HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Gazette, 1893-12-21, Page 7' is about as im-
Lt shall we eat ?"
gat most people
7 while eating.
large glands are
ie of the tongue
for the food to
roduce a solvent
tive.principie of
salivin changes
ead to another
n it is ready to
Di' the stomach
id to build the
a or coffee, can
dissolve or soft -
fast, complete
ess, by washing
tut must settle
oes not end by
ith drinks and
ds of the month
lath fluids have
Ali solvent and
iquid, more or
e food, will so
ir power, which
1. The stomach
;eels before di -
ave water, and
art of the body
to receive this
taking of the
ouble purpose,
it needs and
e it begins di.
yspeptic have
ch than there
our_ before the
i is induced by
mouth and the
a time tb wash
no two to four
hot as it can be
t. Now what
er is more em -
f coffee. Yon
11 as the water
may be traced
i then a person
y strong and
ival labor, v ho
npnnity. But
with dyspepsia
lee is a sense
ered, and nett -
the head, of a
driven into the
ound in rye or
store coffee.
cents a pound.
ese drinks or
uring or after
get the fluids
inking a large
meals, whet
leted, is very
fficer of health
sting address
with the view
st on this lin-
g to the his-
specifi c ger m
opagation, he
erculosis had
venth of the
race. It was
ding this im-
interest had
the state, local
1 An assumed
lure seemed to
l fatalism. Dr.
1 tubercle bac-
essors of the
but the facility
red to moist
rrif under in-
evailed in the
e poor. He
n, held by
.ired breath of
disease was
while their
and on evap-
pt to become
Hence the
stematic de.
isinfection of
ose suffering
fection or de-
i g likely to re -
the large mor-
e, 1)r. Ander-
nce of public
evention, the
plied for dis-
ath from this
e numbers of
.ns in the case
to the subject
ted out the
animals from
tion of milk
m tuberculo-
h from this
ears of age in
1. All these
for the house-
. terests. Dr.
tructive ad -
the prevent -
necessary to
munity from
f every class
ees in South
to one wom-
ter are quick -
les you can
d whole corn -
feed and of
a large por-
t efforts and
the labor of
.etter to take
feeding, and
for breeding
ce may be.
reality be may
me thorough -
no power to
his progeny,
on. The im-
himself. The
ur herd dal=
no proCa that
Table Ware, Cutlery and Linea Thrown
Ovei board by Dishonest Employes.
A man who cam, over on a recent trip of
the big Cunarder"Campania, being of Dn in-
quiring turn of mi 'd, used his eyes and ears
to good advantage all the way and he ex-
pressed to a reporter the most unqualified
amazement at the constant wholesale waste
of valuable material. " I don't think so
much of the stewards selling saloon fare to
the steerage," he said "because the food
would be thrown overboard anyway, and
the stewards, or ' flunkies,' as he seamen
call them, may well make sometlking off it
if they c :n. Their pay is small, so the trans-
action results in substantial benefit to thein.
A great many persons come over in the
steerage because they don't care what their
accommodations are so long as they get good
food, and they are pretty sure of besng
able to buy that from the stewards. Of
course, it isn't the square thing to do, but
what I wondered the most at was the utter
disregard for the ship's outfit.`
"For instance, a steward would take
down to the steerage a dozen dishes and
plates of choice food in a large bucket,
carefully covered, so the contents would
not be seen. Of course the bucket con-
tained silver forks, spoons, knives and
very often silver vegetable and dessert
dishes and individual chocolate and coffee
pots. When the food was eaten the china
and silver went back to the bucket and the
whole business was quietly dropped into
the refuse chute and down into the sea.
I've seen as many as ten buckets taken
down by the same number of stewards
three or four times a day throughout a
trip and in every case the crockery, silver.
ware and bucket went overboard. You
may take my word for it that anything a
steward carries below never gets back to
its proper quarters again—not only because
of the risk of detection, but because of the
trouble. I doubt, though, if the risk is
very great, for some of the officers are
themselves exceedingly careless and des-
estructive. I've seen large, brand new,
handsome blankets taken into an ofiioer's-
room for, him to use as a rug ,an
a --hath. When - he finished - the blankets
- were rolled up andluietly dropped down -
the chute, and that happened a number of
times during the voyage, too. No, I can't
suggest a remedy, and • the company
wouldn't extend me a vote of thanks if I
could, but it seems to me it would pay to
have those things looked into a little and a
responsible man placed in direct charge of
affairs. A steward's pay is very small,
ranging from $5 to $30 a month, but never
exceeding the latter sum. In many cases
they get no pay at all, but , instead, : not,
only work without s stipend, but also pay
the company for the privilege 'of serving
The Nome of the Black -Leg.
