HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Gazette, 1893-11-30, Page 9run t, • w -A FAIIIIIEWS.11iiii LOCK, rat, Indicates the G 1h eadline s Between Britain- That American feeZialandtes'i., Meets With an Accident Followed bl l%f�nate undergoing a change Onlie .atlaered from recent events. The spirting ility which America long manifested tat-dardsthe old l i#r. N 8. Hnghseit tells a -Story of Years of land is being subdued or tt - • Painful Reauite the British House of . an eoi� s gone so far in the path of friendliness .as to decide that disputes in the futurebetWeen the two countries shall be submitted to arbitration, which suggests the erection of acourt for the settlement of international differences. The interests of the two peoples are so closely interwoven that the one depends largely upon the other, and no rupture could occur between the two without bringing keeper- -able injury to both. In this view a speech made by American Ambassador Bayard at. the banquet given last week to celebrate the 250 anniversary of the formation of the Cutlers' Association of- Sheffield, is signifi- cant. These extracts from his address show the larger spirit which is dominating men and drawing ,the two greatest nations in the world closer together "I believe that whether it be the _Stars and Stripes that are 'so dear to me, or whether it be the Union Jack that is so glorious and dear to you, neither of us will ever ask under what conditions, but we will say �: 'Under them all we follow the He claimed that every American nad the utmost pride and fellowship in all the traditions of the English people and went on to say : "I come as a friend to be received as a friend. Eighty years ago my father's father came to make peace with England. (Applause.) He oarne while war was flag- rant between the United States and Eng- land and passed some three months in Lon- don endeavoring to establish peace and to put an end to the war. Those efforts terminated in success, and in 1814, in the month of October, at the little town of Ghent, in Belgium, was signed a treaty of amity Suffering and haw he Found Release - The circumstances Familiar to- all. Neighbors. - From the Chatham Banner: - A Chatham Banner reporter while -on news -gathering rounds a few•days ago drop- ped into the well-known. drug store of Messrs. Pilkey & Co., and overheard scraps of conversation between ,customers, in which the words "Pink Pills" and the name " Hughson" were frequently repeated. orrs instinct or a goo With a re to ' f d news article, he asked for some particulars, and. was told that if he called upon Mr. Hugh son he would probably get a story. wel worth giving publicity. Mr. Hughson doe a snug feed and sale stable business on Harvey street and thither the reporter re- paired, and was ,somewhat surprised to find the very antipodesof an invalid. Mr: Hugh - son is. a ratan of medium height, about fifty years of age, born with a good constitution, and who, until tome three years ago only knew the meaning. of ,the word sickness from the - dictionary. 'Mr. Hughson is a stationary engineer by trade,:and a .good one, but some six years ago getting.• tired of that callingquitted it and Tented a farm in Harwich. While returning from town one day on top of a, load;, one of his horses stumbled, and Mr. Hughson was pitched head foremost to the hard, froaen roadway. When he got home and the blood was wiped away his externaliujuriee'eeemed trifling, but the grave trouble was -inside, and took the form of a violent and .almost constant headache. A week later . he went intothe bush to out wood, and felt at every stroke - as : if his head would burst. He worked for. _half an, hour.' and then;went. home,- and for eight weeks his right side and peace between the United States was wholly paralyzed and hie speech gone. rent Britain, and that act has k - qt After a time this wore off and he was able peace eves since. - (Applause.): to go about the house, though' he could not "Of late years it has been called 'the walk. All -this time he was attended by a physician, whose treatment, however, seemed of but little avail. In the following June he had second stroke and was nos. out of bed for seven weeks and was left very weak. The belief= that he was doomed to be a burden on those near and- dear to him, that he was unable to take his place as a. bread -winner, added meatal to his physical l anguish. -But relief was coming- and in, al form he had not expected. He saw Dr. Williams' ;E° ink Pills advertised and asked his physician . about them. The latter 'said.he had, not'inuch.