HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Gazette, 1894-03-29, Page 7etc , 0 N .n us einar ts ; I,$ e and .0 Us 01 tin-12c's-9 . etc. im 4� A ()arriek, is the Titmuik Pete* S. - S&neider, Con.. rick's share. If Mr. Scott wishes ex. MfLDMAY village, this Vaelsmg, G. Schleger, Win. Krohn planations Would it nOt.be wiser and bet. Peter Zimmer, Peter go to the proper Place ter Dippeli Conrad ter if he planing Mills. ob Palm split Sachs,,,Hy Redber, Con. Eicit, Herman for them instead of -making a show of at the Com. Wilfang, Fred Wilton, Win. polfus, his ignorance in your valuable paper? Fumiture Warerooms Rober t Wills, Geo. A. L3bsingei, John furs and fifty- The law expressly Provides that all o__o__q>__o Witter, Hartman Pies, "' 0 hn Palfus, township books and papers' shall be v Geo. Klopfeld, Chris, Ha-aker, Chris open for inspection at all seasonable or experience C li alIlT� ear Clifford Ze8ler, Jos. Pechman, Arr.old Montag, hours and surely if age seasonable, & NAr The old Jos. Hundt, ,ono. Hessman- Jos. Hesch, will ever teach 'a man common prud. Manufaeturers of and Dealers in an advanced age and Jno. Kunkel, Peter Hesch jr, Con. Ben. ence they should have taught Mr. Scott Sash, Doors, Lumber M was Rn, especially among the ingei.- the necessity of properly informing and all kinds of Un sys o every -mouth elder pfirtion of the community. Her POUNDEBEPERS. JEtX%t3LCUX-XAW MA�Lt:4erqea, y School at 1:30 pm. before he- begins to rebuke and Planing and Sawing done to order. CAsH paid, ervices, 10= am. and I P.m funeral was largely attended. Henry Montag, Geo. Broder. John abuse others. I have not given ray I . for all kinds of saw Ions. Schoolth 2:190p.m. G. Carlo, Superin- An epidernio of cerebro spinal fever Hlandt, John Lintz, Frederick Weigel, personal Opinion on the amount of the CON1'RAdTS for Buildings eeting, Thursday 8 p.m. Rev. . taken. Plans, r• is quite prevalent in this vicinity at. Jos. Emel, Peter Hackney, John Zet- election expenses or the balance on Specifteations, and estimates furnished on SOCIETIES. Present. A number of grown persons, tel and Peter Kapplication. uhry. hand &nd do not wish to be understood 0-0 • Beach A large and well assorted stock of No. 70 --meets, in their hall on the and quite a number of children have FENCEVMWERS. as endorsing or conde`mniug the council of the and fourth Thera- in each month. been attacked, and the illness has takenin its action on these items. Unless T W11LE1, Insoene. A. QismEn, pres., a. serious form, especially amongst the Nicholas Mueller, Peter Kreitz, Thos. Mr. Scott can produce proper authority URNITURE 0. F.—Court Mildmay, No. 186, meets in their Inglis, James Thomson, Jabez Wood hall the second and last Thursdays in each little ones. Jos. L. Schwartz, Jacob L. Schneider' 'for his contentions: my opinion is be PW�4or Suit es. consisting of month. Visitors always welcome, A largely signed petition was res- should be quiet. L Bedroom Suites, J. SCHwErrZER, C. R. and Daniel Klein. Is JOHN McGAAN,8 S ented to the council last Monday, ask- JAS. JOHNSTON. Haut CO.C.F. No. 166 --meets in the Forester's Hall ing that Church St. be opened up west- Dining room , the secoad and fourth Mondays in each month, at 8 p.m. ward to connect with the road which Reply to Mr. Scott. Mr. Scott to Reeve Liesemer. and Kitchen E. N. BuTcHART, Coum Furniture, F. C. JASPER. Rec. leads to the Neckerville corner. This Editor Gazette.—Mr. Scott'- in hisOffice Furniture • work would involve the expense of Editor Gazette,—With respect to Mr. of all kinds, building a bridge just below Schaejder's second, letter makes the same mistake Liesemer's remarks and questions in Easy chairs, etc. ete. THE MILDMAY GAZETTE; as he did in his first, He sets out pro- the GAZETTE I wish to make a brief. s Away Down. mill and the purchase of a short road. Price I RVJ 'ED TO THE INTERESTS OF EAST BRUCE AND way at the river Rats. fessing to criticize the auditors, -report, reply. I had no- reason (according t worth your while to give us & call. FAST RUBON. We understand when in fact he deals nearly altogether the present me 0 M de of appointing officers) G. & Schwalm. Terms per year in advance; Mr. Schneider is willing to allow