The Gazette, 1893-12-14, Page 6zn� gp. -w GgE V �4 --3 MOP— AQ --gr­ �N N MR 4 -4� DT, n V, -r -L� wi��a-n- or;df IM ithkeo-th�firit ch Leon atilt P zig 6 -a A. vany lmbbeW�I gong. di 7 t-1s;7�1--Z 2 CTGR-Y­:, LOVER co won G _y --S OU 11 Oh,- touch that roieiii, wind Me cH-A.PtER VIL Mr. Trefasisi. r -Z beacon Al6uj mud 86 on, 4 0 His singing,is a rei A 'and her all - n to -1 untill it comes tig, - I .. I lixoOaud here- -a W 1, Wry. PIS- - 19 LIPPINO 1TS; MAGAZINE. -�7­-IDY T, -DEFIR of' to the. delights vain it. -'I sionately susuqpiible Duet gure. of -thrill.with- I seeme th music, her whole son a a' 3, ve ayli tempt to aw What are the wild wa ei her voice in her. as his rich -voice re. J ds tb An 4 Lrough - Mrs. B Ormer. The chief Her courage breaks down her m9wVIL 1 11 Wk. arry and Mrs. noter guards 21, and -Va� the room filling it wrt" 0 0 y- they -00asists,in re. trembles. onto -A]"! when Kax's eyeiroome to this, fall -Afterature 4h& Mhp kg," he replie he Words c the ;nirroi an4 gatr s, calmly. He tender wav es rise and. n -tion of� upon f ti e one of them is lost. a es v taythere. Tfie� dwed� 'B t MUM istinctly not u -e g, qu ratheradmirea this shrinking from publicity to her d A; unpre- her and darknedia broad sinife widens oil a youth. proclamations Titory a to in e. ii. from observation to sure to follow on her He had a id he, would 4f they.are ave ful lips in the darkuegs-heF creeps. towards the guardsiar to him. III would go awa what is it he is singing?, S of n Y e There is &'little Scrape, ot bhbed by ibbi is fie Ob. touell th t rose -bud. it will bl-i hi�mrael;. - says he, rising and preparing uently the case: 8�� �S 4 c at progrmmm W'ih their miser. rap to be he there rd,-��6thing, more -, and q W �ax ere 133 Wall aito to return to Mrs. Adare, 'but that I have My lady fair, a e back :td 'his seat beside- surprising S --tah the A passionate r -rd i a dim green 91por" promi -going or th sed Gabi to Slag SOmethirg !L Is Terry, who has not. noticed' his Pay- M'A. ink, a splendor, a perf time, �S' evening for him during'the pauses in the lecture." That sleeps in air. coming. e ingenious t­reiotte W in Ze, There is order to ela T You 6in-I" - says Terry, with -scale d6 th awe. . wo years ek." o Mrs. Dormer, the wife of the missionary, b- -ec a an You touebe ide _,V Y, , 4- - I my heart, it gave P. T;nr h nai amaze ent. rgotten that he told 114 in ihe has fo ago some smugglers.- 1w, 001 -house. Just IPKe a rose —a tall, -gaunt female, who I W Prugsian a ooks as if she d. her�befbri She.hasi him so often, but began suowbaffing��Wi villagers on 'the Ile n sconces - That,opens at alady.* will; ought to have a mouiand whiskers,— ever thought of him as one. who i Its bl. owh is always Yours untif itory, and -A had n Rassibn terr -jettor returned is have had- kindl consented tii'delight the people ad wal, y wivlon, t *� . - - -W -- -Ag at, sing. the attack. Bat, balls which e - S You bid it close. of Ballymore wit us , little h a d t, in Which accor& t an w t Well�w- - - 7a from the isasgsian Si U'to Occaisionally," smiling then suddenly Mortimer Collins's charming verset,set o saue-pape charming a lounds Bu t ths� soixods are Russia yards of the mo pensive Bruisels r have ing to the programme, she had been promis- were throNI de i a r -elderly em,— he look back at he o he has taken a 'step SO' ed assistance gy Mrs. Barry, a stout mes a the dark agids, ;roun th lace were concealed.. T ubands of a Go or two away. I shall sing to you,' he even more, to this girl whose heart is not person of sixty, who once, in t* to sticking casion awake, than the w3r(fs. She is entranced. ed istic proclamations we one oc u.