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The Gazette, 1894-03-29, Page 9
to k, =_r. as I re - and e to a f all just front 3 you arm$ trou- azy - p and d and I ! If I ,at the ailing, Be, the ;counts It is he pre - for the e great st your I came we you 1, don't vizzled- .-ted to ray f m I' And gasped ae knees atoff, I but that oke this that you 1 most of morning I believe such es - a awoke !ht I had n't get a ad °t" g splendid o suddenly 1r,and to dreg -M sometimes wake t out of bed n the steps . get you over choirs the whole y facts 1 r. ly half -past etch and it SATION. - dared at her e quietly con- ful thing for a e home on. on. I do it. Only ruing il3g slid lap sat two min - it could have Theis Mr. ed the limie- r of our child I ;bat you would av ug, sensible , lap and exercis- This ends it!" iia a�ie`ria�_ - s as A Bowser 11 be instruct - is anii=bly, M J�, 1-11 �- iti4- _�1_L -a��alf _ __ K �� - F_ - 1"gulp 7�7e ' a .✓..-"i 4 �n.Y-,-•x.11. f" a�.,�__— ' ,-I'—: �..r �` -3"'� �7 - _ ,�' _ 1. �11 U tS .r=" _ - - r r -.4, ,,� TOO . - _ _. h _1% � ��s , .security anti saving i of era( to members: � , •' - =< 'GO T! • clal i & '11 -He was the. first life insurance affi 1 . who had the courage -and it took tour- AA 1 'r+' q Beset These �il��L� ', age at tie period. we refer to to denounce �� ers. the pernicious system of investment bank - I OF � ing, with life insurance. He was assailed � deeiitent• T>t a>ay 'the Cid lisle compaliies for the post- e Mn..-- �p/+�! �A! n tion: -ie took up. The whole machinery. : and Satre Mutual � V��� F�n� in -ed health and - of a attlisidiieti press was put in motion s o - ammillst him. but 'bwositioa oalY made a prosperous and Life Asso'ciatioll, his people's ai st a g.res re cant ons is _ictoria Road, ahes fight against a great wrong, -and for �e ictoria County, has cheap life insurance for _the masses. ` ��C� y om the effects of $171 r� E384, 333, 8 It is net at all strange that the tirade Of which happened him of the paid press agavnst-him and his e her camp. To, a re- t • revolutionary plan assumed sharper and � ins A Lindsay Post, Mr. Fitz- Paid to Widows and 4>�phans.' 'sharper tones as he earned . a foothold, ��! d ger 00- sa that when a boy in his . then a standing, and later .advanced to- e dec.. wFuNNE010401rWID eased had had serious teens be Aad a strong desire to spend a ASSESSMENT SYSTIOL MUTUAL PRL-fCIPLB. ward the front In this great business of one, and be had drank to season in a lumber camp, and prevailed The Thirteenth Annual - Meeting of - the. .life insurance; for ibis new- plan struck upon his parents to let him join a party at the very foundation of titer strength, domestic quarrels had been Mutual Reserve jFund Life Association, %,6_1�1�2 of young men who were leaving for the which was held in New Yotrk recently,- it threatened. their most luerative, busi- however, and his friends be- moods fift miles distant. It roved, for y ueze, it was a standing nightmare. No e would have discontinued the y P was an occasion of such world-wide inter-" cepa for the worry occasioned by him, an unfortunate trip. One day while est that the report o8 its proceedings.. as money' no .influence was withheld to that his life, already scarcely he was binding on a load of logs, the attracting attention all over the Amari stradigle it at its birth, it check it in worthvingbeeause of the persecutions he binding pole broke and he received a can Continent, and in many parts of the. L early days, to crush it in its youth, heavy blow on the elbow of the right arm. - Old Country, Europe and the Colonies." to destroy it is its growing. strength was subjected to, would be made atilt more - y, hard to bear whew, -he had officiated at the � there -was no surgeon within fifty miles' These annual gatherings have ;al•avays and manhood. But