HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Gazette, 1893-12-21, Page 5for You!
and for u s.
;hangs t Cost 01 the fur.
LARS whale they last.
nter Trade!
ash of seasonable goods. W h -re
defy to the trade.
re and choice ranges.
imaginable in that line
o a complete suit.
with only .he purest goods. We
and every choice thing in
irnmand of our lady patrons.
r Solicitor.
worth for $12,
1.IL,DM.PLY at
o earance of the stock.
VAIIG1;LieAi,.-�1eyviceti i0 ton. and .m
Sabbath Seheol at 4" pm C:_ Liesemer;.
Superintendent, C,ottageprayarmeeting Wednes-
day evening -at t30. Young _ People's meeting
Tuesdaevening at 6 o'clock. at 7$0. Rev.�Mr. Mu Pastor.hoir prautide
RES$YTERIAN.–Services 1030 a.in, 'Sab-
A bath School .9:30 a m. J. H. Moore, Superin
cadent. Prayermeetiflg, Wednesday evening at
o'clock. Rev. R. W. GFaUagher, Pastor.
'.C.CHUIRiH, Sacred Heart of Jeeus.—Rev.
Father Vey, P. P. Services every Sunday.
alternatively at 6E0 a.m: and 10 a.m. Vespers -
every other Sunday at'3 p.m. Sunday School at
0:30 p.m. every other Sunday.
T UTHERAN.•; BcV.. Dr. Miller, pastor. 96r
vices thelast three Sundays of every month
at 2:30 p.m. Sunday School at 1:30 p.m. -
wit ETHODIST --Services 10:30 a.m. and 4 p.m
Sabbath School 2:30 p.m. G. Curie, Superin-
tendent. Prayermeeting, hursday 8 p.m; Rev.
W. B. Danari3, Pastor. -
M.B.A., No. 73–meets in their halPon the
evening of the second and fourthThura-
hays in each seonth.
K. W nzn, Ike. GEO. E GGER, Pres.
O.F.--Coact Maldma , No.186, meets in their
hall the siseeh* and last Thursdays in each
tenth. Visitors arta7secome
J. e£EER, C. R.
�j . O.C.P. No. 16-3neets in the Forester's He11
1.) the second and last Thursday in each
month, at 8 p.m.
W.B. An oun, Coun.
E. N. BU'i IIART, Ree
Terms ;--$1 per year in advance ;
Otherwise 31.25.
-One Rix Three
Year. months. months.
One column " $90 83 ' • ifia
half column 80 18 10
Quarter column...... 18 100. 6
Eighth coin= 10
Legal notices, 8c. per line for first and 4c. per
line for each subsequent insertion.
Local business notices Sc. per line each inser-
Contract advertising payable quarterly '
in the'town haf i x L ti
the 27th- inst. - diaeuss A
prohibition. Att urn welcome a
opened` at: /AO. ;Siker collection
ddefiay expenses.
The annual • sc-hsol meetings lu:tar:
_sections will : bo held on Wednesday
Dec. 27th, at ten eiloek, a. m. _ The
electionof trustees is at important_ as
the election of councillors,: and ratepay-
ers ought to take more interest in these.
matters than they generally do.
Business in town - has been very lively
of late, and has --noticeably increased
the past week. '. Weare pleased to learn
from business men? that the Gazers.]: is:
materially. helping to bring its adver-
tisers custom, and it is also a pleasure
to knowthat`no one is better satisfied`
withthe transaction than the customers,
who are really_ taking unusual bargains,
from Mildmay_this season.
Grand Trunk Time Table.
Trains leave Mildmay station as fol-
lows: -
serf MY ., . .
;?a.1�5y44. s .
ixatl . s nlp:m
Mixed 10.56 a.m
Mair .2.3 -p.m
Express 9.55 pan
Following the Custom generally ob-
served by country newspapers the GA-
ETT2. Will take a holiday next week, SO
no paper will be issued. A supplement
howev,er, be -gent out, giving the
result of the nominations hare and iu
surrouncliatiPhiCei:' -Theolfize will be
ei-esetarimer aa_ -*al, there being a large
ansoustof jele-woilt to dispose of.
rie °liter was captured by la, grippe
on Tueeday, and the GAZETTE con-
sequently appears this week under dif-
Miss Boyd, of: ,Heraiatona visited
friends in Mildmay this week.
Miss Amy May, of Walkerton, was
visiting friends in Mildmay this week.
