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The Gazette, 1894-02-08, Page 5
-,.., -.� - _ _ ... fi:.....,, .. a -.....;.- - - - --33.. _ 4r�. _ .,oTks- _ y . _ F . --... ..- 7.,...^. '`cam. .2 �c�.•.�.•'• ']� .. : .�__�+�. ... ..... n.. .. :is,,...�r '1. - t - ._ ,.r..x'�. `.7 q J+e-'• *.-- �.+ r ..L ... _-•�:"W. e.. r'..,.. x ,. - _,.,.. _.'^3-'S ...w�<.r'w se•.'L i lv� % . _ - I'll- � - o - ` irk. ;-T - _. s, i'M_ '.' "h. - _ .c -,-f;. - _ is `' rye .�s €' ...`..' xy:-:: r 3 nil x ,"f w u m +. - -I-ROs a':. z „' V _. NUMI< _ V _tlgI—- : r, r, CHURCHES, +;, . rW �.":csa: ur `_ L re,c�'ant :_: - - � 4 S, 111 Pa J_ ,L� �_ �� ` _ :_ �c_a ,t► #..- x tic - t.� . _, 4 - .w: , _ r r z" ..Fureci8 ininti : �- ., _ .P. Wool• Good. 3 _ ,� z it r , ,1 ,lieu un uad c .1. ., ,. _ a -::, : �_ :- - +'" - <3 �j (� �r ,w - '.in_ tee_ ky- -� �11 ,.7E fiYi2C.2 vr't:i :2OaCt J.._.,+_ w�Tl,..� is.V�it nt7 ply, fif/': r O.f.-..,- j Q Lean w00 fCrf'e ,afliTo 9,i� VAht3F.Z.ICAL.-'Services 10 a *n. an 9 -:. - r.io. SQI� r`1rtIld y .�yyb,atyfu',�f ., -M' r"r`= ... L - �� { ti.ii� i/ i:_ Z. -T• .�,).! f.- - . - - - .. _ w1i. Q tbg - R - ...F.�-,•i::.; lk .. -`4£ -s> - .J_04 Sabbath School at 2 t �.. , ?_— —wci� _ r_ Ilt1� _ Fg�� i ..:m p.m.- f..1'.l�s�lr,Y, Tf� `r %423,1rJQ1? �: t� ci,4r •. -Li ALL 's.,. _g-- re. .,1 _ `'r,. F Superintendent. Cottage prayermeetinr b;'.. lne; - T - ;ice t Y at fi�lie ` $$'8 >:.: : ,-- day evening at 7:30. Your , eo 1:'s 1" =. , c';. ail? :^' 9t. 5:i rlic^£e i1T��-ore--TllaFP@ :f �r .� •_�" „ A ]. i eg.tp li' Attill.ldma be snra$nca z g p eetin„ ave our Azrtnioiiia Soap wrappers. lame- 5 f Tuesday evening at 7:30. Choir prac*ice. Fi•idzv , - _ ,,:> a.,'. ra.. s,3cak. i en record:eur,a, x€�iatioti of h r When ou have 20 "' '- e£xop. t;®r" in au�d vi ' ,_ evening at 8 o clock- Rev. Mr. Haist; Paotor. �`�l''- ,2G i2 l0. � R t e repot 3' , At,atn0hiaQr 0 Puritan 41 --mend or '_ your or " 0w; ° v I fisc, talent is L ! sent to t3se. B;iar . by lie Pr:ole pal; Mr. Soap wrappers, send them to lis and a 3 stoneuoat a13d wheelb�rror V PRE SBYTERIAN.-Services H. Mo , S -t Gu" ' - cent stamp for postage and we will mail I have;Qutters made of every grade, the ®- bath Sch4o19:30 a.m. J. A. &loo e, Sr< aria-) - 'lin l.. A. Cameron, 'showing t -he _progress of yon free ahandsonle iCtilr And Buggiesneat_an4Ane; enaAnt. PrayermEeting, Wednesday eveuingat `'r° - 1 r 3 ' f 3 a , Picture framing. They are ted b as= jovial bo s o'clock Rev R v, Gallahe P • 1 6118 school ill the differ t d t t A 1. - I I 6:11 • 11 1. - I OCC 5009 - •__ 7 1 . We have t line . \��e s a dig o r, Astor. is at present :-is, t1:1 r r- _� 3 � , � :, _e r is: - - . ,__p en ear me s, fist of Pictures around each bar. As aver oGI 6684 tl�e'lite. - R.c. CHURCH, Sacred rIeaxt of Jesti3.-7;ev. lav, lit'.Ii �ieY ;jl t�i1s J1, a fe�v incl also in ragsrc� to. that of� lie teach- Ammonia Soap has noequal-wc recom- p� feiloes and spokes�reanade of oak Father Wey, P. I'. Services every Sunday", ,, , :ers sending reports to each -of the fate mend it.- Write Four name plainly on Most excel l tbt and good, It,�• ,w alternatively at &30 a m. and to a.m. Vespers mites south of i4Iilamay. C1larley + '. . the outside of the er and address For past;theyh'ave stood the blast f_ every other Sunday at 3 p.m, Sunday School at Rias III -the seetian of -the; ro ass of 5wapp In.our Can wood.. irr l_ 2:30 p.m. every other Sunda_ y. was a resident of Carrick until about 20 - p g W .A. BRArsHAvr Co,;48 50 Lombard - . - ` - ' � years ago when he moved to Minnesota each of the, pupils ; and also in calling. St., Toronto, Out Sold by all genera The ironwork too, isliomething new, 1.IITHEIZAN.-Rev. Dr. miller, pastor. Ser 'Ile an' slid , ' our attention _ to file matter , of• those grocers. G_ve it`d trial oThe a to gn Swedes have agreed vices the last three Sunda sof eve month '11 �--- Y every where he has-been quite successful. He a. 2:3o p.m. Sunday school at lido p.m. �" eiuldren who do not attend school. We , • To suit the public mind. w ETHODIST.-Services 10:30 a.m. and 7 p_n, notices a great change here during his Rebecca 'i'S'ilxlnson, of Brownsvalley In this great age aailroad "peed, I--, , , will be dill to have teachers re ,. saLba Schoo.:30p.m. G. curie, Sheerin- Ions absence anti sa s familiar faces to port to Ind., says: "I had :been in a distressed I'm sure you do a carriiige need. 5 endevt. Frayermeeting, Thursday 8 p:m. Rev. a Y - ' Your wives and daughter labor bard, him are very scarce here. tale Board at-- any time giving the condition, for three Y ears from Nervous- �✓ ti'. B. Danard, Pastor. - i i 'Tis fit.they should have some reward. - names of any`ehildren who- clo not Com- mess, Weannesg of the -Stomach, Dys- 11 -, SOC�TIES. A runaway accident created consider- 1 . pepsia and Indi; s'ion- until my health S If that hen be "nay the lash " home, - ply with the lava -requiring all children cuss gone. I b�i1�'�t one bottle o. South vg . - 2.f.B.A., No, 70 -meets -in their hall on the able excitement in town last Sunddy - g a . ;kSouth briT the dust, don't let it rust, r• between the ages of 7 and 14e�ra to. Aanerican Nervine", �,i�icl� done nye more '�'ber is nothing 'ilia the Cash. ,. Peening of size seed end fourth Thura afternoon. At file close of the Sabbath csys ,RR,eacmonth. attend -school,, as tb'e Board is corn- good than any $50 worth of doctoring I with many thanks for past favors I remain, Ii. b'+'F.II.ER; See. Gro. HravGEs, Pres. Seuool Mr. L; Brown's family had just P e�-er diel in my life, I -consider it the elled=and determined—to ' see - that C. O.P.