President Harper' I t�min execution. of the camp he was attended to by the best , could. not be bought, nor would he move FOR PARTICULAR$ ABOUT THE g proved to be events of no small import C1fficially '_`Jones" had not represented the mean's his fellow -workmen could provide. anew in the financial and comms=cfal an inch from th,e course he had mapped r -TRAINS j matter as one of so much seriousness to him After a few days, thinking he was all, right, world, but the last meeting surpassed in out for himself and his association.. He S ETT LE R S ! R A ! N S 1 that his life depended upon it. He had he went to work again. The exertion proved - interest all its predecessors. To begin` • Won the battle; and he di+v oreed invest -- too much, for in a short time the pain • re- ascan, tmasrng Irom simple and told Capt. Burrowes, the Governor of the with, the record of the stupendous sac-; - P para lila jail, that he would not be able to live in turned, and continued to get worse every cess of the ihatitution, as revealed in a' `itnsurance,--and gave the public what they, MANITOBA THS Carlton, where he was known, after the es• day, until at last Mr. Fitzgerald was forced general way by the report of Fresidenta eked -life insurance at cost -or at half ' to return home, where he got the best P ithe . •rice they o��T ecution and he even went so far as to im- Harper, was almost peort cdnP si its P Y warm• pa{yimg the old line, lore Capt. Burrowes to interest himself in of care and medical attendance. This, character. Marvellous as has been the Von aniea, ; ` ettin him a sum of mons sufficient to however, did not relieve him, as the Th -Inking peopla'wereZrom 15TOW vvgrasp g y pain had become chronic ,and by this progress of (this association -in . public, : the Honesty of President Harper's eye- l enable him to clear out of the colony, favor and its aecouiplislime�nt . of .-results, teal. They 'wanted• fhsurance at' cost. i;c SIMI.) aAYTER THE EXECUTION. time affected his whole arm, aa$ partially the figures would saem almost incredible 'eta arofit.the ri ht side .of his hod He tilos sof• They objected to enbjectiag themselves n�gazacoproaDnone occasionhe saidthat the C°spirits' g y without the authentic endorsation of.even had joined with his net hbors to anno fered for years, unable to.. get any relief, ;to_a:contract that forced them to be., 3 ` g y l.. State officials, and;the representations of ree Facts,hig-arm becoming withered and paralyzed, �eome investors and placed their invest - him, and were continnalip whispering to him �anholding: high fiduciary relations to armS 113471in his room,"If yon hang Mrs. Knorr you and he was forced to give up his farm and the community.' Throughout+ at least I n out a# thein rrontrol, and put er' ., will auffer." But he never asked to be re- .try various light commercial pursuits, and tyPelvei years'of'.the thirteen Barrs of its ,strictious upon their rights and owner- Sleepers abandoned all hope of ever having the arm i (ship in these investments and this is lieved of his duty, and when it was suggest. P g egisienee the Mutual - Rescxve - Fund Life; ' restored to usefulness. In the fall of 1892 'just what the level deemil}m companies m h him that era change h address he he was induced to give Dr. Williams' Pink Association bus had towage a wazfare fon 'do to their policy -holders. t . - might leave his persecutors behind, and be- g the -mabatensuee of its own life in a de - gin afresh in a locality where his identity Pills -a trial. Mr. Fitzgeralds first order 'Not so the Mutual Reserve Fund. It �jj� (� The official or - was for half-a•dozen boxes and before these gree which- at times aggge-sted the abso offers its Policy -holders i+nsurance at cost, �RFj �tllll�!