HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Gazette, 1893-11-30, Page 7__ __ IM � -,1; ,v, . .01 - ,�Vk , �_, �,�� 2"', - - . .� 1= :z� - - .� - , - - .- � � - - ".. , - - . � � , .- � �Z - � " - , _4? � ,� , , , - - �_ s - ZT, - � - -.. Mg � . �� �� .-e, , - ... - 7j � , � __11 I 1- . ..., 1-1 1_1�� I F .. . I I . � - . I � . . � Awl LABOUS MKI ,,er been reduced to the :omav viscid at very tAr � capital of Europe hu �0 ; tl3at of the Unit6d d over sixiaU nugge,t ever found waa �ome nugget, weighing ' ras worth $41,833. -rop ham averaged over innually during the last eax it is less than 2-5,- aas been listening to the fly thr"gh the micro- c(s very m,ich like the �,rely gave attention to ns forothers to 6xecate, perfectly, formed hands, __ -e conducted its dealings such honor that in all criticism or condemnao has been found. Germany have a super- ? bury a drop of their �nsh it will ever after- erimenter a pa�r of rosy invented a conductor's street. railways. It re - or faze dropped in the dated transfer tickets in the soup" is said to )aris over a centnry ago. 6s guillotined the gamins 'He has reached the end ousand homeless men during the paat year by ig-house Association of on have found employ- ency. �nets were noticed in ter a severe storm the i are not indigenous to state, and much specu- T their presence. r propagated in a cheap oout three years ago a� c' I a few healthy speci. 5 into a goodly number I them in deep wat&, � he now has a crop of ,: nditure of $20. urever couruous he may , , Tiest to dinner ; in Italy � - the family is seldom .r hour- the Frenchman tadn' i�ut prefers to do I I �he Englishman is never ieated at his own table unding him. �xes has always been 4 by historians. Com. t 5,OW,OW, the best w that ' camp followers , )xceed l,W0,W0. His " numbered only 1,200 � � f these 400 were lost in � reached the coast of - that was received at �� office the other day � $4 denomina,tion. It � t . iie usual 10 cents fee amp co'leeti�g fad was anation' the tamp that regarded by enthus- [e than an Uncanceled � Bpaper is called on to �-imin3l libel against a . vhich is published at � were 150 caaes of diphio ,-, and that the town i-& There were no I th4p city attorney an4 � have entered a prose- I DE preserving grapes in � to their natural con. . �_er�sr, at thi season. n's oring, say two bunches � , are placed in bottles 9A,er con"ining char. be bottles are then o , f notched shelves in . � , that, if the water , time, grapes so iod condition into I 11 % I - -1 '��, �, - f�'-� ��', , ;,��.nF"��-,-"-4-�-�,�'!Z,��,----��-�I I mg,, 1: .'R�, -�� ,: g 7 IN t�1111 � ­ Z - .__ - : -.�. 7 ­ . I - �� _1� 7 I - � - �_ - . - BF S� � '7�. I FROM -1 I I �-,, ': � �! .� i - - __­ , " - -_ I - __ - -­ - _. - � 4 I V_�� 1, - 1. I �_­,­�­ -,I I—- -_,7, M ,-5". � ­ 1. ­ 0-1-1 ` ON - - . ,� - - IN, .� - . I . - - , . � _:�.-� . I I - I -�' '- -, 110 — :­-, -Z,�� 4� , � _�- �- - ---, , - - , �.�, �e:�-,, � � �1 1 MR M, , `__ 11 - - . ­ � _ _� �Ls E'A ,,;,7L � ��.,�_­ - -�Vi�K � ,,, �� E -W p- , ;, ­ :." � � '_ �_ - , I , M � - -7 -,- , , - - _ - � t��-,-7�, - W ­� �� �-_ _-,§ .3 _t,;� ��� - :2 va, _ � . ---- , - -0, I W * ',-, � �- ,----,..��--�,-,,���,t:,�-�i-�-�--'-.--,-.''-"-.-, _ _ . , �­ - ;. t _:;� � , A w- I M0 I __ I M `� ---,,'�k�� ,- .- _W_ .4 uw� �,p- W11 ? 41". , - N=W,110 I ___ _. � - , i N N - " " , �1_ ___,�_ S, -, �!__� � - , ` - - -, �� ,Z,�,i I .'M � - ;�g_Z,W­,-.­t-_ 7­� ,'-- ,-,__-,:--- - ,,- - I I . , mrmffl , ,_,:;��__ -_ -,-, — - . ., - . . . w,. —, I %__ - - .. - - '- , __ ZI -Z __ ,. - - � , . , �_ `11 ­ - ­-�- — ­!;­ _:�_�_ r— - _ , . � I �_ - I . -1 - �,� , ____ _ __ — I . 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F_ I -, �­ .� tf� -,�, - ., -�-,,�,,W�'zi�, � IT .. - , -_ , -_ -IT.-- 'it �� - , -, I , M� - I - � - - RA___� __ RAAMMG steaA -of beiiii - � _y Ft -f r -TI ,ket, ,-the , ­11"al ,� . . � . - - I T T- I _ - , � or- git. � I __ - . -- �� - df,�dned, It, 1� �genera lie spring & i�Lpidly declining inar i , re- waq,a,t a ,�, I - - .. - I I :.- - I ___­-�. - I I � � - - ft " tI ' a loss by the buy ., d =w. � vitU �, �� I , 1, - I - I . eamery butter - ia -treated, ther - LOSE GA " , , - � I pposed that cr . , ­ - er as A'0 1i.Lji 1, , aid the -44""V w, ­ on, I , ' . ­ ., ", _,t -,.,-- ,.,�, � - . ­ — , . - f9j I -t_�_, - ir T , - ` , I w � I - 12tlessly in this respect, hut I have seen a few days must elapse . ,after it is bought ' - - ­­ " �` ., ­ , 'a -IT - , �, - I . � I . 11 . the Uaitl 'Was- - -at - I I '-too much of the inside workings of dream. -beforalt reache�is_ market. 'But in -the fall "I had been spending a we .�;� si.W._,th6V_- - � _ -_ - a - Olover. - � - . Vto � � 801110'sing of the lily and- daisy and ros;e eries . to accept this wholly. The creamery- when butter comes up in price this loss is . ek with sonie Yelp b,et4*M I , .1-- - - 1141 - . . followed me ,,, t � �_§ - ?, " And the pansies and pinks that the 8� system iT- all right, par excellence, but its made up. Those farmers who ha-ve their cows friendsin a quaint old "lage a few miles torrent, _0 close s*ep , - - - -me throws r4mer _ I I I outside of Moscow. v' mo -my &_eibeeii to - ti I . . On the rning of Ife aid I must ---h;_ I , . 11 - Ia the green, grassy laps 6f . . employes are not always systernatizers. come in about Oct. 1, get the most for their departure ni ' � er on the beam. Words -140 to des ' ' m lays, the meddT� that y host, looking exceedingly 9r X 'K I I have found them overworking butter -the butter, if the quality is good. Not with. grave, besought me to take � drosky from the terrible -din 'of the infut d pack w i"... � - Blinkin' up at the skies, through the i - ' - 1� ,�: " - ��,! r days; - . iiiii'shiny Same as in. a poorly conducted private" standing all the drawbacks, butter is as the ,village, a"nd not ride the journey back they saw their. prey had escaped them.��:....A, - I � * � - - _�._.. � Aze - I But what is the lily a � diiry., and doing it with -a patient butter high this fall as usual, if not a little higher. . 1 laughed and sai(: the ride was nothing. now looked up the road and heard an ,_.., j ud allPf the rest worker ! How did they do it ? Why, they It now looks as though the making . 