. Ma J. A. Bittinger, of the Walkerton
Glocke, paid Mildmay a fiying visit on
Messrs. J. H. MoOre, station agent,
and J. Cordingly, baggage -man returned
home on Friday last. .
A Christmas -tree :entertaintnent will
be held by the merman Evangelical
Sunday School next Monday evening.;
The church will be tastily decorated; .a
• sta
J Butlis*rbeela
C Schutter, i
A. Moyer, .
Dar n
c a E trjt. .,I 4
his name as Frank OlFlander.
The following pupils of the' walker.
ion Model School passed the examinate
Misses, S. Campbell, L. _Dickson, M.
M. C. SaitherltM4
Watts, L. Williem
Messrs U. W:
Kidd; etden
R. Wiltakils.'
'Useful to an in
A book which
/4. very useful thing for a
son.--Nesuerleass Maya 0.
The '"Efinte" are ea re
_Tiro der is Ahe
Oliver & Steigler took in from a farm-
er the other day a turkey which weighed
20 lbs. It is not often that one so
heavy is marketed.
A grand Fireman's Ball is to be given
in tne Mildmay town ball early in J,an-
uary. The invitations will be out in a
few days.
Nomination meeting will be held in
the town hall here to -morrow, (Friday)._
A large crowd find a lively time is ex-
pected. e
Mr. 1. A. Blackeby, of Galt, agent for
the I.O.G.T. insurance Society, we's in
town this week and made the Gezzees
a friettdly call. Mr. B. was at one time
editor of the Clinton Record.
Quite a number hereabouts are sageeeer-
ing from a mild form of la grippe at
present. The symptenss are not of an
alarming -nature, so far, and the worst
c12•08 reperted have only been, confined
to the hens° fox a few days.
Tha rapila of Mildmay Public. School
announce an entertainment to be held
in the town hall this (Thatesday) even-
-ing. An excellent program is to be ren--
dered and a large attendance is ex-
pected: :
The Sonth Bruce Patrons et indus,
try met at Formosa last week and
nominated Mr. Wm. *silent°,
r6Ss, near Lutisno*, to. oppose Mi. Ef..
Provincial elections,
Mee Mell'ullen, who has been visit-
- ing at Mr. Curle'le.here_ tor, ths past
three Months, etai-ted• Motidays fast
en her waT'tti hoMe at Port /111011,
Mich., She intendq. te call on friends
in Palmcfston on the. Way. - ,
has returned lc hia pereuts? home, in
this village, for a few weges visite . -Hp
rat present Suffering with an attack -fa
grippe: RoSs, is expect,'
ed home fewIdaw.
*103-61 alsett.
-First ClaSS----Willie poky, Mari War-
ner, -Annie Eifert.
Second Clase—Eckhardt Loos, Her-
man Herron, Istelhula Schvitihn..
Third Chisr--:Martba Peik'er, Maggie
Ptetsch, Maggie Schweitzer. .
. Fourth. claes--Lily Em
Fifth Class--EdWin, Moyer, Addle
Land., Edwin Sehvieitaer, Stanley_
Sixty Class --Tillie Miller, Violet
Tillie Weisel', Mary Yank Jean- Mo -
Gann, Adeline Diebel, Syliia Brown,
Lily Jasper; Lottie IXateoih Stanley
Moyer, Edwin Moyer, 'Illene Titmtts
Basenow, May Armour.
Carrick Council.
Council met in the : township hall,
Mildmay, on the 15th inst. Ali th
members -present, _the
Minutes of last meeting re
proved. •
Moved by X. IL-Fiselieri. set*e
Jas. Darling, that the Fill& Avt,i4,
so now read, be eeleptedee-Care
•• The yeas and na;ys Weft callt#
The report elalls for the pali#64
the following sepetmts.
Wm Pomeroy, Calvert, w .
bridge, lot al, eon 13 9
A Redden, timber ROCOUlli
from_last Meeting (Mr ill*
Jasper &-:14;_rater,Milltia
Postage- The Owls gena::::14-E; eeon-°:4-1
and` sheuldssournalarke'inorcase in the
circulation -tif that old established
steeliest newspaper.
attain and Neerelea;
vest stamp for-Iiestage and eeeavill
yos free shatideetneviaterefiar. framing:
T9foilt4 0 7-.311 ,general
li/Ornhante and grocer* )3hieiTe.-iriaL:
he United States &Mate bee con.,
_the noMination,
ew tor