%lb�lt gan of Church'a - cuss unknown, and where it might be kept latae hopelessness: cd the undertaking. It i Auto- V wee secret, he seemed to see hope in the Idea, were gone be began to experience the bent' has travelled steadfastl however, along The only reserve It accumulates is in- Sehaolfarthe sure of Stammering, Toronto ficial effects..The pain from which he had y, >Gideatal, yet it is large enough to meet Canada, sent free post-paid. and to become resigned to his situation. suffered for so many years. began to lessen. the line of natural premium system, and all necessities and cover all risks.- The ' Hangmen are usually a class not to. be de* He procured another supply, and from that, each succeeding twelve months its reports_ associlatioai is in evi3ry detail;, :.in every, pended upon, and partly for that reason' out the improvement was constant and. of results have astonished; if they have; conception, a mutual insurance 'assoeia TTENTION-IFYOU ARE ANAGENT- though mainly to prevent the possibility rapid, and he not only recovered the not turned -grey, the heads of -life insur-; A if you are not an agent, but would like - .sf a bun le at the last minute the execution, e y ante experts themselves all over the; tibal. The cost 'of management and the to be one -'if you want to make money -send g use of his arm, but is "e"njoying P _ ,cost of death claims is .equitably, die- for our illustrated list. William Briggs we are kept within the jail wails for a week as good bodily health as .he did before-'worlii., . . ; ` ! - trihuted among its thousands of mems publisher, Toronto. prior to the date fixed for an execution. the accident, seventeen years ago. Mr. Canadians Present. • hers. As its risks are most: carefully. According to that custom "gnesT" Ass Fitzgerald feels that the cora is thorough The meeti�ig was attended by. represen-� dr -awn; fits death 'claims fall far below, For nearly half a told to go into residence on Satmorn• and permanent, and as a natural conse- . tative men from all over the world, and thio 'fiigures of the mortality tables. As century we have been Mg. He appeared at the jail ao'oloek, quence is very warm in his praise of Dr. among them the following Canadians were; thgy. are distributed all over fthe world%EEDS supplying the Farm- ers, his manner was peculiarly changeful. Williams' Pink Pills, w5ich have been the iiotrit<ed Masers. D. E. Cameron,. Deputy, the are brought to the ever ars, the Gardeners, Atfirst he lookedmore thanusuall ronbled y; ug g a} average, the Florists and the means - of 'benefitting many _others:_in his •,Provincial; Treasurer for Ontario; David' aaAd 'are not liable .to sudden increases Horticultural Specialists in all but that mood passed quickly and he be neighborhood, who had seen what'they had Gillies, M.P.P., Carleton PIace ; W. E! diad decreases. portions of this great Dominion, with came cheerful. When leaving the office to done in Mr. Fitzgerald's case. For cases Wellington, .nurseTymsn, Toronto ; F. N our selected and reliable stock of By reducing the premium rates Churg- Seeds for the Field, the Garden and the go into his quarters he smilingly remarked of partial paralysis, .13comotor ataxia, and Tennant, lumberman, Toronto; W. P: Me- ed to members to harmonize with the Greenhouse; and year after year their orders that he had not brought his " traps" with 'all nerve troubles, Dr. Williams' Pink Mahon, barrister, Belleville ; T. W. Chap= payments to the wydows nad orphans for come to us as regularly as the Seasons, so that him, but had arranged that -they should be Pillsare the--ordy certain.