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The Gazette, 1894-02-15, Page 7
+111"4091"lle-M 11 the Wave. Inates the lays examen. ey claim the -ta-whether Mr, Glad- �oncern--Gay of the con- L�old, foo in. ae assistance ,r control of e we do not is to a sbatdy ious writer, .k of author - of retaining it Fortnight- : ous prod at >penatties of nam fleets of pared in ds - that " Mr. e prewasicss or formally ties in the ,actical guar - so long as he but the mo- iy the 4lediter- Ind a provo- of pretension hterranean," �3, the most onces to the ar the aide of Yet, there er, who signs at an exceed - ie i por rause Britmons have 5 mastery of � island home Mercy of its `le is the set - ;the general %really domi- rtain to win as a fighting n which the sham's two Sea Power" ,,793 to 1812. o; contends in, "who can ate," is in a s neighbors. e to the war vers that in ea had incal- far back as an example water forced ilous march hon half his t enabled the army from tercept Han. urn in person ia. Through - d by water, tween Spain, , and Italy, battle of the n the interior ith reference d Hannibal, act that the his succor. t only by the encs at the ginian armies th of Italy, I combined ,/ I of the seen during Britain won or control of red the war eau nations, til the island he defensive. til Trafalgar 3Y hed an offen- based abso- sea." " Her n kept fester• drained the e," continues degrees, the at has been s reduced to ear that this be seriously ays or incur- sible for any roi the ocean nd privateers er commerce. tax upon the ks of trade; e at sea which. or a prolonged is to arouse strengthening e writer con- ring_that sea is controlled Britain must k. He believes d be to send ermany, Land s France, for but he fears by all Euro - pleads for a the interests am concerned gs " but for is on the aetension to itneces'�ardy 'y members ey have..s W B staff - alta xis atilt- -- tnit t ii' to - -- naing .it- � Ifta; delli pg . *- w.v a- f Y _ F rpw 0 __ ' Cr: T- �- - ..; -'h r -r '- `�'_ �_ii - _ _ ,4: ._ :v `_ ' . - . =d','^ .. < fro. - - _ :' - - - c'. 'a I .: .,5' 9if=s" ''.s. ;per - -. - - - _.F^, 'l S _ - -117 '' s-� �.,y�� .- 6. LL .. _ _ - +l. r:.,: _ f -,--:. - a. _ -' :, meg __ - _ _ _ . _ - w;. A �i�•b V 1 �i •T� ;gran •+� ►• •4 - - kIIewledge of the Whim] .that -9"M, 1- L , - meat, the�ormer` being an addition since PEARLS OF MUM A govern such work and the �snits that are , ' to be expected last year; and the mountain artillery are. --- "' peered v - :. -_'°'� Profitable Poultry Maaayement• We admit that onr experience is limited,' nfined to home, In3ia sad .South Africa, Esteem .has more engaging charms than a �� xpID@. ©ht5rle�. whilethe garrison artillerymen, numbering friendship and even love. It cap.ivates The saying} with piers, that all the -- when we hear of file being taken -up in all nearl 18,000, -.are to be found in all the hearts better, acid never. makes in- -and rela>ed He Came slowly up the stair' " Y , ` . . breed is in the trough," would be ve - because too dee at first, we are owtiie:dQctQr'a cane - the colonies (as well as at home and in In- grates. applicable when used with poultry; $or' an$iaus-to kn°w if they were properly laid pry .sag Iii' a ewy-chair, _ • dia) with the" except- A. Cyprus, PTatal; More joyful eyes' ook at the settintr tlt9►n very evident that as lunch depends -on food, at � and when we head-a#:men cutting, ou t hie ce -ant zjLse again, pang, and the cambia_; The $o al care and management as.on a careful selee- 1! t oleetdeep to Iayaa:_e ht -inch main, - s QnLa Station ,Arm s rvica Cdr a, -and-Medi- at Lha rising sus. Bnrdena are laid down u S o E 'fusers y Pby the poor, whom the sun consoles more tion of suitable kinds. It very naturally vtn"ca st think that in the end there will « e cal Staff Cor are similarl iq than the rich.. y be mons wasted• In our work of tile Had he fallen on the ice - - p nb nitons fellows that if you can succeed well with y except in India, where their duties are er- the common dunghill fowls drains ' we have struck hard,.mean Laces