the with the statement on the back of the to be - disappointed because I was not Otherwise $1.25. present road to the mill to be made a 'tax receipts and with a conversation appointed an auditor, seeing I was not A-T)VIERTISING RATES. public street as far. as it reaches, if the One 91% Three which he says he had with me in refer- such a4actor towards his election. But Year. months. months. council see fit. To open a' straight road so ence to the debenture account after the if I had been appointed I would have One C0l. . ...... -$50 VW $18 cross and build a bridge would cost from - Yous es f or Sa I et Half column ... ...... ......... 30 18 10 audit was completed. In regard to the done my duty, as I told Mr. Liesemer Q -all" column..........., olum . .. .. ..... 18 10 6 $600 to $1600 statement on the tax Eighth - 6 * 4 receipt, Mr. before he made the appointment' point- Afarm of 43 acres, with a good frame barn,, Leval -lu 10 t Well watered, on Gravel Road. Terms easy. line -ou r to for and 4c. per A meeting of the 00cers, and D irec- Scott knows, or ought to know, that ing out many Things which I would A single dwelling on Simpson St., frame. " each subsequent i rti Local business notices 5c, per line eaea inser- tOrs of the Mildmay Athletic Association the auditors had nothing to do -with it have taken notice of and would have tion. Good, comfortable, well finished frame house., on Absalom St. Contract advertising payable quarterly. was held on Monday evening last, at and were in no way responsible for it. striven to have remedied. Good stables on the lots. J, W. EMEEN, which committees were formed to Whether that statement is correct or Again, he aeks.: "What had our late Will be said cheap. select a ground for the Queens Birthday net it does not affect the township Reeve_ to do'with reducing election ex- Apply to Grand Trunk Time Table. demonstration, to canvas,3 tho village audit. But Mr. Scott should be candid penses answer, Mr. Moyer, togeth. AS. JOHNSTON. for subscriptions, and other work. The enough to own that he was mistaken in or with myrelf, used our utmost exer- Tra1u , s leave Mildmay station is fol- Secretary is already negotiating with his addition of thd common school as- (tions at and before our third last elec. lows: first-class base bail, foot ball, and -Ia- sessment, and very rash and imprudent tion to have- those expenses reduced. N E W GOING SOU`M. GOING NOBTH Express ... ... 7.15 a. In. Wmed ............ 10.55 a. m ross clabs, in order that there. shall 'be to parade his mistake in print in the Re a 41?6il ...... ...... 11.55 mail ............... 2.5 p m M - -�-,oyer wrote to the eve of Brant Xixi)d.. &20Pm Express.........9.35 V:m one of the best Roral-day programs shape of an insinuation that the audit a -found their expenses much lower, ever presented in this part of the prov- was incorrect because he distorted and.found the and ePdeavored to get ours out down -as X ­ Itch vared in 80 minutes by Wool- ince. A Directors 'Meeting is called fiNires in a question -of simple addition -low. And di' ford's Sanitary Lotion. Sold at Mild- far Friday evening at 8 o'clock in Mr.' on the tax receipt. - As to the a'Ile d not 1,. at our third last In Mildmay. may Drug Stom ged' nomination, speak (till I was called to W. H. Ruck's office, and on Monday conversation with me about the deben- . . ' ng Now is the time to get your Harness •time by the chairman) against what I .Having ]eased the Goetz blacksmith evening a generrl meeting of the Asso bare account after the audit was com- considered gross and flagrant charges shop in Mildmay for a term of years aad Collars for spring work. All col- ciation Will be held in the towff-hall'at pleted, Mr. , Scott . must be mistaken which were made from .9 year to year. lars warranted. L. A. Hinsperger. I y I am prepared to give perfect satisfac- the same hour. All members, and those again, as the auditors dealt fully with 11 tion to all who honor me with their cus- All Ot which had t their influence M*; -3 Pi-wers, of Clifford, is the guest wishing to join are requestedtoattend. that account when la tom. I have. had along experience and GLI, M:1,3i Sadie 11)0ey, of this, village. they mut, and the