HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Gazette, 1894-03-29, Page 14• crests of liEts.t lTttr®r. curia I3e MAY, OTT., THURSDAY, MARCH 29th, 1894. Vole 3. CHURCH DIRECTORY. NGLISH.—Services at Fordwleh, 10:30, a. m.; ▪ at Gorrie, 2:30 p. m.; at Wroxeter, 4:30 p. m ev. Mr. Brownlee, Incumbent. Sunday School, due hear and a quarter beforelach service. ETHO :`•u'ec3 eundays of . au• • p ' tledielyeSchool ee r� Greenee W. S. 1 ?Si" ,,fit a Services at Fordwich at It � - Gerrie, 2:30 p. m.: Bible Class a in the evening. Sabbeth School a ;15 p.m. Jas. McLaughlin, Superintenden o LETdHODChCTh,,1 10:30 a.m,andces in the si07Mstn Sabbath School at 2:30 p. m. Prae er-meeting on Thursday evenings at 1:30, Rev. Mr. Edmunds pastor - N. MCLAUGHLIN, ISSUER OF MARRIAGEa I{ICENSES. witnesses required. Office: At the Drug Store, GonnrV. R. E. CLAPP, MM. PtLzy®ice axe. and Surgeon. RADUATE, Toron to University and member G College Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario. Residence, Absalom St., nearly opposite the Liv- ery stable. Office in the Drug Store. next door to Carrick Banking Co. MunetuY. i0 A. WILSON, M.D. HONOR Graduate of Toronto University 31edieal College. Member of College of. Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario. Office— Next door to Wendt's Jewellery store. MILDsrAY. W. H. HUCK, V. S. Mildmay, Ont, RADUATE of Ontario Veterinary College, G and registered member of Ontario Medical Association. Also Honorary Fellowship of the Veterinary Medical Society. Calls promptly attended to night and day. DR. WISSER, Dentist. Walkerton, HONOR Graduate Department of Dentistry, Toronto University ; Graduate Royal Col- lege of Dental Surgeons of Ontario, AT COMMERCIAL MOTEL, MILDMAY, EVERY 'Tizureclay . Prices moderate, and all work guaranteed satisfactory. J. J. WISSER, D.D.S., L.D.S. JAMES ARMSTRONG, Veterinary. F Surgeon GRADUATE of Ontario Veterinary College, and registered member of Ontario Veterrn- sry Association. i Residence Next to Methodist Parsonage, ALBERT STREET, GORRIE, ONT. torqiqerc-ial Jiotel, EY JOHN J•LE FASH njOR sIW HAS justcommenced business in Vegt's Block formerly occupied by Mr. Martin's slipestore. Beteg a practical and experienced workman, I am able to guarantee first-class work in the let est styles John J. Bradley, WROXETER. Corner Elora and Absalom sts. Mildmay. -'- fine with largel is ands convenupient sample first-class style, rooms, spacious parlors end chambers and every facility for the entertainment of the traveling public. The bar is supplied with the choicest liquors and cigars. Free 'Bus to and from all trains. Good Stabling and attentive hostlers. F. X. GUITTARD, MANAGER. arriek CO. CAVEATS, TRADE MARKS, DESIGN PATENTS, COPYRICHTS, etc For information and free Handbook write to MUNN t COP. BROADWAY, New Yous, Oldest patentntakeneou by nes is brought In before the public by a notice given free of charge in the ,f (ttutif i .• nx� cnn est circulation of any scientific paper in the world. Splendidly illustrated. No intelligent marl without it. ver: 5m. AddrMUN&CO l'UBDISBERS, 361 Broadway, New York Citr. BANKING BUSINESS Donn/ u Chas. Wendt Mildmay Jewelry, Store For WatcheR, Clocks, Jeselry and Fancy Goods. Large stock to select from. 100 different designs in Brooches. 50 ., " " charas, 80 " kinds of Purses. 15 " " of Wallets. 25" " of Pipes, 15 „ " Spectacles. 15 different kinds of Mouth Organs. Solid Gold Rings from 90c. up. Also Fancy Chinaware, Vases and Novelties. Stook well selected to meet all requirements which I offer at lowestsPrices room for tGoods, l: parts of to A . .MISSERE, Wagon -Maker, 114114:1W esz,re suing had a long experience at the business I feel confident of beingable to give first class Satisfaction. Repairing Promptly Done. If you are in want of a good rig give me a call A. F. !AISSERE, Absalom St. Mildmay. We have just rebeived A grand assortment of Lamp Goods, Stoves and Silverware, which can be bought at MODERATE PRICES. Also HARDWARE of all kinds, Tinware AND Sewing Machines Constantly kept on hand. Remember the Stand The Corner Hardware Store. C. I, le s e e r, • No.I3� tome With the crowd to J. L. TITMUS'S sVee the cheapest BISCUIT and CONFECTIONTRY Ouse in town, Full lines of Orsi air ®ss, Thais, 'rote oont and Cigars FLOUR and FEED always on hand. —_IIIII/If//1I/— Fruits of all kinds in their season. OYSTERS in bulk, or served in any style. Everybody welcomed. Elora st. Mildmay. Don'Fail to See Jolr? fIesnir' ss