HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Gazette, 1894-03-29, Page 3-
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-- "- z No.13,a - A-
Y 011T., THURSDAY% MARCH 29th, 1891:
MA t .
r {
Come With the crowd to
Lakelet. more's% promising young men, The
I cr fwd t c ceremony was conducted by the Pdv. '
TITM U S�►7 +e l Easter is past and all have resumed A. C. Stewart. We all wish them pros-
the cheapest BTiand SONFEBTIONTRY
R(food Friday was pretty pe�ity' and success in life.
Rout town, well observed here. They mill was shut {
Full lines of
down and the business places had a I Carrick' Finances. y
15 r'7C�as, 7`obao� quiet day. �
ooIg and CiE;'x3r" loughs and other £arm im Editor Gazette; I would rather have ,
Harrows, ploughs
HAS lust commenced business in ve'gt's Block gy0UR'and FEED always on hand. - plenients are keeping the blaGvs hs s allowed the triangular fight now gong' °
ichmerlyoccupiedbyMr.Martin'ssl�estore• 1111— in good humor, They are crowding on in your cdiumns to proceed undis
Bah g a practical and experienced workman, I is of 4:1-1 kiu& in their season, •
t gardwieli at it am able to guarantee first-class work in the rat F�rni so fast that the boys can. scarcely get turbid. But there are some statements
--services a
m.: Bible Class a CYSTEPs in bulk, or served in any style. enough sleep. This cold snap will dull made by Mr. Scott so wide of the mar
3E� p. est styles. _,
in the
evening. sabbath
'School a
15p.m.Jas•McLijughlin, superintenden ����^ Everybody welcomed. the horses shoes, thereby uecess sting I think it due to your readers o have s
John. I. By, -d a few of the mistakes rectified. He
J Elora st. Mildmay° their callinn round to the smith's
ETgpDIST—Se • �-p 'r�� 1 There was a good attendance at states that there was a large sum of
aitt Chilreh, %5 p, in a. ra and 9 P. nL VV ROXET� Don' Fail to Serer �
sa9bath school ata �o �o • �� ��'� Edn�iu ds church on Sunday to hear the Rev. dFTr, money in the treasury—$657.67, when -
Sabba' ay evening ) Smith. of Arthur, preach the mission- the council 'got a note discounted on
pastor_ UlentifiC American O p Pn 4 • eY
� -S �� �r�i � ary sermon, i4Tr. Smith was known t date the receipts, including
in August 9th for $400° The facts are,
Agency for
this vicinity as he had preacfled for that at tha.
NAcLAUGHLIN, N ears at `Vroxeter. He delivered an the surplus, were $1533.23, while the"
Spring Stock of Y
sa R OF MARRIAGE LICENSES. N® able sermon, and his appeals will likely disbursements were $1489.23, leaving- ,
witnesses required Ladies' and Gents' be liberally responded to. the amount on hand $44°03• While
Office:—At the Drug store, iiORRaE• t
After the examination at Orange Hill several. contracts and lumber and other:
CAVEATS, - /'� on Thursday a ]horse belonging to Mr. bills had soon to be paid, and seeing
E. CLAM {� S - TRADE NIA that taxes would not become available
DESIGN PATENTS, Jas. Bell—the king horseman of How re some time in November, it was
Ph3rggici�arn and ,9t�rge®rs. COP1fRtCHT.^sr etc
For intarmation and free Handbook write to ick—broke loose in'the shed and turned before
IIADDATE, Toron toiTmversity and member out, upsetting the rig and leaving it in thought and correctly so, that about
Gcollege Ph siciana and Sari; osite®hue v_ MUNN & Cp�61 BRodnWAY, NsW -Yogis. (Bought direct from Man-ufacturexs.)
Residence, Ab do in itt., earl Drug gtoxe. neat door Oldest paieni tskeneoi�i by ntisnbro glAit bef Slater's Finest Ladies' Wear (French the ditch. tT•e then walked out to the $45V would be required to bridge over
cry stab. Mxa Dffi�$• the public by a notice given free of eharo.•8e int process). The best in the market.
to Carrick banking th -, . �e �oty road and stood there with adisconcert- the 3 months from Aug. 9th t® Nov..
= � �� � ri 1V�i ed look, as if to say: ,Come, Master 12th, and hence the note was properly"
9®,��� Also, McPherson's Best Ladies and discounted. Then 14Tr. Scott fends fault
A, VIIlLSON, Jim, get at and fig that." .
