The Gazette, 1894-02-15, Page 5•r alba • the Do_ 1 other ijoyed 50o, We have s. at line ods. We or. o� A, oods ins. dis. CTUIIRCfES. 0' V jNGELICAL.—Services 10 a.m. - and 7 p.m £abhath -School at 2 p.m. C. I,ie:.emer, Superintendent. Cottage pr ayertneeting Wednes- day evening at 7:1,0. Young People's meeting Tuesday evening at 7:30. Choi- practice Friday ev.^ni*.g at 8 o'clock. Rev. Mr. Haast,Pastor. it;ESBYTEI1IA.N.—Services 10:30 a.m, Sab- bath School 9:30 a.m. J. H. Moore, Snperin=. owl ent. Pray ermeeting, Wednesday evening at o'clock. 1:ov. R. `v. Gallagher, Paster. C. CHURCH, Sacred Heart. of Jesns. Rev. 1'H ;iter ev, 1. P. Services every Sunday, alternatively at 8:10 a.ro. and 10 a.m. Vespers ever; ether Sunday at 3 p.m. Sunday School at 2:3'.' p.m. every other Sunday. LUTHERAN. --Bev. Dr. Miller, pastor. Ser vices the last three Sundays of every month at 2:30 p.m. Sunday School at I:30.p.m. tETHODIST.—Services 10:30 a.m. and 7 p.m Sabbath School 2:30p.m. G. Carle, Superin- tendent. Prayermeeting, Thursday 8 p.m. • Bev. W. B. Danard, Pastor. . SOCIETIES. M.B.A., No. 70—meets in their hall on the • evening of the second and fourth Thurs- days in each month. ]i. WEII,ER, Sec. Gno. HERRING -En, Pres. C• 0.F.--Court Mildmay, N. 186, meets in their L. hall the second and last Thursdays in each month. Visitors always welcome. J. ScnWErrz1R, C. R. JOHN Meaux, R. S. �O.C.F. No. 166—meets in the Forester's Hall j, the second and last Thursday in each month, at 8 p.m. W.R. AnMoms, Conn._ E. N. BIITCHART, Ree THE MILDMAY GAZETTE,. DEVOTED TO THE INTERESTS OF EAST BRUCE AND EAST =HON. Terms; $1 per year in advance; Otherwise $1.25. ADVERTISING RATES. One Six Three Year. months. months. One column......- ........... $50 . e30 $18 - Half column 30 18 10 Quarter column18 -10 6 Eighth column 10 6 4 Legal notices, 8c. pei'-line for first and 4e. per line for each subsequent insertion. Local business notices 5e. per line each inser- tion. Contract advertisiilg payable quarterly. J. W. GREEN. Grand Trunk Time Table. Trains leave Mildmay station as fol- lows : GOING SOUTH. GOING NORTH Express ...... 7.15 a. m. Mixed 10.55 a,m Mail...... ...... 11.55 " Mail 2.5 p.m Mixed.. 5.20p.m Express 9.4 p.m Mr. Frank Hesch has recently pur- chased a frame residence, on Simpson 5 t. Mr. Samuel Harper, who has been ill with typhoid fever for some time past is now convalescent. Mr. C. Schurter has been absent on a trip to Toronto and other . _places the past week, returning -home yesterday. Reeve Liesemer has recently bought a lot on Elora St., near Schweitzer Bros.' mill, from Mr. Frank Desch, and intends to erect a fine brick building on it in the. spring.- _ Mrs. Alex. Brahman and children are absent at present, visiting_ with her par- ents at Hamilton. Miss Bauer, who spent the past couple of -weeks here, re- turned with her. The auction sale at Mr. Wm. Carne- gie's, last Tuesday, .was well attended, and, one the whole, Auctioneer Hins- perger succeeded in getting good prices. The Patrons of Indutry will hold a convention at Brussels on the 23rd inst., for the purpose of nominating a candi. date to contest East Huron in their'in- terests, if they think it advisable. The Canadian colored Jubilee Sing- ers gave two concerts here this week t. full houses, under the auspices of the Mildmay C.O.F. The troupe is a good one and made many friends here by their excellent demeanor and abilities. The poplar trees at the rear of Mild- array's fine public school are to be cut at once, and tenders are asked . for the frosting of the windows. Our school is one of the most efficient in the Inspec- torate, and the trustees are leaving nothing undone to keep it in perfect working order. Miss Marie Butchart started for To- ronto on Wednesday, intending to re- main for some time, having accepted a positions in, a dry goods house there. She will vis .with friends in Galt for a short time here proceeding to the city. Miss Batchart is , an attractive and accomplished your ady. and will be much missed from social circles here. The fire alarm was Sounae I just after. ciommlttee� to .look after the. eats o,., their' tailorshop halving caught fire. ; Messrs Band, McNally!i Co:, the cel Notwithstanding theefiercer snnowstorin ` the patrons. The .patrons appointed skirl , D. A. Harkness` auditor for1894.'