Spring Stock of Ladies' and Gents' SEIOF (Bought direct from Manufacturers.) Slater's Finest Ladies' Wear (French process). The best in the market. Also, McPherson's Best Ladies' and Gents'. Stirling's Hand Mades. .oxford Ties, Ladles' Buttons, • JOHNSTON'S CASH —AND— Produce tore. Akin -stook of, weeds, Worsteds, Cottonades, Shi�gs Ladies Wear, fnrnisinng, Linens, €�ney Co h Qnilts, Satin Quilts, Laeo__Curtains, Flannelettes,- Pritlt and (iinghams, Fresh, Groceries,_ Boots and Shoes= est taarket .piriee piAt ter Bans, Slippers, the best in the market. Over *2000 worth in Stock, JNO. HESSENAUER Next to Ooercial Hotel. Elora St. Mildmay . PRODUCE TA1SEN. Lakelet. Easter is past and all have resumed their work. Good Friday was pretty well observed here. The'mill was shut down and the business places had a quiet day. Harrows, ploughs and other farm im- plements are keeping the blacsismiths in good humor, They are crowding so fast that the boys can scarcely get enough sleep. This cold snap will dull the horses shoes, thereby necessitating their calling round to the smith's. There was a good attendance at church on Sunday to hear the Rev: Mr. Smith. of Arthur, preach the mission- ary sermon. Mr. Smith was known in this vicinity as he had preached for years at Wroxeter. He delivered an able sermon,' and his appeals will likely be liberally responded to. After tine examination at Orange Hill on Thursday a horse belonging to Mr. Jas. Bell—the king horseman of How- ick—broke loose in the shed and turned out, upsetting the rig and leaving it in thought and correctly so, that about the ditch. 1 -ie then walked out to the $45M would be required to bridge over road and stood there with a disconcert- the 3 months from Aug. 9th to Nov. ed look, as if to say : " Come, Master 12th, and hence the note was properly discounted. Then Mr. Scott finds fault Jinn, get at and fix that." The examination at No. 1 school. on with the surplus of $1224.33, or as the the 20th, was a success. The parents auditors make it $1281.17. My con. turned out in scores, as is always the tention always has been that the town - case there. Mr. Alex. Kaine, the pres- ship should not be required to borrow. ent teacher, has proven himself an money for current expenses. It did - adept at his work. and is giving every not require to do this years ago when satisfaction. The officiating teadhers the taxes were much higher than at were Miss Baine, Messrs, Montgomery, present. But I agree with Mr. Scott Shearer, J. M. Kaine, Darroch, Hartley that a portion of this surplus should and McEwan. The event closed with have been put on deposit and bear in - an eloquent address by Rev. Mr. Greene terest for the township. Taking the of G-orrie, and short speeches by the experience of last year as a guide, it is trustees and visiting teachers. quite obvious that about $800 at least We will have three steam whistle_s of the surplus, could thus have been here next week. Mr. Dulmage is gee– put on deposit from say Jan'y 15th to. July 15th at from 3 to 4%. interest„ which would have yielded $12 to $16 to, the township. Why has this not been done 2 Is $12 or $16 too small a sum to take account of by our council 2 Why was Mr. Kinzie's proposal at the Jan- uary meeting to so invest this surplus not acted upon 2 In whose interest is this money kept in the treasury 2 Are the private interests of a few individuals paramount to those of the township 2 And has Mr, inzie too, succumbed to the seductive and blight- ing influence of the "rir•g ?• It looks like it. But While Mr. Scott's figures; are frequently incorrect, there really seems to be some reason for complain- ing of the auditors' summary of the township finances. Among the re- ceipts there occurs this item, "TowL - ship Rate" 83758.73. Now what the. auditors all include under this head of "Township Rate" Idon't know,as I have not examined their detailed statement but certain it is that the Township Rate proper was only $2,594.94, or 81163.79 less than the amount stated. This is readily proved. The total township and county rate levied was $6,692.42, while the county rate was 84,097.48, so that tlie difference between these two sums constitutes the town- ship rate, which is as stated $2,594.94. Then among the items of expenditures appears "miscellaneous" $ 672.56. Since my financial statement issued in Decent • ber was so accurate that the council deemed the publication of the auditors' detailed statement to be nnnessary, it is .a