HArt his footin away? P Nothing can work me dams a except g ,you can, moat Wrestled veitlt big Johnny Price, foimed by native troops. g assuredly, do much better with improved - thatmade the temptation to -let . - _ . . myself. The harm that I sustain I carry P on the depth • ° Found-it:aaythlim,but playa . .. about me and never am a real sufferer but kinds, for it is an evident fact that improv. P ,mut we started out to secure Would he tell us in a hurry I ed breeds of all kinds will give better and greater depth of soil_iq_lnst-such plaees,a0d- - We were dyuig of our w9rry..?" � JORELFaTS. by my own fault. - quicker returns for good care than common we a are�Ow glad that eve=Persevered tQ Charlsptried to stop lila 1. � It is only from the belief of the goodmess or ordinary breeds will, while, with but 'finish th#g,e placesas-- ,fanned. It wouldenouggroans A large part of the average hackman's and wisdom of a supreme beingthit, our P Long red still w briefly ts- enbcess is doubtless doe to his knowing how calamities can be borne�in the maner "ich common care, the lower grades will give require most adverse circumatarcea in prop- Punctured stall with moans- . ecutiu the work` to satiaf us" with less. Hew the -misery befell. take people. the best returns, for they are accustomed R becomes a man. than two feet .of earth above the tile.- "I've been s3ratini'till I'm tired, `!' Bilkein'a -is a strong face; or I'm no to such mreatment, and the higher or im „ « The body, overcharged with the excess of , And my ankles are unwired! judge -of physiognomy. It ought to be. proved grades or breeds are not. [John Ate; Jamiion in •Ohta va,i ler, He and his whole family are living on it." yesterday, weighs down the mind together If you do not happen to possess a flock of -�--• '` - with itself, and fixes to the earth that ' improved poultry, by all means become the Veteriliary.-; - - - Xitt's:Troubles Binkers I don't see how's you can particle of the divine spirit. s laugh at Saphead'a insane jokes." Winkers Discretion of speech is more than elo- , fortunate possessor at once, or -else put all Rheumatism. -He that is lame first Mitt sat:' in ,a -corner of the old lounge -« .you would if you knew his pretty sis- the old cammon dunghill cocks to the lost Use -of one fore -Hog then the o gaits with one hand: thrust into her little „ _ quence3; and to speak agreeably to him with block, and in their places substitute im- ,hind.o>le. - She eats Will. sad seems a ran ocket,and with suelia wo6be one eg res- fir• whom we deal. is more than to speak in provod ones, in the proportion of one cock- every, � P Bri et-" Please ma'am, the market good words or in good order. ' y otter way ;due to pig in march.. W. sign on her: spare- face that her doggie, manhas brought in a meat bill." Mrs. N --n- The authority of reason is far more im. , to six hens, and thus commence an im• N.S,.Your sew suffera from rheumatism, Spitiy, noticing bersilence, -came and sat g proved system of poultry management, for affecting the joints, Give 2& grains salol ,down before her; watching heir"with a wife- How stupid; ittwas fish I ordered, p3rious than that of a master; for he whe 4 thenyou will find it a profitable undertak• three times `a d1. I m sttre. '- , aisobeya the one is unhappy, but he whe ay, in feed. Give enough longing to''heip lien ontof leer trouble,. Frfend'of the' family='r Well, how's lit• disobeys the other is a fool. ' in g, if otherwise properly conducted, epsom salts is feed to open the bowels ; seemingly. - Let me next take a peep at your hen char a feed v ' She was indeed a picture of forlornness tle Willie - We don't see as much of you as There is not in the world so toilsome a house, and see if there has been any stint M ng�-Scotch Colly dog has some kind and dejection. Her hair had escaped its we used`to." Willie (shyly)-" No : Pm- trade as the pursuit of fame ; life concludes ` ' of whitewash. This great deodorizing and of itch ;,he scrat.hes and digs -at himself ; band and fallen over face, her mouth i m in long trousers now." before you have so much as sketched your disinfecting agent.should be applied,ia the has taken acts of hair off • he is fat and to hada pathetic drool,►;. abd:now and then a' First poet--" Don't you, notice quite a work. 4 summer months, inside and outside of the all appeardnces in good'health otherwise: tear stole down ;in,little'.. runs-- over -her decline poetry in tl_ie newspapers V- .Sec. Injustice arises either from precipitation, I house, and on the roost poles, about once a C.R.C.