- The: ebrated.publishers of Chicago and New. .Servant girl wan _a. -App1 sat this oCe. Rcbt. Edmunson, hasbeen in: Manitoba for. once time past was home for a' week or so visiting with • his par- ents. On -Monday of last week he started from Mildmay on what is, even in these days of travel, considered a very long journey, his destination being Natal, South Africa, which he expects to reach- in about. six weeks. He has ocepted a lucrative offer to travel as agent through that country and will be absent for some years. Miss Susie Schultheis left Mildmay last Monday for Milwaukee, Wis., where shewill take the veil, becoming a Sister of the Order of Notre Dame. Miss Schultheis has been absent from Mild- may for -the past two years, in a con- vent aj Chicago, and her home coming on this occasion was to take a final farewell of her family and friends prior. to becoming a nun. Her sister, Miss Mary, cane- home Buffalo: in ender to enjoy this last visit, and the two sisters: left on. the same train for their respect ive destinations. The newspaper difficulty .in :Arthur village -has been amicably settled by merging into one, Mr. M. C. O'Donnell,. ex -Reeve of Arthur township, having bought both. The Enterprise had not satisfied . quite a few in Arthur, and a strong agitation for a seconds paper res- ulted. Mr. D. Brockelbank made stren- uous efforts to bay out the lEnterprise, but without success. so a year or so ago the News was launched by l ini. He proved himself an able. editor, but the field was small, and when Mr. O'Don- nell purchased the Enterprise a few weeks ago no difficulty was experienced in amalgamating the two papers. Ar- thur is the gainer as the new pepet is a large and well -printed sheet which would do credit to a much larger place. - The past week -or se has produced a choice variety of weather. The crisp atmosphere and splendid:sleighing that pervaded the early part.of_lost. week. was superceded by a spring-like. balmi- ness which caused the overcoats ,and snow to disappear withi a iikeelerity. On Friday evening, a gen ins heavy thunderstorm ---inch as is freely -wit messed twice ins lif(3time'ini' ebrUars'— passed over this section. The thunder must have cooled the air,-$ melt, for Saturday brought a snow -storm which gained in volume until Sunday evening and Mom when:-�a..:pe fect b i d-. prevailed which has again mode. the: sleigning good:where.the SI** is are not too extensive. At present the. weather is fine, but the immediate fte;- Lure is quite uncertain, end _ merchant are in doubt whether to decorate their store fronts with linen des 3ra.. or fur overcoats. The adjourned annual meeting. of the Patrons of Mildmay C.esnor was: in the. town hall on Fri„ slay the `9th inst. A fair attendance of Patrons were on zur 'seeekee fe 838" Teary from Oi1e and- three tenth' mills on the dollar.to four -and one .half mills, and to-aggre- vate the evil:the sehoot with- the lowest assessment /Set year received from Leg- islative-grant eg- islative e-grrant and municipal equivalent combined, nineteen -dollars and seventy five cents, whereas another school rec- eived eighty-seven dollars and seventy cents from; .the same sources remember several years ago the school inspector for East Bruce reported that in the northern part of the county there was a still greater inequality in school assessments than there was at that time. in the township of Carrick. Now- one of the results of the present system is. that the weaker sections have to be content with third class teachers and to be continually changing them because three years is the limit set for the life of a teacher with - a third class certificate.