great pity that this abstract should be so -obscure on several points as to be.unintelligible to the public. The amount under the head of Township rate should have had several headings ant surely to lump 8672.56 all . as leis, cellan2eous expenses, and then get this imperfect statement published in Eng- lish and 'German at considerable r -d fl'8hti9 byi in . • when itnetvs but vehe' 18.x', gtho swag visiting a i,s{,einzra- ne Anupty; tale week. ember .'AS♦ 131112_ 7 u + A Mr. Paul Huebschwerlen and famil'! conade- left fob Dakota on Monday last. Post Office,. MniffMAT, AT Az�zsoN�s GORRIE • Elegant lines of MILLINERY are now Shown. The latest novelties are constantly being se- cured, and we keep right up with the cities. Hats and. bonnets, dyed done over and trimmed to order. ' A choice line of Canned Goods an Select Grocerie Always in Stock. Cakes, Crackers, Biscuits, Bread, etc., Constantly kept. You can .always get a tip-tc Confections Of all kinds, Nuts, Raisins, etc., in endless variety. Qhrettnes `Toys Q In (less variety. Fano Goods su.tabie for-Ptesen tations. . Special _ things. in Dressed Dolls. A. B. ALLISON more'' promising young men. The ceremony was conducted by the Rev. A. C. Stewart. We all wish thee, parity and success in If' Carrick Finances. pros - Editor Gazette, --I would rather have allowed the triangular fight now going; on in your cdlumus to proceed undis- turbed. But there are some statements made by Mr. Scott so wide of the mark I think it due to your readers to have a few of the mistakes rectified. He states that there was a large sum of money in the treasury—$657.67, when the council got a note discounted on August 9th for $450. The facts are. that at that date the receipts, including the surplus, were $1533.23, while the disbursements were $1489.20, leaving - the amount on hand $44.03. While several contracts and lumber and other bills had soon to be paid, and seeing that taxes would not become available before some time in November, it was C arriok i�ooien GJ$ShE Propiietor. • Tweeds, Blankets and all kinds . o l en goo u y anufactured. A large and CO always on ting ready to cut shingles. The machine has arrived and Messrs. Scott & Hain - stock have their engines ;here getting ready for action. Ierhaps the best examination yet held in this vicinity took place at No .5. .(Orange: Hall) last Thursday. Mr. Shearer has been teacher there for the past nine or ten years. Taking into consideration the large average attend- ance and the excellent standing of each class, showers of praise shonlb be poured upon the head of this energetic, persevering pedagogue, class after class, as it came foward, promptly answered in a ready manner the searching ques- tidns propounded by the visiting teach- ers, Messrs, Jno. and Alex. Kaine, Waters, Montgomery, Darroch, Hamil- ton and Misses Padfield and Jacques. In the evening a grand concert was held at whish the children and some outside talent took part. It too proved a pleas- ing and successful affair, the several pieces being rendered in such a way as to delight all present. The proceeds amcunted'to $22 which will be devoted to buying a bell for the now school, a building which is a credit to the section and for convenience it stands para. mount in the country. Repeat the ,same ,some time soon people of No. 5, sand you; will have even a .larger crowd thaai on Thurday last. fete stock and. or` W% YC ANTED : Pri rill be•vaids Rst n IN A' DAY.- unth< mere a attc tire, for err*n. ;. ra ieally eE oil Belmore. Mr. W. G. Montgomery spent the holidays with his parents near Wrox- eter. Wm. Lowry and his family have. returned from the west. • - Mr, John Abram is on the sick list this week. We hope soon to see him around again. ' William Hnaton, of Ayton, was visit - ing,-his sister, .Mrs. W:- H. Lowry, on. Saturday and Sunday last. Mrs. H. P. ` Harri^on, of this town . it fri ids in Mildmay this • O . e e A no• "-• . Animist Hitler has moved to,an h • ow T The`'er,, "sy z th this tewn. e; anal a ho James •Enhry 'h `' ��nrorn atiC scale. - ► 0 -Cords Istel her�a � g• of .po.rens - ly follow fhb` 91 A ..Wanted:by . O. E.. R Leading $lacm+th. qty see on ;henhal d . A finPre res luotouk ghtof .g cutters ands s is the place e4,yote;ctin get your Horse Shoeing and rej of 4eue-ral I, aek-- stnitlnng,done right Cheap\end Neat. a i� tre.pac`lilit for ft g 5'tenes Matte simply ;d do Arlt- nasi=- aItst. 'z abest tend ... (e i filo-ing .Va l andsee it y. LiY1C •jai - • 0 v_i