11 'M ­ . -It I F, I - � � Of the 110wera -to a man with a heart in h13 - of "Oil, it is not the ride I mind," said lie; ing Aho4ts in - t -he direction'of- the ­ - - . I breast - kept the worker revolving too long, while first-class bucter was going to be one'of the 1. , - -111,111, � ���� s, That - � - . 'door opened, as I could see b� e in -1 �� I I has siPPed brimmin! full of t - -[J. "but your being alone. There has been a I � y tih - I ­ " I - he honey an! they turned the butter with a ladle. The ,most profitable branches of farming. Z - dew - I . mutiny lately among the soldiers at M-, brightness 'that beamei out. Therw- .'- ,,,, . __ butter was supposed to have had all, of ,the W. Newton. � � ' V . � . , I numbers have deserted, and it is said that little else to tell. I spent the night in- ?"12--�-t. - I - ,-_ �-­ " I I - - -Of the 8'weet clover blossoms his boyhood milk washed out of it in the chur�,.,While - 20 are in the forest of Kalga, living by peasant's hut. The n6xt. -day I re, .­� . Z knew? I I I . Av in a yranulated state, but the maker' kept I n - , . - Be that as it may, two travellers -%OBCOW, but little the,worse. for' - ' �'4 ow, at it as though lie thought it w m I - mq -ter- I - , , .-. , Or�fool round a stable or climb in a mew. )"ry -, - . .1 never set hevey on a clover fleld n as full of Drainao-e for Good Roads. rhoa','e b,�n waylaid on the road there with. rible ride', - � � ___�__­:�, But ni . - milk. 'He professed to be working the salt ____1_dr*__w-"Ab� � , :�__ as plain - sow � .;:,t;m, - 0 , Y childhood comes hick just as clear and in _ , The good roads congress at the Worli's in the last week." I remember that in -- - _� i - -1 e smell of the clover I'm , but he bad been manipulating it Ion'. ��air broiight out many good - ideas. Prac- coming to my friend's house the road had I , ___ �� As th BRITISa 9ULE IN INX�&--�' ,� - - Sulfllu'again- enough to work the salt in and out again, tical systems of road drainage was presented passed through the wood for about a mile. el __ - �� _� �. - , I - .- - _f�,._; " Native Population Itecomfug Reat�rt JL �-- 5, , -- . And I wan4er away in a bareVoo'ed dream', too. The truth is, that having imperfectly in a paper by J. J, Billingsley, editor of the . Th is must -have been Kalga. - .. -:r� , -,, � , � '� � but . .. �- _'.. - � _. I ­­� �5 - I'M I VVIere I txngled mi toes in the blos.3oms that washed the ter in the churn, he was DrainageJourual. Hesadd: I started at a pretty fair paca, but, the hinall. Spark WouldKindto ,a -�IWVVI� gleam . , __,�'­, With the dew of the da*n of the morning of seeking to get out the excess of milk by the Among those who have given the subject road being bad, I had to slacken a little. Intion. � .� - ... , 4 love, � - I 11.1; - �, � old-fashioned way of working. Instead of � - ­_�. - e__ - -,� , --, ��`3 , � ­ , Bra it wept o'er the graves that I,rn weeping stopping the churn and washing the butter of road improvement careful attention It was still daylight as I entered -the forest, - ,&,I� - __ above. �� I A Calcutta despatch says: -It is tlgci 1 ,_ - - ,". . - there is a settled conviction that the good but the great pine trunks, with their enor, ion of certain of the foreign raiden- - " - 1, � when it had granulated to the size of 4 � 1, - I , � . -1 . ­,".. .- __ �is � . Andsolloveclovev_ It seems like a part 4ernels of wheat, be allowed it to gather condition of any roads depend upon a sys- mous branches radia out frorn the top, India that the native population is �­ . '. - .'h, _.. 1-1 � rdinarily restive under 9 -1 I _,� �, And wherever it blossom,,, oh! there let art; into larger particles, when repeated douches embraces not ouly the removal of the going, as I judged, about two miles, I could more than o I I - � sacradel;t,;orrows and joys of my he tern of thorough drainage -a system which soon shut out nine ting Ofthe b of the light. After , rule. Itean besaidtha lAQ'A --3 - -IR - -_ I - bow , . me of water -could only imperfectly wash it. storm water which falls upon the surface of scarcely see anything beyond the edges of t close stud 1. a ­ the Indian character profess to belleAvill -_ now, o I 11 -_ , . . . � And thank the good Lord as I'm thankin'him So one Mistake at neglect leads to another, the road and the land adjoinino,, but also the road on either hand. Holdinginyhead 11 - -1 11 --- it would take only a Sinai, spark to'--]"- , I And pray to him still for the strength, when I -and in the end an inferior quality of butter the water which filters through 'he ground. stooped, looking to avoid stones on iny path nalok, I - , -, M_ __ __ -, ' � ­_ � 1, - . die, is packed in the firkins. Under the name The latter if allowed to percolate into and I suddenly became conscious of fire of revblut;on that would IM -10.'Y ­z_-_� ­ �_4 . a flash. A a _�-__ orw , To zo out in thA clover and tell it good by, of 'c , � - ��, I Aud lovingly nestle " t goes into market with , through the subsoil underlying the roadbed ball whizzed past, and, looking up, I saw a ing in its consequences. There J � �­_­ - _c' . . , - .,- occurred in Peshawur, capital of t &db- - &,­ - � MY face in its bloom- good price attached, and quality supposed will render the travel way s -of t an -I springy, da k fi�ure bound out on to the road a few Oil- -----,. I r , �,�- - _ , I - - . -- , I - - , a , I - ,M4�_ �-- A NV -bile my sout slips away on a breath of per- to be cc 0. K. " - If the butter is soon eaten rd mijaili, ,- ., fume. often affecting the compact surface of the v gher up. of the same name in the P I .- . I nothing wrong is ever noticed about ill by road so as to cause it to break up, or, in , My resolution was soon taken; I* turned of alleged incendiary fires that resow "I'll, -4--, I� , . 4 M "I & cc � gre t In of . �� -4James Whitcomb Riley. tiae consumer, but with a brGkeu " grain " ,other word,-�, "the bottom drops out." The the machine and dashed back in the ir - a SS n1ilit-ary store%-._1Fes_.._ _­ - - - . I .