'piiero is net only a literat" . a grammar
and a history dealing with the study and
nature of , criminality, but there is also -a
geography of crime in which the se . of
the dark•science finds it well to verse him-
self. The criminal region of the world is
the south-easterly portion of Europe among
the restless Danubian Principalities. The
nations who feel most keenly the result of
the constant plottings are Germany and
Austria, who are alike powerless to inter-
fere. The pity of Bucharest is undoubtedly
the centre of more intrigue and actual crime
than any city of Europe or America, and
although Paris, New York and London
have at tunes been famous for their
" crooks," their achievements do not bear
comparison with those of Bucharestians: A
constant stream of pickpockets, sneak
thieves and swindlers issue from this infam-
ous city,and because of this vile blot on our
civilization the whole world suffers.
The Troubles of a Canadian Clergyinan-
Attacked With a Disease Nnitaowa t'
Physicians—He bad Zit Given u1
Dope When the Hand of Belief was
Stretehed ont:tOI im
Rey. S.J. Cuminings, the pastor of the-:
Fir Baptist church of Delevan,New York,
hahad an experience that makes him of
orle the most talked of men in Cattarangus
county. To a reporter of the Buffalo News
o called upon, him, Mr. Cummingsmade
following statement, which he put in
Eesult t Tell
The proof of the pudding is the eating,
and the proof of the extraordinary power
over pain of Poison's Nerviline is in using
it. Poison's Nerviline never fails to per-
form wonders in every case of pain. It
cannot fail, for it is composed of powerful
pain subduing remedies. It goes right to
the bottom, and pain is banished at once.
Nerviline cures all kind of pain, internal or
external. Go to any drug store and get a
bottle, and be delighted by its promptitude
in doing its work.
Bid ed Her Time.
f a ;affidavit t
-" I am now feeling so well that I am
entering on a series of special meetings,
and am returning to work with all my old
time vigor. I was prostrated in June last.
and was treated by three physicians, one
near this place and two in the city of But..
falo, but received no benefit or encourage-
ment from them. They all were of the
opinion that I would have to resign my
pastorate and quit preaching. Nevertheless.
I now feel entirely recovered:
" I cannot give you the name of my
disorder. It baffl ed the physicians and
they could not agree as to the nature of the
trouble. After the slightest exposure as in
the damp of the morning, or after the clew
fell in the evening, my limbs would swell
and become discolored and my body would
be racked with pain. These attacks would
last three or four hours, but they would
usually leave me helpless for at.least a day
after the acute pain had passed. At night
I was unable to sleep. The strain upon my
nervous system was tremendous. 'became
so prostrated as to be unable to take exer-
cise. I could do scarcely any work in my
study, and frequently could not preach .to.
my people. -Sometimes for a week the The
muscles of my arms would be no affected.
that I could not white a letter or pen a dis-
course. ,
"On the recommendation of the -physicians
who examined me, my church granted me a
vacation for a month, and I went to my old
home at Oakwood,Ont., north, of Toronto,
for a rest. On reaching home my father
urged me to try .1)r, Williams' Pink Pills._.
