HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Gazette, 1894-02-08, Page 7case are ohn her, and and SS - the case ere in six to s ae ding est- ress ac- me the oth- the ith the was tre- d he ould ney opin- feat- that ing gita- tiave Un - take t it ping was two ield- iains' man and Qua siOns rrell, ter he drut is- or1d. d he zger- and conld work e city !Hams' s wife Maras Mac- : elec- t into .me in el rig. as $20 finally :d the le, the Bore a Mac- •atreet It the Talker hard's or $15. ed and t worn Som at ever i sap. la two e Hotel, Mac - et the Man- n the heard :ere. Toseph tewn- sitively w with aa Mac - ie. 15, e Will- ered to he had erionsly. t it was y, Dee. Friday, , and who en- ouse OA k milk- y to the st being thing he !n. He er as the Nilliams atnrday. rr telling !torso for do a►. ncunces :nmoniat aced was ani: in - prima in r-vlassels iagese ¢e - Min. en of Went ivied epi, •• fn n AMU AMAZING TRAVELS.1 P TE�BOB4O' % �a. How the Sights of Iae tops Attested a Han i -- of z:,,azinar. Brought Back Frond the Brink of Amur bin Nasur bin -Amur Ilomeiri is a{' the Grave.native Zanzibarite of unusual intelligence? -- who was taken to Berlin recently to help i A. Tonng Girl's Wonderrul Experience— a professor of philology there give izistruc• sickly From Four sleuths of age—iter' tion in the language of the Suaheli. He Parents Aid not Thin before oris Would had not been in the city long before he Live a wonah--vow a Picture a Stealth was seized with the epidemic desire to write a book.. Tie wrote it, and published it —A tiarveitons Case. with the avowed purpose of letting his From the Peterboro' Examiner. people at home know what great things To be dragged to the edge of the he had seen since leaving them. His pro- grave in the grasp of dread disease is an ex - of translated the book into German. - j perience that comes once to all, but to con- Amur prefaces his work with the story ? template entering the grave and mingling of his life, and then proceeds to tell of i with its dost,, to have, even in hope, bidden the amazing things he saw on his wa • to i goodbye to life and all its sweetness, and Germany and in the German capital. Aden, ! then to be snatched from the brink of the Suez, Napier, and Lisbon, as which his I grave and to be restored to health, strength ship touched, did not impress him deeply !and happiness, is an experience that few with their importance, " aay enjoy. We hear and read of such cases so the commentator, "because too much' well attested, that doubt finds small space novelty at once was beyond h m re- for its exercise, but heretofore no case has, ilenaion," His experience at Amco sterdam, however, struck terror to his heart. " went into the city," writes Amur, " and saw hoer women took men by the arm and talked with thein, and I thought, This city is surely the dwelling place of the evil spirits; this is the end of the world, and I, Amur, will be lost forever.' So I went back to the ship and lay down on my bed." Although 25 years old, and a tried war- rior on his native coast, Amur went from fright to fright after reaching Berlin. "One da teacher tookhe 1 D9 until now, come under our notice in Peter - bore' with such directness as to"make assur- ance doubly sure." Such a case, however, exists. Many persons have heard of the illness of Miss Amelia Ranger, who lives with her parents at 19 Parnell street. She was brought down to -the very gates of death and was restored to perfect health when all human aid seemed to be unavailing. Her miraculous cure excited so much com- ment that a representative of the Examiner y my c er me to the land of t was detailed to obtain the particalars, and arts, he writes of a visit to the Berlin the result of the investigation is to verify Zoological Garden. " It was garden, and the reports that have been current. calling at Mr. Ranger's house the repo saw in it lions and gazelles, and leopards, and the wild horse (hippopotamus), and the elephant, and giraffes and zebras, and all the beasts of the land and water, from the big ones to the little ones, from rats to snakes, from the Little fishes to thegieat ones. And as I saw them, I was amazed. There were hens and all other birds, and every beast was in its own house, and every house was as the house of Said Ali, a house of wonders (palace of the Sultan of Zanzi- bar). Then I said to myself : "Is this _paradise or this world ?" Blit I did not speak. I kept quite still. My friend ask- ed : 'Is there anything like this In Zanzi- bar ?' I answered. '0, yes, we have things like this,' but in my heart I was