- cure. They- act ple, barrister, Uxbridge ; E. P. Johnsoni death claims, more than thirty-five mil- the people's trust u to us a most valuable p w eent on later in the day. Bq -his "traps" he directly non the.blood and nerves - thus T,'ori nal • W. J. Mur y- session. Our Seed Catalogue for 1894 is now meant his false beard and other accessories y P ' r g, $rooklin; li.. Isom dollars have.'already been saved to ready and will be mailed free to all who striking at the root of the trouble, and- W, Sutherland, Toronto;;William Green,' the members of the Mutual Reserve. apply to of an execution. A little Iater the chief restoring the system to its •wonted vigor. Toronto; D. Z. Bezette, Montreal; W. J. President Harper may well be proud JOd"'QIV A• �C iG CO- , clerk, Mr. Mosamore, sent a.messenger to Sold by all dealers or sent post. paid at 50 McMurtry, Toronto.; Cl. Domville, St. of the giorioue success of the Mutual summon him to the office. The messenger cents a box, or six boxes for $2.50 b 1 John, N.B. The following letters of re SEED MERCHANTS, y Reserve. His. master mind his indomi- found the door of the room occupied by addressingthe Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., 1._gret .at unavoidable absence were reads HAMILTON, ONTARIO. "Jones" locked on the inside and failing table will Iiia s untiring energy, his ma- g Brockville, Ont. or Soheaect,�ady, N. Y. from Warring 'Kennedy,- Mayor of To-' tore judgment. has overcome a•I3 obstacles, to get any answer to repeated callings re- , Refuse all imitations which some unscrup• 2outo; and, Dr. Oronhyatekha, Supreme! and laced his association a turned to .Yr. Mosamore and reported the P giant among DI TAFT'S- P alone dealers may offer because of the larger Chief Ranger of .the., Independent Order o#i gi in the insurance world. Yet :he ppSTHMALENE C . fact. Mr:.=Moasmare and a warder. then profit from their sale. Foresters. _ 6 has'so managed the business sad organized Givesa Nights U R E111111111�1%ff made a forcible entry to the room, and found Sweet Sleep SAarsov. gHiNNEUY $ CU., i,+t that it is to -day a' great machine, de-' - the man lying dead on the floor beside a Waoresare Il►iPoitTER$, so that you need not ndeht upon no one two, or ,went mea bath. TORONTO. January 23. 1894. P ,. y ASTHMAof sit up allnight gasp- SEop, Lady; Stop to perpetuate its life and its activity. ing for breath for fear His throat was gashed horribly, and the - E. B. Harpcer, Eng.. President Mutual Reserves. This' has. been- aecom lished b bre inwater channel from the bath rah red with Lean and lank, - Fund Dife Association, Broadway, New York,' p ' y ngg suffocation. On blood. Around were evidences of the de- He's such a crank ; . U.S.A.: t' 'together in the management active, ener receipt of name and My Stara I 1 thank My Dear Mr. Harper, --I am.profoundly sorry et'ic honest reliable business . me P. 0. address willmail liberation of the deed. "Jones" had. taken that I cannot do. myself the ;ileasare of a con { 8 ' ' ns TRIAL BOTTLEF RE E I'm not his wife; whose judgment and. work in their es- DR TAFT BROS. MEDI- off his coat and bung it up behind the door, He'd make my life ponying the brethren from Toronto. g o ve 7 d� to -day to attend the anneal meeting of t6e, peGial €i9ids is unexcelled. _ CINE Co., Rochester. N. Y. Toronto Branch and then, having probably drunk some � A scene of strife. Mutual Reseive. I have so many things to std 186 Adelaide St. W. whiskey from a flask which he carried, he President Harper made reference to the Stop, stop ! his liver is out of tend to this with mnnicipftlti s7}Iendid work done Burin t IIae-IDr. T&CE's White Pine Syrup for Golds put the flask down in one end of the bath. order. Hes just too nice for anything, � and other matters that -I find it impossiIble to gets g he year by The bath tap= was set running, and holding his wife ass " when he is well." Ever away. - - ` . - I ithe thousands of agents of the Association �j „ , Y ► 3' I must confess I am qui a disappointed in non scattered throe bout the world. Prizes his head over it Jones had then gashed wife's husband , should, if sick, take Dr. being able to see you all at the annual meeting. , 6 his throat on both sides with a razor till. