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The Gazette, 1894-03-29, Page 8
'S. _ v WP7r7_�':, r �� m xzs " a - - iii' - - ` ,_!, .-r - --;. ,� _ _ % ". I - ., � . - ignorance of farmin ki CATTLE T UDI i radon to done imm g '- - - - At present the only direct informationtaof UJB harm and led to m TRE OF THE MINIO, • iaina Dt is that furnished at the port abroad of that great I Montreal of merchandise received from the - eg �t5 DAPI' A�� __ Qo ited States and transhipped at that Dr, D. Ne'Eaehran De scribes III the second Par Of the annual State- port, either to the States or to ether Bann- present Position, and Shows The Showing tries. The value of this trade, in ISM �Owit-h ay be Developed of tE�erculoe athan 3,It wug meat• amounted to $9,313,904, a decrease of $ir0�+cattle bl the human 558. The articles exported consisted P Dr. D. McEachran lectured one evening onlreal on the a and scarlet fever earn Document ci 11 of animal and agriculturalproducts.value `,Caweek niTheir Commercial Relations. He dwelt on the large,, ®n Ia,portant and Interests Yven -se remarks on the inspection by °ompettrn That should be PEr�°� and Divested consisted of exports from the Un ted St tes After a few introductory las in the by all. -important part agriculture p Y sectors of all animate bef via Canada, to forest Britain ;the remain• and at the time of killing• , tion Returns have der going either to the United States or commerciai prosperityofacountry,andme�ie specters concluding, he said: srs that was con The Trade and Na ha Newfoundland. • particularly the st,ock raising s Dr, McEach- "Y e•a," replied Mrs• . ws , just been issued and handed to the p=eas, SHIPPING RETURNS, • frequently been urged on the po ally cattle and cattle products, raising her eyes The Returns show hat the valve of the i:m• Daring the past year 27 547 vessels en- be by both branches ouatercoif a century „I suppose you have been tickled ha ports last year amounted to $129,074,- , ran ho can e date sap there are eomepresenb this country for a q ou ca tered and cleared at Canadian ports, as who can remember the time when Canadian strange to Bay the apathy of the death all day ®ver that little joke y 268, and of exports to $113,564,352. =The back, yet strang y lett of varus of our aggregate trade reached a MtaY exports consisted mainly of the products o on me this morning?" he continued. ex- against 3�J,961 in 1892 and 31,321 in 1891. allows"Joke! I do not know what you mean,' The total tonnage, however, was but slight• the forest and fur -bearing animals,and when responsible still le parte s the mak® provision for of $°247,638,620. This is $6,269,177revious which was the agriculture in all its branches was a weakly, public cess of the aggregate trade of the p, IV less than that of 1892, ag Y "I can appreciate fun as well as the next of the active divisions he struggling industry. y Y the prevontnon of of ee% deadly dl IIg diseases, b year. The valvas P highest in the history of the llo minion. They May have seen a roper sY ower for car- person, sem p P Y but it musn'G be carried too far - Last year's tonnage was 10,6 IS,611. T the gradually rise and ro tees of the Can o er pertivystemenactil ( giving p not too far, Mrs, Bowser. I went down to of our foreign trade were iii 1592 and 1<893 tonnage of the British vessels last year Y out and effecting the club last night for the first time in thiel as follows: adian farmer as his land became cleared was 1892 18 915 and of Canadian, and his farm became stocked•b horses,cat; rpius; sanitary measures, months. You were put out at MY going' amounted to 3,780, growing f Cattle, of which the inspection of dairies is not the Exports of Canadian g . augmented by the sale of horses, fa. least iriportaat. didn't get home until half past 10 ®'cl®ck' •• sw,338,9i3 a105,798,257 2,18d9encc5'towards he const uctionoflar eg ole, sheep and swine, and oduct . Then his and as---•" produce... • • • • ; ten y i a, oultry and dairy p spare the " It was exactly I o'elock, Mr, Bowser," Exports of foreign pros 14,624,462 12,766.095 vessels. The _ total tonnage of vessels ar watch as I duce.......