HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Gazette, 1894-03-29, Page 5h•e Z K garden. .,rrang- a and an 'is of re- ge's pet. Darling there are ispeace- of the Pet -Dog I'd many sir dead Dis ins of the Canada is it may be 'usands of bout this I ave been �d by fur )ns, while on visited, g the past Ede a trip country, •itory 800 ire visited In of this ded, while aairie land, are, where sen estab- thabit the ations are sometimes srs of civil- lt where a away in from civil - of Atha- Rev. Dr• this year, about this !cable route 'little ham - R hundred ,-eat- settle - ;a includes issions and inns, with ae FederaI is; the In - treaty with hent gives toward the `he Indians 'learn. Dr. of red Fife nrld's Fair, . rch Mission mibilitea of The soil of is ex ceed- lto frost no ,- !rmillion they and a half went stream. enry Law- killed- la -44W ise�l by him - strain of dell in this 11 to manage uses there do ', and cattle such at they w halfbreeds So many - of - st they are ning of diocese are Creel - and: _-'i language ge tribaw &.Gover- .tri of 9004 I a-atrow ave been �= _* - X 1, `_ [L,:: `A • _ Y ��`,-_ -yam-: i�vC'U.' - - - ..'.... T - . _ _ { "• - -� 'L I ` �` mon can take harvests for twenty yearsI �.' .you cast pioW thzS soilIIae caustic - _ without fertilizlag. 8 llon'ts• - ysic. e _ �.a� Nat a stone, nor astamp - • his recov ry�1. immediately of the $ Fetif sit ,0 stands an obstacle in the wap Don't allow a cold wind to strike th® }d b With Plough. .. .y ,,XS itch The DOIll1IIlOil �Comparea The soil is rich --and the same immense a work with the light . f belly; they . IOIlS tog Fal'tIL riches is in the roods, in she mountains, in eyes. nt t to do ep and sores spread Other �: at A the waters, in the coal fields. But how is shining in the face. 1 its at root of tail; it with the climate? . d is not sn Enthasi T41 Forel nedr'g oPtnion of . a per- use white or ground glass' her win ��s,Fair L I travelled in Canada during w $ weeks of Don't have colored shades on the Iam� T_ to inydrnc lure of iodine m wash. with 1►tir. A. Ealinq,has Au and. September, a sores; A Swedish journalist, Dont go directly from a warm room a bt the iodine. but not hot. Daring a cold raw atmosphere. using been travelling a good deal ina�Aaerica days were manenttwarim,n abs a half open tent Don't open the eyes under water in bath - f iron three times a and is evidently greatly imp ing, saps tally in salt water. I the greatness of Canada audits resources many -nights I sleeps. i 05�rr' ow has h comate . In quaint language he makes The summe leasanr in t.. a People sfrohm Sweden Don't let any strong light like tbat from V. 3er.-Jersey c but p for nearly s year Past' comparison of Canada and other countries cold,electrics shine directly Int® the ®yes' 1- tognkopinq Ostgoten, from said they did not feel the cold more than at sewing n and raw. I }mve need in his paper, following is taken:— home,even though the thermometer showed �' I , B. — which the f g Can- some more degrees. The reason is the dry= orDny likeaoccupation, with a reading,es by mprrfect ��"wn healing remedies. J -our- nese of the air. light. tied you will stud it nits difficult and tedious I have travelled for two months in and UnDon't bathe inflamed eyes with cold water; - q on describe. Apply Paul nes I have fouiter timCeSa Kon uneven the iveW KED HER FUNERAL SERMON na Bt simply to heal such Sores as y teat seas and the ou cannot easily break up the soil one ounce acetate of lead, one III 1 ave World between the g P$EAQ that which is as warm as it can be borne is nongh so the plant roots can get hold phate zinc, water one quart. Apply in such IDntthe Minister �Fiii SS1aeTtiY officiate at better. ®sits a window, res until they elled from north to south over big parts of Don't. sleep opposite ow put drains enough in each land times a day. r not pick tsff the until t ey pacific ocean. Several times 1 hundreds of a More Interesting ceremony• manner that a strong light will Strike the he water will not stand on the surface allow them to remain on a A11,ericas I have been tea g A curious scene. says the London Daily so ny length of time after heavy rains or fall off. gelding pamphlets about several states, and I have Telegraph, Don't above all have children sleep has long been comparing their statements with ac• h, was witnessed on Friday after- eyes nn awakening. their sudden thaws, and then note the difference Worms—Callus.