bridging about some reduction, "But," make a specialty of horse -shoeing. Wm. Valens, Esq., tho-Patron' dindi- report shows the amount to the credit consiuues 111r, Liesemer, "Great Scott,, - Repairing of iron and wood -work Mr. D. Traynor, Teach -3r, Walkerton, date in ELt Bruce .1cr the- L6cal Of the. debenture account. The audi- what have you done that you want done to order. Also new work done. is visiting friends in this village, at House, is, -holding meetings - in Carrick tors also made enquiry i . uLo the security credit for I answer, would these re. in 1 -1 A call solicited. present. this weeL- r - -On � Tuesday ev- . ening he covered by the mortgage, and from flae ductionsinsularies and expenses ever "Jaster &i. Huek, of Warkerton, is was in Miklmay, speaking .to a fair. evidence given to them, were satisfied -have been ma4e had npt I and others spending his Easter holidays wLL:h his sizeda 'udience, Mr. Moyer. occupying -that the investment was perfectly safe. agitated so .strongly I Crow not. G. E. MUTE the chair. , Mr. Valens is a fluent ythin- to the Therefore -I say honor to whom niche here. 1 nt If Air. Scott knows anything "give Miss Marie Parker, of Toronto, is the speaker, though not load -voiced or dra- contrary let him produce the evidencei honor is due." The 0 council certainly gaest of Mrs. W. H. Huck, is this vil- uratic. Taking the Tatrons' platform In my law, letter I stated that I did not did their pArt, bu' I did mine also, and I his position I Lge at present. as his t6xt.he expiainec in consider 'that. it 'was the duty of the mine was as honorary a part as theirs. JOS- KUNKELy n entertaining manner. - He confined auditurs to dictate, or even to suggest But, My- ci�t-ic continues,. Lt. Scott ;.Tisa M. Traynor, of South Line, who a - I -his remarks principaifl�4q Provincial. to the council what the salary Should was in the hiibit of butlier; - the coon- been the guest of her lister, .11,rs. 1 GE N E R A L iiolitics, though. -, he oc*asioually be for Deputy- returning officers, Poll oil till we h Salith, for the last inonth, has returned hal put a stop to it, etc. • liom-2. I launebei into D=*:niou ata*rs, dealing clerks and constables, or what remun- The facts are I attended the council outblows, 'ows heavy unusually eration should be given for the use of 0to teLldfr for the clerkship awl' BLACKSMITH I .- He is an unusua 11W 7diss Katie Pletch, of this village, left for Foomosa on Tuesday to take charge . intelligent gentleman and has an of - P0149 booths. And notwithstanding once to react a letler concerning. the Just north of the Commercial hotel, (ability of manner and an earnestness Mr. Scott's opinion to the contrary I inadequacy of the audit, and besides of the millinery department in F. x. which place I s him at t Tonce in. th6 cohfi- am of the same opinion still. Let Mr. these two times' I am not now aware Of ELOBA Si,, F Mossnbr's general store. dente of the public,. Although he cam Scott -give his authority, 's opinion o e. Jor h,; pening my mouth in the council chain - 'It in Bruce notic.ehe cat and theii it may have soire weight, but Bern, Mrs. Chas. Wendt is absent amongst us almost without '01AL attention given to Shoeing. A ESPF towDship visiting at the bedside of her a wide- swath of friends and votes as Ife with all his whdom, 'his opinion', no . kinds of iron -work done and relmiriLg dG4 Yours, etc. to order. "First-class Workmansbip,Low Price ed in ­her, who has .grown ver in- went, and does seam -to be at all matter. how cou5:lemly expressed, and Quick Work," is the motto at this shop. y A. SCOTT.. firm within the last, two month-. liscone-erted over the old 500 majority would hardly be acceptel a3 law in the Your Patronage Solicited. Thr,,,P- men, while on their way home which he will have to pall down in matter. -As.to the balance in the hand Rebe=l Wilkinson, of Brownsvalley JOS. KUNKEL. the other evening amused themselves order to win the constituency.. of the treasurer,, Mr. Scot„ opinion on 'Ind., says: ."l had been in a distressed by kicking of a,idoer to frighten the in- what it should be,is just of the same condition for three years from Nervous - mates. One of them lost a goodrubber!Save your Ammonia Soap 'wr4ppers: value as his opinion in regard to elec. Peas#., Weakness of the Stomach, DYSIA %lien you . have 2;Ammqpia orioPuritan him I show any,. pepsia and Indigestion nutil my health 8 U hoe at the doorstep,- which he can bion expen es. Let -1 bought one bottle of South was gone. Soap vv�iappers, send them to us Arj4 A'J& authority as to what ainount of money American have by applying personally at the Cent stamp for postage and -we will mail can Nervine, which done me more should be carried over as a, balance on good than any $50 worth of doctoring I laouse.