-., . - - - . . ____ it will not hold its flavor with age. Bad remedy is through drainage. tion of the village; but another flash is on the Afghan frontier and is-gw- "I - �� results in creamery 'butter -making all come from - - I - I— - � - .1 �� - __ I "Ie are convinced that the best improve- that quarter and the hot stin of a bullet tant, strategic point, being aside " 7 I 9 , P 1-1 I ­_ .... ­�, - 1. __ -1 , Clover and Wheat, from ignoring the creamery system, so do military -importance, - � -1. I .1 - �1­1 , - . not guess at cream maturity or temperature, ment of our highways will combine at least a's it grazed my shoulder told me I was sur. I . _ ­. I --- le �� . A. W. D. writes as follows in ti; . terminus of the Iddian . ­" , ,. .he Ohio three essential features, which are : - rounded. But even in that moment, the - � --- . . . . . . . . . , -_. I - , �� ... � - . .- , '_ Farmer -.- - or at� butter granulation, or at the amount A road embankment of sufficient height flash showed me an opening in the traes on -18 . ..".. I - � Rumors are cu�Tent that it ", , Z'' ---- , _a-- 0-, 11-- , ­_ "'.. . ­ - . In 1891 'cres to be at least above overflow from extra. my right, where a small by -road joined in. , - i - w,e werc cutting five a of salt used. Guess -work knocks the made at Rawaulpinde, another - � - -, ,_,t 1, " Z. "I'll . . . . . �t. 1� ,, I lea _. q; " � ­_ of good clover. ',N hen we got about underpinning of the creamery system all ordinary rainfall and sufficiently crowning I turned the bicycle sharp, and, though al. p6int, to set fire to the klovern I I-— I- - 'T 37 414,& _19 ... 3--.. T -�`�� four acres out, I thought I would plow Out- to shed the water readily and wide enough most thrown off by the jerk, I was speeding The Civil and Military gaze'ttd -of-, -K,_ � - A � - , --- # ... I . - , . ,- �� ­ - under the rest for an experiment. The Half of the butter -makers in the land are to accommodate the ,travel and not of along at a rapid pace, and was safe from commenting upoa,,these facts ' � �04& _.-A - . , ,a!4.,V�� 6a ,� - - center of the old field was not any better gettiLg so that they �' keep house" in the greater width. . declares it is unwilling to balbivbtlA � - pursuit. BY an unaccountable oversight, . ­_ __1_ I - 1M., , �- -I ­ - are ommous, but at the same tim ,� V - ', - # than the outside, because it was a little creannery buildings, where they carry on That the road shall have open ditches on my would-be. ti�urderers had left me one , "I � I � --I- � -, I- I -- C higher, and the outside of the field as well their butter -making operations. This is each si-de of sufficient capacity to carry all avenue of escape, which the shot that tiOns' 'iihetiker there may be 6 -_ I` �' ­_ . w was I R-1-1 I _�, n , .� � ­­. underdrained. Where I out the clover I another injustice done to good butter qual- flood water from the roadway and from the meant to kill me had revealed. I concluded volcano upon the crust of w -- R, ----- - " . I , -- --. I _ ­_ ,.,� 61:;�; .� �_, � - � ARE, �11 applied about 11 loads of good barnyard ity, and on the point that I mentioned in lan1s adjoining into the nearest water course that this track must lead tip to some farm rate in India is ba,sed. Th r 1, - . . e paper.- 11 �,�� , � - - 11, . I., I— - , 1. f,L�. - �*._ --l- manure to the acre and plowed it under, the, fore part of this article, places the without hindrance. The surface or open house, and rode on steadily. the riots in India growing out of- - ­` ­ , I - �'J � � - --: _�,.:. _ and finished, plowing' the lot the first day creamery product in the same danger that ditches should-bave such a perfect grade Af ter riding a long time I beard a slight question, the increase of crinicant i_-`;' "i . ' __ . . , - ily-Al - �;� - of July- � throughout the country,thes'preAdin ".. * - �, . - the dairy kitchen butter is threatened with. thatnowater will find a lodgment along sound asof "yak," 6cirak." Istoppedand � ­� � This last year"wbein we cut the wheat,'a When I have to pay 30 cents per pound for the line of the road -on either side. dismounted in ord,er to listen. After a castof incendiary pamphlets ­ .. - I \ stranger in 1poking over the fleld would have 'butter I want to know that 1-fis worth it . That two lines of tile drains be placed while I heard it again plainly. . I conclud- of unrest, and says the situa I I-- I ". �.,E_ � ful watching. .. - 11- I - �... - � I Supposed that it bad all received the same that the Milk thereof has never dribbled parallel with the roads, one on each side at ed that it must be a dig barking in -some . . . . . . . . - 1_���� - - -_ 11 �,� kind of -treatment for I could — - between rim �h em in ett- out of the the base ; tbe emb 1, f_. �r 13 1 - I �� - I..1. . - �� I - — - - - _. ­_ I ­ __ . - --- I - .. - -- — . arm-yar near. luounting . � - JV 5 PN a 5 again I rode �1_ - _. . _i- , 1-1 � I - ,­ , . - � ,_ I ditegence. But I did not plow under dry cow's teat; that the ,odors of cooking It is a mistaken idea that an underdrain on at a redoubled rate. The only thing Tke Geography of Onm&. .-' - '�_ , ", ,�_ I - , � __ . I � � brush like I I Uncle Josh." Our soil is a good . - I ,- � . - I � . - onions,� cabbage and beef steak have not laid in the middle of the road will drain the that perplexed me was that the sound The most notorious ciooks-,a,t the p I `��47'f`,�` �.. -, - � � � 6lay loam with quite a sprinkling of gravel hung over it as a thick cloud, ,while -the surface of the road. The traval a�id the came from behind, but this I attributed to Writing-a're produce&bi the'Ballcau-St' - � _V, - - underneath. I worked the ground thoroughly butter globules were .struggling to the sur- action of the water falling upon the road some curious echo. Soon the. sound grew and the police of a.11 civilized countrnieww, " .. __ ��,� ,- __ - I � from that time until it was sown, on Sep. face, and that said globules. we're "gather- will so effectually cover the surface that no louder, and it was plain that whatever it pecially Germany and Austria, watch. I -"� , � �,, - tlember $, A good deal is said about having ed" into marketable shape. I - water on the road will find its way down to was it came from more throats than one. - - --- I f "I I I I J terror the influx of thieves t i 14�t I t 3 Arst - - � I t -a qut,litycorrespond? the drain,thus laid. ,On the contrarythe It was like a bark, yet it was not the bark crooks 11 I 'h� a j ihk: '-- I groundl too 11&44�' *hea�. _.. I­A�ev-dr ,sa,* i - � Bees, make honey of, , 1:1 - - - of a kinds,. t t r <we th ' I % � . - ! -� ' . , yet. Lalways try to get my land in as fine* 1119 -to the "purAy -;f 1h e flowers from'which horse tracks and itits. Will told water like of a dog. . I . way westward 'from 8erviai,Bulkaria. iii4_�, , ' i , I I. � I ' . - , - , -, �_ i, , ' _' ib� burst in �11 , I I . . a state as possible for a de�&`h - of not �more4 they gather it ; cows Vicld milk of .flavor earthen vessels until it is' removed by In a-ij;binen� t as thet-,_ I I than three inches and have the bottom as and richnegs on a par with their feed, and evaporation or otherwise. Roads graveled he hideous tiu Bohemia. Bucharest is known to-41ai I " I- - ,; - - I upon me The sound was from behind! � i- ,� .4 -V .41 _. 