•... • • • • _ P P os erity began, then he could sp WORLD'S 11ELD 0 F GOLFNever ! loo $113- $118,5M,3 52 rived at and departed from Canadian oils 6,I ked was saying, at my the re• P money necessary to improve his home, to 127,406,068 129,074,268 a inlandofvwaters amounted 5, 74, an prove his implements and atm, then Imports........., . • • • • • ___ the number of vessels being 35,634, an' in Years of yore• suit was that I slept unusually sound, and nfolka began to share his prosperand Figures for 1893 �u Egceed'irTore of the Don opened advantage of he circ tmstance to 241,379,463 $247,638,620 crease of 1,300 vessels• becoming agents for him in importing a fifteen ou aw Aggregatetrsde......•. •$ g indulge in he funny business." You fall red The total CossThe largest production the United States 36 Mr. r Bowser, wRhe.n I heard y 24,579,123. in manufacturing for him and his family There was, therefore, inaln9IIc&� 8emna ex -In. year amounted d to at onnage of�iscredited to such articles as he required for use or lux- years.will be recorded by with the previous year, against the front door the bells were just half a y' for 1893, if the reports which have been re, striking 1. porta of home producerof $6,459, se40 a%- wtli 9,829x834 ttons, the largest in cher nr THE LIVE STOCK INDUSTaY • ceived at the mint bureau are fully of bul- borne t, " s slant the front ports of $1,668,200, and a history, 'Quebec and 1`aova Scotia, but it has a1 what, what , I fell ag porta of foreign produce of $1,858,367• Y - fs as et, in its inception, out by later details. Tire d to the reports door?" The imports fn you or home eonenmption In million eacb,the figures respectively being' ready begun to aasumeicnonrolationle Mag he lion all't the mints, according d o $121,705,030, consuconsumption as 4,433,796 and 4,390,802. New Brunswick ' y importance already in, will reach $36,000,000 for 1893, :, you did, and when I went dour arms 630, tude and imp 1593 amounted year, totalibd 1,083,134, British Columbia 3, against $32,000,000 for 18!12. The increase were sitting on the steps with y against $116,978,943 in the Iirece tot y commerce and prosperityof Canada, as the around the railing. I had considerable trou- 538. an increase of $ ' 726,C87. The total run 833, and P. E. Island 1,198, following figures with reference to the num- in Colorado alone is from A3i0on 4and New ole to induce you to come in." !„ since The number and tonage of . sea Solas 400,000, and Montana, one crazy . ports have been exceeded" but.lvhi a those vessels entered and cleared at the principal ber of live stock in Canadl'0will 8�ho.wo��s Mrs, Bowser, ,+ have you g confederation, viz•, in 1883 ; Horses over three years, 575• Mexico show gains of smaller amounts. in the shouted Mr: Bowser as he stood up and ports of the Dominion areas followsTons. and fillies, 401,988 ; total, 1,470+ The total production of g for home consumption have been exceeded p as ed and swallowed and turned red and three times, in 1883, 1874 and 1873, 1,580,159 r horn- United States for fl892 was reported by g P 1,338 866 Rork' oxen, m584 cows and ; mint bureau at $33,000,000, glared at her. The duty collected from customs last Montreal .............. •,1247,532 ed cattle, 4,120,584 ; sheep,2,563,781e,+ MY dear." ear amounted ;0 $21,161,711,an increaseofVictoria • • • • ' : • • • . ° . ° ' : , .:' ; .... • • • •1,126,336 9 cations are that the fin with those 6: ,then you intend to insult ma ° If I swine, l 733,950, whish at a moderate Votes for 1893 will be Y ear. St, John, N.B 984,399 $37,000,000. 'These returns, will $611,19 over the preceding year head of valuation, represent the vast enm o came home at 1 o'clock and fell against the was an advance . the values p Quebec. • , • • • - • • • • • , ' • • • " •' - - , • , • . „ 788,022 , from Australasia and South Africa, the railing, its Nanaimo, ...... ... • • • • • • • • • • • •, 579,101 $297,363,725, ca alone amounting to in of $12 000 000 door, and you found me Bugg the estimated population, of both imports Vancouver. • • • • 271,251 $123,617,5`x• carry the prodnetion of the world above ing its as well as of the aggregate Yarmouth, ......... •... • ................ 