—CON, free handsome pictarefor fra 'i' list Pictures.around eachm'Pg' band, then the auditors would be in. a ever. (lid in my life. I consider it the An effort is being made to induce the bar 1. r in Ammonia Soap has no equal—we recom position to take action, but a' -raildest medicine in the world. Sold council to parehase and open a road ex- s long as Harness, d it. Write our name plainly on is & matter of i At. Dr. Clap's Drug Store. V y individual opiniou,l think tending Ab*Om�. St -.east to Sideline 16 the outside of the wrapper and address L' barb Mr. Scott had b6ttergo directto4he ed. that this would W A. BRADSHAW & Co.,8 & 50 om Mildmay Market Report. and 1& it is, claim Q_ -hop Ont. Sold by aU 'generai coundl,"and,try and impress his shorten the distance fully a mile, for St., Toronto, �nerchafts and grocers. Give it a trial ions on it, and if successful - he will be Carefully' corrected eve week for larmers who come to Mildmay from the every able to congypatulate himself. !:notice the GAZETTE : - north -east Part of the township, Fall wheat per bu ........... $ 54 to $ 5 AxilcliTact3ro 10 List of Pathmasters. that the financial statement was in e 6 tk Mrs. Win. Carw4e, . who has been a n Npring ......... 54 to 56 is the list of pathwas t - day of the electors on nomination Oats ...... ............ .......... severe. sugem -fqr Along time past, The following 81 to 32 Full Stook of Harness Goods.o'f all' -1, day and as far I can remember the Peas ...... I ...... ......... ........ 53 to 541 - tubed to het- 41ness on for Saturday c3rs,.poundkeepers and- fencevieweps balance on hand was not discussed at Barley ............ .............. 87 to 4A e township 't Carrick, appointed at. F irst Class Leather. Icer. husband h wn 0 • Potatoes ... I .. ..... I .......... -Clas nship, C ie lest 01 Love, n a ,he council mee.,ing last M6nday. The moked meat per lb ... ..... 8 to 10 i')pportunRy to pass without calling all., Why* did Mr. Scott allbw that 32 to 48 First a M% Eggs per doz ...... ............ 10 to ce of the council prodeedi.;gs V.ill RIMY YMS, "elk es�& Wan attention to -what he is pleased to de . 8- -Bntter per lb.. ..... ........... to 17 frie her less bg publish -ed next week. X. TILIVIA ?Ado�,_Cirekof iid W mourn cribe in his letter as "fearful leakage Dressed pork ... ............. $5 00 to 2 53 CHAS. 8U A: -W PATHMASTERS. .M-�Ihe bereaved. Her, , I 1 12- nd loss to the township.," That would Zfi -a ism Opp. Post Office, zlueral occur MUY er!1001ft James Flemipgt jr, Peter Schumach- have been the prone= to G Escuss the �3 --T a. og- )r, Johw Zottel, Jos. Meyer, Jos.- WdIler, balance on h4nd and also old cemete foie oe Peter 4eotion expenses.- -7- has Zimmer, Lucas Zettel,' A In regard 0 the Howick- union school Z rN, jwlawyi, Adam DArling; jr, -Goo. ip -Batte, or, Anthony. Miller, teter enough d -0 oitmuss, -Audrew Martin, Jos. -Hempel, section I think- I made it clear I o, oni- V '89, 48, ar c �'ew A m* b- WIPL 'We in my previous` ter that N r. 11-thhL `Fos: SM d d' �Jet W S�h J6 11cott-pas mistaken, bii� ;Ie N not- satlis- m: sea"fv do. Ve�ei; Atk&eW V g.110,_be says' N cortainly needs ex - A. Murat, Dietricht., Psul,­�Jr�s- ;but. wit -not not keep to - the 71 -u ess 13 in I W J, - O� Philip - _d _5 _P0 tft Bit-, tt 7.�Lo f linow &he`*#1iiPlje 0 is present64, t Ilia MUCT S_ T1 id T#ike t I-pors -it to WWO vL&,WLX%,%_ to-expla4iand:A-11s" -�o - cV , t 114 er, Jag, k f te N.�g, trust Next H- G U ­ , , - - I-, I, �h L :�7- * , apt, �T 00 v.auck's 5�3 04 -1he PION 'cangeb youl-Horse _"r is the pla, t WEI.: )And d i�ey% d _Peat g ton Nib T, TMAW, _XROUUV. 1 00 'i fo& q !Ep 4_t 2