HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Gazette, 1894-03-29, Page 6•
.At,,n,..m t;.ng• of the CCanadian Fire
Wnderwrit Association, held in To-
sro-nto, lately, itwas laid down what
a standae:1 town is, It is premised that a
‘standard town must be free from abnor-
mal incendiarism, and must not show
an undue loss rate,' L Eurthermore, it
must have not more then 24 per cent
of frame buildings in its business queer -
ter, and must possess by-laws restrict-
ing wooden buildings, etc. The undwrit-
ers do not put any vain on the utility
of chemical engines ancthave withdrawn
the advantage . of classification pos-
sessed by towns . using them. Other
matters of importance were dealt with
by the association in regard to fire pro-
tection appliances, etc.
The report of the licenses for the Pro-
\vince shows that while their were 164
•liquor licenses in Huron in 1875, the
number was reduced to 102 in 1892. and
from 37 shop licences in 1875 the - num-
ber dropped to 5 .in 1892. The amount
received by the Ridings as their pro-
portion of the licence fee was, East
Huron, $926.19; South Huron, $245.02;
;Weet Huron, $2637.61.
The annual meeting of the Grind he
sociatson of Patrons of Industry, y
following resolution was passed; "That
whether a Patrol candidate has been
nominated or not, members of the order
shall not be permitted daring an election
contest to support the candidature of
any party candidate on a public plat-
form but then every member shall re.
gard it to be his duty on any platform
or elsewhere to defend the Patons'
platform and advocate the principles
of the order." It is very doubtful if the
patrons '{ he able to make all their
members conform to the above resolu-
Guelph is talking municipal insur-
ance, and at a recent meeting it was
stated that the cost of insuring the city
was about $75,000 per annum, "while
the average loss in ten years would not
amount to $5000 a year. From this
view of the matter it would be a splen -
;lid investment for the city ado its
to the Agee.' when I asked what
kind of ahplace the 'Moses' was they
said it was the new Crowsilands office
connected with theHonee of Parliament,
then they all laughed ,add tteld me
women had no right to bother their
heads about politics. fi
Will you tell me, Mrs. Bier, -haw it
is that the men connected with the
Creek bridge always are in the same
he meant Al, g a tri WAS ttn,
they keep a . brandqbf cigars,
" The Whirl." He invited'. the de
tion to each take a whir -. cigar
then walk round and see thO
2 guess it's all right, but these
deputations pick up a goal deal of Sian
in:the•city ='The best thing we can do
is - when the - next deputation -goes to
let the Ladies' Aid have a deputation
mind about going to interview the Gov- the same day. Then we can all go to
erment? The inspiration seems t' the' Muzee' and look at the elephant
strike them all at once and off they go together."
"My dear, I'm getting afraid tha RELIEF Ix six HOURS.—Distressing
this deputation business isn't doing our
husbands any good. Mrs. Craddack told
me her husband was dreaming the other
night after he came back from the city.
She heard him say quite plainly, `Boys,
have you all had supper ? Then let us
take a whirl and see the elephant.'
" Next morning when she eased him
it he told her that Mr. Walker of the
Walker house where they stayed. had
just come back from India and brought
back a white elephant which they kept
chained up in the Cyclorame and what
own insuring.
The habits of practical economy
forced on the people of this conuntry
-by the hard times will survive when
prosperity corns again. Many people
have learned to make a dollar go as far
they used\ to find two able to go, be -
,cause the dollar was the only one they
had, and it had to do. When they are
more fortunate, they have two dollars
where now they have one, it - is not
likely that they will continue to live on
the one, but a large part of the other
will be put by.
It is said that the post office officials
are kept busy lust now looking after
persons who attempt to prepay postage
with stamps previously used. Several
convictions have recentlj been obtained
throughout the province.
Rural Deputations.
_ .following rich description is from
the pen of "Tom Swalwell," in the To-
ronto Evening News:
Muskoka is noted for a good many
things. its deep snow, its lovely scenery
in summer, its big pnmkins, and its
pretty girls, but above all Muskoka
hr -oaks the record for sending down de-
putations to wait on .Sir Oliver Mowat.
= " I wonder when the men around this
town are going to get this bonus bridge
matter; settled," said Mrs. Clemency,
wife of the , deputy reeve of Berkeley's
Rapids, . to a lady friend the other day.
" Well, apon my word, I don't know,"
said , Mrs -Filer. -My husband has beens with one -deputation after another
to see the Goverment year in and"year
out and -from what 1 can,make out it's
s er'the. "c-aref�ui consideration- of.
De 'out ow,' said, the- deputy
to wife,:� the . Village.
Kidney and ,Bladder diseases relieved
in six hours by the Great South Ameri-
can Kidney Cure. You cannot afford
to ` pass this magic relief and cure.
Sold at Mildmay Drug Store.
