HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Gazette, 1894-02-15, Page 3ht es he ening orite plied How rrpet Qir; i hde'd but Mr, yet ut h, or urge s to call retry the and ever - Iris out self. job 9a nee ups life. I'll ver sin un- veil ork the ht it - *ed a ow he he er ell he he Id se e it t - g it SAWDUST AND rias The Spawntn, Ground of Our Best Flea . Being Destroyed -1< Protest From the Deputy, Minister or Fisheries. The Deputy Minister of Fisheries insists that the turning of ._sawdust into rivec? frequented by food fishes destroys the spawning beds and diminishes the fish pro- duced, his attitude on the question beim:: based upon the reports of the superintend- ent of fish culture, Mr. Samuel Wilmot.. An ex -inspector of fisheries for Nova Scotia, Mr, Rogers, takes the directly opposite position; and cites statistics to show that in waters into which vast quantities of saw- dust have been emptied—the St. John (N. B.) river and harbor, for example—there has been an increase in THE SHAD FISHERY SAVED BY A NEWSPAPER, The Story of an Ottawa Basines3 Man. Afflicted With Deafness and Partial Par- alysis—obliged to Give up Qis Basi- aess on Account of These Infirmities— To the Surprise of Ws Friends Has Been Fully Restored to. health. From the Ottawa Free Press Mr. R. Ryan, who is well-known in Otta- wa and vicinity, having been until recently a merchant of this city, relates an experi- ence that cannot fail to prove interestintr to all our readers. It is well-known to -Mr. Ryan's acquaintances that he has been al- most totally deaf since twelve years of age, from 423 barrels in 1878 to 4,648 barrels in and that some time ago this affliction was IS9e,and " the salmon and alewife fisheries made still more heavy by a stroke of partial give evidence in the same direction, though paralysis. Recently it has been -noticed not so pronounced," The St. John river s that Mr. Ryan has been cured of these alleged to be " the most sawdust -covered storytroubles, and aa reporter thinking that his river in Canada, except, perhaps, the Ot• requested 1pernaissi©n to makehit public, and tawa," Mr. Wilmot declares that water it was given by Mr. Ryan as follows :—" In polluted by sawdust cannot be utilized for the fall of 1883, when I was about twelve planting fry in, while Mr. MacFarlane, an years of age, in the analyst of the Inland Revenue Department, head, which graduallytdevelopeda severeointo deal - who tested the Ottawa water, found no nese, and daily became worse, until in the . evidence of sawdust having injured the month of July, 1884, I had become totally wa'.-er in any way. Mr. Rogers claims deaf, and was forced on account of this to that hundreds of thousands of salmon fry leave school. The physician whom I con - planted in clean rivers in various parts of suited informed me that my deafness was Canada show no results; and it is a no- incurable, and I concluded to bear my ail- torious feet that while tens of millions of mentsas well as I could. In 1889 I started young salmon were turned into the waters a store about two miles from Calumet fel- of Ontario for a period of twenty years, at and, Que., but not being able to converse an expense of tens of thousands of dollars, with my patrons on account of my deafness, not a barrel of salmon has ever been I found it usi- marketed in the whole of that province: nese a success almost Wever, thingsiwe ebget- The Fisheries Department, through Mr. ting a little brighter until last April when 1/Viimot,claims that young salmon have been killed by 'bl eathing' sawdust into their ed oto be aok a vcr erepain, , inolmy right leg gabelow gills ; whereas: the ex -inspector alleges that the knee. I was9 then doing business in 'to have it go out before an intelligent pub- Ottawa, having come to the city from the lic, through the reports of a Government place above mentioned. At first I gave no department, that fish breathe is most humil- heed to the pain, thinking it would disappear iating, because everybody knows they do but on the contraryit grew wors, and not; that they have no'lungs to enable the course of a feweeks I haden to use is them to do so.' At various other