—Fo ala efl9ahld g g P P !sins who had ann shall shine in g noon outside Paddin ton Station. Are in the way the soil works and how nicely it eats well but does not g and his tual circumstances. I have one. over p g has worms, b' as empires in Europe; ectabl dressed young woman, y faces to a our a them. pulverizes. This is not a new observation. hair and looks rough ; year old and through woods, big arrived at the terminus from the country, et another pair of ayes vat below the knee, over mountains with eternal snowI have. and was proceeding in the direction of Edgeware Don't expect to g Yet thousands of farmers keep on trying to feet seem tender. Also a three also res ectably- when these have been destroyed by neglect raise good crops among hard iuln{»g_and that cut her hind leg j Road when a young luau+ pale, and sof cls and it fail. Drains on a barbed wire ; healed nicely but etwo been -i-inl inhabited delandall like he �paads e chunk y' and scar. J or ill-use; but give them fair treatmentG, ood dressed, met her, turned deadly p to the end.— age, in a measure, will make up for tillage, !Arse Lump exclaimed— Oh, Helen, g They will serve faithfully one dram santonine, heard the discussions ofath the Prime Min- re dead," and would probably have ahad Housekeeping- have and tillage s a measure for manure: I drama powdered suainpdhaoe of iron,two drains and in uninhabited like the desert. we condition have F therefore place drainage first, tillage next, ground gentian, in feed. Blister calling one place and talked t to the ground in a fainting and manure third in importance. three times a day Political parties, to young woman and sympathetic way- rm here consists of just such with caustic balsam once a week- to er leaders heir state. I have tatkIn not they g whoa® Part of the fa ear•old hest authorities. facers who witnessed the unusual occurrence Cyelim� fCr ®men• land without sufficient drainage. For years Kicked on Hock Joint,—Five'y many of the big Sir Benjamin Ward Richardson, mare got kicked on hock that is a assisted him Where restoratives were ob- 'N chestnut, t, the United States there is more than meat house, clip it has been a mass of clods and lumps, and 'November last, 000 of _.acres of fro land, opinion on the subject iP entitled in cycling t, resisted all efforts to get it into the desired one calk of shoe striking joint ; on 500,000v most the most of it is like a desert. holds that women °an and umor'e er, that of fineness by plowing and working in wart substance on leg near the j The truth ; Idaho and tamed. holds had r somebtimeab been a P we- stateSo it i' with Dakota, Montana, pIIe. The g eon the outskirts just as safely as men,I to use spring. Last fall I had it plowed in very _inside of leg both calks cut the skin este g shop assistant at a villas the exercise is of [great and sure' cult va- narrow beds, thus providing a thorough M. F.— the eastern part of Washin ton, and many men. it secures a q good and P wounds soon healed. Her hock is q of South London, and had there'hecome en- tion of the senses ; it supplies a g system of surface drainage. Part of these ,swollen. She trots very lame. H. states south from there are of the samees a fine gaged to the youn5 arents iu the country narrow beds were put in rye. The ground Hock lameness is invariably serious if esus- character. You can travel in grass i day and returned to her pan• She left her Ce salutary muscular exercise ; it catusea the lungs has ed by a kick. Apply equal parte tincture without seeing a house. The cannot find d fSomehow or other a eSp$nsion of breathing ; was then. in beat order, and made as fine and dr , seeing many p ileait quickens the cireula- and smooth as a garden plot. The rye iodine and caustic, balsam threeP times a an grass at all, only nes P for a holiday.EPORT WAS SPREAD to inhale pure air ; p • else ,angular p e a made a good growth, and no water now re' week, to be well rubbed into the arts that of any and sane!. Not even close to the " • It now village that the girl had suddenly whole ®ndiebchans � scene, the which Ind tis a inostt mains on the surface at any time are swollen. streams can you find any growth• in the villas depression incident eared g Chronic Catarrh.