In Mildmay, on the Reith inst., the wife of Mt.
H. Hessian of a son.
esmsnoIs—In Carrick on Saturdayy, March th,
Mary, wife of Wm. Carnegie, Esti., aged 72
KEEr eN.—In Mildmay, on i+Iatnrday,125th inst.,
the infant son of Mr. H. Keelan, aged one
G ream of Tartar,
Epsom Salts,
or such ar
Baking Soda,
Italian Castor Oil,
Come to the Drug Store if' you -
want to be certain of their purity.
• :Patent Medibines, Trussse, etc i
Complete Stock.
OF WI3r:_Ps.`I'.
This, you know, has never been as low for years.
The same ex-oression applies to-
We have given this Department our Special Attention this season and have secured
A first-class Milliner and a Stock second to none.
illinery buying is the most important in our efforts to please ladies who shop with us
because it requires our utmost good taste. Don't buy a .Guy of a hat before seeing
our Latest New York Novelties. We have spent our money on tastefur effects
THEY ARE FOR YOU ! at wheat prices.
No trouble to show goods.
verb artrnent
FuU dor the
We have just received Flannels, Linens, Cottons, Woolens, in the most extensive and
latest ranges.
Dress Goods
in the very - choicest' materials, , includin.g the newest patterns of
Prints, and. up to the choicest Silks and Velvets.
The finest Fi..nest Fedoras anct Christy. Stiff's,
== 'rents 'ur s ,
. ngs of all kinds, Neckwear, Shirts, Socks, etc.
Ott. roe ]Dtepeuvtriaerrt Is in the best possible shape with only the purest goods. We
have the latest goods. in Tea,, Sugars, Spices, eto.
Our Spring Display. -6 f MILLINERY this year surpasses every-
thing. All the newest Novelties.
�.. —a
) — fa do - he job 'am
:uz°t,e toundays of e
iuuday School at 1•.30 p.
IST.—Services 10:30 a.m.
ath School 2:30 p.m. G. C
Prayermeeting, Thursday
d, Pastor.
M.B.A.., No. 10—meets in the
• evening of the second and f
day in each month.
E.. WEILEu, Sec. A. GIs
.Court Mildmay, \O. 186,
hall the second and last Tbur
month, Visitors alwayr:elcon
Js. Scli�cz rl.
Jo& :lcG
OO.G.F. No. 166—meets in the F
the seco:Id and fourth Mon
,rnonth, at 8 p.m.
F. C. J.nspzB, I
L EAST Et1 O\.
Terms :—$1 per year in adv
One S
Year. nio
One coltmTfl s3
Half column 80
Quarter column...... 18
Eighth column 10
Legal notices, Sc. per line for ft
Line for each subse(lueut insertion
Local business notices 5c. per 1 -
Oontrset advertising payable q
Grand Trunk Time
Trains leave Mildmay s
GOING satria.
Express ...... 7.15 a, m. fixed..
Siaii............11.55 E ales
kiixed.. _.... 5.20p•m
Inch cured in 30 mina
ford's Sanitary Lotion.
array Drag Stare.
_Now is the time to get y
a:id Collars for spring wo
lars warranted. L. A. Hin
Mi;s P.l;sers, of Clifford,
of, Miss Sadie II yoey, of th
Mc. D. Tcaynor, T.eacllar,
is -visiting friends in thi
Master IA. muck, of W
spending his Easter ho':da
u!1cl, here.
Miss Marie Parker,- of To
guest of Mrs. W. II. Huck,
1 .r a at present.
Miss M. Tra,yuor, of Seut
has been the guest et 1:e‘
Salit11, for the last month,
Miss Katie Pletch, of this
for i oomosa on Tuesday to
of the mil`: eery departm
Messner's general store.
Mrs. Chas. Wendt is abe
tov: a sl tip visiting at the
e "ed vac her, who has . gr
firm within the last two mo
Three men, while on the
the other evening amuse
by kicking at a neer to fr
mates. One of them lost a
shoe at the doorstep, w
have by applying perso
An effort is being made
caution to purchase and op
tending Absalom St. east
and 16. It is claimed that
shorten the distance fall
"farmers who come to Mild
Wirth -east part of the tow
Mrs, Wm. Carnegie, wh
evere sufferer for a long
bed to her spines o
Along with
Carnegy has been
rick for many yeels
'de circle; of friends to `mo
d condole with the be
neral occurred on Mond
remains being laid to
rdcemetery in the prese
ring of friends and m
"early spring' is a
its. little -drawbacks.
Aastfaiiiiday was as warm
ows in the churches
o temperature ra
3a. ' Out in the co
land glistened in tri
. d heavy s
weeks ago were well
�• ..ply (Wednesd•
*riled in on sleighs
of getting that
end lett
men- wa,
Is -the Chief Topic now dis-
cussed by the Ladies.