-Court Mfildinay,,J W 186,. meets in their le grandest medicine in the world. Sold Rospectfuliy Yours, i. hall the sedgz[d W21Td,st Thursdays -in each 1 ft. the door of German Evan. church the law is enforced. --Carried. Month. Vhitess always welcoale:.:: for home when the sleigh slewed around _ � at Dr. Clapp's Drun Store. . J.Bzaw z�ziR, C, R, Schneider=Moors=That the Secret- SCHU �'TT & SONS, doHrr �rc€Aax; R. S. the corner o€ First St,, and the spirited dry notify parents or ardian of all i "-`t O.€J F. 1~% 10- =meets in the F6reste.'s Hail tenni--broke t.away into a run. Turning ' gd i1,1may Ma arket Report. The pioneel�Carriage.and Wagon makers. 11 lu . the seeoi.d and last Thursday in each children who do not, attend school to - Mildmay, Ont. sxolzt ,, at 8 p.u'. dovi Elora St., the sleigh Was over have such children sent - to school at Cai efuli corrected ever week 'for W.R. AR:.IOuR, Conn. turned, the 4 ox being left in front of - GAZETTE: Y `-" Y E. N. s�UTCH ART, Roe a once. Unless satisfactory reason is the - Oh. er & Steigler's store. The. team ` z at p ' VALUABLE - - given why they do not attend the Fail wheat per bu.........:. 56 o 58 r- dashed on north until the reached ' Spring HE �1/tiLDVIAY l��_ETTE, -_ P enforce the Oats. . ....... �• .. 30 to 3 i 7 Hessenauer s shoe -store, where th@y Board will take ate s to 11 56 1,1 Farmfor � � law. -Carted. " low • ' DEVOTED TO THE INTERESTS OF EAST BBUCFi AND \ Peas u - - ..... e 51 to 52 Esse HURON. -- eGllided tiv-lith a heavy telegraph pole - amore—ore—That the noon inter. Barley............�0.......... c35 to 38 BY A V C T I O i� . Terms :—$1 per year in advance • and one -of the a, imals ' was badly in- Potatpes....................... 32 to ' 48 1? Y' , mansion be extended -from i o'clpck-to ., Otherwise $1.25. jured about the head. None of the oc•- Smoked moat per lb........ 8 to 10 rrHE farm comprises 200 acres, being Lots 43 quarter past one:—Carried, Eggs c r doz.................. 12 to 14 and 44, Con: D, Carrick. fine too -storey ADVERTI3I_�G1 RATES. Giipants of the rig were .serionsly'linrt, gg p : stone residence, good bank barns and other One Sts Three Carle-141oore--That Wm. Schneider Butter per lb ................. 17 to: 18 buildings, .plenty o: splendid water. Lscei.ent Year. months. months. but one of the animals was •badly cut : let the contract of c Iti down o l r ` Dressed Ork... ...:... land, in first class condition, 9 acres in fall wheat �3ne column .................... 50 X30 $is up about the head in colliding with the P p p ••••• $5 30 t0 5 50 and all cultivated fields twice plowed last fall, Il;alf commit .................. 30 18 10 . trees into wood for use of school and Terms made known on da of saie. If the farm QilarI colamn...... .., 18 19 s . telegraph pole, several stitches being isnot sold by auction it will be offered for rent r ighth column......,. ... 10 ; 6 4 pemOVing brush from th@ . premises.—for a term of years. 1'lte a -u a sale Will ou. Legal notices, Se. per line for first and 4c. per necessary to close up the -wound- Carried; held on dine r& each subsequent insertion. For'Sale, Uo Deal business notices 5c. per line each laser- I?EEMERTO�I SCSQOL REPORT.—The fol- _ Moore lineider -That we aSk for . LOT 44F �,� � , �i �,� � � � C j� - Coutxact advertising payable quarterly. lowing are the names of children who tenders for. the frostin of school win- r On Tuesda- Feb. 2cjth I&, J. vv, GREEN. deserved the highest marks in their lows. Tenders will be open on 28th The following �T' ,94, P One of the Best 'Business same time a glpruperty will a.sube sold at the . repeetive classes. of,Feb., 1894, the lowest or -'an tender P -lace: z Pe.�neron mares, 4 + Stands in 'Mildmay. Years old; 1 Percheron ware, 3 years old; 1 Per- . Gran�i 3-Toni,'iine a able. Jr, Fourth,—Mattie Faers�er, John not nesessaril ecce ted. For S eCifl cheron mare, 8 years old; 1 ire;,',,1er.�, ,n9 Y" s Scilnitzler, ,Geo" e Isuunemann 1blar Y P n LBO stock of Flour Feed and Groceries. Fears old; 1 Clyde horse• ftiree years old, and 1 `I`rains leave Mildma station as fol- g - ' Y cations dee Secretary.—Carried: A Dwelling and wood -shed attached. -Good two years old; 1 clyd 1,1'a]:- L,; ,,di•. ,,u• �uu stable' and seed for .rigs. Terris to suit par- 1 one e Foerster, lklarq.Aun FLuland, Year oily 4 milub cows, 3 Heifers, three The Board Hien adjourned. years old; 4 steers, one e&f oi,d; lows; T ahasor, Appi to Y � ljeifers, one GOING soUr$• Gelx� xoR^ H Sr. `l Bird,—lgnatz yeF; John Pteindl GEO- LAMBERT. year old; 3 steer -and 1 cow rear , 4 calves, one -moi a• Louis Lobsin er George Schwartz GRD. CuRLr Sec. brood sow, 7 shotes, 15 ewes w s' ,wmb, l Oxford Express .,.... 