—Shropshire ram affect- died from influenza, and the news app For ail ordinary looks as if there would be a'heavp crop ®f ., Taking a train going north we tains to to sedentary monotony e this year. ed with chronic Of ; shad alsocoughs 9 so circumstantial and detailed that it obs admirable tonic tc, the eP has good app sacral credence. The lover was Dr, Richardson considers But I have not yet answered the question, some ; appetite and Canada. It is NAaIH tained g grief to the inoses of cycling erferable. Ladies mount A B-SAUTiFVL arts of the disconsolate, mentioned his g ghat bicycles are p "How much manure should be applied year good condition ; i® our rani onerteagpoon- and a beautiful land. The bad p r ear, on Such soils after they are once gats. B.A.Give y nand one the United Staten are.brown; Can• pastor of the Methodist chapel where he they cause . and dismount them with more ease and efts y , west in and his sweetheart had worshipped, and the moreover, thoroughly drained?" Students of agrienl- fol powdered sulphate of ire art we see of this reached a funeral grace than men, and, ads is green. Thelfirst evel as a floor, infinite minister next Sunday p leas vibration than the tr con the bicycle lural chemistry will easily figure out good tablespoonful steely licorice, side of nose bogie land is a meadow, the dress is batter arranged g dress sermon, drawing suitable lessons crops in the ordinary five-year. rotation— times a day. ApP p as the ocean, and wearing a billowing unexpected decease of their young clover, corn, potatoes, oats, wheat—will 1adram menthol dissolved in two Ounces es 0- eared, actually than on the tricycle t there is lase risk of alboline, and apply twice a day, of grass and flowers. }h The young man was, it app the folds of he dress being caught in the remove almost the enact amount o p After this we pass other then. m1s not as high girl with the view of foods that o found x hitt loads of good rub in g on his wap to Paddington Station, en route wheels, an leas resistance from to d day's ing out nostrils with warm 'water, Be ter-., ows, avd if the g is much batter to the home of "the g Twenty five miles is a thoroughly g average mixed barnyard manure, and that tain that he does not suffer from and green, the land anyway when he .met her in the lished female rider therefore ix annual application of Six (two- the head. ride for even an accomp good for flesh, alive and looking very well. She de' on a moderately good road. Its revs,_ horse) loads per acre will make up for the --- than hs deserts in the neighboring repub• visiting t e g ; to dismount Ices' Paaltry Pointers• lie. rair- of an ens y good for lose. 11 I Soil and Subsoil,as belas depended upon These mammoth meadows are the g elated that she had written to hien once, sionail and walk and it is always g through clover, -can well d are worth money. ins, The real prairies you will find in and was astonished not to have g women, as it is for men, are climbing long furnish a material addition,and thelan , Feed for eggs, eggs eke the albs, treaded by wer. He on his aide averred that lob le p , of movement to and manuring, renounced under this system of cropping o Feed any kind of feed that will in Canada. Innumerable P ,and ver asked to and n a p thatthe Methc.digt minister who and steep hills. Sets of The change ant'° Play, tion. t the buffalo, extend over those plains. sive never reached him. It is very p them to do so when e should increase in fertility from year°Oo hens lay. — ra.. and green her funeral oration will soon year. In short, I believe that with g y saves strain on the muscles of reaps often cultivable ; but more beautiful and drainage and g officiate at sats!! moreinteresting ceremor, , In training, and ever afterward, ood tillage our average Give the fowls extra care during -the more suitable-for cultivation are the small •iris should be taught- to Kit erect on the i will gain rather than lose in molting seasons. ns too fat i£ fert a separated from each other 'by in whichnhs will be one of two principal g le and always to. have the dress heavier sole g . Do not keep the ha meadow , p particip seat or $add , productiveness when the annual application eods eggs are desired. streams and groves. These small tai answers the lowest estimate of five loads keep it bigger art of Canada than -3 erfectly free around the aist and nd th® P occupy an even big$ P EPIC �MEN� U1c THE SEA, P per a,re. Lighter so usually have Don't overcrowd the hen -house, -- The ankles ought also to allow th res, the great prairies, short to the advantage of perfect natural drainage, clean and well ventilated. you can But a the reader shall be able to under - plant -food appliedthe hen business ao y about Canada, he firat must Some Things Which a i4atior Dreads t° ase menti of he feet to be suf untrammeled. a move' seem to give up thePmore Systematize stand anything teat Canada is. While on a voyage. _____. more easily ; in ober words, be li ave the hemma' the best care with the least know how g A sailor always regards the presence of a wasteful with them, and the annual app expenditure of labor and money. If