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. It puts of 1894. I hope that you will have a harmoniona have been offered to the six men who, No from exhaustion consequent on the loss of and jubilant meeting. The'success during 1893 would bring in the greatest volume of q the liver and kidneys in good working was great indeed, at which I rejoice. You can business is the twelvmonths,, and three �����+®�� blood he fell upon the floor and died• order, purifies the blood, cleanses the sys• always rely upon my loyalty to the Slutut►r out of the six were carried off by Cana - Like Gately, his predecessor in the tem from all impurities, from whatever Reserve. With kind regards to all, believe me, office of hangman, "Jones" had a criminal cause arising, and tones 'n the-fu'nctiohe very sincerely yours, dians, viz., the third by- A.. R.McNichoi, record. He was a native of �'Porcester, generally. Guacranteed to benefit or- cure WARRING KENNEDY. Winnipeg; the fourth by J. T. Kirk_, St. ®� g y , Mayor o1'. Toronto , z England, and, under his proper. name, or money paidlorit•refunded� -, , $gEOUTIYE ayor f , tTohn, N.B., and +the sixth by W. J. Mur- gaff a cestuis ago the effects of Sr: William Perrins; arrived in the colony by , INDEPENDENT ORDER oF•FURESTERs. xray, Brooklin. LEo,, MINERAL WATER upon the system Dr. Pierces Pallets permanent IF once TORONTO. Canada. Jiro. 22,1891 ) Treasurer J. W. Yrooman's report mac pare been experimental now its the ship 4xold$D Era in 1858. He constipation, sick beads ", indigestion Wr J. McMurtry, Esq.; General Manag'erMutual3 showed that among the securities of the healing properties are'established beyond FJLL7w ED THE OCCUPATI UN and --kindred derangemen�i,, Reserve `Fond Life Association, Toronto, Ont ` company there ` is ova -r $100 000 worth question. The analysis alone stamps it a , of a laborer in various arts of the colon - 0ear Sir and. Bro:=-T re'ret that, owing ' Besides, e s, of an exceptionally high order. p y, s a n£ Dominion -bonds deposited with the and contrived to keep out of the hands of The peacock throne of Shah Jehan was• several important mt►tcer"a coming up in connect Po Besides, nearly every physician anis expert the oliva. until 1872; when, for indecent value$ at $30, 000,004, his crown at 12,0110, tion with our Order' in Illinois and Indiana, re -,insurance Department - at Ottawa as recommends and prescribes it. No other p quirinp immediate attention, I- am again cow: security to the Canadian policyholderei water on the Continent approaches St, Ianguage and assault, he was sentenced to 000; and when he died $150,000,000 in - pelled to forego. the pleasure of accompanying! The reports of the' other officers were Leon. three months' imprisonment.. In 1874, gems was found in his treasury. . , you to New.' York to attend the annual ineetin (fall as satisfactory and conclusive. Q1 wheal in Dunoll he was sentenced to of Che,lVlutaal Reserve Fund Life Association. I y y�. Leon Mineral dater Una , ill. . y, Very Hard Indeed. need -mot sny that I am very much disappointed, The report of J. Douglas Wells, third three months imprisonment for assault,; -as I had expected to .leisrn .very much from vice-president,. showed that $5,642,600 of - Read Offtee--Hing' St., Toronto, and in the same ,year at 11laryl orough he - There Aare so many things that appear attendance at sated meeting. - Branch, X46 Youge St. was arrested on the serious charge of re tinneceasary, and whish for the life of us Itis not necessary that 2 'should assure yoty new business was received from Canada, velum stolen property. The charge was un can see neither purpose nor end. It that I have every faith in the system of- the alone. g y g we be corns' are just one of those thorn. Mutual Reserve, especially when its affairs are After the presentation of the reports rr A Cure established an a aentsnca of three years y , s4ranu stout by -that Prince of - Thii to and In- , I r. D. E. Cameron . Deputy Provincial PILES Guaranteed. as int imposed. From that time forward the the flesh the why and the wherefore os s Trance, our President Harper. 