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The Gazette, 1893-11-30, Page 4
'.0,(�CJia worth of we didn't find ;acs• Is the United n3us -�f 1891. ,,-5,338 square 300,050. This ), especially is scion. Of the can lraif belong chis church is 'x9.1 ^er cent. ofession of the come next i with 434,373. ,176 ;and the "9,43.3. The ,118. arch f ere was pub - the subscrib- handkerchief Sala, who de- s litographed whicc cotton d it the sub- ;ket-handker- to the local d it, a clean >th, to the nd issued the who waits," ')relia borrow. ted. �01U C0 Lg to ar Sault RE 2 ve boysi for $5, :Ly 64Q Pick- ailwa Ldyarc c1 farm' r boyti 7 left. do there; dears tima of the is in that Y, Po- ds of any on they ss of the the west- ere ? uron Co,_ neighbors you have o has it S� ,i Mich. , E RYO, full para a - , - r s _<. _56- :X10 .- :` r4 - i 1 r .-s-.. -„-_-` 'x_ `' :^, :; IN , :af I -� -mss'; x«,;, »; I. Im�.�`...9' >.<r _ III -3-' .�... _ a .:... .. - - . -_ — _> -- - - - — - - - - - - - _ _ - - - - - ;..- _ - - z -- - - -. - ' ,. - cr .. _ . - - ...r_ __ tee. >.• '-`..' ;.:`. �. _ -.- ._. `_, � :` .� ��"._Z ;,_,� :.:.. �zy' €'. -, ,ti CBtRCHF� , 3Ir: dos; er of ''” #a itr �ieal$r,, fs:-a.: ood avork;:fo , - --, -. g .. axe ._.. 1 llowed .them. The 'first Wes. :, .. r:� - is at;preseut visite with 1 h s i�ie; readerulF the old _school, sad -bsok eaer rmtea from - P n : , . vaNcicA�.--bye io am..�aaa x,p•m : _ < - - p p a printing pzess flaios�I E 6sbbath s�lmoi at $ ,.m e. rte mer, e►nd man fsrends-ia- iva seieetiona, ` whether a iamstic or .was #�Ie Qnttenbe bible' issued about thin : s s e t- Superintendeiit, IIo prayertnsetin� W6dtttm. . - _ g , = _,may � _ dap evEning at 730onng People's- meeting Mr. Jnv. W -Smith secem led hnmomus, created much pleasure iii the year 160-6. A #ew copies of that °ucarisy evening at 7�: Choir practise lade s ' the e�tldienoe. lldiss Bzadlsy; of.:P&Ik. issue are :stili e$tant and are now amort WhenSaV©u hel•SAmmeir �� evening at 8 o'clock. Rev. Mr. Hoist, Pastor. his Sista, Mrs. - Webb, of`Londsil, was. g y 7 { - - R sB EitI.�1v.-services taco s m. sal,__ .the gaest -of relatives Here "fhe past .erton; agd'Miss Rusk; of Carrick, gage the most etistlq of works. The British Soap wrappers, send the " ' s hn 4 recitations durin the evenin each and Forel Bible Societ under which cent stamp fiar postage $lad nae � � ' P bath school s 3o am. J. s.. Wednesday sn ip- week or so. '3'he left on ;ytond for g g' You -free ahaudsome ictnie�r a ; �:. � 1__ endent. Prayermeeting, Wednesday evening at y { i3[i o•Clock. P.ev. R° W. Gallagher, Pastor. Fordwich, where they will spend.- a showing meritorious ozatorieal power the Canadian Branch is working) com A list ,oft Pictures aroniid ea 1i g ,. -`, R.' cl�uRc13, sacred Heart of Jesus --Rev, short time with their sister, Mrs. An;ns aQm ms themselves hearty applause. menced operations in 1804r and for 9fl Ammonia SoaPhas lloet�r'-' �` Father Tivep, P. P.-Serviee� every Sunday, " mend it. \'i'rite Oiii• lratne '� '. 4 g' alternatively at 8:30 a.m. and 10 a.m. vespers McCurdy, - '. , < Mica (darrie Schneider sang O Fond gears they have been printing and trans- y P the outside' of the wrapper a�i1d'' every other every other S 3 da Sniiday School at Dove," "with excellent taste; showing lating until they now send it out in 330 $ T e:0 p. n. everp other sundag. The WiaYtOn E�ko COmeB to hand W .A._ BaAnssA w �t C 48 & 50 - � - I enlarged herself possessed of a rich, full con- different languages, and of the seven o`' ° , _ E � ` L�TxriEax.