afraid. I would not tell my friend lest he should say I was afraid of the beasts, for such beasts I had not seen in my life." Of the Urania astronomical theatre, Amur says : "I saw there how the sun set and was afraid, r wondered ii it was all real, and 1 asked my friend : 'Are we in Berlin or are we on the sea?' -'We are in Berlin,' he answered; 'Why do you ask, Amur?' I told him that I only wished to know, but in my heart I was afraid, only I did not wish him to know of my fear. Finally we went away, and I went home and lay awake until morning, for I could not sleep." Amur was not the- least amazed by the - splendor -.of the Berlin beer saloons. "I On der was niet at the door by. a bright -eyed - healthy looking young girl, who readily consented to give the particulars of her iIl- ness and cure. She remarked that her moth- er was absent in Montreal on a visit, and added with no Little pride that she was keeping the house and doing all the work, a thing that would have been impossible a year or so ago, as she was then so ill that instead of taking care of the house she needed constan t attention herself. "I have been sickly from the time I was four months old," she said, "and as I grew up, the weakness and ill health became more pronounced. Myiblood was said to have turned watery. I was weak, pale and dull and could do nothing but suffer. Noth- ing the doctors did for me was of any use and I grew worse and worse. Father spent a farm on me, but it was of Eno avail, and father and mother gave me up and felt that I was going to die. I expected to die my- self. I had no blood, I was as pale as a eo:pse and so weak I could- hardly walk. My heart also gave me very much trouble and. if I lifted my hands, my heart would jump until I thought I would die. About two years ago we heard of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and got a box, but as they did not seem to do me much good I didn't take any more at the time, but as I got worse -and the -doctor could do nothing ' for me, I determined to try the Pink Pillsonce more, thought in myheart," he writes of one this time I made up my mind that I -would saloon, "if the saloon lookalike this, what give them a fair trial. I got eight ^bores must the house that the owner lives in .! A and before the third box was done I felt better -and my appetite was better. I kept on taking the pills until I had taken the eight boles, and ail the_ time kept growing stronger and Longer. My .color returned, my heart trouble Left me and my appetite was better than it had ever been before. Now I can do any work about the house, and feel strong and well a« the time. It is a great change since last July when I could scarce- ly walk across the floor without failing. I believe. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills saved me from - going to -the grave, and I am very thankful I took them. s' Thera was no, doubting the honesty of her conviction that Pink Pills saved her life. . A younger sister corroborated what was said, remarking, "when Amelia was so had Iast spring she was so pale she was` al most green, and mother did. not think. she would live a month." -` In evidence -of the dangerously ill con- dition of Miss Ranger, a couple of neigh- bours were - seen. Mrs Trombliy said the girl was very ill, and her friends did not expect her to recover, and she had been cured by the use of Pink Pills. An- other lady present also bore testimdny to the hopelessly ill Condition.. of Miss Ranger, a few months ago. • The remarkable" and gratifying results following the use of Dr. Williams Pink' persona who have lived in the German capi l Pilis, in the easeiof Miss ganger, show that "In eunequalled as a blood builder and like this, I told my friend, I had never seen. It is as fine as the Sultan's ; yes, finer. And I said, 'Praise to God, the Lord of the worlds.'" On the Tempelhof parade ground-Amursaw soldiers whose number he esti nated as 200,000. lie—had a not less exaggerated idea of the number of spectators, which seemed to him so great that he was convinc- ed everybody had left the city. "Yet when we went back to the city," he writes, "it was as if nobody had left it, and I shook my head and tried to think how it came." The captive balloon, which lie saw at the parade, Amur described as a "big egg that' climbed into the air."- Amur saw Bismarck. Of his meeting with the Chancellor at the Stettin railway station he tells this story : "Ha came in a covered wagon, and the men cheered him,and he stuck out his head through the window and answered the cheers. When I pushed to the front and greeted him he thanked me, took a flower from his hand and said : 'Take that. black man.'