1.15 a, m. Mixed ............ m � ' One door west of Schneider & Miller's, ram. S lumber wagons, i s ii R Mai1............11.55 °` nidi' ............... 2.5 p,m "- ' Mildmay, b i g 1ragon, top bug i gy cutter, 3 sleighs, 1 I.iax hal ui''„lar, Prince. s- l',%iscd.. ...... 5.21Jp.m Express......... 9.3g p.m Agnes Walter, Mary Sehnitzler1 Mar NCustadt. - harvester, mower; horse rape, cci'blued seeder, 6daechter, Annie Schmidt.' spring -tooth cultivate„disc , ail r•,•, iron harrow, - T `• , . , wooden harrow, 2 sod piuwo i s, a,�i,ls plow, iron . New Advertisements. Jr. Third,—Mary Alin Illernrunn, Mrs. Calvert, of Brampton, is visiting — � gang plow, turnip so;var, ti,,,�i, ;ce lei•, laud Verena Yung, Anna Wahen le. at her parents' home here. hharnesstimu sing! har ese, z `e G' light double It Harnepio�v h,r- i.adies' Corsets—A. Moyer. Sr. Second,—'Freddy Ituiand, Louis Mr. Kerehner, of Hanover, ;called on ne;s,1 we,b scales (51u lbs), fa uLi,ig ,,,ills, 1 Strange but true—Sc hueider & Miller '� Y F stray -cutter and horse power,1 A1rila,;e boiler, Z Schmidt, Rebecca Rolland Stasie Ther- sone of. his friends hire on his Way to sugar kettles, i graincradie, 3cyes;-cat saws, 1 C)ar bass adv.—Ol1v er $e Stiegler. i Y horse hwyy-fora washing m,,chiue, crai:k churn, a Auction Sale—A. Bingham. bruun, loonies Iieindl, ,Ayton the other day. . Sho milk cans, whiflet�•ees, sc:tnes, forks, shovels _, hoes, a large quaatity of uouselibld furniture, vsw haruess,sho —C, Buhlinan. T �. r P�Tr. Kendrick has sueeeeded in net P Jr, b .COnd,—Donnie haste_, Tony s and many ocher articles too numerous to men ,_�.S > . A new tone 1?fts- er4- E. . ia3elner. i ting an artesian well at file scnool.11ou>a. 31r � � �� Z7® tion. 'r'R is OF SLE• -;II sun's of x5 and under, T, Sc,iwar z, alo s Schmidt, Josie Sciii,iu- - -, For Sale—G. Lamb' U. - wz h � ;-' �d iii•. Eli or 1a esti see that �eu5• , �7' #,.i fl - nt„-.1=A. i' at: gid zien.- t i,4a._ .v cuter Tillie, -LoO81 19. -� , , Y , ul' ,.:toed' cr � Goods of all Candi On sun's over that aa'oslt 10 months �__ i3 1•r'1�Cp credit c til be given on.furnishi g X03 approved --. t ytlt is E 2 Cel for 'lubiuit-ion, as tlii5 binds. ]Dine notes. 7 peI cent d seounz ac:owod off for ofhee. - pr( ,.- �i +t asL col all credit sums. . Appre ee svante.T at this �W is the se�nth overflow-iiig well in town. rs[ CiaUs I,e z 1er.�T < sale begins a� 10 o°clock, a. m„ sharp. Auctt.ion Sales. First -"lass Workmanship. F. IiI.ZsPY:RGE11. A. d31�ro 1n�. with fair educatioli re uired - ., - oma ,of aur young people had a auctioneer. q Prices Low. I ro lrietor A wail -man. Hamad Broal:Ler had hes I'�rtiesett'nlg them sad$ bilis printed pleasant surprise out in file country file '� T Y 1 - N hand badly injured in Sohwei�zer Bros.' at this office vain receive a ndtice of other evening, •while some of the older , CHAS. •� ����{�A�, - 5pp. Post O$ice MILDM A Y. R; g T �-1 the sale in the GazLTTs free. 1Pe ones Brave out to a farmer's expecting t i� Sava mill the. other day. r .have ever facilit for turnip out to have a "iioeuo�trn" but were badly ?hiss Eva K. Bauer, of Hamilton, is - y` Y g disappointed and came back to town _��- � — . FIRE Ali ST1s1sH first-class work quickly and cheap. -���, Wood • - at present the guest of her si.-,ter,- Mrs. ilio need of doing past the GAZETTE. with sour faces. _ f g, L , � � � �a� A .]. A. Er,llnian, in this village. { Mas. Koehn of Carrick a:13t with -an Wan, e+I Gy � �� EJ Both English_and German. ' �. 11.•x=. Geo. Lieserler, tinsmith, spent I i accident the other day winch ntirrowly r� `'�������%�• Aij auction sale of farm stock, imple- i �t '° � ER R PRESUNTS: . Su :Ia,y last in Ethel. Un reports lllr-. escaped proving fatal.- gh was assist - r , ments, household goods and a great va- Wellington mutual Fire Insurance Co. QuerLin, farm ly of �t€ilrima,y; as doinb ing her husband in caring icir a sic1% Ls'a irl laC�:Sfl11Ih. b ri . ty of other articles, will be held on horse when the animal bnddanly kic'iec{ Wa.tsrloo mutual Fire Insura,-ce Oo. a good burin®ss. - lot 44, con. C, Carrick, on Tuesday, Feb. Mr. Chas. Buh':man La s o ened u , a - her, breakin three of her ribs: . We are n JkLL and see him A fine stock pf cutters Perth Mutual Fire Iusn*anee Co. - F 13th, commencing at 12 o clock, noon, g v and sleighs on hand. Prices Right. ' neEv harness business in tine lion tag pleased to learn she.is recovering nicely hip is the place where you can et_ our Horse Economical Mutual Fire Insur&,nce Co. sharp. elm.. Carnegie,__ proprietor. F. Y g y building, Oppos t@ aIle post office. t is now. Shoei5g an 3 all kinds of General Black- l-ercantile Insurance Co. _ 13insperger, auctioneer. amithing done right Cheap and Neat. ..