-Rgv. Dr. Mittel, pastor. ser g .to a seven column, eight -page 5t., Toronto; Ont. Sold by�l vices the last three Sundays of every month opal, Bro. Cross has been vin tralto voice of considerable power, and .million bibles published in the woe: gra';�`. j P d _merchants and'grocers. I at 4:30 p.m. Sunday School at•1:30 p.m: gi g the ale her effort was warmly applauded. She last year four millions were from the` ETHODIST.—services 100 a.m.-and 7 p.m People of the peninsula a fine paper Twelve thousand persons were x11 Sabbath Schoo12:30p.m. G. curls, $tiperin- -for man years past and we are pleased was accompanied on the organ by Miss. B. F. S. presses, and their grand total by an earthquake in Persia lastb tangent Prapermeeting, Thursday $ p.m. Rev. Rose Herringer. Messrs. Sam and Alec � � t "' V. s. Danara, castor. to see these evidences of the Echo's g of volmm�s since organization now foots day, . 4 I ; Kaine, of Gorrie, delighted the audience n the tremenduous aggregate of 140 � . t SOCIETIES.. prosperity. P...r � 1. x F with their club..swinging in which they millions of co ies. All this work is rte` # '#, M.&A., No. 70 -meets in their hall on the lair• Frank Schefter has been confined P Mildmay Market Report. C • evening of the second Ind fourth Thurs- ¢ show show a remarkable proficiency. done by gratuitous subscription. The t. days in each month. to his house the. past week or so with Miss Bruce's solo "Only Tired," was a Upper Canada Branch Carefully corrected :eve _ pp ranch is supplying the y week �� -sem Ti- W t I.,F R, Bea (}Eo IlExitlrt�Ea,.Pres. typhoid fever. We haps to see this pleasing effort, and she well merited Dominion with immense numbers of the GAZETTE : ` O F -Court Mildmay, No. 186, meets in their genial Jun 7 merchant speedily. restored .1- I Fall wheat per bu.......:... 5.5 to � _ . , �- hall the second and last Thursdays in each g y b p the hearty e applause given her by the copies annually, and It wires twenty- P c, I __ - month. visitors always welcome. to health. His place in lice store is at y- Spring bto�11 �..`-`' J. SCHITEITZEB, C. R - . audience. Miss Ada Moyer acted as five law languages es to meet the various tribes Oats ........................ •.... �'7 -to 3oxrr �IcGaAx, R. s. present beiuo filled by his brother, Mr. g g J .. accompanist during this selection. The of Indians and foreign emigrants located Peas ............................. 50 �'-��� O.C. . No. I56 -meets in the Forester s Hall dna Sehefter, duet "David and Goliath" b P.P. Bliss Berle 3o,-. tb 7. ;i , the second arta Iasi Thuis.iay in each { Y ) here. He then gave a description of y""""' °" ' �- � month, at s p.m: �1'he three cornered fi lit in North Potatoes...,., ................, 32-#0 g was Wandered by Messrs. W. Liesemer the Christian intearit r aired 'of a i 'N ,R. ARAfOUR, Court. Bruce will be decided at next Satnr• b y Smoked in per !b. Som ry E- N. BUTC,HA&T, Iter . and ,Jno. Miller, with excellent effect, colporteur, and thrillingly depicted the Eggs pt:r duz.......... lit t0 W. � - day's ©lection. The candidates the actin and singing, as wet! at the hardships and experiences of this class Bitter per lb .......... ....: 1g til g g g, rFHE MILDMAY GAZETTE, are: George, Conservative; Pierson, gentleman themselves, evidently being Ntlsedpork... ,.. ..: 5 7o,_ o d g - of missionaries who travel on foot and DaCOTED TO THE INTI RESTS (�F EAST BRBCS AND Reform, and bicATaiighton, Patron quite popular with the audience. Dr. , : .v - EAST HURON. visit every family with Gods holy word, -• With little ho of winnia himself; the Wisser and MT. McGill of Walkerton, a"� Terms:—$1 per year in advance; g > N0001r had ever. been fouizd with Otherwise $1.25. latter -is making an anxious time of it were unable to attend, 'but