. And I took the rose. He is all white, even his eyebrows. I was full of joy, and took the flower home with me and smelt of it, and kept it many days until I threw it away." Amur's tropical opinion of the Berlin cli mate -agrees with that of most civilized tonic. Lal : they ar Berlin it is very cold. It is cold six nerve In the case of young girls months and warm six. And as far as the ,whoare pale or sallow, listless, troubled with a fluttering or palpitation of the heart, weak' and easily tired,no time should be lost in taking a course of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, which will speedily enrich the blood, and bring a - rosy glow of health to the cheeks. These pills are a poeitive cure for all troubles arising from a vitiated con- dition of the blood or a shattered nervous system, suchas locomotor ataxia, partial paralysis, St.gitns' dance, sciatica, neuralgia beat is concerned, ttfe cold is much better.;, But when you feel very -warm it is beat not to throw away your clothes, for then you - gill take cold in your chest and will be sick. In winner things are ' like this : The water is as hard as a stone, and when rain falls it is like little stones ; another kind of ram is like chips from the- inside of a cocoa - Row a gee Saes- rheumatism nervous headache, the after ef- fects offlagrippe, that tired feeling resulting We are $o _used to regarding_ the `world from nervous prostration, all diseases de- round ns from the standpoint of our own- ,pending upon humors in the blood, such as scor f ala chronic erysipelas,etc. They areilso a specific for troubles .peculiar to femmes, such as suppressions, irregularities and all forms of weakness. In the ease- of men; they effeska radical cure m all cases arising from ei* worry, overwork, or.eacesses of whatever .nature. - sight that it is hard to realize that, to other creatures,' far ou-2iiunbering as and perhaps as _ important in the economy of Rature,-it must low quite different. The long bee, for example, is supplied with a pair of compound eyes with hundreds of facets, each capable of sight by itself, said several oocelli or=little, ample eyes more.' Dr. Williams-' Pink :Pills are manufaetur: 1 - cls Ithese closelyallied to our own: How eyes ed by_ the Dr.. Williams' Medicine Co,, are used, _what,- -are their .separate fano- Brockville, Ont., for Schenectady, N. Y., do *hat sort of images they' can present andare sold in hoses (never: In loose form to them.owners 'ail remain questions eh.' by the dozen or hundred) at 50 centsea'box interesting and well nigh_ Unsolved as - they er six boxes for $2.50, and may be had of were beTora. the . days of - our__ awerfnl all. druggists or direct by mail from Di. icroscopes Notwithstandingthe fact : Williams'Medicine Company from -either th hutndreds df _ entomologiata have been address. The price at which these pills and. are liuterested-18 this, subject We yet are sold. makes:nrourse of treatment him.aid oirtiy attire !fait where we< -can affirm pensive as .compared with other ed es thabiihe:..honey b : sees: s very 7different or medii treatment.,- -. flower from the mile ht which we observe � ager seprbh of ailiets,'althou of- what- -. She �ed a Receipt. se Is produced 's`.nd•50 you ve my new overcoat- to a riga li t:Iatle t• r _ - ug ' y man to his wife m,g lea ung - that I had -sent `L-elslll Z ► i*Was. a -swindler," re,- iitiatOvoiaan between her "Les shat, .I took.erery pie. ; , pray?" Inquired the- me *receipt' for' ed its wife, ez alV7a $thought rerealin ill " "her was aeverte�il ap-, - ail To be always on time, 'with a record of success such as has. characterized the annual reports of the Temperance &-General Life Assurance Company, is to,occupy a - proud position. -It has for some years been the custom of this company to complete its annual reports- for the Government within a few hours after the close of the • business year, and the reports. for 1893 were sent forward- with the usual promptness. These reports, weare told, show a record of suc- cess in every important feature of the com- Pan9's business ahead of anything it has heretofore experienced. During the past year it had 1,680 applications, for $2,020,- 000 of insurance. A considerable—number of these were not on lives acceptable -to the company, and others failed to materialize into permanent business from various causes, but, when the year'closed, the com- pany had 674 policies, for $726,444, more in force than it had at its commencement, and