� adv. appears in an©thdr. column. An auction sale .of farm, farm stock, . I shave a new machine fofLiftir.g Stones Etna Insurance coo• Belmore. Mr. P. J. Duffy ins this week_ moving implements, etc.,- will. be held on lot 44 which is made s:nirll-v and does its work easily. �Y p p Mr. �2oor@ f Qua horse cat) lilt a stone out of its bed with Give John 1 j '�n i'� onto the Oberholzer farm lot 6 and 7 h ' u ' ' con. D. Carrick, -on Tuesday, Feb. 20tH,_ ; o B'iudmiay,; on Sunday this machine .vl?icli it eak�s two horses to move con. S, Caridol, which he has recently n _' 1 i without it. Call and see it and get prices. commencing at 10 o clock, a. m. And. ast occupied the pulpit in lhe-. Presby- . I terian church reacninA ver GEO• E. LIE,SEMER. PLTE'�, HEPi STALL : leased for a term of yearn. res Bisianproprietor, F. $inaperger , p 0 9 accept- . f. Mr. Clubine Stall one of his great toes auctioneer..' Sia advertisemegt. - FordwlCh. broken last week -.in_ Sehweivzer .Bros.' . -- It•was announced that 14r C_itten- NeF�� mill. A pile of"boards "ell from _ the. School Beard iirie tin_;: den would : occupy - _file Pulpit in the __ I I � e eT�'l InsuT;�,$L'g edging IJc�chlne onto iliD foot .11 causing Methodist eliarch on Saud esenin M ° 1� Agency. The -firs,,. meeting f"oi the year was - Y g ` ' � I - the accident. held on :3an..12th. "All . the members last but owing to illness he wag unable ° r Call and get your Will made. t ` Minutes. of formes:' meetIn to efficiat@ and therefore dissppointed a • Ur. wilfo: Flalrs H�gEexiic pamphlet: hlert•+ Mrs �i"�Rlbertson dill Sia er, o.:: present. g , G1 - -'7r ei . at�Itli. 'I}uff 's• last• read and a roved. a number of our young leaguers. _ Bsines u Triumph Over-Diseaseryithontl4ie$i _ Y FP `' o cine," at half former cost. 11:mweel� w�-I , their way, by cu; ter,. foz i4ir. 11'm. Schneioler wag'chosen chair- Mr. Y: Il€. $akar has 'ween veneering � Or IPiSUP.AATCE, eitharpn village or � - 1visit with:_ it olds in and -near Barrie. man, and Mr. .Geo_. durle-secretary. his house with. tin, which adds .greatly �� ����1��. ply - :._ r treaQurer fox ear.. On motion :it to thea earance of Mar-ket St:_ i s t Or any writing you require. Z V-_=ee-h "hie week sold - has t � PP text Ha1ZCiz s .14Qfe' �` Or a load on real estate at the lowest rates. ;vzry axnyii;Uiisiaieas, including wasdecided.tc; day the _treasurer a sal- _, Liss; LjzzlQ McLQed,` of 1iiltlarl,1t3T2 St:, (South end eAI.i,AAY - e ; d gs� l o- i1�ir. J.: Fritz,. of Cliff- .dry Qf $10 per agisum, the treaurer tQ was visiting her parents last w3< k. - IlygTg s Foasesit3ri rues given this week. %trnish security to file amount of X1000: The O. Y. B.. held a Degree meetin6 CALIF and sea the BIG STOCK: � also” Seceded that I10 aecoitai i , Received , a r€isi' saw mill is n v run- t wa° on Saturday last which was -welt at H . F I LS I i� � E R. � - ' A be paid by- th@: £reasurar until it has teed :b the members of Or” e_ Mill, Tina endie.3rin mill do - g- b been pas3ed by thn'Tr Board, a $� 8luavale and FQrdwieh. �. + �+. a treiiieadtius amomil of sa,wiilg this O cepting nor thers d caretaker �r �t . season. 'They-hava'beea taking in Togs Our lvztding, undertaker=purchased a 2x► 0S — - B-108 - 0110 Vast r j salaries and small amounts for -sun ,at toe rate' of `200 darty, igstead o€ Ifl© fine black house the other day. George I school sniapLes - is aloin -- as our types ,got it last"week.- g a rushing businesss now. at the . . A mOtifiii was; f! *ju r,in the first " One Frame House op Simpson lit.: $tied u 'pr ,� , - g :hiss S otton,. o€ Fordwich, -is the two families: P The Canadian Jue Se vrll at 7.30 r8. P I - 7 4.i1f Onda -:. in sac _ p. , -r Another single dwelling. on Sim h St. frame give concerti i� :the town4 hall next ziest: of t1�o Wises Barton this .ween. , . for the reagulai _�lfiee- ll "s, -and the -Bei- r Good, comfortable, w#1 A fished fame house Taesda and 1 dit,esdav evenings un- i Mr.. Cs. ,.•Bremner left for Winnipeg on Absalom St. y a x@tary. . F�83 lIIStrilCt �O furnish file No. on; Fcida� lash: _ He intends taachin� All hast a:lo l stables on aI'e lots. '1 � ss � Stone der the auspices n€'hurt l it inay, ` (}AZELTE 'with the mutes of ` cit r t i�Ti3l,be sold obey.-, _ �� 11 186, C. f3: F. The; ltg skid . to lite = ,out tt.Qxe at a scala ry of X600 psi year: APP=� - FiskIgrversi meeting- ieor�� eve bgatl i ,. =e i' Here lav equal - to the Ao . Y . $ome: 400esswy cllaugea deist. repairs j AS. oI4 NST4N. O R -, compa"y, a i y'e sf _* f[at the biool rt' remisen mere ordered. s n ny friends; ai?w Q g t ._tillv_,3g iia 1._ m _ R. F_. e. fine Assortment of �1- re>., eke, l nreii3bers of "tile O, f. i3., Fri �.lcii 11e. - Wring notx�s, 1� 3' Fila to thee.: a@M_o,1l ; of � l4 ifl "Teri _ - - { Y ! TvaS a�LiJ -_ _ - where -1. 1 - - - -i JIIlIv.�I� _ .. .. assed, wid�he-Boa>•d then ad ©urn r - ed., in- tuber. W .� a. F', _e i i V. !al 1.i i Y V —�`i. I r� sal . �_, ..;: 13ir3-ii�3wIQliifi. • his 1lr.>go>cse., 'L� " - :+f ever - ao _ ' • • - - '� :. y y1e�,. Ai. S large SID(ig31# of 3 "a 3 ti - �9Ib s_ �toie _ lues in " T theirrt e>f _... s - r. atrne _ "Isawaykk*I _ r_ . - .z n :the _;�._ ..._ __ �._. _ __� - z r - r $o d et e ` ME -' _sem `r�zs.