236 24r $150, 400,009, which is a ga + ' and I had to be Coaxed int° the house, the and„expo , • • • • • • , , .. VIE PEOPLE BENEFITED. figures of 1892 and exceeds the inference is plain." trade. The value per head of imports last Sydney, , • • • • 2}8,862 orated out the large above the fig g „ yes, your condition Iastnigbt accounts Dr. McEachcan P directly bonanza years, with one or two sli ht ex' Year was $26.01 ; of exports �$ eg head. N. Sydney s,• ............... , :.. ; ; ; ; ; ; ; 137,401 number of the population employedg for your depressed spirits er day. duties collected averaged $4 P Chatham, N.B • .,• , , , , , , }i5,361 ce tions, after the o earn of the California 'Mr, Bowser. The pre- duties IES TRADED WITH. Windsor. N.8 • . , , • • • • • • • • . ° 83,553 or in iirectiy in connection with the live p P roduction will add Cove TR .Charlotietownn. , . • • . • • ° • • • • "' ""' Stock industries. The benefits are not cqn- and Auatrge a mines. not going a storm, . ase of Win the num This Marg 1 production next three or four days to come," lucre to the agricultural communi*ie d n 2 aver cent. to the p 2 dictiona are clear, cold weather he°fir a The increase in the imports of $1,668,240 There was an more the P were largely benefited. " My condition last night . By e Railroads, steamboat linea, stock and fee of gold throughout the world since 189 horn spoon, but you must have lost your is made up by increased trade with 26 ber of vessels built last year, but a decrease fine in the tonnage of 5,800 tons. Th a errton merchants, etc., that I came countries, counteracted by a dimingution in scilla price has declined from $36 p old now in existence, after senses ! Do you mean to say The largest fall- g r ton in 1893. The financial benefit Sas To feed secondary stock gate stock of g arty as much to a aggro- at sea. home drunk . trade with 22 countries.consequent upon iu 1863 to about $11.50 per Can -the benefit to the deducting Y l" ing off is with Germany, The g 'h Africa seem to CONFUSING To THE IDEAS. importation of sugar from The actual number of vessels sold, the farmer must plough deeper, must fence lose b abrasion and o the Cali You - the excessive 128 worth of better, must reclaim by drainage and other- be o fields of Sou P $2,128, oda was 313, and of Ca where rapidlytaking the p that country in 1892, wise his land. "Tell me," he said, `.` oiled, as against 42, rel stock raiser, -and I forma and Australian fleasRthe ob>°snfroui ineuNol�t�exactly rlrldcalled a izz believe, d® runk't that article being imp there is a successful fences fids of the present decade. only $226,432 in 1893 ; otherwise the gen- stairs I started M is maintained. BIGGEST TgAN SOME STATES• will show you a well cnlOrder, and home the WAN atersrandt region of n 1,478 476 1 bad to help you Pe not rank, but swizzled. eral trade with Germany arcade were inesa production for 1 but you cried out 'G' 1) l he tither decreases of any mag where comfort, education and hap total p roduct of refined gold undress you, y in e t Orta from Japan, Newfoundland and An English Syndicate Owns 3,09©,909 and buildings in goo ounces, P latter acres or Pasture Land -in Telae. • are to be found." He urged a proper eel- yielding a P 000 000• The me or I'll knocker blamed head off 1' And production, of a vat a in excess of $25+ + y=� the British East Indies, from which Very few people ection of cattle. For beef p ,u are crazy , gasped understand that Shorthorns, Polled Angus, Galloways, Here* production in this region is increasing at an I went awn �+ country sugar again was the cause of the ing of western Texas,dunders in think hland, etc.; for astonishing rate, and South Africa bids fair WBo woman, y decline. The large increases were I7n ed earl the wholeof it rest present fenced up ford, Sussex, VPast Hix d n he case, hires J arse s, Alder during the present Year to push her way to Mr. Bowser, who was so weak in the pees ports .from Great Britain an Y et such is t et our coat Offs, I of in mam• P Bair ur ossa, Ayrs + ,,you did manage to Y 6�but that States, the increase in free goods from the 'nOtherastarre pastures, than ordinary n®s Guernseys or Holsteins. y the s sad of the list of gold producing coon" that he ha�he sit ontiuuedawoke this wards tries. latter country having been up Many of slLos figure for 1892 put Australia at the believe®u out, and when_ you $6,000,000• The total