its assets had increased by $61,- C87.88, which was a much larger amount than the increase in its liabilities. These items serve to indicate that it will have a very satisfactory report to present at its annual meeting, which will take place at an early date. A Wonderful Lighthouse. A wonderful lighthouse is to be erected on Penmarch Point, Brittany. It will con- tain a "lightning flash" light of 40,f300,000_ candle power, casting a beam which can be seen in clear weather sixty-three miles away and in foggy weather twenty-one miles This is- by 1far the most powerful, searching and penetrating light known to science. It will cost about $60,000, and be know as the Eckmuhl lighthouse. "Your neighbor appears to- have failed good many times ?" " Just twenty-four times. The nest one will be:his silver bank ruptcy" "Grin Like a Cheshire Cat.* " Well, well I Didn't ever hear of a 'grin like a Cheshire cat?' Why, you see, a man down in Cheshire had a cat which grinned and grinned until there was noth- ing left of the cat but the grin, just as some scrofulous people, who don't know of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, get a cough and then cough and cough' until there is nothing left of them to erect a monument to but the cough." The " Golden medical discovery" is, the most effective, anti -bilious, anti -dyspeptic strength -giving remedy extant. For weak lungs, Iingering coughs, spitting of blood, I scrofula, sores, pimples and ulcers, it is a wonderful and efficacious remedy. Its manufacturers guarantee it to do all that they claim, or money is returned: Dr. Pierce's Pellets cure constipation, piles, sick headache, and indigestion or '.i? sia• cal tdlegrams'are now being transmit- ted through pneumatic tubes in most of the principal cities of Great Britain. Take One Free. A pillow sham holder on the bed will save the thrifty housewife much worry and vexation. Thereis only one first-class holder on the market.. It is " The Tarbox," which makes the shams look the best, last the longest, and does not injure the bed, Drop a -post card to the Wilson Publishing Co., 73 Adelaide- west, Toronto, and you will be advisedhow to get a Tarbox sham holder FREE. . Manager-" De Circassian girl's in a peck o' trouble !"Living skeleton-" How's that'?" " She married de two -headed. boy yesterday, an' deg arrested her fer bigamy din mornin'." Nerve Pain Cure. . Poison's Nervilinecuresflatulence, chills, and spasms. Nerviline cures vomiting, diarrhoea, cholera, and dysentery. Nervilfne cares headache, sea sickness and summer complaint. Nerviline cures neuralgia, toothache, lumbago, and sciatica. Nerviline cures sprains, bruises, cuts, &c. Poison's Nerviline is the best remedy in the -world, and only costs10 and 25 cents to try it. Sample and large bottles at any drug store. - Try Poison's Nerviline. Two persons will not be friends long if they cannot forgive each ooher'a little fail- ings. A CAdatien. How can we raise more corn to the acher, Why, of course by using Putnam's Corn Extractor. Putnam's Painless _torn Ex- tractor -bas given.uaiveraalsatisfaction, for it is sure, safe anl painless. Like every article of real merit it has a host of imita- tors,and we would specially warn the public to guard against those dangerous substitutes offered for the genuine Putnam's Extractor. N.C.Polson & Co., proprietors, Kingston. A woman well known in English society for her lovely neck and arms polishes them,. so it is said, for half an hour each night with chamois leather, A.P. 694. ti 5 ;ivi° �7eq�uat of C0.0 forte Prompt aqa permanent -Cure ofg pets eimclActte5 Scott's Emulsion of Cod-liver Oil and Hypophosphftes is both a food and a remedy. It is useful as a fat producer and at the same time gives vital force to the body. It is beneficial in CONSUMPTION because it makes fat and gives strength. It is beneficial for SICKLY CHILDREN because they can . assimilate it when they cannot ordinary food. It is beneficial for COUGHS AND COLDS because it heals the irritation of the throat and builds up the body and overcomes the difficulty. "CAH'A'IION.'"—Beware of substitutes. Genuine prepared by Scott t Boerne,Belleville. Sold by all druggists. 