we have Canada on this side, how sow to Cure a Black .Eye cations may have to be larger. Crude petroleum is better than kerosene, shark about a ship as a most fatal omen to ave comae cheaper, and if often applied to you do we need We fir t take other own country, the sick on board. The highest exultation The Medical Times some time agor There is with ever witnessed on a man of -war, was occas this antedote for a blacke with sae tincture of Shelter For gods• _ hen roosts and erten homes, will son destroy balancing • ITS LAND AND WATER, sinned by harpooning a afavorits wasshark taick $ nothing to comp all lice, mites, extensive hanging shoe sicuni annunm, mixed wet weather its mountains and woods. Very earance of a shark is often fatal Strong infusion of cap The hog is injured more by The cleanliness of the henhouse is one of it our country, but against Canada it is but the app with an equal bulk of mucilage or gum than by cold weather. One of the most rinci al things to be remembered by quite as much painted all items in arranging shelter for the p Pto the life of a bather n the ocean as well important ou for your nothing. Then we take the whole Finland and 'gs a. sailor upon it, anal is q arabin, and with the addition of stew drops imp The particular the p oulterer. Keep the he ou . for clean dnavia, Norway, Denmark, of glycerine. This should be P hogs is to have it dry. et in the air. to, be dreaded. Ghosts of all sorts and a second or trouble. if Iceland, but our balance is y water to almost Over the bruised surface with a camel's hair Bolan or style iS not so imps®L®t as dryness and the hens will pap 3' eland, Ireland and Scotland, kinds prefer traveling by - and reasonable warmth. ,our hen -house every day We add En lash islands and our own Cotton Math- encil and allowed to dryd Was soon as the but with, result. The Eng any other mode, third coating being PP thing else the hog shelter should protect Clean oat y and er tells of a Spec them, in ah ghostly canoe sev n P If done. as goon as the injury y could Swim in the waters of C,Lnada. acid first is dry. i in three or four nary. If you are Successful in the 0 d rosearoundship, carrying from wind and water. Theiroof Should be you can afford the time successful i th e w Waco u it should yet be water !situs and one a blackening of he abused tisane. tight. By filling ns then that pretty bras more ki g of a crew at a time. He also says : "Many 18 inflicted the treatment will invariably made g )Food drainage keep hens, We take Greece prevent th inches inside and providing g viz., Holland, Belgium, persons 'who have died at ash have bon tside dr sleeping quarters may readily for you. placing in` republic y The -same remedy has no equal fn rheumatic, ou , p In administering medicine by p g P seen within a day of their death a intends sore or stiff Deck. be Secured. ire t in a the birds from and Sell- . Yet wSerc a, much and home." As late as the seventeenth ten• .r— ain Turkey, tory, they tell a story of a Ship about to -Hogs bed closely together. If heat is the drinking water keep asses ars a Ei 'ease• good thrifty condition the bodily other drink for several hours. They are more apt the Balkanand with states, sail for England that had, asp g ood swallow before detecting the b hough we now a dowe zen states on teat beauty. So pIIemmonia a Catcilin:?; retained more easily than with any to to take a g strange man and a girl of g taste. the European side, Canada is still more. Class of stock.. If they are comp ood -market bird, demons and many The recentinveatigationhat pneumonia neum logia ti n a wet bed they will often getateam- The Leghorn is a g We have to enlarge our aide with the mysterious were their actions that they sisals i et out of their the lar a proportion of breast rest ewers on the Continent the Empire were suppoEurope.sed tohave P stellar microbe, the introduction the ed b g , are g P a to red to sail in the shin. The vessel sailed do stn a peculiar the fact that p�eOeana . ing warm; Hien if p gored to a cold mea p and the 1 g We take all the kingdom of San beds to eat, and are exp meat; but they lack in size, them hs on Friday and never aged, as an rrated,dafter a , of which in neuinania�lDr Orranos, r of Germany, we take the Kingdtm Tan feared but apps wind, congestion results, if not actual die- combs are a hindrance, giving ire AuStria-Hung p+ tion, of inducing p uhlia�. n Paper ease. A good per cent of this can be avoid• appearance of old fowls. iia, the Emp' et Canada_ki i Lusa Potosi,Be, rovidc dry Sleeping q Rhode Island' poulterer says that if the Republic of