HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Gazette, 1894-03-29, Page 2_ - - - x .: �; „ . _- _ c _ �: > Vii.. _� :N. ,Y -. :. w r t r.,:,. �. ._ . _m a?. L� ! �x s. ....,.. _.-,_ -� _... ;:_,.. ,. -. .. � <- ,. -�� - - -. . .. .:_ r- -.� a-'-.-�' � .�:�•. .ma=r:, .,.-.� ., : r _. '2,. ', � F -K. .i„- A.. _... �j�, ..._ ._ _cr.--% : Y..._�. -� �. ".gam �rTE 3' y �p _ r ,yrs . ..s.w: . •3 G e._'t. .P. -.^.,, X - Y+2 .ea:x,c s...__�,;,.rw '•.�..Y'�.. :i_. - �•Sa 1 r ._ :- --. , - �>. .. .. __i.,.. i` :.:.. _.. F .�.__.. ... : T._, . T ,..`+_. . n-+�-v.. - - E3 - :=ami e>, -- - : .-<.. - .. � � -" _- _ ..- - s`- _. .... .. tea_. .. r_.... �.:.:.> � 3' � _A_i- y - y x _. mac. s ! i t a�n I_.. _ is „�. X, x .. .� _ :>--._ _ .e.,, .,.- ^. ... _ _ .;?s +, - - - ..z'F. �_ �. - a _. tom, -M_ ,. ,. t. _. _ ... _ . x_. fi._ ° _ fi _ - . - .. - -r �.. ,. -._ _ - .._ - , -..j,.. trwyI ,Z _ _ _ _ _.. v. `; 4 - - . _ - - ,67 - _- -` a. - - .. b Totlio r _ - - - - -4 -.1. . - ,. - - _ - * - - �. 1., •�� , �t �-,; �t3 : 3. 3 T.! Y 1V1.A.RC - __ 89 .` NO . Y -A THtJRDA 29th, , . t1. 8m i�ecrowd to c i3 iVith i CH ACH DIRECT,bp _ .. mote's/ - �x , 4 J TO'S'S at Lakele� promising young men. The �, -J __ L. TI'M '� ceremony was conducted b ' Nt�I,ISI •—S ees at Fordwieh, 10 E1 a m.; �, y 'S ` " - Easter is past and all have rest med y the Rev. t Corrie, '� the cheapest ef$eu�and CONFEBTI6NTRY their work. Good Friday was preop A. C. Stewart. SYe all wish the n pros. 2 39 P in:; at Wroxeter, 430' p, m Ouse town, �v. Brownlee, Incumbent, BundaYSchool, well observed hare. The twill was sunt.: eerily awl success in life. dne bftr and a quarter before"ch seMee. � Full fines of t;ro+c�ipe3, 'i`��s, �"obs3o= .down and the. business plasos had a • ` r��, y ` .�. Carrick' Finances.' - 1tTi3 - ..,xrble 1, eggs iu. C"Do and +C3gi r� quiet day. - , �, a in ce t o HAs last-eommeneed business in V ys Blo,� Harro�vs lou hs and other farm im- L' ztor Gazette- would A. &' I;1,__-- foemeriy occupied by Mr. Martin's sly�estttre. FLOUR and:FEED always on hand. ' P g d , old rather have Being a practical and experienced workman, I "-/////////////— Plements are keeping the bla;o&sm:ths allowed the triangular fight now going,; � rrje, Services at Bible Cl at it am able to guarantee BrsE class work,ln the lat Fruits otAll klUde in their season, g Thoy arse crowding an in your cdlum>�s to proceed undis- ,, iorrie, �:3Ei p, m.: Bible class a in ood humor, ` to the evening. Sabbatlj tendl a eststyies. - so fast that .the boys can. scarcely get turbbd. But there are some statements . i15p.m. Jas. f►feLiDughlin, Snperintenden OYSTERS ,in bulk, or served in any style. . enough sleep. This cold snap will dull made by Mr. Scott so wide of the weir& ETH(3DIST--BerOicroslntheii'or�iwiehAgetho John I. B•, A` le Everybody -welcomed. that Chdreh,*i 10:30 1L m, and 4 .p- m> the horses;ooes, •thereby necessitaating Pthink it due to your readers to have Elora St. R2ildma 1. Sabbath School at 2:30 p. m. PraY.,r-meeting. on y• their calling round to the smith' a� few of the mistakes rectified. He Thursday evenings at tcg0, Rev. Zar; Edmunds yPROgETER. 