-1 "' '' x E -;_ = end.. `1`lze eoi _ ar at at (lr o. Curl@ s ��� - k, eet�€ia. kgs �? _ ...., ., g2CiHe T n r3��L • *ni -r- s ssidence eu a a chin nth lust: y'$t3fT :Baa23der chsaas., _ >16. i' . V YORK MARBLE. anion Y >;} .. .s"•10 0 _ o}? - . - _ in e» n ye . _..:Z, r It Q ..... t - U y,, e• ea �.. Pane sett - u € a eat x ed _ =. _ __ � . ,- -.. - Pte_. � `l _ r _ - ca,n $i a rtk : `You k - __, . �. ri_ _<-t a ,x r. _ _ s- f r s&fi _ ,. a _ _ cad and a _ to - _ _ _ Bite > this . c re._ - a , _ ea _.. _._ P - €t Fad .. ... _ s - _ _ �s = s-3 ,� ._ . -� _ y r r _ fie ed to _ ,. _ _ _, w %sh .- nuc► at- - '.' S014. Bl€d I7rn P 3sadewa _ ,- w , . _ r _ .. 3. _ _ g _. , _.- _ _ -. _ : .�t_. Or � _ _ : ... �_. v, - - -_r _ f. _ 5 - ... ,_ v _.,.... _ - rte@ esat ' = . nth; ecce t RWsa _ . _ ,. _ _, _ _ r . __ P.. is . _ _ __F ,; �.$ _ _. Y �.. _ - rt _ _ _,:w__ _ _., _ _, �. g . -,: .2neF'C :'. ,..... _ .. 3 - - _ _.L /y : _ _ �,,y�� - .'.. - —'a _ .,.1 . -j1 = 4µs .,. .-. R: : .Rx-.�A:,.Q.. _Til/ .. ,. _ •.�3iilNf_ .. -_-, _ .. -"� a �.= -5� Sf _'�_-rv. ._- _ _. .._,I _ .t r j .- per+,.. TZ .. L i .-+ . e _ - _ .. _ ..,. _ bd" ..- ..a>.,. _ - :- -_.. _ ���.���.'^��5'��._�-•__<:..._..�,•.__,.�..�T�-..ti-,._.._.._.... ..._._-.�.+� .1�.�,...�..:�,-... .�.__._ ...__r..,..:.:�.:... _ _: ��FaatoaisF'�=.%'�a�..�.,�...ii��������'1�.�.- _..-:.�s_�<--„..c....._ �” ... s..__._,...._ ,�.__.�»r _t--.,_aR..a- .,�..+s�c.-,,._.�:---.A' _-- _*_. ____• _ _ _ _._ ._- .rs'..r< r _ _ _ 3 4 '- I`- ,_ _ � = 4-s ,TL_•_ _ A... _ :. o;o � - ; ,- am We have t line . \��e s a dig o r, Astor. is at present :-is, t1:1 r r- _� 3 � , � :, _e r is: - - . ,__p en ear me s, fist of Pictures around each bar. As aver oGI 6684 tl�e'lite. - R.c. CHURCH, Sacred rIeaxt of Jesti3.-7;ev. lav, lit'.Ii �ieY ;jl t�i1s J1, a fe�v incl also in ragsrc� to. that of� lie teach- Ammonia Soap has noequal-wc recom- p� feiloes and spokes�reanade of oak Father Wey, P. I'. Services every Sunday", ,, , :ers sending reports to each -of the fate mend it.- Write Four name plainly on Most excel l tbt and good, It,�• ,w alternatively at &30 a m. and to a.m. Vespers mites south of i4Iilamay. C1larley + '. . the outside of the er and address For past;theyh'ave stood the blast f_ every other Sunday at 3 p.m, Sunday School at Rias III -the seetian of -the; ro ass of 5wapp In.our Can wood.. irr l_ 2:30 p.m. every other Sunda_ y. was a resident of Carrick until about 20 - p g W .A. BRArsHAvr Co,;48 50 Lombard - . - ` - ' � years ago when he moved to Minnesota each of the, pupils ; and also in calling. St., Toronto, Out Sold by all genera The ironwork too, isliomething new, 1.IITHEIZAN.-Rev. Dr. miller, pastor. Ser 'Ile an' slid , ' our attention _ to file matter , of• those grocers. G_ve it`d trial oThe a to gn Swedes have agreed vices the last three Sunda sof eve month '11 �--- Y every where he has-been quite successful. He a. 2:3o p.m. Sunday school at lido p.m. �" eiuldren who do not attend school. We , • To suit the public mind. w ETHODIST.-Services 10:30 a.m. and 7 p_n, notices a great change here during his Rebecca 'i'S'ilxlnson, of Brownsvalley In this great age aailroad "peed, I--, , , will be dill to have teachers re ,. saLba Schoo.:30p.m. G. curie, Sheerin- Ions absence anti sa s familiar faces to port to Ind., says: "I had :been in a distressed I'm sure you do a carriiige need. 5 endevt. Frayermeeting, Thursday 8 p:m. Rev. a Y - ' Your wives and daughter labor bard, him are very scarce here. tale Board at-- any time giving the condition, for three Y ears from Nervous- �✓ ti'. B. Danard, Pastor. - i i 'Tis fit.they should have some reward. - names of any`ehildren who- clo not Com- mess, Weannesg of the -Stomach, Dys- 11 -, SOC�TIES. A runaway accident created consider- 1 . pepsia and Indi; s'ion- until my health S If that hen be "nay the lash " home, - ply with the lava -requiring all children cuss gone. I b�i1�'�t one bottle o. South vg . - 2.f.B.A., No, 70 -meets -in their hall on the able excitement in town last Sunddy - g a . ;kSouth briT the dust, don't let it rust, r• between the ages of 7 and 14e�ra to. Aanerican Nervine", �,i�icl� done nye more '�'ber is nothing 'ilia the Cash. ,. Peening of size seed end fourth Thura afternoon. At file close of the Sabbath csys ,RR,eacmonth. attend -school,, as tb'e Board is corn- good than any $50 worth of doctoring I with many thanks for past favors I remain, Ii. b'+'F.II.ER; See. Gro. HravGEs, Pres. Seuool Mr. L; Brown's family had just P e�-er diel in my life, I -consider it the elled=and determined—to ' see - that C. O.P.-Court Mfildinay,,J W 186,. meets in their le grandest medicine in the world. Sold Rospectfuliy Yours, i. hall the sedgz[d W21Td,st Thursdays -in each 1 ft. the door of German Evan. church the law is enforced. --Carried. Month. Vhitess always welcoale:.:: for home when the sleigh slewed around _ � at Dr. Clapp's Drun Store. . J.Bzaw z�ziR, C, R, Schneider=Moors=That the Secret- SCHU �'TT & SONS, doHrr �rc€Aax; R. S. the corner o€ First St,, and the spirited dry notify parents or ardian of all i "-`t O.€J F. 1~% 10- =meets in the F6reste.'s Hail tenni--broke t.away into a run. Turning ' gd i1,1may Ma arket Report. The pioneel�Carriage.and Wagon makers. 