-aitb in- therm- reran - dies, they..W-01d„do no lraran, alitiNr, Hughson grit a supply which he began tak- ing according to directions. At the outset hie wife also opposed to them, but be- forehe -taken m long she noticed an improvement in hiacondition, and then was p _ last war. (Applause.) And now let me disclose to you my only diplomatic mission. It is that the war of '1812 shall always be the last war. (Prolonged applause.) I suppose that ends my mission, because if it is successful I really want . no more." (Applause). After a lengthy tribute to the varied in dustr-ies of Sheffield, he eoncluded , "Theprosperity of your country I leek upon with no ungrudging eye. (Applause.) I have no belief in any other doctrine for a man or for a nation than. Loo- do: •his ;friends as .much beaefi as he -carr and te=do -hie op- ponents no more harm than necessary. 1 cannot believe in the advancement. or pros- perity of any countrythat is founded 'upon: the misfortune or injury. of - another. Faotf are strong enough and we. are strong enough to adopt that as our method, and I believe i (Pits as strong inurging.. him to continue . to that -the manhood of American people their use, and even look them with good re - and of English people is alike tending. "Will youjoin with me in wishing that the- ndihe flag of Great `' "x boat during all time sdiens, under God, ?» ke• Bliffers-"What's; wrong to -day 7" You look Minn", - - - Bluffers -F« Pll ndver forgive myself. I kicked a calleroutolnly::house last night." " Huh I I've kickednianya one.. .Young fellow, r suppose s - " No ; past mid4l s a." these 'ecl'gers have no busi- ness doming - mini I kicked oat i " Yes, butt, wasn't co r r my mother -in - The 1' other-in= The1 young girls. sort lastweek." t€ that that this man tighter, he was after "Pa, do you klao=.t1 birthday" "les, my dear." "Pa, I want you to on my birthday,„, buried her a bosom. "And what habit wants ?" . e Asked. is my eighteenth sults Herself -for heart weakness . following Ja:grippe..---Continuing the use of the pills, Mr. Hughson found his- terrible headaches leaving him, and his strength -..returning, and soon found he could do light work on the farm -near hie house:- He_stilIcontinued using the -Pink Pflls until he had taken fourteen boxes, and found himself fully re stored to his old-time strength. Mr. Hur son's old neighbors in Harwich *never. ex- pected to see him on hie feet again, and are astounded at his recovery, so much so that the fame of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills has spread far and near throughout the town- ship, and are the standard remedy in -many households. Mr. Hughson can be seen by any of - our citizens and will only too gladly verify the foregoing statements. The reporter then called upon Messrs. Pilkey & Co., at the Central Drug Store. Tlfey- do not, they informed him; make a praotice of booming any proprietary medi= eine, so that - the Lead taken 13y Drs Wil- liams! Pink Pills is not due to persistent uffin but to- irresistible merit and onall P g s sides their customers speak of them in terms of warmest praise: D€: Williams' Pink Pills are a perfect blood builder and nerve restorer, : curing die a_great favor -such diseases as rheumatism, neuralgia, hie ` beautiful girl partial 'paralysis, locomotor ataxia, St. tin:- the . paternal Vitus' dance, nervous prostration and the tiredfeeling therefrom. the aftereffects of la be my little` girl. grippe,- diseases depending on humors in the blood,such as scrofula, chronic erysipelas, ▪ etc. Pink Pills give a healthy glow to pale and sallow complexions and are a specific for - the troubles peculiar to the female system, and in the case:of Wren they effect a radical cure in'all cases arising from • mental worry, overwork, or excesses of any nature. Bear in 'Mind Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are never sold in bulk, or by the, dozen or hundred, and any dealer- who: -offers substi- tutes thisform-is trying to defraud you aatt should lie . avoided Ask -your dealer for WUli ms' Pink>Pills= for Pale People and -refuse ail -imitations and -substitutes. •T. Dr.