&nd says, gravely., ing fa hio saug at Dublin, and has ever since insist smuggled through Siles' I t' ussia in t lilie'danseuses 13Y this time the' lecture his commenced She leans forward, watchink him, listening, on singi . ag- at every concert in this her na. 0 'two disguised as e -had not known he ii sing !son di audthe rector is ahQwincr off his slides. The delighted. Sh rything, tive town. In fact, it would not Le a safe hollow staves of per eluded the the candles t -0.yput -observa. kt "here without asking Pious pilgrims, at liallits have been lowered, and, except for like tat. She has forgotten eve thing to give d conce being redder, 7. ballet , Mrs. 'he -dancers plantel along Barry to "'Contribute" something. the walls, the people, her dread of their vigilance of the guards he hawk.,eyev iap allding The'lectu. all is gloom. Jerasileiv, in hitle'.9pasmodic tion, even Larry,—L%rryv who is at re of the Secret Police. A -3 yet gas She -is now "contributing." his a all town, priffl, is b udi. his lXack against the side of the ie being. nce ?4-47 to t Ell eing shown to a breathless a zed ag or the tin has cea;L ain ita platform, glowering at her. gayly.- , a an&-eleetria 40tiAtthey had e�eu. heard enceiiI again the lights bu Th � -duet has e as a Mfs.* - D, 'Ovidentiv W in he h "You touched my heart." The girl, Just after a fire was li Je�asal in' here described must be rmeri of -ji� - *ci6fd en j*fl;arded by the Ked commeliced. V�W�7 device ruly-remarkableplice. Nowonder a w lookincr at Trefas� give P of sticky li * trio le ii, finds his eyes 11 of Mr. Cour ri t ab at so many burting with- desire "i knoiw�' hat the a her a little - Aue.�'�'- wlwto jerdi- people -nowadays makes pilgrimages to earn aves" are saying, -, r4 -&a estly on.her. This i all swarm of bees hadiiiused e tie� wildiii issinging with shock, but the power of his Singing ig so her might. Airs. Bi�rry is trembling wi ace is always call- it- d reat that she does n6t draw -bac; 1roin hive during the sum ad j-"tW rtei word; being The le6tuliei has, grown a little hoarse 9 patience to bogin hei pirt. All is going ei I Z when it is over she still lal melted the honey. r Bethany and Naareth, an -gaze, and �hen suddenly an electric qve d is now hat deep considered- 6de. a wroikl�g himself intO& fever over a fall� looks at him and smiles faintly. it is the sembly. Some -tda have die, shook�run% through the. as A little atege—thq. wg 11-e . & bl -the Holv City. The coloring' vag'168t-Smile, born altogether of her, joy, -it -that - they . �wn view df -.the big programme however if you. had ca �o one has chanced tolook at 'indigo of the, re rcb�- in Ballymore,�a is immense. The clox;ds a in his singingf not at all of her joy in him, -knowledge — and . af it&i that- I are very Low U htoac &ri ny,has--been. deepest dye. The walls are- red as blood audTrefusis is strong enong little erection,4stiust] her. ripple rims.through the roo.ni,—a"ripple this to himself and keep away, from ad.of -the room mud -this .14 most Of the houses are of the tirit of' hi h of-litighter. The Ilwai are �t tho�'ia ig "Oun u m7Ae, a of that smile there is the =pig�. 