-- It its apprentice work the greater part of the time, while in the larger sections they - can afford to pay for experienced, successful teachers and they can keep one -that suits, as long as the teacher is willing to stay with them. mit ;only- so, the larger bection pays its teacher with:a lower rate on the dol- lar than the'weak section with the in- experienced teacher. I am casting no reflections on our third class teache3rs; for my experience has been that a large proportion of thein. turn oat successful teachers, but the evil is that. the weak school -sections are .not able to choose between third class and those of a high- er grade on account of the higher salary demanded by the letter, and so have to run`the disk of drawing a- blank some years, and when -they succeed in getting a good teacher they mae�t soon part with him or her and_repeat the process again. One of the causes of unequal assess rnents in _Public school sections is our separate school system. And I -main- tabs-that main-tabs_that when tint legislators by their legislation make it possible for: a public =sohcaiiection= to be saddled with an in- tolerable burden of taxation, it is the bounden duty of said legislators to pro= vide a remedy so that no Public School Section: should suffer by being "_made to Carty the burden alone. This remedy maybe easily .provided by causing. township councils to levy, by a general rate on all public school supporters with- in their jurisdiction, enough to equalize taxation for school purposes. Then each. school section would have all the advantages a townshipool board 'system _ wi o its disadvantages. Each school section would' -have full controlef its own 'affairs without any _uneq ual or njast taxation. I am giv ting .' no opinion -in this ' letter of the merits and demerits' . of the Separate School system ; I.merely state what I have'observed to'Sbe `some of its effects on some -of. our hablie Sehool,sectior's. 'Yours truly, - Jets JOHNSTON. • Auction Sales. hand. Mr. Fred Filsinger occupied -the Parties getting their sale bilis printed chair. Jas. Johnk.'-on acted as secret- ary. The report of the auditors .was read and . after considerable discussion, amended by wiping out the balance due the butter maker in considatibn of this being able to put the butter on ..the. market in a cheaper package that the tin lined tub. The secret �.-calied tile. attention of the patrons present,to the importance of having corn €odder for the cows when the grass fad, It es_ agreed by all present that corn was the cheapest and best substitute for pasture. in the months of August, - SSegtember and October. It kept - up the- flow of milli and also kept the.cows in good condition. There was considerable die* cos as to how the creamery should - be run for the year 1894 after which;it was moved and carried that Mr: jai, Johnston run the creamery this year -on' his own- respousibikty and-thatthe path rens be paid within three and one half cents per pound . of. what the butter is sold for free on board at Mildmay. Mr. John Morrison, Mr. Fred..Filsinger. and at this office will receive .a notice of the sale in the GAZETTE free. We have everry facility for: turning out first-class wore quickly and cheap. No need of going past the .GezETTE. Roth English and Gorman. An auction sale of farm, farm stock, implements, etc., _will be held an lct 44, con. D. Carrick, on, Tuesday, Feb. 20th, commencing at 10 o'clock, a. m. And- rew ,Bingh m,.prcprietor, F. Hinsperger, auctioneer. - See advertisement. - RELIEF IN.- six. Houss.--Distressing kidney and Bladder -diseases relieved in-six,.h( yrs b the -Great South Ameri- can Kid) ey .Cure. You cannot afford to pass:this.magic relief . and cure. Sold at. MildinayeDrng Store. A Great offer. The Globe of :Toronto is offering great inducements is commotion With their. weekly for 1894; ` _To all.':sub scribers *ho; forward them one dollar by the. end of December next, they will.. send. The 'gee cly GlOke for 1894; and, Mr Cleo. _13nxneit 'were appointed a ald-tien, present them witl.