value of imports counties, and some of them embrace large y production of $33,• tired.you you were surprised to find that you from- the United States was $65,061, 968, parts of three or four counties. Just west our hat and shoes and most of from Great T ed and very profit- S70,800, the United States Sat $24,906,200 Ling." h d step an y�9 orsham pastures. excellent feed, the asilo is cheaply con- head of the'list, with a p of 1,09:.,931 ; of. Belchervitle, exas, co�rme the Silverstein, should be built on every farm. •Ens! age is Sia 33 increase $ increase $ 1,66,5,438 ; the Ikeard and the 000,000, Rus g . Basil ma g The full re- our elothin V murmured l;ritain $43,314+577+ - This latter contains 50,000 titres and has strutted, Y _ hat, did I . m France $2,847,090+ increase $increa3 ; Brit - 708 600. Indies $1,fl66,408, increase $124- one line of fence twenty-three miles long• able, w a production .in excess of $30, Mr. es, and several times before morning West I recently, wherein the agent of a turns from Sent Africa for 1893 will $$30, ,=yes slept in my 'sh � e about this size continue in at, The lecturer referred to an interview Afb a fourth at- $23, , i 4 Pastures of 621 ; Dutch East Indies $444, l4+ increase orcin firm had ba y y g our hat, I believe 196 770. Of the increases in the trade most unbroken succession until Armstrong published which will force her into U , $ and straw exporting - on also talked through y 1C0 QUO are M be noticed in the Span• County is reached. There is found what is lar a t and 150 tons of straw," and place, and if the increase continues she will au awoke ex - over $ + Venezuela and known as the Goodnight ranch, the south- staged that he "had exported above 10,000 000,000, and will be beaten Y®u men folks make use of some sac Holland, V of tons of hag In it is pass Russia during 1894, produc- pression, don't You ' �1 0� thought I had ish possessions, ern boundary of which is a little string ,,To MY by the United States in aggregate British African ports of Canadian means of a large increase in and realized the situation y fence eighty three miles long. y added :- tion only by been trying to be funny" ou didn't get a The increase in the exp Goodnight,asthe owner is familiarly known, A SORRY to SIGHT and straw .this country. you --y ! produce, amounting to $6,456,332, occur' Considered one of to see thousands of tons of hay These figures are considered of import- "Dire. Bowser, s lendid red principally in shipments to Great gE gIGIiEST MEN carried on the aamaGShips aj str�nau oiled to Mother is enjoying P onndland, P ante by students of the mono ail aiwill lbs e1�gUh no at your mother o suddenly sands of Britain, United States, Newfoundland, ht lives in immature cattle P rea,'Carrying -nearly all the as evidence that the gold s PP Y Mr, Bowser. " Belgium and Argentina, the increased ex -in the Panhandle. Mr. Gs contains European by dethrone my reason, dream the United States and the Argon- almost baronial style. His park'the few profits if our" farmers' labors M others, adequate for monetary ion of. silver, health. Nothing has SPP ports to Years to come.. The P great band M titre Republic consisting vel .largely of deer, a drove of elk and one of r roducta, those to Belgium of bread• est year, vivid dreams. Your dreams are sometimes forest p sized holding of land our own fat cattle market by the unequal according to the reports received at the "But you ars uantities herds of buffalo to be found in the United depleting our soil of manure, and damag g a cat, has fallen off daring .Geer mined will so realistic that you scream oat and wake stuffs, while the unusually large q States. Another fair nee-hn!S is that of the Espinella Cattle Company competition between our own imperfect y and the actual valve of the sir g p• " but I dont get out of bed of -supplies sant to Newfoundland in cones- andfew months' breeding in drop below $90,000,000, the ®malleat figure mmie' Yes, I know, pence of the disastrous f re at St. M °the This contains over 1,500,000 acres, and fwhiehe attar sand the Canadian slot era, You on the sees• cl arts of Dickens, P for many years. and go downstairs and find y et you takes in P • . Scotch and English byres,eCan out n rime in 