6Oc.and $1.00. Shafthig In Longest kengths. SwvCo Pulleys Couplings. Any Style Split. OAST IRON AND STEEL, PLAIN AND CRIP WATEROUSy Brari Canada. LADIES) DR. SLCCUM'S . COMPOUND PENNYROYAL TEA — GIVES — Health, Strength and Beauty, Cures all diseases and irregularities peculiar to women. As a tonic no better can be had. Take it. Samples free. Sold by all druggists in 25 cent packages, or mailed to any address on receipt of price. T. A. SLOCUM & CO., 186 Adelaide St. W., Toronto, Ont 14 KARAT GOLD PLATE. No turning black after ono days wear—ean be worn a lifetime Not a clock, but a stem wind gentleman's watch, open face—a superior time eeper. Agents wanted. Send fifty cents, stamps, to show you mean busi- ness and we will send the sample to your nearest express office C. O.D. for the balance 82.25. All Express Chenes eflls you send the amount th your order we will send by Chain Piece. You eaper daSoliy and5fi makeSilveru right in S. our own town selling these watches. Address N. Mow= 8t Co. TORONTO, Can. Cures Consumption., Coughs, Croup, Sore Throat. Sold by all Druggists on a Guarantee. For a Lame Stile, Back or Chest Shloh'o Porous Plaster will give great satisfaction.—R$ cents. - HIO N'S, .CATARRH EMEDY. Have Ton Cater* P This Remedy will relieve and Cure you. - Price50cts. This Injector for its successful treatment, free. Remembs Shiloh's Remedies are sold on a guarantee, Tito High Speed Family Knitter Will knit -10 pairs socks per ' day. Will do sil work any t` plain circular knitting machine will do, from homes's=n or -fac- tory yarn. The most practical family knitter on the market. A child can operate it. Strong., Durable, Simple, Rapid, We ® ; guarantee every machine to do good work. Beware of imitations. Agents wanted. Write for par tiCIIlar$. - - -e Dundee Minting Machlue Co. 1.3undas, Ontario. ACRES _OF LAND tinfi for sale by the ST.. PAUL. j. -: F •–�► & DULUTit R& I L R O& D Gdatralvsi in 31Jinnesota .fiend-fei Map Cir oanarit;- 'may will •besent.to yon ..- .- - 1ltuAria ° HOPE Land Co', I, i ugust lower" Perhaps you do not believe these statements concerning Green's Au- gust Flower. Well, we can't make you. We can't force conviction in- to your head or med- icine into your throat. We don't want to. The money is yours, and the misery is yours; and until yott are willing to believe, and spend the one for the relief of the other, they will stay so. John H. Foster, i 1: 22 Brawn Street, Philadelphia, says: " My wife is a little Scotch woman, thirty years of age and of a naturally delicate disposition. For five or six years past she has been suffering from Dyspepsia. She Vomit became so bad at last that she could not sit Every Meal. down to a meal but she had to vomit it as soon as she had eaten it. Two bottles of your August Flower have cured her, after many doctors failed. She can now eat 'anything, and enjoy it; and as for Dyspepsia, she does not know that she ever had it." a Doubting Thomas. ATTENTION—IF YOU ARE AN AGEN T— ould like to be onif you Qif you want not an agent, money—send . for our illustrated list. William Briggs, pub; lisher, Toronto. A PLEASANT SENSE Of Health, -Strength and Comfort follows ' the free use of. ST. LEONINR1L MITER. Itaets in perfect harmony with nature in removing all obstructions and impurities. It never irritates, never disappoints, and never produces reaction. ALL DRUGGISTS, GROCERS AND HOTELS ST. LEON MINERAL WATER CO'Y Ltd.) Head Office, Sing St. W.. Toronto. Branch -448 Yonge St. SIGNS OF HEALTH are Bright Eyes, Clear Complexion from the use of Dr. Slocum's Oxygenized EMULSION. Of PURE COD LIVER OIL Easy to take, and a great flesh producer. ASK OUR DRUGGIST FOR IT, AND TAKE N0 OTHER —Manufactured by— T. A. SLOCUM & CO., TORO L� AGENT FFOOKYOUR SEWING , IT, OR SENDA 3CENT STAMP FOR PARTICULARS, PRICE UST, l SAM PLES,COTTON_YARN.&c, TIiIS i5 GOOD FOR;$2°9 :SET7DTO REELMAN BROS,l frs- `GEORGETOWN, ONT. WHITE SWELLING. This is to thMR. CHAS. CLIITHrtifrE, of 134 King Street West, Toronto completely cured me of white swelling in the Ieft knee in less than 6 months. I was able to attend to my business in three days after hadhe I had beed n machine on.confined --_ to my bed for four months previously.) The doctors decided that nothing but amputation would save my life, but on May 15tha 9O, a friend persuaded me to let MR. CLUTHE make a machine for me. I consented, but I confess I had no fadth in it. I suffer now no pain whatever, and can walk ten miles without the aid of stick or crutch. I give this testimonial simply to help anyone who may be suffering as I did, and to convince them, if possible, that there is only one cure, and that is extension as applied by MB.. CLUTHE, of 131 King Street West, Toronto. GEORGE GILES, 320 MARKHAM ST,, TORONTO. GRANBY EUBBERS They give perfect satisfaction in fit, style and finish, and it has become a by -word that "GRANI3Y RUBBERS wear like Iron." VfIIiUWAKE --IDE SAOKA5 /SHURE MAM JTBATEStUU1ALL" toile bottle will war ,does not.