'llovi ochre, and the rett are a pale and Yet becausc Y I. - I loudly on e eret n!'but 4mbst&uce that ae covered wit 1h, h heart' hegoesb kt6hisseat. rashes througtr the seats below. ly pink. The pridivailing color throug, hope in his as i; distar qtugal cheer kee, but hich Air tid: to pro`-, 'All eyes -are no n w ok (if eii all the the Slides, however, is vermilion, and Ah me I all me! w,,iat jita What has'bai to it? the train the mor"everrailion. the greater the success, .My love d-th feeduPon to judge by- the shouts of the village wary jC pushe� her ek aside and gramme. .38 1 . Terry, following the ..Miss Anson of the'offiers. Ipwhllt ai Oyer greets him as he returns to Where she si'js. knos,alms" only to, wellWathas1apiiened ther,,41i6i -eeper children in the rear. hiludsome, ith fine r. Dornierisprosingalorgin the orth,6--_ e eartsinks erej w wo,"remarkab) th' 'IV She im tall girl, very 11 th within her. Th her 91 Sol shouIlders, and a fine nose, Y 4 1 waves" wa's o'D ce'written, the word now otor g: siste' It- as' a "dox style. He sad -visaged h man' Roman. She had hQ&rd a 11itle of the new, is I "wives"'! T 'dull 'from life's fight' w th the Jpws, an 'engagement during e ay, chosen hs -of -ivy -and laurel Ooopi eviaelitty. without a -him,-if ever the a ai ..in an i. Someboif MOVING d Som*i3body his Scratch e& -th'd - but had joke left in Y,! 46disreg;%rd it as an fait accomplii She had f he knew- the-me'aning'Of one. Not that it jnt�, are, -ha# well obe kn7ows the spimi o rol -and., 16 n I inde�ed- desire Olt op. As the. pro d1bengagehe iftohim b d ai ;,no oneI is listening to him rs _'-partkulAd t - aig in ih� was e graintileI ri it i -go m- to th refore unwillina to believe that th . We are Ihi� -slidei attention that What vC66he7wild sayidgli" 9 an Aed,f from all the c be IRV" low Seed girl' Miss O'Iviore h4 '5-41 de—hily r the an 0 sparied le _vO little illii4re fibm:a.r6and df ed gossip. oiled her chance.- 1�ut�, slip had watched What nXded The -poor ""wild- wiv the evel'aing but, Her am beseen, know nothing� 5] as he ung, and, being by. no means a �of all th --'They. are stil & -of e in the -dark, where no one c, hi mt tlie� iqi4 bwre suquai to t. � is found, delightfully easy to whisper pounding aw fool, had understood thb look fie had bent -ay theAftei shouting at the' mi6i :ai hanging. little bits of soaud4l. into one's neighbors' L a ke sii3 - A-11ce doubly sure,' top of hlungs. Ju.st now on Terry. . T ma, ar Barry, Co., Michigan, neav '.during the pause after addressing 'Mrs. Doralei'as-liet-brathei, a, -iiii& the tiacevigreat applause breaks forth: this is When any more -direc athe first verse, asked Fai itly. slight aberation of i4e I intd1lect, riv-doubt, Ste MaTie. rector,- to -whom the lantern, i loreign wlien. -excused, as Mrs. DoriAer in a coat bout -it, and received a fall account at and,�o be *E mh h �iug With- t�e -reci somewhat of aCh inese puzzle, puts in one and trousers would not amiss. Gayly WIEY DO 4-bu Gco-T-M of the'slides upsid -.-down. This shows a ha� o1krar to,'ej III must congratulate you,".says she now, they sing. e - pre camel with its four legs- in the air andsome On L �twd - ng P60 himself beside Miss Gabb�ett, has rieen ;she is beckoni When Trefusis has Eeated v boysi i�6ciinena of the human.form that look dis- -rector Well, . ; L her, his heai all 6f ''Terry and' that last furiously to h(�r'broth6r. Now the r -rOr"k- access : every r1p -membered. It is a great a * hav�, lif. -th64arm fo -him, recoyering, from -the --krance of horror into plath strange smile She had given' 7 bysterical. Old Mr. Mar 'me quickly to Do(). friend one grows V ou.ha v�e heard V says Trefasis, pleas- which he has faftA 'has PO Yh* e in antly. 