`'Williaens',Pink Pills ,nay be - had of Williams' all druggists or direct by mail from Dr. =1Vfeditdtie Company,'Brockvilie, ©alt on Schenectady, N. Y., at 50 cents a box,; or six boxes=fey-.$2.5 . The -Price 0,t which` these pillaare : soldmakes a course of treatment .comparatively inexpensive! as compared with other -remedies or medical treatment "Paps, you have lte with the Colincit, haven't .you?" - - "Well, yes, My clear " "Then have theme. �t -Orb that gas:lamp away front in kine - Thus it rigThus:it was tit ed that S danghtgr is She had a young` -moi te." rether discover ► IlttYegirl always Narks eat it. o t3ist Shu mad placed She_cc I want ttr home happy'z Ili my -monument e. On - He-" How: d _ Mehl I-sh0614 be to bey the one to buy youauait a. toprbstolie Rook Me tQ as ie a� w known otherw is a generaR touch of honxe f Bide the_tcreK her f seep vl sleep hors _verlastii Weary,-n§j Itis tcaln Presedpti* nothing arty paint anten& lr do Steep Mother'_ �'y beth Akers' Alien is "Florence Perot' ht:sweet; Little 1 U is another *ex recks. ipter rest nor' a s} tired, has au our spirited;:: `Thanks be; '.P s Favorite 'here ill Money Ql tats 1 e. 11 :It 4. i. _i i0#il�tl#tii ' s- iCronp Sore atEena coastft, gH tetneh sfehdalt'sPoroas v vta =OW il3eteor "`4 leerr for.. Jtenient " s The Oauadian Bee. What is the National Flag o€ Canada -Who can describe it accurately; How many of our readers know what flag our ships can fly upon the seasand why if they hoisted a blue or a white flag with the Union Jack in the cornerthey could be overhauled by a man-of-war and the flag *-pulled down ? These and many other inter - esti questions are answered in an article e$ which will appear in the Caxenz&N AL- M ANACfor 1894, to be published next month The .CANADIAN Ai.twtAC is a standard publication and goes everywhere. More than one million copies have been sold since igt was first published. Doing Penal Servitude. Father (who had caught Tommy steal- ing)-" I thought you knew better than to commit a theft; yon know how the law pun- ishes people for small offenses." Tommy-" How about you, father, when you stole mother's heart ? You never got punished for that." Father-" I got a very severe punish- ment, my son ; I got penal servitude for life, and I am doing it now." Do Not Forget It. It is a fact that Nervilinecannot be sur - gassed by any combination for the relief of pain. The reason is a good one. Nerviline contains the best, meat powerful, and the latest discovered rembdies. It is a magic pain cure. Rheumatism, stiff neck, cramps, neuralgia, colic, in fact all pain, internal, external, and local, are subdued in a few minutes. Go at once to any drug store and get a trial bottle. It will only cost you -10 cents, and you can at a small cost test the great pain cure, Poison's Nerviline. Large bottles only 25 cents. ' "Bello, Blinks, have you a cigar, or have you quit smoking 7" Blinks-" Well, 1 "should say. not. I only swore off. 5 A.P. 685 east. Weak Children will derive strength and acquire robust health by a persevering use ofthe great food Medicine SCOTT'S I3MULSION "CILIiT'I`lli9N.9'-Beware of snbstitates. Genuine prepared by Scott he Bowne, Belleville. Sold by all druggists. -SOc.. and $1.00. GENTS PBERL YOU .LRE. -Samantha at the World's Fair by Josiah Allen's Wife Over 100. illustrations,nearly- 600 pages, No Ter- ritory assigned. Send 51,00 for prospectus and push the canvass if you want to -make- money. .WILLIAM BRIGGS, Temperance St. Toronto. - SAUSAGE CASINGS IfmfinsaEgtish.constantly on hand, also prime American Hors Casings. Full lines New Hams, Long' Clear Bacon, Rolls. Cheese, Lard, etc. Patau, Br.Ac tv Ei i. & Co. LTD., Successors to Jantps PARR' & Sort Torontb. OXFORD wood COOK LATEST & B .T I :n litove before. any other.. Et 'Heavy, Large and Durable. Sold by all Leading Dealers. - WUby _ Garnet' Foamy . Co. '.Rtssrose,�t!i,: oats. ��d Yard lega"esttPto ss inaoninery Wyse POIN:% . 