1892, contributed materially _,�_______� ode with Great It Can take Outen n't kik oveo Choirs increase in exports to that island. rhe Emma counties. If the land were in the dOHI1SON SLEOTROOUTED• upstairs, and y increases in our export trade products form of a square itwould, ttderdere s� ma etr, tWndition. He urged the Canadian armor yell out that you can flick the whole increases ritt.in an to $1,367,314 in pr miles each way. The DZ FEED HIS CATTLE, foots Mr. rains oats, pada police force. It is no use M deny of the forest, and of $2,998h3i 969 in animals s but still includes rather more than .v:- - k . adapt systematic for Killing a Ihan• B®wssr• you say it was ®niy Half -past Mau - and their products, 000 acres. These are both. owned I I "I s-yh1 'use his hay and coarse g , The West Indian lyesro Pays the Penni ty an dicatea, with headquarters n Lont a `7Z r : ariey, etc., at boretnrn as its just due A Si. When ng Sing, N.Y. special says :-Mat- 10 o'clock." decreases of $435,534 end $659,734 is .pro• ii y; : .. I'll stake my life on it 1" ducts of the mine and fisheries respectively. they are only two selected hat M9 MVV,,oir t ' e�manure)do of fto the soil which lenantwe hope thew John sson, Sake horns nif nNewr York . a6 �d yet I looked at your watch and it The rest total increase amounted $3+ of a large numbs=• y this is done, and not til murdered 1892, died in the had stopped at 9:40• " . 551. In.consequence of reduced shipments bearing on state politics. If ft were no4tfor city, on December 9+ When products, p niCslh the railroad Commissioners, the ani€� - :to see the Canadian farmer receive on fall of fish and agricultural 'p benefits of his labor. He dwelt on the electric chair at 11.35 a.m. to dap. Tared at hes ®tables, the exports to the - Span ext book bill and the alis not ° Bial advantages which Canada offered he was strapped in the chair he said, "I THE UNPARDONAB&� a d glared pally P 000, while a g he healthiestHis only friend, the Rev. Mr. Bowser simply West Indies declined over $300, uestion, Taaaspolitics won 8 " stock•raisin -being say good-bye. „ with op " she quietly con- e diminished demand- from Holl Holland fin shucks. - ntrY Daniel Weischer, replied `°Good-bye•" Then 1 m not complaining, for a y ,yam es, tubercnlo`sis excepted, exist here. the doomed man said, "God be with me. ,+ lareadstuffa accounts for the sod Wards of The largest of these lledithe Capitol°sand• g in the world for atoca-no bovinetinned. It isn't such a dreadful thing the exports to that country by p belongs to what ®the old capitol at ,Bopp:pneumonia, foot and mouth diseases A few seconds later he was dead. When husbandto go the club and come home swiz- Cate. A few Years ag st do act exist; -and the faithful dohnsor had been placed in the eglectrical tied and go to bed with his clothes an. .I $210,000• or-11undsrT� uarantine laws is a ave a signal and C09rPASATIVE STATEMENT. Austin was burned down, an nfic®ret sca e F ' tration of our q chair Warden Durebln g expect that nine out of ten do it, Only Aftnever w.ili exist. ed they shouldn't get un next horning and lay Gable shows thecondition of ed to buried another n dictate agreed to ut it up, '' a that they Electrician DT he form in the chair jump current of ou know. " The following An English Y has Ybe at the straps as he it ,til on their wives, y *ur trade in 1893 and 1892witht.heprinc1 principal and in payment therefo ands.y Does the `_ "and con umeruit nmoreimmediate upwards, straining There was silence for the nest two min - ®entries with which Canada does buain 3,000,OQ0 acres of public �0+�0 acres df pr much can be done by co opera- current passe therocurrent was tr duces to Then Mr. 1893 , , utas There ao thick that it could have 1893. reader realize how big 3 ti R � themselves. three seconds been sliced off like Cold ham. -seat Britain• • • •.