1�u 1- �� , -A, I - . - 13. , ._�u VLS n e wor -1,_`- - I .. hard as the road -bed if f could make it so,. it is it slur on human intelligence when and drained as proposed would cost $460 or I they were following me ; they were draw- Even the great Ame I riciah, �-crime centres ';;-'4'- - � I those. conditions,,we butter -makers fail to do as much byi,n ing up on me I Is 4� . - - . . Ak-ing $500 per mile, but -when done will be. good * . They were not dogs. They cannot hold a cand Bucharest. -it * ." ­ always get from 25 to'40 biiAils Der acre. poor butter out of g4od material. "�' � __�_I�r � .1 -1 A man w Ah X , ___ 1. - 11 � roads for eleven�months and passable the re- were wolves. For a moment I felt as if there the exit., so to s*ik h � I - kitive -Station - �1- � � _ #omI am well - ac4iiiinted - mainder of the year with a little timely re- were no power in my limbs. Only by a for the crooks of - I a, froin � I - I I I L - I . I 1, I I ? �� _ __ .11 , , 7 . - t - Baota �q � 4- n9_ - � - , Fl, Iroill " ii - - - - maik4ti - atter. -- -, .-. .., pair - , - Z__ bought a worzy ,dtffarnr about three,miles ` - -�� I . E, . . When gravel;ind stoneare not to. be strung effort I managed to work the where they travel , t - , INQ e - I I . I - - I . I I had at a reasonable cost we know of ro 'in - bicycle at all. Even in those few seconds of Berlin, Paris, Lonflo - ­ 'to I.. 11 I I � � I from Lake Erie. � His friends, said he must , - 2 U -n -'an, Inl,_ t_ . I - �, One of 06 gravest- problems the farmers . I � 11� onle 1. � razy, (as he had 'heen in the a- - - I . r^%?Am­+.­.+-.;. . 11 ,+ V . e' & " days in the year giiih channel is neazly ad; thoug!i there will Jht ground swell. If a �st wind blows hard it I : sew in the channel is - ,he world, though rela- �ti,des which are very -kind, combined with e water and the fact. 6od meet and part just I at t' n entirel� an bl,e oc= da cc which �t , a �. ays itand. But � �n no (: wadays o]A-Y . . ty t,r ninety minutes t1lose bygone times eks or heavy clatterric . . ring passengers from a *Ed sea as is de - famous picture, or 3s, �, c,.,Aeamevercket, the I . . 'We on May "u - hicr=v70junast been �usion in the Isle of � �1, be discovery of i 7ing in five4ar�l- �hem' oblong and , ot -- r( -her discove cemetery, the first ye6 ' charaeteristics. Th4 -. very small and man of unhewn stones. 1, I . OT of preserva-t-on hav's t ' with a number of gold, including ringsr 1 other things- I . . hat, the French -stand - is the "meter," but � � - 6 you 'think , I I I M the quedtion- I -W -, . I - � - on4 you meet : �� _ - - . . . It measurement? � - � __ I - -1p _ 11. R?-� -ii, i art ,of, 9 Shvii1d, - . - On �z ,000& ta- get, a, -sing1p - _; ­ � _ - I - - 1 6 hin :0 '-_�ko t - ­�, gg _�_ I �__ , �4_sb,w g like . . - 1:� �. - ,7� _ - -, - I ,,- �- measure of,: ,!. - ', " � � � 1, � I The"tirament __ ­.. _� � , - . of I.- , ��, juator_vnx-.��, - -, . - - , , dikatc� "�� � �­ �_­ - __,_� 5 ­ - , - , - lk�'. , W-Uat . ";: ft&- each- ,�_-�-,,,,,X-:-; ,IT�- i-mo-feri ---' A"J�.O"� ,,, -;�,��,g�_7fJ� - 1- I . Z -, �-'­Ll, -�jj-_; ,;�t� , ;�_ I � - � � 14�1 W ��,_`__L_ - � - I ­�Rwzi-" Z�,� w� -- 4 , � � I �q - F-���-� -, - ��,,, �,* , - - . im; , � -, - -, - - k, ;�, - 7 � 1-1 _-, - .�� t111;N'Mr_ '_ �Q# - �V "i _f� _1� __ - , � - JW�_ �. I . - �1_445,mmnl �­ -, - I � , �, ., 11 I . I I , � . , . . I , , , , � ,� `� - � , � I - � -1 � -1 IV - -_ 1. L . � . ,III - J have to solve is how to,.- -exactions k, 1.9 1- - 1-1- -8 -8 Terror the brutes had ineasura bly approach- The internation cri 'nal , �. - is - . 'L, - Ll , � + #,void, the .. I I to have the roads well graded and sufficient- edi Regaining courage, I r ce lor in ife �� - , I I , 11�; � KI; yemis previous) to buy that farm. J ' � 4 - . � - _�,�_ � il, I - of - the middlemen. -, Almost everything I 1. a d " Yl - cruited through. a, a e c - d _��,­ I . ,- I - , - - , - - � - ; , He ­ went to - work sowing'lots of clover, , ydrained. I - � i . �� -1- " ... , _. � I � - I ., - -_ I � which they have to buy or sell goes through I certainly forged ahead a little, but I could uncivilized element of tb '_ , - - - . � I � I - - ,I, plowing it under, and sowing wheat and . - - ,f , I - - � � _� '71 �'. � � I , - I � - ­�� . - . V, -h - - �1� ­;� - : I several hands and pays the profits which not keep up the speed. I sula which is itill-further i ere - 41. ,4- a - seedipg with clover again in the spring,then , , , . _-1 _rf � go to build up great cities and colossal for- I Damp Basements. Closer and closer, undoubtedly, they were come's from Russia and GaHc_'.� The ter- - � � �1, � -15lowing under another crop of clover and 'ere . , , I - - - ; , tunes. If farmers could on1v Let a reason- Is it sensible to shut a cow up in a base- coming. And now, as the brutes w gain- national pickpocket art is, 161 A-w-ope as - ­ I � sowing wheat; , After he had got over the - 7.-1 b- - . - - - _Z�,_ - . _ able part of the prices whi( ' ing on me, they ceased to yelp. But this least, almost entirely carripid --th f Roul. . "I 1.