'aLCto is ntfordgada errnai yup„ J. „Davis, Rector of St. James' Episcopal Church, Eufaula, Ala.: My son has been badly afflicted with a fearful and threatening cough for several months, and after trying severalprescriptions from physicians which failed to relieve him, he has been perfectly restored by the use of two . bottles of Bo- An Episcopal schee's German Syr- up. I can recom- Rector. mend it without hesitation." Chronic severe, deep-seated coughs like this are as severe tests as a remedy can be subjected to. It isfor these long- standing ongstanding cases that Boschee's Ger- man Syrup is made a specialty. Many others afflicted as this Iad was, will do well to make a note of this. J. F. Arnold, Montevideo, Minn., writes: -I alwaysuse German Syrup for a Cold on the Lungs. I have never found an equal to it—far less a superior. m G. G. GREEN, Sole Man'fr,Woedbary,N j. YOUNG MEN! Learn .to cut, no better trade. Good wages and steady employ- ment. Write for _particulars. ToE0NT0 CUT- TrNa SosmooL, 12a-Yonge St. also agents for McDowell's New Yak Drafting Machine. ONTARIO BUSINESS COLLEGE BELLEVILLE, ONT., (26th YEAR). Most widely attended business college in America. SENll for the new lU page catalogue. I Address R©BINSON & JOHNSON, Belleville, Ont. AGENTS 5MNTE oaf siestas: EuCStlY ne!� ¢sap to arms twaeepet. Also oar Bread. Gate sadffiSgt liatte n:ers, and Ingo .ad sa.e=s lampoon, DI* =pita reqd. alleys; ill MOS CR, iOck Boz 224.T +aoaL 'COMPLETE -tOURSE'l--SII-ORINAND, ISAAC PITMAN SHORTHAND '.: The Complete System thoroughly taught by .. - Mail for only 1 Dollar. The chanceof alifetime-Every boy and girl in Canada should commence it at once` -The ar- ticles will soon commence - Success guaranteed -Send in your dollar immediately, to commence at the beginning. Pest Method in the World for Imparting instruction. BARKER & SPENCE'S SHORTHAND & BUSINESS SCHOOL, TORONTO. IT IS A GREAT MISTAKE To think that you must wear wide, ill -looking shoes to have comfort. Our shoes are both easy and elegant nice to look at and comfortable while ] in E >_. wear. The J. D. KING CO Ltd 79 KING EAST. EA.X. The very best thing to have on your table is a good supply of St. Leon Mineral Water If regularly used at meals Dyspepsia and Flatwlence will never make their appearance. Sold by all principal druggists. grocers and hotels. St, Leon Mineral Water Co'p, Ltd Read OlUee-Sing St. W. Branch -44S Yonge St. C. E. A. Langlois, General Manager. 1,000,00-0 ACESforsalebytheasnarA1TL DULUTH RAIL 110 Coirt'earr in Minnesota: Send for Maps and Circa! tars. They will be sent to you - - - P. Address HOPEWELL CLARKS, Land Commissioner, St. Paul. Minn, a BAY ST., Ba IS17 row yen s`beadd• bnl Wiiei wean .tor_ Only -85 acs. o Ali AnatIlint SOLE • TORI atr J. Doi For Circular 441 77 NortI1cot Canadian ilmailao 1#00tii The Forty -Seventh AnnnalTasaaoi thra` will soon be resdranti m1Lcontai t manse amount of into oi» value. = 4.prominent feature will be a. rest Gazetteer of the, Dominion, the name of every Post Office Railroad one which located, or neas'te ways Station. political Epitome of Commons._" Very useful to everyone 1n., terested in political matters. The Canadian National; All about the Flag of our country on land and The Directory of �y. of all kinds is as complete and accurate as ever. . Price 20 cents -3o eents-se eeati, iEl�Ar�* ing to binding The Copp Clark Co.,� Ul'csnrcssa.t o; Cast,, f. it SQUVEN16 • .y.... > .....'.-. ;5....<..q ..... ....:.:....,..i ..w+s-� • «NY. s-...-•�#, sOf.�/J 1a�. 1yb • . s.....,,,`..4....—.,..- ..,..r,, 3 • .. . ...-.—r..il•....! V, i u •.e. , r. j • •4,7•7A STOVES & RAM Made from ORIGINAL DESIGNS and :-: Patterns :-: :o: They are Superb in Finish, aqd Superior in Quality of Material & Workngagship, They Excel in Balling Quali- ties, aqd in Economy of , •- Fuel and Convenience 0:- ... �-� .•..o.r..4 They are made to burn wood ea- ciusively,or Coal and Woot.and in a Great Variety of Sizes, and : :: are therefore adapted to the re- : airemonts of Large or SUi U : Fm�es, 18 any Part 01 the Do- • :: , ._ Avery Stove Warranted. If you are in . want et a Cook Stove or Base Burner,-don'ibuy until youliave seen this Elegant Line. Sold byleadingStove Deal ers everywhere. Maaafaetmred by The CER TitilEN-to., ltd Hamilton, Ont. aELELMIALSEW12. M11703312., -em No better way to impress on the minds of the children Our - National History than playingthis Waster Evening Gain*. - If your nearest dealer has not got this Game in stock, on t of rice will send post-paid. Send us your address and we will mail you ilii talogue. THE COPP CLARKCO LTD., TORONTO. O . 3 ; ap lte