-First clip hair off dog. App cheek. -,and poet- Yoa bet ! ive had six pieces or indolence, or from a mixture of both. , week, and oftener if necessity requires it. bichforidee: nercuty, one part to five bun- By and_by grandma, bustling in fronfibe declined this week." I 1he rapid and slow are seldom just ; the , Give plenty of air and light in the summer, dred parts t :eater. Apply a little gly ,..,noticed , her too, "Why child, She-�� I must ask you to release me from unjust wait either not at all, or wait too 4 and restrict this to ventilation, light and cerins Ao sore arts of skin. once ever two what ails . ou ? Are on sick ?" . y „ long. I P Y y y ourenpagameiit. Papa has failed- He 4 warmth in the winter. days. - «N-no;,grandma," faltered Mitt, push- _�� Oh, that all, right; _ I am the .man , There are several ways of managing the Cramps. -Some of my four-monthx old ing her hand down hsirder'and.swinging her.: wlio wc� all his money,,, poultry houses, adopted by persona whose pigs act crampy, I feed them on middlings, footnervously against the lounge. _:; ; _- mears vary as widely as do their tastes, ground wheat and corn meal. They are "Tootjaaclie, then:?-" gaeried graudma.; Johnny Plenty--" Say, Jimmy, does pie 4 One very good way is to have the house kept in a dry, warm stable. A.W.-Chane "Better let ..me ail out ;,the-` iiau hE hurt anybody ? _ My' aunt says it does." , large enough (with hens enough to warrant their feed and give half a teaspoonful of 'tli3pg 1" : - P . -- g y Jimmy Scant-" OouMn't tell yer', Jbhnny_ this) to have a small stove Conside, to be nitrate of potash to each pig twice %day.. "N -nano;, no, grandma �' Pve lost my Inever had no change Wr-°speriment." i warmed only on very cold days, the house, Allow them to take more exercise. Apply p.pen-kn"ife_!" availed Mitt,,'with a dry little - Tem �-" Well, a girl can't be ,expected to ' the rest of rile time, to be kept warm and spirits of camphor to parts which cramp, sob in iier.throat, as she took up her skirt. keeps diary.'' " And why not, pray sir?" comfortable, by having i t fasten -ed up nicely twice., day. and displayed to- grandma h_ er small pocket " Because diaries are supposed to be secrets, 4 wherever the cold could gain access. Megrims. -Jersey heifer was taken with with her brown finger_run :'throw h a- hole dnd women can't keep a secreta' ' I The fowls are confined to the house most what appeared to be tits, last spring. Wil mi .one corner at the bottom. Hoax-' I hear "Hamphat has just re- ��� 'W®iS - 4 of the day, the exception being that about twist her heal. over her shoulder, fall over "Dear deer.-!- .That- is too bard I"-. sym ceived,a-legacy of SI00,0,10." Jo Lx-" Yea, 4 nine or ten o'clock we give them -a . run. of > as dead. ' he eats ' *w It _ Veterinarian pathized grazidma, '' ` J - : 41rd.that makes him at once the richest and - 1'�'Y� 1 about half an hour or so, to give them an treated her for six weeks.aud'did not help It fell ,through when I, was going up the poorest actor in the profession." � NG 1 V + opportunity to exercise their rather cram -+ herr J.L.-Your heifer suffers from meg- the hill this morning, L'xpect !" sighed gobbe�« Ilike to hear S outer make a i ed -up limbs,and to et some pure fresh air. rima and is incurable. Keep her bowels Mitt lookia ai the hole 'ruefully. " An' P „ 1 g P : g y speech. He puts his whole soul into it. We are going to _ They are allowed to have another run °!?endo_ not feed -.her high, and -feed her .I've' hunted an' banted.evecy inch_ of _the Siobba-" He doesn't ,top with his. sole. ' toward evening ; and we have found that d II cooked loo$ Avaid,getting her`escit- . R,ay'!" ,., _ He uaually manages to put; h1 : op$ is it." - they will continue healthy if this '� run ,and she may do.very. welt... _ 1If` �zts- treasut-es-and they were not - «. �_.:- - _ � � � �I_ n �� as va mm W 9 E R i system is at all times adhered to during the eases pposed Hog Chabiera.