� f -h o4�nsumers pay ment where the atmosphere is always damp pl- I '. � place with two crops of clover mixed in the 1 4 - � � I- ., - - - � . . � - for farm products they would be far more and a chillness prevails even when the mer- was even less endurable. To think of death manians, Servians,. Bulgaimi:�' �-V: - Russivint '- � _f, . -, __: t .. soil, the old sk.eptics_�egari to say; "Why, � 9 �,, , "� - _k I I prosperous than they are. cury says it is far above freez*? We (and a death so horrible) coming thus,silent and Galicians. They outrank4clevernes ,_ - I - i ,don't it beat all what crops that man raises � The ways of -marketing 'butter in many make the cellars to our houses so warm that and inevitable,in the darkness of the night, by far the once world-famous- � Inglish- and , ,f,7­-��,+� � 91) I .. on that f The most stock he . - I � . I � . I - �--_ - -- .: . . sections seem to be crude and unbusiness. they will not freeze, and yet no �one goes in the midst of a Rus�ian pine -forest I I American. professionals in -thi; line. -:"The _ ._`�_,__ _� .. _� - . � , � 11 I 11 3 I . + - . had on that place at any time for ten years like The butter is put into some kind of there to sleep, and a man would be consid- could -now hear the scurryi g, pattering increase"iff -alf civi4i'=,_ �,,,��ujf - - � were two cows and three horses. But he is � ISFLM_�! - 1, ,­_ __ - ­ - I � paciage or receptacle and carried to the ered a fool who would put a bed in the eel. sound they made as they s1pled over the against moralityi,,reli ne,pub - - - , I I � lie IpMmeace , . "I not in the asylum to-dky. .: . -4.1 �, � � . k A: few yea m- ago -a neighbor told me I was� ,country store,- where it is efcchanged for lar for his fam ily to sleep in. The cellar ground. Sometimes a solitary yelp would the Government is mol,',y due to the social I ich , 'I -I 0- koods, I I store pay " it is called. Such a iswarm en e ho slept break the stillness, and once or twice, as if istic wa'V_e' "Wh eates all' classes4� __ , . krlh , ( �t h w-orkin my fallow so much that the ground , ji I ,9 system can only exist where small quantities there would likely take cold, and if of a disconcerted, the whole pack burst into a While crime and b�rfi iffills will'always exist - F, p p � - � AF�_ ,Would be so fine that in the spring'it would , and as Ion ,� - of butter are matle, where some other consumptive tendency would probably die fearfulchorus. ThemoonwasnOWUD q as the world lmts� the next fe . � a . .-011 run together and kill the wheat. I told L4 I him'71 was bound . to� kill the � thistles -�rst_ braii,ph of farming is mainly followed, and with consumption as a result. And yet I could see as I looked back the pack a hun- centuriesintheir.onwiiA miarc-hof-ed .-- a � -_ I ki � -1 where cows ,an(! making butter are looked some farmers keep their cows in a bwment dred yards behind ; all but one lean, fam- tion and civiliiation� Will bring--'abimt ., . ? - and if I could �dt"son36 wheat all'right. -, I - - .iic , - , I'� - I - " � - . - I , ion as a sort of necessary evil. t,is a bad that is as warin as the house cellar and isbed brute, who, with red tongue lolling marked decrease, and the crimin4l statist' .1 �� -1 - plowed nuine the first week in June.and . ; ­. . practice to sell butter or buy goo( much more damp and not nearly as well out, was, I saw to my horror, within 10 and annals of the present time win read. _� �1 1-_-___ I gang -plowed -six times after, and dragged such way. Instead of taking a UVLI?AL7 95 1 ventilated. Besides the atmosphere is mixed yards .of me. like fables to the people of ,that xem . I - � �� - I i - . . , ging-; sow- �', �� - � ­,.. - I it about three days a&er each gaD i woitli of * butter to the store to exchange with the ammonia and other gases f.-om Just then the noise of a torrent burst on future. 11, - �, � �,�Z'­-_ 'T and r . I � I .- ed it the first day of , eptembei; th esh- � . - I .- �"; --i , for &-dollar's worth of sugar, one should try their fermenting excrement. Is it a wonder MY ears ; a wide, open space in the centre I aw 1� I W I I � I I . I I � I ed 40 bushels ,�re and killed every � 0 1 . V - ' _� n 1-�%_-,3'�'" 0 - r a to have batter enough and of good quality that tuberculosis -breaks out in the herd ?- of the forest lay before me. Running , SEALIRG OLAIRS FILED. � r I , " �f.,;� 42 thistle in the I: t for about three 1-1� � t, fi Id e ; . _ �;-"-,.;�­,, - - enoug4-,to sell ,,directly..,to some private [Dr_ C.D. Smead. - through the eentre of it shone in the moon- I - , � . I e Y eigli or plow-! .11 �� " �: � 1. I. Afeet fi;6ni�'the. " i . . _J -Xy � . � ,�--Z,A . I m � . I custoi�ncr' for -.,cash at the regular murkeV � light the foaming waters of a mountain Collector Milue. of Vie toria, Sends a He"' I - I , . I ­_ � I 1; ­'!-� + id i ' - of J -, , . 1;7��;k id his i��1111c�,*yv� _. rs e the larbt une,' � � I -, , -;i�;-;�� �� ­ - -1 ; - i' � d then take the. -cash and bqy a I . stream. It lay down in a low but steep Ratch to Ottawa. 111 -_ , :; - pr cc, -an Practical Folnt6ra- � 1- I " ' _U- - ' ' - "b�'l '-- � � - t� I �,,r th ain t rs gust, and t &at . !� �_ . sack or barrel of sugar. ravine, its rocky bank rising straight to the - A Vi,toria, B.C., pecial says :-Se I � - - � 'T _� time the first , i eptember, dragging I Hens should be killed when three years height of 10 feet or thereabouts. On the claims -to the amoust of a million d � - �1'21*t No doubt, money can be made by selling U �� een pl ings, and sowed it - old, � .�Am it twice betw, they lay fewer eggs every year after � ',�,k��!� � butic�f fr�oin-� one or two cows but it pays a" pposite bank I could see the white road have been filed with Collector Milne � _1� .,-_,� ,_� - the a .+.*- , - __ .�� September 8. He had 32 bushels per acre, . 'far better to -keep+ eight or ten. third. still continuing. Further on a light beamed forwarded to Ottawa for .compensatip -,:L __ � - ��NQ�i generally'. . I I ­ , ­ 1� ,"i I and quite's number of thistles all through If you are in the habit of trading your out. I shouted loud, but it only seemed to . -7 , _ - ��g�!:,-, . - It is not easy to make butter profitably 10 dann _ . . � exclusion from Behring sea I ng - " � :, ��, the field. I don't believe in plowing a buuter for groceries, why not try to sell it set the wolves behind me yelping more us vivendi of , - ,'�".,!­ with a few tin pans and an old da.5h churn. arbitration. By the , I - 4Z?� :_�f ,_ -with a big plow,the � ' --- ' � ­ __ fallow more than once - ­ - 1_� �:,_I� .. n But if one must make butter with a few direct to those who eat it ? fiercely than ever. it was expressly agreed that if the re' .�� ��,-��A,�4 � , -.'.Z- ..' "soon as you see .one thistle trying to� -cows he should study to make good butter If you value your machinery oil well the But, looking ahead, I perceived that the arbitration should be to affirm the . ­.., I , - :, - . - � I - . �-,, 'i th - J -­ -,T6' - - I . _ -1--, , 4-W - . le - _71 - �V� breathe, work �it UP.;; wl a,gang, p W, or, and to'find a .good market for it; There are parts liable to rust and put under a tiLyht the bridge (if ever a bridge had, been there) of British sealers to take the seals'in' Beh ** ,- � ­!