'Toronto Universit circulation of any ecienti8c parer in the ,
h Oy70R Graduate of i�r tNo flitelligent, The examination at No. 1 school. on with the surplus of $1224.33, or as the
medieal College-na ofbOntario.olofgfice- man hou iz montti n Address m"i N &�C0. Gents'.
physicians and snag pQ$L��, 36nBreaaway,l�ewYorhCity. Stirling s Hand glades. the 24th, was a success. The parents auditors make it $1281.17, My con-
? Fby' door to W mat's jewellery store. D eY•
r res Ladles' Buttons, Bals, turned out in,"scores. as is always the tendon always has been that the town
G`IheC�+►5• Weil Oxford T case thee. i�Ir. Alex. Baine, the` pres ship should not be required to borrow
RUCK Y. S. iNeC Slippers, the best in 'the market, ent teacher, has proven himself, an money for current expenses. It dict•'
�' H' ' !1� 1dmay Je Store not re airs to do this years ago when
Qnt. adept at his work. and is giving every g he taxes were _
Mildmay, a Clocks, -:A' elr y and
Ontu o veterinM Cortege, For Watehe , Over $2000 worth in satisfaction. Le officiating 'teaChry, t resent. But I agree with ch higher
�gADUATL of member of Ontario Medica Fancy Goods: � were Miss Laine, Messrs, Montgomery, p �
and registered Stock, that a onion of this surplus should
Association. Also Honorarep Fellowship
hppomphy&Yg0 stock to select from. Shearer, J. M. Laine, Darroch, Hartley P
�,eterinary Medical socici ty have been rat on deposit and bear in -
attended is night and day and McEwan. The event closed with P
100 different designs in Brooches, J0•���+', terest for the township. Taking the:
SER` ®er�tist. so ., A.
" chailic, an eloquenT, address by Rev: Mr, Greene
DR, Wsalkerton, � kinds of Purse.. � of Corrie, and short speeches by the experience of last year as a guide, it is-
;; of wallets. Next to Co ercial Hotel. ni#ie obvious that about $800 at least
25 •• of Pipes, Elora St, 112ildmay. . F
OHO$ Graduate DepartmentofDentistry, „ „ spectacles. trustees and visiting teachers, g
�tQ Royal Col- PRODUCE TAICEN, We will have three steam whistles of the surplus, could thus have been
H Toronto University ; G 15 different kinds of Mouth Organs.
Solid Gold Rings from 30e. UP- p put on dP osis from .say Jany 15th to -
lege of Dental surgeons of Ontario. AT here next week., Mr. Dulms ge is g . - P p
AT COtMI�ER,Cr1Ahr�tcly {►y. EYERY Also Fancy Chinaware, Vases and Novelties.
and all work guaranteed O * 9E; ting ready to cut shingles. The machine .July 15th at from 3 to r4'� interest.
prices m Stock well selected to meet an &)Le requirements for A ••� _L'j'�
�`�'��• ypISSER, D.D.S., L•D.S. which I oiler at lowest Prises to ma]ie rOoui for y has arrived and Messrs.. Scott &Hain- which would have *�ielded has $h a not been12 to $16 to,
�. J° C l as c oras, GpRRI E -' getting the towgship. y
stock have their engineshere g "done ? Is X12 or $1(► too small a sum
W. +
A •1vJ..ItiRE,
Elegant lines of 11IILLINERY are now
ready for action,
�rhaps the best -examination yet
to take account of by our council ? R'hy a
t1 t l
�11�1 Ruraeon
1_ 1.�
The latest novelties are constantly being ee
d and we ke®fright up with .tiiecities-
held in this vicinity took place at No .5.
G � � Hsu) last Thursday. Mr.
was Mr. Kinzie's proposal at the
-Mary meeting to so invest this 'surplus
cure ra
y Shearer has been teacher there for the not ectad upon 4 In whose rn res
Hats arida bonnrts - d ed close
Ontario' veterinary business over and trirf�lmed to order. past nine or ten years. Taking into this money kept a the treasury ? Are
-G and registered member of Ontario Veteran- suing had a long experience at the brain A choice line of consideration the large average, attend the private interests of a few
cry, Association. H i feel confident -of being, able to give first Canned Goods an of each individuals paramount to those`of the
I Relation -tiara satisfaction. ance and the excellent standing
Methodist Parsonage? Select Grocere class; showers of praise shonlb be township ? And has Mr, Kinzie too,
Next to , .umbed to
G®8iila3, QxT. Repairing promptly Done. .Alwapain st°ck. 1t� Poured upon the head of this energetic, fig n$ � Ce sof the euctTve�aII It looks
BERT S'$T' ve me a can - Cakes Crackers, Biscu i persevering Pedagogue, class after class,
If you are in want of a �good rig give as it came Toward, promptly answered like it. But While Mr. Scott's figures;
• F . ( • 1 I SSERE, Bread, etc., Constantly kept..
p1 R: � in a ready_ manner the searching quer- are frequently .incorrect, there really
1 Q�j[jlt Absalom St- you can always get a tip-tc -tidos propounded by the visiting teach- seems to be some reason for complain-
o. ercl� Mildmay.
' ere, Messrs, Jno. and Alex. Raine, Ing of tlge auditors' summary of the
` "GOhl eCt'10I1S Waters, Montgomery, Darroch, Hamii• township finances. Among the re -
Corner Elora and Absalom sts• _ ws have gust rived ues.
"Town -
• 1Vlildmay . Of all :kinds, Nubs; Raisins, ton and .Misses Padfield and Jacq ceipts there occurs this item,
grand assortment of; ' etGo,. in endless variety• in the evening a grand concert was held ship Rate" $3758.73. Now what the;
s fine stone Hotel is fitted rap in ��. � at which the children and some outside- auditors all include under this head of
gI p GoOCS,.StOVBS pleas- "Township Rate" Idon'tknow,as Ihave.