I protested on the plea, of. heaving taken an.
many medicines that I had lost all faith in.,
them. But he had heard of tf •x eIA `
and ii,sisted on my givingithe m a
brought me two boxes 4 co 3. e
to take them. I soon f mild re alth
improving so rapidly that 1 returnretiVifia to,
my home and family at t is: plane Some.
of my friends insiatei . tt raft the -lame&
was only temporary, that 1 would soon
have a relapse and be weete Phan `before;
but I have continued etc take thein and
riot¢ feel like a new roan The sudden at=
•tack$ of pain which former y postratedme,
on my bed do not recur,} aid I have,, e
myself many times'. ir a , way
have formerly broughtht em on.
ir,y family I hive -fid them very
her tan a
ni . I haveap ''
'iii dootors' ren at
but all to no end uilt$t ,,
Subscribled and sworn to -13E144
19th day of September,1893:`tt
Joix HUNT, Notscy :Publ ._
Druggists everywhere :.bear twii(ness to
the firm hold this wonderfu Canadian
medicine has taken upon the pu1ic, and to
the vast good it has accomplished in reliev-
ing suffering, and. tohusands of grateful
people like Rev. Mr. "Cummings, cheerfully
testify to the benefits derived from its use,
often after skilled physicians had absolute-
ly failed to help them. If you are ailing
cast prejudice aside and give is marvel of
modern medical science a fair 1. An an-
alysis of Dr. Williams' Pink Pi la show that
they contain in a condensed form all the
elements necessary to give new life and
richness to the blood and restore shat-
tered nerves. They are an unfailing speci.
fic for such diseases as locomotor ataxia,
partial paralysis, St. Vitus'. dance, sciatica,
neuralgia, rheumatism, nervous, headache,
the after effects of la grippe, palpitation oL
the heart, that tired feeling resulting froth
nervous prostration ; all diseases depend.
ing upon vitiated humels in the blood,.,
such as scrofula, chronic erysipelas, eto.
They are also a specific for troubles pecul-
iar to females, such as suppressions, irregu- -
larities and all forms of weakness. They
build u' the blood, and restore the glow
of health to pale and sallow cheeks. In
men they effect a radical cure in all
cases arising from . mental worry, over-
nonce on
otenied that the r
upon.-heaIth.is great, an
on of ":this -fact that physici
suffering With ;pulmonary
at'dista-ices for'" change o€ a:
en tie sufferer happens to be too;
u� the adaiee hie tot is hard..
_is .not necessa' y ,hopeless.
den Medic l Discovery e
edielne-sto a and to- i thou
cps werecondered des erate
"u certain point to the progress of
Cori -49 , ])r Pierre's Golden Medical.
Disci v i : positive*nted'ly•int= delay
is daii rows nth Coni uinption. .Io alLthe:
,condiarr that,iead toit, t -" Discovery".
is Fell relinetdy With severe ling g
siothing acts ;
-taro': TorEby =diseWeak Lungs, a : that
reach through the blood yieidar,
medici e. The Scrofuletta _eetio
lungs t it's called Consu +io
them, . Airs
f s, eland=€or very_ot
of Saiof
order, '
and Lu
the only
cure, you
Can an
you to bu
4 Don't..:
pit . of
lieeli troubled,
`psis. The db
a titanic. I
'ii� ands �•
V C F i M
my 8t0 E e '. - a tom'•- �
>.g ('m a, i. ter Q
d ha
d `all chro c Bronchi Throe
tons, the " Disco . ry
iuedy so certain that it can b
▪ If it ever fails to benefit
ave your money hock:
sng else. be -3.„4: just aa ood'
Jillson s
right ib: i
it nev
up "
speak- t
"", Rept'
Mr. Goodlive (to his boarding-house.
keeper)-" Yes, madame, we leave to -day
to go housekeeping. My wife and I can't
stand tough steak, strong butter, sloppy
coffee, and blue milk a day longer. We
want tender porterhouse, gilt -edge butter,
pure Java coffee, and rich cream, and we
are going to have it."
Mrs. Slimdiet—"Very wall. 1 shall be
glad to have you again when you wish to
conte back."
Mr. Goodlive (a year later)—" Good
morning, Mrs Slimdiet. My wife and I
would like to have _ our old rooms, if they
are vacant."
Mrs. Slimdiet (pleasantly)—" What was
the matter with porterhouse steak, gilt=
edge butter, pure Java, and rich cream?"
Mr.Goodlive (dolefully) They cost too
Alma Ladies` College,
This `jollege-has one of the most success
ful Conservatories of Mpsic. ,on the Contin-.
ent in which. thorough instruction is given
in Piano, Violin,- Organ and other instru-
ments,"Harmeny, "Sight Singing, &c. The
chief teachers have beentrained in the
European Conservatories and follow a
strictly classical method. Alma's graduates
in many cases have gone direct to high
Collegiate appointment. Weekly recitals,
choral classes, public concerts and all sim-
ilar advantagrs to music students.