��-A-�,__. cultivator, about three inches -deep. Yon - �,_,­, 1. 1- - - � . � _ I keep them under from the middle of June always some people in country villages who shingle roof. More machinery is rusted and no longer existed. It had probably been sea within the bounds claimed' by t h _1111. I ­`; - � - �--��U ��F�, buy their butter, and if the small dairy can rotted out than worn out. swept away by some flood in the river, United States,. then compensation.sh � d- I � I �& to,the first of September and they have got ' I � d 1, �'. - _"_K� ,&­,"�" - , If ­17,1�z supply such, a great saving may be made Despairingly I looked at the light that lay be made bythe United States to 4Gre * ,;P��, �, I .- ..V - . . to die. I- The habit of eating mutton seems to be _'�_1111111 .� ,.�!�M,_5.4p-.­T "16yer the stbre - - ' only a few hundred yards away from me- Britain for abstaining from exeraise-of thao _­ - - - ,� z�' pay'plan. one which must 'be acquired, not because I V:441 1 1.4 ­ - -_ - ' - - .: .Mlf ��_ I -1 - . t the that light that promised shelter and human right. This payment, -however, was to , - . ��­;-;�T ; . - There are several methods of disposing of people have really a prejudice agains coml - .. 11 -_ ­­� - _� I ­__ � Iff" Where there taste of good mutton, but ?anionship to me, could I only rea-h upon the basis of such reg'alatedan&1im , I I " , _�� -, ._�, Some Butter Notes. because they do o , - - 4. 1, , , . I-- , the product ", � , a, " . , � - ,��,_-R of larger dairies. I it. 1. shouted and shouted, again and again. catch as in the opinion bi the Artakirator ­.­ -, "I'll - , ,,, __��'_ _7__ - ad creamery it, is usually best to send not know what it is. ,..-- .&--­!i_� - A correspondent writes as follows., L - is a g04�� � �, � , I - ` - �� . i, , - - _7-4 co , � - But i . " - I was now within 10 yards of the river, I might have been takep� withouiv- undue� "' , 1-7 �-­. I f 'he Bab ck test is - �!. ' -__ ", �.. 11 ­�_X_­_-11 � us hope that no such criminal carelessness .the milk to it. It is no gain to shorten the winter, by was hesitating whether to end my life at destruction of the seal heids. '�U_ the - �' , ,�,;_A_�A d, I should hesitate a good deal about keeping I ---- ,_&, I.- � is known in Ontario:- not use 1. - , . � - -1 4-16* jvl -­ -��­;5 �9M . animals exposed. to the vicissitudes once by riding over 'the precipice and into - - � arbitrators expressed no opinion - on this -'I,- I - . . __ � � ... � � � _IWIZ71�­ Last sulnine,�Wliiie visithig,in Michigan,1- sending my. milk. I livelin a large dairy of the fall weather and allow �, ' 11, - . �. , 41 to the torrent, or to dismount and die stand- point, and the contentionmo doubt will ble: , __ , �,,�;�"f . ing the , I- __! , -_� � I ... - . �� - ... I Z ��� �V . went into a section where scarlet fever was town in Vermont where there isa creamery, make out a subsistence on frosted grass un- ing at bay. Just as I, was about to adopt u1i d states-tha , , - __ 11 , " t 4. ,_ - ,, -their milk -til snow falls. the latter course. I perceived that the . compensation will be+on the- ��asia' of thw`�'L�. L- , ,� - ildren but not half of the farmers send made on behalf of the � ite , fty r5�e�i-�311 raging terribly, and the deaths of ch , 2 mily Some send to commission houses or .- - ��k­q ��_�__- How many farmers have recently tested *_ -, : - "2'11 t i were of frequent ocetirrence. I n one fa to it. .. bridge was not entirely gone : one solitary pc,ssible, catch in Behrog se: Ir under, t I - I ­. -1— -.7 ;10 F_ -s, �.,_--_J. the disease was especially malignant. Three market men in cities. Quite a number of sheep raising on a mutton basis so as to - e trunk spanned the torrent from Cliff to new regulations, then- - ' I .1 I ,I �_� � 7, ., . - I pin I - : I .... - I - �, �,_--�-_--_�f �--,� . � -i I � I -aa I.. ., � - '7 �� I ,,..- -,�J children out of fivia had died aud another the best makers in one neighborhood send know whether it is profitable or not? It Cliff considerable P1. . 111i - - , difficulty -b' , - I V I'� - . �� � , "'. � - I ;---- -1 is quite natural for farmers to follow local . �­- . u-' - .,;-,, A I&y at tke point of death. The family lived their butter to a man who was brought up In a moment I had decided on ward. . � - - - � - ­ i:-) my a . j . I Lt � . - , here, but is now a baggage master -in a Mas. - �, '-, ; ­. L � - --- - 9 ­ , � i-,�-"� ,"', practicall� in one. -room, % udices in such matters and continue course. I grasped the handles tightly, . - i, I . . . &��LO F- I %%_� -,R rd, having several I -I.. _, - made sachusetts town - __ N I ! - prenj - I � 11 'r _�' I . He pays from one a 0 g in beaten paths. I .- _. 4 __ i cows they depended og'th6 batter I ......... *A f�e'_ � I . . and put on the highest speed I could, Exciting see ,-., - - ;,�R_, l - IA -in an -,: ,� �- .1 1, ,- ". !�_ _-, , I " frorn theto to assist pporting the house- to,! three cents more than the mar. - - - ne on. a Sfe.amer. ; �- ;_ � Z . � . I �. - � .-. - --l"N � -1 � - - � _W.. '. fly Ck6nicle, 76porget �': -_ . . I - -_ 11 - it nsumers, Sow one huzhel of peas -to the acre with for I knew the faster the pace the more ac- The Da �- of I � &­ �­ "i ­_ i hold. � � . ket, pricei selle out to co . -1 -1 - J I ' . - _Mlm- � ­-,; , ,_� a jood'profit. A few send di. your oats and cut when beginning to pol, curately I could steer. I murmured a prayer, British Guians,of a i4oist " �' , %,. '�� �,��. , � �i The milk was actually set for areamrais- and makes datOA " " K 1, ,. ,�� - �'j It helps the land by clearing it of foul stock 1 was on the beam. Fortunately,itwas some. account - � Zil'..-I ,t -_ I I- the room where sickness existed and rect to friends or relatives living - in large of an inauest-hild-ri - , 1. _­'?,­ --- , "I - . __ __ P ,. I ��A ____ ­�, __ ­ - . if � __. "I before it seeds. Anything with hollow stock what planed on the top. Steadily 1 kept my of a man na I I in - -1 ,,,� I ; - little more -than the med - J4 t --Ada .1 I . .1 .