=Thiers is 'a die= many�the'littla penknife,' with a`buttcn thous You want me to beyour-wife ? I winter months, roup, pipe, cholera etc. pestering the bogs in this neighborhood, flock. at one .end, was -the dearest. Every thought you said yo.0 wouldn't marry the Co., . Michigan, near- Saul being prevented, ' Some neighbors call it hog cholera: If so, morning for bion bine Mitt, kind,-aympa -best woman in the world." He -•Bat l've- is there any remedy to be used or preventive -thetie. little girl that. she is, had gone 'up� changed my mind, and `-1 M'II it -on'11 have ' so as to keep well hogs from taking it? H. the hill, through storms -and frost, to•eomb..me•"� " Y . ly. S Molle. Depth of Tile Drains. G. -Separate the healthy from the -un- Ma'am Littlehale's hair ;-for Ma'am Little-,- "You don't look like ye'd had very good WHY DO YOU GO THERE? Tt is generally conceded that tile drain- healthy. If hogs once take cholera they hale had broken her arm;_ and couldn't dd luck at dat house,". said Plodding Pete. age is the most valuable improvement thayt usually die. I'do not believe boat they it here ; and there were many little "I got a cake," replied Meandering Mike. Well we have five bOys, have hog cholera, children`to tale care of and the invalid « can he added to wet laude. It. is equally , Den what yer lookin so sour about?"i true that it is a costly improvement, couni- Cracked Heels. -Gelding has little sorsa grandfather, and oh, I don't know what "'Twas er cake o' soap.." - - - We have sold the farm for $5, in the hard labor and move ..- below fetIook joint; -lei began to swell, alas to da And Mitt stied her. This i g y and about two -weeks later #guns several- P Hocus--11 What happened when you told �0• 'We can buy 64Q , The most difficult matter now to de •de inorniiig:a light snow was #ailing, conceal. more little sores on and about fetlock •oint. your mother-in-law to mind her own buss for the general satisfaction of all, a ea>as I Ing entirely the half -bare, frozen road ; « acres 'between Pick. to be te depth they should` 3w.laid t do Matte continues to ooze from these -parts. , and _through it fire little girl had groped mess ? Pocus- I dost exactly know. When the best work. For three or four- yearaaasxr S,K,D,--Poultice the heels with carrots find wandered'abQctt in her fraittesa search I recovered consciousness I found myself in ford, and the Railwa it appears that a more shallow depth is? ac• or turnipsthat have been well boiled and for, to tell the truth she was the hospitabl. pP P mashed if for table use; thea apply to "alone I. � station at RL14�aT cepted in many cases than formerly, or else ' pP y ashamed to let anybody, especially grand- "Now listen, - Freddie, the doctor said the sources o£ information have been more heels twice a day, iodoform 1 oz., glycerine :ma, know she had lost the knife through the that it was that little bit of candy you ate ! Lind h�'ve' �' good fi�,rm extended, and brought to light the work of 4 oz, very hole that the dear old lady had caution• last night that made you sick."