the Grand which to replace the bible, and the sen- ��g� z-- F ry aDVERTIszNa RATES. for the other two candidates. Treasurer of the order, Dir. Campbell, timent of Christianity is : a s long as , , ' , One sig Three : The snowstorm of last week was one of Hamilton, amply made up for the } Year. months: months. there 1s no better book—and there - ` one-tolu�nn..................... $50 � $1o, of the heaviest ever recorded here in deficiency by the excellent speech he never can be us give the masses Colen, 3 � � -- � � " ;.,.lf column .................. 30 18 10 ,__ quarter :-,olumn............ 18 10 6 November. Snow la in the woods made. After eulogizing insurance and the bible. He closed with a strop lea L'ighth cvluu n ............... 10 6 4 y + g P ° I s Legal notices; 8c. per line for first and 4e. per near Mildmay, tO the depth `Of thirty fraternal societies generally he gave an 'for liberal subscriptions. line for each subsequent insertion. interesting account of rise and progres.8s I Local busineas,notices 5o, per line each inner- inches. It is thought that _this would g P g He was followed by Rev. Me, Heist, a `' yr,,, tion._; be a little over the true averse depth of the Canadian Order of Chosen who spoke earestly in German for some 1 " Contract advertising payable quarterly, g b'rienda • tellin . Of the obstruction , v - mss t J. W. GREEN. the fall, however, as snow always lies g _ time, and Revs. Hoist and Danard, who P • t = �_ p. thr9wn in its wa b lite United States Propi -, very more loosel7. y iu the woods thou in y y each spoke very briefly.7. '; -� 4 Grand Trunk Time 'table. the open. order, of which it was an offshoot. p Over X10 was realised in the collec- _ i _ After mouths of delay through .injunc• tion,'after which the meetin w' - Trains leave Mildma station as fol. A fearfully sudden cieatZi occurred in g as closedw � Tweeds,-Blanketsan���� y lows in the courts the Canadian Order_ _ lows • this village on Sunday afternoon teat with the benediction.;_ z V I. GOING SOUTH. 4onm xosTH by which Maas Maggie Bedord, a fine, was finally triumphant. In 1888 there • ��- • iLl kinds O W�3o1- Express ...... 7.15 a. m.- Mixed............1o.55 a m were barely 800 members, contained in A Friend in Disguise. man ...... Mail....:..........s,,, ,m- intelligent - young lady, -18 year's `of ave, �� en o t7. d�.S. Mixed ....... 5 aop.m E:press......... -6.35 p four or ,five Councils throughout the^° P.m was hurried .into eternity. Miss Bedord Editor Ga setts :—As there is a good � "` Province. Since that time the Society anuiaCtured. ; Carrick Board of Heal met on Mon- had been working in Hamilton since has .doubled its .numbers earl for deal of c7.iacassion going an in the oil• ;,�� June, and not feeling well last Wednes- y y lege in Yeferenae to keeping or frequent- { day. Report_ia .neat week s Ge�sT'rE. several yeb►ra pat zzow it boasts of 8000 11 �z ,� i day she camehome -to her patents here ing a gambling roolu, it may be A- large anti complete _ hock _ Y members and has a reserve fund of< � 11Dr. Wilson is _unable to atYsnd=to his, fora:few days rest.: She:vas :troubled of 'interest to the public to know alvVys �i1 llrid. _:_ $45,000. The Society is regularly reg- - � ;a practise at present on aoeoant of an at• with a headache on Friday, and Satur• that ands,? the Dominion Code, 1892, _ tack of mase istered with the government and large ^ q T day but objected to a. physician .being the offence with which the persona `�V �� `- - numbers have already been blessed by D7 r. Samuel r Harps d, 181 _ M_ With called in for so slight Au ailment. On have -been eharged- is pupishable- by a - o - the good it is doing throughout the land, "_ typhoid fever at his home a few miles Sunday about noon, flowerer; as she fine of not less than $20 nor more than for va'hlch t'he� - sotrtti.ofildmay: :, _ ..Dr. Cla By its provisions, ladies as well as P - , had -another attach, 4 pp 5100. The parties interested can there- L#', . ry , ' was called: and after a ,careful examina. gentlemen. ban be insured, thus giving fore thank the_ council ,of Carrick that Highest Price � _� .