- I -1 . = occu"bdfrom this infectious disease,. places, who pay a ike oats would ensilage difficultly. eyes on that narrow track, everV little un- . Aeath-';,itriking i - � I . � �J -itiingly regular price - here., ,But the most of the I - Z , � I th" - butter �as sold to 'be. ubw . . I tion with whose -in F�l . " __ � - � �4 � 11 � I I - and e - butter is a If feathered stock is rightly managed evenness, every knot in the timber I had to' i to 1 Irish, , __ � - ��,� 7 q� 11. .. I � I - - - - . . old direat to butter buyers who . g are recorded,in which a.' � I Z,. �_�_ � I - .v 7 - � i , ­��­1%9.� - a, ���-- _� 01 � I.. ­ .. ,�, � eaten by-6ther families. - - diseases of fowls will be comparatively rare. steer clear of., The slightest jolt would ; 7�' -, I e ge I - __.g��Z - - � �___?._ - I 4: , " ," - zi � - I i . , � -18 it any wonder that scarlet fever war are. at certain stor a in' the villa once a Capt. De Rinzy, most, on rably I ­­'___ ' � �, . I . I i I - that section' �and, week_ Thege-buyers pay cash lor butter, Breeding "in -and -in," or breeding "close," have cast me into the swirling waters be. . .; .a I , . . unusuall malignant, in . . . The man Adains came�uj to,'Bartic 0,�� �_ W., �,_�"11 ­ i�L, - -1 ` � 11 _�­ - , __ - ., I I "�_ - i - . ' even, is productive of more delicacies of neath. I may say, with truth, that the te ' , -11 il that it spread japidly from such iii& nivally -'give a fair price. -Farmers 14 - -_ M -I Z��I'.. - I a direct" . - . K- Georgetown by steamer, an durin . . . . . . . . . I -I.- . " -4' , ' - - n most poultry keepers are ture and the outline of every inch of � ;��_, �_� - _4 i . have the market reports and so can ,form a constitution tha that . .. - --- .. I . Bource of infection as this ? The above may ' passage -maddened himself lVith r#K A. ,-_­ �_ , - ­ - - , _L, __1_ I . .- I of. - It is bad business to be fussing beam is imprinted on my memory to this ' twi __, , 1Z .- � lr� - extreme case but auod idea ot what they ought to get. The aware was floiirishing his radof.an4threatenifig . . . . . . . . . , ­� ,I ­­_ I k seem IN Fine Tea I .. P - I ­ - _ , -1 , _�� -I--- . �, ; - � - ity of with sick fowls. Better breed right. day� - kill everybody... �:Capt. V6 14110. wM0,wao- - - � - k - - ims are- graded acccrding to qual � I I Y1 , " -_ _­ ".. � ; well-to-do families I ha'�e- now'! pri( I . I �' , �T= - I- e;e,.�� - I ­ - - --- %5_1_�, 1 � � . 11 In more, too large and I remember even how the rough, jagged one of those- attacki3do covered,-hia amialli,tit -,-1 - '. i - scArge.of typhoid fei,er to'be produob and style of package. The butter People are apt to build silos �, ,-, iz� I .4�_1�1 ], �f. , , 11 11 � -1 -- � . I �- the dread , � ,of not deep enough. Six square feet of surface� edges of the bark that still clung to the �, - ' - " . .� t . - I- � . _ , I have- known ,ttib of various sizes is the principal form I - with his revolver,- Areitinfi to 1A 9 ­ �, _ 11,�, r,�� - � - .- Og _,Ss re but " \1 I � : vmwnmed im-tho.jockine w&y is a _ I, ... I'll _.- ,--- I __ - � � I � . __ k.&tti�l _ -making to proceed -package used, but -the five -pound box i3 per cow per day is about the right proper- trunk stood out against the background,or th h d no deterrent 4. 0­dt,,._ land the � mi - __1 _-4n'. I �, �;� , J �9 - A, 11 - !F, !, ­ I -�, - *Y ­ �-� � - - � . . fifil ,galid butter , I low jka - . ' I . I ho se, in which a; ,�dining to be used by those who make an tion to keep the ensilage sweet. If the rather, "underground," of white, rushing rushed in u 'h' - � 4-":,- I .4ij]4 - e� � � I I same a ' . pan im. ye � - � ­ ,L- " - 7 1. . . - I �right_ilouwin_fhe- [ty of butter. It is made in ' silo is cut down it will injure as it comes to foam. So intent was I on it that I forgot .11-3 . . _� - � �� , - � I -_ � . 11 - ' ' i xtra quili vari - stick -upon the heA -04 4baihAhA4 *'., - I I � - ,� � -1 , 81 ,� -- - ­ - - - - ,Ver ck, and this e: - I __ I ­___ .- � - 1, --- I - lt� ,_ liitient was -him, h _14� Z . - br, ­_ "I . - � t � h6id ft the air ; should feed the *holc of the top the wolves that had forced me on so lia7.a buiif 4- &-`� -_ � . I , yp . -11-regulated" ous, shapes, - but the round box is mostl Y I � . r- check -_ ".1 T, �044MVUMM.__ Qf� " I . _.� - I ocourringlit aveaIthy and ,,we U - --- - ,ttib -- ­.. I'll � ,_1 � 11 I - I I I- _ _ ft -, off every day. . dous a ride. But twice a thrill of terror ran effect, the madman im . ,� �,�� --- � ­ . . - - I -h &-go-grea, where milk used. , Butter packed in these brings om . � I . #i -.7 ­ S , � 11 � . - -f - zro . I to one . : .. - 1� ,­,, - 11 1�t _. � _, aujily. -M, sue _ - I . *th- a-str6ke ". . 26 .. - I -7 . I . I � I I I li�6ge,��in�-,eamte.r,a�,,-New!, two, f6urceuts more thin -that packed'in ,,'A great mistake that has been made in through me as the trunk tilted over forehead wi . __ ­ - � -i I _-­ "I 'iIii W, - - ;, - , i*Xl " le, ,;.- - � .. Z- ��4ii� 061d, Ant iK In ,&� - - - side and threatened to pitch me down. Yet then fired, but " i - , a 'K � - � . I , 1:11�� I.,--- - T 117 " a�T r�_ - 7, , waa;v _', '- d4n - ep OW1.0 dldid' - - , - .. ` I-- � - -- , - -_ ildib", " , Vf tsy P - ut i must -, ,- . � . I � , - - bsl- - "i" _be�too�a 15ttaer. many localitie �N�: � :, - - . , - tu j %-- I . s- where the trotting horse _1� I , � I - V, _r4luc � I- . it must be remembered that' all this took when on the gr6j u - I &I - - - ", -1 - 6 ­ . __ , .I- As,the-bold aeason, The highest -priced 'package is the- one. has been introduced, is in encouraging the . I I - t, ; �Jt �,;; 1�1� - � ,� , _1� � ," 4h , *01 Mg. � - � int -4pal'�bf me -an - three seconds. bung n ir T, t, I..,- - _ - -1 - , � ,­ � - - , � . � � , ,:fi " 11 � � � � f , neqriy ear I Na � . . � � �, ;I_ r, .QA � P -A Is I - I - - .1� ­ .. - . .,. ,, but a�good 6t by breedhig their place in, at the most, � . � ,poundj ti d farmers to believe thi �, w ba - I - - 11 *hen, tfi�ArdMilkds j� , , ,-W-, , Z W ffiobi 4_­��­­., , , - - ��� ,- I r'dw, A , _, . I was not a foot from the other ' �7 , - __ , - ­ � - t-� .1 �vac it, " - I - �� "� - , _ ­ I � ­ - � - � , . , �� e-, ; p 1: I 1, -"67,�, ' . the -stock of a riflo __ , -, � .- I _. '-d---t"-- 'fit ­4.ubter in tiiese� .m�res�of -no--breeding -to ,:�51y,�44"- .�M5 , I 1 7,� - - sknu are require _, 7p ,trotting - sUllions LN ow I . - - 11 - �,� , - :_ , - . I . ­ __ -, k� - __ - ----'M)st of the p . ­ I , ., ir 7-, a, �� --,.. 