France, and y at/prm that lasted three days : lying some nterestin has recently P °h is a ceedi g - ed first, by P lees A Bearer and nearer the ship came on g tars and next having their eating P more than all the other countries loge - wind. Dnp cath onion skins are placed in the neat boxes torr. tend .now perhaps VPith all her, broad nails spread; g ver with straw or hay, eros s the reader malt shed. l prevalent in Merino, H e m* oe infect which is execs ng - relation to this disease, well Protected from the he i$ to suspect how big C y The dight grew thick but a phantom light y floor, with sufficient and then covered o g bronnd her path was instances in which houses makesthe best Sleeping sin, Aad the waters shuddered as on she came, ed with this disease, Wase after case ocnur- bedding to makeeomfortable. The bedding they will be death to liar; the vermin can• . HOW muco for against the wind she sped. is. ds vermin and Longfellow also tells a similar story ail in in the same hoose. He ersonspliave should be changed sufficiently often to keep not ne where the skins are, p but it makes no difference While all lovers he other observations in which p those bed breeds One of the reasonsehast f Salthat in near We have forgotten Portugal and P �` Phantom Ship, clean as a filthy made in preserving gg , visiting - often disease. gathered from more do we really need? Just k 8da d trlusic will remember the story of contracted the disease by feeding all cases where the eggs are g republics. But,Ru} "The FI ing Dutchman. There is suffering from it. He considered thIn is It saves feed to have hgwellroofed and thus imp g and amp h to fill txp the Pe hl infections or nontasioua. ho should different sources a ire hstale .eggai get we alreadyes and repnstas many $• opera superstition that a ship no longer sea- disease highly clothing of a man who I. for grain. This s to pr left and is great roo g i a sage between sided np at least sufficiently, p among those that are worthy, just before breaking UP hos been one Wase cited, the ci g from cold winds. A little care n keeping all. "as bi as o>� wrlle d and wave, had died from the disease was sent to an - Use dollar a year has for years been the rest. for strains of wind clean will aid materially in maintaining Europe, /' gyres sty known to give forth wailing sounds like other family at Some distance, and in a average profit of the wall -kept hen, but Canada ro e. short, fl The sailor cannot account for short time two children n the honer were health. uestion moaning',. ort and It s not by any means necessary to con- the improvement made in feeding the past world, n viz. , Huwr� g -chat toi®, taken ill with the Nadia p In another close quarters. If well fed few years, the of more importance, %� but he knows too well its imp he ,t sin q and the better knowledge now Then we have another d f �' ease a nurse who Patient suffering a possessed by poulterers, is placing people le live iii A loses heart at the mels oo ery n his Red ears the fine t g - of Canada could p P neumonia,and slept in the same room, and comfortably heltere hedwillo makerNobody can give an - exact, ens- r f is also noticed by P Enemy two y run of a good pasture, y average nigher. a are for hatching pAr• }ergs part of Canada s yet Rover," but Rover,,, worry one of The characters is contracted the disease. litter growth than if closely confined.not-bed toll .Unless the egg ant an male fooling 1 made to say : "A ship which s about doctor had traced thirty-two cases to infect- good .You don t w y re• you can be sure that the g,��ADA u like any ed h°urea. - kinds and sizes of hogs should n CUL PAE'T , r sink makes her lamentations j • themselves, while around the hens. Then to change by other human being." yYe are constantly [earning gm disease by gather. The , i1acesby • With �es, pigs °ante perimeut�s, it pay eat as big - relation to the propagation x should hmve a p or what ars usually the winter and spring,- is Just as big ae the before named Eur°pram not be far die - states together; except Russia; j s, and the time may not to reeog- the growing pigs, ever night during New Hampslare cotton mills have �aPi" so ae t° give the bird alternate days of rest as the European homes for 225,000,000000 niicrdbE termed stock hogs, should have a place to 3' g. 9 tal of over $50,000,000 and pay 'ands of taut when we shall be comp positively �:, themselves. Where any considerable num- and service. - Better limit the number of men. ° to err now in Canada . annually e8, Over 300,000 y size pneumonia ae a disease as her of hose are allowed to glees