3'he fact that t , Pu y P Neverthel' . tho carry: a policy for $20.000 fs sufficient evidence of reasurer of Ontario proposed, seconded` External, Internal, Blind or Bleeding criminal records are silent respecting him w}iiah we causal nee.. e�#p y , P P d, P g .e tnv fai[hbotll in Life system and in the manner in Mr. David Gillies M. , and it may be concluded, therefore,.tllat he are of the kind that are easily oaovedf :which our, affairs are administered. Yours y P.P, of Carleton ItChing.Chronic;KeeentorHereditary. Putnam's -Painless -'Corn Extr.T►q or�=makes • sincerely; . . ORONHYATEKH, Place, the following resolution: There are thousands -of people suffering returned to honest.labor. 'About ten ear - i9" President Harner.s tr' _ " to-do from Piles who fully believe that they y bort-work of ibei m. T ,' an see- how ,rte n+I, ;Ann' ^1 `•- That the thanks of the Canadian mem- ago he was Appoiiited public hangman. and $ p _ • cannot be cured except en a surgical operation $ageIIator,'&nd during --his term of. office '6 nicely it coaxes thein out. Use -none other : ro ore ' was a monet , and able doenmenf�l hers of the Mutual Reserve Fund Life which subjects.the patient to much pain and has summarily closed - the -career of fifteen -thaw Putnam's Corn- Extractor. Sold by, It was: a plain, unvarnished tale of re:i Associaition are due, and are hereby ten- confinement. This is a mistaken idea and is Y dru ' s, leaf to idaws alid,oa bane; showi`a 'that) dere( Vito President Harper and those altogetber unnecessary as D8: CLARE'& erimiaals. first -execution- was that of 88 - -p gy P3LE OINTMENT used according to direr the i%€salons iliast,$arnes in May, 1885. during the year nearly three millions of i associated with hien, for the unexampled tions, will effect cure in nearly every case, In Japan a man can live' a-gentie'M" dollars had been disbursed, and afterA6.1 success of its operations during the and no case can be found where it ill not give FoliQwing- ; hila iii,i4der_ came William '.on $520 a year.. '`,`his eum•will_,einploy two g rp est ear -the banner O'Brien; I885;-Eratik-Morrellz I$87; George servants, pay the rent of#a ho_ a and sy _ in this noble work President Ha ere? p y year of its Exist For �Sale by all Druggistgc�sent by 1900040. �1� g'Iae, X888 ;illism ffarristrn, I889 ; Phil- P import said : tai part t encs --notwithstanding 'the severe fines- any address. ply food. `' "-`" Our assets 1were never;so Is k :as to-Ij vial depression that has existed through- ipeaetinercWtilli, IM,'Robert Landella, +! T• A• SLOCUM �e Cif., 188ff olirt - Thomas Phelan, 1g91; John The'only'man in history that was lionize day ; owr,surplus never Ao great ; _our new, out the world, and we hereby desire to life Adelaide st. Nest, - - Toronto WitQoi>r„ . f8gi ; `Cornelius Bourke, 1891 •. ed without having his head swelled was th--busiaeea larger than ever recorded in nay t express our unreserved confidence in the,. Valuable Cook Book sent free: J'anees4ohnson,1:891;�,�atta - Cha�4d; 1891; 'Biblical Daniel: %3 _Jprevious--year ; our .net. increase of busi- Association and its management." }illiani Cnlst,vn; f881; Albert Williams, Ne:ve Pala ,are Vis, siplg'p);enomenal ; our payments to In speaking to the: resolution 32r. Cam. aliaa Itae fig; _1 '?; cud dohts Condor, - Polson's Nervilinectir wflatulenee c ALI, die widows and_oirphans exceed.: that ever' eron Inade 