'i you may co' Is eyes seek thase- who his glides inj the buti standing up in the neratulate, M the front. Involuntaill P, caues of porner, ;asks, excitedly, What's W'm Suppose ta�e di 4 O'More, and Seeing him'the only acre tfi. indeed..' of Max e when the mistake is explained to him. Mrs.- niala there T' and is very, angry unsmiling one among the audieno heknows 90 atif "Well, I'have done it." She. pauses and -g the i ford "She is very clever, says him 'at oace-as In a second' s at him. the oulprit, Miss Anson. hr inqonyqlsons; afidas.forthe two look -�4 tart old 'Adare 18L is sprung towards the, insulting the rector h, t d- W Oxore boys, there is "no houldin' thim, down, 4nit pla ndL -a Somethina in her tone nettles him. proaramme, has -torn, it ced it -ir old nurse wouldhave said. h aslirs, witb its fae to the wall. farm ign What.do yon mean by that?" he or Thus a -tragedy Miss Gabb;4 looks back ind antly. ah is verted. mqrpeni, befo Geoffrey, cease that noise says she in quic mar They And now the duet is drawillg to -a close. Y— she is -very e That "-w-sweed lever..' and aJL,9,9 The yes,y'e3es and theI I' No, no, liad ptit- a loud whisper. Terry' Ad, r ig un#1 Ep charming' ould 4e . "ribe lie noes" are:over. Mrs. Bari'k,hms cracked :Keiy- one is laughing as wel Wha�t,!a 11611 T am Fanuy,- We= I ' .. 'I rhost sacdessfully on the lai note,' and anGec bett r-". loi hf 4V )Ery, angrily. �ift _ _ i ft Fors an You'thifik"'liftinc, her b ows, that .. ...... He *k2t. S' v1sce, air, whilst your superi Id P all is peace who speaking Sas Miss Gabbett, alluding she isn't clever, then? in fir$#; E CONTINUED,) No. -6ertsinly not. What I think is, TO B e *ho would to the goora rectidr, Who is now explaining -and were- -g -h. 10i tbat,she is bot granted,: his-urtistake. -ha&-been T "Itiay6i are speaking, saf� ."Ali!, Perhaps so,"with a shrug of her FM e- amps glng a bapely shoulder —such beautiful ab ul- "THE RUSSIAN FRONTIER. time 4ikovm: -10 10 h' I were' - lit. 0 01" to- sit. an Qeoffrey, ra nd there thratens to __a e :-between him n i6Wb_ 4WXka ("4bstt(tkqir.pet hem prolonged a d ders, and so exquisitely white and round id, r- Miss Gabbi when Terry bomes to the a trifle too rounded, perhaps, too'niaturiie How It Is Ke slan garrisons he ii perfectly dressed too. His eyes frontier ha�e been in iher recent years con- -1 a -0 ed, but very handsome for all'tbat and on the Prussian comer, a place rescue. The Rug A Sheep from the -goats, Be quiet Geoffrey," says she�rohZeon 8 0 p on turn quickly to where Terry sits, in her orHurd -me Ople' from their Geoffrey stops,.s eaking, and siderably Strengthened. Until three p dai'k pl-iin little frock, with har Slender four yeais ago the so-called cordon consist - vengeance. lor Oat on,, Terry?' Ladies' and gentlemen," says t r make he recto figure, her high -bred -air. Hovv,im�wsible ed of codipararively few men only. Service tonous, and t he 01Qver i What do good-humoredly, the camel, in the last to compare them! "Perhaps so, Says a the ffontier is very niono G grY, r, Miss Anson, smilino, doubtfully. "But, 0 or' �,MV Y�j this Old cat for?" picture I had the -pleasure of showin men Selected f this work are generAly I Aff"o 44 9 you certainlyhe is clever." toes a a s astern and'central �4& i 6abi is dbaf. haid evidently proved refractory. It must young recruits from the E refasis. es are is is's, very good have -upset its riders. It was a