-.. "Well, or each, of -t. he ba S . these men that practice shallow drainage. Malignant Sore. -Mare got calked or ed bar to mend` - '1-' a day lief- -you know how I asked you over and over In reports of farmers' institutes the"fact snagged about one year .ago, just at .top of " Why don't you got. Arty to help yqu to give me a whole lot." Qind have money leg-2 out that many farmers believe that, hoof; wound about as large as .a nickel; look ?" suggested grandma,_ without a iaord Now that I've won the maiden's heart hat can a renter d0 there] less than two feeds the best depth." have tried many remedies to heal it and all of reproof. "His eyes are kesn's a hawk'sl" have failed. Now there is`a sore; the lump The trouble was out no so Mitt started The fact tome is clear, The truth is, that what snits one farmer P wT` ' To win her hand I'll have tot He can tiny a farm on five years time hardly suits another in all respects.. Farm- looks like proud flesh; bleeds easily. , She up with new: courage, and with broom and To n h her father's ear. � end pay for ;<t with one-fourth of thq era work on an economic basis that governs does not go lame'. G.B.-Apply equal :rake the ckildrsnbegan the search'from'the - . all their actions. Some figure for iinmedi- Parts glycerine and iodoform to sore .twice kitchen door. Poor Pay --"I'm in a lot of trouble. The oaey he would pay for rents in that ate returns, and unless they can see returns a day. Occasionallytouch the raw surface Rake ! Rake !-went . Arty slowly with -his landlady Bays I'll have to settle up'orleave," time, and own his own home. in the near future for an investment Trade with nitrate of ails or; that .'will greatly wide blue eyes fixed intently on the ground. -Dead Broke- , Why, you're in great luck, they take no stock in it- It is a good deal assist in stimulating a healthy action. - - Whish 1 Whish ! Mitt's impatient bro oma old man. My landlady says I mast settle IS It good land easier to cut an 1S or 20 -inch ditch and lay Mange-Indinestiou.-Colt coming two made the snow fly up in little clouds, up before I can leave." the -tile in it, than to slit 24 to 30 -inch, years old, d1tring the past month:has rub- On they went.'around the house, past .the Alas for the season erratic As good as any In, grade perfectly, and lay the tile. For the beet nearly all the hair off her body; seems reddish=brown .bank' of primrose -bushes, When bards know not how they shanld ° Huron xcellent former, the work is cleaner, not so bard on to be scabby ; have .treated her for lice. standing stiff ,and.bare beside. the wall in sing; Co.,.� the back and muscles generally, as the lat. G. S:=Clip colt, wash skin with soap and the sifting snow, along theoflat and on up Too warm for the jingle of sleigh bells, ryOr, Oatse Pe�,Ss YY hes - ter, and besides it does not cost so much, water, and apply squat parts vinegar and the first hill: Too cold for the poem on spring. Claimer Timothy, Pa - We have never yet seen a soil or clay that water once a day. Give. two- drains Fos+= 6f For the land sake, mother ! What - �� ! , Po - would not get soaking wet at a• greater ier's solution of arsenic, three times a day. are them children up to ! cried grandpa . And so, Peter, you spell women with toes aux, all kinds- of OOPO depth than 18 inches, or two feet. Some of Keep bowels open and_ feed well. - coaling in from. the barn with some liens an a ? said the teacher,: correcting an toots. ' Prices are as good as any on diel the most uncertain cropping soil on this Stringhalt. -Thrifty five-year old' mare. eggs. "Herts :I've been waftin". an'. waitin' exercise. "Please,sir," was the reply, "my . used for light driving mostly. For some or snow,.an'sera in' over bare round till Papa told mamma only yesterday that wo- takes, owing to the• nearness of the farm, before drain -age, Would dry out, and g g y P g s ' crack to a greater depth than this. We reasons she steps high with right;hind foot;- my' teeth (grandpa didn't' have but one) men were singular beings. ' alines and lumber woods to the west- believe that-anS soil that will absorb water the action resembles stringhalt or cramp. are all on an. edge, an' now them ehildren'a "Confound you, air! I've a notion to pull *ard. will in time become areated if the water is I notice swelling four inches above the-$weegin' it al9 Dirt o' the road I I -never dsd our nose. What do on mean b teilin removed. hock • swelling sore to touch. Ida=not gee such Graz y- life !- . They p�pie that I ve got a temper. I take igt What class of people le live there ? . g y-, work- in ni , ?" „ P P When we commenced draining this farm detect any fluctuation. $. P.