One of the most popular schools of the
kind in Canada is the Alma School of Elocu-
tion presided over by Mrs. Lucia Julian
Martin, for six years Principal of the In-
dianapolis School of Expression. A thor-
ough course is given in Physical Training,
Respiration, Vocal Culture, Articulation,
the Laws of Inflection and Emphasis, Dra-
matic Reading and Pantomime, -60 pp.
Announcement free. . .
B.F. AUSTIN, A. M.,- B. D., Principal.
No unvaccinated roan is permitted to vote
in. Norway;
k or excesses of whatever nature There
Of Pure` Norwegian Cod
and 9iypophospbi
-build you up.
COLD, and e7+eek CON$tTJIPTIOF One'
alt forms of WASTING DISEASII$ Al
most as palatable as Milk. Prepared by l
Scott & Bowne, Belleville. Fore; sale by
all druggists.
DONT Buy' Watch or any Jewelry
Y before seeing our
;-1-°New Ca to e.IT'S FREE. Write for
`. New
▪ WRY & ee., Toronto, Can.
A sENTd: HERE YORE AHE.—Samantha-at
.the:Wo Fair by Josiah Allen's Wife
'Over 100 ilius it', � tions,nearly 601) pages. No Ter-
ritory - assigned. Send_.$1,00 for prospectus
andpush theicanvass if : you want to . make
money. ' `YILUUUA.i"IIIELGGS, Temperance St.
Toronto. a -. `
11 Tmpor ...
SAU$A�GE `1 S15GS of nes..
lisp, constantly on:hand, also prime Ame
Hog's Casings _Full lines- New Hams,
Cieari3a' 'uQeee. Lard. etc.
BLACx-wsL Co. En.,;Successors to
don C
Isidelicions and -nourishing. High* recom
monded by the 'leading Physicians. -: Put
up-in-Tins-only:and sold by all the leading
Giro ,•
— Cea� KEIGHLE;Y, ,
Sole Manufacturers, - '2 Bay St., 'Toronto.
are nodi ePAR
'effects fpllowing the use of this K & So
wonderful medicine, and it can be given - to
children'with perfect safety.
These Pills are manufactured by the Dr.
Williams' Medicine Company, Brockville,
Ont., and Schenectady, N. Y., and are sold
only in boxes bearing the firm's trade mark,
and wrapper, at 50 cents a box or six boxes
for $2.50, and are never sold in bulk. There
are numerous imitations and other so-called
blood builders against which the public are
cautioned. If your dealer does not keep:
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills they will be -sent
post-paid on receipt of above price.
"It'e3,the little things that•te1L"
Adele true, like many others.
If you don't believe it—well—
Ask big sisters with small brothers.'
Tender: Corns,
Soft con's, corns den- kinds remp ed with
out pain.or sore -spots by..Putnam a Painless
Corsi F4trector. _. Thousands testify that t
is Bert ir, pa uless,aiid. prompt. . Do not be
imposed upon by substitutes offerectier :-lie
genuine `°Putnam's" Extractor. S c`e, e;
he 4. D. KING
HgMI '2'O
It is the Faculty t at m tJ
radnate of a Universa o.
niversity, of Victoria of
the College. Ladies es
t, and Elocution. with tl
send for our Catalogs
es' Col',eges of Canada
et dents may be found in t
er ors. Special attention 'cave
of sending their daughte
Next term begins Nove
i 4111 B4OVED
-The Latest Parlor
Q reeelpt of, price we will Her
A.P. 688`
Cares Consumption, Coughs, n
Threat* Sold byall Druggists one G `•
For a Lame Side, i
Back or Chest Shiloh P�
Plaster wwi'llgive great sati� ate'
6I1L0H' CA
Have-you_Catarrh? OtisRemedyw�ll1 leve
and Cure you. Price.. l treat-eaetas' This Info
nue, isemournere
. gbiloh Bemedies are sold oo a
Madein 5 sit "� ,