thoroughly provinces of the Empi t SalaughirAgi- You meall-simthina" troots. Pric Well, since you will h Owing fO SQ'we -She Seats kealistic representation. I ho e on will On the Ist and 15eb, of every 7nonth the 1 takes, f the ave it,T 0, p Y `,hink�yuu wftl find that the girl who, frontier guards receive their hard-earned .40 glait of the dark, take it as such.7"- ith Ads, , ! L tnMeS and lumber t west r,7' thQut a pennyj captures the man w -the 2nd and 16th -thoi oi Here al th and scanty pay, and on e oti ladies prick up their ears �y pennies, will always be called b I the of the same month it is regularly expendei or g iwith the fresh begin to whisper. "Realistic Is m11 very last kopeck. What el IV there ? world�clever." in drink to the ass of peoipW�b. that w Is it High arch ? pge:-i herlife still torment- Ord orthodox -Chi She has not capt ured me, in the Sense. Then -a bad time sets in for them, and i -h4&7��h i-IX04'e'ven toK-- the boy& Did he mean ritualistic ? The' rector had n e nearly al Hari ofined leelinghas kept) been, secret y accused lately of a leaning to- YOU mean," says Tr fusis, warmly. they frequently take to stealing from the i They axe No?" She laughs again. You have Prussian farm -houses across the border line. You meet there 'so -filaii*­ ers and decorations. And ptr- She. did, not say to her wards. flow captured her, then?" belb Sometimes however, they meet with'a i fond:of Larry,. z-haps the societyof &man fresh from "India's i YOU can h4rdl Rp, W01 -e Axid do: coral strand" and Ceylon's spiqy isle (they I object to the word altogether, piece of good trick. A Prussian hen or goose ofjt�all the Sam who had u Trefa e-louel when they sing that 'skg They bave had all call' it Ce says Trefus' Low reaained 'his -svionders innocently over the line and in,- left home. -to 116 or dislike bymn, and many of them think the ile" want to and-. - usual coo., manner. It. does away with med-- est Ras- i%tely disappears into the near see Ahat i uayafr t i -sian gua -where it forms a welcome free rd -house, dom,—the freedom of choice." aw a s assa n re of Qc r )would bevery likely to upset �Z�ag twirls for sale? I qui elk Ali! Freedo n-!" Miss Anson, ations provided by lly as -his views -sti!l further. Missionaries- are addition tbthe. fkugal r t- up e eci, Is she free her fan:meaningly. ut mood hrdly espectable sometimes. is she mean ? Tre- Living so the authorities. Complaint by the farmer 1 Win a rathokctrucule Fxi What does is useless. He isfold that' the matter will �-DSO ___v something -about Miss much among smvages-Is sco deteriorating 1 fusis rezards her curiosly what strings be.looked into, and thatis the end of it. . ..... :she, remembers now, The lecture is once more in fall swing. 'Mich woald she make ? lie knows At certain p6riods. duritfg the night an be. suggestion Sault Stt. lfafie, ethi ;o her disparegii The lights are a little lower than -hgv round form post to post, ut -he has Offi der makes't 'Trey's breast Terry is not in love with him, b liding them When and th exL: soo e vengeance in Gen, ER 4T her word for it that she loves no other Sometimes a ignal-shot is heaxd When no. MOF growing stronger. Unfortunately, the h ir lessons. is for an. Oh, don't look so borrified,"saviis ORD*W1 h ,b -with means to gratify it are in his grasp. Some m smugglers are suspected- to be in the neigh F. a0 !Ul� pap .,t er won Mis s Anso , in,a delightfully am mtry, the signal being bad" indeed. n bourh od of a every 9bebas