13011' Fall •t0 1�0p There was a good attendance at states that there was a large sum of _ Pastor. church on Sunday to hear the' lXev. Mr. money in the treasury—$357,67, when 5otentifln Aelerican J JAR R -fe��(�n469,rp� Smith, of. Arthur,_ preach 'the mission- the council got a note discounted on iN. t cLAUGHLIN Apney for.O - ,. a �, f Mary.sermon, .Mr. Smith was, known in August, 9th for $450. The facts are, . si?U� ��' MARl�IA(3EC�xsEs. No nor°' this vicinit as he heel readied for that at that date the receipts including., I �. � witnesses required. � � r1llo' Stock Of y P , � , _ i Office:—At the Drug Store, (3oxBYE, I P b years at Wroxeter. He delivered -an the surplus, were $1533.23, while the- ` ,` a • "' - Ladies' and Gents able sermon, and his appeals will likely disbursements wa-e $1489,26, leaving: 1 R. E. C LA P P M.D. ` o . b$ liberally responded to. the amount on hand $44.03, While a _ CAVEtQ' S, I �� After the examination at Orange Hill several. contracts and lumber -and other, , i F'h_,, _:ta�rx and Siurgaori. — TRADE MARKS, � � .i..,'8 DESIGN PATENTS, on Thursday a horse belonging. -to Mr. bills had soon to be paid, and seeing - RADUATE, Toron to University and member COPYRiCHT0, etc Jas. Bell—the kin h College Ph sieians and Surgeons, Ontario. Icor information and tree Handbook write to g . orseman . of How. that faxes- would not become available + Residence, Absalom St., nearly opposite the Liv- siIINN &�p�,,� BaoADwAY, NEW-YoCs, Rou�I1t direct from 1 k— , ery stebwe. Office in the Drug store. next door Oldest bureanp�securing patents fn America, f b . om Manufacturers.) a broke. loose in the shed and turned before some time in November, it was to Carrick Banking Co.' MIT, MAY. th 7 Ppatent taken, out by ue �B brought before atlt upsetting the ri 1.the public by a notice given tree of charge in the , , + P g g and leaving it in thought and correctly so, that about - 1111 Slater s Finest. Ladies Near {French the ditch. .We then walked out to the $45would be r aired to bridge over P' a J, A, WILSON, M.D, A'en xfzf _MerjQU process). The best in the market. eq , road and stood there with a disconcert- the 3 months from Aug. 9th to Nov.. OWpR Cirsduate of Toronto Universlt �� t eircnlstion o! Hay ecienta8e psoer in'the Also, McPherson's Best Ladies' and ed look as if to sa "Come, • Medical College. Member of coil�gge o�t world. splendidly illustrated. No- intelligent. ' y Master 12th, and hence the note was properly s� Physicians and Surgeons of. Ontario. Office— man shoald be without it. Weekly, $3.osl a Gents'. Jim, get at and fig that. . discounted. Then Mr. Scott finds fault. Next door to Wendt's Jewellery store. year; si.50 six months. Address' MUNN do CO.. - - MILDHAY• $uBi isH$Rev 361 Brsadway, New York atr. Stirling's Hand Mades. The examination at No. 1 school. on with the surplus of $1224.33, oras the the 20th, was a success. The parents auditors mage it $1281.17, -'My con. I - iNo H, HUCiC, Y. �. Ci�1ci,S. Wet Axford Ties, Ladies' Bnttona, "Bata, turned out in ,scores, as is always the tendon always haA been tat the town- Mildmay, Ont. !Mildmay Jewe"r Store.' case tl el;•e. Mr. Alex. Baine, the; Pres --ship should not be required to borrow:- = Slippers; tine best in 'the