11 lu . the seeoi.d and last Thursday in each children who do not, attend school to - Mildmay, Ont. sxolzt ,, at 8 p.u'. dovi Elora St., the sleigh Was over have such children sent - to school at Cai efuli corrected ever week 'for W.R. AR:.IOuR, Conn. turned, the 4 ox being left in front of - GAZETTE: Y `-" Y E. N. s�UTCH ART, Roe a once. Unless satisfactory reason is the - Oh. er & Steigler's store. The. team ` z at p ' VALUABLE - - given why they do not attend the Fail wheat per bu.........:. 56 o 58 r- dashed on north until the reached ' Spring HE �1/tiLDVIAY l��_ETTE, -_ P enforce the Oats. . ....... �• .. 30 to 3 i 7 Hessenauer s shoe -store, where th@y Board will take ate s to 11 56 1,1 Farmfor � � law. -Carted. " low • ' DEVOTED TO THE INTERESTS OF EAST BBUCFi AND \ Peas u - - ..... e 51 to 52 Esse HURON. -- eGllided tiv-lith a heavy telegraph pole - amore—ore—That the noon inter. Barley............�0.......... c35 to 38 BY A V C T I O i� . Terms :—$1 per year in advance • and one -of the a, imals ' was badly in- Potatpes....................... 32 to ' 48 1? Y' , mansion be extended -from i o'clpck-to ., Otherwise $1.25. jured about the head. None of the oc•- Smoked moat per lb........ 8 to 10 rrHE farm comprises 200 acres, being Lots 43 quarter past one:—Carried, Eggs c r doz.................. 12 to 14 and 44, Con: D, Carrick. fine too -storey ADVERTI3I_�G1 RATES. Giipants of the rig were .serionsly'linrt, gg p : stone residence, good bank barns and other One Sts Three Carle-141oore--That Wm. Schneider Butter per lb ................. 17 to: 18 buildings, .plenty o: splendid water. Lscei.ent Year. months. months. but one of the animals was •badly cut : let the contract of c Iti down o l r ` Dressed Ork... ...:... land, in first class condition, 9 acres in fall wheat �3ne column .................... 50 X30 $is up about the head in colliding with the P p p ••••• $5 30 t0 5 50 and all cultivated fields twice plowed last fall, Il;alf commit .................. 30 18 10 . trees into wood for use of school and Terms made known on da of saie. If the farm QilarI colamn...... .., 18 19 s . telegraph pole, several stitches being isnot sold by auction it will be offered for rent r ighth column......,. ... 10 ; 6 4 pemOVing brush from th@ . premises.—for a term of years. 1'lte a -u a sale Will ou. Legal notices, Se. per line for first and 4c. per necessary to close up the -wound- Carried; held on dine r& each subsequent insertion. For'Sale, Uo Deal business notices 5c. per line each laser- I?EEMERTO�I SCSQOL REPORT.—The fol- _ Moore lineider -That we aSk for . LOT 44F �,� � , �i �,� � � � C j� - Coutxact advertising payable quarterly. lowing are the names of children who tenders for. the frostin of school win- r On Tuesda- Feb. 2cjth I&, J. vv, GREEN. deserved the highest marks in their lows. Tenders will be open on 28th The following �T' ,94, P One of the Best 'Business same time a glpruperty will a.sube sold at the . repeetive classes. of,Feb., 1894, the lowest or -'an tender P -lace: z Pe.�neron mares, 4 + Stands in 'Mildmay. Years old; 1 Percheron ware, 3 years old; 1 Per- . Gran�i 3-Toni,'iine a able. Jr, Fourth,—Mattie Faers�er, John not nesessaril ecce ted. For S eCifl cheron mare, 8 years old; 1 ire;,',,1er.�, ,n9 Y" s Scilnitzler, ,Geo" e Isuunemann 1blar Y P n LBO stock of Flour Feed and Groceries. Fears old; 1 Clyde horse• ftiree years old, and 1 `I`rains leave Mildma station as fol- g - ' Y cations dee Secretary.—Carried: A Dwelling and wood -shed attached. -Good two years old; 1 clyd 1,1'a]:- L,; ,,di•. ,,u• �uu stable' and seed for .rigs. Terris to suit par- 1 one e Foerster, lklarq.Aun FLuland, Year oily 4 milub cows, 3 Heifers, three The Board Hien adjourned. years old; 4 steers, one e&f oi,d; lows; T ahasor, Appi to Y � ljeifers, one GOING soUr$• Gelx� xoR^ H Sr. `l Bird,—lgnatz yeF; John Pteindl GEO- LAMBERT. year old; 3 steer -and 1 cow rear , 4 calves, one -moi a• Louis Lobsin er George Schwartz GRD. CuRLr Sec. brood sow, 7 shotes, 15 ewes w s' ,wmb, l Oxford Express .,.... 1.15 a, m. Mixed ............ m � ' One door west of Schneider & Miller's, ram. S lumber wagons, i s ii R Mai1............11.55 °` nidi' ............... 2.5 p,m "- ' Mildmay, b i g 1ragon, top bug i gy cutter, 3 sleighs, 1 I.iax hal ui''„lar, Prince. s- l',%iscd.. ...... 5.21Jp.m Express......... 9.3g p.m Agnes Walter, Mary Sehnitzler1 Mar NCustadt. - harvester, mower; horse rape, cci'blued seeder, 6daechter, Annie Schmidt.' spring -tooth cultivate„disc , ail r•,•, iron harrow, - T `• , . , wooden harrow, 2 sod piuwo i s, a,�i,ls plow, iron . New Advertisements. Jr. Third,—Mary Alin Illernrunn, Mrs. Calvert, of Brampton, is visiting — � gang plow, turnip so;var, ti,,,�i, ;ce lei•, laud Verena Yung, Anna Wahen le. at her parents' home here. hharnesstimu sing! har ese, z `e G' light double It Harnepio�v h,r- i.adies' Corsets—A. Moyer. Sr. Second,—'Freddy Ituiand, Louis Mr. Kerehner, of Hanover, ;called on ne;s,1 we,b scales (51u lbs), fa uLi,ig ,,,ills, 1 Strange but true—Sc hueider & Miller '� Y F stray -cutter and horse power,1 A1rila,;e boiler, Z Schmidt, Rebecca Rolland Stasie Ther- sone of. his friends hire on his Way to sugar kettles, i graincradie, 3cyes;-cat saws, 1 C)ar bass adv.