been studying his face, and bas up by one guard after another, For M%Nps, CivbukrS 4WA misguided personhad given him an ora ige until as Andthe.onhis way throujill-the village, and this perhaps drawn some amuEemeat out 6f,it, many as five or six reports break he silence �wi he now pre ?ea- into the servic3. Under Ddarknesshe leans forward, ani ath,)tigti of a rather bitter descriptionii' I know n( Oy iff-M!19 cover of the Alling of a rival:I':w&3 on of cor lathe-foreIgn Mile- by the 4' -of long pioc� d fastens wonderin' —very, stupidly, no doubt it securely to one of the ribi hanging a ether any - g s t irl could be free, -ck of 0 An elega the back of his enemy's cap. 00 ced as she is free to ch se, I circumstan achis direc. mean. A girl so poor, s She not always growing Teri happening to glihoe in eani tion, sees him I ' ing forward suspiciously bound and ret S or viaice -behind close to the old lady's back.. A suddenmis. tered, compelled, as it were, r the A ND to accept any chance that He,%van.—P gJVlngL seizes has not her -:-'she knows Ly-. -.She- Geoffrey Or Othei place—may send her party, or she and his capabilities. What is he doing ? 14 yon misjudge her. Miss 0,1119re would se it once thrill of fear shoots through her: she 'to, A hand- is on -MM wei -leabs, be a difficult pet -son to compel,.'says, Tre-' -too -forward.. Af lost "'And with colder er fusis, coldly. "M y his when, 1640king upi he sei r intention, . . . . . . . . --- LLL smile, 41you. are not very flatt4ring.to me. f Yon, d-seei oo, the covnin,, d n of-hii It is good for you 'T ur.. hopes. Ohi you t estractio' htning' he draws back, -8 err as lig H SHAV RID R -k all flattery all your days I'!* have had too ran F3 go shooting hould into pae Hfts his arm, and se ds. the oran Miss Anson, with a quick little glance says e. fortunately, ig that has boquetry in it. Uil aWgbdbre al Something t*qice in Into apace. Miss Gabi cap,with goes in tern beingonce more required, the magic t this momen alit it, Ther6-iSL.awi1d.if smothered skirt on the lights are a Uptly a sepit -part en. on awfu oment. Even There are few things ruder than a magic - re. -is- e'' I in hare ceased. to, attract. le -again rise Simul, '1king head. The er - * - 8 - , K the up go, h 0 lance is rinse er to-handr to her bi that the f, lihis- both lowered, W& ents ature is Miss Gab- lantern entertainment. The iti Then Terry, l full swing. More heip ic.grow the lights �bett4 head -cai all efore T, o them L Ladies m -sheltered by.throvidentia, dashes i Itanding out, as thick do,. �eejs o Jerusalem. �Bhe e t ir ye J Pushes doivu,'Ouce more ui forward,-�pi6keupthe,ea�,,"dtremblipgly from the surrounding gloom*v 'they -O�W -poi pon Miss Gi 130y4- Gir ly glow. t IX. hen sifilm half lainting on her Max O"More, much pleased with their . . . . . . mg- 10 --- --- fo nd, ci -th sea & florid effect,looks arouna for Geoi otL di4g'L e 4w via, seen n, ur h othing he he ri corner; he that, in hie L t in thi- percei -gone on wi. Alias Gai is thei-Joya spread t1i his proi can see b�t ittle of out liaTe the herin Iven though he should 0an e Muttering and snortin with wrath. pai amg.neck:'to the Uttermost, is -9 for the -go hcme,zQqoffreY,j",Si 0.0or -his long. YC tant _Ge6ff I but te- voice and h, pity and q 01& [iiii rag -KIM Geoffrey, filled vv# 11, what had -he d J6 9 -�Oal' A' 'd- bul javyp ien Own After a eni if ity b d that old cif:1ex bit.