11 �w ,� i 'd tilt over. hind felled hia- � - --r- � :-� , . � _- ITC -MV . ,� b4k when the beam gave a th , - = - I _ & ,:­�,,,�f ,o r ,IT, -or, �.jxm� riiiii � - - 01 packages. ( made heri they were,al ' st certain to get trottera.as , ,4�7 -,.,- � � _%, _��,-_� �� z'�" ­ -1 . , ­ - 1110 - " - ,7 -1 -_I. __ ., , _� , , I - C 1i - nei� ( -4 . , , , � � z qww_"�2�� 4" 1-a � ft I y_ Q* - - " , ,1 - CM24 - � F��_ , -,-- 4 - - -, , , - - �- - I . � - I era � .­ I--,-- . - - i . I I , - , � I . I - a 1. , - , - - -blov,,- the m&n1`hak-14W,,__,_, . _.�­­ , � 't � W. ,,, - �.. N I - � , � nm _ �,- - I leaned -again io the oth "ide. Tbistinit, � -,:­�, - � -­:�­­, :,!; 1. I --t1 -_5d__ - a veneer .box.,. � I � ­� - I . � T, , ­­­��, - , - — � F,� � ,- `-0— �,;�_,! I - 1. , i - he� b ' ` ' � ... I - - . , W -QM', I - A� � _-,t-� r attended one or in vain. 7- - �. . 11��Z�*,- -L.�.� ��_ � �� I - 16 V -The, b0ers who takeln'bitter weVk!y',1 rmers . - - �1�47 t � , __ ,,:_,_- � .";,t�­ " � Before I well knevir it- I was fall.. p � � &_ - 4 7 � _� itiiaiioato�t are pu up,in a rosu L - , . � "_ _ - I . ` ­ - �. -, -0 .,� �. ' -do � grea many _,f�:.. _ V��0114 - - __� 1 ,_�4_­,�.� - Alwo. WNRRV,_�, iw _� , 0�hmenftred t�e Py b 4. W �%_ � - J - - - i _. _ , _' � - � W, �,: � - I � . , X_ -W ­<� "e fmay-A -, - 1. . in, i 11 , I F . - - cer am an `4 _uW, ' 11 - - __- I � . I I L'� � S -1 _. __­_;,]��, - ,4001- "S. -1 __ 1. ,� - - - holdit,lin A* it I - iAiately' to' the morefairs this fall. No* let- us ask, did ing- But I made a wild *pring toward the � - 1, 1% -:A- - _ _� � -1 __ __ I , wwj�'r,�Jv � '01" � - 10 -jt_4 --ro I- - , , . . � - � - -_ I , - .. - - - - - or_o_ __ �-,�, - Z_1__. hW_"_9__ I - pojgp,r�­ . I . - � � -.1 �.� , _­,�­�� _� niv". --- A ' 6-16�Wsums&':' to bank.. Fortune. favored me. .I landed on .De Rinzy 1f0v._,�,hWf-b _P � - . I . ... - . ,_� "'; 1� , - ' ,Vbry littlebu - -e , --rzp 4q"J" , 17_�_;�Ii, , eivTw tter you see stock the� � i5,7 _r�,z _ � - -1 11 face into: ­ _,�� __, I., N**� . -ere K � , - I . _ - i , that was superior - I R ;"3) W -A Mt. .t t: 4 . . . I I a4luster of bramble bushes. lanti " d � - �- 4� I 11 � �' � fh4g_a��._&­­ 'thi ' - �g at' home? if MY 1 Y:9 UT14gi-lum ­ - i V 8,ya in-- -is part of� that wh i ch Y ) u are' k6pij .T 7r_F�- , —­ I , i - . - . ­­ - - '_ __ 'ad -11 -I',,. ,- %�7N�, -- - , � - -_ e p6lqdit sor a � - I I __ �� r. . - __ . 7-1_1. _tl' � N-1 __O� ­�,_,�L�­,_; ." , __ � .1 - - 1-1-. � _; � - , th I e..coun ry�, " , Boston -there; . -_ , - � " _ -nge, your my so man pe I .. - M_ M . "�. 'T - . - I , , - � I , and though legs , - __ --- � .- - - -a" - -16 IS' 1, Y � � �. k4�� � , ,- .�! , , � W I R -A-0 � I mg. ,h . t ­ I - au� I h resolve, to - cha hand I seized hold'of, them - - -!5��'j�-f�- _IV, -, _LN�A; 11, FMV '. - . - mmeliplk Z.0oj V y mot -, - ­ _�� t�L , _, T�� � , I .. - U, It -0 I I - � 60, I pulled - 'I � . I --- �a_,� _��__­_ r_ , , . - alts bring over the precipi . I - - ��I_AR �_Wkf - - - , �n'-z ; 'Iorti ­ - tter1A sto ,iu-&pif�,ydur mark to,- acdompli � .7 ,� . — - - ---- --- - _- � _�- , -.- - , , - 'kat, *herwl�u sh - resi I .::� I?Fr . �,,.� Z�_ 1. - ri . � - - ` M - - '.-al" � .1 �e.__= � 1. 1-C - I - - - r w me I h"rda spla* ca ed b Npun*wefflmiteon��, � - --' I - :�F,-- M , M& of . &� In - - - - I �ffl - , - -�� �- ,6d,iw " Q dM& c�_­- ­. 'th � � _ -- ,Miare,­._A&4'- %fins � k - ,h. up. B610 � 4 � 4A in in 616 -line eqiiai 0 sups' or to yoar neig. - AV,TQ,0@,W -4,�Z, 16�1�,5.__­_­ _. � - 11 - - � � h - fte,- Nor 11 , _ . __ i_ _ !L--� ---. ­-­* � - __Mv 7�7, _' ----,,,-- ­ -- - % � , . S�, 16, ,, - - ­ �g - �i�", 1, _'.. r -� - ___ - , , - . �­t­­ - -1 � � - . . ­ I - & . * . - .- , 0vt, ­_ � . � , i . --:, � , . - 7, - - M ; ,�, I - "I 7 _ - � , � M 0�4,o U` %_, , , - -*P13tKW4U bors f - .- - - - . —, - - .q W - ,,, , -di 4-0 - I Qu ,252, - - - , - . � �� � as it fell. . - ent a ,-;- ,u_,, -- -4 _ I _ I , - -- .on - , my mac ine , , 7� � . . - N " . U ��, ?4"r-K-w-'*� ,:�, _­, -," -4 W - . ., � I I � I I . - � - -1 111�x __ __ � 14�:,ZZ�_ � , .,��,.�._-.,�- ­��� I:,--,' , , - I - -, -- .- .'.': � , - I I I - -_;, _ � � _N_ ��­­-_­_ .-,- ___ ,_ - _ - - , __ -, I �_j� _ - ` . � - - I - - -, I I . 11 I 1 457, , - ­� :­ _31­� �_,tll�­ ­�i. ,_i�. � , � I I - � I I 11 - I . _�... ��4�� -_�-�71�;�� , .. i - - - - - - - -�&��_� ­� ��� , ,�,�'�� _:_ .:� -7- . � , - I �- -, - � I - I 1� � - I , 11 � I I : _)­,--__ I X!�, ww_-�,�__---­ - � � , , - � - ...­_ - - � � . - , � _.- �� _s7_.�;_,��:�'. . . . - - - I � , - -, - ­ d --­ - �­ "-._-_'-_,1 , _�_,�R�.�,�wf -_ � ­` - , --l-l-, I - - - I . � 1� :­ I.- 1'. I �,�, I . I , I ­_,$ M - �;,�,"; , -,-, -�r'-.: �r.- _--, "I ��___F I- , , *:� ;, - - , � I _F -_44___ - - -I--- ��­_ .��, ­ , -.,-. - - . .. __ v - I. ­ - _�,�_. �, , ­__ _-�7,_ ,-'-,-,- 1. . . 1_�, , . . � ft4 " - . �' " - � I- � , �:. - '!��-- � � .', , , , w - -1 I- ­7�.<-�6_�,,M7--- *�--$-, �t- -� ­­.- -, ; .­­­�- - - ­� I I - � -, . __ , - , . I . -, - 1 Tz� 3.,M.,--� . 4:�_nr� , , .1 , 1. .1 ,� ­ _ � - �_�,�nj:_ ".., � � . , _ ­_ - - � I - � ;-�-�- � I �i� ­- �,Z­ ­ � . I . I . . - - I'l." - � . 11 _�, , __1 _. � I , , A-1* _��_ -, ,� -� -�� -!� - - �i-�__- wij�_ - _�-;_,­.-___,�,�,n ­A;?�,,�,�' �:�'�_�IZ�;t� �, - - . � � 11 �7i "' �E�l __ , - , "i, ..- -,�_, , �_,f�� �,­�.,-:�, - ,��^� - I �, __i� ,:,k_ - , I , ii, , - - -_ . ­ " r, - N - -'r -r,­� - I 1;,:_ - ­_ _ . � -,, - � � I . - --,, - ­ ­ " : �-­;­_4_ - � ., I - - - - -, �� ,--1 a " . . - . 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WIN __ �t� -, , I I - 11, i � -_ i 0 7 _Ir'� , , : ,_ ," _ - :, - _ - :�7 � �- " " " , �,V ,- I : �,, z�­ ,'j� 1�1 �� I - I � W �_t;m;�� ii RE : �- , - , - - � - _.:��R � - - - ,---,--,-- ___ f, - . � . - -- - -, --�!­� �, - -g2�f-�-�-_-, - ,,-�--�kt-i--�",:"--,.�--�,!,���tz�--1, - - ,��;�, � ,,,-I— �:4­ "�M-11,g V�Z , 4__- � ?-i"A ­_ - I ,-:�: I. ."; ­ !,,-�� , � . , ��_ '. �__ I ­ � ,_, , ­ . , ­ === -41 _F.�a " �:��9_ -,"-- - ��O�=­ � - , I I _r ­ _­ ,� :_ ------- N- _._ - __� I-, -7 _� - , , - - _V - - 4 - - , , — - W. - - , -:� ,-� , - , , � _-,,­­5r,.,_,s_,, _� ;" n- , R-0 __ 5 ­ir . Ap - �-k-�_--.­�g�--,-- - - _�, .— �iz�� .,_-, 011 0 -_g�,,� — , �� '---- - - - - - -- X _*$�?"­­-, - '. _W- _ - ;F"�_ — �,, - id_� '4�, , ,_ .­�,�>" 11-1 - - , � , g, , , ., . � �:,:f _� , , __1 ... - ,?ft� � - I - ; .- - � _` - - I I 11 �. -1_` - � -,