—Ol1v er $e Stiegler. i Y horse hwyy-fora washing m,,chiue, crai:k churn, a Auction Sale—A. Bingham. bruun, loonies Iieindl, ,Ayton the other day. . Sho milk cans, whiflet�•ees, sc:tnes, forks, shovels _, hoes, a large quaatity of uouselibld furniture, vsw haruess,sho —C, Buhlinan. T �. r P�Tr. Kendrick has sueeeeded in net P Jr, b .COnd,—Donnie haste_, Tony s and many ocher articles too numerous to men ,_�.S > . A new tone 1?fts- er4- E. . ia3elner. i ting an artesian well at file scnool.11ou>a. 31r � � �� Z7® tion. 'r'R is OF SLE• -;II sun's of x5 and under, T, Sc,iwar z, alo s Schmidt, Josie Sciii,iu- - -, For Sale—G. Lamb' U. - wz h � ;-' �d iii•. Eli or 1a esti see that �eu5• , �7' #,.i fl - nt„-.1=A. i' at: gid zien.- t i,4a._ .v cuter Tillie, -LoO81 19. -� , , Y , ul' ,.:toed' cr � Goods of all Candi On sun's over that aa'oslt 10 months �__ i3 1•r'1�Cp credit c til be given on.furnishi g X03 approved --. t ytlt is E 2 Cel for 'lubiuit-ion, as tlii5 binds. ]Dine notes. 7 peI cent d seounz ac:owod off for ofhee. - pr( ,.- �i +t asL col all credit sums. . Appre ee svante.T at this �W is the se�nth overflow-iiig well in town. rs[ CiaUs I,e z 1er.�T < sale begins a� 10 o°clock, a. m„ sharp. Auctt.ion Sales. First -"lass Workmanship. F. IiI.ZsPY:RGE11. A. d31�ro 1n�. with fair educatioli re uired - ., - oma ,of aur young people had a auctioneer. q Prices Low. I ro lrietor A wail -man. Hamad Broal:Ler had hes I'�rtiesett'nlg them sad$ bilis printed pleasant surprise out in file country file '� T Y 1 - N hand badly injured in Sohwei�zer Bros.' at this office vain receive a ndtice of other evening, •while some of the older , CHAS. •� ����{�A�, - 5pp. Post O$ice MILDM A Y. R; g T �-1 the sale in the GazLTTs free. 1Pe ones Brave out to a farmer's expecting t i� Sava mill the. other day. r .have ever facilit for turnip out to have a "iioeuo�trn" but were badly ?hiss Eva K. Bauer, of Hamilton, is - y` Y g disappointed and came back to town _��- � — . FIRE Ali ST1s1sH first-class work quickly and cheap. -���, Wood • - at present the guest of her si.-,ter,- Mrs. ilio need of doing past the GAZETTE. with sour faces. _ f g, L , � � � �a� A .]. A. Er,llnian, in this village. { Mas. Koehn of Carrick a:13t with -an Wan, e+I Gy � �� EJ Both English_and German. ' �. 11.•x=. Geo. Lieserler, tinsmith, spent I i accident the other day winch ntirrowly r� `'�������%�• Aij auction sale of farm stock, imple- i �t '° � ER R PRESUNTS: . Su :Ia,y last in Ethel. Un reports lllr-. escaped proving fatal.- gh was assist - r , ments, household goods and a great va- Wellington mutual Fire Insurance Co. QuerLin, farm ly of �t€ilrima,y; as doinb ing her husband in caring icir a sic1% Ls'a irl laC�:Sfl11Ih. b ri . ty of other articles, will be held on horse when the animal bnddanly kic'iec{ Wa.tsrloo mutual Fire Insura,-ce Oo. a good burin®ss. - lot 44, con. C, Carrick, on Tuesday, Feb. Mr. Chas. Buh':man La s o ened u , a - her, breakin three of her ribs: . We are n JkLL and see him A fine stock pf cutters Perth Mutual Fire Iusn*anee Co. - F 13th, commencing at 12 o clock, noon, g v and sleighs on hand. Prices Right. ' neEv harness business in tine lion tag pleased to learn she.is recovering nicely hip is the place where you can et_ our Horse Economical Mutual Fire Insur&,nce Co. sharp. elm.. Carnegie,__ proprietor. F. Y g y building, Oppos t@ aIle post office. t is now. Shoei5g an 3 all kinds of General Black- l-ercantile Insurance Co. _ 13insperger, auctioneer. amithing done right Cheap and Neat. ..� adv. appears in an©thdr. column. An auction sale .of farm, farm stock, . I shave a new machine fofLiftir.g Stones Etna Insurance coo• Belmore. Mr. P. J. Duffy ins this week_ moving implements, etc.,- will. be held on lot 44 which is made s:nirll-v and does its work easily. �Y p p Mr. �2oor@ f Qua horse cat) lilt a stone out of its bed with Give John 1 j '�n i'� onto the Oberholzer farm lot 6 and 7 h ' u ' ' con. D. Carrick, -on Tuesday, Feb. 20tH,_ ; o B'iudmiay,; on Sunday this machine .vl?icli it eak�s two horses to move con. S, Caridol, which he has recently n _' 1 i without it. Call and see it and get prices. commencing at 10 o clock, a. m. And. ast occupied the pulpit in lhe-. Presby- . I terian church reacninA ver GEO• E. LIE,SEMER. PLTE'�, HEPi STALL : leased for a term of yearn. res Bisianproprietor, F. $inaperger , p 0 9 accept- . f. Mr. Clubine Stall one of his great toes auctioneer..' Sia advertisemegt. - FordwlCh. broken last week -.in_ Sehweivzer .Bros.' . -- It•was announced that 14r C_itten- NeF�� mill. A pile of"boards "ell from _ the. School Beard iirie tin_;: den would : occupy - _file Pulpit in the __ I I � e eT�'l InsuT;�,$L'g edging IJc�chlne onto iliD foot .11 causing Methodist eliarch on Saud esenin M ° 1� Agency. The -firs,,. meeting f"oi the year was - Y g ` ' � I - the accident. held on :3an..12th. "All . the members last but owing to illness he wag unable ° r Call and get your Will made. t ` Minutes. of formes:' meetIn to efficiat@ and therefore dissppointed a • Ur. wilfo: Flalrs H�gEexiic pamphlet: hlert•+ Mrs �i"�Rlbertson dill Sia er, o.:: present. g , G1 - -'7r ei . at�Itli. 