4.n address full of vigor and len Cutting 3 Mil- , U, =disbursed. in any previous twelve )spirit. .He was sorry that Mayor Sem lions 6A1iE the Err- ; _ - . and spasms: Nerviiine cures vomt4>�ipg ,,moaths ; otur _future never'so Abri ht:." . Hedy, who generally was the spokesman BAND tire COST out Ora �ti moan, 4ated_ that the'euicide of diarrhoea cholera aaddgeentery. Nervihae g for Cannel e ' Wit it i:;s any-tiitconvenienoe tis . cures:. headache, sea sickness and sumiser R'ith the work of the -year 2893accomplish- . sans. was unable to be present. circniac+s sawaswt elSheri ,` If - 1*6 :aidito t-, who is - ax comgiafnt. NarviIina cares neuralgia, ed, the rdsnit is that °the Mutual Reserve has ��dians knew the solidity of the Mutual ���� ,toe change is t and.ltas 1►egm,snmmoned.:tootha&'e lumbageaudsciatics. Kerviltne -now in. force &.total business--ot over $262 1. Reserve. Fund 'Life Association, and ap- frnevitaubse. - ' reciated fes -management. The Witt .." isstanoe ._gyp iiiaself:-wil t etires sprains, bruises, ©tits, ,&c. `lsolson's 080,000.00; death claims paid in 1893,:�Z,�: - 9 ORDER NOW AND BE IN TIML , .. speech of ;Cola dames Domville, of S�t.- nEidera theme t[erif€hss another Neine as tike best -remedy w the world, 9*ri,865.R3 ; sancta, 55,135,516.36, liabilities,' BraetfOrd C�tt6dEt. - _ . Wlia on,: -nand, ravione es; and Duly costs. 10 and 25 cents =to try_. ,. '132�138,496.8i ; net surpIas over all liabilities, ': John, New Biainsvviek, closed the meet- s i p 80R Ot8.55 • total membersHfp of :the as., ing.. which was then adjourned. �ferx%nce hsshoTaat vvheai eke necessity Sample sand large -bottles at any drag store 53,- , �,� - eociation, $Z� , _ o aux a as � + c . sal Aaa-,484 that, Poison $-l�iervilaaae. = - a .' �CoDsideTi the a aratjve youth of r fol.' 80 ACRES OF LAND s su - �iai r -wall attract ng - an rs for :� �P.TOU . Reserve, -it t For the Province o#. Ontario- Mr. W. aiebytheB�xTPatz 'W _ - _ nue of tilt thin ,J. McMurtry, Mail. building, Toronto. IQ �7� to for a the Mn al B,ese shows a; e «_ a ternth.year- its growth a strength un g,, DaLmra $dILHooD For the Province of Qnebee-Mr. �. y, it:peutl rolled asst Je :x ::, _. - equalledy. any other. -life inauranee cor- , Co>rreriT in Minnesota: Bead for Maps and Cirotr Beeette, 12 Place d Armes; Montreal. .� tliep >irar anal �/ $ �roratil a in' the wor . The reports of Isar. They will be sent tvyou F Manitoba, and the- North-west Ter- �� CU _y atsa _ .p> i `. its offiieers read' 1_ka ,lee ,fancy -cif a Victor ! eltftl .t - - Hugo.; they tell of ipl- c ant - persever-- tljt sieWinal A. 8. .McNichol, -McIntyre! �j■ a. _�: Blbck, Winnipeg. . ri+ ,fiat When- s_ - :once, of` opposition overcome, .of peree- llddseee NOPE4AIELL CLARKS, > -� _ . c_ For the Province: of New Bruaewigf ids^*.a.1.�telta F _ verance of bueineiEwa•'sgaelty and 61 -sue. IsadCommissioner.Bt.PauLMiea: r .. Col. James Domville, " Johty N,$. .i i . �_ a ,1 £k Y. P r = .dess. 411 previous Iife insurauee records; . 43r _ = ,,were; nt ileihe:ehade while the;:heaithy` - €}ren _ __ y. # - - finaairp'ga1�o. 'tion d the eseaTtsfaion waa; _ t� - { ,- _ raiiteeli` 'certif ee a from Press r A n _ _ t �iliilL� _ ., .._� _ _ ; - dent : lrf °t Tins TT •� 3 - . < „ . r?_ seta L��-. te1(i :..��'S. - _� � .3.�..na7r�= c.�e1_�_�..2 ,.,. .,., .t__�. - F_ l'D> tl- i Q1�, .. _ ^M tD Bent 'iiow.,fie cis wI :�C. _�Mr 0-0 2^T' - '��+dALf�V3^.ii,.{faiVPJ _ _ +p� Vilf i ibYDvi:• e .arV'. �� r ell- eeca>ri lien Cum rise _=�_;,r�=�, �.;. _ sem_._ , p &_u,ffstaseTF ,xOrse 7 .? �_ [>�l _ 1 ' 1l11 IS Ii♦,:. K,ii , 411 r > pelma so+ i ifactton in 6 style; and finish 1st word"that (A11TBY' $1.VIO$I$P.P ice€ . _ 3 ".r- -.T 11 �r - -. _ Tt r'r - - l 1. A _ -fT A l F } �' moi" _� ' ! ass . } z Y "�'..�: - 5 end 1t' h" bm-rh e - 4_ ;- � .. � ? 4 _t i 4 8 ■ - A