market, ant teacher, has .proven hhnsel%. as money for current expe>xses. It did^ �RaiDUATE of Ontario veterinary College, Far Watches Cloaks eIr and £' adept at his work, and is giving .every not require to do this years ago when and registered member of Ontario Ddog a ' s y g Association. Also Honorary Fellowship of the Fancy Goods. over It20d0 worth in satisfaction. TIe officiating: teachers the faxes were much higher than at Veterinary Medical Society. Calle promptly g, = attended to night and day. .Large stock to select &m. Stock" . - were Miss laine, Messrs, Montgomery, present. But I agree with Mr. SPott - 100 different designs in Brooches. � Shearer, J. M. Baine, Darroch, Hartley that a portion of this surplus should - -i - — R. WtSSER, Dentist. 5e .. .. ., chat=;s, .T1�T0 �ESSEAU� p p ' Walkerton, - so „ kinds of Purses, and McL' R an.. The event closed with have been rat on deposit and bear in- - 15 „ ,. of wallets. an eloquent address by Rev- Mr. Greene terest for the township. Taking the HOPSOB Graduate Department of Dentistry, 25 .. u of Pipes, Next to Lolercial Hotel: { lege Toronto n University; of Graduate Royal col- i,5 „ ,. spectacles. Elora at. - Mildmay. of Gorrie, and short speeches by the experience of last year a8 a guide, it is Surgeons o d different kinds of Mouth Organs. trustees and visitin teachers. A3 CONME W1- x*i%, NitD�11AY. EVERY Solid Gold Rings from 90c. up. P$ODIICE TagEx. g q ;obvious that about $800 at least 1� , and, Say. v AT isle will have three steam whir of t3ie surplus, could thin have been ` Prices moderate, and all work guaranteed Also Fancy Chinaware, aces and Nogeitics. t's`t'sfact°ry. Stock well selected to meet. all requirements here next- week., Mr.. Dulmage is ge put J. J. WISSER, D.D.S., L.D.S. which I offer at lowest Prices to snake room for A -•r � ti.2 read to P an dRposit from say Jany 15th " Christmas Goods, •�"�..J..� :[S0� S g y cut shingles. The machine July 15th at from 9 to +A'5; interest. I J A M ES A R MST R O N G, G R R I E :las arrived and Messrs. Scott & Hain- which would have yielded $12 to $ � 6 ta. A . .11%CI.�SERE stock have their engines ;here getting the towlishipe Thy has this not been I Veterinary., - Elegant lines of 112ILLINERY are now lead for action. .done ? Is 012 or $16 too small a sum t' Shown. y,agOY1-`�,.t��r� Irhaps the best: examiz}ado, yet to take account of by our council ? Why .Surgeon The latest novelties are constantly being se- -field lti this.viCinit took Mitidm►a��r. cnred,.and we ke®n right.up with the cities y place at No :5. was Mr. Kinzie'a proposal at the Dari: $ADUATE of Untaria veterinary Calieg�, _ -�-- .4 HZts Zn. bonne tS C�. d 'delle '01A Ajj' Hall) .. last Thursday. DI T. -uar meeting. to so invest this s i � _ and registered member of Ontario Veteran- - ►. Shearer has been teacher there for the not acted upon P In whose interest is _ cry Association. Havinghsd a long experience at the business Over and trlln med to order. ' , '�._ ... y t— Residence I feel conf►a�t of being able to give first A choice line o! past nine or teA- years. Taking into- this money kept in the treasury ? ` Are . Nest to Methodist Parsonage, - w Canned Goods an consideration the 'large average attend- the private interests of a few . 