�t a copy noon on Mouda.y, a chimney at SElgul; • inter f. of "Hints for the Million" published by which raged the fireman were q g o ,but- sex -vices a ,� Y ex -1 in l�ivitis $5169.90. For May, dAne ed, thee have easily ng-nisle3d bemire any ciaan>�;o�a`ion . into -News leads the worid * cls: `pear lb. For August #t -o‘ , yst For- The Torie . _ balance of the semen, l8i; cls• enterpraf late ` It P �� Public School G azette --tocol who it a l- IIOW *or* ve es0 .' .;‘4;:_ their w yrs happily n,.t,, total aniount paid for butter�t&patrons and 3n1 - the price paid patros ' was 16.. ti e y 4 to . - _ phic;"aespatches>_ from seat of merit, :Brazil, aeca ed by waving& Blastrating OD- events sa- aced. Whether the News no double e _ .. liy te-letn the neem*, eta t_ • York., This work is an intvalusble book o" the' hold. reference .and haluly.• f or e`hOttse . bcing.a compendicni of new and vein-' able:resipe'end:* uggestions on hygter e: medicitrave ne, sine ate, I1 - s . -batiste kit-; The regular is worth. DDR bewithout a copy of "Rents for the Million." --Spirit of the Tinges. REEUMATISSI' CURED IN A DAY. --South American Rheumatic Cnre, for Rheum. atism and Neuralgia, radically cures iu 1 to 8 -days. Its action upon the system is remarkable and mysterious. The first dose greatly benefits. -'Y-.75 cents. Fold at Mildmay Drug Store. English Spavin Linihient removes all hard, soft or calloused Lumps and Blemishes horses, Blood Spavin, Curbs, Splints, Ring Bone. Sweeney, Stifles, Sprains, Sine and Swollen Throat, Coughs, etc. Save $50 by nee of one bottle. Sold at Mildmay Drug Store. BORN. in Carrick, on Feb. lith, the wife of Mr. Wm. Lelwig, of a daughter. ' Mildmay Market Report. - - Carefully corrected the GAZETTES : Fall wheat per bn Spring " - Oats Peas 13arley.. Potatoes Smoked meat per lb........ Eggs per doz Butter per lb Dressed pork... every -week for $ 56 to $ 58 56 to 58 30 to 32 51 to 52 85 to 38 32 to 48 9 to 10 12 to 14 17 to 18 $53Qto550 ... Dog Lost. On Friday, Feb. 2nd, a brown and white cock- erel Spaniel, about five months old, quite curly hair, ieng ears, bob -tail with white tip, answers to name "pup." Finder will be suitably reward-, ed. Bring dog or leave word at GAZETTE OFFICE. dor Sale. One of the Best Business Stands in Mildmay. ALSO stock of Flour Feed and Groceries. Dwelling and wood -shed attached, Good stable and shed for rigs. Terms to suit pur- chaser. Apply to GEO. I(LMIIERT. One door west of Schneider & Miller's, Mildmay, NLW Harness Shop inL Full Stock of Harness Goods of all - kinds. First Class Leather. First -Class Workmanship. . Prices Low. CTAS. UHLMA 1',. ()pp. Post Office," 100\ Cords Wood Wanted by GEO. E. LIESEM'ER; The Leading 13lacksmith. CALL and see him A fine stock of cutters and sleighs on hand. Prices Bight. . Mlle le is the place where you can get your Horse Shoeing and all kinds of -General Black- sinithing done right. Cheap and. Neat.. - I have a new machine for Lifting Stones which is made simply and does its . work easily. One horse can lift a stone out of its bed with this machine which takes two horses to move without it. Call and see it and get Prices. -• GEO. E. LIESEMER. e1f'V T x.11.s .ithing Business ��. Next-Hauck's Hotel, Elora St., (south ;end). CALL and. see the -BIG STOCK. �. FILSINGER. ji�use •• for Sal.a,• One Rranie House.on.8impson St.,,fitied~iip'or two -families. • Another single dwsllulg:en Simpson St, frame Good, comfortable, will finished frame_ house' on A bsaloiµ' St, - All have good stables on the lots. Will be sold o as -. Apply: to JAS. JOHNSTON. lit sop iildihav • 3oetz bl? .s a=fig, fora.or of r s,pe feet satis=fae -:their-cue= erence and -the Good -day my friend4,I've come at last To thank you all for favors past. When you the Elora Road travel, '_hat fine Macadamised and gravel. At 1 