together, hens to a male• And how many People nil o led, just as oton cloth are reduced daily. nallpoxalthough ale u too nlosely for breath. The When .a breeder Sells fowlshat'brred Canada is -titin sea yle of Euro a would be P infectious ous character sad btleas lea" will P ividr .chaser's hand. o Europe " John, you never stand at the its contag I ` they p to revent . this is to d true to`their bred in the Pu unpeogtsd as "tor w eninsula �1 ifs— surest way. p the fat- the Swedeeln'ed on their p virulenlook,t. o lots. In this, way the beeomefirst-class advertisers, and his aid if only r had no enoyls stall, window and kiss Of courseynot. I don't •s g¢ htp by no I the Uoutt�au be pushed, the growing him in building up a trade fuerthat breed and the rest of BUT g darin wife for a Ai 1 •- � 'Ding $e t thrifty, and the sows The fact that a woman i $ a can be kap But when oe sends out those want people to take my g ro, ig:_s+angs• i without r teat damage• because now the whole of Canada has not ing. — means indicates that she is: g P g i e can be well fed, each badly, they do him a very g more people-thiin Sweden. tea. °ung p g Bat, eo ie live there? hired.girl• her of the British cabinet ,. what do tit - �- with the. -other. . ge will b"e fortunate if lie does not haat im- you Wig, how do p p Evrry n1em Aunty, 1.uiterfrring _ good man arra said _re- an administra 0t putations that he is a frond and ag —) s it not true What S°mr p p y $ata in three capacities-- nentip that Canada is a bad countr and for of to department of state,as member - Qetwinary Pointers• not to deal with. includes else -y The proper winter carr of fowls nothing reduce bread for the whale Iegislative chamber and ws a confi 'Maxe Sweats -too Milch•=-IarthathI am 'keeping, and Canada can p adviser to the crown. b road'sweats so; ,lately, such matters ' as them cthey can of Europe, that is what the Premier of &jve _ asaesaaial!nanti• warm, with a good run in whin old me he s that ow - anted to drive her ; p. Mr. Greenway, t An organist say take exercise, and if the aitnetion wilt per- Manitoba, of ti's atate,of Minnesota said to lave or tenth,; = _ _ y at least s+ per secretary sat -. P act fifth octave ties of usrine at" time and it is yeltoW col- a toe henbo•use well « I willnot deny, th&t it is 3 ;, in-a_tifth octave or fourth, raj ed. yHer. coat is rough. G. V. R•-•' mit, let them have full liberty, 'it is in a perfect aicsve. &n3'a ho 1.f her coat is heave. part of .each day. $av good land !n Canada- as - the reside8t of mane year mareP lP ash totes limns -lighted, the roosts and nests Erre frome . r - -roo drama P°. ed and have comfortaple, retired nests Another authority (either ,O41p iy or descent oIIt o$ a l II6 ls' �= ` I t, owder vermin, in feed: Grave Iiia sue P the' Northern Pacific► Ift th '' _feectthree liaise a day. for them to-Iay in. Divide into 'locks if O. arents u e offsp ting . P i _ _ - - eharcoRl is .ear old pone ble, eo that not mora than 15 or 20 for United States tenslB 't�h8 fit, _ = _ of Kidneye.-Three y ether. If you are a€ter aceording to a pamphlet, .}!ei ht fnoat frsqurntLy _follow `�y bled about urinating. fowls will be tog aid,'- _Lzcessive tallows v$ - L' _ tron has a s, mainly, keep the White Leghorn , 1? e _ quarfere of tg bo fertileAmerica of Canada. h It g 3- a � �i#��� z . �m < etely _checked , g to ht be right. ed;3. even i# HoI LL ch t ,.; s rh �., FI ' g on want general purpose fowls, e, is within o Trio abs era months. if y h month " The Premier of Malntoba mfg n'•'.a.i y "' �. - avragrf the osis sI - 4 On` =¢ R.='1'Iir ter. :know of none beast t an. the Ply w i en and mss, Y_ , -6r M;. Nobody.=:caC t . Canada is. ally on -Y th ve �. dotttt due =#o nidi- Rncka. hmg of ha II4 - nitivable sandan . rants. �� Qm salla fie keep _ Y a a _© here yen tau g &:.#g Den t Balli et $ems' y tam:oame ;acetate De$uitelpe :8e fia}f s -hundred such kin$ ovas atule>z b3', �e `�,_ . wage isle fed _ Mr'. f;noldcoii �sith _:mark.. land aan be oultivat;• outer deg, >: �t ` _ Mte. Ras ` atI the even " Every foot of this. picked up. , E . ornna. ou have been dam$ , that he ;: deet-- i�om y me a li�aobelf' _ ed, I9MIM _ ' -, .. - t lr fore sliest ;decl� Zg Y i alae of ing its - a co f = , :- *" I _ the• rem _ - � - a o, .'S�s/a agat. ted w4ti thonsanda o ..3rrars £area are :ayes m a 1� , _b Rosi er- I_sra $ Dur K a 'mals e►nd dp ®' iesait is a `fi r did=fie 1T - - �. nl ne er :pi r d3 OSstizer' #a,',°` rna g fea9 deeF - -� as a.. ?Qin -.i �� - Y �•�Li' j��iL% In �e W r11 .c Jt­t - 99...`v ,:-`cr _.?iW�.Ea..'`�-'-�- _ E� 4;.e"w .. ` _ - .za .�'e:e _ ,.