__ aliLcrbou lager.' don t alwitye agree a much needed opportunity.:for widows with the Wailkerto$ b s "when - the tiOu and finding no siaa�ming !!yd oms� _ the penalty has been so light. The fol p� __4 �_ . � - ! es. .� P - - , '. -- to -provide -against the further posse- 1 rescrl6ed a mild"reined for bilousitd'ss, drink it tri Dfildiioa . * P - y lowing is the clause :-- 1 be `d,3d1.. - - 1'. , y bility of loss to orphans as well as giving „ p _ . �` fir. Jacob Schmidt shipped a bullock which the patient vomited up shortly _ s$eTloa 1ss.-Every one who plays or looks - _ 1 k pp - all ladies the chances of iusurauce-so on while any other person is playidg in a com � � tll . r#, -fr-gm Blildm sta#.�on the :oilier da afterwards. A- couple of hours later, mon gaming -house is guilty of an offence and . , �t _ �_ � , "�� w _ y often ,desired by them.. Mildmay Conn- liable, ou-summary'convictton before two just- ,a�,� w r rte. x l _ the pain again inereasod aid she went ices of the eace to a malt not ea d I00 - Ili A winch Wmghed .0 TM pennds• • The ani- - to bed. Her mother soothed her to ci1, No. 166, is in _a fine financial . and and not less than $20, and in default of payment ent ' -KT mal was 22, modtba- isld and .was - steep,. then left her, as she supposed; social condition and he. invited the to two months' imprisonment-" T -0 K i I chased from 1i. Xan-. Scott, 12th con., . resting nivel-- __ but on oi:. to waken g y' g g while to i dire of its officers and: - � Neither this statute norAhe B Law , y` , :� . . v- . G Q ISR I E ' _ '4- "`,` ' Carrie:: , z - - - � ' =° her au" hour or afterwards, was :hoc- members ' with a view of cooiteeting -interfe-rs with shooting., matches, nor . �� r '_- i _. We have this titieek. to report the P so rified to find the girl cold inL-death.. themselves: with. the Society. Taken - la in an ams for amtge .ant oi:l F• . y g _ -_: Y• Elegant lines of MILLI�'VEItY.are. now - ti . death cd Mrs. Marg I,.- _ sere, which . - -Last May deceased went with heffather . ,altogether, the concert was a comgilete Yanr$ `i�: fi1tTYEP.. 0--o, * • Shown. - s The � g occurred at her 'husband s -home in this to S. Ste. Marie, where she .saw the 'ucc©ss and many are of the opinion' RHEvnfATlsii CURED IN DAY.—South S latest novelties are constantly being se- cured, and we keep right up witl�-the cities. _ ` village on Wednesday of last week. remaius of her brother, who had been that the Friends should repeat it before American Rheumatic Cure, for Rheum- -Hats and bonnets, dyed done - y She had been ill for a long time past, g P killed in a railway' accident. she rec.; the winter is over. We have. have not atism and Neuralgia, .radically cures in g y oven and trimmed to order. - and on the the mission cross that time and has not learned the receipts of the entertain- 1 to 3 days. Its action upon the system `A -oraising eived a shock at is remarkable and mysterious. The choice line of r in the R.C. cemetry she attended tho went, but, notwithstanding the severe ,- Canned Goods arta been robust since and it is now thought first. dose greatly benefits. �5 cents. ceremony and caught a cold from which - � _ - snowstorm -which' prevailed, the hall � Select Gioceries that a brafn trouble originated, then p fold at Mildivap Drag Store. . - . _ She could not rally. Her funeral �c- was packed and' . there must be a neat Always in stock. . . y - - which 'culminated in the sudden death P A DREADi.