iildrnay be sure and stop; _ Come in and view my carriage shop. l'll.mend or make your Plow or Harrow,.., Stoneboat and Wheelbarrow. I have Cutters made of every grade, And Buggies neat and fine; They are painted by as jovial boys As ever crossed the line. Our felloes and spokes are made -of oak Most excellent and good, For ages past, they have stood the blast In our Canadian wood. The ironwork too, is something new, The best that you can find. Of good, tough Swede, T have agreed To suit the public mind. In this great age aailroad speed, I'm sure you do a carriage need. Your wives and daughter labor bard, 'Tis flit they should have some reward. . So when you come away from home, If that be "nay the fash," Just bring the dust, don't let it rust, There is nothing like the Cash. With many thanks for past favors I remain, Respectfully Yours, .. J. SCHUETT & SONS The .pioneeriCarriage and Wagon makers. . Mildmay, Ont. VALUABLE Farm for Sale BY AUCTION. THE farm comprises 200 acres, being Lots 43 and 44, Con. D, Carrick. Fine two-storey stone residence, good bank barns and other - buiildings, plenty of splendid water. Excellent , land, in first class condition, 9 acres in fall wheat and all cultivated fields twice plowed last fall.. Terms made known on day of sale. If the fare-.. is not sold by auction it will be offered for rant for a term of years. The aucciou sale will %e < held on LOT 44, CON. D, CARRICK, On Tuesday, Feb. loth, 1 894 _ The following property will also be sold at the saute time and place : 2 Percheron mares, 4 years old ; 1 Percheron mare, 3 years old ; 1 Per- cheron mare, 8 years old; 1 Percheron mare, 9 years old ; 1 Clyde horse, three years old, . and -1. two years old ; 1 Clyde mare two years old. and . 1 -one year old ; 4 uxiich cows, 3 heifers, three years old ; 4 steers, one year old ; 2 heifers, one year old; 3 steer and 1 cow. feeders, 4 calves, one brood sow, 7 shotes, 15 ewes with lamb, 1 Oxford ram. 3 lumber wagons, 1 spring wagon, top bug- gy cutter, 3 sleighs, 1 Maxwell binder, Princess harvester, mower, horse rake, combined seeder, spring -tooth cultivatr, disc harrow, iron harrow, _ wooden harrow, 2 sod plows, 1 stubble plow, iron_. gang plow, turnip sower, turnip seubler, laud roller, stump puller, 2 saddles, 1 set light double, harness, lignt single harness, 2 setts plow har- ness, 1 weigh -scales (600 lbs), 2 fanning :mills, 1 straw -cutter and horse power, 1furnace boiler, 2 sugarkettles, 1 grain cradle, 3 cross -cut saws, horse hay -fork, washing machine, crank churn, 6 milk cans, whiffletrees, scythes, forks, shovels hoes, a large quantity of household fnrniture, ; and many other articles too numerous to men- tion. TERMS of SALE.—Ali, sums of $5 and under, cash. On sums over that amount 10 months credit will be given on furnishing good approved.,. joint notes. 7 pei cent discount allowed off for cash on all credit sums. Sale begins at 10 o'clock, a. m., sharp. F.1•iINSPERGEn, . A. BINGHAM. Anctioneer. Propriet or- dNO. BRETHOUR, FINE AND $tUUU Insurance Agent: NITR011EIVTI3 J ... agemasawrs : Weill ggton Mutual Fire Insurance Co.:. Waterloo Mutual Fire insuraLce Co. Perth Mutual Fire Insuranoe Co. Economical Mutual Fire Insurance Ca - Mercantile insurance Co. Etna insurance 0o. Give John A Call. PETER HEP INSTALL Fordwich. General insurance Agency. Oall and get your Will made. Or call and get Dr. Wilford Hall's Hygienic pamphlet; ' Maw, nelous Triumph Over Disease Without Medi -1 cine," at half former cost. Or ANY"INS1JRANCE. either on Tillage or Etat farm property. Or any writing you require. Or a loan on real estate at the lowest rates: CATS. ArrswAu. P. HEPINSTA.14. duet Received by, IlAstono Bios, M the *able & Stone WORKS - A fixe Assortment o44- G- ►nite Monumen - . of every style. Mso a large amount ilk` ; f the Bg$T NEW YOB MARBLE,. We -are therefore] preparekto fnrnlsbA' Monuments -and Headstones at -43s as r.... 3rT RZDUCEb Prices. It Will #gi° ;before piaci