• • • $107,391,070 $t06,551;618 land is? Imagine a slice of land 400 volts. It was kept at that fThe doctors Bowser arose and said: Jnited Sts tea • • • • • • 108,984,978 102,957,064 WIDE MAi�3TOBA AND STOCK G80wING. - e of Missouri and then shot off entirely. ►e 6,Woman, you have reached the llmit- 4 515.45} 6,314,080 q,wFZITY•FOIIR MILES Cattle geowing 1a rapidly developing in expressed the opini°n that the man Germany , • • • • •_ 4,258,228 across the S`at =eater erten• P SpauishWeat Indies 3,676,627 ,'border. Stich a strip would. ,Manit.vjaa'nd is capable of g 'killed -by the first shock. the deadline! For the aakia o x Cw�uid 11 Newfoundland- , - 3,246 913 2,675,770 and extending 3,111.142 2,846.941 at, its northern bo have borne much. Hoeing y sensible France. , . la • toiision. With a soil so rich and rBe grain put rep and exercI) ! � British West Indies 3,109,233 288$,687 include the whole northern tier Af counties, rowin hay,_ I haus put up and p o sessions d would be larger than several he egten so favorable for g g SNEEZED IN AER FI�aE• in time settle down into a loving. ritisth P s o �34,5g4 1,949,945 an where hundreds of - wife, inPaeiSc ocean., astute. Few and othercattle fnods,- 1 53}•86} 1,947,097 the uiiiu. -This would be t thousands of bushels of damaged grain are „ er will see me in iiia ed the patience of a saint: .This 8D'da�it. Japan °°''"' 1,279:403 1,385.013 of the capitol syndicate's P each a slanders. Your lawy Bowser , a he China,.., • • • • 1244 444,474 have an idea that there is d annually available for fattening stock, I dHorae Died, and Mrs. Deresto y Died o I suppose!" queried Mrs• t , Dutch_East ladies.• 1 X0.745 572.501 people ha y le pasture in one body an know of no Country where mixed farming P Boas dray - Belgium. • • • • • 2.276 832,206 'thing as a sing P er than some states profitably followe3 as A San .Francisco special sa s: -Mrs. lar can be so safely and p , - p lenders. Foos __r� 1vi11, he will! He wail be instruct•. jYY� gojland. • 6&25 705 , 650,284 within one fence, g the fact. More So pro hetic eye to Sophie. Beresford, wife of a roan atartAeed to leave the T°aYII• as amicably as British Guiana. • • •• 571.325 728,613 et such is in Manitoba. Its p great, fertile ma�u, died last night' of g g ed to arrange everythm8 entTma" """" 348,479 502.9}L in the union, -yet a foreign 'syndi- at g o the woman's husband unwittin 31 4x7,443 than that, it is owned by foresee the ttsiw�h-ick1Y.-peopled, by weeks ag - ' Brazil•••••••••• •. Y rehased a diseasedhorseforthe family possible!' i Italy • • • • • - •'4 este. It takes in half of Deaf Smith initis country wIn mixed farm- 1 gu s later, while Mrs. At the breakfast table next morning fevr day oil ,and as he fin- �- i On the basis of goods imported and ea- County and parte ' of several others.: prosperous fartnr 9 g Bowser was unusual! elled�ont the family tion and of . Voda export- For y g an a tltade for to drove. A_ oun ,rneO P Beresford was standing near the horse's fished the meal he p tiered far consumption g. other large pasture is that of the X. I• ing: mita the aminal sneezed in her face. Soon ed being the produce of Canada, the fol Cattle Company. It begins with the Colo- . a, ricultural p head, She pocketbook and said: , ' the summary statement .of of the foshead. Mgrs. Bowser, you ve l eon cut rather lowing _ rsd6line and extends several counties g afterward she was stricken with chills and and - trade : to +- hail thea' wog breedin8 pains and swellin ad that she was removed short for the last two wthisr twenty to sthree ort of '1. Canadian this way. The Fort WOTth' and Denver NO MOSE PROmigIrlG.-i►DNG E%IST' € - Per Cent- Railroad runs through it. Some idea of i anyw.,ere t finall became so b vred feeding all b y hos ital, and there the true aahole y°u'd bu n r Gf !1 get tickets for the the�'tra `4i.fi9 snnu. Y Y to the P 0MOLFAitain............................. ,42.05 size rimy be gathered from the fact that tie a on a }ergs y` illanito a. .....,� ,,,,train enters on the A very large amount- is -- . even y on d better YOU - �- Ung S t """ ' i. talar ni ht ex rd of the disease was discovered -thew to -night and to-meale-and see ghat y �-- .. , ....... . -:::•� re„ g P t 11:05, and after ce• • • • - 198 astute a Manitoba and theht°oui•ov�n country u ei portion of the woman's faua�n fi aAd down to the cloak pout n_ :. _ .... south side of the, p d t ui QeE?nn9 ea..::<....,.... 1.4J leaves it at 3:20, next pock which can be P en awn y landere, . The h - Turausag continuoas running, _ • this 2nUsticy, s�ht�cl is the pp b g exposed, and their< can fin o s 't you' +atT3 rniue �....... ....::.. 