yes 1 s, Gen. xi.,10—Art haxed, born after the flood - 2 12—Arphaxad to Salah .... 35 14—Salah to Eber . 30 16—Eben to Peleg 34 18—Peleg to Rea 30. 20—Reu to Serug 34, 22—Serug to Nahor 30' 24—Nahor to Terah , 24 26—Terah to Abraham 70. Abraham was born after the flood....292 Noah lived after the flood (Genesis ix., 28) 350 66 58 Therefore, Abraham was 58 years olci when Noah died. The history of cre- ation must have been further transmit-. ted through him, and so through four persons only was this history brought down through a period of 'upwards of 2,000 yerrs from the Christian era, long before which -era the art -of writing had been added to -tradition, and a double # security to the Scripture account. Had thc narrative passed through -t4 persons, instead of four during that; time, taking the present rate of thirty years for a generation, changes mighr, have taken place, which in the ire ft rewas in osiit�l F