points cane and could scarcely bear any weight on these AUTHORITIES ON FISH my leg. I continued to go aboc't this way for two weeks, when a similar cramp attack- ed my left arm, and in less than twa weeks, in spite of all I could do for it, I could not raise the arm four inches from my body ani I found . that the trouble was partial paralysis. Judge my condition—a leg and an arm useless, and deaf besides. Being able to do nothing else, I read a great ileal and one day noticed in one of the city pap- ers of a man being cured of paralysis by Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. I immediately began the use of Pink Pills and before I had finish- ed the third box 1 noticed a curious sensa- tion in my Ieg, and the pain began to leave it excepting when I endeavored to walk. Well, the improvement continued, gradual- ly extended to my arm, and by the tune I had completed the seventh box my leg and arm were as well as ever, and my gener- al health waimuch better. And now comes a stranger part of my experience. I began to wonder why people who were conversing with me would shout -so Ioud. Of course they ;had always had to shout owing to my deafness, but I was under the impression that they were beginning to shout much louder. • After having bade them 'speak lower' several times, I enquir- ed why they still persisted in shouting, or rather yelling at tine, and was surprised to be informed that they were not speaking as IoudIy as formerly. This led to an in- vestigation and judge my joy when I found that Pink Pills were curing the deafness which was supposed to have been caused by catarrh. I continued the Pink Pills for a month and a half longer, and Inow consider myself perfectly cured after having been deaf for ten years.' I can hear ordinary conversation and am fit for business, though I am yet a little dull of hearing, but this is not deafness, it is simply dulness, the result of my ten years inability to hear conversations, which still leaves me with an inclination not to heed what is being said. But I am all right and you may say from me that I consider Dr. Williams'"Pink Pills the best medicine known to man, and that I shall be forever indebted to them for my renewed health and strength. Newspaper ethics usually prevent the publication in the news columns of any- thing that might be construed as an advertisement, and thus much valuable information is suppressed that might prove of incalculable benefit to thousands. The praise of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills should be sung throughout the land, they should be familiar in every household, and newspapers should unite in_ making them so. ' An analysis shows that Dr. Williams' Pink Pills contain in a condensed form all the elements necessary to give life and richness to the blood, and restore shattered nerves. They are an unfailing specific for such diseases as locomotor ataxia, partial paralaysis, St. Vitus' dance, sciatica, neuralgia, rheumatism, nervous headache the after effects of la grippe, palpitation of the heart, nervous prostration, all diseases depending on vitiated humors in the blood, such as scrofula, chronic erysipelas, etc.. Fhey are also a specific for troubles peculiar to females, such as supressions, irregulari- ties, and all forms of weakness. They build -up the blood, and restore the glow of health to pale and sallow cheeks. In men they effect a radical cure in all cases arising from mental worry, overwork, or excesses of any nature. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are manufac- tured by the Dr. Williams' Medicine Com- pany. Brockville, Ont:, and Schenectady, N. Y., and are sold only in boxes (never in loose form by the dozen or hundred, and the public are cautioned against numerous imitations sold in this -shape) at 50 cents a box; or six boxes for $2.50, and maybe had of all druggists or direct by=mail from, Dr. Williams' Medicine Company, from either address. come into direct conflict, the quarrel being a very pretty one. We have reason to sup- pose that the failure of the fish hatcheries - to produce the results at one time antici- pated for them is leading the officials to