1.3k astute whioh it takes an by develop g" _ - I.61 iris• A P to ram " undeveTeed industry in; chitdreaiave all beenelp watched. The tai ndies.. 1, .....r. morn _. uarter tom $ and will i MdBt Otherec _ ...... . f_ :_. .>.: •. ...,.:: 1.34 tees train four hours and a q me most promising fertile proviuCe . lie pFoteete condition is being 11. _ ewio;uad1Xad =- ,, ._ 0.90 asp , dared large in so that Brea o about �� N s �• r ,would be considered f the traders who sold it $0r899h088 ars IIivArB ei' British pec cross e . Oth - &,,,,w-,,,,,,., K 3.t14 strongly again thecerrp ., hearth authorities ki led the orae all ratition thatasaociatesthe' - - - . €sign councils . ointuiie>dt of lit:wheat cause the arrest o -.. _ ;, �thsr _ 1 I countries. . _ Manitoba, the disapp - - 'rube app old. it iia 100: sacral non aua�sa o€.aiaticnl to=Beresford at s price that was a ridicu o y e QQ and g c', A shoe with good Incke►mong very h-s esl;ati � � _f6 ... - ; rce'ata es- with. re- .- - growing wish," "he said, t6 catt uo slight low. - revail not only - pe , g _... , ib111t re: I w ba top it races ofEurops and- Asia. , Eo�paT' - fxs .ish her - A Hea4Y $eaI Y to rel !onsets of Mantto , ' -swath r a ricultu P n'rhere• esrnticn ..., . , Join on the . g ire a $atT $ee pe°pie, bat in a undecided -whither `tb . - mous t Te th th -,� .3� asrce?. _ : ..:: a�iva. Tae. spoken..: Wh., H8 ret uarians are material �rt1, s ;3i►r8g , „y_ , .., _ t .the truth - those city A with the 1.iian r7r >g►.: h :.T �� ritish finers have i _,« wonder what wa iIling; ;off ! r ? lin r and. B Boa i ori ' has to do made nor. with= L alta - tis a a 8t- 19 ow adi . ,T tb Sm u rs r oe Can_ M a h e. _ s r w e r o fe he he e Ste. - at t t Pe ar a main of h IItT - In �O� ' an P e� e e arae v the r I e iia e k e Y , th Z - cl r � th eat , - m 9 - h I o n is ate ra es d h this r m t w Q . ho on at-• , on p sir.. s - � 8._ h .w r t s w.� to " d e lk o n d � fo n ri r _ ' Il e Pe I ins 1S ba e u u in ere es ec on m M a t Qf 3€893. ikls���i be a.lang timed who have goneh , P Y vaccinate �. - 8`the aha e< So ac ualitiesO�+Q ..,,...- thy._ Y_a. iGi �, ou _men _ ..the are►avmg . _ - a._ hare.... ;,„_. _ >;;a :.::: trauiui necee 3E,;. _ ._ _ T ,o s boat thetim y. ,__ , . _ t = t .oa der . 9 . - .notthe_: - $ . < F _. ee. a iced that the 1 q • o y �. .>iticeie.. - heouTda.. 9 . _, ... d have_ _ n - . I gu . , anrm erive' ">= ,.:_,- tt _ _ _. - befojiFt F ...-.:_: Iu?►.,.. _Ur J&S_ _ e were d �. 3. _ . _ a: .. i _ >.: from.P8y th c =. and hard by a echo _ ___ �rt .,T . _ _ ,. thea v _ to combat e. d>gi ni _ d . e hors sa►. : < .. P , _. 'T9'a ou.dom -_._ them . , .: tedei�i _. _ o th la . dtnE _ :, _ -- o . _ Y Bat vahat do y,. enable cdOA , snore the hay . _ _ x - -:. .. E . e _ _ ._. _ ar # et_Qa want no ce to- was ea>� r the ::... .. nca t,8.: iO- a wont _ mblan .. - coon,, t cali�ius . E a... etheo rase _to . . .. .. _- _- r Sit. Ala ... _^ , _ _ a ole ss g . tied # . Iw _ _ _: m ub r - _. :> .► s_ . - }'at onset g g t bre ants b - tiea:o•.pl. hes. !, of saints, , - ,, g= a - - ap. d - ,:- _ d: _ -- ,. , .__ f• this : who -04 . in ._ _ _ ole _ o a� m,,,. _ _ . . _ - nasi he rso5lv;_ ��. <. V �. _. C :_ 3t ole �, _ _ - ed -� - _, . IAAR �, � � , - i ere a. R �_,... wh ti ' . _ imp n t _ - _ _ r ad$ i hi tee z r. odds..... Y tela �_ Olt 'inl y:r ,. y.:.. 'ef rte _ ,; ? , pi a chi ce Y . , � O,.. I_ _ . x_ ,. ,A ft e' ion _ � . , ��., n _ Y. � �, > >` � ,,{ I►>�t , :5.� are '''{;h ttit .� .. •. .-� : �., . , .. :..... "..; .. .._ r . - _: - _ S� dr -01 , � y. >ts, _ supe n N :. ,_ lYi$i''4 to 8: „_a,_ ., •�--rs-.r �.t+..x?�.-4 _. - • :..., - t if. -:. ..A¢i� 3y, Y' --^`.x ,the -..,.- . .-. .. _ - .f, ,- _ , , . :_.-. .;». _ . ,., .. .. ...,_ „i, _ ,,z:t_ '. . ray z _ •v. " -_.: „�. : ..stir., r . _,.- " - _-`. •-- - . e. a = - �. - - - i.- .�,>..�- , -.,<. •-v- -- .. - . - Sri .;.-•s-: •-.,.. - -?, _ ;,. _ tY..-,'3"n; s� , tib __ #a€a a .-..-. _ - v... -.r _.--moi.?-,tn..s 5� s, J. .-� I _ _:. a - - - • _ - -,. pYl* rF'� - Y 'b' _ �_-, `�--...,,-_.c_- .. --.,-2 _.r. -# _..,-�-.-Y".�'^ w per.... - :✓ `:_:•:'�.` - _ 5- �,t�,:..:c :_._.. ,.` -, ter-. ;. s_. 'L.. ni .s k. 1--. _ .$ �_� +tee .,� AA^. _`,. -� - _ .`;ft= - :. e ". • + .