'I}uff 's• last• read and a roved. a number of our young leaguers. _ Bsines u Triumph Over-Diseaseryithontl4ie$i _ Y FP `' o cine," at half former cost. 11:mweel� w�-I , their way, by cu; ter,. foz i4ir. 11'm. Schneioler wag'chosen chair- Mr. Y: Il€. $akar has 'ween veneering � Or IPiSUP.AATCE, eitharpn village or � - 1visit with:_ it olds in and -near Barrie. man, and Mr. .Geo_. durle-secretary. his house with. tin, which adds .greatly �� ����1��. ply - :._ r treaQurer fox ear.. On motion :it to thea earance of Mar-ket St:_ i s t Or any writing you require. Z V-_=ee-h "hie week sold - has t � PP text Ha1ZCiz s .14Qfe' �` Or a load on real estate at the lowest rates. ;vzry axnyii;Uiisiaieas, including wasdecided.tc; day the _treasurer a sal- _, Liss; LjzzlQ McLQed,` of 1iiltlarl,1t3T2 St:, (South end eAI.i,AAY - e ; d gs� l o- i1�ir. J.: Fritz,. of Cliff- .dry Qf $10 per agisum, the treaurer tQ was visiting her parents last w3< k. - IlygTg s Foasesit3ri rues given this week. %trnish security to file amount of X1000: The O. Y. B.. held a Degree meetin6 CALIF and sea the BIG STOCK: � also” Seceded that I10 aecoitai i , Received , a r€isi' saw mill is n v run- t wa° on Saturday last which was -welt at H . F I LS I i� � E R. � - ' A be paid by- th@: £reasurar until it has teed :b the members of Or” e_ Mill, Tina endie.3rin mill do - g- b been pas3ed by thn'Tr Board, a $� 8luavale and FQrdwieh. �. + �+. a treiiieadtius amomil of sa,wiilg this O cepting nor thers d caretaker �r �t . season. 'They-hava'beea taking in Togs Our lvztding, undertaker=purchased a 2x► 0S — - B-108 - 0110 Vast r j salaries and small amounts for -sun ,at toe rate' of `200 darty, igstead o€ Ifl© fine black house the other day. George I school sniapLes - is aloin -- as our types ,got it last"week.- g a rushing businesss now. at the . . A mOtifiii was; f! *ju r,in the first " One Frame House op Simpson lit.: $tied u 'pr ,� , - g :hiss S otton,. o€ Fordwich, -is the two families: P The Canadian Jue Se vrll at 7.30 r8. P I - 7 4.i1f Onda -:. in sac _ p. , -r Another single dwelling. on Sim h St. frame give concerti i� :the town4 hall next ziest: of t1�o Wises Barton this .ween. , . for the reagulai _�lfiee- ll "s, -and the -Bei- r Good, comfortable, w#1 A fished fame house Taesda and 1 dit,esdav evenings un- i Mr.. Cs. ,.•Bremner left for Winnipeg on Absalom St. y a x@tary. . F�83 lIIStrilCt �O furnish file No. on; Fcida� lash: _ He intends taachin� All hast a:lo l stables on aI'e lots. '1 � ss � Stone der the auspices n€'hurt l it inay, ` (}AZELTE 'with the mutes of ` cit r t i�Ti3l,be sold obey.-, _ �� 11 186, C. f3: F. The; ltg skid . to lite = ,out tt.Qxe at a scala ry of X600 psi year: APP=� - FiskIgrversi meeting- ieor�� eve bgatl i ,. =e i' Here lav equal - to the Ao . Y . $ome: 400esswy cllaugea deist. repairs j AS. oI4 NST4N. O R -, compa"y, a i y'e sf _* f[at the biool rt' remisen mere ordered. s n ny friends; ai?w Q g t ._tillv_,3g iia 1._ m _ R. F_. e. fine Assortment of �1- re>., eke, l nreii3bers of "tile O, f. i3., Fri �.lcii 11e. - Wring notx�s, 1� 3' Fila to thee.: a@M_o,1l ; of � l4 ifl "Teri _ - - { Y ! TvaS a�LiJ -_ _ - where -1. 1 - - - -i JIIlIv.�I� _ .. .. assed, wid�he-Boa>•d then ad ©urn r - ed., in- tuber. W .� a. F', _e i i V. !al 1.i i Y V —�`i. I r� sal . �_, ..;: 13ir3-ii�3wIQliifi. • his 1lr.>go>cse., 'L� " - :+f ever - ao _ ' • • - - '� :. y y1e�,. Ai. S large SID(ig31# of 3 "a 3 ti - �9Ib s_ �toie _ lues in " T theirrt e>f _... s - r. atrne _ "Isawaykk*I _ r_ . - .z n :the _;�._ ..._ __ �._. _ __� - z r - r $o d et e ` ME -' _sem `r�zs.-1 "' '' x E -;_ = end.. `1`lze eoi _ ar at at (lr o. Curl@ s ��� - k, eet�€ia. kgs �? _ ...., ., g2CiHe T n r3��L • *ni -r- s ssidence eu a a chin nth lust: y'$t3fT :Baa23der chsaas., _ >16. i' . V YORK MARBLE. anion Y >;} .. .s"•10 0 _ o}? - . - _ in e» n ye . _..:Z, r It Q ..... t - U y,, e• ea �.. Pane sett - u € a eat x ed _ =. _ __ � . ,- -.. - Pte_. � `l _ r _ - ca,n $i a rtk : `You k - __, . �. ri_ _<-t a ,x r. _ _ s- f r s&fi _ ,. a _ _ cad and a _ to - _ _ _ Bite > this . c re._ - a , _ ea _.. _._ P - €t Fad .. ... _ s - _ _ �s = s-3 ,� ._ . -� _ y r r _ fie ed to _ ,. _ _ _, w %sh .- nuc► at- - '.' S014. Bl€d I7rn P 3sadewa _ ,- w , . _ r _ .. 3. _ _ g _. , _.- _ _ -. _ : .�t_. Or � _ _ : ... �_. v, - - -_r _ f. _ 5 - ... ,_ v _.,.... _ - rte@ esat ' = . nth; ecce t RWsa _ . _ ,. _ _, _ _ r . __ P.. is . _ _ __F ,; �.$ _ _. Y �.. _ - rt _ _ _,:w__ _ _., _ _, �. g . -,: .2neF'C :'. ,..... _ .. 3 - - _ _.L /y : _ _ �,,y�� - .'.. - —'a _ .,.1 . -j1 = 4µs .,. .-. R: : .Rx-.�A:,.Q.. _Til/ .. ,. _ •.�3iilNf_ .. -_-, _ .. -"� a �.= -5� Sf _'�_-rv. ._- _ _. .._,I _ .t r j .- per+,.. TZ .. L i .-+ . e _ - _ .. _ ..,. _ bd" ..- ..a>.,. _ - :- -_.. _ ���.���.'^��5'��._�-•__<:..._..�,•.__,.�..�T�-..ti-,._.._.._.... ..._._-.�.+� .1�.�,...�..:�,-... .�.__._ ...__r..,..:.:�.:... _ _: ��FaatoaisF'�=.%'�a�..�.,�...ii��������'1�.�.- _..-:.�s_�<--„..c....._ �” ... s..__._,...._ ,�.__.�»r _t--.,_aR..a- .,�..+s�c.-,,._.�:---.A' _-- _*_. ____• _ _ _ _._ ._- .rs'..r< r _ _ _ 3 4 '- I`- ,_ _ � = 4-s ,TL_•_ _ A... _ :. o;o � - ; ,- am . 14 t