T style, with large and s v cha�mtberrssme la Lam G, h r€t m O s VOY S talent took part. ' It too proved a p
rooms, spacious parl9rs and. Silverware, not examined their detailed statement
every facility for the On an of the ing and . successful affair, the several
traveling P-nbhc- the choicest liquors In d. ens Variety FanC
ebaria snppiied with floods su.table for;Piesen` pieces UeibL, rendered in such a way as but certain it is that the Township
.and cigars. which csa be bought at MODERATE pBICEB. Cations.
Free'susta enafrom au airs. rs. E of.a!! kin s, _V thin 's to delight ' all present. The proceeds. Rate proper lues only $2,594.94, or,
Good Stabling and ekttouAv Also HAR�WiAR special , . .. g 1S. a ameunteci°to $22 which will be devoted $1163.79 leas than the amount stated.
in DreKsed Dol
���ARD, Tinware
AND �eWirib Machines to. buying a bell for the now school, a This is readily proved. The total
F. G� A. B• AIT"I� building which is a credit to the section township and county rate levied was
MANAGER. on hand. - :<
Oonatentty kept And for convenience it stands Para- $8,692.42, while the county rate was
Remember the stand eat the 4097.48, so that tlia difference between
ware Store. Caar�ri�� mount in the country. Rep $ ,
' - The Corner Hard r
_ . , �•_r . ; - _ --, aam_.e Isom® -time soon people of h10 5, these two sums constitutes the town -
' -'E'. 1'� • and. you will have even a.larger crowd ship rate, which is as stated $2,594.94.
YY QO i ii on 'Thurday last. Then among the items of expenditures
�� iscellaneous" $672.56. Since °
appears m
'ST� ��° Beimore. in- financial statement issued in Decen:-
q --
• • Mr• W. G. Montgonlery spent the ber was so accurate that the council
N _ hE
holidays with his parents near Wrog- GIS
deemed the pubtioation of the auditors'
•....� �i.A- detailed statement to be nnnessary,
• „: proprietor. eter.
$IIss Doxy —AND— Win...Lowry and his family have it is a great `pity that this abstract
4 Gx H should be so -obscure on several points
arts of 'Tweeds, Blankets andc. The
returned4rbm the west•
to the
_ r wed _. St
_ Mr, John Abram is on the sick list as to be u d l h�lehead ofuTownshp
14t o
`d' ,1] 'kinds this' week. We hope soon to see him amount a
rate should pace had several headsngs
�- [�ted'$tates• tcanl� `off Ei'1� around again. sure! to lump $672.56 all as mise
aTaa ani , A roll William Hnton, of Ayton+ was visit an Y
77 771
=-- Wor=steds, Goito€xades, ` _ q;� ,-hxs sister, Mrs. H. Lowry,
on. eelisneous expenses, encs then get this,
z tweeds, g imperfect statement published in En
Skirtings, ;Ladies: Wear; - Saturday and Sunday last. lith and erman at considerable
f flirmshrtag, Linens,
„ r _%v.' = Qomb= (,-ha its : Satin @wilts, ergs- and conWlete- stock .. Mrs. H. -P. - Harri�on, of this - towns s but ve
W—N"s y�tey was visiting friends in Dlildmay this when i
>r,aee Cartailis,
Flanueiettesf, always on hand.
grants .anCl;
d' i y� (rote h
�L A�Mrea,Boots and.rn
Yanl Huebschwerlen and famit
,- ala fon '', kora on Monday last.
arxet. price P.. moved to
left for Da
for alt a Aug
.Miller has
`w u
_t S _ The 9T ,
- x �r�.
this t,
�. :James IIuhry f16QQ
' Nr.."' °: C_ " t. a
- id. h
`'^yx-� - 'yk1`••','"{S -•c- - -$ vr+�•.a- .ang�itr
OCC$&d p j^:3Dlitll
� � ... a EI7=yiN A DA3i.
- c Etna elxna- At these off:
- a
Crare, far lh 1-".�: _
atm rz �e ?afac . � #fl Heade ver.
.tom' Y_ ' �3if�1[ ► p0lt 4f:a�"tlereS ra
e 1
���v>1d - Le: ,-t�r`y`�-{^'�' _ :sro'3. %42�y �� ., -{ fistea.G^' • .y;' i.%�i J�'
Bff �lg+ F
1 ai- t u
- � -,sem `«*�-�.:���'-'�'ri,• �hij''��'��^ `� _ ra
�.»� y-�':?d.�(� ^��"� `� 'e. -^` ^�S+-_.. _:^�fi��?3 _�.tk�s"r "" _'i�i�R�C '�' wr;�,��1 •'pit �.-vY�� _ ;vin 'i" .�Xg-t �r�
- ...�T '. 4 -�. '�t"S �a3� - ;,-".�`i...� e'�' .� Z'�."�` '�`x, a �.,ye.Y�u -.=mss � •i':.