- - _ -_ _ t . a ..._,r.. -+,..M to -.,: .,:`Yr=y`E _ M: �p��r .,. . .... � Y . _. .. -..-. ... . iZ'. ..:_- , - -. 4£. .. _ ,. _ _ -....i �.,.... _, i ' ' - _ :,'mac'_. I _ ,_ x .>, , ry� ,.. F �.. .._ .. �. ,. _ . �v. _.. , ... .. . t .. ter.._ ..� - _ � , s 4.. �-- s �s - . e - •'z Vis.. - .> _....a - r` .. ... _.. _ .;,,. - , _. _ `F � r. :. . _ €� > ' . .n _. . _.. n. ,. _ , .. ,,. � ... , k. . �. - . s -r -max _ r' _ - �,..E - .>.. .. . _ .. �.�� :. _- -.�. ..;.,.- - -. .. �,... ... .-. est- ... � E..-..�`�" " - €+..... _,. - :z- ��:.s �� - a , I. - he deceased h: Tome, and he domestic quar� however, and h� e would have ri ^ept for the wort that his life, al worth living because of the was subjected to, would be hard to bear when he had o coming execution. Officially "Jones" had not matter as one of so much seri that his life depended up .told Capt. Burrowes, the �: jail, that he would not be - Carlton, where he was know, ecution, and he even went s Plore Capt. Buri owes to inte ing him a sam of mon . enable him to clear out of th AFTER THE EKECL Dn one occasion he said th even had joined with his nei _ -`,- him, and were continually F I in his room, "If you hang will suffer." But he never sieved of his duty, and who ed to him that by a than might leave his persecutors gin afresh in a locality wh was unknown, and where it secret, he seemed to s€e h and to become resigned to hangmen are usually a ch pended upon, and partly 'though mainly to prevent ad a bungle at the last mina zrs are kept within the jail prior to the date fixed fo According to that custom told to go into residence on ing. He appeared at the j and his manner was pecul Atfirst he lookedmore than . • but that mood passed qui came cheerful. When lea go into his quarters he smil that he had not brought h him, but had arranged the sent on later in the day. B meant his false beard and o of an execution. A little clerk, Mr. Mossmore, sent summon him to the office. found the door of the ro •` Jones" locked on the ins to get any answer to rope turned to Yr. Mossmore a __ fact, Mr: Mossmore and made a forcible entry to the the man lying dead on th bath. His throat was gashed h� water channel from the ba, blood. Around were evid' liberation of the deed. "J� off his coat and hung it up'' and then, having probab whiskey from a flask whit - put the flask down in one The bath tap was set runs • his head over it "Jones" I his throat on both sides q _ . from exhaustion consequei f blood he fell upon the floc -1 Lake Gately, his prat Q_ `-_ office of hangman, "Jones' record. He was a natio 7 � England, and, under h' _� William Perrins, arrived i the ship Golden Era in I& i FJL.Ow ED TH E 0-�1 of a laborer in various pal and contrived to keep out the police until 1872, wl language and assault, he I three months' imprison when in Dunolly, he '`.i three months' imprison 4 and in the same year at P1 was arrested on the seri n` ceiving stolen property. . established and a senten was imposed. From th criminal records are site and it may be concluded, s- returned to honest labor. sago he was appointed pu • ,; fiagellator, and during h• z has summarily closed t criminals. His first exec a the infamous William Ba rt • -VolFollowing him in orde O'Brien, 1885; Frank Mo f Syme, 1888 ;William Ha ip Castine Castilli, 1889; i 1889'; -John Thomas Ph Wilson, 3891 ; Cornelia Al James Johnson, 1891 ; F _ William Colston, 1891; /alias Deeming, 189'2 ; a 893 it is bbvfinii cipaed t 4, ,Tones" will cause any the Sheriff. If the ass Y- present in Sydney and h 4 at the instance of Jone undertake the duty, the =' man who can be relied O perience has shown that 4, arises even so disagreeab of hangman and Hage scores of anxious applica y i� rabbit was recently - "son City which had the F _ � of a rabbit, but was aPP ``isfaiuof a Maltese cat. i' � S " , ` Y _ Jillson says he has no r - • discreet man goes to t ' ^ generally pats up and s � stI fear," staid the ps -- �� ,It found itself fastene . _ "that Pm not sticking ,4 � Ye weary poet now si , . l And gri>ids Ont so I.tg For well he knows f=> . Be Matin for the " ", g �, 24 - 9 Iow- i m a little kir AI. -_-t - � "ve .. 11 ifs to - d ni ' . y _ ts. 6 . t fire same. t - ° �'< _ mat 1t. { P = ..F . _ � _,_.e , I