—How man people have carred on Saturday and was largely on S.nnda last. Fier funeral occurred sum to the good after the heavy ex- y P P Cakes, GrackerS, Biscuits, attended. y eases are the. After the concert. yearned for another Christmas number . - yesterday (Wednesday) -morning, 7ihe p of rile Montreal S . one of those reaCl, -etc.; There is a farliier-iii Orrick, who is remains being interred at the R. ;C. all -rho performers were invited -. t0 'Constantly kept. ' Jasper's restaurant, where an excellent things of rarest beauty that turned the Y,.)u can always ,get a tip-top- CIG1R s a sharp enough collector ;'of accounts to. cemetery.1. heads of old and young in other ears 2 , successfully inn a rte spaper: Not oyster sapper had been prepared for y g y And.itwiIl be lad tidin gin thcusands Confections long ago a neighbor's se brake into The Choses Friendr' Concert. them, and which `they highly appreci- g g ;ted. upon thousands of homes that there is his orchard and ate a barrel of - Of all kinds, Nuts, , Raisins, F - The entartainlrlene given by Mildmay to be this , year the grandest of all - apples. The aminal as promptly Council No. I66, Canadian Order. of Mildmay BIb1e ;Socia t t7• Christmas STARS, forty -€our pages an etc., in endless v a clay, captured and harnes and glade too ---- - - - Chosen Friends inhhe tiown hall last satin paper, 'with five superb art sup= �r�f'IStit��S Toys earn his heavy feed bp, harping manure " the Mildmay Branch Society s an• j/ Thursday evening drew out out a. plements of bewitching beauty. for the rest of the day., A little . neigh- nual meeting was held in the German In endless varlet Fauc - � - `i' ` bong trouble resulted, l;at,. we under. crowded house. The stage was tastily y y t, i Evanvelical -Church last Friday evening. RELIEF IN SIX soaR&---DistressiuZil g Goods suitable' for prese% • t ti ) ;) stand the matter is ,now amicably decorated for lite i� .. 1. o i Lith The terrible asnowst which prevailed Kidney and. Bladder diseases relieved talions. " �I., and bunting while. over the crtrtain:were in six hours by the (}rest South Amari- Special things settled. pieced, the. emblem of 'the order, seven prevented as: lar,", a crowd as was can Kidney Cnro. ' You cannot afford in Dressed Dolls. ' �Y it would be hard to have found a. aspected, nevertheless the attendance to ass this magic relief and curs. 4l, beaatifal linii neatly entwincld abort P was good, - After the opening devotional Sold at Mildmay Drug Store. A. B.: ALL ISO,1m 4 - ,.a - = 11. busier man in Miidnm�y last Saturda.p; the let€ers. "F.A.P:" arid- '1C.O.C.F," .�: . than 1Vir. John Hessna,uer, the. shoe I}r. Wilson was called to the chair and exercises and the reading of the Seers• _ - _ `= `. . • tory's report,the election of of&ipers was. „_ . '; man, who sold over, worth of haots discharned the duties of that osition in • and shoes on that d T b p ploceeded with and requited as follows: rllda�` �ru tO�e "= " y He is adver &very pleasing manner. After a neat tl2esua s ani President.—Mr. J. H. Moore. tieing a cut in prieesI y introductory nidress he called upon the - the public knows he.f m6kns what he ,orchestra for:.the opening selection ©ice-Pres.—All the contributing local Complete stock of Drugs, Patent - - - ministers. _ says, so his sales have been ;gsusnally which,, like. tile- other numbers they Medicines and IDru gists Sundries. . Sec-Tress.