3 ` ALBE$T ST$E$T, �Fa$RIE, OxT. • ' Select Grocerje ante and the excellent standing of each individuals p&ramortn_t to those'of the 1. - - tepalring Promptly , bone.• - �lwa in Stock. , o - ala s; _ I showers of raise shoulb bs township ? And has Mr. Kinzie too, P I It yea. are in want of a good rig give me.a eau Cakes, CraCkf;rS, B2SCttitS, Poured :upon..the head of this energetic, succumbed to the seductive and blight - GI I. A; F- M I SSEREi Bread, etC., persevering pedagogue,. classafter class, in = -' ,, • ' - rC.1 g in$uence of the r 2 it 1oo13vs `C� . 0 3 Coastoati kept. as it came Toward, row tl answered like '' . ATusaloIIi St. y p p P y it. But While Mr. Scotts figures n a ready manner the searching qn r Wdmay.: You can �o g gat a tip-tc i es- are frequently . 'incorrect, there reallp . g `%€ • Corner Elora and Absalom ate. . tidne propluzrded by the visiting teach- gems to::ba. some reason for¢c;omplain- -- CO C"tIOns ers, Messrs, Jno. and Ales. Baine, .} Mildmay. we hsv®Inst : ved1. ins of the auditors' -summary of the ` . Qf aII kinds ' Raisins Raters, Montgomery, Darroch, Hamii= township finances.` Among the re- . HIB fine atone Hdtel is toted up in -first -classy assortment, Off- �----- ` ,# 'Nuts, ' ton .and Misses Padfield and Jacques. .style, with large and convenient sample Pei is there occurs this. item, "TowL . BtG,,. it endlessare P ; rooms, spacious parlors and chambers and -- Lamp Goods - *Stoves' ` . •' 1n.t4a evening a grand concert was held s}�ip ate"" $8758.73. Now what the eveFy facility for the entertainment of the ; . NIL,traveling public. , �YG'rWBre, 't�`hret.m, !s. yoy.� at which the children and some outside auditors all 3ncinde Hader this head of - The bar is supplied with the choicest liquors � 'and cigars. - - In d ass fir. . I�anc talent took part. `It too proved apleas- «Township Rate" Idon't know,as I have. - - red'Bns tt�� etsd Item all trains. wL� � be. bought at XODEBAT>v RiCEIi.' yy Good Stabiingand attentive hostlers. moods sn. table o Presen` ins rad success€ul affair, the severe. not examined their detailed statement . f ." � . Ali IAEI.iiAR of aid kinds i8, pieeeie rendered in such a wa ss - a I y but certain it is that the Township �- '� i -�' as s P l gs. .. to .. - - t all present. The proceeds. Rate- �� ,- : 1 1Wa1'e , Sewing 11�Ia�hlne� i� � sed i3oils. �.. atitsn1.uteFl"�o $22 which will be devoted Proper teas only $2,594.94, or . . 4r MAtTAf#ig8. . $1163.7ii less than the amount stated. . t-_ tlY ifepL on hand. 1.A. . }�.: A L L� I S O N to buying: a bell for the now school; a This. is readily proved, The total . s i4' S@member the iitaIId - 1. = r :biildia which is a eredi the section township and county rale levied was , g t. to • —, The Comer Ekirdware Steri e. lld Yfi�r convenience it stands para• �_ rat in the country. Repeat - ��+•g3� - $6,692 42, wfiile. the county rate was z mon the $4 097.48 so.ahat the a I.,r�se�rne�r 41k> difference between "4 same some tim soon people of No. 5, these two sums consti£t34es the town. a .. •� • . L. '�- -- -•QCi1 - 1� ,. and pu will have even a Ia er crowd = - -q,.O-, ;�J - r _1A : .t #�= y ship rete, which is as stated $2,594.94. � 4 8 E . �� rday last.. Then -among the items of expenditures • 1. �' - on. ____ N� . � �r _ _ - ' -. , - - _ appears "miscellaneous" $672.56. Si _ tliaii o N" LZ- - - Belinore. _ race . . _ �, > ., � . "'-' �' - nancial statement issued i • mq fi n Decem - " : �✓ 1.