look around for excuses for their failure. After over twenty years of experiment- ing in planting young salmon in the waters of Ontario, the Department dis- coveredthat the water of the streams was too warm ; that there was too much sediment from the drainage of farm lands; and other drawbacks. Nothing was said of the fact that the sal- mon is, in part of its yearly life, a salt water fish,and that the young salmon were being fed by the Government into the maws of the lake pickerel. The excuse for failure in other rivers, it appears, is sawdust; and while sawdust as an article of food may not be of much value to the fry, it would seem, according to ex -inspector Rogers, not to be particularly detrimental. There are other reasons, however, why sawdust should be kept OUT OF THE RIVERS of the country, and these are backed up by stringent government, regulations, which in many instances remain a dead letter. Whether the presence of sawdust is a draw- back to fish culture or not, this material should not be permitted to be thrown into our great streams, where it forms bars and shoals, to the injury of navigation. The Department of Marine and Fisheries has ordered the enforcement of the law in some streams, while in others of much greater importance it has permitted the law to be defied in the most open manner. Political ' pulls' are said to be responsible for this partial administration of a just and necessary law. A BATTLE FOUGHT IN 15 MINUTES. Defeat of the Solas by the British -2o e f the Enemy Killed --400 Slaves Set Free. A London despatch says :—The War Of- fice has received a despatch sent from Free Town, Sierra Leone, to -day, giving the de- spatches sent by Colonel A. B. Ellis, Com- mander of the British forces operating against the • Sofas in the interior of Sierra Leone. Col. Ellis'. despatches are dated Tungea, Jan. 9. He says that he started from Warina on Dec. 26. After crossing a section of the country 42 miles broad, through the whole extent of which the Sofas had been going reeently, the British expedition reached the Rum River on Dec. 29th. Here a successful attempt was made to establish communication with the Konnos who. were hidden in the forest on the fur- ther bank of the river, The Konnos in- formed the British that the main body of the Sofas had crossed the river on Dee. 18. They had destroyed Yardu, though the people of that place had hitherto been on friendly terms with them. The Sofas then proceeded to Kerrayemna for the purpose of joining others of the tribe, their intention being to attack the British at Tungea. The column crossed the Bim River in pursuit of the natives and reached Kerra Yemna on Dec. 31. The place was found to be a perfect charnel house. ' The Sofas had slaughtered the inhabitan ts,men,women and children, and then left. The British bivouacked in the forest on the night of Jan. 1. Long before daybreak, on the morning of the 2nd, the British started in pursuit of the enemy, who had evidently changed their minds about -attackingthe British. At four o'clock in the warning the British came raInn the Sofas and fell upon them. The enemy was taken completely by sur- prise. The place had -been strongly block- aded, but the: Britieh ;caied the position in aquarter of an hour. Ttvo hundred of the Sofas were killed and 70 were taken prison. ere. Over 100 staves, women and children, were rescued. The horde" of Sofas slave -traders were completely dispersed. The only casualties sustained by . the British were the severe wounding of Lieut, Gwynn and one private. " I -hearlook Staylong was around to :call on' Phyllislast n�ght when --you-wer there -1!" "Yes; he was.here'for an boar t►."z "Must have been area+ _ . wa_ay' 'r` Oh,_no; I tr.ke> e-evenini seem a Bits of Advice. Don't wait for the wagon while the ei alk Ing is good. Don't grieve over spilt milk while there's one cow left on the pasture. Don't say 'the world is =growing worse when you are doing nothing, to, .make it betterg Don't let the pra.ss grow strider your feet T Cows can trget at it�there. son going:i o do ri iw tonere $ o, he leas felt egMrs.r iusac . 