--tdr._ Geo. Lambert. yrsry larva lately. Hg inf ix as thrat, his' _ z b y gave during the•avag:ng, was very well Depository --Mr. Cleo: Curie. sales were over 65U everyday except a hied cow de g the ,short prac. Comnnttee--Messrs. N :Miller, .J. D. '[ - F111,� < one lest week, gild het' vas iniich of the W: Roaeiow, F. In .L��gf'u.�►GS n In -tile they have had together. Mr. A. W. Miller, C: Liesemer, Voigt, E. Sei er, P. Liesemer, Jacob - - credit to his, adv-, iu;the. GAzrrTTE:. allada "wail nett introduced: As an `1111-� _ Y . ,T- Eackel, Wm.:Hanlacher, Jas. Johnston, "-"-'"' yVe have Lubil's Ri:;hsecher's `� The shooti .mate #i€ki ..,here a - cpm. is vocalist :Addie has '.Ino. Morrison, W.:Armonr, A. Teskey, s . s. r� 4 , cow le of weeks a o ended gin- an old=tin.e few and he tuinply took the R. Woods and �'T: Berry. p g �'Vood�nortll Seeley s, ems. - s g After singing by the German Evang. 4I'll raffle, for wluieh •principals were , house` by s#rm,�reeeivn vociferoes appeared asci` ' choir the President introduced the _� taken to Walkerton 8�u heavily fined applause ever -y. ttnlie. a 'Vf<e also, have Sachet owder . a deli fitful-, a`a Under the provisions sit a townshig: by on�was eonipeha #ar respond in spite Agent of the Saeiety, P - --k law p last ��€ucwicih, we are of<#�he` rale that no encores wereto be Rev: Air. Wagner, of Stratfprfl, who lastin fume. rnfornied has nevem `lien read by any allowed<dnting the _evening:_ _ $iii rail= tielivereS a very i$tsresting- address. ` LLb r P. 'cion . of '•--The: Gat Caine Back'-` gees He commend b a 'n aq affection- DIAMOND . D'YES. All the di rent �- -,��,� one since it was passedept y P yi g Heffernan and1lia atm `u8m tot &'irk of the best pxofe ' `aete.tribute to the memory' :o€ -his de `�;Iid cO1C)rs kept �OYlStallt�y o'�l' �].alm . - - � - �$e _ �, r e were sEigals end he well earned hi® ti t;sed predeoessor, Rev. .1V oyer, un •+ { her who p rticl i ?e : _ ... �'t�e- hay e . a ve lar e " as , - -w, the-oud.". i- ies C1:rti - disc oahose sainistrati _ had been co S • involved, alta 6eF.1e_s� :r � tiny 8ve_ � �� -IQ TRUSS'' ..., . rY e t � W =v. . _ • ' rt . ` ' -`_ 1 ` del; hied the:and sit 'veitied and '1 talo a mine r e York Elastin, witheitlier Water, S Iral SPn gnof ;hnarn- of diem., a qn* - vola oil hitbg �° n _ y +- V . 3..: ,. ' �[ with ::e� fanner 'she re>z�te=c hey thin bn no,� 1�e eabjeot,.ea�iug. ailed pads. Hard Rubber Trusses and several cher kinds, y „before llfa �.,_ p _ - = L ill aid to .$vend recite one• Beant�fi l �u a ire ,t was:8 grad thing to, be able to gine If in need of ;Truss call at the Drums -More: ►� y std � b _ "�', : Pork. ep PIthe tam til,, sitd - __ Y*_ -° _ ;? _ hes+ce _._._ } v .:- : _ Mildmay(C1 :-. :_ _... :_ . 4 for bei tuthcss,_site +►tso fissahe bel fiyao A. ,.. '-' - il€-.snd hO ail- WAe err ---- _ =,s ems.._ _ ,_._::, ,� how - most* ti�i or t�6a Pbale world, bwng: Oraneista -ice M&S diftent .. • - _ .: - aw - _11� r �� - =. ,r , s .:n - l3jEl�, - _ ,c ` ' ted �li� :is assnw o .sir , _lain es. _: Snterin gpsn a history of _ . .market bas ere .:.: -- : I3 : _: - -. - - .; a_ _ .. - _ .. • _,... __ : >h: adiuri-: . 'tr.bib fitat tw _ €s weB . _ . among le_U Sialteii � that 3tiie o .:� : io #, _<. S .ran _. _ _ 4. • _ _•.; - T �,.. hails$ ��.ri .: $i,i�iO_�' D �8h ....ittti91r - -+ 4 .. . c . .._ - _1. s _.W- w•. _, _ r. r - .. .._ -,---..r-. _ v., ,., _ ._ - _ _.t _.�. _ :- < _ - .. - - :'. :r .. -'yr'_ _ _ <,.c . die m - - <.. -.- .ten q+_ „: .�:. 2',.-, .. - -.-... -. _. .. :. , - •-, - - _ �-.7, •vrr<;:..:_i .a --..3G• "tee _ -_.. --- a .s _ _ _ <. . -. _ r .. 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