- ni per-, -Jor R Q ha F 0110. ft tjle,' G60i is to -be -.puuis to see him be�p nished ti ;A'JfD*d:: bat t im 3io rt Coniii �,t,h-e f f d to shaiTe. Geo b nXT# a 1531rit; prid -wi tea which e pr ac :1-10tperi t1i, CHARCO -1110N b or' arginade the �d I er are 08ed 6-,c guess.0 e z, mb, This 1Q, tiot as har( the whOlesaler ma demand from reta give his order in s Will need in the fo c. lil- ;' to firid wh,i tb, ­Ipply is 11 Tbis napperis to m 80 Y- -L. buL the wisel EXPERT-SKAZI Seem to be unaninic public will buy a g; 'next wintrer. XAK,i There:iiz nothing; er in the making.of is always a hot pla, mati 3 'ne fact, in bar Jq� Leavy machinery i little more than t Some ef th,6se pieces inti proper fort them down and pol ' skates ate made in the later atkid: Tore c thirty parts. , Some imDrovemen the material and since last Year$ and will have to pay as he will - get better This is partacularill cheaper grades. I IQ; 7� Tu W -ie,-A De-Xt whih4v will b,- t for 25 cefts entimly 4 �mei J ii Pdft includes a paii cas meta , of con t I ri Iv improve' handsorrilAapan filic' ' t lot I J it has '8* le T contrL with tt most OY an club s7kateb, made oi)j finely pc) ished, d ia plated, I keyless, v thicknefs, price $1,9 Cie, auft is the fii bought, unless the tomfoo , lery of Filver is also the highest corresponding style -t_-Set grain leather he( i -11-46�lTericao club " cillar manufact p 'M . uArd Inyle. B LU , v I V�ADM SK. TE awnes sk tes �f emay ebs�L lVemen's ai ha n from thp ska'! !ter A -Win wornan a 0 4 man'! �eda some support. We support flas iteffective. 'i Ld Consists of � clar� ,etiu.front and b -hi i4varving toifit the to the level of ktkid to snot-1,ter bar 16, 'the joint is ai luy amgle al�d tigh, 0 g to allow a f1J od Motion, but top �rxqg�72 Ti the:9 ur tbMilin. in ke the an k4e. 4-*,tomakeitm 0 121,71m, -7 SKATES Paring f The quite kZJ itnpetu Qn,: ! -, f'- tes, I - ers are i,at ,hi, _J,4 Ild 0111 i(x. e 120t Wja -L" market CHARCO -1110N b or' arginade the �d I er are 08ed 6-,c guess.0 e z, mb, This 1Q, tiot as har( the whOlesaler ma demand from reta give his order in s Will need in the fo c. lil- ;' to firid wh,i tb, ­Ipply is 11 Tbis napperis to m 80 Y- -L. buL the wisel EXPERT-SKAZI Seem to be unaninic public will buy a g; 'next wintrer. XAK,i There:iiz nothing; er in the making.of is always a hot pla, mati 3 'ne fact, in bar Jq� Leavy machinery i little more than t Some ef th,6se pieces inti proper fort them down and pol ' skates ate made in the later atkid: Tore c thirty parts. , Some imDrovemen the material and since last Year$ and will have to pay as he will - get better This is partacularill cheaper grades. I IQ; 7� Tu W -ie,-A De-Xt whih4v will b,- t for 25 cefts entimly 4 �mei J ii Pdft includes a paii cas meta , of con t I ri Iv improve' handsorrilAapan filic' ' t lot I J it has '8* le T contrL with tt most OY an club s7kateb, made oi)j finely pc) ished, d ia plated, I keyless, v thicknefs, price $1,9 Cie, auft is the fii bought, unless the tomfoo , lery of Filver is also the highest corresponding style -t_-Set grain leather he( i -11-46�lTericao club " cillar manufact p 'M . uArd Inyle. B LU , v I V�ADM SK. TE awnes sk tes �f emay ebs�L lVemen's ai ha n from thp ska'! !ter A -Win wornan a 0 4 man'! �eda some support. We support flas iteffective. 'i Ld Consists of � clar� ,etiu.front and b -hi i4varving toifit the to the level of ktkid to snot-1,ter bar 16, 'the joint is ai luy amgle al�d tigh, 0 g to allow a f1J od Motion, but top �rxqg�72 Ti the:9 ur tbMilin. in ke the an k4e. 4-*,tomakeitm 0 121,71m,