4 I47 $7 }u�l'o lavt� as thel es o' ' y :1 eve. hire: Aa Odd Collection. A man in Colorado has a quaint collectio of bottles. It is divided into two section ' ection one is large. Section two is not. 8ection-one contains hundreds of bottles,th sontenta of which his wife swallowed hopin; to find relief from her physical suffering Section two contains a few bottles that onc• were filled with Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre scription, It was this potent remedy tha- gave the suffering wife her health again- I! aures all irregularities. internal inflamma- tion and ulceration, displacements and kin- ired troubles. It has done more to relievt the sufferings of women than any othei medicine knownto science. Pile tumors, rupture and fistultc,radically cured by improved methods. Book 10 cents in stamps. World's Dispensary Medical Association, Buffalo, N.Y, When a washerwoman changes her place of residence one may ask her " where shr. hangs out now" without using slang. Take One Free. A pillow sham holder on the bed will save the thrifty housewife much worry and vexation. There is only one first-class holder on the market. It is " The Tarbox," which makes the shams look the best, Last the longest, and does not injure the bed, Drop a post card to the Wilson- Publishing Co., 73 Adelaide west, Toronto, and you will be advised how to pt a Tarbox sham holder FREE. Manager—" De Circassian girl's in a peck o' trouble !" Living skeleton—" How's that ?" She married de two -headed boy yesterday, an' dey arrested her fer bigamy dis mornin'." Purely Vegetable. First the bud, then the blossom, then the perfect fruit. These are the several stages of some of the most important ingredients composing the painlessand sure corn cure --Putnam s Painless Corn Extractor. The juices of plants greatly concentrated and purified, gums and balsams in harmonious union, all combined, give the grand resulte. Putnam's Extractor makes no sore spot, does not lay a man up for a week, but goes on quietly doing its work until a perfect cure results. Beware of acid substitutes. Alas, how cruel nature is to bring ('Twas thoughtless, very) Such lovely weather for a verse on Spring As we've had in January. Recruit (after repeated admonition to hold up his head)—Sairgent! am 1 always to kape me head like this? Sergeant (very short man) --Yes,soor, al ways. Recruit —Faith, thin, I'll say good bye to ye at once, sergeant, for I shall niver see yoi agin in this world. Cures Consumption, Coughs, Croup, Sore Throat. Sold by all Druggists on a Guarantee. Fora Lame Side, Back or chest Shiloh's Porous Paster will give great satisfaction. -25 cents. CATARRH REMEDY SHILOH'S ii u Catarrh? This Remedy will relieve and Cure you. Price Wets. This Injector for its successful treatment, free, Remember 6hiloh's Remedies are sold on a guarantee. TORONTO ELECTRICAL WORKS. Electrical Supplies, Bell Outfits, &e. Re airs prompt and reasonable. School and Experimenters' Supplies and Books. 35 & 37 Adelaide St. W., Toronto AGENTS WAN 1 EDg males and our fer R s Meaner . Entirety new: soils to ever,, kcusakeeper. nb-o Dread, Cake and Pnricg Eaires, Carter, and %nifs end 5si_4 Sharpener. No c.pfe d required. Easy vr'lrr., Cid res SIX -La co, i.1, 1.os LARK'S atarrh URE The greatest preparation on Earth for the speedy and permanent cure of Catarrh in all its Stages One bottle will work wonders. If you Druggist does not keep it address. T.A.SLOCUM &Ca, 186 Adelaide St, W.,TCRONTO. Price 500. Wood Yard Cheapest Pt Machinery Power. Engines 1.Jf to25 Waterous Brantford, Can€& LAD! ES, DR. SLOCUM'S COMPOUND PENNYROYAL TEA —alms - Health, Strength and Smut y Cures all diseases and irregularities peculiar to women. As a tonic no better can be had. Take it. Samples free. Sold by all druggists in 25 cent packages, or mailed to any address on receipt of price. T. A. SLOCUM & CO., 186 Adelaide St, W., Toronto, Ont RUPTURE AND It -pays nobody to specu- late on trusses when you are ruptured. Many pee-; pie- are ruined for life by trusses sold them (the -reverse of what is really needed;) Infants and -children cured in 6 to_ 8 weeks. Thousands of people have been cured by my trusses, • - .Send for Illustrated book free. OR TILES -C LITHE• 131 Sing Sreet West, Ner►&Pain Care. Poison's Nerviline cures flatulence, chills, ,red epasmr. Nerviline cures vomiting, iarrhoea, cholera, and dysentery. Nerviline ures headache, sea sickness and summer oniplaint. Nerviline cures neuralgia, :,othache, lumbago, and sciatica. Nerviline :area -sprains, bruises, cuts, &e. Poison's Verviline is the beat remedy in the world, :nd only coats 10 and 25 cents to try it. ;ample and large bottles at any drug sins&. rry Poison's Nerviline. The difference between a form and a cere- nony is that you sit on the former and stand the latter. St. Leon is recommended on the Highest Scientific authority. Why dose your system with filthy drugs when St. Leon can be ob- �ained for a trifle ? One piece of ice is called an icicle, but it would not be correct to call two pieces of ice a bicycle, and three pieces a tricycle. A.P. 695. VACODS Cures a tir aiTheasi: You need n't go to Florida, but take SGOTT'S EMULSION Of Pure t brwegian Cod Liver Oil and Hypophosphites. It will STRENGTHEN WEAK LUNGS, STOP THE COUGH, AND CHECK all WASTING DISEASES. A remarkable flesh producer and it is almost as Palat- able as Milk, Be sure to get the genu.ine put up in salmon -colored wrappers Prepared only by Scott & Bowne, Belleville. ATTENTION—IF YOU ARE AN AGENT— if you are not an agent, but would like to be one—if you want to make money—send for our illustrated list. William Briggs, pub- lisher, Toronto. �®®O,000 ACRES OF LAND for sale by the ST. PAUL & DULUTH RAILROAD COMPANY in Minnesota Send for Maps and Circulars. They will besent to you °wee. Address HOPEWELL CLARKE Land Commissioner, St. Paul, Minn. MILLER'S TICK DESTROYER Operates promptly and effectually in destroy- ing Ticks and other vermin pests, as well as in eradicating all affections of the skin to which Sheep are subject. No Sheep -owner should be without it. As a certain core it has hitherto proved infallible. Price 35 cents, 70 cents and $1 per Bow, .A 35 cent box will clean about 20 sheep. Sold by all druggists. HUGS MILLER & CO. Manufacturers, Toronto. SIGNS OF HEALTH are Bright Eyes, Clear Complexion, from the use of Dr. Slocum's Oxygenized EMULSION OF PURE COD LIVER OIL _ Easy to take, and a great flesh producer. ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR IT, AND TAKE NO OTHER —Manufactured by— T. A. SLOCUM & CO., TORONTO 5 erman run" Martinsville, N.J., Methodist Par- sonage. " My acquaintance with your remedy, Boschee's German Syrup, was made about fonrtceu years ago, when I contracted a Cold which resulted in >l Hoarseness and a Cough ' which it isabled me from filling my pulpit for a number of Sabbaths. After trying a Physician without obtaining relief—I cannot say now what remedy he prescribed —I saw the advertisement of your remedy and obtained a bottle, ]L received such quick and permanent help from it that whenever we have had Throat or Bronchial troubles since in 411r family, Boschee's Ger- man Syrup has been our favorite remedy and always with favorable results. I have never hesitated to report my experience of its use to others when I have found them troubled in like manner," RENT. W. H. HAGGARTY, of the Newark, New Jersey, M. E. Confer- ence, April 25, '90. A Safe Remedy. e G. G. GREEN, Sole Man'fr,Woodbury,Nj. "SOUVENIR " • ...................... STOVES & RIMiES Made from ORIGINAL DESIGNS and :-: Patterns-_ -• They are Superb in Finish, arld Superior in Quality of Material & Worknlagshipr They Excel in Batting Quali- ties, art(' in Economy of Fuer and Corivenience. :o: ..N : They are made to burn wood es- ; : clusively,or Coal and Wood,and : in a Great Variety of Sizes, and : : are therefore adapted to the re. : : quirements of Large or Small : Families, in any part of :he Do- .: : minion. .. Every Stove Warranted.:: 41. If yon are in want of a Cook Stove or Base Burner, --don't boy until you have seem this P1egant Line. Sold by leading Stove Deal- ers everywhere. Manufactured by the CUHNEYJ TJ1.OEN Co., Lid Hamilton, Ont GRANBY RUBBERS They give perfect satisfaction in fit, style and finish, and it has become a by -word that "GRANBY` RUBBERS wear like Iron." �Y1DE�WAKE SOAP. • Toronto.