� M.--w-The._ must be stoppi" and before -grandma all back, sir, When I said that I wasn't' They are nearly all- from...HnrotE CQ.. abouta, decade ago, after consulting all swelling you refer to may be the cause. of :could explain: he,.had_.shnfiled.out of thlb aware that you had lost it this raorning." authorities at hand we concluded that three stringhalt or cramp. Apply. -tr.-iodine kitchen: - - You raest.there so many old : neighbors feet would be_tbe best depth for us, and the three. times a day. Should swelling' not - . But -just Mien :Arty waved his cep to Teacher (after reading the excase)= So Chat yon can hardly believe you have first winter we put down something near disappear then open up freely witha knife. grandma, watching -them from the. back your three days' absence from school was lit home. . 400 rods at an average of three feet.- Thirty window, -an4the next moment he : cane on account of your vaccination, was it, to thirty-two inches of the soil as a rule WAS ALIVE IN. HIS QOFFIl4. tiering down. the hill, shouting acid bran- Bessie? .You mist have hada pretty sore I -want to see that land. Who has it worked easily, and sometimes the full — - dishing the rake with Mitt racingi'i6ig be- arm." Besse -"No, but 1-4 had tv walk to! sale? Inquire cif. . . : depth was reached without great difficulty-, Thousands Had Gathered ter- the. Faaeral hind, hec broom over her shoulder, her on crutches. - but usually from two to six inches in the -Sachs of Lire Observed as the Casket hood fa her hand, and. the snow 'filling /► T 7 TM hT bottom of the three-foot cut had snore or . Lid R'as Paaced'ou. --- gei! yellow head. They almost. ran .over Imagine ring hesitation of the E i�� Cj� DA 1%l 1� Oia1.1 I the tortu sitatio less limestone sect mixed with the cis rand a at the corner;of the house, in their average small boy trying to decide whether - 1 - $� 3 A London special says:=Thousands:rot: e P he would rather o to -a real circus or sea Often it took as long to remove and grade persons gathered in thecemeter -at Burton- eidgerneesto tell thy? goodnewa. ,y g _ Sault Ste: Maria, M.i�h. this for a smooth bottom for the tile, as it P Vis' The recione enkni£e wa`a found,_ and. his little brother -got a licki>�g ! s 9n -Trent to -day to attend - the funeral of p P : J n©. M O N T I O M E R Y.i - did to out the rest of the ditch.. - Town- Councillor Chards W-ilman. ' T�Phen Mitt sat right _.:down and .sewed -:."little . . Unless the Governors. will let . _ � . Those that -Have had experience know members, the tastily snare=entries £b- take 'Pa��h on liar pocket before'®1te stopped - Our pngitiste alone, - FORD�VICH; ..Ont. how difficult it is to get a smooth, even a last took - at Wilman's face be€ore the brnah the snow our of her hair, , The champions rosy be driven yet Yi'pr Mtap>3, Circulars and fall P grade when, -the clay is Bled with small coffin lid should be acrewed down two Gra�pa, "gi}essed"--,she fwd it�a inI To fight by" telephone. �MealaxaI .1 - Per- p'etrbles or:.gr;avel. Nie-fouiia -,hat by cut-- s ns la'they sate; sten i of life. - because..ahe ♦last- •it w ile g sad ach tin 30 -to ' :in- inches we could avoid this -y i geodt lit Art thou ' lit t�atini��and 1; PhysiElaii+t tvlidweire unimoiitid onQulics -fix L. expense; conse- shat a .es`"had somkkfiing"' Ao with it. 1 - - - _ hard work and additional P ed W iiman alive. - y gnently our ..rale now is So go, as near'as The funeral services were suspended and -Away frsim.`home Iudta always absoi• i A els ant Stock of f we can to_this gravel deposit.. If. the soil the or' was diainissed. Lha greateatnumber of regular troops, and , - g and clay could -be worked, our preference Wiiman was Laken from 3thetcsoffia and i� the men,":: of th�e`',Imperial.army there ho* would be to cut at least three feet deep. now Hader treatment.: iflc en -tip alioui-'7'1;(-00 or abut 600 ,�Iznote . The deeper we Rave the file laid; the less .