<; Mr: W. G. Montgoiue ant the bar was sr . - .:�'_ - :� �;. - . . _. ..._1 .., I �_ F�. - . 4 _ e tc; i By , s Doatlr .: . . ­ I � 11 - z,- ry spent so accurate that the+ council ., �- _ N� Propiidor. y is Wrox- deemed the Publication of the auditors' =.4 . . - i Y _ e arae detailed staiem€�nt to be unnessar , _� �. s with h' parents near � "" I . 11 - Sed � 1 5 O �.. , wry y hate it is :a eat " 't that tl.i T - .. " :., , :• 'j'_ s abstract . r� Go ;�w- or ... . W Es ��� , ank _,tS 3�1d rehirned from the west.is fam should e • , ,:: - ... be o obscure on several points it _LL_,fig Y _ Mr, John Abram is on the sick list as tiobe.u>Iintelligibleto the public. The Y .f � T - , - �� lY3l .S OOI - P L A fall stock ai = thin' week. We hope aoi�n to see him amount under .the head of Township . .- N ;, 1 . x= , •�.,f- - - : � rad again. rate should hate had several heath - 6'iO sten - �: awess;orstedi3 Gott4�tades,, he� . �vl adings William 'futon, of Aston, ryas visit- a surely to lamp $672.56 all - as n:is. - - bhirtmgs,-Ladies; Near,<e L.aC i . r i= �. :.. ;' _ n furm3sliatng, I;%nens, :- _ ugh sister:' ,Mrs.:. Lokwi , on cell sous ex erase » s, and then get this _ t y ,fie .,Qomb=f; uaui 'Satin Quilts,. Saturday and Sunda last. .11y P ! ti Y y im erect siatament ublished in - `- �-. - Iete p Eng - - Ah ._ _ «_`... :r : age A and co stock F. s_, - . , Hee ns Flalinel8ate 81 h I .. d •., _, _ • Mrs. H. "P. Harri. on, of -this tow" . dish and Oerman at considers ale c 8 , by _. A _ Pri Gin hates' d. .j Is r . 8. * $ ,aAd:._. , I�'reB ,tib. . 1 � owb --wing §<,- c _ aw vision when itnet — g , _ ,;_, t :. r as 1; friends, in M41dma this �s but ve _. -; y _ .. �Y .k -z ..- Boogts;attd S Aunte:tlie _ i . aistra Y, 11 .t � . - eek1.. rI r :.?. - :.. bar' �:; -- .fig plica or ���,, w _ , - :. - ::- tea w- "_� Mr. Pant _ , _ ; _� _ . famil confi 7 ,._ = _,. vs 1 ,-_ _. for Which t �e:... F - -: ; : .. ;_ � ,. _ ,, _ :, - left .for' DakPta on�Monaaeynla�d .. , at __ � , ..i ,� S Augist Iiiler hes moved. to w s r IItli_ . s- .. r� The `iy - .._ + *rth i.. ". , , �1.*; ,e "'� Prig `` r� n - Oi :this to?a?n. ,' ve; as s ho } rv7: * aw f . r s "r •: ^� lir6Y11�i1$Cal@. - - _ °dames .• ry h:11 u _ _ � s � � : t sei3 oc ds std A ..', _ ' "the:.. dcea - � _. ;:� _ f?- prices al _ot hero A -Y x - , f of , areat9 _:I in .' ,: _ cvistEa ut a naf.—a auth g y tt follow K I. �s .• q ti r k_ a'- .� r_. _ ,Y.mx - �meri ielitnaic for 8u =.� -0 - ', ... +{ - _ ::v...-• - b }-'�:�s*. .k" e'er _ _ >`. Le- ��� Out �t ah&CI� ' - s gin` atimG and tl "i r ice r ;izl " ..� , < ` u _ - x _ - �, _ � i Cfi & 1 ' =.r1, tai a ednesd en�- d o� p+�, 's T� .r - O�5 ��+."titi n Dil ty r = Y iO - At to'" LY _ ; v d9res �` a � Bey, is le iso I <� s H �i 4 aticj��fxes1 ' - a* s. - ` s +"��-, - _ ^ -rl - sen• r f y y oldt .i1 =l�rt , �- � a� x ? q ' _ _ S� �� . ..- s,-- - ,�:• s �� - 4