- s a than at:a- 'Buie last year`; tris -Bengal A ' liable the land is t® surface wash. pas;dency, a>d degsndencies cantaniiig vv _ A WoAd-Be Lire $Byer• In one instance we cut through hard slay ' - - .' ::46 " ,,,,Aadras said Burman 1,"�,� 00 ,.- l;som- ► ata depth of three -and a half feet; for two Tommy—"Say Say, Briii, .drys les Johnny- }ia rj F� fi0 yaiiti the ,roni der j�L � - or three years after the water would stand' Jorkins' es ,ten a mod 1 from the$umane, troops on- passage ori the Indian establish- t=A'1�-_ on the surface vriihin a few : feet of this Society for •fishing Dutch de river liths_ meat - . Tlie i3riiish-strength- n Egypt: has- - drain, and it began to look like the i4vo- Jimmy J ihnsin ?'! 6,:een so ewh1.at mcreased latterly, and the - , cafes of shallow drainage were solid -4n their :Billy- � Yes, I d . hke t_. sport a medal d;.. 1.inch •there ata neairly L,4@O mole than • �. ___ s CTQRRIE� claims, brit now the water disappears as like that: . _ I ar.a�sz the Tinel' l increase being in _ fres .aftee oral rains. We TOMMY:{in a .whisPer}- " l-ottl yer -L tgfant .::: of _ "' line. Tire tegalar _forces _ v quizkly as des . , . rY... _ have a few rods. 1e` lard across _a Fond me �rF_aaerdenta33y fall iaft►,lis riser so ser scattered _ove sur colonies in _1 ill , pa"rte of` : Somethipg-choice in .,-oc hale, that axe only'T to I8 inclie>r-uiide cats' sh. attt,2 _ :tie-worldit ata 31',600= in number, and- the - . . : a them k and clover Bull ` `But s'can't swim." ll edits -raneaii statioa's;ocnttpy a •eoiigider- : the surface. 'J>~he>_ _, ' . �. That! don't m iter v _ _ and its er 'nourish ov them. g'he sod Tamtnp . a _ . , - I ll hold a ' e portion of -these. � �- Gilzi'-altar has `:in i" ts.: h {; .•.. , - e111S'alkrng O S� , la ve rig , and we,w _ iso mach better :'off tisk de -r boat.00mes "� gerri on 5;i100 3neD, and ;Malta S,t IDS while _ - - :taut.: the M :. - ` "bout:<' W;Qosdl fnfaatt a _ eatised if, the were laid Beier, ... YPrl_ : rY� ladies. - �,at�P BOt7�S� cover.em. flee r assn��t� &e :Oer#�lu:- _ , _ .aurtace-waehi=_ ,". .- _ and no art�Ymen, .-After.theae staLtons_ . - - lravebee tee the remainder. of:tliis Years of gotitii>it go;>on ..: : = ,r=eiclaiiit d� r._,LL; _ _ yea .- - Jgrfin, . --_ a .sry woman , s f €einuts der dep;tT oc a „_ .: < gin. _31,�f3g0 1Vjt OiS, to tuts Ca a aad_Natal.' - h ud `O' whamit, , _o44_ _ ,. - o- ou think there.,:is a bier g:; v s 4 Erle r d- y _ # rn t e ,, - • _ n,. , „. h,. . . yp . -1 e shad _ _ - l to _ e , ;I;".i111icaii lett emeni s _ liar' 18 til �pp�� t9 •Y.w .: -: @�F,,-.. i�; r -. _ _- Il! -.. . -. ,.. , ....,,- — ..s... - = .._ .. - - i _ _ . _ 16aIIe :; -" Where troo &are ' rinei "Il :, _ } . >. -at . da.x > r site _a, e .. x� - +? gsr}ar _. P P _ :.. > .1 . y . _._ _ ... , - Y vol..:.h I. men: t.h _ -.... _.. _ .. :... /h{?. - a °f'rpt :, ..,. _ ., ..-.,___,th x s India. -:� _. ett l - -�i r e e. a old rs - - _ y . _ . all_ _ ... warn _, _06 .:.._ _:. �. _. .... - a s .. _ 1_ ; < - _- _. _" , ateo Kon n i° t . - s = Be .nJOf? .o . - - s > tic `_ to do t y ,.._ Bjr _: .._.. oat... _.... __ ._,_� ?' w_ _ _ s iataiav sm 4 . - _.,. I y - :._ : $ <. i? 1. -kms ' - _ ,r , trai :_ 90., t0 ao7 e o d _ . - ,is g19 : , _ ib . :. the,.choicest leather xn ,s#�ei€_aad.make a ,of _rdered work, ' -: 1*_= _h... ! _ ..._ yr-€e6iT$aald<_m ha�►eeeali --'{ - - - - "ort- o= n 4t#0 Ear the rtao -. cif v- _ _ a . - ., feciss as Q ._ _�41" - -... t - a : m _ Vie; tier err m , a : at 'lrl_ ..... _ „ _E tt. aha _ y_ _w. -.. e , _ ! :.t_.. �_ . - .... its , _r..:, . F. m �. . . _ µ_. � ��� i,..... z �_ .-.- t.: f w_- et °n 3 r- . -1_1 . r to nnai Stu. ,, : 0 i=J y I �_ - - r 4 .- _ - - - _ _ r __ �r �__ a ,, - - s _ t _ _�. ,. MT ' s.: ;. _ r- - `d _ rXi .> _ : _ _ ._ r _. - .:, sit..- ei"8iia _; . - ._ - r. rt _� • - r;� e:. 8 tits$ . �_ -1 0 _. e Y iffi I . 'L _ , _: , . ._ y _ _. .. _, . r. _ - _ _ ss atetiB .. w _._ r _� _ _.�w _ ._ c 1. - -.-, . „- �.v.:. 6a ,-. <. �`�� .. : .- , _. - a _ e .:. -c. .._ - n sv. ., T .. ;,fid:. - ->f _-.-� -.-_. -. _•. 3's{.x:...,....-eC�. z _ �e�Y ..,�-..�� . - ..YIS'ka-3_+.r-.